inc, and Dal, Hons. ANNEL :h TWBBdS: coatings inc of ;e prices. bairy Cheeseand KER, Mill Led stout :lacksmith Call, *SAY 0‘s. rets, the be)! W pars, 1d wide, heâ€? I. 33:" vi“? thine ’Ofthel 3 % in. (7 0 .) i’l‘l’hl‘ nF-Pifli I:fl.% ._§ 2 ['1'] E >- law Rnié’é GOODS ’27 KENT STREET, LlNDSflY .i. ~93 'Qï¬Ã©ï¬Ã©QQéQkéakab *Qéaï¬i‘ï¬k “mama T m: 131111 es of Blouses we lay special stress upon, 43c., c.‘ , cc all new goods Ask to see our IO‘JSS, GOFSBBS and HOSIBFU i: all the newest Coloring-s for Skirts, Dresses and Suits, these Goods we quote at an extremely low :gure. W Black Dress GOOdS in Figureéi, Plain and Eaiied (172's Tweed 522223190323 50722‘ Pants 525;» 272 Serge, Tweed and W ersred ' 2223/25 Leflg Pam‘s Sun‘s, Smg/e 227263 Dezzé/e-Breezsz‘ed Cam‘s 272 Tweed . E. W. MCGAFFEY FE THIS and consider our object is to retire from business, consequently every article is cut low. ,7 Sage, C/zz/a’rm’s Faucy 52.5235, 273?)" 525225, Blouses and Dresses for [z'z‘l/e 07265. XLH- Number 21. 6an Boys’ and . Youths Suits Wfl’m i louse o-cleaners will remember our bargains 1n )3er Blouses Going at a GREAT SACRIFICE. inds,LaceEurtainsï¬arpetsï¬ugs “11“â€qu I - in Figured, Plain and raised eï¬'ects. See these goods be- fore buying. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.â€"I ADMIN ISTRATORS" SALE: â€" The 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE.â€"-The COURT OF REVISION .â€"-Take notice that a Court of Revision will be held by the Municipal Councxl of the Township of Mari- posa in the Town Hall, Oakwood, on Mon- day, the 5th Day of June, [899, at IO TEEL'S RANCH, GARDEN. -â€" CQEmT. 0F. REVISION Adjourn- PIGS FOR SALE.â€"The undersigned has for sale ten thoroughbred Duran-Jersey Pigsâ€"four hogs and six sows. Pedigrees furnished if desired. These are ï¬ne animals, and should be seen by farmers wanting young pigs. Price reasonable. Applyto 25: Aka M0\ NBS, Lot 23, Con. 2, Ops, STRAY PIGS.â€"â€"On Monday, May Ist, there strayed trom the premises of the under- signed two white sows. One was two years old and the other a yearling, heavy with young. Anyone knowing of their where- abouts will be rewarded by writing to MUR- DOCH MCDOUGALL, Sonya.-â€"~20-2. A GOOD INVESTMENTâ€"A ï¬rst- Trusts and Guarantee Company, Limited, the administrators of the estate of the late Iames Scott, deceased, will offer for sale by Public Auction at the Benson House, in the Town of Lindsay, on Saturday, the 17th say of June, £899, at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the following valuable real estate in the Township of Mariposa, in two parcels, viz : PARCEL 1~â€"-The North East Quarter of Lot No. 22, in the First Concession, con- taining 50 acres, more or less. Of this parcel shoot 25 acres are clear and ï¬t for cultivationv and the balance is partially cleared. There are erected on the premises, a log dwelling house and log stable. There is a small orchard of fruit trees, and the pro- perty is fairly well fenced. PARCEL 2.â€" The North Quarter of Lot No. 2!, in the 2nd Concession, containing 50 acres, more or less. This parcel is all cleared and under cultivation, and the soil is a rich clay 10am. It is well fenced; there is a good orchard of fruit-bearing trees. and there are erected on the premises a frame house, a frame barn, a frame stable and driving house, and a num- ber of other necessary outbuildings. These properties are sxtuate about 1% miles from Valentia, aboutg, miles from Little Britain and about 12 miles from the Town of Lind- say. Termsâ€"Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance in one month thereafter without interest. Further particulars and conditions of sale can he had on application to the vendors or their solicitors. There will be a reserved bid for each parcel. Dated this 20th day of "May, All). 1899, MOORE JACKSON, Solicitors $0: the Vendors, Lindsayâ€"211. ' . STRAYEDâ€"From Lot I6, Con. IS, Mari- posa, on or about the Is: day of May, a Yearling Heifer, collar red. Any one giving such information as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. MAL- COLM McARTHUR, Wooduille P.O.â€"â€" 20-3. FOR SALE.