W; ,.;: u ‘5, i I 41,!- 9‘ was closed by the enactment of the McKinley bill could never be re-open- ed by its repeal. It will be money in the pockets of the Canadian farmers if they realize this fact and start in rais- ing the right kind of horses for the market that no hostile tariï¬' laws can take from them. NOT satisï¬ed with doing the horse out of his job of hauling street curs, electricity is now being applied to the work of moving cam} mats, at. a faster pace than a mule’s walk. 'Ihus modern improvements are rapidly and surely abolishing the market tor heavy work horses. Farmers everywhere have practically made their last dollar out ofa. business that was for many years ‘ carried on with profit. The conditions under which Canadian horse rsiiscrs once worked have undergone a great change, not brought about by the .McKinley hill, or other tarifl'lnws, but by the operation of scientiï¬c forces. Politicians who tell another story to the agriculturists will hurt the farmer more _than they will help themselves. The market for low grade horses that â€" THE Ontario Legislature will evident- ly have a short life this session, as matters are moving along rapidly. The budget Speech was delivered on Tuesday by the Hon. Mr. Harcourt. The surpulus is placed at 35.838000 or a million less than that of 1885. Mr. Clancy replied for the opposi- tion. And so will your wife. Come and see. Then reason it out for yonrsdf. NEVV STYLES. PRETTY PATTERNS, VERY, VERY CHEAP. HES MFF is perfectly, per- manently, posi- tively cured by a; Dr. Sage’s Ca- ' a; tarrh Remedy. The proprietors of this medi- Cine prove that by their offer. It’s $500 cash for a case of Catarrh which they can’t cure. THURSDAY. APRIL 13, 1893 Ebe mlatcmnan. ery†is the only reniedy so certain that it can be guaranteed. If it doesn’t beneï¬t or cure, in every case, you have your money back. V . "" "W" "o"" For every dlsease that comes from 8 torpid liver or impure blood, Dys- pepsia, Indigestion, Biliousness, and the most stubborn Skin, Scalp, or Scrofulous affections, the “Discov- up neede'd flesh and strength. It rouses every organ into natural ac- tion, promotes all the bodily func- tions, and restores health and vigor. Tfl-_ A , 3 -In recovering from “La Grippe,†or in convalescence from pneumo- nia, fevers, or other wasting dis- eases, nothing can equal it as an appetizing, restorative tonic to build FROM HEAD T0 FOOT ou feel the good that’s done by Eh. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis- cov.ery It puriï¬es the blood. And through the blood, it cleanses, re- pairs, t’and invigorates the Whole sygtem. HAVING SECURED ONE OF THE Latest, Improved All-iron Hay Presses, I am now prepun-(l to 'mle all hay and straw offered. \Vhere railway accommodation can be had cmn'cnient to Lindsay farmers will ï¬nd it to their interests to consult me before selling their buy or straw. :w I am determined they «hali have the BEST PRICE the market will afford. HAY PRESd. PORTER’S B30KS TORE Editorial Note . All our claims to be true in regard to our ....... THOS. FEE LINDSAY . ing this. They will be carried out. Your mm men are morally far better than ours." " How do you account for that?†“ Well you Canadians get a better elu- cation, and ninety-nine in a. hundred of you can repeat the Lord’s Prayer in a, pinch and 80 per cent of you at least know the ten commandments by heart. More than that, there are no accursed anarch- ists poisoning your moral atmosphere. The Grand Trunk is in luck.