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Watchman (1888), 21 Apr 1898, p. 8

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Tor t1 fives Unit! Ame: not 1 hat: Lold with war! PI'ICc sank: lit: TOMBBD, PIPES AND FANCY GOODS you if you intend bu’lding this seasontoconsult me b.~f0'e mak- ingloontracts. l haw an up-to- date planing mill, and can supply everything that is needed for housebuildinz at the very lowest pxice=. The best workmen. the dryest lumoer and satisfaction maranteed in every case. Enlarg- ed premises, and new machinery just added. All orders turned out promptly ........ The Lindsay Mani ng Factory. 85 J. PETW licycles R. BRYANS Gil DEALERS IN. . GEM, WEDDINGWR and KEEPER F21 â€"â€"ALSO Get our pdoeu before bum. u our: in the m' It central, sud oonvonient yud in town. with good M on due. sides. Txy our CHARCOAL for Kindllng and St mine! 1w. Reduced 15 ta R. BRYANS «Q 00., c‘;e_ ': L 2 e 56'. “fee No. 9, VMQAV REPAIRING A SPECIALTY (‘49 J9- . 35388, kinds, â€"0ry Hardwood. Long an! 8M. â€"Fre3h flineq Siqrg. Nut 90d Egg goal. coming direct from aim nuk'y. â€"Bost B-‘acksmifl: Coal, â€"Tiie of all kinds m1 six“. â€"Fresb Limo. ar d the Calm alloca- -Lu_ngbcfr. Lat]: and Shingles of all ”BE? for ladies and gentlemen, in the County. Our stock was never larger at this season. VVV for the next few weeks. We are carrying the larg- est stock 31' In about a mor stock. All get WHOLESALE All!) RETAIL THE JEWELER. dries always in stock. Bicycles carried over from wheels if you want a snap. last season that will be sold for new stock. See these at a bargain to make room s_t_on _ Cement for building and Tires and Bicycle Sun- We have a few first-clas WILL t a month we take All goods will be .00.. GEORGE INGLE 623st. F4“. Una Special to the Watchman. BASEBALLâ€"The sezeon has already. opened in this line. Our buys aw prac- min; Industrioueiy and are in good form A m .zch berweon the married and single men wiil take place (.1) the 2151: inst. m the tum hall grounds. (ommenjng at 6 p. ru. sharp. Ewen-ylmdy invited to come out Jud sae our curve pitcher. Tnere it lay concealed from view, Night and mom ; Its presence known to all too few, Bleeding, tom. Flesh still quivering till the tale Oflhe blossom, slight and frail ; How the "we, so pure and pale, . Hi I the thorn. KILLEDâ€"Mr. Jacob Thompson, who formerly lived in Cardiff, was killed re- cently at: the Crow’s Nest Pass railway in the accident to a bridge which took place a few days ago; M I N] )EN TAX SALEâ€"The tax sale on Tuesday as: was not largely attended, and most of :‘ne Lands were taken I")- the various muni- civalities, who will dispose of them by private sale. BAuLY Bunyanâ€"We are sorry to learn hat a little girl, daughter of Mr. Kobt. 5 Page of Minden township, fell while in . burning fallow on her father's farm, and was very severely burned about her hips. Her clothing was destroyed by the fire. FOR THE KLONDIKEâ€"Mt. Son'hby, who intends passing the summer in the Klondike, held a. sale of a portion of his farm stock on Wednesday of last week, and the sale was very successful. Mr. Southby will proceed to the Klondike by the allosea route, and wnll leave here in time to catch the first steemboats up tle Yukon river to Dawson City. STEALING GRAINâ€"Detective Beardsley ani Cmstable McBride arrested Edward and George Roland and Joe Livingtoae in Friday charged with stealing a quan- ti:y of grain from John Rou of Innisfil on Wednefiay night. The man came from near Holland Landing. Edward Roland has been wanted for some time by- the oonetabnlary of that district, who were unable to capture him. When arrested he carried a loaded revolver. All the grain was found in a shack occupied by them at Allandale. Roland pleaded guilty. The prisoners were remanded to ‘to allow their records so be looked up. PERSONALâ€"Rev. D. D. McDonuXd spent Tuesday in Sonya, being modentor of the vacancy there. . . .Misa Mattie Smith left here on Friday to resume her work at Duwnnview ...... Mrs. McAtthnr. who has been in Dakota for some time, re- turned recently. SICKNESSâ€"Mr. Sandy grant: is ailing at present. We hope that are mlong he may be rearored. URINARYâ€"Quite I gloom ha.