BIS. 'xreene 1130‘ C .a dies’ PmcES H. G. EDWARDS 8100., éz‘y. ‘l/ to call “1 RE uiE L.\CK KUBBLK KIUI‘LLD an alkyd. . .._- _- V for the sale of THE CANADIAN OILED CLOTHIï¬G Co’si 3.3::3, and Carry a full stock 01 Oiled Coats, JACKETS, CAPs,and RUGS t M ‘hc thing for heavy hard outdoor work. Every workingman £5" :14†ghould have an outï¬t. If you have not seen these goods to» ‘* '.1 f‘hem' - . o 5‘:O~r:nd flock of LMBRELLAS, all makes and quahtles, from 40c. U “ IES’ WATERPROOF CAPES and CIRCULARS in ten 1:~ :O €3Ch- LAD . . . Ff’th m kcs and prlces, quahtles guaranteed, shapes the newest, a 516‘w -t e always distance all competitors. Our ,.l , , . . oves and Hosxery have always been large. 1‘ his season we are 1n ';5 Of Ul - - "géï¬on :0 offer sull better values than ever before. All prices In Hose tor Children, Misses and Ladies itléss Fast Black Cotton . and...“ llosc double heels and toes, spliced ankles and double ‘ es as other houses ask for single goods. Ask for flees at same pnc . . . ' " Animmense stock of Cashmere Hose In all qualities and Sizes, 31'qu 15-10 :10 per cent. cheaper than elsewhere. We buy these goods ' ‘hc manufacturers, and save one proï¬t for our customers by so Mitts in Silk, Lisle, Taffetta and hing new and fashionable is 'ces are guaranteed lower 9 mesa departments w .;m ..-~ ~ ,uvu‘! ,.‘~-' {dawns never ~"-‘=er.:rz;l in our mammot . . ‘ in the trade for sumlar goods. from -. Our assortment of Gloves and so complete or attractive, everyt h stock. And our pr1 .L‘V‘ 131V ;;t‘-L‘.St‘ -.1 ,,,A_ l:__I. Aardnn' +119 Wee a' Sf 1 11.1 ‘ 11 1““ "’ aconsidemble, though, nimoney, placed with me, f‘ Jams at Parties wi~hing to borrow on snouid no: delay to make h amounts of funds. at._sl A‘g mes. according to scour“; cases. solicitor work IS done ensurm: speed and moderate C0» 1-1': Wâ€" V ared with an Immense Stock of Straw We are equally well prep 1} the newest and nicest shapes at bed rock prices. Just Opened - in a . , . . .5 '1 lines of Glrls Saulor Hats at }pr1ceâ€"â€"Lot 1, cheap at 30 cents,â€"-Lot. 2, 509 Girls’ Sailor These are bargams whlch are :.. next (1001' Telephone 3 5. prr 2245).: m a. moi. 3. 3.. Cam 3.†ï¬rm can? “N. whoaonno. on". Do not 1:] jal prices an}: RECENTLY AT THE SlGN 0F DEALERS IN ï¬ilsaAL House-sunmsnmns, HARDWARE SPEBIALTIES. E10 remoxed to Lindsay, \V md Evidence: ~\o. " 28, x: door to Dunoon 5 Terra 5.2-... (Ni? Q i {AW} ? ALLAN mosh Sqns†best. goods, bought at dead bargam and bemg offered at about half their value. ommunication . Jva- â€" 85 Co? have an immense stock of Men’s Waterproof Coats. - - ese lines without ï¬rst seeing Gloves and Hosiery. â€" “A on these terms, e application. lightly higher -.;_: to borrow «:luv to mak s of funds. at 3 Eng: to security. In most r work is done in my ofï¬ce, :1 and moderate expenses. xx 5 MACDOXNEL, Barrister. 8:c.. Lindsay. Tents, Flags, Awnings: { RUBBER COATS all sizes. Hammocks, Camp Beds, Camp Chairs, Camp Tables, Ice Cream nd%a.}'. Ontario. 3. 25, Wellington- _‘5 Terrace- .ion . ~20-1Y THE ANVIL. Freezers. limited sum for loaning on HAD WHEN BUYING WATCHES Not only in watches do we excel but in the ï¬tting of spec- tacles properly to the most difï¬cult: cases of eye trouble, where glasses are usefule 1131mm BROTHERS. two considerations deserve attention,viz.,price and quality. When buying, PRICE is per- haps uppermost in your mind, After you’ve bought you lose 1 sight of price and QUALITY becomes the chief thought. We CAN and WILL give you advanflges in both. The care and attention we give to the subject and our practical ex- perience enables us to do so. FOOT 0F KENTST-'. LINDSAY. We are sole agents in the Ground on Cake Just received at Higinbotham’s.â€"â€"17-4. At Eamon BROTHERS, $2.00. -â€"3-1y. Remember the Auction Sale Of valuable residence and house lots, furniture and effects of Miss E. White, Cambridge-st, Tuesday. May 23rd, at: 1 o’clock. JAS. H. LENNON.â€"20 1. The Boy Orator. On Sunday afternoon, at the Academy of Music, between the hours of four and ï¬ve o’clock, Mr. B. F. Stewart, the celebrated lecturer, will deliver a grand lecture on “Some of the popular evils of the day.