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Watchman (1888), 7 May 1891, p. 8

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Mr. De Corbain, a member of the Im- perial Parliament, charged with immoral practices, denies the charges, and says they were brought for blackmailing purâ€" Miss Mary E. Garratt has offered the trustees of Jahn Hopkins University$100,- 000 to be added to the women’s fund for the medical school of the university Mr. Thomas Quinn, M.P. for Killkenny county, has deserted Mr. Parnell because he refused to released the funds held in Paris for the relief of evicted tenants. ‘ Finally McLe:m became so weak that he was fnrced to let the negro go, and he sank like a. stnne. Soon after daylight the shipwrecked sulors were sighted by a. passing vessel and taken to Norfolk. All three were more dead than alive. The captain lost nearly $600 in cash and the mate $75. All the men lost their cloth- VV ill be g \en fn‘ a. case of Catarrh which cannot be cured pelmanently by Clark’ 5 Catarrh Cure. Step right. up to the Office and prove your case and get the reward. Thousands have tried the remedy, but no one has claimed the reward, because it cures in ex ery case. If you have a cold or trouble with Cutarrh ask your druvgist for Clark’ s C ttarrh Cure, price 50 cents, and see what a. pleasant relief it will be instantly. If you are asked to take some- thing else send to us direct and we will send you a bottle by mail on receipt of grice. Clark Chemical 00., Thronto, S'ew ork. 18-2. The Australians are opposed to Baron Hirsch’s scheme of sending destitute Hebrews to their countxy. The Conservatives of of Manitoba have called a convention for the 17th June for the purpose of discussinglxovincial politics. The Duchess of Sparta. sisterâ€"of Em- peror William of Germany and Crown Princess of Greece, has joined the Greek Church. The captain, James Monro and the 111 He, Charles Sw1ft, of Atlantic City, Irvine: McLean, of (3141 emont, Va.. and John “'alker, Colored Cook all managed to cling to the masts F01 ten hours “they were exposed to the storm, the water washing over them all the time. Benumbed mth cold, the colored cook was twice forced to let go. but \s as pulled back and helped up by McLean 113” _. L’ORIGINAL, May, 3.â€"A startling dis- covery was made yesterday by Mr. Cameron the gaoler here. In the cell of the condemned murderer Larocque was found a blade of a penknife, sharpened to an edge as sharp as a razor’s, which was concealed under the mattress of his bed. Although Lrirocque has been most well- behaved and goodahumoured. since his conviction, it is plain that he has had suicide in his thoughts, and that he in- tendgd using the knife-blade with Which to end his life. The blade was taken away and L-irocque left without any means of self-destruction. He eats heartily and MAY’s LAXDIxu, N. J., May 1.â€"Mem- bers of the crew of the schooner “ Hazel Dell,” of Atlantic county, who have arriv- ed here. tell a. story of hardship enCuun- tered by them (in Friday last. The schooner was lmded with oysters, was bcund for Virginia and was wrecked on the Virginia C(ulSt un Friday night, She was caught in the squall )n that night, when she had all sails set, and capsized without a. moment's warning. The captain, J nmes Monro and the mate, Charles SWIft, nf Atlantic City, Irving Mr. William O’Brien is occupying his spare time in Galwqy goal in writing a novel. and left a legacy f is in the hands nf $48.86 (which is e to pay probate fee he will forward t1 sleeps wen. and seems little disturbed by tne pmspect of his approaching death on the scatfuld. He has npt as yet spoken any Wurd of cmfess‘lon that he is guilty of the terrible crime for which he has been sentenced to be hanged. fthe trch nos 11 tile mm: mm: PBUple, thouoh not. knawing Mrs. Avcrv, think some “maiden relatix e or friend doubtless married a mm mmed Avery, and they Mrs. A. B. husband, on t! girl. entn'e wooc destroyed. Mr. John 5W: the 92nd, m xdt brought home \\ person Mifis Est The heavy Wil days kept a small day it got into E‘s-1 neér the scat'ix by Mr. Wood Specialtoz Wrecked of? t Five Hundred Dollars. A Startling Discovery. JRNT RIVE e New dersev )wnse n his bride in the gson. nd presented her . with a fine baby Lindsay 0n nan. â€" He ide