†villugc of Allnndale. ~(leo. Scullv, of the Michigan Central road, was in Toronto the other (11y, and to a Star reporter he spam: as follm'.'s:â€"~ “ American railway men envy your Caund~ inns. We are net: afraid of cholera. but we are afraid of our cmpluyecs. They hung over our heads like the sword uf Dmnoclcs, not by a. hair, but by a cobweb, and we don’t know when it will drop. Fancy if you can the strength and courage that will give the Grand Trunk unname- mcnt. Thev can go to work and lay their plansmxyith the satisfaction of know- â€"â€"The News Letter says :â€"-E. 1’. Han- nafurd, chief engineer nu the G.T. L, was at ()rillia, on Tuesday, surveying the whole gruunds belonging to the railroad company, with the object of enlarging,r the yards and erecting: a round huuse and workshops here. It has been ï¬nally decid- ed l‘u move the Allandale and Lindsay workshop here as soon as arrangements can be completed. This means cunsider- able of an increase to Orillia’s pupulation, and will be rather a. death blow to the ~-The emplvyces of the (VLTJL have intimated to the company that they have no intention of striking during the coming summer. They are quite satisfied with things as they are. The rumors of a lraihvay strike in Chicago during the World’s Fair are now discredited. »- The Whitby Chronicle says 2â€"011 the 13th of March a Consignment of butter was shipped from ()rillia to Montreal per LTJL and arrived there on the 20th, taking exactly seven days, or about the time it takes from LiVerpnul to Portland ‘ or New York. This is at the rate of about two miles an hour. (7), for the good old days of stage coaches! â€"â€"It is doubtful after all if ()rillia will have '1. new station as it is just about de- cided that Superintendent Webster and his stalf will use the old Midland station for ollices. There will be ten dispatchers. live for the Northern and ï¬ve for the Midland division. and this will constitute probably the largest dispatch oflice on the â€"â€" Mr. Smith. Hf Allend: do, is rclchimr agent at the (z. T. R. depot pundmu the appointment Of a pemmnent official. â€"â€"\\'c notice by our exchanges that base- ball is reviving all over the enuntry, as far as Ontario is concerned at least. -â€"The Pcterburo team will Consist of McCsthc, Pumfret, Duckwwrtu, S:L\\'ers, ‘9 x (""1- B ' L' 1" - d Lurstw, 11.11.1111. remmn, am as an Stevcnsmx, if he can be secured. They will wear the same stone of unifurm as the Edison’s did last season. â€"The Pc'texborc p11.) ers are endeavor- in«r to secure Sta. pletm), of E rnestmm, as pxtcher. Landcrs of last seasnn 3 Edison team will plohably be his backstol), O Oshawa, Cuhourg, Petctburo, and LIUd~ say and has called it mthixw, to make a schedule :Lxrigement ful' the season to be held at Lindsay, next Thuxsday. â€"â€"Mr. S. Mulcomson is the convener of the dubs forming: the Mldlaml League -â€"An effort will be made to have the ï¬rst league game played here on the Queen’s birthday. It wuuld prove a. big drawing curd. â€"Another meeting of the members will be held sumc night this week to receiVe the repnrts of the committees. as the players are anxious to get to work at the earliest possible moment. â€"â€"The secretary is: in communication with an amateur pitcher, one cf the shckest 1n the prnvince, and expects to Complete arrangemenrswith him in a few davs. â€"Ball will boom in Lindsay this season and the prospects for a strong club are better than ever they were. All the old heads and many new ones are in it, and with the right men at the helm, the game is bound to become Very popular. A meeting was held at the Simpson house parlors on Friday evening. In the absence of the President, the chair was occupied by Mr. Malcomson. Committees were appointed to arrange for uniforms. grounds and to meet with a Committee of the lacrosse club to make arrangements for a joint celebration on the Queen’s birthday. â€"-The meeting on Sunday. at 4.15 p.m., promises to be very interesting, Rev. L. W. Hill, B.A., of Port Perry, has promised to deliv er the address. A hearty invitation is extended to all young ‘men to come on Sunday afternoon. â€"The young mens’ meeting on Satur~ day, at 8.15 p.m.. will be addressed by Mr. Jas. Low, on the topic, “ Christ as a. Student of Scripture.