†Following the lecture DeVVitt Talmage Stewart, the 8 year old boy‘ orator, will mate the Rev. Dr. Talmage’s brilliant oration, “Belshazzar’s night lfeast, or the carousal at the palace.†The Rev. Dr. Wild says of him: “The wonder- ful voice rose and fell with great clearness over the large audience in my church, all of whom were astonished at the boy’s ability. His rendering of Belshazzar’s night feast, and the Lord’s prayer were extremely ï¬ne.†Admission, silver collec- tion at tlie door. the Watchman. DeGuerre vs Ewing. Judgement has just. been given in this case, whtch was tried before J ustlce Falconbridge at the last fall assizes. The “73‘-_‘ALL ‘\] Seeds 1 Seeds! Seeds! All kinds at Higinbotham’s.-â€"17-4. THURSDAY, MAY 11, 1893. fé ndants. Personals. Mrs. John Dixon, ofIPeterboro, a former resident of Lindsay, was 111 town on Monday renewmg old aquamtances. â€"Mr. B. Morrow, registrar of the county of Peterboro was 111 town a day or tws last week calling on frlends. â€"â€"Mr. A. M. Paton is now installed as G. T. R. station agent here, and already, as we predicted, “Alex.†has caught on. â€"â€"Mrs. \Vm. Croft, of Peterboro, sister l of Mr. \Vm. McMahon, of the post office, was in town last week V181t1ng her brother, who is lying ill. ,_ ‘r. 1- u UL‘I‘II\, L v--- - â€"â€"Mr. Thus Irwin, agent of the Ruth bun (30., at Peterbnro, was in town on Tuesday. He purchased three curlouds of building material for the burg. -â€"â€"Mr. Wm. Ferguson, Peterboro, district agent for the Excelsior Insurance Cn- was here last; week, pushing business ~â€"-Mr. Wm. Ferguson, reteruum, district agent for the Excelsior Insnrance Co- was here last week, pushing business in this section. . ‘ -â€"Mr. “Ted†Cavanagh, the well- known hotel man, of Pcterboro, was in town on Monday. He has been investing in Victoria property, and his many friends in Lindsay were pleased to greet him. â€"â€"We are pleased to notice that Dr. Gillespie. of Manilla. who has been ill for some tine, suffering from a severe attack of 1a grippe, is rapidly recovering, and has resumed his practice. “ "\ LL â€"â€"Mr. J. J , representing the of Montreal, was say on Monday. and sells to t] country. u‘lu-nv- _, . â€" Mr. John O’Donnell. Peterboro, district agent for the Peoples’ Insurance Co. a new strong, and popular institution. was in town last week looking over the ‘ ground. This company has donea phen- omenal business since its establishment. â€"Bobcaygeon Independent : â€" Miss Braden has returned home. after spending some time with her sister in Lindsay. . . . . Miss Beatty is home again from Peter- horo. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fisher are visiting at Mr. John Braden’s. Mr. Fisher is just recovering from a." long and critical illness. . . . . Mr. Knight, school :nnnonfnr mid 1118 oflicml attentions to omenal business since its esmm â€"Bobcaygeon Independent: Braden has returned home. after some tune with her sister in L1n< Miss Beatty is home again fr01 born. . . . . Mr. and Mrs. Alex I visiting at Mr. John Braden Fisher is Just recovering from a. critical illness. . . . . Mr. Knigl inspector, paid his ofï¬cial atte‘ l . . lthe school mistresses this week. 0119 DUAAv\/- ____,- â€"â€"Lindsay is rapidly drawmg the best citizens from all parts of the country. The latest to become a. townsman is Dr. Jefl'ers, who for the last 17 years has practiced his profession in Oakwood. The worthy doctor is well known through- out the county and his advent among us will be cordially welcomed. â€He has taken uphis residence on Wellington-st, next 1 L-_..- AA Town and County '7‘ to Dunoon’s terrace. A Marriage License, J , McGannon, of Prescott, the “Rehance†Cigar factory, was doing business 111 Lind- ‘0’ \A AAAAA O V. -V He handles good goods, the best houses in the the Jewellers, for â€"Harper’s Arabian Balm cures lum- bago.