s: â€"ncranr "a" m. cunm; mt†63"“ phs of the CY“e rcnces in Lindsay bility of sometime V e have the “105‘ iincs. VV c’ll teed! F on. on sum urchxson, relict of the W 'enelon township, aged 9‘ 'H ROCK EGGS- enu. Apply†MRS- ,â€"â€"16-3. ‘nc‘n dark linen Towelling 3c yard gn wide extraâ€"special 7c yd be and 10c Crash Towelhng 13 , ‘ , [tar :h-m the best G“ RI)EN Cam I: Tuwels at 56 pair 'OMIXIO“ ' line huckahac Towels. 35 by 18, r Oceach ; 303 by ‘20, 2 pr '35. Beat WV FELLOW- “'91 bargain ever offered to a ‘ndsay public . .te tesndenceg in the.“ Landay, 1 IthiDSt-y W Under Page»: 919' .uiposa, April 16th. 1897! Delowd wife of Mr- 3" Ihave Pasture I†a o! Came as 50 0"“ and see ghe much. 0" ‘- - E53; ES !- GGS- [were fortunate in securing some Lsampies at 50 per cent. of? net , These goods we are able to offer :52th and 25c. Tins is the decided bargain of the season. [923 Kid Gloves 50c. 756, $1.00 and r celebntt insets 50c left? Vs. Misses and Women’s‘Hosiery Decisl at 10c whet case of our special 2330 Cash- Heavy Cn'sets 500 best working women’s caraet m the LADIES’ GLOVES. â€heavy cotton at 5ca pan: wier. 8c, 10c and 150 claim our 25c 0881mm: So: the at it. the tnde. ~ Dr-swcrs 25c and 35c up}. w m; ve of misses Corsets at 35c runHee. Sc. 10c,12and 15c. dna’sprcial attention to our extra RE‘ , Yes. 5 full size. 4c Rib, short sleeves, 6c hi «.1th 5C. 100, 12.136 Rh 25¢ yard :0: :370 yard Hard- mcb, very special a mask 250 30c d , t , an 35c ele'omed ‘ ‘fast black†sateen are fresh new 9:03:13, not the mica of half a century. adian Gingham.†9e, 60 and SC on Kinghams 10c and 12c WY Shin-ting. ‘c, 10c and Re. TABLE LINEN. TOWELLINGS. 5v een Corsets at 85c, regular- ‘ ' »: $1 .00 best 15c and 200 Cottonado in THREAD. 4 1-2 per cent ' EIEN’S SOX. CORSETS. COTTON ADE. guitabla for boys wear 23c, 25% GINGHAMS. VESTS, SoOTEERAN, Number 17 and read this advertisement, which may chance to contain some article you Wish. Our business during the last month has been greatly in excess of last season’s. We attribute the increase to the fact that our prices and assortments have more than convinced the buying public that we are E. E. W. MCGAFFEY fll’lm‘li'mltltlIllll’lIHull]IlllllfllI‘lll‘ll'lIllH.lll'lllllï¬lllll|llll‘lll‘lll éTHE mamas; LBW BASH PRBGES -â€"Who is your hatter? We claim our assortment of Hats and Caps are -â€"Wide black Fel‘ Tints, a job at 25c â€"Wlde planters at 500 â€"0ur Fedoras and Knockaboutsâ€"new- est colors and shapes. commence at 50c and 75c. â€"Art Muslim and Cretonnes ELK; --â€"\Vide art muslins at 70; heavier and wider at. 8c 1116. 10c â€"Cretonnes. 7c and 10c â€"Double fold. reversible, lov‘ely patterns at 23c yard ~ _ ‘ » â€"Bxg bargains m Apron Mushns, 8c, 10c, 12c and 15c Fine assortment Bennet Son’ row Co’s; most c of hard Hats. 5 Christy’s and Wood- omglete range of Men’s -â€"Opaque Linen Shades without fringe. mounted on roller, complete 350 -â€"Wlth fringe 50c, 65c and 7 5c -â€"Lace Curtain sglt‘nple. Some 300 1 GE- LACE CURFAINS AND WIN- DOW SHADES- “35c’50c and 75c â€"An extra special at $1.00 â€"Curtain poles complete 20¢ each. â€"Chenille Table Covers, â€"â€"Chenille Curtains. A complete range in shapes, styles patterns. CARPETS AND HOUSEFURN- ISHINGS. ' NUD 'bhl ' â€"A big drive at 5c a yard. We 5130 8:311 â€"â€"Hemp Carpets 10¢. 12§c 13nd 150 2 yds for Be â€"Tapeatries 25c. 306 and 300 â€"Spools 2 for 5c, also 3 for 10¢ - -Union, 280. 306, 350 and 40 yâ€"Ladiea’ Parasola and Sunshades. 