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Watchman (1888), 4 May 1899, p. 1

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g are making a- }ne of the best cots. OUR SPECIAI}: urers, that are selected a Shelf Warmcts. All 1. ta heavy (willed mpared with any see them. W , and are bonght ”I” c in Prints, and the J ting customers: Millwood delivered to KER, Ilacksmith Goal, II” SAY LERS, KENT smug 1 Tweeds, oatinzzs KOOTS. SHOES and ion. The advantage '3 rrything choice in F“, NNELETTES ly House CLES. iry Cheese and Butter S 012 kwood prices. P313137 the AGENT 2.1Mhe {nine XLH‘ «C‘CQ‘O‘CC‘Q‘OC‘CCWO E. E. W. MCGAFFEY OQ«‘COQ«O‘C C‘WCQC‘ Paiasn KENT STREET, LINDSHY g. .. _ , , 4? wwfimmfiéfi 9? *kémfi We are szzhg L¢ Bwsmess Learn our Prices Before Buying... athing, Hats, flaps, Carpets, Hum Bile-lath, ”[838 Bands, Ties, ins, Uvemlls, Pants and. Prints Slater ..$3.50.. W.--Shoe They are equal to any $4.00 Shoe shown in any town or city. R. NEILL. :, Gluves, Hosiefy, Underweah Lace Curtains, Tweeds, . Blouses and Ladies’ Skins Number 18. HAVE YOU SEEN THE THE WATCH MAN-WARER. DO YOU NEED «HIWIIHIH- TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE.â€"I have been instructed by Mr. Geo. (an to ofier for sale by public auction the Household Furniture, Bar Fixings, etc., in connection with the Star Hotel, Wil iam st., on Saturday, May 6th, I899, Sale at one o’clock shurp and without reserve, as Mr. Carr is retiring from the hotel business. JAS. H. LENNON, auctioneer.â€"I7-l. TO RENT.-â€"About 35/; acres of land, good soil, meely situated jlht outside of corpora- tion, with five-roomed frame house, stable and driving shed, good well, and % acre of nice young orchard. Very suitable fer gardener or retired farmer. Possession immediately. JAMES MAHAR, G.T.R. foreman, William-st. north, Lindsay.-â€"I7- 3 TOWNSHIP OF BEXLEY'.-Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision for the Municipality of Bexley will be held in the Odd Fellows Hall at Coboconk, on Saturday, the 27th Day of May, 1899, commencmg at the hour 01 II o’clock in the forenoon. ALFRED TAYLOR, township clerkâ€"184. RASPBERRY AND STRAW- BERRY PLANTS.-â€"-I have tor sale six of the leading varieties in Rasterry Plants, 21.50 a. quantity of the best Straw- berry Plants, at wholesale prices. The plrmzing season is now’ here. and purchases should be made at once. I will guarantee saliamction, as I handle only the best var ie- ties. All plants purchased from me last season. and which have not grown, will be replaced free of charge. ISAAC DEYELL, Box 273. Lindsay P. O.â€"16-4. PUBLIC NOTICE.â€"Notice is hereby given that a By-Law was passed by the Municipal Council of the Town of Lindsay, on the fourteenth day of April, A.D. 1899, providing for the issue of debentures to the amount of $1.0co 00, {or the purpose of a Public Library, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Ofiice of the County of Victoria, on the 24th day of April, A D. 1899. Any motions to quash orset aside same or any part thereof. must be made within three months from the date of regis- tration, and cannot be made thereatter. Dated this 28th day of April, A.D. 1899. F. KNOWLSON, town clerk.â€"â€"x8-3. SEWERS.â€"Notice is hereby given that unless parties desrring of having Sewers con- structed under the Local Improvement Plan this year, present their Petitions to Council at once, there will be no certainty of the work being proceeded with this year. GEO. INGLE, Chairman Board of Works. STRAYED.â€"From the village of Kirk- field, on Tuesday, April 25th, 1899, One Milch Cow, {our years old, mostly red in color. Any one giving information that wlll recover the cow Will be rewarded by HENRY W. KEARNS, Kirkfield P.O., Danâ€"173. FOR SALE.â€"The two commodious white brick houses on the north-west corner of William and Colborne streets, north ward. Valuable property, in first-class condition. Price and terms on application at this office. â€"16. DRUHAM BULL FOR SALE. PUBLIC NOTICE.â€"-Notice is hereby git/en that a By-Law was passed by the Municipal Councxl of the Town of Lindsay, on the 14th day of April, AD. 1899, pro- viding for the issue of debentures to the amount of $2,000.00 for the purpose of granting a bonus to Messrs. Rider Kitch- ener, and that such By-law was registered in the Registry Office of the County of Victoria, on the 24th day of April, A D. 1899 Any motions to quash or set aside same or any part thereof, must be made within three months from the date of registration, and cannot be made the-eafter. Dated this 28m day of April, 1899. F. KNOWLSON, Town Clerkâ€"13. HOUSE TO RENT.