Jo Robert Burk on the evening of April 12, when Mr. Levi Burk of this place and Mise Cassy Alberto Looks of Alleew entered into the holy bonds of metrimony. The nuptial knot wee securely tied by the Rev. P. Neville. The bride was beauti- fully attired in light blue trimmed with white silk. The bridesmaid was Miss Lizzie Burk, who wore a very becoming costume. The groom was twisted by Mr. John Deleury of Lindsey. After the cere- mony was over and congratulations had been profusely conveyed, the young couple were then presented with many velueble presents, which showed how highly they were esteemed in their own neighborhood. The wedding party and guests then set down to e sumptuous table. which had ‘oeen prepared by Mrs. R. Burk with ,,‘J -1---- 5‘.- nan-h OAK W0 01) Mr. Henderson and the Misses Hend- ersons of Bosknng are visiting at G. F. Mason's. Bieyclisre are anxiously uniting for dry roads. The frequent: rains and snow are quite disappointing to the lover of the silent steed. - . . A _A 1-; sh. mint routes Mr. Billings, wu sun 11, m... spent: a few day: recently with sister, Mr. W. J. Hogg, Fair 'Snnderland. 210W“ w I numr._-__ -_ . ‘neen prepared by Mrs. R. Burk with such delicacies as would please the moat: festidioun pdate. After ten wee concluded the evening was spent in eoeiel enjoyment and e11 returned to their homee feeling thus they had experienced e treat in more way: then one. Mr. Kalle :- ulowly improving. The warm weather will no doubt do hlm good. Mn: J onu Bird has pnrchaoed : ï¬ne horse from Mr. S. Coultor to tske the plus of the one he lost this noting. Mr. O. R. btaoey ha Ptarto'd' ogaln - Mr. O. R. btuoey ha at his wugon on the road. mdo neural improvements SYRUP MAK1xc.â€"Severel of our farmer- ere busy making maple syrup. The flow of nap has been very poor this season as yet, but the sap in of good quality. BAD Roamâ€"For the last week our roads have been almost impmflh. It would be to the best interests of the community if the men would move a little faster when doing their statute labour. CHEESE FACTORY.-Our popular cheese- mker, Mr. Wood, purposes opening the cheese factory on the 24th. He hulet all the milk routes for the season. Several parties who drove milk last year, are taking the same routes again this GOODERHAM Mr. P. A. Bars. our general merch- ant, is busy taking stock after a. successful winter. Miss M McDonald and Miss! A. Pope, our pepular school teacher, have secured a ï¬ne Case of birds, fully ï¬fty diï¬'erent kinds. The members of the community extend their sincere sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Johnston in their very sad bereavement in the loss of their eight: months old baby. ' The following ere registered at the Queen’s hotel : Mr. I. ]. Pearson, Mr Lope, Mr. Wm. Cresawell, Mr. P. Bu- of Irondale and Mr. Parkins of Lind say. Welcome spring has come at last. The songs of the birds can be heard once more. Many of our citizens have taken their departure for the far West, and among them were Mr. C. Tomilson. who will be greatly missed both as a member of the church and 'for the ï¬ne work he turned out. Home cleaning has started. Oh. ‘ may it soon be over. Mr. John Ray is moving to Lindsay this week. The home of Mr. Chas. Alger was glnddened 133': Tuesday by the arrival of a b_sby boy. Thé péddiing rigs of Bryan and Rodgers have stared and will continue during the summer. Ssy, M41‘ipnma S’atlon, don’t let those old maids do you up. Iam sure you have the sympvby of your brother in script. The sizie 'Hatk frum thé village'dswn t0 the schm‘: 3‘31“: 2: 1'30 twisted all out of shape by :22: ï¬rm and alittle repairing Mr. H‘ vey Rngera has just got: in stock a ta dw mu assortment of ladies and genrl» m r’ .; scmw hats which give his ators qmre \ ci y 3; pearance. A gaad ï¬rm»: envitled “Ireland and the Inbh†9011'; '54; :iVeu by the Rev. 3'. Patterson of Tat-’rn‘ a. in the Presbyterian church sax? ZÂ¥l_,;u..i:,y evening. This is one of Mr. Putnam‘s been lectures and since he span: his ssudenta days in our 'villege it. shocks}. be well patronized. SUNDERLAND J. Hog: and 4808“" FLEE T WOOD LOCHLII CA MBRA Y at: at Qrono. and son, from 0133, .‘c L2- ï¬th his Fairview Ho wouldn’t be amiss, or comm grumbling because we know road master, Mr. Sinclsir wi? it in due time; but for th causes considerable “holdin the evening strolls. A terrible thunder here last week. scoom of rain. The cottage prayer meetings wmcu are held every Thursday evening, are indeed a strong element towards advancing the morality of this place. The meetings are always fully attended, and those who carry on this cause are to be congratulated on the good work they are doing in our midst. The Sunday school has grown admirably during the last year or two. We feel this is largely due to the deep interest and zeal of the superintendent, Mr. Lucas. But we are sorry more of the parents do not attend. Surely there is no one who has learned everything the good book can teach, if so they would get an opportunity to share their knowledge with the less fortunate if they attended. Truly it would be a great delight for the children to have their parents sit .be de them, and a pleasure to come to Sun ay school . .. n . , I In.