~â€"17-tf. â€"-The P. M. has had quite a. number of truancy cases to dispose of recently. â€"Dr. McKay’s bill to allow the widows’ cows to roam at large was thrown out by the legislature. -â€"â€"The Bay of Quinte conference of the Methodist church will meet at Oshawa. on May 28th. â€"-â€"The annual picnic of the Verulam agricultural society will be held on Satur- day, June 17th. â€"_The farmers are busy ploughing and sowmg and in consequence only a small number Vifllt the town these ï¬ne days. â€"The thunder showers of Friday cleared the air and the sun has made the growth of the grass jump up suddenly. â€"-We have heard of at least half a dozen minor accidents through different idewalks. â€"The Grand Trunk wants a. number of men to work in the ballast pit at Victoria Road. Steady work all summer. â€"â€"On Saturday a. small boy was thrown from his bicycle and was badly cut about the face and head. â€"â€"Ma.tters in police circles are very quiet and no cases of any importance have come up 1n 8. week. â€"â€"-Yesterday was “thanksgiving day†for the Grand Trunk employees and Agent Paton made his ï¬rst appearance at Lind- say in the role of paymaster. -Some of the farmers residing along the river think that they will have to chain up their grainaries, if the high water continues much longer. â€"â€"-We are pleased to learn that the family of Mr. R. Kennedy are all right again and that the diphtheria has been entirely stamped out. 1 u u _ -L vâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" v ‘4 â€"-Judore Dean decided in 9. case at Haliburton that a hotel keeper could not collect pay for drinks, charged to a patron of the house. â€"â€"Trains are still running over the Missing Link, but the work of ï¬lling in at the bridges will commence at an early day 1â€"1:; 1892 there were 19.959 Oddfellows in Ontario and the amount paid out for relief averaged $215 for every day of the year. â€"Hodgson the hypnotist is to be one of the attractions at Cannington, on the evening of May 24th. He gives a good entertainment. â€"â€"The annual meeting of the Ontario County Teachers’ Association will be held in the Port: Perry High School on Thurs- day and Friday, 25th and 26th insts. â€"â€"There was quite a large crowd in town on Saturday, mainly of the gentler sex however. as their partners were busily engaged in farming operations. ' - 1 - 7 1_:,: -1-..“ n... UUBILJ Ullaubv“ --_ _._ â€"-New ties are geing leid along the line of the Victoria Railway and a. large number of men are employed on the annual trains. â€V, â€"â€"Tl‘.e C. P. R. commenced to run into Toronto, over the Don, on Sunday and the time between Peterboro and Toronto is reduced by an hour. There are numer- ous changes in the time table. r1 â€"â€"Remember the auction sale of valu- able residence and house lots, furniture and effects of Miss E. White. Cambridge- st.', Tuesday, May 23rd, at: 1 o’clock. .1153. H. LENxox.â€"2O-1. â€"â€"-The Central and Veitch’s hotels appear to be the places where the horse- men most do congregate and on a. Satur- day the talk heard in the yards of these places has a decidedly horsey twang. AAA n.‘ \T ‘7' 1‘1““ r-.-_ _ -â€"Engine No. 999, of the‘N.Y.C.R.R., now on exhlbition at the world’s fair, made a. mile between Rochester and Buffalo in 32 seconds, beating the record. This is at the rate of 112% miles per hour ‘~ L-â€" LL- Links 1.: 1‘ v... ._V- and faster time" than :1; made _by the loboconk flier. wAccording to a. recent decision of the Court of Appeal, there is no insolvent act in force in Ontario. The Court holds that the Dominion alone can legislate conCern- ing trade and commerce. As it stands now whoever secures the ï¬rst judgment, takes the whole pot. â€"â€"()f’ï¬cer Foster had an exciting adven- ture last week, away in the back part of the county, while arresting an outlaw. The latter took aim at the oflicer, but happily the gun missed ï¬re. The bird was caged. He has the reputation of‘ being a little light in the upper storey. â€"â€"The engineer of the Columbian is now hard at work getting her ï¬tted up ready for the 24th, when she will take her ï¬rst trip for the season. It is intended to conï¬ne her work to excursions for the season and quite a. number