“‘5 v y A) :' fl - ’ ‘ _. 1- _ f; s ‘c a “ ‘- 5 3'“ ' ï¬eh‘l‘ \' Made to our oWn order. . .. Only Reliable Cloth Used. -. Every Suit Guaranteed . . BOYS YOUTHWENS CLOTHINW IIIII The Women’s Kingdom departmen, ed- ited by “Kit,†is the brightest in America. The Flaneur and Boys and Girls are both very popular departments. There are over $250.00 worth of engravings in each issue of the Saturday Mail. You should have it. Two Dollars a year. ‘3‘ The Saturday Edition of the Toronto Daily Mail is a. beautiful paper full of the news of the world and Special articles of interest to men. women and children. ‘17 - ___ .. â€NW. DEA'I‘H.-â€"It is Wlth extreme sorrow that We record the death of Mr. Bomard, father- in-law of Mr. Beatty, a. farmer here. PERSOXAL.â€"Mr. John Mahood, former- teacher here, now of Pcterhoro Collegiate Institute, is spending his Easter holidays amongst us. Town life agrees well with John. but. by all appearances Orange Carmel-Ts life arrees with him far better. run On Thursday, April 6th. The sale was well represented and everything sold well. Mr. John Fowler takes possession of the farm. “‘e would seriously entreat John not to think of matrimonial affairs vet, but we suppose he~has gone too far for to take advise now. II.L.\‘ESS.â€".\Ir. John B. Fowler is re- covering from a. severe attack of illness. .. ...Mr. C. M. Carew has had a. seconc. attack of illness. This time the grip seized lï¬im and came near shaking the life out of no. CHANGERâ€"111‘. Geo. Fowler sold out his entire stock offarxi) ixpplqnonts and stock. Special to the Watchman pounds. ,7 "‘"""J - u a o o . -' v (\lv n‘Ully to learn that Mr. Harry Argue has left the village, having taken a situation near Mt. Horeb. . . . . .Mr. Wesley Bradburn, of Bowmanville, is home for few days. Bw Boxâ€"011 Wednesday of last week Mrs. Jas. Halladay presented her husband with a. handsome baby boy weighing 13 “A___ .‘IA .tt Pnï¬soxix1;.â€"3Ir. and Miss Herbert, of Mount Horeb were guests of Mr. Alex. Bradburn on Sunday. . . . . :“'0 are sorry a... 1A-__. L1, . 1|: ‘- ,_ __- _.-....\wnl ing the horse and 'tied it torrhe fence and proceeded on their journey on foot. It is something to have presence of mind in an emergency girls! Accmexr.â€"â€"As two of our young ladies were driving south in a cart, drawn by a grey horse, a. strap of the harness broke and frightened the horse, which at once began to kick violently. ()ne of the girls sprang from the cart, and caught the horses’ head while the other held ï¬rmlv on to the lines. They succeeded in unhitch- JANETVILLE. Special to the “'atchman. PERSONALâ€"Mr. C. D. Taylor has re- turned from Virginia .....Mr. John Trelearm aad his sister Eliza returned from a three months visit to England. They report a very rough return voyage. CLOVER AND TIMOTHY Sashâ€"Prime quality at the Cambray drug store. B.â€"W. Burton, 58 and H Rogers. 50 Fifth C â€"L. E. Clendenan, 90 and E. M. Haight. 84. Sr. Fourthâ€"H. Daniel. 58 M. E. Sinclair, 56: A. M. Hall, 55; J. P. Taylor, 5.): C. B. Taylor. 52; M. E. Clark, 50 and I. M. Cowieson, 49. Jr. Fourth. â€"-A. L. McKee. 56; A. E. Feir. 51.: S. Daniel. 52; J. H. “ï¬re, 43; A. C. Meth- erell, 30: B. Draper, 9.9; M. E. Shier, 3; and S. E. Taylor, 2. SCHOOL REPORT. ~During the remainder of this term the per cent will be reported. Subject composuion. Fifth A.â€"H. B. Feir, 8-5 and H. T. Routly. (35. Fifth I‘I‘V Special to the‘Vatchman. Special to the \Vatchman, FAST S-\\\'IXG.