The Victoria Loan and On town and farm property at current rates of interest. Costs moderate, and no delay. Debentures issued for periods of frOm one to ï¬ve years for sums of $100 and upwards. Interest coupons attached. payable had-yearly at 4 per cent. Incorporated under Cap. 169, I Head Ofï¬ce, LINDSAY, 0x1". JOHN Magwood, Jamas LOW. WEDDING PRESENTS De-zposits of SI .00 and upward taken, with- drawab‘m at any time, upon which current rates of interest will be allowed. 0m- dispisy of artistic creations in wall papers promises good things to you. A rretty room in which to sit depends largely (or its prettiness and vcosioesa on the wall covering. We have just the hings to make your e J es dance and your pocketoook jump right. out. 0! pocket. Don’t rail to ace them. w. A. wenwm, ,f WE MAKEâ€", "Sewer and Cglyert Pipes THE UNTAHIU SEWWPIPE Efl. 60 I-2 ADELAIDE ST. E.. EACTORY AT )IIMICO. TORONTO prices. The best: workmen, the dryest. lumper and satisfaction. max-anteed 111 every case. Enlarg- ed premises, and new machinery just added. All orders turned out mmptly........ you if you intend building this season to consult me before mak- tug contracts. 1 have an np-to. date planing mill, and can supply everything that is needed for honsebuilgling pt. Athe vqry lowgst SAVINGS COMPANY The Lindsay Pinning Futon. Savings Department .111 Sizes from 4 in. {o 24 in. Also Connections. HON BY TO LOAN Next Doar to Simpson House Kant-5L, Lindsay. McCARTY HAS THEM. In great variety. Lowest prices fcr ï¬ne goods. Bring your WRITE FOR PRICES: Tewefler, 77 Kent Street, West Side. President . McBARTY You may need a new Clock Buy an 8 day for $3.75. Reliable No high prices. WILL GEORGE INGLi Secretary relic. [in on St. Bog!- Indlans nd Kill Chic! Jake Iceâ€"Hr. Shun-wood Given Hills-ll Up. Cornwall, Ont, May ‘2.-â€"Jake Ice, 2:. St. Regis warrior. Was shot and instantly killed at St. Regis by Lieut.Col. Sher- wood, Chief of the Dominion Police, yes- terday morning; two other redskins were badly wounded, and four chiefs carried ofl into captivity. The cause of the trouble dates away back several years, and was primarily the objection of the St. Regis band to submit to the Indian Act, and allow an election of chiefs to be held. On March 27. 1899, when InSpector Hogan and Policeman Chamberlain of the Dominion Police were sent down from Ottawa by Lieutenant-Colonel Sher- wood to assist Indian Agent Long in holding an election, they met with sav- age treatment at the hands of the red men. Everything seemed to have quieted down till yesterday, when, according to Indians who came from St. Regis, a squad of ï¬ve or six Dominion Police arrived at St. Regis on the tug Beaver of Cornwall, which was chartered for the purpose. They at once arrested Chiefs Jake Fire, Louis Thomas and Angus Pateneaude, who were charged with be- ing leaders of the riot on March 27. and of assaulting ofï¬cers in the exccutionï¬of their duty. Huntingdon, Que, May 2.-â€"Lieut.-Col. Sherwood; chief of the Dominion Police, arrived here last night, having in custody three St. Regis Indians, Jake Fire. Angus Pateneaude and Louis Thomas. The in- quest as to the death of Jake Ice will probably take place here to-day. Mr. Sherwood Gave Himself Up. LU“ “av;- The news that the ofï¬cers were again on the reservation and making arrests spread like wildï¬re, and the police had hardly got their prisoneis into Mr. Long’s ofï¬ce when the place was sur- rounded by a. mob of wild, excited red men. They forced their Way inside the building, despite the threatening muzzles of the policemen’s revolvers. They want- ed to rescue the prisoners, and things looked so desperate that the chief decided to ï¬re his revolver. The shot took effect ‘I’ 1-- T-.. 