25c, â€"F100t Oilclotbs, 230, 50¢ and 75c, ] 50c and 5-56. Lovely rich Sateen Prints at 12§c and 15c, regular 180 and 20c goods. Our Prints commence at 5c, Sc and 10c â€"three leaders. Flannelette Skir‘ting with border, ular 1554c» 1065 yd Ask to see our 5c and 60 Flannelettes. W [Lu “IL-5v vvv, -v- 9, Lace Curtain saniplc. . Some 300 samples at 15c, 20c and 25c Our lace curtain aetts commence at 25c, HATS and CAPS. HATS AND CAPS- SILVER SILKS. FLANNELETTES. MUSLINS. BLOUSES. PRINTS- â€"â€"Shirts and Drawers, lovely, soft, ï¬ne goods at 25c â€"â€"Extra ï¬ne F tench Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers at 50c â€"Men’ 5 and“ uoys’ Belts start at 10c â€"â€"Mens’ Braces 15c. 20c: and 250. â€"â€"Immease values in Handkerchiefs, 2 for 5 â€"-Large, superior quality, 3 for 25c. Big; Bargains in this department. We have some 200 Youihe’ and Boys‘ Suits that we are selling at just half their original price This is an opportunity you should not Inias. Ask to see our Men’s all wool Serge 805:: at $3.75. the marv'ei of_ "1°. eeasorr. M 3!. ‘73. U' kuu nu u-vv. v- -.. v u»..--.-. Men’ 5 heavy Pants at $1. 00, $1 25 and $1 50. â€"Good heavy 4 ply Collars 123e, all shapes and sizes ~ â€"Men’s Bow Ties and Scan-fa, choice goods, at 10c, 12c and 15c â€"Ask to see our celebrated 50c laundried Shirts. You will possibly pay 750 elsewhere for these goods â€"Colored Shirtsâ€"Oxfoxd and Regatta, 75c and $1.00 â€"New styles and patterns â€"Men’s and Boye’wFlannelette Shirts, at BLACK GOODSâ€" â€"Black Cashmere, full width, 200, 25c, 30c and 350 â€"â€"Bla.ck Henrietta 400, 50c and 60c â€"-Black all-wool Serge, 250, 350 and 400 â€"Immense Bargains in plain black alpacas, 25¢ a yard â€"â€"Figured, 40c. 50c and 60c. â€"â€"COLORED DRESS GOODS 22c, 25c and 300 â€"Beautiful Jaspers and broched at 50c, and 75c. These goods are conï¬ned to ourselves. -â€"Colored Sicilian 35c and 45c â€"Fancy Trimmings. 3c, 5c and 10c â€"Complete assortment laces for trim- mings ; also webbings in all widths. â€"Wa.ist Steels 5c 3 set â€"Skirb Linings. 5c, 8c and 9c â€"Waist Lining, 10c, 12c and 15c. READY-MADE CLOTHING. 7' 17c, 20c and 25c Fast Black Sateen Shirts at 45c all sizes MEN’S UNDERWEAR. MEN’S NECKWEAR- HAN DKERCHIEFS. DRESS GOODS. SH|R1S. RIBBONSa LINDSAY, THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 1897. -mz7:zv TN‘ E momma Rims... â€"-FORâ€"-â€" Organs, Pianos and Sewing Machines. Any Make desired. One Price Only. for Table use or Marmalade. a1Ways the Choicéstmd Cheapest. See our beautiful assortment of Flowers before purchasing. Prices right. House Cleaning Time! DISINFEQIANTS 73 Kent-st, next door to E. Armitage. THURSDAY. APRIL 29th, 1897. THOMAS ANDERSON, Perrin’s Special to the ‘9'thth Trumanâ€"Mr. W. B. Feir wishes through the column of theWATCHMAN to thank his neighbors who a kindly assist- ed in quenching the ï¬re sthis mills a few days ago, an account of which will be found on our inside page. By their promptness a serious conhgntion was avoided and a great loss pnvented. LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS Budd to tho Wotan-n. Pnnsoxus.â€"â€"Miee J emie Blake of Wick paid Sonya a flying (sit last. week. .' ..... Miss J esaie Ferguson of the Nor- mal school, Toronto, spent Easter holi- day: with her parents. . . .. .Mr. Robert Mo'l'aggert has removed h; family from Iandsey and taken up his midenoe with The only Confectionery Store in Lindsay that hasn‘t. got. a plate ulna lront. (Ebe Watchman. NEW DRUG STORE: agaiil. ‘ Ammanâ€"While Mr. (hm-lea Playtex FLO‘VBRS .' â€"Moth Camphor: â€"Insect Powder, â€"Benzine, â€"â€"â€"Household Ammonia -â€"-Magic Polish, BANANA S ORAN GES M on On Approv term : 3,131 91 KENT-$1, m vvviiVV CAMBRAY. SONYA. was assisting to ï¬nish threshing clover at Mr. 133. Innes’ a projecting coupling bolt caught the bottom of his trousers and quickly wound them ofl‘ him. along with his coat, when fortunately the horses were stopped at once, which per- haps accounts for him not losing his life. As it was his back was badiy strained,but we are pleased to state he is again at work. Special to the Watchmen. Pmmxomay.â€"-Prof. Dean. phrenol- ogist, of Lindsay, will be at; Valencia next week and give phrenological examina- tions. The nrc fesssr is a graduate of the American school of Phrenology and has been very successful in his chosen profes- sion. We can recommend him to all parents who Wish to have their own or their childred’e heads examined. Special to the Watchnnn. Cumsmm Exom‘von SO(,‘IAL.