â€"-The two commodious white brick houses on the north-west comer of William and Colborne streetsg north ward. Valuable property, in ï¬rst-class conditian. Price and te:ms on application at this oiï¬ce. _‘I6c WANTE'D.â€"Good general servant. Apply to MRS. A. O’LOUGHLIN, 24 Mill-st.â€" T0 RENEEâ€"The shop now occupied by ML Armitage, merchant tailor, next to Mr. Gough’s clothing store, will be to rentqon the ï¬'St day Of July next. Apply to Wm. McDONN ELL. â€"19-tf. have a number of first class Buggies that I will Sell or exchange tor horses or cattle. These buggies are made by Richard Robert- son of Little Britain and the Canada Carriage Co. Some of those in this vicinity who have recently purchased from me are : Alex. Jamieson, Glenarm; G. Owens, Cambray; G. Dunn, Cameron: Elias Hooey, William Parkins, Cameron, John Vanstone, William Elford, Islay. I will also sell or exchange ï¬rst-class Harness for cattle. Terms to suit purchaser. W. A. FANNING, Cambray. - 23-2. EELS RANCH. GARDEN. â€"The undersigned have a ranch ofSooacres in Camden Township, on which they have 50 head of cattle of their own. They have room for 20 head more. Terms $2 per bead { :r the season. The ranch is well watered. there beings. never tailing spring in the centre. It is well fenced, and has plenty of shade. ‘Will meet parties with cutie at Cambrav or Cameron and take same to ranch~ PERRY and CEO. TEEL, Proprietors, Kirkï¬eid P,O.â€"-19-3. a. m , to hear and consider appeals egainst the Assessment Rolls for the present year. All 1): rsons interested will govern themselves accordingly. I. B. WELDON. Clerk. 01k wuod. May 22nd, 1899 -21-2. subscriber offers for sale East half Lot 4, Concession 10, Township Fenelon. This farm is on the leading road from Lindsay to Bobcaygeon, 8 miles from Lindsay, 2% miles frmr Dansford village, where there is a blacksmith and three churches. Half a mile from school and post office. The above farm is in a. high State of cultivation, clean from all foul seeds, well fenced with cedar rails, staked and wired. All stone put in line fences. Frame barn, frame house, 20 x 30, lathed and plastered, with new kit- chen and wood shed, 16x28; two good wells; young orchard starting to beat. The above farm will be sold at a. bargain, as the the subscriber has bought elsewhere. The purchaser can have full possession after har- vest, with the straw of this season’s crop. Also his own terms of payment. Apply to W. B. GRAHAM, West Ops, Lianay ed.â€"-No:ice is hereby given that he Court of Revision to hear appeals from the Assess- ment ofthe Town of Lindsay for the year 1899, called for the Council Chamber in the Town of Lindsay for Friday, 26th day of May, 1899, has been adjourned until Tues- day, the 30th Day of May, l899, at IO o’clock in the forenoon. F. KNOWLSON. Town Clerk.-â€"â€"2I-I. Lindsay P. U.-â€"-20-4, class solid brick terrace of three houses for sale at a. bargain. All well-rented. Loca- tion central. Terms easy. Prospects of Lindsay bright, and property sure to increase in value rapidly. Now is the time to buy. Apply at this ofï¬ceâ€"193. 20-3 . la -20’4o £2133 ghnettiscmmts LINDSAY, THURSDAY, MAY 25th. 1899. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.-â€"Yotice is TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Coun- cil of the Corporation ofthe Town of Lindsay intend to pass a By-law providing for the construction of a sanitary Sewer on Bond Street from William Street to Adelaide Street, and to assess the ï¬nal cost thereof upon the property abutting thereon and to be beneï¬tted thereby. and that a statement showing the lands liable to pay the said assessment, and the names of the owners thereof, so far as they can be ascertained from the last revised Assessment Roll, is now ï¬led in the oflice of the Clerk of the Municipa‘ity and is open for inspection dur- ing oliice hours. The estimated cost of the work is $3,026.25, of which $364.00 is to be provided out of the general funds of the Municipality. A Court of Revision will be held on Monday, r2th June, 1899. at the Council Chamber in the Town of Lindsay, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the con- ï¬rmation of the said assessment