â€"L\II‘. R. H. Stimson sawed ï¬ve cord 0f Wood for Mr. J. Sander- son in 22 Illinutes. and he Could have sawed even more if there had been suï¬â€˜icient men to get the. Wood to and from the saw. FAREWELLâ€"Miss Maggie, Powers of this vicinity, is bidding farewell t0 her friends and relatives. She is guing to Rochester. LOCAL NE \VS-LETTE RS ORANGE CORNERS. THE MAIL ’loronto, Canada PIG EON VA LLEY. CAM BRAY. -v v-- to assume no ï¬nancial responsibilities. Tuesday, July 18, will probably be the date. Details of the programme for the provincial conventionat St. .Catherines. _ . -V-.‘J n ing rates: From all points in Ontario to Montreal and return, single fare; Toronto to Montreal and return, all rail, $10; same with boat one way, $12.70; same, with boat from Kingston, $11.35. The time limit of tickets has not yet been decided upon. A motion was carried approving of a. “Christian Endeavor day†at Grimsby park, and authorizing the president to make arrangements with the park coma pany as to speakers. the G. E. exec tive J 7 f â€"The Rev. Mr. Hill, of the Queen St. - i Methodist church. preached at I’eterboro : l on Sunday last, and the local papers refer lto his sermons as followsâ€"Examiner. ,‘mev. N. Hill, pastor of the Queen St. : i Methodist church, Lindsay, gave two 3 able expositions in the pulpit of the Char- :ilotte St. Methodist church on Sunday.†l Reviewzâ€"“Rev. Newton Hill,of Lindsay, occupied the pulpit of the Charlotte St. Methodist church on Sunday, and preach- ed to good congregations. The services l were in aid ot the superannuation fund of‘ , the Methodist church and a. pleasing feature was that the minister did not follow conventional style of marring the effects of a good sermon by interlarding it with ï¬nancial appeals, but presented the iclaims of the fund in a few pertinent remarks before the sermon.†â€"â€"The Executive Committee of the Pro- vincial Christian Endeavor Union held a moi-1:51.; and afternoon session at Toronto on \\ ednesday last, in the board room of the Upper Canada Bible Society; Those present were: Thomas Morris, jr., (presiâ€" dent), Hamilton; Rev. Canon Richardson, London; Rev. A. F. McGrcgor, \Vood- stock: Rev. J. A. R. Dickson, Galt; Rev. G. H. Cobbledick, Dundalk; Rev. R. G. Boville. Hamilton; E. A. Hardy, Lindsay; and G. T. Ferguson, H. W. Baker, and C. J. Atkinson, Toronto. The committee on transportation to the great international convention at Montreal in July next, reported that they had secured the follow- AAHALA -â€"Rev. Mr. Edwards, of the Charlotte St.Methodist church, Peterboro, occupied the pulpit of the Queen St. Methodist church on Sunday. at both services. On each occasion the edifice was crowded. Mr. Edwards is well-known as one of the best and most taking pulpit orators in this conference, and his sermons did full justice to his reputation. â€"-A pancake and maple syrup social will be held in the Queen St. Methodist ‘church on Friday evening, 14th inst, under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid. A good programme will be rendered. Admission 10 cents. The ladies Will also offer fol-sale a number of useful and ornamental articles. â€"Christinn Endeavor day in the Cam- bridge St. Methodist church Wlll be next Sunday. The Rev. L. \V. Hill, B.A., of Port Party, will preach the sermon. and the evening one will be especially to Endeavorers. Mr. Hill is an eloquent and earnest preacher. l’ninn C. li.. will be held in the Metho- dist church. llowmzmville. «m Wednesday and 'l‘hursdny. April 17th and 18th. Papers and addresses by different delu- gates. Sumo nf the 1m mt pmnnincnt U. H Workers in â€Marin are expected to address the Cum'entinn. â€"()n Sunday evening next, the Rev. Mr. Hill will preach on “The Mndel Wife." Those who heard him on “The Model Husband" should not fail to hear the nomqaniou sermon. â€"â€"Thc scouutl :mnual Convention of the Durham and .