in the ast Mr. Parnell on Friday, advised the Irish members to accept the Government’s land measure, and confine their strength not to oppnsing‘, but to improving the bill. At a conference held in London on Fri‘ day, over which Lord Dum'aven presided» a resolution was adopted to form an association to prevent the immigratum of destltute ahens. The Free Education bill that the Eng- lish Government is pledged to introduce is claimed by liberals to be a. Tory-Clerical measure against: which the party will fight- to the death. News has been received from the Alaska explorers; about whose safety considerable was felt, They are now at Port Town- send, Washington, on their ‘way to New York. In anticipation of Prince Bismark form- ing a new party at Reichstag. the Govern- ment is counciling in turn the Poles. the Guelphs, the Centre, and the Freisinnige parties, A small boy went out into‘thc street to see what the man fell off the car for. The determined smoker was dusting himself. There was no cigar near him. He looked about in a dazed way, and then said;â€" “ What was that Conrluctur’s number '2” The small boy did not know, so the comedy Will never have a tragic sequel.â€" New ’mv’; Sun. The car was now at a standstill, and the driver was looking back at the two men on the rear platform. He saw the little eon- ductor let fly his fist at the large red man, and immediately he let go of his brake and gave each of his horses a sharp cut with the whip. They leaped forward and gallop- ed away with the now empty car. When the driver looked round again he saw the figure of the large man standing ruefully in the middle of the car track a black behind. The Prince and Princess of Wales on Saturday opened the Naval exhibition at Chelsea, Where models illustrate the prog- ress of naval warfare from the time of Nelson to the present day. was beginning to annoy thelui‘ge red mun. “ Say. young feller,” renmrked the latter, “ ring the bell and let yourself off.” The conductor walked forward to the driver’s platform and said a few quiet Words to his coadjutor. Then he returned to his own platform, and for a moment or so, as the car went on, he was silent. Finally he directed his attention again to the smoker. A The large red man r0 9 to his feet, and as he did so the Conductcr pulled the bell for the car to stq) ). The smoker strode out to the p]: ufurm, Iand frlowerinu' dnwn on the HMO cox: duct or. hold the lighted cigar undel his nose, saying: â€"- " That cigar ain ’t goin tor be put out. “ You’ll havé said. The jackets are among the most notable things at the early Openings. They take to basque skirts with most amiable unanimity, though the skirts'on many models are a trifle shorter than was the case with the late winter designs. One in pale gray cloth has full plaited basques and an edging of fine gold cord which extends itself in front .with loops to catch the globular pearl buttons. Gold tracery in lace patterns is wrought about the armholes, and when the fronts are thrown back they reveal a. waistcoat of black silk with gold decorations. The Queen Regent of Spain is a very much overworked and worried woman, despite her rank and authority. Sh‘n is suffering from acute nervous prostration, and has been advised by her physicians to leave Madrid foratimo to obtain perfect rest from her anxieties. This she cannot do for fear of en- An East thvillc, Tenn, negro, who 5011‘; poultry for a living, recently found himself without anyr stock in trade and 11111qu the money to buy more. He had an old gray eagle. though, which he had revived from his former master at the close of the war, and this he determined to kill and sell as a tur- key, despite the fact that it was known to be about forty years of age. He killed the bird of freedom, sold it for a. turkey, and was arrested by the irate purchaser.