iicitors‘ of Torom ensive pu Ltest Fas' USE. gs, ’HINq ELLE 011 and i GEO. A. METHERELL, PLEASE BALL AND SEE MY 58. PAPER. Agent for the celebrated Ux- bridge Organ and Mendelsohn Piano. H332, Dining Room, Drawing- 2200ng 393d Bedroom Papers, 53;}; ; apers, Corners and -: ecorauons. tor tn White :31 051E g Remember the place, just op- th \er Post Ofï¬ce, which Is now Add running in full blast. ’5“â€" up“ S Sawlog Mangel eed at Higinbotham's. as. 3311 Canadian and the flfllatcbman. Muswal lnstitnte. P105 Luz-as rriv inrr full particulars of the in (1:23. 5 .‘vl'lical Institute to be held In . m, Hull early in July next, sent aw uldress. Address Symphony L‘ lien: and Cambridge street, iev. D THURSDAY. MAY 8, 1890. SI 6c H “ 7c M u “ M 8c M u .4 ‘5 9c '3 3S ,‘ u 106 u .3 And a}! the way to 50¢ per Roll. 0 mud the Largest Stock of Wall Paper ever brought into Lindsay. inc mm: of Mr. Meredith, s monster m: , .LT, (nkwuod yesterday afternoon 19 [nu late for publicatlon this Issue. any a 1d (,1) Lhtmastlc gath grins: marked 00 won. Full particulars next week. 3.; Patterns Arriving Daily 11211:) 913m. 31. Parkins. ‘~ his»; examination. We have in- -=' from the head master 0f Ehe institute that three books 9f and the book-keepinzbooks “fl-11 rr' 1;; 51:0 be sent, to the inspectox: With csz application. There W111 not ~11 3:: :izmtion in bookkeeping, draW- it'd: mummy: this month and perhaps Ems Year. If the examination in these Jects is held this year it will take place .119 Same time as the regular July 61' DHALS , a American Markets. Doings About Town. Mr. Meredith at Lindsay. .. :c pm L of Mr Meredith’s meeting; 51“ will be given next week. ï¬r. Meredith at cnxlpzmy ()1 popular arusw vuu in Ul'ndblll‘n’s Opera House on ._'f, 57:23; 21st. Plan of hall will m; i’nrtcrs on Saturday morning Secure your tickets. A21 the Latest Designs in erot Seed at Higinbo uham’ s. P. A. P. B. Excursion. 25 cents. (I) 33 my 5c. Per Roll Paper $33.; Collegiate Institute. Too Late. and pointed letter from which was handed in too late e, will appear next week. :1 Stmes to Suic Customers. "17w matxon Form.-â€"â€"B. MC‘ . O Boyle, F. WalLers, F E. Hudspeth, M. Hudspeth, Miss .‘I 53 Mills, Miss Maude Alex .“. }0rm1. â€"â€"S. Ritchie,E..Broad, Mil's .il. McKewen, M. Winters, £31,- r1.aney, I Staples, E. Ianï¬eld Jones will preach in 5 church at both services next extant Association of Prentice ‘1 having, a grand excursion to ,’s int and Fenelon Falls, on Tiny 24th (Queens Birthday.) mmer “Alice Ethel†and palace buy†will leave the Wellington '2" :4." 9.30:1. m., and returning ,- 'r‘ulis at 5 p. m. The com- management are sparing no die this the excursion of the . hop!) to see a large number of .als enjoy themselves 011 this Refreshments will be furnished me boat. Tickets for round 717m A bbott, D. 1)., Editor ' , New York, sayszâ€"I went : chllil’lg to your concert, ex- 0 disappointed, because people in such laudatory terms of the .-‘:ucil Ringers, but I found my- oo:x.‘.v)1y disappointed, and knew ms: to admire, the exquisite ;: you produced, or the won- Inililipul‘ttion by which you cm. I wish you would leave behind when you return to NOVGIE Eeasant Surprise. Mammoth x2 pup'ns of the Institute mble mention at the exam: -â€"-FROMâ€"- only two nights, Friday and 3:1 mad 10th. Haines elty Cu.’y, Cornet Band Hear them at noon on mlv 1:3. 