- been cut over this community by the deeth of our greatly esteemed friend Miss Tent Smith, as there will ulnys be a vacancy in _t_he place} she l0 ably filled. MA NSE GRU VEâ€"ELDON soc-cal to the Watchman. NOTESâ€"Farmer: oreâ€"busy mains ..... The road: no in I good condition. IVE". “ll. UPIIIW VI VIII“ Wm ewes-8v on her work in the foreign field, under the auspices of the W.F.M.S. Every one, interested in the work should not fell to beer Miss Spruce. as she comes high‘y recommended. Admission 5 end 10¢. Mommaâ€"0n Friday evening, April 15:13. Mill ‘Spgnoe‘ of‘Ohipa _mll_ lectqre COUNTY NB “”8 “I was cured of a long-standing case of scrofula by Dr. J. C. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The disease first manifested itself when I was a. child, by breaking out in red blotches all over my body. I was not free from the trouble until I took several bottles of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. That effected a per- manent cure.”â€"MBS. E. H. SNYDER, Lehigh- ton, Pa. EDEN â€"MARIPOSA w to a. vacuum. is a specific for scrofula in its worst and most malignant forms. Scrofula is a. blood disease. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is a blood purifying medicine. Mineral medicines only drive scrofula below the surface. Dr. J. C. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is a vegetable remedy and it eradicates the disease. There is no remedy for scrofula equal to Ayer’s Sarsaâ€" parilla. “HURST! gamgmfim in its subtlety. It lies hidden for years in the ambush of the blood, and when it strikes it voids its venom alike on strength and beauty, disfiguring the one and undermining the other. Gbe Watchman, ROSE AND THORN HALIB URTON 1w. APRIL 2lst, 1898 OAKWOUD BA RRIE OI l'lr- 1-. U. Uvu-u ~-â€"â€" 7‘ ' will be remembered in this section by the older residents. A LOCAL DAIRYMANâ€"We called around at Mr. Jon E. Gould's farm a few days ago. at milking time, and found a nice herd of 17 milch cows, all mom or less of the Jersey strain. and 13 calyea from one week to a year and a half old. Mr. Gould’s stable is well arranged for the cattle and well kept. He depends prin- cipally upon eneilage for his feed and fills two big eiloe each year. The milking is done in the enable, the milk from each OBI'râ€"A‘ndcn Gould. a netixe of this csident here for about forty place and h r r a week 99.0 years, died in Rucheefe Saturday, aged 74 years. Mr. Gould find go Recheffler 8 yvars, before that he : for a number of years, and at one time operated a saw mill at Mount Albert. He was a cousin of Mr. I. J. Gould and brothers. He will be remembered in this section by the older residents. A LOCAL DAIRYMANâ€"We celled around at Mr. Jon E. Gould's farm a few duys ago. at milking time, and found a nice herd of 17 milch cows, Ml mom or less of the Jersey strain. and 13 cakes from one week to a year and__a half old. Mr. ‘lâ€"LL- UUuU In uuv u â€"---, cow being weighed separ'vely and enteled on the record sheet. The record show: whether the cows are paying or not. Mr; Gould sends his cream to S.ouflvzlle creamer-y, and is satisfied with results.â€" J ournal. SPRINGâ€"The Dlune was...“ -__ ,, singing of the birds in every limb during the last few days has proven an indiction, that the fine spring weather has come, this time to atay. Every farmer has made a lively start; into work again. PERSONALâ€"Mrs. and Mrs. A. Gillies and hmily of \Wondville have come to I‘ve in our midst. Mr. Gillies has already been appointed S S. auperintendont, and has during hi1 short presiding provcn the ' lnt man in the right place ...... Miss Cu‘lia hf Fennelon spent Sunday with her . .Miss R. friend Miss E. Trelcwen. . . . McNabb is visitingxher cousin, Miss R. Robb. Campbell Gillies of Fenelon. and Mrs. Campbe Good Friday with frien ll. .0}. Lindsay spent; as in this vicinity. Emu: Ecno. Spook) to the Watchman. REMO\'AL--Ml'. B. Foster has nemoved to Mr. John McGill’e