†- â€"-The monthly meeting of the board of directors was held on Friday evening last. There were ï¬ve directors present. The usual business was transacted. The reports from the committees were inter- esting and satisfactory. A good deal of :aggressive work is being done in connec- tion with the meetings on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. ‘ The boys meeting is growing in members and inter- est. The ï¬nancial needs of the association are urgent and friends of the work are asked to remember them, as they have the ‘ ability. â€"â€"A fery enjoyable entertainment was given in the hall on Tuesday evening. Local talent furnished the programme and the attendance was very fair. The Modern Highway LOCAL MATTERS. Y. M. C. A. Notes. The Diamond. ~Mr. Ed. Brown. of I'eterboro, one of that town’s must pushing and enterprising young business men, called on THE VVATCHMAN on Tuesday. He is on his way to Europe rind will sail from New York on the Majestic next week, after visiting friends at Toronto and Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Brown has been ill for some months and takes the trip for the beneï¬t of his health. His many friends in this locality will wish him a pleasant trip and 1 â€"~C:mningtnn Gleaner, April 6thIâ€"Mr. Bert McKenzie, of Lindsay, was the guest or Mr. Bert. Perry, for a. few days this week. . . . . . MissLila. Edwards, of Lindsay, was the guest of Miss Annie McPherson, fur a few days this week ...... The Misses Lillie Philip, Maud ,Cmupbell and Claret Binglmm, nf the Lindsay Institute are spending the holidays with their parents here ..... Mr. Norman M cLean, of Lind- Wets the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Campbell, of this town, for a. few days the week. l â€"-Mr. R. Matchett, late station agent of the Grand Trunk, at Lindsay, left for Michigan on Monday, where he has accepted a. responsible and lucrative p051â€" tinn from the Canad a. Life Assurance Co. Mr. Mntchetc was a resident of Lindsay for many years and his departure is regretted by all who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. All who knew him will join with TIM-I WATcmmx in wishing him the fullest measure of prosperity. _, AMr. J. H. Carnegie. of Coboconk, son of Mr. John Carnegie. of Peterboro, one of the pioneer stock raisers of the north, who now has some of the ï¬nest stock in the country and a model farm in every respect, was in town on Monday, as a. member of the grand jury. Mr. Carne- gie combines pleasure with business and is well known throughout America as one of our foremost canoe handlers. at; the mud and _then at the shoes and smiled brozully. Mr. Cochrane states th: 1t; he found good use for the shoes, the snow being sevc ll feet deep in many pl: toes in the woods. â€"Mr.v Geo. Cochrane, of Peterboro, passed through, on Monday, on his return from the north, where he has been timber ranging. The snuwshues he carried were uhjccts of curiosity to many, who looked Uh litthhu, VI “6 , _w_‘.,-..~,. in town :1 fcsf' days last week, attending the funeral of the late Mr. Wm. Mc- Burney. Mr. Nugcnt formerly resided in Lindsay and he was kept busy shaking; hands with old acquaintances, (mo and all of whom were glad to meet him. â€"â€"Mr. .19th Nugent. of l’ctcrboro, one of the leading druggists of that place, vas MBII'. Alexander Craig, formerly head clerk in the Rossin house, Toronto, the Huffman house, l’eterboro, and more lately clerk in the Vendome, New York, has been appointed chief clerk of the Waldorf hotel, New York, the ï¬nest hotel on the Continent of America. And yet $230,000 would rent a suite of rooms fora. whole year. -â€"Mr. J. J. Turucr,‘jr., Pctcrboro, :L gentlemen well known in Lindsay, was married on Thursday, to Miss Emma 'l‘mld. of Lrlkclicl'l. Iliss many friends will join with us in wishing,r the couple a. lung, prospcruus and happy life. â€"~i’urt Hope Guide :~~MI‘. Beverly Russ, Lindsay, spent his l‘iustcr holidays with his mother, Dorset street ...... Mr. H. Hudspeth, of the Bank uf Montreal. Lindsay, spent Easter in town with his friends, Augusta street. â€"-â€"Mrs. J. C. Connor, of Toronto, wife of the well known mnuscuxent manager cf that city, spent Monday