“ Uvumâ€"â€"--' w- "'â€"H' say, the country, and feeling as I know all the rest do that our sturdy little hamlet ehould not. be entirely forgotten, I shoulder the task of writing you the news cf this place. Needless to any spring is here, and the cleng of the bleekemith’e hemmer from early morning to eve tells that the farmers are hurriedly getting their implements repaired for work. LabOring under the delusion that your correspondent from this piece hss either been asleep for the pest few years or he hes impressed himself with the ides thst the news ot this locality is of no use to the community at lsrge or, perulit me to John Hunter has gone to Sam Fran- cisco, Cal. Jail. Greer hss re-sblngled his house and store. Walter Greer has secured a position lb MeLenngn c9 Co’s, Lindsay; Mr. R. Robertson of 'Dunaford has moved to J as. Power’s old farm. Mr. T. Sknoe has veneered his house end built a new fence In front of lb. Mr. A. Brown has moved to Henry Rea’a furm. Mr. R. Thorp takes his place. R. Thorn commenced ploughiné on the 12th 1mm, the ï¬rst: of the [882011 in this section. Mrs. Geo. Shaw has moved to T. H. Reeds house and Frank Parr, the new cheese maker, has taken- her house. Mr. Downey 13 buy at: the cheese and butter factory, the stone work will be done this week and there are four carpen- ter: at: the wood work. The Christian Endeavor Society held a free social at the residence of J. Calvert on Friday night, which was a great success. Some of the boys madea record at gating johnny-cake and maple syrup. Fletcher Caléert and H, L.'Bnnch- re- turned to McMaster University. Toronto, to write on there exams. Thev spent their holiday: at John Calvert's and deiting friends generally. The Y. M. C. A. of Lindsay will run their annual excursiOn to Prospect) Park, Oshawa, via Port Perry, on May 24th 1899. There will be a grand program of sports, base ball, foot: ball, bicycle races, etc. Keep this date in mind. Watch for large posters. Rev. G. Scott of Calgary was the guest Mr. J . Dune: for a few days last Wbek. Some of our extensive cattle breeders are beginning to feel down in the month eve: the turn the prices have made lately. Mr. and Mrs. J hhn Rlch leave fei- their new home in Vemlam this week. Msy success follow them in their new sphere of life. Mr. Edward Fennelly is about to move to his own farm near Creaswell. and J as. Frise will take possession of the one nested by him. Jimmy needs a house- kagper; The Hogg Bron. elevators at the station have been kept: running night and day for the past two months, cleaning seed The ordered Suits Our way of ï¬nishing Ordered Work is right up-to-date See one of our ordered suits and you’ll know it. SUITS TO YOUR ORDER AT MARIPOSA STATION bus“ '79 ILA-Iv u r. Sinclair wm'l’ook after under Itorm passed over accompanied by torrents rayer meetings which are why evening, areAlndeed $12, $15, $18, $20. $24 REABORO for the farmers and shipping grain to outside markets. Mr. J. Thompson commenced drawing milk on his route on Monday. Jack has 1 good outï¬ts, and farmers In this section could not do better than send along their milk to the factory._ .I ,1 P __ Iullâ€" vv ‘â€"â€" _._--, ' What was the noise to the south of us last Thursday night? Was it an Indian war-dance or a portion of Uncle Sam’s army come over to take Canada. I’ll venture to say they did not get much, whatever it was. . It would be a good idea. for some of the employees to build their homes at the station. They would be nearer their Work and help to build up the place, which would soon become a lively village if some such movement was made. AAA LA u uvmv w vâ€" _. The station writer does not happen to be aï¬ected with a sore head. nor (100! he wear green goggles when he writes, but it is evident from an item in last week’s Watchman-Ward“ that your Little Brit- ain correspondent: he? gulhe an interest at , __AIAL_ -l LLn‘I “In UU‘Iv-Pvuvvâ€"v "-7 , stake in the flourlebihg society of that lively hollow. Perhaps he’s a father. However. he. had better pull off his own goggles when he writes again. JAN E T VILLE Both pupils and teachers of our school seem to enjoy their work with re-doubled energy since Easter. 