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Watchman (1888), 27 Apr 1893, p. 4

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. , j I? AT the meeting,r of the license com- missioners for West Victoria, held on Saturday last; a petition, signed by twenty citizens, was presented, asking that all hotel bars be closed at 9 o’clock eachlawtul evening. At present 11 o’clock is the hour for closing. The signers of the petition are all worthy citizens and all residents of Lindsay, but they do not represent public opinion any more than did the three tailors of Tooley street represent the people of England. It is ack- nowledged on all hands that the liquor law is as well administered in Lindsay as in any other place in the province and ‘ complaints on that score have been few and far between since the appointment of the present inspector. To compel the hotels to close their bars at 9 o’clock wouldbetoo radical a change, in the opinion of many. But if a change ' is to be made we would suggestas a._ T HE executive of the Patrons of In- dustry have agreed upon the following as the future platform of the organiza- tion. In local Assembly politics, they will demandâ€"(l) “The election of all salaried provincial officers. (2) The modification of the system of taxation, so as to tax the holder of mortgages on land and thereby relieve the farmers of the amount he now pays on land ; mortgaged.” And then in the realm ‘ of Dominion politics, they will demand â€"“Tariff for revenue purposes only : abolition of the Canadian Senate ; the retention of land for settlers, and the abolition of bonuses to railways in the shape of land or money grants.” THE home rule bill passed the second reading, but already, it is stated that over 10,000 amendments have been handed in. Thl-re appears to be no doubt whatever that the bill will be come law, as, on a. straight vote, the supporters of the measureluave a major- ity of over forty votes. PORTER” Do you live Near Lindsay ? Do You Live in Lindsay? necessary was an accounts and noses be paid forthwith to my successor, who will settle all liabilities. E. WOODS. THURSDAY. APRIL 2 Mr. E. Woods, in retiring from business, desires to thank his numerous customers for the very generous support they have given him during the past 20 years, and would bespeak for his successor. Mr. \V. G. Woods, a continuance of their favors, assuring them that everything possible will be done to merit the same. And in order to wind up my affairs it will be necessary that all accounts and noses be (the Tlfllatcbman. Simply apply “SWAVNE’S Omnxex‘r." No interna medicne required. Cures tetter, eczema, itch, al eruptions on the face, hands, nose, c., leaving the skin clear, white and healthy. Its great healing and curative powers are possessed by no other remedy. Ask your druggxs. for SWAVNE'S OINTMENT. Lyman Sons Co.. Montreal. Wholesale Agent imported direct from England, France, Germany and Holland. The Very Best and Choicest WE SELL THEM : Flower, Garden, Field, Farm. Lindsay. April 12, “ How to Cure All Skin Diseases.” GREAT WALL PAPER STORE, USINESS CHANGE. Then make our great store your headquarters on your next trading trip to town. PAPER STORE, where there is no question about good quality, no limit to the variety, and where the styles are the latest and best Editorial Notes. Then you have learned the value of a first-class \VALL VARIETIES E. GREGORY. :, 1893â€"15-tf T. 1893. On Saturday night Mr. Archibald Muir, local manager of the Bell Telephone exchange died very suddenly of heart disease, at the residence of Dr. Burrows. aged 27 years. On the previous evening the deceased was at party at the doctor’s house, when he was suddenly seized with brother of the deceased Vifis \;_fel';x.r:stn); pupils of Lynch’s Academy and two hun- dred and fifty boys from the separate schools all marched on foot. Ifcquicscat in pace. O’Connell, Fenelon Falls and Father Mc- Guire, Bracebridge. Requieum high mass was celebrated by Vicar-General Laurent and the funeral oration was de- livered by Rev. Father Teefy, of St. Michael’s College, Toronto. The cortege Was a very long one and embraced people of all classes and creeds. The members of the C.O.F.; C.M.B.A.; E.B.A.; Catholic Association; St. Vidcent de Paul Society; Separate School Board; em- ployees of the lock works (in which a -_â€"-‘. a”; LIIU LUV. ! gentleman’s zeal, and in fact no duty was evaded whose discharge could lead to the promotion of the moral and temporal interests of the parishioners he minister- ed to, and the church, to which his health and strength and finally his life were devoted. Rev“ Father Rudkins leaves behind him a brother Wiliiam and a sister Kate, to mourn the loss of not only a brother in the flesh, but. of a father in ()itKl.’7 The funeral of the late Father Rudkins took place at Peterboro, on Tuesday morning, and was one of the largest ever seen in the town. The clergy present, from this district were Very Rev. 1’. D. ‘ Laurent V.