â€"â€"Tlle annual social of the Manilla Baptist Christian Endeavor society was glven at the home of Mrs. John Kerr. The evening was very inclement but notwithstanding this a large crowd gathered. An invitaâ€" tion was given to the Elnvorth League of the Methodist church to which they re- sponded and the two societies spent a very pleasant and proï¬table eVening to- gether. Mr. Tucker acted as chairman and in his nddrcss expressed himself as i being verv pleasad to be present and com- lmemed on the brotherly love and unity 'of purpose which characterized the mo societies and which should characterize all christain Workers. Games uni other amusements were indulged in for a time after which a program consisting of sing- ing, readings 1nd rccitations was given “1‘4, lyllktluhu ~u». ._--_W._r "nu when Hmpm his: ico had beexi paid to he many fe stiviti‘s so amply provide“ by the fair sex. The ineeting was brought: to a CIOSe by singing. “God be with you till we meet again. FIREâ€"The Queen’s hotel at Halibut- ton occupied by W. H. Johnston wua burned to the ground. The ï¬re broke out about twelve u’clock Sunday nighz. We understand there is some insurance on hmh the building and furniture. Special to the Watchman. WEATHER.â€"-Th6 weather this week has been fur the must; part cold and rainy, the farmers say they would rather have it now than later, and we look for pleas- ant weather in May. Very little seedingy has been done yet. We were visited by a severe hail sturm on Monday. MAHnn-m.â€"-Mr. W. .1. Fielding was married on Wednesday 2lst inst. to Miss Ada ByeWater of St. Patrick-st. Toronto. The ceremony was performed in that] city. The young couple left for Men- treal on their wedding tour. F msr vaxsmx Commâ€"Last Friday was court day in Mindon. His honor Judge Dena presided. The dookasewu: large and several cases had to be left over till next court day. The mos interesting cas was Morgan and Hamilton vs. the Grand Trunk Railway Co. for damage by the train running over and killingr two horses of the plainlifl's on January 30th Ilasu. The jury decided in favor of the Iplaintifls awarding Morgan $60 and Ham- Iilton 850 damage. The lawyers were 1 Steers for the defendants and H. O'Leary (3.0., and A. F. McDiarmid for the plaintiffs. The G.T.R. is not satisï¬ed to ler it. go this way, and will appeal the |case. Special to tho WAtchmn. ADDRESS AND Paesss'mriox. â€" Mr. Robt. McGill has for the past eight years successful practiced his trade as black- smith in this village. After having, taken a course in scientiï¬c horseshoeing in the Detroit Veterinary college he thinks it advisable to remove to Peterboro. where he Will carry on his business in the shop owned by Mr. Fitzgerald of that tcwn. During their stay here, Mr. and Mrs. McGill have made many friends, which was manifested Wednesday evening of 'last week when a large number of the latter gathered at their residence and made them the recipients of two beautiful chairs. together with the following address: To Mr. and Mrs. McGill.â€"- DEAR Faissns.â€"Upon learning of your speedy departure from our midst, we, the representatives of your many friends in this vicinity, feel we cannot allow the separation to take place without expres- sing in some measure our high estimation .of so worthy friends. As we look back inver past years spent together so harm- oniously as neighbors and friends we regret that we must as arate so soon. As neighbors you have been all that neigh- bors could be, as friends you have proven yourselves worthy our highest esteem.“ It is not within the range of words to express to you our feelings upon this important and memorable occasion.‘ Sumce it to say we deeply mourn the loss of so conï¬ding and exemplary friends. 