of dates are already booked. -â€"â€"It is stated that wooaen legs are more in demand from farmers than from I any one class. Insurance men say that j the table of percentage shows that 17 per - cent. of amputations are performed on 1 agriculturists, while among; railroad men it is only 7 per cent. This is a curious and not readily explalned fact. â€"â€"Andrew Cadieu. employed in the ‘ Georgian Bay Lumber Co’y’s mill. at Victoria Harbor, met a sudden and violent deat on Thursday. His job is to mind the elevators that dump the refuse of the mill into the burner elevator. It is supposed that a slab caught in the pulley, and that he went in under the elevator to free it and got his arm caught. When found life was extinct. the neck and arm being broken. He was 62 ‘years old. â€"â€"-Local option in the Township of Pickering has had its ï¬rst two weeks’ ex- perience. Division Court was held at Brougham one day last week, and neither judge nor litigants could get dinner. The seven hotels in the township refuse accommodation of any kind, and their horse sheds are nailed up securely. Travellers are complaining. Some of them have gone to the houses of the warmest advocates of the local prohibition i by-law and asked for meals and feed for their horses, but they asked in vain. LITTLE LOCAL LINES. stated that wooden_legs are â€"Men for the drives are going north on almost every train. â€"Op emtions on the large drying kiln of the Pal-kin Lumber Co. .. are going on space. â€"-The new siding to the Parkin mill is completed and cars can run to the very doors now. -â€"-Two carloads of cattle were shipped to Montreal, by local dealers, this week. ~Freight is commencing to move pretty lively now, whereat the G. T. employees are pleased. â€"Pig 3 by the carload are being ship- ped to the Matthew’s packing house at Peterboro. â€"â€"A palace horse car at the Grand Trunk attracted much attention on Sun- day. It was one of the ï¬nest made. ;â€"A new sidewalk has been laid in front; of the Academy of Music, but not a. minute before it; was required. â€"The street and bridge committee will report at the next meeting of the council and then will come the big kick. â€"The river on Sunday was fairly alive with canoes and skiï¬'s. Several steam launches made the trip to the Point. â€"Mr. Wm. Simpson has purchased the Sturgeon Point hotel property and will make many improvements this season. -â€"-The quarter sessions will open before Judge Bean, on the secopd Tuesday in J une. â€"Ma.ny of the cottage owners at the Points are getting things into shape for the season. -â€"Neuralgia must go 1 $500 for a. case that Harper’s Arabian Balm will not heal at once. For sale by E. Gregory.-â€"â€"17-tf. â€"The weather here of late has been hard: on the railwav tracks. The section men and engineers have to keep a. vigi- lant look out for washouts. -â€"Some of our leading streets are in a horrible condition. Between the ruts and the lakes of mud they are almost im- passible and are a disgrace to the council. â€"â€"An autOpsy was held on the body of a. young lady named Mary McArthur, aged 18 years, who died suddenly on Friday last. She died of an affection of the brain. â€"Fishery Inspector Fitzgerald has completed his inspection of the northern districts and will not return again for some time, unless his presence is urgent- ly required. â€"Captain Crandell was noticed on Wed- nesday, in close conversation with the agent of the Rathbun Co. It is hinted that the captain feared another flood ond was inquiring for a supply of timber to con- struct an ark with. â€"Mr. Richard Wilkinson, the well known landscape gardener has completed a splendid job. at the premises recently purchased by Mr. Carter. â€"Whenever a newspaper man gets so he can please everybody his usefulness on this big earth will be cut 013' short, for right there he will be gently wafted on angel’s wings too the heaven of rest beyond. â€"Judge Rose, at Osgoode Hall, quash- ed the local option by-law passed by the village of Stouï¬ville, on the grounds that it did not receive a majority