25 and 35 cents. r Them 1 .t Oakwood. opular agtists will H 16-3. A very wide circle of friends will regret to learn of the serious illness of Mr. A. P. Devlin, County Attorney. Erysipelas and typhoid fever have visited him, and his condition at times has been critical. Some improvement has taken place during the last few days, and we hope to hear of his complete recovery ere long. Burning of the Matreal Asylum. A terrible disaster has occurred in'the burning of the Longue Point asylum near Montreal, and with it about one hundred inmates, mostly females. The ï¬re occur- red about eleven o’clock on Tuesday forenoon and every effort was made to rescue the unfortunate patients, but the upper wards where the most violent of the female inmates were kept, it was found impossible to reach in time. The build- ing, which contained about thirteen hundred, was totally destroyed. A Grand Musical Treat. The Haines Musical Comedy and Novel- ty Cc.’y, 14 of the youngestgartists on the American stage. The popular young comedian Cute Faith, Little Ila, the phe~ nominal child actress and soubrette. The Company’s own Cornet Band and orches- tra. Opera House two nights only, Friday and Saturday May 9 and 10. The convention of the Liberal-Conser- vatives and Liberal-Reformers held in the Opera House here last Saturday was large-337 attended, and thoroughly enthus- iastic. Mr. W. H. Clarke of Toronto, Mr. John Cruess, and others addressed the meeting. Several gentlemen were nomin- ated, but all retired in favor of Mr. Cruess, who was chosen by a standing vote of the convention. Mr. Cruess stated his position clearly and unmistakably, that he comes before the electors in support of the prin- ciples of the Equal Rights association ï¬rst and foremost. This announcement was received with applause, and the nomina- tion of Mr. Cruess under the circumstances shewed the temper of the convention of last Saturday. Mr. Cruess’ speech was an able effort, and was received with loud ap- plause. Amongst the names put in nomin- ation “as that of J. Bruce Smith Esq. Q. Mr. Fred Heap graduatedl lately Queen’s College Kingston, taking ytlale w rtree of M. A. ,and at the same time the P we of Wales gold medal 1n Classics and f:: at class honors 1n Latin and Greek. Mr Lieap’ s course at the University has been a brilliant one throughout. Mr. Heap 13 to be congratulated upon his success. 0., of Calgary N. W. T.. as a recognition of the esteem in which that gentleman was held whilst a resident of this riding. The convention was b1 ought to a close amidst much enthusiasm with cheering for the Queen, and Mr. Cruess. we understand that at the convention on Saturday last, Sam Hughes expressed on the platform a longing desire to meet Mr. W. T. R. Preston at every point of. the compass throughout the riding, in order that the electors may have an op- portunity: of witnessing a. gladiatorial con- test between these two worthies. These two would-be organizers and managers are well matched all round, no doubt, and can furnish a good performance of the kind to those who may care for such. But the public meetings in this riding are for the purpose of properly discussing the import- ant issues of the hour, and neither Sam Hughes nor W. T. R. Preston comes under this category. Such individuals look upon public meetings as useful“ chiefly for the opportunities they furnish for “posing†and “attitudinizing†as chief cooks and bottle washers, and for booming the great “1.†Our public meetings arelfor the pur- pose of discussing political questions, and it is to be hoped that neither Mr. John Cruess nor Dr. McKay will be in any way held responsible for the performances, pretentious, or gyrations generally, of the two worthies referred to. The public have good naturedly put up with this sort. of thing about long enough, and Will no doubt assign the pair to their proper places. Ops Spring Show. , The Spring Show in connection with the 1 Ops Agricultural Society was held on Sat- iurday last, and was well attended, there. being a very large gathering of farmers, who seem to be waking up to the fact that a good horse is one of the best and most proï¬table animals that can be raised on the farm. The display of horses was far in advance of any previous show. The following is the list of prizes awarded: HEAVY DRAUGHT.