house. . . .Mr. Thou. Bolton has leased and removed to Mrs. Ward’s farm. . . . . .Mr. John Shea comes to Mr. Geo. Staples’ house ...... Mr. W. Argue removes to Mrs. Cox’s farm. which he has leased. OYSTERSâ€"The oys‘er supper under the management of the " Boy’s Own Band ” on Monday eyenipg waaa marked success. -- "“'""'.I _ CHURCHâ€"Sheena services were held in St. Mary’s church on Good Friday ...... Rev. Mr. Gregg occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sundgy lg:_._ SPRING WORKâ€"Work on 'be fields is again m full swing, and farmers pronounce the ground to be in the best: condition. at chin time of the season, for many years. ...... Tho fall crop looks very promising. PERSONALâ€"Dr Wilson of Buffalo span: ‘- few dn)s last week under the parental -'o \f ..... M r. Thus. McKee has disposed f his farm :0 Mr, W. Mulligan ..... Miss Lem Sutton of Cincinnatti is vielrlng 'riande in this localitv. . . . . Mrs. Hollings- mmb l f Lindsay is visiting her parents. Mrs. A. Graham ...... Miss Jane Fowler :E-EL‘E‘asvter with her friend Mrs. How- deu . . . .Mr. W. Lee leaves for Lindsay to take up cgwntpx: W911! wide Mr. Ray. ..... Dr. Neyemith of Janetvllle ls ereot- zng a telephone line to our village. The jootor deserves credit for his enterprise, as this has been e long-felt want. . . . .Mr. W. Weatherllt left for the coast, where where he has secured a position in a large canning works. . . ,Uur teacher and pupils are enjoying their well earned holidays. â€"-v ‘vl‘l O ..... Mr. Orr McGill spent. Sunday with his uncle in the west. . . . Another walling expected ahortly. CHAPTER or Dis-ranssmc Accuumrsâ€" About 12 o'clock Thursday Fred Dawson was attending to a pot of boiling japanning liquid at the Ineumatic door-check factory of H. T. Page 00., 25 Cunningham-st., when the inflammable liquid suddenly boiled over, and in an instant exploded, sending flaming splashes all over the small room in which the accident occur- red. The little boy Herbert Lepage, who Was playing about the room at the time, was enveloped in the flames, as was also Dawson. The latter rushed out with his clothes burning, and gave the alarm, while Mrs. Lepage dragged her little boy out, only to find that the inhalation of the flames and smoke had caused almost instant death. The fire in the shop was extinguished by the brigade. Dawson's injuries was attended to by Drs. Rowe and Spence, and the police ambulance removed him to the Western hospital. Here everything possible was done for the unfortunate fellow, but without avail, as death occurred at 7.45 ...... Shortly after four o’clock the same afternoon Johnnie Allen, the four year-old son cf David Allen, of 111 Wellington-ave.. was play- ing with matches in the back yard, when his clothes become ignited, and the little fellow was frightfully burned. His scream brought his mother and sister, who succeeded in extinguishing the flames, «it the expense of badly burned hands, The police ambulance was called, and the child removed to the Victoria hospital for Sick Children, where he lingered in fear- ful agony until death came at 10.55 p.m. to end his sufiering ..... Little Nellie‘ Weeks. the five-year-old daughter of J.‘ Weeks of Toronto J auction, was playing about near where her father was working burning some race, when the child goc too near the laze. Betting fire to her dress. Before the flames couid be ext-in~ guished the child’s legs and body were frightfully burned. Slight hopes are entertained for her recovery. It is only two months since Mr. Weeks lost a child from diphtheria, after an illness of two days. A 11th, W m. Mile: of Sinclair township, mixed up in n uheop affair which ad . bun behind the prison ban. As nest n we can learn the M June-ran away froni home last Monday, and not. feeling dia- peaed to trnval with an empty pcokot. he drove one of Mr. onox’ a sheep tonrdii Huntsville a hr 0 Mr. 13.3tnli'nn’ll,(eOI|LVl monly allot! the hntohé'r) to whom he sold it. Mr. 11; Huntsville: i monlv «fled the ) bum he sold it. Mr; A “i alert 9011000031.. 10‘ .shoflth. 