in town. It was her ï¬rst visit to Lindsay and she was both surprised and delighted as was J. C. himself. -â€"â€"Mr. Gee. Hillmrd, Peterboro, and Con. loung, luuug’s Paint [WU well kunwn lumberm: m wele in tom 11 on Mon- day on their way home from the north, where they have been inspecting tuuber Izuld. â€"â€"~CoolBu1uess, the (me time greatest comedian m his line that America knew has bouuht out the old Russel Toronto, and has placed his son in possession as manager. ~â€"Mr. W. T, Dockrili, the genial and pushing travelling passenger agent of the C.P.R. was in town yesterday, in the interests of his great company. He is the same old “ Dock.†â€"Prof. Jos. Hodgson, the hypnotist. left; for Peterboro on Tuesday after per- forming seven nights at the academy of music to good audiences. ---â€"Cnunty Treassurer Pearce and Mr. John Burulmm, M. P.. were among our visitors on Monday. Both agreed that Lindsay is on the move. â€"â€"Miss Bessie Graham, of Ida, returned home on Monday, after visiting friends in Lindsay, for the last three months. ~Mrs. Storev wife of Conductor James Storey, G. T. R. left on Monday, for a. three months’ visit to friends at Ida, and elsewhere. -â€"Mr. M. FawcethPeterbom, father-in law of Mr. Sam Parkiu, is in town visiting his daughter. Miss ()ryell has returned frpm Toronto, where she has been studying music at Loretta Abbey. â€"â€"Willimu Stanton. of Lindsay, an old high school pupil, spent the holidays in Oshawa. â€"Mr. A. Coone, of Lindsay, spent Easter with friends at Canton, near Port Hope. â€"-Mr. H. O’Leary, QHC was prosecut- ino attorney at the Whitby assizes last week. â€"Mr J. E. Belcher, town and county engineer, l’eterboro, was in town on Fri- day. â€"_Supt. Webster, of the Grand Trunk, was in town on Thursday, on business. â€"-Miss Annie Glass, Lindsay, is visiting friends in Oshawa. â€"We regret to learn that Mr. Alex. Fisher, Regent-st , is very ill. â€"Mr. Robt. Ross, of Lindsay, spent Easter at Port Perry. Personals. ll‘ 8 V Warden Anderson, Tress. Pearse, Engin- eer Belchcr and Messrs. John Burnham. M.P., reeve of Ashbumlmm ; John Moloney, reeve of Douro ; Wm. Middle~ ton, reeve of Smith; and Jos. Forster, reeve of north Monaghan. Victoria was represented by Warden Hopkins, Dr. Cornwall, reeveof Omemee; Dr. Vrooman, reeve of Mariposa; W. C. Switzer, reeve of Emily, Capt. Bottum, reeve of Bobcav- qeon and Jas. Lithgow, reeve of Verulzun. Mr. Foster presided and Mr. Pearse acted ‘ as secretary. A sub-committee, who had charge of the works atthe Forest house bridge, Bobcaygeon, and the Pigeon creek floating bridge, reported the total expen- diture for repairing and re-building the ï¬rst named bridge, as $2124. .- and for the second as $947.72. All t e accounts were duly passed and the business relating . to these two bridges closed. The proceed- ing throughout were harmonious and the ‘ best of good feeling prevailed. ~~~ . u l ‘p‘m 3 3 A meeting of the special joint com mittcc of the county councils nf Victoria and Peterb: Iro was held at Lindsay, on Monday. Those present from I’eterhorough were: making his journal the leading horse paper of the west. The subscription price is only two dollars per annum. The size is the same as the four dollar papers, and Wlll be found a valuable advertising medium. Each subscriber has a chance of winning a. cash prize of $500. Send for sample copy to F. J. Berry, l‘nion Stock Yards, Chicago, and ï¬nd out all about it. / J. Bérry, the famous lmrse dealer, ev1dently intends to spare no expense in Each succeeding number of Dunton’s Spirit of the Turf since its change of proprietorship in December last, is better than its predecessor. It is the oldest turf journal published west of New York, and has long been a recognized authority on turf matters. It is printed on the ï¬nest toned paper, is beautifully illus- trnted, and the letter press is faultless. being printed from new. clear type throughout. The new proprietor, Mr. F. The many friends of Mrs