0 ï¬re in: L'uvuuui. -uv -uv- --- in the arm of the ringleader. Jake Ice. but did not stop him. The chief ï¬red again and killed him instantly. The other Indians then withdrew. These were the only shots ï¬red. No one else was in- jured. Ottawa, May 2.-â€"The Department of Justice received a despatch from Commis- sioner Sherwood from Huntingdon, Que, informing the department of a. shooting aï¬air at the St. Regis reservation. The Indian, it is understood. Was shot in self- defcnce. Mr, Sherwood gave himself up to the police, and is awaiting the decision of the coroner’s jury. ' Parry Sound, Ont., May 2.â€"â€"An in- quest is now being held by Coroner Stoner on the body of Thomas Snell of Brockville, who was supposed to have dropped off the railwav bridge last Nov- ember. The post-mortem examination made by Drs. Walton and Appelbe indi- cates that the man was not drowned, but that death was caused by a blow on the side of the head, inflicted by a pointed instrument, as a hole is found over the right ear, penetrating to the base of the brain. It might have been inflicted with a piece of Wood with a nail driven through it. The inquest Was adjourned yesterday afternoon for other evidence. Toronto, May 2.â€"â€"'1'he Ontario Govern- ment has made the following appoint- ments: W. H. McCrea, to be clerk of the Fifth Division Court of Leeds and Gren- ville, vice Whitmarsh; James Yates, to beclerk of the First Division Court of Huron, vice C. Seager; Cornelius Mur- phy, to be bailiï¬ of the First Division Court of Lincoln; John H. Fete, to be bailiff of the Fifth Division Court of Haldimzmd. and J. Wesley" Macassar, to be bailiï¬ of the Seventh Division Court of Norfolk. Kingston, Ont, May 2.--â€"The dead body of a. Woman packed in a barrel arrived by the steamer Hero yesterday afternoon, addreSSed to Kingston. Accom- panying the body was a constable and the son of the deceased. It proved that the body had been stolen from a grave- yard, and shipped from Adolphustown. The body was that of the late Mary Jane Young, buried at Sillsville on Sunday. The grave was opened and the body stolen. Hamilton, May ‘2.â€"-After living no less than 107 years. Mrs. Goodman of Went- worth street has decided that to be entirely happy she must join the Method- ist Church. Accordingly, at the reception to be held next Sunday morning at Wes- ley Church, she will be welcomed asa member by the pastor, Rev. W. F. Wil- son. Mrs. Goodman is believed to be the oldest woman in Canada, and perhaps on the continent. She has resided in Hamil- ton for 38 years. Timmrlund, Ont. May 2.â€"â€"A terriï¬c thunderstorm passed over this vicinity yesterday afternoon. It was accompanied by 1:. high Wind, which levelled many fences in the country. The barns of Mr. Loftus Shier, three miles west of here. Were struck by lightning, and quickly burned to the ground, together with 35 pigs, two calves, grain, hay and imple- ments. The loss will be in the neighbor- hood of $2,500; insurance about $1,200. , Washington, May 2.â€"Genera.l Otis re- ports from Manila. that Capt. Rockefeller of the Ninth Infantry has been missing since April 28. On that day he was on the line, commanding a battalion near Caloocan. He visited the outposts at 9.30 at night and has not been seen since. It is believed that he lost his bearings and was captured by the rebels. Toronto, May 2,â€"In connection with the South Ontario election protest, which is to be tried at Whitby on the 25th ~inst., instjce Osler yesterday granted to Mr. â€"‘rvâ€"' v- v- v vvvvv “u, sLul‘UUu "U â€M. W. D. McPherson an order for a. commis- sion to issue to England to take the evi‘ dance of W. T. R. Preston. Chatham, Ont., May 2.