\urtlmmbcrlnml cmmtic’s â€"['p to the 27th March the Rev. Dr. Potts, of TUI‘UDtO, has received subscrip- tions for 3510.000 for the Methodist Federation College scheme. ()f the amount $457,000 has been paid. leaving 8523;000 to Collect. It is helieVed when this year‘s Work is completed at the end of May all of the $510,000 will he in hzmd. Church Chimes. â€"â€"Re\'. T. 1H. Campbell, of Lindsay, will deliver a lecture under the auspices of the Epwurth League nf Christian Endea- vor of Charlotte street Methodist church. Peterbnro, on Thursday evening, April 20th. Subject, "The Three Tums.†IMMENSE STOCK -__ -4 ~_~ ~~unn5 a greliiql loss. and it will be found diflicult to ï¬ll his “lace, but, as his removal means promoti011, congratulations are in order. â€"-The Lindsay Lacrosse club has decid- ed to join the Midland league and will haVe a. representative at the Port Perry meeting. The club will also unite with the ball club in holding a celebration here on the Queen’s Birthday. By the remov- al to Toronto, of Mr. Harry Kidd, the energetic secretary of the club, they'sustain â€"-ln the Chamberlin arson case Col. Deacon, P. M. has given his judgment, which it will be rcmorbered he resei‘Vod at the time of the trial. The charge was dismissed, the colonel pointing out that although there were strrmgly suspicious circumstances, he did not deem the evi- dence sufï¬ciently strong to warrant him in committing the prisoner for trial. -Mr. Lindsay, a member of the Salvation Army band, on Sunday was tripped by a broken plank on Peel St, ‘near the barracks. and had one of his hips injured. Again the attention of the authorities is called to the bad condition of many of the sidewalks in town. ~â€"“Did you hear that n southbound train ran off the iron bridge this morning. †said a. well-known butcher to an equally Well-known blncksmithon Tuesday. “No. ; How did it happen?†replied the smithy. “Well,†said the butcher backing away, “It ran on at this end and ran off at the other, See?†Tableau. â€"Some evil disposed person, on Sun day last, poisoned a very valuable and highly prized fox terrier dog, ewned by Dr. Kempt. A reward of $25 is offered for the conviction of the culprit, It is to be hoped that the wretch will be found and get; his just deserts. â€"-The closing of the i’igeun creek bridge is a live issue at l’eterburu. The enmity purposes to close it and has applied for an act. while the town opposes such a move. Our county is Workingr with Peterboro county to get the bridge closed. Certainly time works wonders. â€"Mr. Thos. ()verend, of the Windsor hotel, is making changes at his popular house which will greatly improve it. A new bar is being placed in the old sitting room, and the place formerly used as a bar will now be used as :m oflicc. etc. -â€"Mr.J. D. Flavelle represented Lind- say, the curling club meeting, at Toronto, on Tuesday, The tankard Was presenied at ’Caygeon. â€"Mr. R. Kylie is mnkingn Salisbury carriage for nnc of 0111‘ prominent business men, the ï¬rst: of its kind cwr made in this Cuunty. Mr. Wm. Weese will ship direct to New York to-dny a carluad of the ï¬nest general purpose horses sent from here fur some time. The animals will be “tiered at Grand’s sale and if the experiment is a success a new market for uur farmers will be opened. Mr. \Veesc certainly deserves credit for his enterprise. McHi-cgni' was appointed tn that pnsitinn until tho next» cmn‘o.~ntiuii. Mr. Hardy will cwntinuc tn act as statistical secretary. DIM §l October 10, 11, 122, were considered and speakers decided upon. Mrs. Alice May Scudder, of Jersey (.