â€"No 12, Aberdeen FOR SALE.-â€"A lady’s bicycle, one pair tires and pair wooden handle bars. All second hand. Apply at this office. TO RENTâ€"White Brick House on comer William and Colbome-sts., north ward. Immediate possession. Apply at this office. 17-2. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO_ QRE- Tender; addressed to the undersigned and marked “Tenders tor Bridge.” will be re- ceived until Tuesday, the 23rd day of May, lot leofluonng and otherwise repauing the budge on the '1 enth Concesswn Line of Eldon, at Lot One. Plans and specifica- tions of the propOsed repairs may be seen at the post tfiice, Lameville. The IOWest or any tender nut tzecmsaxily accepted A. McFARLANE, Reeve 01 Eden, Argyle -17- W J- Registered, 12 months old. Rean in color. Perfect animal in every way, and fit to head any herd. Purchaser can have six months’ credit if necessary App!) to W. B GRA- HAM. West Ops, Lindsay PVO â€"-17-4. Terrace. Sussex-st. Seven robms, wnh halls. Hard and soft water in kltchen. Rent moderate. Possession given at once. Apply to J. A. GILLOGLY.â€"I7-I. DITORS.â€"-Pursuant to the Revised Sta- tutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. 129, Sec. 38, the creditors of Richard James Moore, late of the Township of Ops, in the County of Victoria, farmer, deceased, who died on or about the 15th day of April, A.D. 1899, are required, on or before the ”N: Day of May, l899, to send, by post, prepaid, to Messrs. Mcngyn Andersnn, Lindsay P.0., soli- citors for John Moore and Newton Smale. executors’ of the estate of the said Richard1 I ames Moore, their christian and surnames. i addresses and occupations, full particulars of their claims and the nature of the security (if any) held by them. The said executors’ shall, after the said 17th day of May, A.D. 1899. be at liberty to distribute the assets of the said deceased, or any part thereof, among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they then have notice, and shall not be liable {or the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose claim such executors’ have not had notice at the time of such dis tribution. McSWEYN ANDERSON, of the Town of Lindsay, in the 'COunty of Victoria, solicitors for John Moore and Newton Smale. Dated at Lindsay, the 24th day of April, A D. r899.-â€"17-3. £9113 ghbcrtisemcnts LINDSAY, THURSDAY, MAY 4th. 1899. E. Maxsom asked that the appropriation for a drain from his lot to Durham-st. be re-voted and expendedâ€"Board of Peter Nicolle complained that he was charged with a. refund of taxes on two properties.â€"â€"Finance. Kenney and Weldon, barristers, asked damages in behalf of Michael O’Leary on account of damages received on 8. defeczive sidewalk in the east ward.â€"Board of works. Mr. J. M. McLennan complained of a. drain that has caved in on Peel-st.â€"Board of works. works. G. H. Hopkins wrote regarding securi. ties offered by the Burleigh power pro- moters.â€"-La.id on table. PEOPLE WHO WROTEâ€"A DEPUTATXON IN THE BAND'S BEHALFâ€"ANOTHER ABOUT THE CREAMERYâ€"MEMORI- ALS RE THE SCUGOG AND C. P. R. CONNECTION â€" BURLEIGH FALLS POWERâ€"A PROJECT IN STREETS AND SEWERS. The legular meeting of the town council wa.- held on Monday night. It took three hours to dispose of the business in hand. The public was well represented on the benches for live matters were to be discussed. Among them were the band petition, and the town lighting contract. THE REGULAR CORRESPONDENTS The Good Roads Machinery Co. of Hamiiton asked that the repairs for road- making machinery be ordered now.â€" Board of works. Hugh O'Leary, Q. 'C., did likewise for Miss M.A. O'Connell on the same grounds. -â€"Boa.rd of works. H. P. Kennedy, stockman of Peterboro. wrote savlng that. his company prefer to locate their yards in some town with two railways. but in case they cannot, Lindsay will be considered.â€"Fyled. The Rathbur. company asked adequate fire protectionâ€"Town propertv. N. A. Mucmurchy, barrister, wrote in behalf of Mrs. Goheen regarding a. defec- tive drain in the east: ward.â€"Board of work-1. Thos. Grimstone in behalf of the town- ship of Mariposa, asked to rent the road scraper for a couple of days to try an experiment on the Miriposa roads. â€"Town property with power to act. Assessors Spier and Connolly reported their work finished, and suggested (1) that a new town map be prepared. (2) that. “personal property" be defined more clear- ly.