â€"-Last evening His Worship Mayor Smith, on behalf of the Canadian Humane Society. presented the society’s bronze medal to little Mary Kerr, who saved Nellie Carswoll trail drawninz. INDIAN SHOT DEAD- Iris Dead )Iotlxer in a. Barrel. South Ontario Election Protest. Provincial Appointments. Captain Rockefeller Missing. Never Too Late to Blond. Inquest on Jake Ice. Thunderstorm and Loss. The Snell Inquest. Madal to Mary Kerr. HAG} v- Adjutant-General, Washingtonâ€"List of prisoners in the hands of the insurgents just received shows that Lieut. Gilmore and seven enlisted men of the navy were lost from the Yorktown, and six enlisted men of â€the armyâ€"three of 'the six '7 â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€" LAOA_A luau VA w __ wrongtull'ymarrested in January before hostilities commencedâ€"all reported to be doing well._ Besides the above, two men ,, ,__A_Ln Qnuul-‘u nnfl uuxua vvv--. _-___- in the hands of the insurgents. South and Capt. Rockefeller, are still unaccounted for. General Lawton’s column, passing westward from Norzagaray, captured Dalinag and villages in the vicinity yes- terday, scattering and pursuing 1,600 in- surgent troops. His only casualties were two wounded; insurgent loss, several killed, large number wounded and cap- tured. Numbers not stated. Have opened communication with Lawton via. Malolos, by means of Hall’s troops and detach- AL: - ~_, 7 , ments from the city. Otis. Aguinnldo Ropudiates Them. London, May 3.â€"Representaives of the Filipino Junta say that thev have re- ceived a cablegrzun from Aguinaldo. dated April 30, in which he states that his Government has nothing to do with the present peace negotiations. which, he asserts, are being conducted by a. group of half-castes and creolcs, who are anxi- ous for peace in the expectation of getting high ofï¬ces under a. new Government. Aguinaldo disavows the present negotia- tions, and adds that under no circum~ stances will he accept an American pro- Manila, May 3.â€"â€"(Noon.)â€"Tho second conference, held this morning. between Major-General Otis and the Filipino emissaries, Col. Manuel Argulcses and Lieut. Jose Bernal, terminated Without any deï¬nite results. ans-o-.. ter, wggctrhé his just despaï¬chod to Gen- eral Weyler, in which he threatens, with- out; excess of circumlocution, to shoot; the former Governor-General of Cuba. Polavieja Denouncos Waylon Madrid. May 3.-â€"Genewl Polavieja. Minister of War, has made pgblic a. let;- LVA‘.-V- ‘r-v General Polavieja declares that he knows all about General Weyler’s absurd conspiracies, and adds: “I know that you are incapable. Without risking your own hide, you excite the passions of civilians, who are ignorant of your weaknesses, but I am disposed to shoot generals, if need be, as if they were common sol- dicrs.†_ . u n. .v- w- This letter is called forth by General Weylcr's recent mysterious conferences with Carlists of the Balearic Isles and Republicans of Barcelona. Hongkong. May 3.â€"It is reported here to~day'that Senor Navarro, the Spanish consul, is now preparing, documents in the case of Spain against China. The Spanish Government will demand sub- stantial land indemnity, because the Viceroy of Canton permitted the notori- ous Abbey expedition to supply the insurgents in the Philippines with arms prior to the signing of the peace treaty. Abbey was captured by Dewey at Batan- gas, as a result of information cabled by Consul Wildmun. Sylvester and Spitzel, who were implicated in the scheme, have fled to Europe. London, May 3.â€"The Birmingham Post says it learns that the French Gov- ernment intends to anticipate revision of the Dreyfus court-martial by setting him at liberty in advance of the termination of Judicial proceedings. According to this plan, The Post says, on June 1 the pri- soner will be released, but, in order that the army shall not be disturbed, com- pensation will be awarded to Dreyfus, so that he. with his family, may live out- side of France. Paris. May 3.