ST. I ES, 91337, all .275 2.52)?†attern lualled spring :st and trade. itings, 9 them ROS. wer Book and‘ Stationery Store. SPQRTING SEASON. Remember the Paper. 3 gent for the celebrated Uxbridge )rgan and Mendelssohn Piano. . Remember the place just opposite the Sew Post Ofï¬ce, Kent Street, Lindsay. Yhelal‘é The Annual Institute mno‘ next at Dutch Setts at Higinbot-ham’s Drug store; Board of? Trade wm be m Tuesday 14th inst, at 7.30 p. mportations of AMERIJ AN WALL PAPERS have arrived, with my CANADIAN and and ENGLISH PAPERS will along way the largest Lindsay. Please call immense 1 ;3 my stock by , ‘vu-nl1Uhtl into is sold by A. Higinbotham the purchasers.â€"â€"12-4t $13.00 for a. l at the Auction Mart.-‘ Flag Pole. We notice that the Victoria Laundry, William street, has been ornamented by a very ï¬ne flag pole. William street has as good a. right to have a pole as any other portion of our town. EHURSDAY. MAY Seeds, Seeds, Seeds, â€"12-4t About half past twelve yesterday noon a. ï¬re Was discovered in Moyne’s bakery Caroline street. East Ward. :I‘he alarm Was Sounded and the ï¬re bno Smn 0n the spot, and quickly subdued the flmnes. There was but slight damage done. Mr. Simmons will give two recit- ations, and Mr. and Mrs. Howell, Miss Robinson, of Ingersol, Mrs.‘ Bates, Miss Jackson, and Mr. Stanley Smyth, will sing at Pro- fessor Parker’s organ recital. in Cambridge Street Methodist Church on Monday evening, May 20th. Tickets I5 cents.-3t. Tuscarora, Mammoth Sweet, Mexican, Stowell’s Evergreen ar com f0r sale by E Gregory-1341: at Higinbotham‘szâ€"l2-4t Public School Concert. The concert given in the Opera. House last Friday evening, by the school children Was a very successful affair. The choruses by the children were admirabl sung and Reflects credit upon their con uctor and ‘ his assistants. The duetts by Misses Cara. and Edith \Valters, and Misses Stella and Com. Wallace were nicely sunï¬and llgutlllly 155 e 1e implauded. The solo of .vlcCart3' was captivating effort and was 1112111); appreciated. Miss 53mg a solo in a pleasing manner and rreddic Hopkins delighted the audience w1th his recitation. The tableaux and Statuary were beautiful and were perfectly performed. The Octette Club 33.11 in good 5me "Oh, Hail us, Ye Free." an had to regDoml to a double encore. Mrs. Howell and Miss Jackson’s solos were well sung, lllï¬s Jackson responding to an encore. The Quartette, “ The Swiss Peo le’s Song,†“1.11:: by Misses McSweyn and ing Messrs “ Mson and Matthews was excellently rendered, and received loud applause. The ‘ club swinging. fancy marching and calis- gï¬hemc§ by a class of 16 young girls of the cellegiate Institute was a very pleasing feature. The girls marched in perfect step imd time and the club swinging and calis- Ehemcs so perfect] executed as to call 15Orth bursts of a. p ause during their per- 0l'mance. God ave the Queen brought the concert to a close. {est and be_st Doings About Town. Board of Trade. regular quarggrlv meeting .. 1.1.1 A Cheap Meat. Cheeks 4c. per ml. u $3. u p91?†lbs. at, the Lindsay Packing 110115044- ‘xbger Balls, Lacrosse Ball se Sticks, and everything in the sporting line. Martha WashingtO“ G. A. METHERELL: Seeds ! Seeds 1 ! Oil Cake‘ :sb stogk always kept on hand. Wall Paper. for 50. a. R‘ Bedroom Set 1-1â€"4!) ire. at Higinbotham's leeting of the held on next in lots to suit , 1889. 12-4!) at, Black and Cory We call the attention of our readers to the organ recital to be given in the Cam- bridge Street Methodist Church on Mon- day, May 20th, at 8 p. m., by Mr. J. S. Parker, Of St. Paul’s Church, Peterboro, assisted by some of the best local talent. Tickets 15 cents. Dalmatian Insect Powder pure at Higinbotham’s.