'Permit us then on behalf of the com- munity. to ask for your acceptance of these chairs as a small token of regard. Our prayer is that you may long be spar- ed in your useful life. and be blessed in your new home with true happiness and should it be our lot never again to meet here below may we receive that inheri. tsnce incorruptible with the saints in glory where we meet to part no more. Signed on behalf of relatives and friends. Bram Mumem. _ Mann. Srarms. OBm-â€"Mr. John Maguire, who has been ailing from la grippe for a few days, passed away on Saturday evening at the age of 78 years. His friends have the sympathy of the community. W to use Watchmen. Wumnn:â€"The weether has not been an fevoreble u we e ted it to be. On Monday last 3 terri le blizzard or snow storm raged here. and which lasted until evening. when it calmed. The wind bed GELEQT AND THE NORTH VALENTIA. MANXLLA. LXFFORD CAMERON. gone down so that it froze very hard that night. u: .7 .nv- D STOI‘.)I.â€"On Friday last about four o’clock a thunder storm came on us very unexpectly. The storm seemed to go in streaks. Joe Mark’s buggy was sent out of the barn and upset over the gang way, but fortunately bent only a few irons. The other places it did any damage at were, Messrs T. Gibbs, W. Bryson, and J. Earl. taking with it their barn roofs. This will give the men employment for isome time. Nearly every fence it struck was levelled to the ground and were some carried quite a distance. L__ 1......†rm ,, SICKNESS.â€"Miss E. Chapman has been Conï¬ned to her room for some time, but we all hope to see her out again soon. . . . l Mr. A Downer is not progressing as quickly as we expected We are all long- ing to see his pleasant face again ...... Mrs. J. McNabb we are very sorry to say is on the sick list, but we hear she is pro- gressing as quickly as can be expected. DIPTHERIA.â€"Th3‘: dread disease has broken out; in our community, and it has ispread very rapidly, the people not [knowing what it was. The families who are afflicted are, Messrs A. Glaspell, J. Perrin, W. Perrin, M. Herron and W. Jefl'rcy, Messers Jeffrey and Galspell, we are sorry to say, had their children taken from them. Short was their lives, the longer is their rest. (ind takes them sormest, whom he loveth bust, \Vho’s born to-day, and dies to-morrow, .v .. u _ V ,, I, Loses some honor of joy. but months of sorrow, Other diseases often come to grieve us, Death strikes but once, and that stroke doth relieve us. ‘ PERSONALâ€"Miss M. Cundal spent her holidays under the parental roof. Come again Minnie. . . . . .Mr. C. Daniels has again came to Cameron, where he is em- ployed 0n the rail road track. Charlies : face is as bright as ever. â€luv u) (no uLIé-n» uu ‘. -v-. OUR FACTORYâ€"The factory will Open this season the 3rd of May under the management of Theta. Torrance. (From another Correspondent.) Saunaâ€"Owing to the wet character of the spring but little seeding is yet done in this locality. We are hoping to see the weather yet: improve and grass grow, for feed is becoming scarce. IMPROVEMENTS.â€"The English church people of this place have renovated their ‘church. Last; autumn a. stone found- ‘ation was put under it, and the church was shingled and painted. and this spring it is being reseated and papered. When completed it will be one of the cosiest of ccuncy churches. Rev. M. O’Malley is to be commended and congratulated. NE“ S1 ALES.â€"â€"Th6 Cameron Weioht- Scale Co. have set up a. scales 1n the sil- lage find no_ cioubt it will be a conv1enience .LL ._ to those disposinv of stock and other merchandise . Medal to tho Wstchmm. MARRIAGE LICENSES.â€"J. B. Weldon, issuer of marriage licenses, Little 'Britéin.â€"â€"12-tf. CHEAP HARxnss.