- who hadoooked and vainly tried to eat the na- tional bird. ' dange 0'1 ing the security of her son 5 throne if she relaxes her vigilance 1n regard to State affairs. Cocozmut butter is an established fact in Europe, particularly in Germany and Swit- zerland. It is rapidly superseding oleomar- gax'ine {mm-mg the poorer classes, and is used to a. large amount in hospitals and state in- stitutions. It is good for both eating and cooking purpose. though how it; (an be pro- duced cheaper than cow butter is a. mystery, since the nuts from which it is made must be brought from Africa, South America and the South Sea. Islands. It is very healthful and easily digested. The man inside the horse car was very large and red. The conductor of the car xx as small and pale. The large, passenwer was infiingving the rules of the railroad Comp my by lightinu a. cimu‘. The smail conductor had watched this audacity. and when he was satisfied that the 01 .g:_tr -light- ing process was not an illusion hev re- marked, with considerable sternness of voice for a diminutive man ' “ You’ll have to put that cigar out.” The large red 1mm tuok no notice of the observation. but pufi'ed'hue‘e Volumes of observation, smoke. SH.) He Smoked' in a Car. have to put that cig 3 l1 pub tna' nonatiox put that ciual out t,”he m )‘zi T‘ 0L1 THE 18-tf. The above steamer has been. charteéd for this route until the magmficenb new steamer “ North King ” is complete about May 20th. will leave Cobourg daily Sunday excepted at 7.30 a. m., Port Hope 9.45 a. m., on arrival of G. T. R. trains from east, west and north for Charlotte, N. Y. Returning leaves Charlotte, N. Y. at 11 p. m., except Tuesday at 9 p. m. and Sat:- urday at 4 p. m. Calls at Brighton Wedngsday, and Col- borne Wednesday and Frxdny mornings. Jo Fextra Prime ........ O 00 to 00 00 Shorts per ton ............ 20 00 to 22 00 Lambskins ............... 0 50 to 0 60 Sheepskins. pelts ......... O 50 to 0 (50 Live lb‘gs, “ “ “. .. O 00 to 5 00 Flax seed per 100 ......... 2 00 to 3 00 Dressed Hogs, per 1001b. . .. 4 50 to 5 00 Rye ..................... O 00 to 0 40 Bran per ton ............. 18 00 to 20 00 Mixed Chop. . I . ........ 1 30 to 1 4O Corn Chop. . . ........... 1 75 to 1 85 Oat Chop ............... 1 80 to l 90 Pen. Chop ................ 1 50 to 160 Screenings ................ 90 to 1 00 Alsike Clover ............. 7 00 to 8 00 Red Clovgr ............... ‘3 75 to 4 25 Timothy Seed‘ ............ 1 50 to 2 00 at Ten o’clock in the forenoon. Lake Ontario“ Steamboat Ce’y. STEAMER EURYDICE The Court of Revision to revise the As- sessment; Rolls of the Township of Eldon, for the year. 1801, will be held at: REED'S HALL, Lorneville, on SATURDAY, THE 30TH MAY, A. 0- I89! All persons interested will please govern themselves accordingly. fiacun ...... per Tb Mess Pork, per bb] Hay, per ton ...... COURT OF REVISION, hard Sold :1: $1.11 ta ~arrive, 11nd at $1.10 North Bay and to arrive -Mziy. N0. 1 fmsted «.ifl'eret‘l «m call to arrive N urth Bay at $1, with ”‘30 bid. Bailey -â€"W:13 dull and easy. A car of N0. 3 Sold at 550 on the Midland. Peasâ€"Weak 11 1th no enquiry. Sellers were to be found at7 511ml 760, north and west points. Ryeâ€" â€"â€"Nomi11al. None oflered. 0313â€" V\ e1e quiet but steadier. If any- thin“ thele V'CIC :1 few 111010 enquiries frmn the e15t.\\l1ite and mixed were steadily held at 47 to 480111111 470 respect- ix ely outside. A couple of czus white sold Should be wrapped With a linen Cloth wet with Clark’s Lightning Liniment. The pain will leave instantly, and the swelling rapidly subside. bfothmg known to med- ical science will atloml such a peedy relief and cure, and there is no other remedy that gives the sufl'erer such quick satisfac. tinn. Where once usedâ€"alwaya used. Order from your druggist. There is only am: Clark’s Lightnlng Linimcnt; price liftv cents. Clark Chemical 00., Toronto m3: York. 18-2. late Saturday tn arrive here at 52c. Our prices are: Flourâ€"Manitoba patent $6.25 tn $6.40 7. Mammba strong bakers, $6 to $6.10; Ontario patentg, $5.25 to TO IVA/5117]}? 0F ELDOJV. ‘. F. GILDEBSL’EEVE, . Gen. F. Gen.‘ Man. I Kingston, Ont. For information address, On and after MONDAY, MAY 4th. the LINDSAY MARKETS. OFFICE OF THE lemn WATCHMAN. WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1891. LINDSAY, 051‘. May 7th, 1891. York. Temporary Arrangements. Toronto Markets, Ll. - : 0 u u 4 U a Q n c c - .. a . o a c o n a o c - a . n a g . . n v a a n - ooocoo....o-... May, 6. a. sharp break in the Ameri- a'rkets tO-day; the west closed ccline of 40; com drupped :1 Ms in sympathy, and oats 10. uenerally -.‘d lower. Locally lnur. were we 1L and slightly M310 dull and weak, and oats It with a stendier tendency. 