â€"7 entries; 1st ’prize Henry Hender’s, “Erskine Chiefâ€; 2nd T. J. Graham’s, “Prince Georgeâ€; 3rd J. H. \Vilson’s, “Hunstman.†THREE YEAR OLD HEAVY DRAUGHT. -â€"2 entries; 1st J. H. Wilson’s, “Just the Thingâ€; 2nd James Simon’s, “Young Earlâ€. The judge 'on these two classes was Robert Cranord, . GENERAL PURPOSEâ€"2 entries; 2nd W. Wylie’s “success. †ROAD AND CARRIAGE. -â€"-ILO entries; lst John Simpson’s, “Lapidist Chief"; 2nd H. McKenzie’s, “,Hamblitonian Georgeâ€; 3rd James Beatty’s “Tariff J uniorâ€. PERCHERON.â€"â€"â€"lst M. Boyd’s, “Cloves.†SHIREâ€"131: James Magahey’s, “Simon Pure.†' The judges were C. Chittick, J ohn Cuilis, and Donald Sinclair. DURHAM Bumsâ€"Under two years old; 1st Arthur Cunningham; 2nd Timothy Ward. ‘ ‘Pcsitivcly cures worst cases of catarrh, cold in the head or system, sore throat. lame back, kidney troubles, neuralgia; rheumatism, and aches and pains of every description. Ask for Dr. Brown’s Mag- netic Oil. Sold by all dealers, at 25 cents a bottle. Hydroleine .‘ Fresh at Higinbotham’s Drug Store. 16-3 Dr. Brown’s Magnetic Oil, A Word to the Electors Convention. Personals. THE WATCHMAN, District Work of the Y. M. 0.. A. Our Young Men’s Christian Association is characteristic for push. It has begun a work now for young‘ men, the beneï¬t and : results of which can never be placed in 1 tabulated form.‘ District correspondents are being located in neighboring towns and villages, the duties of which will be to keep a record of young men who leave home and go to towns and Cities to live. When a young man leaves home it is a turning point in his life. He then forms new associations and acquaintances, and the character of these will largely deter- mine the drift of his life. By means of correspondence, and letters of introduc- tion to Y. M. C. A’s a chain of moral in- fluences will be thrown about these young men which will tend to elevate them, and lead them into atmospheres pure and wholesome. Effort is also being made to lay the work of the Y. M. C. A. deï¬nitely before the people in the vicinities of towns having associations, so young men when they come to these towns to Work will have a proper conception of the institu- tions, which have the welfare of young men at heart. ' Mr. Utley, our Sec, goes to Fenelon Falls next; Sunday, and will address a. young men’s meeting in the afternoon, and a public meeting in the evening. We wish our association every success in its new undertaking. Persons should never pay any attention to anonymous letters, but the Peterboro Y. M. C. A. has been paying attention to some of late. These letters have been coming in with money enclosures, until the sum of $20 in all has been received. No doubt the ï¬nance committee of the Lindsay Y. M. C.’ A. would be pleased to hear from some anonymous friends. Board of Education. The Board of Education held their regu- lar monthly meeting on Tuesday evening. Presentâ€"Messrs. Dobson, Deacon, Mac- Murchy, J. Kennedy, R. Kennedy, T. Stewart, J. R. McNeillie and R. J. Mc- Laughlin. Mr. Dobson in the chair. The report of Principal Harstone of the Collegiate shewed an average attendance of 236 for April. The report asked for a. grant of $50 for the purchase of apparatus and books. Referred to ï¬nance com- mittee. The report of Mr. Broderick was read, giving 679 as the average attendance for April. The report asked the Board to deal with the question of the irregular attend- ance of pupils. Report referred to the visiting committee. " III-0‘ I I The resignation of Mr. Milner. who has accepted a lucrative position in the Hill School, Potsdam, Penn. U. S. The resig- nation is to take effect at mid-summer, and in accepting it, the Board unanimously testiï¬ed to the high appreciation of the services of Mr. Milner, and of his good in- fluence upon the school, instructing at the same time the ï¬nance committee to pre- pare a proper expression of the same to be given Mr. Milner. 