10¢ ,Nm‘ villa I, when. hc Ron-hi1 14.1, nut wnfi‘quticetho‘ 1mm: 13 TROUBLEâ€"On] UXBRI D GE LIFFORD TORONTO blithe machine and the rds in every lin}b singing THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY. THURSDA! APRIL 213T. I m. both of Huntsville. uskoka The full ue, particulars of the afl'air seem difficult to derstand, find out and more diflicult to un but as near as we can glean them they are {es as follows: Mr. Rumsey has had undis- tc puted possession of a lot in Huntsville for fly the past eleven years, and in addition has nd some sort of Written but unregistered "he agreement re the purchase of the lot. in This spring Mr. Rumsey built a very nice .er frame of a house. on stone foundation, on R. the lot. In the meantime Mr. Hutcheson R. has ferreted out the original owners of the uell lot, who seem numerous: and claims to ant have procured deeds from them Last ty. Monday evening, in presence of about half the population of Huntsville, Mr. Hutcheson procured teams and pulled the building to the ground witha crash. Mr. his Ramsey of course objected to this proce- dure. and in order to prevent it pulled a ,go revolver and fired three shots at Hutche- fld son. but not being a member of the he Quantrell band. he came wide of his mark, “r and Hutcheson’s hide was not punctured. rty J net at this juncture Constable Armstrong interspersed the strong arm of the law, and placed the gilded bracelets on Mr. liumsey and resumed him until the white heat subsided, then let him go. It might be well just here to state that any individual possessed of the minimum amount of muscular force could easily hold Mr. Ramsey through any tantrum with one hand, but that is the way the “law” takes to do things. The afiair promises to produce a time similar to that between 4-; n L-:-_.. :c. In thé “ monkey through. Couscu. Pnocnnnmcs.â€"Minutes ol the municipal council of the township of Mariposa held at Oakwood on Monday. the 11th day of April, 1898. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. A communication from Mr. M. S. Wells. overseer of high- 1 ways for beat No 70, desiring to be re! leased from this office, was placed before the council. and the following resolution was moved by Mr. chgitt and seconded by Mr. Stacey, that part of by-law No. 491, appointing M. S. Wells overseer of highways in Mariposa for the year 1898 in beat No. 70, be repealed and that Wm. Beacroft be appointed overseer in his place for beat No. 70, and that the icorporated seal be attached to this resolu- tionâ€"Carried. Fron W. R. Tifliu, sup- erintendent of the northern division of the G.T.R. inquiring as to whether the matter of enlarging the culvert under the ‘G.T.R.. on lot 15. (0 . 15. Marpoee. had been settled or not. Moved by Mr. ‘Stacey, seconded by Mr. Suggitt. that l the reeve and Mr. McKinuon be appoint- Spec“! on tho WW ed to interview the parties relative to signing the papers of consent concerning the agreement for enlarging the culvert under the Grand Trunk railway, on the NIcArthur drain lot 15, con. 15.â€"Carried. From Mr. D. Eagleson, account, relatiVe to the last audit of the township accounts was laid an the table ...... The treasurer presented a statement of the receipts and experditures for the quarter ending the 318i; of March, 1898, which corresponds with a statement from the manager of the Bank of Montreal leaving a balance in the bank of $2,447.16 and cash in treas- urer’s hands of $6.80 ...... Dr. Chambers presented a bill for medicine and atten- dance on Mrs. McKinnon'e family during sickness of diphtheria. and on motion by Mr. Rich, seconded by Mr. McKinnon, the council decided to pay Dr. Chambers the sum of $11.50 for ten professin‘l visits during sickness of diphtheria in Mrs. McKinnon’s family. â€"-Carried. Moved by Mr. Suggitt, seconded by Mr. Stacey. that the reeve give an order on the treasurer for each of the following accounts: Wm. White, repairing culvert on beat 10, 81 50; Mrs. Russiand, for nursing Frank Jeffrey during typhoid fever, 14 days, 314; E. Prouse, two cards of wood, $7 50; Tue Waterman printing account, $1.50; Geo. Hicks, repairing sluiceway, lot 15, con. 11, 81; James Copeland, re; airing hole in road lot 15, con 14, $2.