-â€"Fy1ed. The Guelph Pavement Co. enclosed credentials and offered to do work. One testimonial from the mayor of Guelph states that in five years the $00,000 worth of street made by this company in Guelph had not cost over $10 in repairs. ~Board of works. CULVERWELL’S COMPANY GET THE STREET CONTRACT The Cresswell Co. of Toronto announced that they have the revised assessment act. for Hale at $2.00.â€"â€"Fyled. A batch ofpccounts were sent; to their committees. In their reading it; transpir- ed that the stone to raise the piers for the new bridge cost. $48.47. Ihe Watchman-Warder LIGHTING FROM BURLEIGH vuuâ€"uvv uv vv .1; «V v v v.- vvvuuto LOSTâ€"In Lindsay, 0“ Saturday. AP Til Rev. J. W. Macmillanâ€"We are not here 22nd, A Dark Pursye with light Lining, containing two dollars in Silva and some I as experts "1 musxc and it 18 only because cgnpers. Finder will please leave at this' 'Phe band boys are better at producing T. C. Hadder asked to be allowed to use the old burying ground for pasture. He will keep it looked after.â€"-Town property. HOUSE TO RENT,â€"â€"Comer Huron and ; Melbourne-SIS, south ward, six rooms} Rent low. Immediate possession. Apply ‘ to J. H. LENNON. . Mrs. Sharpe presented the reports of the charity dispensers.â€"Board of works. Robert Navlor explained that the Col- borne-st. drain has fallen in, and asked that it be rebuilt. Other signatures were attachedâ€"Board of works. I. Keely and other Pottinger-st. resi- dents askv d for tile to build a. drain there. -â€"Board of works. The market clerk reported an income of $58.29 during April. and Chief Bell suppiemented it by $188.84. The auditor explained that since the council met on the lst day of May he had not been able to fully audit the books for April in time to present his report. He also advised that the rules be changed so that the Mayor would have power to make small expenditures without consent of counciLâ€"Fyled The Board of Health asked council to pass a by-law regulating the diposal of sewrage.-â€"B’oard of Works. THE BAND MATTER A petition signed by 20 of the Citizens band asking for the usual grant of $200 was next taken up. On motion a deputa- tion was allowed to address the nouncil. It was composed of Messrs. J. D. Flavelle, Thos. Brady and Rev. J. W. Macmillan. Mr. Flavelle said: You have recognized the necessity for a band by granting a certain sum to help support it in the past. The point at issue now is whether the present leader is qualified to lead the band thus subsidized. The band is practically unanimous in asking Mr. Cottingham as leader. If you require a more skilful man the grant would need to be larger. That ofiiée. â€"- 18. THURSDAY. MAY 4th, 1899 Cfirm ghncrtiscmcnts. A petition from Mr. D. Dunoon and 20 others asked for a. sanitary sewer on Cambridge-st.-~Board of Works. COMMITTEES REPORT Chairman Sootheran of the finanr'e com- mittee read a number of reports from which it was learned that 300 copies of the Journal of Commerce containing an article on Lindsay and the photographs of the Aldermen have been ordered at 10 cents each ; also the Bobcaygeon council scheme to advertise the lakes north of here is not entertained by the Lindsay body and finally, since Mr. A.D. Manon was a mem- ber of council at the time his request for pay for his services in connection with the Rider Kitchener industry could not be entertained. The Mayor thanked the deputation and the subject was referred to the town property committee. Mr. Thomas Brady -Mr. Cottingham would willingly follow a better man and asks that the council appoint a com- mittee to assist in selecting the music and see that the band iq properly conducted. THE CREAMERY ASSESSMENT The finance committee had not decided regarding the request of the creamery company for a fixed assessment and on motion a deputation consisting of Messrs. \V. Flavelie, R. Bryans and H. J. Lytle was heard. inarticulate sounds on the instruments than at uttering words before you that we have been requested by them to present their case. We have met them in their rooms and found that they make this request in no arbitrary spirit but are only taking the mund that the present leader is the best available for the salary offered and he is good enough to entitle the band to the usual grant. Mr. Cotting- ham would be g‘ad to follow a better man if he. should be secured. His character and his work, both indicate his fitness for the position. While the latter is not of the highest order, for he makes no pretensions to be an expert, the former is above reâ€" proach and under his leadership the town and band will be spared the disgrace that have attended them under other leaders. It is likely that he will be able to give us music that will be quite acceptable to the . majority of our citizens. In view of this i it would seem advisable to vote the grant. 