5-7 _i , , A petition from the boys of the central or union school, asking for “equal rights†in the matter of the playground as bet ween them and the collegiate institute students, was read. Referred to the management committee. On motion of Col. Deacon a committee composed of Messrs. Dobson, Dunsford, MacMurchy, R. Kennedy, Dea- con, and the chairman was appointed to report on the question of an addition to the South Ward school. u-av -‘.v._- The requests of Miss Marty and Miss Mitchell for short leme of absence, they to provide substitutes was granted: The report of the management com- mittee was read by Mr. MacMurchy and adopted. The report of the ï¬nance committee pre- sented by Mr. McNeillie, andrecommend- ing payment of several accounts, was adopted. The report recommended the acceptance of the tender of Mr. Joseph Cooper of the \VATCHMAN, for the princ- ing of the year. â€"- w 1 11 I D LA ‘1- ..-' J _ A report from Mr. Head, collector cf fees for the Collegiate Institute, shewed prompt collection of the same. The amount of fees for March was $258.7 5, and for April $247.75. - - .o g 1-.- P LVI- ‘g'r--. 11â€"â€" Provision “as made for the holding of the examination for ï¬rst-class C. certiï¬- cates at the Institute in July next. Mr. Rykert Resigns His Seat. OTTAWA, May 2,â€"The sensation of the hour is the unexpected turn in the Rykert scandal. \leen the House resumed after recess, this afternoon, Mr. Rykert, on a. question of privilege, resigned his seat as member for Lincoln. There was very few members present.’ The absentees included all the Cabinet ministers excepting 'Sir Hector Langevin, Mr. Foster, and Mr. Bowel]. Mr. Rykert apparently realized that the committee would report: against him. He was excluded from all the recent meetings. The indignity he warmly re- sented. After reviewing: the published corresporrlence, which showed that he re- ceived $74,000 for his influence in secur- ing the Cypress Hills timber limit, he said that he had the light to claim at the hands of this house and the committee protection under the law. He felt that private cor- reSpondence should never have been pub- lished. Nevertheless, the matter having been brought up, he made explanations and asked for the privilege of being heard before the committee. He felt also that he had the right to demand that charges of a speciï¬c character should be made against him. Having been thirty years a member of the House he felt that this should be conceded to him before he was called upon to make his defence. The matter was referred to a committee, and instead of . FORMULATIXG THESE CHARGES the committee called upon him to make his defence, without pointing out one single charge or one single word to which excepti: n was taken. He went on to complain that he had not received just-ice from the committee or from the house. He felt that a slur had been cast on his consti- tuents. as well as upon himself, and he proposed giving the former an opportunity of saying what they thought and electing whoever they pleased. He then announced his resignation. and, amidst a profound silence, walked out of the House. Fifty Thousand Dollars four stores full of goods which have to be amalgamated into one at an early date, and in order to accomplish this we are going to sell at prices which will enable us to reduce this amount to half its present size. On the ï¬rst of April we commence in - Bradburn 82: 00’s old stand, opposite Per- rin’s drug store, to sacriï¬ce these goods. wewill hold a big Clearing Sale under the management 0f - Perkins Co. will clear their stock out at cost for thirty days. . This -is the largest sale of goods ever offered to the Lindsay public. Come early and secure bargains. Grand Amalgamation Sale. We have WORTH OAKWOOD, LEE MCCRIMMON. OFï¬fG-OODSZ MGGAFFEY.