-(l. and Father Scanlan, Lindsay; Father Bretherton, Victoria Road; Father Connolly, Downeyville; Father McColl, Ennismore: Father '1‘. B- lFather Rudkins he did not consider an 1' excuse for any relaxation in zeal, and i ' indeed his early death is attributed to the {zeal and energy he threw into his work, i iaggravating the serious disease from ; l I l which he sufferedâ€"gastric catarrh~ and! thus shortening the days of a busy and‘ useful life. Rev. Father Rudkins was i greatly beloved by his many parishioners l for his kindness, sympathy and devotion to their interests, and among his brother clergy he was held in high esteem for his l piety and zeal for every interest, temporal i and spiritual of the church in whose l service his life was literally spent. As a l citizen he was held in general high respect, I A both for his office and his kindly personal qualities. The superintendency of the 5 separate schools, which he held for sev- : eral years, Was another outlet for the rev. l. ,c __â€"â€"-nv 3?, rs of the parish, not only with his own vc people but with protestants as well. He 1d did much to advance the best interests of his parishioners and always had a kindly word for everybody and his untimely death will be learned of with unfeigned regret by all classes of the community. The Daily Examiner. Peterboro, of Sat- urday, contains the following obituary notice :-“ This afternoon at St. J oseph’s Hospital, Rev. Patrick Joseph Rudkins, chancellor of the diocese of Peterboro and pastor of St. Peter’s Cathedral, pass- ed peacefully away, death resulting from the disease from which he has been suffer- ing; for several years. A few days ago his condition became 8o serious that he entered St. Joseph’s Hospital, where death closed his earthly career. The late lamented priest was a native of Peterboro, the youngest son of the late Patrick Rudkins, born March 25th in the year 1862. He received his primary education in the local separate school, in which, in after years. he performed for some time the duties of teacher. He aISo attended the institute for some time, and Mr. Lynch’s private school for classics. i] He entered St. Miachael‘s College. Tor- onto, in 1880, and took the Course inl classics and metaphysics. Subsequently 'l' ihe entered the (lrand Seminary, Mon- l treal, where he Completed his theological l ( lstudies with distinction, and in the fall } lOf 1687 he was ordained a priest by the {late venerable Archbishop Lynch. and I was stationed at the cathedral as assistant lpriest. On the translation of Bishop if [Dowling to Hamilton, accmnpanicd by! ( l Rev. Father )Icl‘lvay, on May 1st, 1885), :: llev. Father Rudkins succeeded the latter i ll ‘ as chancellor of the diocese and rector of i 5‘ St. Peter’s Cathedral. He performed the ‘ 0‘ onerous duties of this position with a zeal and assiduity which the importance of his I trust demanded and in a manner to win ,' the approval of his bishop. Combinedff' with these duties those of rector of a' large parish were by no means neglected and 1N ll '. .4 v S theflill health that afflicted Rev. ish It is with deep regret that we are called upon to record the death of a warm personal friend the Rev. Father Rudkins, of Peterboro. Deceased was one of the most popular priests that. ever had charge On Thursday last Mr. Jas. Willock, of Fenelon. died at the ripe old age of 86 years. He was born in Scotland and farmed for many years. He wasa brother of Mr. R. Willock, of Fenelon, and never married. He was highly respected and his funeral, on Saturday, at. Dunsford was largely attended. Gathering in the Harvest He |Takes~ Both the,Young and the Aged. Cumpl'OllllSO 10 o’clock, the: hour fixed in Bowmanville, or the matter might be left m abeyance until the January elections when aplebiscite could be taken in all the municipalities interesred, as the commissioners legislate, not for the town alone, but for the whole west riding of Victoria. To properly carry out a law you must have public sympathy in its favor and we are inclined to think that the early closing of bars would have the effect or driving the sale of liquor into the hands of illicit dealers. THE GRIM