â€"Siam, according to n desputch from Singapore. has ceded to France the Province of Luang-Prubing, in the northeastern part of the kingdom. ance in return undertakes to evacuate the town of Chantaboon, about 175 miles southeast of Bangkok, near the Gulf of Siam, and to Withdraw from the so called neutral zone. London, May 3.â€"-The Pekin con-e. spondent of The Times says Grout Britain has oflicially dcnmnded of the Chinese Government satisfaction for the recent attacks made by the rebels upon the Brit- ish authorities in the Kowloon extension of Hongkong. Berlin, May 3,â€"Since Sunday there has been a. radical change in the weather throughout Germany. Terriï¬c rain and thunderstorms have been followed by cold and snow. In many parts of the Brockcn and Hurtz Mountains snow has fallen to the depth of two inches. GILMORE A: Allahabad, India, May 3.â€"A severe epidemic of influenza. is prevailing at Simla. The Viceroy, Lord Curzon of Kedleston. was attacked with the disease, but is now convalescent. The Vicerene, Lady Curzon, is now suflcring with the same malady. London, May 3.â€"â€"A despatch from Mombasa, under yesterday's date, says that the Uganda. Railway has reached the 300-milc post of the total distance to Lake Victoria. Nyunza. Tho Queen Starts (01‘ Home. Nice. May 3.â€"Quecn Victoria. started for England yesterday. Cayuga, May 3.â€"On the 17th of April John Weir, a merchant of the village of York, Was returning to his home from his store, accompanied by his Wife, about 9 p. 111.. when they were attacked on the street by two masked men with revol- vers. A desperate struggle followed, last- ing over ï¬ve minutes. The would-be robbers fled before they obtained Mr. Weir’s money. amounting to $300, which they fought hard to get. Mrs. Weir said she recognized the voice and face of Rich- ard Taggart in the bright moonlight, as the mask he were partly dropped from the upper part of his face. No deï¬nite action was taken by the Crown until Saturday, April 29. when a warrant was issued for the arrest of Taggart. He was | tried yesterday. and sent for trial. THE WATCHMAN-WARDER: LINDSAY. ONT“...- Uganda Railway Going Ahead. Conference Was Fruitleu. Britain Makes Donna nds. Taggart’s Mask Slipped. Spain After Chi-a. La Grippe in India. France {and Siam. Snow in Germany. Liberate Dreyfus. HIS MEN SAFE. Decline of . Cent 8 “Iv-aw; . Chicago, May 3.-â€"-Wheat futures de- clined a. cent a bushel yesterday and. closed near the low ï¬gures for the day. The downward tendency 'was on general selling by St. Louis, foreigners and com- mission houses. LEADING WHEAT MARKETS. Following were the closing prices at important centres yesterday: n- -1. Map 11111 Sent. Liverpool, May 3.â€"â€"Yi berday closed Md t0 %( Monday’s ï¬nal ï¬gures. Chicago. . . . J -- New York. . . - Milwaukee . . 73 St. Louis . . . 76 Toledo ...... 74? DotrOio ..... 74 Duluth. No. 1 Northern. . . 71 Duluth, N0. 1 hard. ...... 74. Minneapolis. â€"- Toronto. red. 70 Toronto, N0- 1 hard (new) 80 TORONTO ST. LAWRENCE MARKET. GRAIN. Wheat. White. bu. . . .. . .80 71 %t0$ - Wheat. red. bu ......... 71% â€"-- Wheat, Fife, spring, bu. 67 69 Wheat. goose, bu....... 53% “ Barley, bu ............. ' i Peas. bu ........... .... ‘ 3% 63} Oats. bu ............... 3 % 39/ Rve. bu ............... 50 â€"- Buckwheat. bu ......... 55 -- Red clover, bu ......... $3 00 to 53 cu White clover, seed. bu . 5 00 8 00 Alsiko. choice to fancy. 3 80 4 20 Alsike, good. No. 2 ..... 3 50 3 60 Alsike, good, No. 3 ..... 3 00 3 40 Timothy, bu ........... 1 20 1 35 Bonus, white, bu ....... 80 90 HAY AND STRAW. . Hay, timothy, per ton.$11 00 to 813 00 Hay, clover,'per ton... , 7 00 9 00 7 50 5 00 Straw, sheaf, per ton. . . 6 00 Straw, loose, per $011.. . 4 00 DAIRY PRODUCTS. Butter, 1b. rolls ........ $0 14 Butter, large rolls ...... 13 Eggs, new laid ......... 11 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Apples, per brl ........ 2 50 to $4 00 Potatoes, per bag ....... 80 90 TORONTO LIVE STOCK. Toronto, May 3.-â€"-The run of live stock was an average one for this season, 64 carloads, composed of 1.017 cattle, 85 sheep and yearling lambs, 110 calves and 1,400 hogs. The quality of fat cattle WM generally good; the bulk of these were exporters. Trade was dull, with prices 10Wer for shipping cattle, while those for butchers’ cattle remained about‘the same. 1 AA POULTRY. Chickens, per pair ...... $0 60 to 81 00 Turkeys. per 1b ........ 12 15 Toronto, Mav 8.â€"â€"Archbishop O’Con- nor was welcomed at the Union Station at noon yesterday on his arrival from London, in readiness for his installation: which takes place this morning in St. Michael's Cathedral. Loyal Greetings. Very Rev. Fathers Marion McCann and Harris advanced and greeted the Arch- bishop as he stopped from the train. Each knelt and kissed his ringâ€"the insignia oi authorityâ€"and shook hands cordially. These three dignitaries ofllclally repre- sented the clergy. Mr. J. J. Fey. Q.C.. M.P.P., and Mr. Eugene O‘Keefe simi~ larly greeted His Grace. as representing the laity of Toronto. At this morning’s ceremony ticket- holders will be admitted to the Cathedral between 9 and 10 o'clock. At the latter hour the doors will be thrown open to the public. The installation service com- mences at 10. 30. following which will be the.presenta.tion of addresses to the Arch- bishop, on behalf of the clergy and laity. Toronto. May 3.â€"â€"Willia.m Middleton Hall, the (ax-alderman who was arrested by Detective Cuddy on Monday, was arraigned before Magistrate Denison yes- terday. There were two charges of accept- ing and soliciting bribes to use his influ- ence in connection with the introduction of the trolley system, and one charge of perjury. Only the ï¬rst charge was read and Hall as red for a remand on all charges without pleading or electing. The accused was remanded till next Tuesday. Hall's bail was renewed. When New York. May 3.â€"Aocording to a gespatch published_ 1391'6' _ an ‘ordimmce this will pass and bé signed bywtï¬e mayor was introduced in council at Chl- cngo last night; providing that no one shall pay fare in a public conveyance unless he shall have a seat. Grsco Was Welcomed at Toronto- The Installation Program, ARCKBISHOP O'CONNOR. THE MARKETS. st Optimaâ€"Liverpool All. Doollnosâ€"Tho 22100.. 01 May 3. â€"â€"Whoat futures 7yes- 33((1 1/d 170 /d. per cental below Ex-Ald. Hall Did Not Plead. centres yesterday: Cash. May. July. Sept. 3... 571%872%$72% .. 77% 77 76% No Faro Unless Seated. No. 2 ..... 3 60 No. 3 ..... 3 00 1 90 The Installation. 74% 74% 74% 1% 0% SEEDS. nu-hol .- Chicago 77 74% 74% 69% 71% 83 00 to $3 500 8 72% 74% 75 71% rck for 133‘ :3, 807 hogs. to 6 18 14 000005 50264.3 $084331 69% 63% 39 x Fell Wheat per bushel. . . . New wheat per bushel. . .. Fyfe Wheat do (10...... . Spring do do . . . . Goose do do..... BUCkwheatOOOOOD O... Barley, per bushel. . . . Bye ......... .... Pean,sma.ll. . . . . . . Peas, Mummies. . Peas; Blue ...... Blackeye peas. . . Potatoes per unlï¬r‘ouuny AND mm! PRODUCE. Chickens,perpair......... 0351:0050 Ducks, per pair. .......... 0 45 to 0 60 Geese.per1b........ 005t0007 Butterper lb...........-. 014w016 Eggs,perdozen........... 01090011 Turkeysperlb............ 0 10 toO 11 Lamb, per lb............ 0061:0000 Hogs live weight per. cwt.. 3 50 to 4 15 Beef†......... . ....... 400m525 Farmers’ Hams per lb..... 500m600 Hidesâ€"Beef ..... . 098t0010 Wool, unwashed ......... 700m750 GENERAL Hay,perton............ 400m 500 Honeyper lb......... . 006t0006 Cream per qt........... 010m020 Sage per bunch. ......... 