‘ity. and Bishop Gilliespie. of the state of Michigan, are expected to be among the speakers present, the former to speak on “Junior Endeavor Work." Societiesthat have lint Contributed to the funds of the provincial executive are to he asked to do so. A resolution was passed request- iug all C. F. societies in connection with Methodist churches to take. the name of Epu'orth League of Christian Endeavor, as only by so doing could they carry out the principle of loyalty to the church. The report of the provincial superinten- dent of junior C. 1‘}. Work sliowed a marked growth in the Work alonj,r the junior lines. The number of junior societies reported previous to the last ceiivention was 38, and the number of. New societies reporting during the pasti four months has been 34. giving.r a total of 72 junior societies in the province. ()wing,r to the press of other duties Mr. .l'I. A. Hardy resigned the executive part ofl the secretary's Work, and Rev. A. F.l ittle Local Lines. New York. \VEDNESDAY, April 19th.â€"By George Mc- Hugh, auctioneer; the great Canadian trotting gelding, Blackstone, 2.22%; Minnie Bell. 2.241, (pacing), together with a number of fashionably-bred and speedy roadsters, also vehicles. harness, robes, etc., the property of Mr. Jos. J. Daly. Sale at the Daly house, Lindsay. I LoCKwoon-â€"1n Lindsay. on Monday, Apml 10th. Mrs. Alpanda Lockwood, wife l‘ 1’" If T 'I of H. M. Lockwood. BARIUVELLâ€"PERKINS.â€"At N orland. on Wednesday, April 5th, 1893, by the Rev. Mr. Garbutt, of Coboconk, Mr. David Barkwell, of Elizabethville, to Miss Lena Perkins, daughter of Mr. John Perkins. of N orland. _DIED. LocgygoQLâ€"Iri Lindsay. on Monday. _ MARRIED ()‘NEIL. â€"â€"â€"I{m:INsuN. â€"- \t the (hwcn- st. Methodist church pmsmwrc, 33 St. Paul- st., Lindsay, on the 10th inst, by the Re». N. Hi1], Richard ()Ncil tn Annie Rubinsun, all of Lindsay. O'REILLY.â€"~In Lindsay, on Sunday, April 9th. the Wife of John U’Reilly. of a daughter. \V.\"ISO\. -â€"â€"At Renboro, on Monday 3rd of April. 1893, the wife of Mr. Isaac W atscn of a son. PHILADELPHIA, 1’a., April 11. â€" The Italian bark Fillippo, (“aptzzm Fabiano, came into port yesterday almost a. wreck, having been struck by u. tidal wave at mid- night on March :25). Capt-Lin Fabiano was carried oval-bonniqu washed back again by the water in an uncons‘einus cmxdi‘ tion. .V- a.» v4 ammunition imported contrary to the order . , -w---..... "nu“.o, Sun]; particulars of the arms consigned. The customs ofï¬cers are authorized to open packages suspected of containing arms or Order Issued Limiting Their Importation Intu the Country. Drnux, April 11.â€"Baron Houghton, Lord-Lieutenant. of Ireland, has issued an order limiting the importation of arms and mnmunition to Ireland. Arms and ammu- nition must be imported only at. certain ports, and all consignccs must, previous to consignment. obtain a. permit. for the im- portation from the customs ofï¬cers, givmg .. .,£ 4‘ m-..o..i..l._ .. On Thursday the entire fleet, with exception of the flagship Philadelphia, go to sea. to remain until Friday. The Navy Department looked upon this as a delicate question, for Spain, Italy and England each seemed to have a just claim for this distinctionâ€"one, because the Span- ish flag was ï¬rst upon the soil of the New World; another, because Columbus was a native of Italy, and a third because her admiral was the ranking otiicer of the fleet. The department cut the Gordian knot, however, by deciding that the nation ï¬rst upon the scene would be given the van of the fleet. Tho Procession of Warships Into New York Harbor. 1901;713:243 Moxlznx, Va.., April lI.