A. E. Amt-s, Hf ’l‘oruntn. formerly of Lindsay, will learn with regret that she is thm seriously ill at London, where she has been under medical treatment for Sumo time Her conditimx was so s'riuus on Tuesday that her father, Mr. Geo. A. Cox, vas culled from the Canada Life meeting at Hamilton, to her bedside, where Mrs. Coxend other members of the family had preceded him. -Mrs. R. 8. Porter, is at Port Hope, culled there by the illness and snbseguunt death of her father. Mr. Wm Carveth. reference to which sud event is made in another column. â€"â€"Mr. Alf. () \eil left. f1r Biscutasin" on Thursday ex ening preparatory to opening the mills fur the sc:1son.A stufl'of mcu “ill fallow at. an early day. â€"Mr. (ieu. Dunes uf Kansas City, Misso formed} of Lindsav and ()1lnmnd is in town, \isitinw f1icnus :11 (1 1e111tncs. â€"-~Masters Daniel and Thomas Simons, suns of \Ir. .Iulm himnns To runto, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. U Leary. â€"Mr. Bert Brown, the )uniur of Bnmn Br 3. I’ctcrboru, was yesterday, pushing trade. â€"â€"Mr. T. Brodie, of Amhertsburg, has been promntcd to the Lindsay branch of the Ontario bunk. ~â€"Mr.Hz1rry Kidd, of the ()11tario bank, Lindsay, 11:15 been transferred to the bud ofï¬ce at Toronto. Mr. Jag. H. Lennon is in Strntfurd, on business in ennncctiun with an important, auction sale. -â€"’\Iiss Hattie Meagher, of Lindsay, has returned home after spending the winter with friends in Napanee. a speedy restoration to full vigor and health. He will be absent about three months. 33 KENT STREET, LINDSAY EVERYYHlN-G AS REPRESENTED. Linings, Dress Trimmings and But- tons, Hose, Kid Gloves. Silk Gloves, Silk Mitts, Linen Handkerckiefs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Ribbons. Laces and 500 Parasols, no two handles alike, Prices to Suit Everybody. New - - Gash - - Store. Peterbor‘o and Victoria. Important to Hcrsemen. Black Dress Goods, Colored Dress Goods. Silks, Henriettas, Cashmeres, One Door East of Simpson House. Gloves, Braces, Socks, thing New and the Lat New Collars Water-proof est Styles. Soliciting a share partner, m town Mr. O'Boyle is also prepared to lend pri- vate and other funds at low rates on good security. Ofliceflgmm HOUSE BLOCK, LINDSAY. l Farmers of Ops and adjoining: townships desirous of insuring their property in a. ï¬rst class Canadian company. may do so by calling at the otllce of‘ or communicat- ing with, Mr. \V. F. U‘Boyle, Township Clerk, agent of above company for the County of Victorintoutside of Lindsay). By fair dealing with the public this com- panyhas held a foremost rank since its establishment. in 18:33.1ts assets now ex- ceed a million dollars. Conditions for the use of steam threshers quite satisfactory. British America Name .-\ICI1.C;'.m})I)L‘,II I. H. LL-mmn CI‘IIEIICS II. 511,)“ II. RCVCIIC Glcmge 13-: km)†Arch. ( am pbcll, John \V ilson, I. '“llclL-mcn, George McHugh, Jame: Keir, Elias Bones 'lhomas J.“la310r 15.. Bottum Charles Saclflcwn, -oumv '1' 1c meme: 5 Ofï¬ce 1 unduly, April 12111, 1139; j Czu‘vcth, Detroit. and E1iZCb‘3th HT 1‘. here. who have the sympathy of all t friends in their beveavcment." lTu-dny \Villiazn Curveth, Augusta St, (a [gentleman uniwrszilly respected by all acquainted with him) jeined that great majority that has gone before. Mr. Carveth \‘as horn in Cornwall, England. in 1800; came to Canada. when :1 young man; lived a number of years in the town of Cebnurg. where he was married to his late wife. Elizabeth Whitï¬eld, who pre- ceded hizn to the spirit l-ind on the Qlird May last. Mr. and Mrs. Carveth and children settled in Port Hope in 1848, residingr here ever since. He leaves three sons and three daughters and a large number of grand and great grandl children, with. other relatives to mourn his departure. \Yilliam resides in Mill- brook, John S. and Thomas in Manitcba, Mrs. R. S. Porter, Lindsay: Miss Mary n‘___- .LL ‘l\ A Passed Awav. Port Hope Guide, April10:â€"â€"“Sc::rce1y a week passes but it becmnes our melan- chniy duty to write a notice of the death nf Smne nf uur old friends and neighbors. , _____ w --....