5v vvâ€"-'_-__ Cheese makers are already on duty in same factories, and Mr. Harry Argue goes to Fleetwood for Tuesday next. Mr. John Oswald, who also taught successfully, is making his mark in Trinity Medical. He simply came home for Easter Sunday. “Van-v .v- Miss Nellie Oswald, who had al- ready distinguished herself u o stud- ent, is winning her laurela as a teacher nest Kinmonnb. She enjoyed a pleas- ant Easter week at home. (luv uâ€"--.. Mr. Christie Argue, who passed the teachers’ primary exam, pert 1, is tak- ing private tuition for junior leaving in 1900, when salaries will probsbly be good again and he will reap the beneï¬t. as he will no doubt have the success which he so well deserves. Dr. W. N. Nasmyth, captain, has issued his orders to company No. 7 and eligible non-coma. for an early drill in view of the muster at Niagara on the Lake this season. Fall into line boys and let the foreigners know that) Canada has men and arms to baffle any foe. All are glad to learn that Mr. Marshal], who attended the Model last term, and is at present teaching some distance from home, has secured the north school here, and can live at home. A sensible act on the part of both teachers and trustees to use local talent, and we hope Mr. Marsnall may do well. GRASS HILL Trafï¬c is again being resumed on our concession roads, which were for the past few weeks almost] impeasible for vehicles, on account of a few large lagging snowbanks. We are patiently waiting our turn at Grass Hill to operate the stoneâ€" crnsber for a season. A liberal coat- ing of crushed stone would be quite acceptable to many of our roads. We assume the role of correspond- ent to your worthy paper, in order to let the outside world know that we in this locality do not hibernate as they may have inferred from our silence-â€" for otherwise. Early this week a great many of the farmers seek the high places on their farms to commence spring operations. Grain sowing is fully three weeks later than last year, and people feel they are getting behind. [t is high time the baseball en- thusiasts here hairs-organized for ’99. They have a. record to sustain. Where will we lay our diamond this year? We are informed that our old grounds are about to fall a. prey to the plough. A great. number of new farming implements have been introduced in this neighborhood this spring, compris- ing seeders, barrows, binders, ebc.. of various makes, and a good many of them are of foreign manufacture. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY, ONT; BYSTANDER. Why not patronize and encourage our own local manufactures? There is a place here that exerts a great magnetic influence just now. All look with longing lingering glances toward a certain wood from which at regular. periods emanates suggestive columns of smoke. and from which we catch at intervals a faint but delicious odor of. maple extract. Of course we all expect a “sugar oï¬'.†The sugar season is likely to be a short one this year owing to winter’s prolonged stay and the subsequent steady approach of warm weather. MANILLA Mrs. (Dr.) MoPhail is spending a week with friends in Oshawa. Mr. Fred King is spending a few days under the parental roof-tree. Miss Vina Coone is at: present very ill. Her speedy recovery is hoped for. Mr. L. Clarke of Woodville spent Sun- day at the home of his parents here. Mr. Angus McLean went to Toronto on Tuesday, to look after business interests. Mr. Alex. McLean, late of Noriand, left on Tuesday morning for the North- west. We understand that Mr. Geo. Douglas, jr.,_ has secured a good position in Cleve- iand. The Y. M. C. A. of Lindsay will run their annual excursion to Prospect Park, Oshawa. via. Port Perry, on May 24th 1899. There will be a. grand program of sports, base ball, foot ball, bicycle races, etc. Keep this date in mind. Watch for large posters. against the Meriposa. council by one or more of our citizens in the near future, as a result of the council’s negligence in looking after a covered drain running through the village, which has in some way been obstructed. These citizens have sustained considerable inconvenience and loss as s result of flooded cellars. On Monday evening a small audience assembled in the hall to liscen to a. lecture delivered by a. wandering phrenologist. The genial delinestor of bumps accom- panied his lecture by an illustration of that mysterious process known as “read- ing heads.