0 05 to 0 05 Lardper lb............... 09t0010 Strawperload..... ...... 150t0175 Timothy ................. 1 25 to 1 75 Alsike ..... . ............. 300to400 Red Clover ............. 3 25 to 4 00 Agenj: for - - Adam Block Ken: aucec. MONEY T0 LOAN on Mortgage at Lowest. Rates. Notes Discounted. W" 6chnt-St., Lindsay [CPR CPR CFR CPR CPR 6P3 GPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR 0P3 CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR Money and Insurance. THE LINDSAY MARKET The best Trout and Bus streams are to be found on the line of the Canadian Paciï¬c. Open mason for Trout commencel 2nd 9f Hay. Open icuou for Bass commences 16th of June. For further puticuws sud copy of "Fishing tad Shooting" consult any want or Fishing c. E. HcPHERSOI, Assistant General Passenger agent, 1 King Street East, Toronto. T. c. Matchett, Agent The Imperial Life Assurance Company of Canada. The Scottish Union and Nation- al (Fire.) The Union Assurance Society of London (Fire.) All exceptionally strong Com- panics. VEGETABLES. wwï¬wm 5mmm%%55 00000 90000000 mmwmw ommomomm ammmm ammo wms 00000 00000000 045 CPR LPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR CPR SIGN or was mu. SAW‘ ‘ -Bui1ders’ Hardware, -Cut and Wire Nails, _P1ain‘and Fancy Win dow (31‘s! â€"Locks, Knobs and Hinges -â€"â€"“Prism†Ready Mixed Paints â€"â€"Currv Combs, Horse BYUSheg â€"Horse Clippers and Singers â€"â€"Hill’s Patented Hog Ringers -â€"Fence Wire â€"English and Belgian Pow Cement «and OGOOOOOOOIBII'O éLngic and Reason} :Diotates Wham : a To Buu Your Clothes 1 MclENNANELflU Why Is our $15 Suit to orier the U u . best value in Lindsay? Why . . do you serve your interests best when you place your orders with us, especially . g for our 3 2 Suits at $15, Special : ' out has 10ng atm reason :uu-_.- “ms : . you to us. ° Champion (20.? oacaooeseeeceï¬ R. BBYANS 80. Grate, Egg, Stove. Nut, McLENNAN El] homers. Telephone 56 Ofï¬ce No Lumber. Rough and Dressed : A Shingles of all Classes ,- La: ., Tile and Cement. Best Dry. Hard snï¬ Soft Wood. ‘ Select Steam Coal. Blacksmith CON Because we use only ALL-Wot; goods and BL; of trim- mings, no matter what the price. I: view of all these facts you mnnot a? r; to take chances by buying your clozzing elsewhere. When you nwd a. suit or anything in our line logic and reason should bring you to us. Hardware, Coal and I ron All an welcome to come md Mal wheels for the! BHESEENT H “The Chainless Cresccflt 15'3â€.†cleaner end niore easily Clea-‘3‘“4 w chain wheels.†“I have ridden my Chainlesï¬ rfed nearly 2 000 miles, and it is “We ' condition. so far as the 3 concern .†“They ere more durable 33:31:: - - .1 , Pf ___ A? MEI, ï¬ve had my Crescent and up to this date I have one cent of masks.†“ They are more durable 3 tronblwome than any other manufactured.†_ L J. aleé’s STORE -Wh01511e and Retail Dealers ix:â€" Cor. Kent and Cambridge-56. :. BRYANS CO" FUEL- MAY 4TH ! WHAT IS SAID BY weekly. Vic ï¬ â€™9 ants to an not an very small ruck. This is an WIS constant} “3 the manag m and soils. Mr. w department In: manover the prom W paper these at he threatens to be prime of Ontario} m price is here flew plains 0?! l'flflihaly our most. mejustice to the km quadmped mufï¬n: buffalo o1 senor THE] 'ehve been accusto Mans with the 2 tln‘ielmmds of the “Nut these herds ‘ in the {an Fat. hue been wl :52â€, men n 83 GOTâ€"AMER THE BRITISH‘ antennas w: .5030: 50351! It will be safe to 1‘8 Farmers In And. I“: are forthcom is of the counu: wattle for sale â€cannot be sup; hnyberegardec‘ i _:s we trusnl hdtdned by th‘ wofagricuitm g, They are inc: 3 thepnblic inter W the imp Wmicnltnra‘ n, They alxea‘ gyms in a large ï¬shythering inf meets for the gait is safe to umbrella :1le in their f “Rune trouble V Wants 0f the Ittime the Amer Wing they are all-ea 8.11 nne of in