â€"-12-4t Do you want a good day’s sport? If you do, don’t fail to go to Lindsay for the Queen’s Birthday celebration. If you want to see horse racing, Highland dancing, pipe playing, boxing, wrestling, and a. full programme of Caledonian games, why come to Lindsay May 24th. at’the Auction money-l4â€"â€"4t. The celebrated Rankin family, assisted by Messrs. Fred. Grifï¬n, Frank Gam- mond, and a. host of other talent. appear at the Lindsay Opera. House, May 23rd and 24th. They are acknowledged to be the best in the world in their inimitable rendering of Scotch songs. Don’t fail to hear them. springs tables, chairs, lounges, s and bureaus at the Auction Mar On Friday evening. the Citizens’ Band will give an open air concert, when the following programme will be rendered : March - ~ Visitation - Mayerbier. (Selection from the opera, Huguenots.) Valse - “Breeze of Night.†- Lamothe. British Patrol - - - - G. Ash. ‘Polka - “Merry Bells.†- D. Godfrey. “Comet.†- G. Southwell. Galop - God Save the Queen. D. ROBLIN, Band Master. v Fresh Garden Seeds. Tomato, Onion, Lettuce, Cabbage etc. at E. Gregory’s.â€"â€"9-4t. months trained by Mrs J. D. Mac- Murchy, will give a concert 1n the Opera House in aid of St. Paul’s Church Organ fund on Friday 3lst, inst. The affair promises to be very interesting and no doubt will be liberally patronized. A $35 Bedroom Set for $28 at the Auction Mmt-l4-4t. ant in Lindsay 1 in Mineral water-‘ ...... - v , Mr. John Dobson has been altering his 1 store, so as to comply with the law re- gulating grocery and liquor stores. Mr. J. VVetherup. has been making im- provements in his store, and is now one of the handsomest as well as one of the largest in town. The cost of the late changes has almost reached ï¬ve hundred dollars. We understand that Mr. R. ‘ Neill, will occupy the premises as a boot and shoe store. Enterprising. ing lumberman of Stanhope, sawed his ï¬rst log in his new mill on Tuesday April 2nd. There were a. number assembled to witness the event, and Mr. Gideon P. Marks purchas- ed the ï¬rst lumber sawn. Mr. J. Y. Powell, of Cambray. from Whom the ma.- chinery was purchased and who has been ï¬tting it up, deserved praise for the way h the mill does its work, the lum- ed out in a. ï¬rst-class man- 5 . ' rm", mm ho. a. great conmenenge t0 DUI; quua gym--- , ner. The m111 be a great the settlement, and we v success in 1118 enterprise. That $18100 Bedroom ‘Sej: milk pails and get Auction Mart-14â€"4’G St. Paul’s Vestry. The adjourned meeting of St. Paul’s Vestry was held on Monday evening last, the attendance of members being large. The ï¬nancial statement of the year was presented and showed a satisfactory state of affairs. The question of the re-leasing or selling the Church property on Kent Jr run“ was: (list-.113- 01' seumg um yum..." _ -1 .. 815., next the new Post Ofï¬ce was discus- sed, and it was decided to re-lease, and to advertise for tenders, in order to secure the best terms. This valuable property is therefore now in the market for renting purposes. Mr. A, Higinbotham Totem of Health on sale in Lindsay at: Hig'mbotham’s drug store.â€"â€"12-4t. A Good Day’s Sport- Bedsteads, Mattresses, Organ Recital. Open Air Concert. Rankin Family. Buy Improvements. Mrs. Scott Siddons. Mill Slabs Your Milk Pans, 3d» ggmeral tinware at the for the celebrated is a cracker for the Tutuâ€"4c Wish Sideboards THE WATCHMAN, . Fader lllUL'uLua‘ cbuu v . -_-_a, At a meeting of the Ofï¬cial Board ofil the Cambridge street Methodist church, 3 the following resolution was moved by Mr. J. L. Winters and seconded by Mr. F. C. Taylor, and unanimously carried : “That the thanks'of the congregation of the First Methodist church of the Town of Lindsay be and is hereby tendered to the Rev. Dr. Williams for the very eloquent and practical way in which he has presented the truths of the Gospel to this congregation, and also for the able and efï¬cient way in which he has managed the affairs of this church, both spiritual and temporal, and that this Quarterly Board do most cordially invite the Rev. ' '11 __- c nnnnn DUiu’u. uu “Av-av vvâ€" w---" Dr. Williams to remain with us for other conference year.