of the votes of those entitled to vote upon it. â€"The Great North Western Telegraph Co. hes purchased a large number of poles in this vicinity this season. They are being shipped to the west. â€"Mr. \Vm. Weese, on Tuesday shipped to Montreal, 3 carload of general purpose horses. They were an extra ï¬ne lot, Mr. Weese has dropped the New York market for the present, at least. ' â€"â€"â€"A prominent agriculturist informs us that only a very small proportion of the farmers in this vicinity have ï¬nished their seeding operations. The wet weather has greatly retarded meht. -â€"“ This car is loaded with the Parkin perfection shingles, the ï¬nest on earth, manufactured by the Parkin Lumber 00., of Lindsay Ont, Canada." is the legend to be seen on the sides of numerous box cars bound for the domain of Uncle Sam. -â€"It is said by these who profess to B know that the late snow storms and cold :1 snap are worth everything to the fruit a crop as myriads of insects that infest the bark of apple trees were killed. The extreme cold winter, too, it is thought, will beneï¬t the fruit. s o A grocer tacked upon his door 1t "A bit of paper. this it bore: a l r l “Boy wanted 1 At the desk apply. Pay sureâ€"at ï¬rst not very high.†Within two days. at early morn, A grocer’s baby boy was born. His little brother, wild with joy, Said to his father: “ Here’s your boy ! " Take down the notice on the door, For you won’t need it any more.†Then added this: “We’ve got a prize 1 Now, don’t it pay to advertise?†A large consignment of white ï¬shfry was sent to the Bay of Quinte at Belle- ville on Saturday. On Monday after- tnoon another consignment was sent rum the fishery building at Ottawa for the same bay. These fish will be deposit- 3 ed near Belleville and Piston. The 3 salmon trout are now hatching. They will ! be ready in the course of ten days or so 3 for shipment. , 1 â€"A well known lawyer gives the followâ€" 1 ing as the rights on the public highways in towns and cities: “ The street belongs .f to teams and vehicles, and pedestriains have no more business upon them than ,t the teams would have upon the walks. m The crossings at the street corners belong to pedestrains, who have the right of Way. there, by law, as against teams. Many drivers ignore the law, and dash over the r. sidewalks, endangering lives and the )f limbs of the pedestaians, without thinking they are violating the law. No vehicle n or horse can. within the law, be driven >r rapidly over the crossing, nor can the driver obstruct the crossing.†the county of On‘tério. Luv Vvulltl v. van-yup-..- -â€"Peterboro will expend about $9000 this year on streets and sidewalks. â€"A new school is to be erected in the east ward. It is badly required. â€"-Cobourg fanciers are endeavoring to get up a dog show to take place in that town, in August next. ,1-,- vavu -w â€"â€" _-- â€"An Unclc Tom’s company, under canvas, will play in Lindsay on the 24th of May. â€"Sylvester’s creek was overflowing the banks yesterdny and almost every cellar in that vieinity wag flooded. . -L-Vréa's-hvlgï¬vrï¬'s circus is taking in the towns along the main line of the Grand Trunk. It will visit us latdr on in the season. â€"Harper’s Arabian Balm is the best liniment sold. Popular price. 25 cents large bottle. For sale by E. Gregory. â€"17~tf. ‘ â€"-â€"The Bell Telephone Co. has issued a lcircular to all its agents instructing them to appeal against any increased assessment on poles, wires etc. â€"-According to the Kingston papers, the Port Hope Lacrosse club is billed to play in that city, on the 24th of May. They will play here instead. â€"Mr. James Smith, superintendent of the Lindsay Gas Co. has put in quite a number of gas stoves this season and they have all giv en the best of satisfaction. -â€"A woman named Dilty Sanders, from Millbrook, was found lying on the side of the road at Peterboro. the other night. She was taken to one of the hospitals, but: died the next day. â€"When a. young man talks foolishly he is denounced as “talking through his hat†but the young lady who indulges in con- versational rambles â€has a [telephone in her bonnet.