1 Mr. Bryans saidâ€"The directors ought $800 a. fair assessment. The buil ng cest $750. I believe your committee mention- ed $1000. That seems rather high. The industry is for the town's interest. It can pay little pzofit in any case and when competing with other creameries that are located in the country, the high taxes are a serious damage. The most of the stock is held by citizms who are lens-e rate- pavers. Mr. H. J. Lytleâ€"Small factories outside have done £10m $3,000 to $8,000 worth of business in a year, This amount added to the business of Lindsay will result ina larger advantage to the town than to the stock-holders. We have opponents on the east and west and Oak to be given this small advantage of a fixed assessment £01 a time at least. Mr. \V. Flavelle-The creamery was started to serve the interests of the whole county. At the time it was first talked of there was no creamery in the county. It has been a stimulus and. a. good example to turn attention from cheese to butter. We would like our assessment fixed at $800 but would not think $1.000 out of the way. -" expense would not be favored by the rate- payers. Mr. Cottingham is a better leader than we can easily get for the salary offered. He has done well in a trv- ing time when there have been two bands in opposition to each other. If he has a fair chance he will do even better. The matter was referred back to the finance committee. TOWN PROPERTY Chairman Lennon read three reports. The chief item referred to the newfire hall. 1!: seems that Mr. W. A. White's plans have been adopted, subject to such alteration as the land obtainable may require. BOARD OF “'ORKS Chairman Ingle disclosed the doings of his committee at two meetings. It had left Mr. Fowler’s claim for damages to his hedge by the snowplow, to the annual survey of the streets. It also had recommended that the hand- rail of the new bridge be extended to Cul- lon’s shop at a cost of $17.00. POLICE AND LIGHTING In point of number and importance chairman Horn's were the chief report-s. Therein it was provided that the police receive new suits; that steam whistles may blow for 5 seconds at 5.30 in the morning and for 2.15 seconds when neces- sary through the day. It also appeared from his reading that the Light Heat and Power company of this town have obtain- ed an Option on the Fenelon Falls power and have asked the town for exemption for 10 years and a 10 year lighting contract 1with an option of renewal at the end of that time. These proposals had been consid . ered at various meetings of the committee at which members of the company and their solicitor Mr. Stewart had been pres- ent. At another meeting Mr. Culverwell in behalf of the Burleigh Falls scheme was present and was ready to form a com- pany to develope the minimum 3000 h.p., of that cataract and give a $1500 bond and an equal mortgage on the power to guar- antee the contract for street-lighting if it should be awarded to him. He stated that a revenue of $35,000 yearly, was already assured. In view of these things, At the second reading Ald. Jackson was in the chair. Clause (1) of the street-light- ing by-law says that the new contract calls for 55 are lights of 10 amperes and ZCOO candle power, to burn from dusk till day- light every night in the year. Each light above 55 will cost $30. The municipal buildings, offices, etc., will be given 16 candle power lamps at 20 per cent. less than at present. The company is to be formed and operations going on by Oct. 15th, and the light must be ready by December lst of this year. CAPT. CRANDELL 0X RECCBD. After giving almost painful heed to the 'reading of this by-law, Capt. Crandell‘s placid brow gathered a heavy cloud and it was evident some serious objection or defect had been discovered in its stipula- tions, by the burlv mariner. Rising in his place with all that alacrity for which he was noted before the accident to his shoulder, the Captain