‘.v.uuuu .4. LtCI‘L/.lll,‘ P. S. I.. North Victoria, waded into the; third-class female teachers who were flooding the province and by under hid-I ‘ding were supplanting the male teachers. the second-class teachers and the qualiï¬ed teachers, much to the detriment of the schools. The high standard of the schools is being lowered by the influx of females. I He thought that restrictions should be; placed upon the females. and that a ’ premium should be placed upon get tlemen ‘1 teachers. This paper Was heartily en- dorsed by all the inspectors. l JHIS101 LI(1\SI'1) \1(TIO\ EEIXS. COUNTY OF VICTORIA. In the inspector’s department of the Ontario Teachers’ Association H. Reazin. l’errm Fereris Co. sale agents for Canada, every pair guaranteed, Sold by KERR Co.â€"13-tf. New Kld Gloves! New Kid Gloves MONEY TO LOAN Just received at HIGINHOTIIAM‘S drug storc.~14-4. of your patronage, Female Teachers. County, Manposa, \ crulam, Emily, Hexlc) . “IN: Riding Semen ilk- chlm‘ M aripmn \\ est lxidinz (. ounty 13:1don C .oumy , 1:111in IN THE Dutch Sets 15-) '1‘. MATCHITIHT County 'l'rcasurer Lxccnx‘c Expires mth M;1_\'.1Sg3 19111 Ma\',1893 2nd julv, 1393 30111 Sept.,1‘393 51110 CL, 1393 7th OCI.,1893 :51h]a:1..1894 4th l‘cb. ., 1894 16111 1 ch. ,1394 3rd I :1) 1894 27111 l’zcb 1894 1st .\1:1rc11:1894 16111 Marc‘1,18u4 30111 M;11ch,1894 ar home all their \, Cuffs, Shirt_s, Handkerchiefs Coatsâ€"specwai value. Every I894 1394 1394 1894 1894 1394 Lrum Co's New Prints, Muslins, Art Muslins, White Victoria Lawns, Embroidcrh Draperies for Curtains. Lace -â€"special value. New designs ‘ Covers, Table Linens, Towels lings, Shirtings, Sheetings. Cor Cottons, Circular Pillow Cum are, yours respectfully No 1mm BROWN LEGHORNS 013; WYANDOTTES in Ontariuzhdnzur‘e. '1.- the red UCkcls at Hamilton and l’ux': {+25 \. p-t Eggs, $2.00 per sitting. All Urdcrs Jul-Jun and satisfaction guaranteed. ' .1. W. BRITTOB- . . '«dszf- 14-2 20 Cambridge-tr.- L“ To POUL'L‘RYm-zxz LISTEN to THE WI \0\\‘ IS the dmc to have _\ cu: T135 paired and remodpllcd for mu <€354 R adv monev for raw furs. ( :21‘. 311?} throurvn our <to¢ k Prices to suit :qu ditions 0f people. Ask to <2 * 39rd Shirts starched collar and cum. CO. The world's lax? fashioncrs are included fashionable assortment styles at our store, \'0 <ij Lindsav. hat is ï¬ll} 11 i: to ï¬nd a hat that is per 2c coming to 30m hCGL and I an \veathcl Co.'~‘ : Guru-23112:: FL Ix‘lel Consisting of Drcs s Shizts, Cuï¬'s, Tics, Scarfs, Hosiuw clothinglfnool and balbri; sizes) Silk Hdkfs. ., and Kid (black “bite and colorcc . HATS AND Cm: â€"\\'e 11 Largest and most Commie plav of Mens, boys. 1w . Children s qus and La; shown 1n Lindsav, It is (1:1 age to have a large ranqL ‘ c to select from because this a becoming choice. ‘11 L.1L spring shapes made 711V 1 Heath Christie \ oz: mans: Vl OOdrOLV and Lincoln- he! Furs 5W Gentleman’s Furnishings flats and Caps, PETERBORO ANI LEEDSAY No. 96 KENT STREET. NEARLY om). POST 0H )IAKL' A Sl’Iit‘I.\ LTY 0}†HATS F AIRWEATHER Manufacturing F 41“»91’“ and .-\â€" Leading Hatters, THO-S. ARMSTRQNG, PRICES mum, ’carfs, Hos 19 1"\ [.115 )1 and be; beiggan.‘ .dkfs.. and Kid Glox' D CAPS â€"â€"\\ e ma"ezh ‘ most Complete .~ 1'5, BO)“. live-:32“ Hans and (3.375 Id’say. It is (1:1 adv a large mm c (f say 11 because ‘ 11's assu. :hoice. All 1:1; zcu made by Dun}. <.tie XOumnzs. .15.: Q \r U: ad 1-13thva 11:3: .2:- “Orld k;.r.;:g .re included in assortment of ‘ 1' _ ~¢AA-- \' COMPANY! MANAGING PARTN LOttOnadï¬ Otton. ctr ECU n on: 9 etc. “'5“? up in 1163.: Dans, quarts and p EOr inside and mtif‘g JOhnson’si Prices and stv': S~from 5c. pox Juble to Show g ry the Floor Cq ed Especially foj 3 With a durab! G. EDWA r. A. ME the Latest D mgrooms, Dr: rooms. Cciii BOOK 8: S ST1 L Varnish‘ color ~ for and Decor +1 an lummas A} above Rcli give satisfac Patterns â€" Arrivin at pH most the s and A