â€"-The Russizm ollieers of the ship (leneral Ad- miral -were the lions of the day yesterday. Besides being the first foreigners to whom American hospitality has been extended they now haw: a. prior claim to the right of the line, and their arrival at this time has solved the problem as to which nation shall lend the great review into New York harbor. Mr. T. Matchett, the popular agent of that popular road, the C.l’.R., came very near breaking one of his legs, on Tuesday, It appears that tinsniiths were repairing the roof of the ollice. When hoisting a. roll of galvenized iron to the roof the rope broke, the weight fell and the covering over a. cellar way at the back door was broken. Mr. Matchett, in the evening, had occasion to go out to the yard and as he stepped from the door. down he went into the cellar way. At first it. was thought that one of his legs was broken, but fortunately :1 shaking up was the only result of the mishap. SALE REGISTER. A (‘aptmn‘s Exporio-ncn. GUNS IN IRELAND: RUSSIA FIRST. BIRTHS. Mishap, [DAD/CE' W1} the Advertise in The Watchman. imported direct from England, France, Germany and Holland. E. GREGORY. The Very Best and Choicest ll WE SELL THEM Lindsay. April 12, 1893â€"15-11 SEEDS ! Cpumy Treasurer's Ofï¬ce Lmdsuy, xzth April. 18 2' Name. To Travel. License expire5. Edwin Z. Yerex, With one horse, George H. Calvert, \Vith one horse. , \Villiam Germyn, \Vith two horses, Edward Kinch, “'ith one horse, William Suggitt, \Vith two horses, Edward \Vollard, \Vizh one horse, James Mitchell, \Vith one horse, Duly, Grange Co. \Viih two homes, Hogg Bros., \Vith two horses, Arch Cameron, \Vith one home, Jacob Kadeski, On foot, John Coone, \Vith one horse, Israel Krugel, \N'ith one horse, Isaac Whitesmith, On foot, John Cohn, On foot, Joseph Cadden, On foot, Isaac Black, \Vith one horse, Abraham Levine \‘Vith one horse, \Veldcn Brown, \Vith one horse, 16th April, :5, 28th April, 13‘ 2nd May, 15‘ 7th May. 13, 9th May, IS< 17th May, :5, )91h May, 18, 61h June, 15: xokh June, :89 isth June. 189 23rd June, 1ch 16th July, 185 zgth Aug, 18; 14th Sept., 18; 10th Oct., 18,; 26th Oct., :89 251h Nov, 159 35th Jan.. 189 4th April, 189 FEDS OFFICE, 01“ Tm: W ATCHMAN, LINDSAY, Om. April 12th. 1893. , LINDSAY MARKETS Fall Wheat per bushel, . . . .50 00 to 0 63 Fyfe do do .............. U 65 to 0 65 Spring do ................ 0 00 to O 60 Goose do do ........... 00 co 0 513 Buckwheat ............... 00 to 0 42 Flour, new process ........ 1 75 to 1 9:3 Flour, mixed, roll ......... 1 90 to 2 10 Strong bakers ............ 2 (m n. 9 90 IST OF LICENSED PEDLARS COUNTY OF. VICTORIA. Flower, Garden, Field, Farm. OF ALL KINDS: COMMERCIAL. . 189/" I ) xs-x VARIETIES LBSI 'l‘. MATCHETT. County 'l‘reawrcr. 16th April, 28th April, 2nd Mm 7th Ma\': 9111 \I u , 17th M av, 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 I893 1393 189: 1893 ’893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1893 1894 18941 AUCTION MART: OPPOSITE BEN SON H0 Refrigerators for salt: cheaP' C0pper, Lead, Z 1:: c, BODl Rubber, Ale Bottlcs. 21‘ Flasks I. E RT N 0 pslanhabitual c buys ï¬ccond-qunl 1::12‘211‘ ofall kinds, Rugs. Iron. BF?" eaï¬ss, dizzmess C x , 1 {13, or depre‘ Opper, Lead, 1 1:25. b0“ Will surely and Ve . Pnkkop A I... 1) 4.1.1» I}?! the whOIC dlï¬i Carriages. Vash Tubs. CC Stoves, Knives, Phys 3 SPOON-‘3 Crockery. Giasswa and Mirrors. Soap and Cloth Pins. reaus. Tzzblcs.Ch;1irs. Bug} \Vashstands. Lounges. Mattresses. Sideboards. Bedroom buitcs LIST 0:3 F UR N ITURE LEmNï¬ï¬â€™ Kindlv remcmbu' “iii. dsreaJ "IsTabules mg; 0f nearest drug: of Victoria (outsic {eating with the p 3 held a foremost “new; in 18:53. It: Lillian dollars. Co um threshers qui' EONEY TO thmughout [he C5 00 s of Ops and adjo: of insuring theil iCanadian comp: can the oï¬ice at c K-YOUR DES is the Chanepm wear longer an( end along }{ we dealt befl ï¬sh A ‘irthday P“? Ppon Sole m INE MA Tabules ac' is. also prep; ' funds at 10 of above 0 Abe SILVE HOUSE IN THE