was about to utter an eloquent protest, but his watch-chain becoming tangled in the folds of his coat at that moment, seriously disconcerted the commodore and probably deprived the audience of one of the most powerful pro- nouncements ever delivered on the floor of the chamber. As it was he spoke with considerable vigor as follows: I am opposed to that contract. There is one fatal omis- sion. It upsets all that we are aiming at. We are trying to push this town ahead and we are trusting to power. That contract says nothing about the price of power. It does not encourage manufacturers tocome to this town. \Ve have got to have some- thing more substantial than light. “'e only have half a contract. Where are we at? Let these men name some price for which they will supply power or else I will go on record against it; for on the price of the power hang all the profits and the apostles. 1 Note: Wehave since learned that the “ Horn Bros. assessment by-law was not t read athird time because it, was feared i that it might disqualify Ald. Horn, but: a legal advnce has removed that fear and the :, by-law will be read shortly. C.P.R. connection, and the other to Hon. Mr. Tarte asking for river improvements. Col. Deacon believed that the individual system was not a success. Some people take an interest but others do nothing. The tree-planting could never be done systematically in that way. If the council set apart a grant they would get the gov- ernment bonus just the same and the work would be done regularly. BYâ€"LAVVS. Two by-laws and an equal number of memorials were on the table. The by-laws were to fix the assessment on Horn Bros’. knitting factory and to award the street lizhting to the Burleigh company. The memorials were one to the Gowrnor- General asking for a grant toward getting This deliverance would have been a seri- ous backset to the negotiations had nor. Mr. Culver-well risen and said: “We are not negotiating with the town about bring- ing any power here." This eXplanation failed to clear matters up for {he cap‘ain, who insisted that the contract would be a. curse to the town and voted in splendid isolation at both readings. The memorials and this by-law we~ e read three times, but the by-law fixing Horn Bros'. assessment, was held at the second stage “for an important reason" that was not divulged. RESOLUTIONS Crandellâ€"Lennonâ€"That. the subject of tree-planting be referred to the town pro- perty committee with power to act, but that not; more than 8100 must, be expended. --Carried. Horn- Sootheranâ€"Tbat the max ket plot be fenced where neceasary and planted with treesâ€"Carried. W. Flavelle said that the council’s bonus is not being taken advantage of, and it has been thought that if, say $100 or $150 should be spent by the town directly, the work could be effectively done. Mr. Robb. Navlor explained that is is increasingly difficult to get farmers to deliver stockhere because the yard is so inconveniently situated. A BIG PROJECT MENTIONED. The mayor took occasion to refcr to his plan for general civic improvement. He favors issuing debentures to raise the money required to make the following expenditures: - Good Roads....... .......... 825.000 TREE~PLA2:TING. A deputation was heard in regard to tree-planting operations in the town. Mr. the contract, that had been awarded to him for the Fenelon scheme, before it was condemned by an expert, was extended till December 131:. Ditching .................... 1,000 Fire Hall .................... 5,000 Sewers. 23.000 The New Bridge . . . ...... 1,500 Psvements .................. 2.500 These liberal. but necessary, expenditures total about $57,000, and the spirit in which the mayor‘s remarks were received indi- cates that the council will regard his scheme with favor. It has been referred to the Board of Works, and will be well considered. Lennonâ€"Crandellâ€"T 3b the sewers he proceeded with on 1, Lindsay and Bond-sts.â€"Carried. The mayor thought Lindsayâ€"st. had better be left till an engineer takes the levels with respect to the general syste‘En advocated. Mr. S. Irwin was heard inavigorous protest against the delay in proceeding with the Lindsay-st. Sewer, but was assured that it would go on as soon as pos- sible. Ald. Ingle spoke strongly in favor of proceeding at; the earliest. possible moment». Council adj ourned. 75 Cents per 3 nun: ooooooooooooooo ...............

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