â€"Mr. E. E. Dillman is offering great reductions in all kinds of harness for the next three months. See hi; price list in ether columns in this issue. NEXT WEEKâ€"Watch for W. H. Pogue’s change of advt. 1n next issue of THE Wucmux. He has some good news to tell you, and it will pay you to read his well written advertisements every weex. What Pogue don‘t know about low prices isn’t worth knowing. In the menntime call at the store and see the new purchases and learn pnces. n1! A Pmtsost.â€"Miss Blanche Webster, who has been holidaying at Mrs. F. Whiteside’s, has returned home ...... Miss Sara. Rogers spent a week at Prince Albert, returning Lsst week ...... Garry Whiteside of Toronto spent his holidays at Dr. Vrooman’s. . . . .Miss Lucy Thompson has returned from Hartley, where she spent the Easter holidays ..... Charlie and Jennie Yeo left for their schools after spending a week with friends in this vicinity ...... W. Glennie of Oshawa. has returned home after spending some days here trying to dispose of or rent his farm. He ï¬nally succeeded in securing a tenant. in the person of Mr. Medcalfe, who comes from east of Lind- say. Accmexr.â€"Mrs. J. Moase of the 2nd concession of Maripoea fell and broke her leg just: above the ankle. She in Buffer- ing extremely. OBITUAM.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey lost their six-weeks old babe last week. I: was interred in the Christian cemetery, Rev. A. R. Delve ofï¬ciating. A -- --- --. A SOCIAL EVENING.â€"Laab Thursday night was a gala one here in the social element, as some sixty young people were invited to spend the evening at the home of Mr. Edward Yerex. The host and hostess could not easily be excelled in the pains tlvy took for the enjoyment of{ their guests. Th: large ball was devoted ‘ to innocent games and the entire building' at the disposal of the large crowd for social converse and innocent merriment. ,in which Mr. and Mrs. Yerex took part with as much zest as when they were young themselves. A sumptuous repast was served, and everyone so delighted. that the small hours came all too soon. The company broke up saying “Happy to Tmeet, sorry to part, and happy to meet a m." gEONGRATULATIONS.â€"Rev. A. R. Delve came home from his examination with flying colors, having scored the highest number of marks of any candidate in the conference, taking ï¬rst-class honors, making an average of 82. Tally one for the curate 0t Little BEitain. Two IMPORTANT Rnsownoxs.â€"At a largely attended meeting of the ofï¬cial board of the Methodist church, held on Monday evening last, two important resolution: were unanimously adopted, which doubtleel voice the sentiments of the entire community. One was an invlo ration to the pastors of that church to remain another year, and the other one regretting the severance of Dr. Vroomen’s iconnection from the board, the greet loos LITTLE BRITAIN. On Approved Indorsed Notes for any term from 3 to 12 months. Money to Loan that would be sustained, and also ex- pressing thankfulness to the doctor for his able services as recording-steward and Sabbath school superintendent for the past six years. I am informed the doctor made a most excellent reply, just such a one as we all know he is capable of making. I fancy, Mr. Editor, if the whole village could have been present we would all have voted yea as there is universal regret expressed as the time 1 draws near for his departure. mu:uu;_;, vu u m n, v- -..._.. ___ st. Methodist church, Lindsay. tho Sun- day school of this church will be held at three o’clock instead of at the usual time. At the close or the school the pastor, Rev. J . W. Totten, will hold a service. Special to the Wutchmu. CHchnrâ€"Uwing to the quarterly meeting, which is toibeyglq in the Queen- UXBRIDGE. SERIOUS ACCIDENT.â€"Ab0ut 3 o’clock Tuesday a spirited team belonging to Mr. H. H. Bishop of this town, driven by himself, ran away, throwing Mr. Bishop violently agaix at: the corner of the market building breaking his leg, cutting his head and causing serious internal injuries. Mr. Bishop now lies in a very critical condition and little hopes of his recovery are entertained. 