†All were delighted with the professor’s sttempts in this line, snd most will sdmit, that whether or not he is s phrenologist, he is certainly a mighty good gueuer. ,1, _ Some of the boys here in town, who are yet at that tender age when they need continually watching. have been carrying guns lately and are having sport royal shooting email birds. They are excep. tionally careless while handling ï¬re-arms and several times they come perilously near shooting persons a short distance away. Some person will likely make it his business to see that they are forbid- den to carry ï¬rearms. And the sooner the better. On Friday evening g, the 7th inch. 3 number of the friends of Mr. 3nd Mrs. Malcolm MoNebb and family surprised them by marching over to their phoe to the Iouynd of the bezplpee end tnklfxg possession of their; house, for to spend s sociei evening, and’to bid them good-bye on the eve of their depsrtnre for the N. W. T. slso to present them with s alight token of the esteem and respect in which they no held by the people of this loeslity. Mr. Doneld Fmer being celled to the chair mode 3 few introduct- ory remarks and then called upon Mr. John Formsn to read the following address - To his. AND Mas. MALCOLM MCNABB an) Faunaâ€"We, your friends and neighbors, have assembled here this evening to express our regret at your in- tended removal from amongst us to the Northwest and at the same time to hope that. happiness and prosperity may attend you in that distant and new home. We at all times shall be pleased to hear of your success, and sincerely trust: that in your new home you may meet with pleasant surroundings and associates who shall merit your conï¬dence and with whom you can readily co-operste in all good and noble work as you have done with us here. Your intercourse with us has always been of the most pleasant character and your absence will certainly create a blank in our midst that we shall feel for along time to come. And_alao in connection with the church you have taken an active interest during the pasti; you have always been ready to contribute your time. means and talent. hence as friends and neighbors we will greatly miss you, but we can take consolation from the fact that wherever your lot is cast your influence will be felt for good, and that you will do what you can for the fntherance of God’s cause. We ask you. to accept these presents not for the value but as a small token of their our and esteem. and as a souvenier of your association with the people of Palestine and vicinity. and of your residence amongst us. And we furthermore trust and pray that when your earthly career shall be ï¬nished and your labours here shall end, you with us shall be counted worthy to receive the reward of the faith- ful and hear the masters “well done.†Signed in behalf of your friends. J OHN H. Forum. Jorm menr, DONALD FRASER AND DONALD MCARTHUR. After the presentation, which con- sisted of a fur coat and qauntlets for Mr. McNahb. a fur coat and cap for Mrs. McNabb. â€"Mr. McNabb expressed his; heartfelt thanks, and Mrs. MONBbb made the following reply I My ‘19“ friends and neighborsâ€"I look around on your familiar faces to-night, and I feel quite overcome as to think of all your kindness expressed to us by word3 and deed. I feel down deep in my heart, we are parting with true tried friends, whose memory will leave with us. and {those beautiful costly, and useful pre- sets we do, and shall appreciate and value, not only for themselves, but also for the good-will which has prompted this unexpected pleasure. And if we neVsr meet again in this life, itis my earnest prayer that we may all meet around the throne of our beloved Redeemer, where there Is no more 981'â€- ing and all bears are wiped away. Short feeling addresses were then delivered by Messrs. Donald McArthur and S. Tru- man, also by the chairman, The rest of the evening was spent in chatting, eating, singing and other amusement. PALESTINE HULLETT, Ins Hamm: The Latest Stiii Fur Felt Hat, Highest Grade, $1.75 4-Ply Linen Collars, 100. Newest Colored Shirts, 600. String Ties, Fonr-in-Hand and Bows, at 20c. THIS WEEK ONLY. rmwwwwlwm' for me to keep any but the best Groceries. With this' mind, I am buying the ï¬nest goods 1n the market an: selling them at reasonable pnce5_ are near at hand, but they are no brighter or fresher than the choice stock of dried fruits staples in Sugars, Syrups and Teas, Crockery and Woodenware. See the goods and prices. Fancy Worsted Suitings, Scotch T11 eeds, Colored Scrgcs, Summer Overcoatings Fedoras 7 5c. inspect them. W. G. BLAIR SON, TH OS. BRADY It Would be a Mistake The Bright Spring Days wnv SPEND MUNEY muusuu â€"APPLES â€"APRIGOTS -FIGS _PRUNES â€"CURRANTS -â€"RAISINS THE Warcroom and Livery, Opposite New all the latest novelties. We also any a choice matted stock of GENTS’ FURNISHINGS. axe now opened in theix new stand with a full line of 3 Enteiplise Agency 110., w Kasai Blair Soglgm; COCO... send you 2 dozen packages “ ~pec1w - Pea S eed sto sell at 10¢ per P L . ac age†‘ them re you a; tug: us the meme anteed ti stem w‘ y and \ meke 1nd, stern ' eper,With chaije’ér‘ï¬g FREE and ch ' am for selling 2% d 02. Two Doors West of Duly Hon“3 Send name and addres | (In Steambost Vthrf, Lindsay APRIL 20m, 30â€â€ WW ....ï¬om,... .mgigâ€"ig inhumane... â€158 W Manda 3“ Mamas GflpFoamrof A Enduring and m mum. tht rd EJahH. Mme h: A"hie cw w, Annie IIIWhen D. (Em? haVe I ‘SCQ‘I‘IVG to: CORRESP HNGERBO would