REAPER AT WORK. . ARCHIBALD MUIR REV. FATHER RUDKINS‘ launEh-ed. Advertise in The Watcm --The new Parkins boat has her machinery, screw, etc., in position, the hull has been painted, the cabins are being put in shape, and soon she will be i -â€"The Nellie T alias the “F1 in" ,, I 0 ’ l O o Dutchman, 1s m cmnnussum once more, and is prepared to distance anything that runs on these waters. big or small. â€"-The E a is still ml the\ vays but is ready tn slide at; :my time, and is in good shape for the se: men s work. â€"-The Duminiun IS towing lows, princi- pally cedar, fur the Rnthbun 00., down from McGill s landing. The Alice l‘lthel is tnwing lugs. for the Sndler null. â€"‘Thc ice is net. nut of the lake yet, there being; quite a bridge from Stm'neon ) I N ) o D I emt to Bull l «nut. -~: Mr. 'l‘hexlmx's yacht, the Nnunn Rey, has been «Wei-hauled, painted, etc., and will seem Heat again. â€"'l'he Zettn Bruce is tnwiug up wood from Deuglns’ landing for the Sndler, Dundns Fluvelle Ue. ‘ l “According to outside reports Lindsay is going to sign all the players in the country. One word of advise to all whom it may concern. Lindsay is going to play a strict town team, as there is no credit in winning a game when the whole of Canada is represented on the field. -- “nu-l AIUIII nl.\ U o‘clocki,ili)oitil: ifizrxlbsse and baseball »â€"~Cobourp:, Oshawa, Pcterboro and Lind- say will be represented at: Port; Hope to- (la y (Thursday). mlavcry evening the market squrc Dre sonts a lively ‘nppcaranc‘: from six to eight n'nlnnlâ€" lin“_ .....A.A wNeil Sinclair,'I.indsny’s popular cap- tain, spent Sunday at; Salem, where he and the veteran Dun. Yurcoc spent most of the afternoon plunnim.r a “‘"atcrloo" for the Agincourt B. 13. club. WOur representative, Mr. \V. II. Simp- son, left, for Port Hope this morning to be present at the base-hall meeting. w'l‘he boys Will commence practice on Monday evening. fivr ----~v n-nxll, Ulb sons “lfixclc 'l‘um' (b.3130 17th, J‘urn cr's English Girls. Manager Knowlson has booked the following' attractions for the Academy of Music to appear on the dates givcn:# April 28th, Native Afrivzm Choir; May 10th, “ The (Tountrvmau :" Muv 13th, Stet; gnu“ u 1'_‘,_‘ . m . I’errin Fcreris A“, Cu. 5!; 16 agents for Canada. cuzry pair «runmnreed, Snld In hum Co. ~13 tf. New Kid Gloves! New Kid Gloves by the pound or package. Fresh and pure as \V. M. RubSUII’Spâ€"IT-i’. And all kinds of seeds at IIiUinbotham’ 5. 17-4 regret . was a young lady of milch pl'UllliSC. (learly beloved by all who knew her. amt! hcr un- txmcly death was heard of Wlth deep F1 kins-Ink A teleuram from Mr. C. R. Dunsford, Morden. Mam. announced the death of Mrs. Hartley Dunsford. which took place on Sunday last. at the residence of her son. The deceased lady had reached a ripe old age. She was a daughter of the late Capt. Rubidge, R. N. For many years her late husband was registrar of the County of Victoria and she was well known to the majority of our rerders. She left Lindsay about 2 years ago and has since resided in the Northwest. Mrs. John A. Barron is a daughter and Mr. E. D. ()rde a nephew of deceased. Mrss DUCK. Miss Teresa Duck. eldest daughter of Mr. John Duck. (lied on Tuesday at the early age of ‘3?) years, after an illness Of some four months. About the heginning' of the present year she was attacked by la gripfxz. which developed later into lung and heart. trouble. which finally caused her death. despite all that human skill and k iudncss could ucu unplish. The deceased uf'the exchange here since last October, and was an old employee of the company. He was very popular with all classes of me people and his sudden demise occa- sioned much regret. He was a member of Faithful Brethren Lodge AF. and A.M. and the members accompanied the body to the G.T.R. depot, on Monday afternoon last. The interment tOok place at Hamilton, on Tuesday. MRS. BALD WIN. On Sunday morning last Mrs. Baldwin 1 wife of Mr. Rubt. Baldwin, Ilacksmith, Cambridge-3L, passed away, after an ill- ness extending over only one week. The deceased was in her 27th year and was a daughter of Mr. Andrew Calder, of Argyle, formerly of Cambray. She was married but 8 months ago and leaves an infant child. 2 weeks old- Her husband has the sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances in his sad bereavement. pains in the stumach. He was placed in bed at once and on Friday and on SM- urday and Saturday night he was appar- ently all right, but just about midnight he suddenly expired without; giving the slightest. warnipg. Deeeased had charge LOCAL MATTERS. The Academy of Music Marine Matters. Diamond Dust. MRS. HARTLEY DUNSFORD. Costume Recital Seeds of all Kinds. Clover, Timothy; going 5v.