7----.." __ NOTES.â€"-Sch0cl has re-opened, with a. very fair attendance after their Easter vacation ..... Fall wheat is looking pretty blue after the recent hard frosts. but it is now hoped that the late rains will revive it again ...... Mr. H. Graham and son Charles are on their farm here putting in the spring crop. As the Ops land is too wet to woxk yet he is going to seed this farm ï¬rst. Special to the Watchman. -w- -.- ..._ .. .. P151:<0.\'AL.--â€"Mr. J. Hutchinson and Miss Gracie Lukey spent Sunday in our village. v snug». PURCHASED.-â€"Mr. Bert Morrow has purchased an exceptionally ï¬ne team of seven-year-old French ponies from Mr. Jas. Moore of Lindsay. They are both bays, well matched, and he may well be prgud of them. 11 AL- _A_ _£_.__,J:__ .\.-_ v- -7, THE SICK ï¬le all on the way of mending, and i‘: is hoped they will all be restored to health again . ELDON. SPECIAL COUNCIL Manamaâ€"A special meeting of Eldon township council was held at Lorneville on \Ved- nsday, April the fllst. The meeting was called in response to a commmuni- cation from Dr. A. Smith, the govern- ment veterinary inspector,giving notice 01 the existence of "sheep scab†in the township and requesting that measures be taken to prevent sheep from run- ning on highways. .Regular meet- ing. The members of the council were all present, the reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were read and conï¬rmed. Mr. James Stuart of \Voodville addressed the council asking for a money grant in aid of the Eldon Agricultural Societv. On motion if Mr. McDonald, seconc'ed by Mr. McFadyen, aby-law was passed prohibiting the running at large of sheep in the township, and imposing a. ï¬ne or penalty of ï¬fty cents for every sheep found running at large on the owners thereof. On motion of Mr. McPherson, seconded by Mr. Vanstone, the township solicitor was instructed to notify the Dominion government of the dangerous condition of the roads latelv constructed by the government on Portage road and 10th conc ssion line, and to request the government to put said roads in safe -coudition for travel to the satisfaction of the coun- cil. On motion of Mr. McDonald, seconded by Mr. McPherson, John McEachern was allowed until the ï¬rst day of July to pay $7.80 unpaid balance of his taxes rated against east half lot 1:3. in the 6th concession- On motii n Lf Mr. McPherson, second. ed by Mr. McDonald, 3. charity grant of $15 was made for the support of Duncan Logan. On motion of Mr. McFadyen, seconded by Mr. Van- stone, William Bryant and Duncan Smith, two indigent persons, were , granted one hundiel weight of flour each. On motion of Mr. McPherson, seconded by M r. Vanstone, the follow. ing named persons were exempted f. from the performance of statute labor zâ€"Dunean Smith, Margaret Mc- ;' Intyre, Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. Cum- . merford, Mary McInnis, Mrs. Mc- Arthur,M rs. McFarland, Ellen BartOn, Mrs. Fraser, J ubn McNiven, Mrs. Marsh, Catherine Campbell, Ann Mitchell. Tho council then adjourned Special this week in our men’ s com- bine shirts with tIIIo collars all diï¬er- ent designs and full range of sizes, these go for 15¢: each. The subj oined program has been selected by the Citizens’ band for their open- an concert to- marrow (Friday) evening: I March ....... “Cracks. Jackâ€..: .LBillian 2 Overture. .“(rrat Northwesternâ€. .Southwell 3 Cornet Solo .“Clover Leaf†........ Casey vurr By Mr. J. Ketchum. 4 Waltzes. . . “Sounds from Erinâ€. . . . Bennett 5 Medley March. .“Drone†.......... Schick 6 Song and Dance Schottische. . “Darling Flo†7 Municipfl Band Much. .... .....Williams God Save the Queer}. SOOTHERAN, 75 Cents per annum SALEM.â€"OPS. DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. Open Air Concert. FLEETWOUD MEN’S SHIRTS. i. chu'w. budmster. LISDSAY.