†The reception to Be held in the Young Men’s Christian Association rooms next Tuesday, 14th, has every promise of being a grand success. The regular monthly business meeting of the Y. M. C. A. was held on Tuesday evening- Mr. R. Kennedy was appointed to succeed Mr. Anderson as President for the association year. Donations. The Young Men’s Christian Association gratefully acknowledge the following do- nations: a street lamp from Mr. Wood and Mr. McLennan, a bulletin board from Mr. J. P. Riley, a clock from Mr. Hopper, Cobourg. They also acknowledoe the receipt of $40 from the Lindsay actette Club. The London Guarantee and Accident In- surance Company of London, England. Capital $1,250,000. Liberal policyâ€"Bonus eyery ï¬ve. years, $5 per annum secures $5 weeklv compensation2 and $1000 in the w'reel'ily Weekly compensamon, auu wwu m we event of death by acc1dent. JOHN D. MACMURCHY. General Agent, Lindsay. LIEFSAY MARKETS. OFFICE or THE LINDSAY VVATCHMAN. LINDSAY, ONT., May 9th., 1889. Fall Wheat, per bushel ..... $1 00 to 1 07 Fyfe do do ............... 1 00 to 1 07 Spring do do ........... 0 00 to 1 00 Goose do do ........... 80 to 0 85 Flour, new process ........ 2 55 to 2 75 Flour, mixed, roll ......... 2 70 to 2 90 Strong bakers ............. ' 2 80 to 3 00 Barley, per bushel ......... 0 40 to O 48 , Peas, do .......... 0 55 to 0 60 Peas, large do .......... O 65 to 0 6E Oats, do .......... 0 30 to 0 3E Potatoes per bushel. . . . . 0 15 to 0 2E Apples, per bag.r ........... 0 00 to 0 O( Butter per lb ............. 0 18 to 0 2( Beef ..................... O 05 to O 0'. Eggs, per dozen ........... O 10 to 0 12 Salt, per barrel ............ O 00 to 1 44 Straw, per load ............ 3 00 to 6 0 W001 ..................... 0 18 to‘O 2 Hides .................... O 00 to O 0 Wood .................... 2 00 to 4 5 Bacon ...... perlb........ 009§t001 Mess Pork, ‘per bb]. . . . . O 00 to 17 5 . Hay, per ton ............ 10 00 to 11 ( “ ' n m M m r do extra Prime ........ W Shorts per ton ............. Lambskins ............... Sheepskins. pelts ......... Live Hogs, “ . .. Flax seed per 100 ......... Dressed Hogs, per 1001b. Rve ..................... ‘ Bran 3? ton .............. Mixed Chop .............. Corn Chop ............... Oat Chop ................ Pea. Chop ................ PAPER HANGING PAINTING is prepared to do all kinds of Paper Hanging and House Painting on short notice. "'7', L _1_ SHb'E-heit the Watch- man Ofï¬ce, William st. Local Continued on Eight Page. R. SIMMONS 85 Go. THE HATTERS FURRIERS are now displaying all the new-1 est goods in Soft and Stiff Felts. CAPS of every description and Straw Goods. Leaders of - fash- ion and low prices. Our new stand 2 doors east of the Daly . House. _ ‘ chassr mos PAID FOR RAW runs. Church Notes. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Reception. Business Meeting. Accident Insurance. oooooooooo ooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooo LINDSAY, THURSDAY,†MAY 9, ~05 082â€"0007lw 030 0 0000 87%mw663209d01® 2051~0mmmmm2725m2233 mmmwmmmmmmmw mmwmmwwmmmmmmwmmmmmmm 05000.0..00508500 8 15. .05 000 O. 85P‘84563101010m1m WWW OPIP/Omrorozdmlmmm 4 1111 2 1 nnnnnnnnnnnnn ooooooooooo Bought at 50c. Bought at 57 We offer .1 ‘3‘: The improvements we anticipated me have made an‘extensmn in one of. a Pair of Elegant Cream Pole with Brass ends 2 We have made a big deal 1n I in many cases Which we offer at 68¢. per yard. 1% cents on the Dollar. on the Dollar; give ï¬Ã©ï¬â€™s Suits, Reliable Makes, f Elegant Cream Lace Curtains and a rousneu with Brass ends and ï¬ttings for the sum of $1.50. We have 1889. Purchased at 40c ’ and Youths’ Felt Hats, a ï¬ne range of Goods and the Prices are Right. Bargains we offer for this Season, but we have just ' an extensive purchase of us a chance to make you happy with these beautiful goods, Drive How does it strike you? 10c. Tieg. These goods are worth double 3 on the wholesale dollar, and Curtain Poles. These are regular $1.25 Goods. ' and a Polished Ebony or Cherry Curtain p cum nf $1.:o. Think of it! †for more. Good All-\Vool Suits for $4.00 made