†according to slang cranks. â€"'1"he first hoopskirt was worn by a New York lady in 1740. She was arrest- ed by the police. Chief Bell has his weather-eye wide open for the lady who attempts to revive the style in this enlight- enedisge.‘,_ - _-â€" 0 an n I ,AA.--L ..A v---“ .. â€"-Mr. Seth Haines. 30 Peel street re. pairs umbrellas and sharpens scissors, knives etc., with neatness and despatch. Give him a. call when you want anything done, in his line. 7 â€"â€"ball at E. Gregory’s drug store and get a bottle of Harper’s Arabian Balm, the best liniment for man and beast. Every bottle guaranteed.â€"1"-tf. â€"There was no market at all yesterday worth speaking of. A couple of women with baskets were the sellers and the buyers were just about as numerous. â€"The wat'er in the river is higher than ever it was before at this season. The long continued rains have greatly swollen. the flow. -â€"â€"Persons answering green goods cir- culars commit a felcony under the crimi- nal code of 1892, and make themselves liable to ï¬ve yeras in Kingston panibentiâ€" ary. ~Mr. J. J. Daly’s celebrated horses Blackstone and Minnie Bell were taken to Brantford on Tuesday where they will take part in the races'on the 24th of May. The travelling dairy is going through â€"-â€"0n June 19th next, :Manvers will vote on 3. 310.000 by-law_tc_) ai6:__t!1e 'vyv L. Bf}. 'Pfii; ’ 3., Cartwright will be asked for $7000 and Ops will be taken up later. â€"The tug Nora, of Cobourg, the property of the Rathbun 00., came in by train on Friday last. She draws six feet of water and is the most powerful boat in the district. â€"-Mr. Geo. R. Clarke, the assistant manager of the African Choir. who was here with them a few weeks ago, died suddenly of heart: disease, at Woodstock on Tuesday morning. â€"On account of the local celebration of the Queen’s Birthday, the excursion to Fenelon Falls, advertised under the auspices of the Prentice Boys, has been postponed until a later date, due notice of which will be given. â€"â€"One of the latest novelties and im- provements on the market is a canopy which can be attached to bicycles as a pro- tection from both sun and rain. It may also constructed in such a way that it may be used in windy weather as a sail, thus making the labors of the wheelman light- er. -â€"A long time back Mr. H. S. Morri- son, of Toronto, sold an expensive piece of machinery to a man named Keane. who lived in Lindsay. On Monday last he brought action to recover its price, $1,013, and got judgment. In default of the payment the machine goes back to the maker. â€"On the north side of Sussexst" near Kent, the town has dumped a lot of earth from the streets that were scraped. A tile drain runs underneath. Some of the tile were broken, the cracks have ï¬lled up with the dirt, the water is backed up and citizens residing in the vicinity are vowing vengeance, on account of the flooded cellars. â€"â€"The following sad refrain is season- ;able:â€"“ Father, dear father, come home with me now, for ma has some carpet to beat ; she’s got all the furniture out in the yard from the front door clean down to the street. The stove must come down and be put in the shed. and the yard must be cleaned of dead grass, for its time to clean house and theâ€"to pay Uhunv vv ___, â€"â€"and the front windows need some new glass. Father, dear father, come home with me now, and bring some bologna and cheese : it’s most twelve o’clock and there’s nothing to eatâ€"I’m so hungry I’m weak in the knees. All the dinner we’ll have will be cold snaps and such, and we’ll have to eat standing up too, for the tables and chairs are out in the ya‘rdâ€"oh, \“Ulvw ‘---â€" '-__.v I wish spring house cleaning was through ‘ Father, dear father, come home with me now, for ma is as mad as a. Turk. She says you are a lazy old thing and that she proposes to put you to work. There’s painting to do, and paper to hang. and windows and: casings to scrub, for it’s house cleaning time, and you’ve got to come home and revel in suds and cold.