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Stacey, ascended by Mr. Suggitt, that in view of the great cost in keeping in repair our highways by the use of the ordinary way, on tire, we, the members of the municipal council of the township of Mariposa, believing that: this could be remedied to a great extent by the use of a wide tire to be used on vehicles draw. ing heavy loads, respectfully solict the county council of this county and sur- rounding municipalities to join with us in petitioning the provincial government to enact such laws as will give efl'ect to this resolutionâ€"Carried. The council then adjourned to meet again on Monday, the 30th of May, for general business and for the court of revision. J. B. WELDON, clerk. THE EXPERIhNCE OF MISS FLORA FERGUSON OF SYDNEY, N.S. FOR FXVE YEARS SHE WAS AN ALMOST HELPLESS INVALID-USED MANY MEDICINES WITHOUT BENEFITâ€"DR- WlLLIAMS’ PINK PILLS RESTORE HER HEALTH From the 8 «may, RS" Reporter. GAINED 39 POUNDS M ARIPOSA and the cat" before it is A. Richardson. the editor, and with beaming coun‘enance Miss Ferguson will- ingly agreed to have him t‘e‘ll the people "how Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills brought her from the gates of death to the enjoy- ment of health.” He was astonished, as bbing well acquainted with her while in Sydniy, knowing how ill she was and see- ing her a physically changed person was enough to cause anyone to he amazed at the change. _ .4.- The above facts can be vertified by writing Miss Ferguson, at- No. 16 Ben- deruon street, Arlington, Mast; the editor of the Inland reporber, Sytiney, liams’ Pink Pills. Miss Ferguson resolved to give them a trial, and requested her sister to get her a box. Following the directions carefully she began to take them. As day by day went by she began to feel better and her spirit to return, and in the course of a few weeks she walked a mile to the post office and home again. Miss Ferguson continued taking the pills until she had used eight boxes, when she was completely restored to health and happiness. She was again strong and healthy. While ill she had greatly run down in weight, and at the time she began using Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, was reduced to 102 pounds, and when she had campleted the eight boxes her weight had increased to 141 pounds. Only one month ago called at the home of the editor of this paper to leave her address to have the Reporter forwarded to her at; Arlington. Mass. During the moment’s conversation with her the above facts were told to Mr. W . C.B.. or any one of the 'intimSte Men?!- of 7 Miss Ferguson, Hardwood Hill, Sydney . ASK YOUR GROGER QlllflIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllflllllllfllllllllfi There is no better Family Flour in the market today. Buy It. Try it. fillllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllmm"HIE Tryour......... Thisjiséstrong Bakers' Flour, manufac tured from No. 1 MANITOBA WHEAT Mééfiiieg'vih 3171i- mills we are turning Olll ...... a better...... HIGH GRADE FLOUR them ever before. Sadler, Dundas 8r. Flavelle Milling Co. A NEW SUIT or a. LIGHT OVERCOAT fllllflIlllllllllllllflllllIll!Ilfllllllllflllilllllllm Illll SPRING |89§ 2 II "I W. G. BLAIR SONS, The Hobby Mon, Foot of Kent-It. "-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :I IIIIIIIIIIIIII "MIN! :1"! Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cement, Plaster Paris. Salt, Charcoal, Hard, Soft and Blacksmith Coal Cordwood and Millwood. Rathbun Cf). We make a specialty of pleasing our country trade 10 all the above lines. Town omoe. No. 77; mAgents Office, No. 773; Mill o’m ce,No. 78. Consumers should make a noteof this. With the innovation of the_ qunsifber ROYAL Call and examine and got prices on . . . .our stock of. . . . BAKERS’ KING is now in order. You can- not do better than leave your order with.... :.. Elegant assortment 0! New Sprmg Goods to choose from. Prices right. Fit and Finish guaranteed. A call solicited. Flour and cannot bej_excelled. TBLBPH ON BS : ...The... 0. Ha "- BAKER, Ann" IBLAIR SONS- 1898 79" Carter’s Improved Mennmofl1 Long Red Mange], \ large an amount of desirable ca‘tze food for winter}: as the MAMMOTH LONG lilil.) MANGEL ( 2000 bushels per acre have bees grown. To Secure best results good seed must be sown. Carter’s Mam Mangel is exceptior‘ally fine, bgfrg selected from‘ shaped roots. Grouers who hav: used it for Years prefer it to any other Long Red Y4! 1ety. Has a dis appearance, roots are massive, straxg‘nt and regular in and of most excellent feeding and keeping qua For sale by E. anmonv, EIMMIMMWWMH mmammalmmumflmnmu‘t 1115mm film:umnmnmuqummmmmflmmmmmm Have ou got Consumption. Cntarrh. Asthma, or Branch”? Cannabis tlvnkDr. Stevens’ East India Remedy, will cure you- It has cured mnny cases of pulmonary consumption, pronounced hopeless by physicians. Its virtue untested by leading members of the medical profession; by business men of high standing; by hundreds Wh" owe their lives to its marvellous power to heal the lungs, allay mfiamw‘ tion, renewAthe vital elements of the blood and crate strength. __ ' . I” UV“, LUBE" Lu» VA“ unbmvuw VI WC ULM suu was» atnuubw- So confident am I of its virtue that I will send n package, snfiicicgt {0‘ 12 5333' treatment, absolutely without cost, duty prepaid, to every smfcfl6 who will send me an accurate statement of his or her use» I do not 95‘; that one Package Will effect a complete cure, but believe so much bellc will be derived from it that the treatment will be continued mud n can? plete cure is brought nbont. What it has done for others._ _ P21133030. 0x12. Cumin. Oct. 138% ‘" I wu toromsn in tho lumber shanty when I was ukon sick. an 4 me! Anxious thou: the work, I expo-0d mm" (may. caught . seveni coldv 3“ mn'fl- movgrln: wok . .120“! "up“. which termnnwdfln mam M'OEEEE‘XZ. m: recovenn .wox 3 new?! “I‘M wnlcn terminated in mnun unsung u. ”17:71:13! “The octon :11 (eve me 11?. .An ebeceeetormed at the bognom or my 9 “or“ end disch ed outwardly. A the time 1 got your medicine. 1: was gem!“ I, m every day. very one thought. and no did I that death elone would and my m! or.“ I commenced using Cszuue Enrva the am or February. “’6' “3 1 was using three or tour packegee of the Remedy. the Muse m checked. end we, able to get out of bed alone to: them tune in more than three 3’91““ ‘” mouths. “For from the and 001an :01: to m x {m I r “a we w- in or out of bed one: alone. no: névcr Mm'mfias 05%;?ackfen‘: nevu’ was 5 ofbed one-hdfdnalt ‘ time, “4 09¢!“ fipward: of $1.430 without much ifany b‘“ ”d..l3“.",,“,’,“,‘ ‘3 a?“ We" ”3°" 1°!“ 99¢§°i°¢ “1.1 I 3"“ VIM}: M ("10111 5 “Itis' now exact. ohven month dneollen my bed, and l 8 ~.» 11thy,x1:11 vhvlthogorurggrxhegr smgnom‘s of the (llrisealf; a; xmon s ave nu m es v ormyse - and drunk: grain); ' A A 7 _ m ROBERTA.) u Sept... 1397.: Mr: Hgmutonm noun: sun remun- 306d: " W. A. NOYES, 820 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y. If. KEST STREET LINDSAY. HERE’S PART OF 05.33% PLfiTFé‘EREfi: SPRATT 8: KILLEN Women Voted Are Your Lungs Weak? There is no other root crop grO‘. THE RELIABLE GROCERS. â€"Prime Maple Sprup, 20¢ a bottle. â€""hoice Ceylon Tca, equal to any 50 cent line ................ . ..... â€"No. I MARMALADE, two jars for .............................. -â€"Sec our DINNER SETTS; the value will surprise you, at prices that range from $9 to ..... . . . . . . . And an election was held to decide the BhST place to buy GROCERIES 5" and MEATS, what a rousing majority we would have LINDSAY, BOWMANVILLE, OSHAWJ ESTABLISHED H- OF A GENTURY M 1 Wu wcu. nnd I am 5m”: aw cube disease- F“ a) wad r m self. L38: an I c!“ BOéEB’l' A. HAMILTON' WU W If .1 In. 0... ‘Iul ur premL. builder 1 .lume PECIALS The newest, mete assortn 'e commenl I ’C,50C,_7 SC, .150 some 1d Men’s ’e are she nazingly 1‘ New Sit .811 N Elfin Clii boast-111 'zm of Men‘ In our read

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