1turio wheat flours were lower .nitolm mills are steadv at atom, Imus are steady at On change straight roller : lower, with sellers at $4.85 1y delivery with buyers at crain or Bruise. JOHN A. JACKSON, Township Clerk. 10, north outsiC . NICHOLSON, 01‘ C2111 tor wheat was )rth and west the Canadian generally held le. Manitoba Any information g.ven by applying to D. C. TREW. 1, Lots 7, 3, and 9 Mary street. 1. Lats 7, 2, 9 and 10 Division_ street. 3. Lucs 11, 12 and 13, and the unnum- bered portion lying west of the River OI} George street. 4. Three Hons street. Some Valuable Town and Fai'm â€" - Property. - - of Ops. From the Highest Scoring Birds in Canada. The following Breeds : half Organs and Sewing Machines cleaned and repaired. ‘ Orders lcftat.Mr. Goodwm’s willreceive prompt attention. A moderate siZed brick house with the privilege of buying 1f suitable. Apply to S. J. PETTY, The subscriber is prepared to furnish the New Wiliizims Machine, which is now considered the leading-machine in the market. Should :my other machine be desired it. can be furnished on the very lowest terms. All machines.warranted for five years. JOHN WEQLEETT, New Williams Sewing Machines JOHN MALLETT. Lindsay, April 15th, 1891. 119 Acres, L0t19 in the 4th Con of Ops 50 Acres, Lot 18 in the 4111 Con. of Ops 100 Acres west 1- of 4 iythe .Gth Con 0 Elmly, will be sold, rented, or exchangm or town property. ' 50 Acres of land in the township of ng EGGS FOR HATGHING‘; HOUDAN WHITE and BROWN LEGHORN S. PLYMOUTH ROCKS BLACK COOHINS. for this district. Oflice in Mr. W. A. Goodwin’s Store, near the Market. Terms made to suit pu WANTED TO RENT. FOR SALE One House on One House on )ts â€"â€"SOLE AGENT F011 THEâ€" A. H. MELVILLE Lindszw. ARM Lindsay Poultfi Yard.“ 5:137 st Russel street east. Peel street. and : township of Ops, 3th Con. on which use and log barn. Chasers. The Jeweller. half ( t east. s on Durham Mm Also please bear 1n mmd that we are determmed to 1V0 satisfa: tion, and W111 use the best of the wool for our own trace, and u 111 gua antee the best yarn thls year that we have ever turned out. Address WALLACE Co., Woollen Mills, Lindsay J'. w. WAI.I.ACE, them. Now is is your chance LO secure a Goal Stc Half-Price, Cook Stoves 40 per Cent below :5â€" Cost Prices. The Largest and ost varie .i‘ of meare m LGds ay at your own pm, 9 WWOOI may be shipped to us by boat or' rail, and on all lots of forty pounds or over (If to be manufactured) we will pay freight to mill Lthls does not apply to roll' carding.) Parties sending wool should always put their name on the ticket, as we often get several parcels by same train and find It hard fn Luann ”mm-n -4.--:..L. , 1 1 - nfl We have put on a new Burr Cylinder on custom machine and will guarantee best roll carding we have ever done. Price 5 c: . per pound, 2 cents for greasing, canons, snmjrmc. GOTTONAIES, KNITTED 90933, 2ch Remember tnat this stock is cEmposecl of “.127 -;:c‘ ant; must be soldw: thin Nmety Days. ome along and secgzr ‘= Repairing as usual at Lowest Rates. JOSEPH MOELZY. lRich (I ( M «Q m p) 5’ (I) We charge for Manufacturing when wool is found. 'â€" ’ Reeled Yarn Single - 15c per pound] All Wool Check Flannel - 200 p0 -" \ 3rd Stocking Yarn,2 or 3 ply 20c “ “ lF 1111 010th, from - - 30‘ " ' Twill Flannel yard wide 25c: “ 3 m] A W‘WECkS - - - 30 to NC- “ " 2 “ "‘ 45c "' “ Blamrets from $1 to $3.00 per p‘lil‘. IO cts: per yard for yard wide, and 5 eta. per yard for cotton: double Wldth 2 yards wide, 20 cts for weavmg and IO cts for cotton. MANUFACTURING AS USUAL. 1891. “10,000 Palms 0F wow. WANTED, ‘Ias Re-opencg in the Old Stand, Sign (nearly opposite the Benson House}. wl sell all kinds of Stoves and Tinware 2 below régular prices. The whole stock ~.§,;.GRE./4 T [3’14fo J3 -,______-\.. “fluâ€"n...” Highest Cash Price, and 2 Cents per lb. extra when traded. CUSTOM OARDING: A WITHIN THE NEXT NINETY DAYS US‘I'OJNI keep in stock for sale all kinds of Woollen Goods. 2.150 and will sell as cheap as the cheapest JML $.52- .LVJ=U£3>MM ,, ”ET'E‘ “WATT? “5‘6: 31d Stand, Sign of the La:r nson House). where he :5 pre 3 and Tim\ are at 40 to 50 pe The whole stock must be clear WT'EAVING, I 37‘ $70!: 1891- Enormo Volume IV. Nu HIGINBOT L_ new excep come a beg L11 and talk

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