“r'rnxxsmllnmure; intense itching and stinging, mm! :11 nighx; worse by scratching. Ifallowul {0 con- tinue tumors (mm, which often bleed and uICCrate, becoming very sure. SWAYNE'S OINTMHN'I‘ stops the itching and bleeding. heals ulceration and in most cases rcmovcs 1hr.- tumorx‘. At druggists or by max] for 50 Ccnh‘. Dr. Swnync Son. Philadclphia. gymau Sons 8! Co.. Montreal, WholesaleAgents ’ LOOK AT TIIE' SIZE ':of the ordinary pill. Think of all i the trouble and disturbance it causes :you. VVouldn’t you welcome some- :fthing easier to take, and easier in [its ways, if at the same time it did " you more good? That is the case twith Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. They’re the smallest in size, the {mildest in action, but the most ;thorough and far-reaching in re- fods, and they give help that lasts. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious IAttacks, Sick and Bilious Head- ’aches, and all derangements of the “ If we can’t cure your Catarrh, no matter how bad your case or of how long sanding, we’ll pay you $500 in cash.” That is what is promised by the proprietors of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Doesn’t it prove, better than any words could, that this is a remedy that cures Catarrh? Costs only 50 cents. DvCK.-In Lindsay, on Tuesday, April 25th. 1893, Teresa Duck, eldest daughter of .Inhn Duck. aged 25 years. wue m mubert Baldwin, aged 27 years. Grummanâ€"In Emily, un Munday, 24th April, 1892. Adeline Mulcahey. wife of Michael Crowley, aged 24 years. BAI)WIN.-â€"In Linden; April, 1893, Mary Ann wife of Robert Baldwin SHERIDAN? Ab Oakwood, un Friday, April 21M, 1893, Margaret, beiuved wife of John Sheridan, aged 41 years. l‘IUIR.â€"-In Lindsay, «m Sunday, April 23rd, 1893, Archibnld Munr, of Htmilrun, aged 27 years. HUNGERFORD.â€"â€" April23rd, 1_893, Richard Lewis, ' At Lindsay, M) S BATEâ€"On Thursday, April 20th. 1893. Frederick John, Sun of Jasper H. and Minnie Bate, aged 1 year. and 9 months. RUDKINs-â€"â€"Ac Peterbnru, on Saturday, April 22nd, 1893, the Rev. Patrick Rud- kius, Chuncellur of Lhe Rumnn Catholic Diocese of Peterhnro, aged 31 years. VVILLOCK.â€"At Fenelun, on Thursday. April 2011), 1893, James Willnck, aged 86 years. Rumâ€"Ac Lindmy, on April 6th, 1893, the wxfe of Mr. R Reid,'uf a. daughter. MARRIED DAVI§-â€"INGLE.~â€"Ab the residence of the bride’s uncle, Lmds'dy, on Aprll 22nd, by Rev. Newton Hill, Claud Davis, of Purt Hope, to Phoebe Ing'e, of the same place. DIED. BATEâ€"0n Thursday,‘A1_)ril 20th, 1893. 13‘ BALDWIN.â€"At Lindsay, on Friday, the 14th April. 1893, the wife 4f Mr. Ruhext Baldwin. of a. daughter. ileS' Piles! Itching PHes. Lindsay, on_Sunday, 23rd BIRTHS _A {m Calder, HeLwed ASK YOUR DEALER FOR McCOLL’S OILS. dealers throughout the country. Lardine Is the Champion Gold Medal Oil anger and glve better satisf Send along your orders to the you have dealt before and W’hPrP v. How About Your Oil? Kent Street, Lindsay Remember we carry all grades of American \Vatches in G01 Gold-Filled and Silver Cases. See our $1.25 Nickle Ala: BROOCHES AND BAR PIN: for Birthday and SOLID SILVER THIMBLES AND SPOON! \Vc are through with Stock-Taking and are quite satisfied the result of our years business. Our repair trade was very good. We are sorting up as usual for the season's business and are showin g some special bargains. Sole manufacturers of the only VARDINE NIACHINE OIL mm May and Wedding Presents. A S I LYE R\\"ARE. The O'rvnrncr goods that are fullof honest quality at prices wonderfully lo“. Our assortment of Dress pwu uom medal Oil of the Dominion and our Cth and give better satisfaction than any other Oil. orders to the ‘Old Reliable House'whc’ and where your father used to deal, Presents. A choice sclecfion The greatest bargains in MGGAF F EYE3 Lindsay’s Leader HIGHE‘LKé’S' 011.5. Watchmaker and JC' Cash Prices Dry Goods House, QGHUIHC AND OTHER Sold by all sell dress it: 2 law Patterns Prices and styl‘ S~from 5c. pt mble to Show T the placeâ€"- JUST OPPC; NEW POS ‘3’ the Floor led eSpgcially Put up in ne: quarts and he above Re‘ 5’5 give satisfq I. G. EI 05 “IE AIVII. the Latest 1 ingrooms, D lroorns. Cei Sand DecoraI BEAUTY is t ’ . nored, and 15 ; :ion in designi‘ If you don’t BCKS' DURABILITY v AcCURACY eatest requls: ade to have t With a dur‘ The impOi "PORTERS lthe "VIC. these quah â€" Arrivin; by the watch! and 4 VIC

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