and for the purpose of hearing complaints against the proposed assessment or accuracy of the front- age measurements or any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make, and which is by law ccgnizable by the Court. F. KNOWLSON, Town Clerk. Lindsay, 23rd May, 1899 -â€"21-3. TAKE NOTICE that the MunicipalCoun- cil of the Corpomtion of the Town of Lindsay intend to pass a By-lzw providing for the construction nf_a sanitary Sewer on Glenelg Street from William Street to Mill Street. and on Lindsay Street from Glenclg Street to Kent Street, and to assess the ï¬nal ecst thereof upon the property abutting thereon and to be beneï¬tted thereby. and that a statement showing the lands liable to pay the said assessment, and the names of the owners thereof, so far as they can be ascertained from the last revised Assessment Roll, is now ï¬led in the oflice of the Clerk of the Municipality and is open for inspection dur- ing ofï¬ce hours. The estimated cost of the work is $2,247 50 of which $63185 is to be provided out of the general tunds of the Municipality. A Court of Revision will be held onhMonday, 12th June, 1899, at the PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town ot Lindsay intend. at a. meeting to be holden on Monday, the 3rd Day of July, A.D. l899, at 730 p. m., at the Council Chamber, in the Town of Lindsay, to pass a By-law stopping up and closing the following streets and parts of streets in the Town of Lindsay, or such parts thereof as they may deem it advisable so to do, and to authorize the leasinv or sale or the convey- ance thereof to the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada, this is to say: River Street; Sioux Street: the South part of Durham Street from Lindsay Street to the Scugog River, a strip fourteen feet wide. and and those parts of Du‘xe Street and Wolfe: Street from Durham Street South acrossl the Grand Trunk Railway property, and also to open up and establish a street or highway forty-ï¬ve feet wide, along the South side of the Grand Trunk Line of Railway from Lindsay Street to Sioux Street, or such less distance as may seem advisable. Dated this 12?h day of May, A. D. 1899. F. KNOWLSON, Town Clerk. â€"- 20-4. imsons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. Dated this 220d day of May,A.D.1899. J. H. SOOTHERAN, Mgnee. G. H. HOPKINS, Solicitor f0! hereby given‘that Daniel J. Markham of the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Vic- toria, carrying on business as a Boot and Shoe Merchant at the said Town of Lindsay, has made an assigment under R.S.O. 1897, Chapter 147, of all his estate, effects and credits to John Henry Sootheran of the said Town of Lindsay for the beneï¬t of his creditors. A meeting of his creditors will. be held at the Walker House, in the Cit) of Toronto, on the 26th Day of May, AD. l899, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the after- noon, to receive a statement of affairs, to appoint inspectors and ï¬x their remunera- tion, and for the ordering of the aï¬airs of the estate generally. Creditors are requested to ï¬le their claims with the assignee, with the proofs and particulars thereof required by the said Act. on or before the day of such meeting. And notice is further given that after the First day of July, 1899, the assignee will proceed to distribute the assets of the debtor amon t the parties entitled thereto, having reg only to the claims of which notice shall then have been given, and that he will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof, 9° distributed to any person or IMPORTANT T0 STOCKMEN‘ AGENTS WANTEDâ€"For " The Life and Achievements of Admiral Dewey,†the world’s greatest naval hero. By Murat Halstead. the life-long friend and admirer of the nation’s idol. Biggest and' best book; over 500 pages, 8 x IO inches; nearly '00 cages half tone illustrations. Only $1.50. Enormous demand. Big commissions. Out- ï¬t free. Chance of a lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Company, 3rd Floor Caxton Bldg, Chicago,â€"2I WANTED.-â€"â€"A general servant. Must be good plain cook. Ap l to JAS. H. LEN- N ON.-â€"-21-1. P y FARM FOR SALE in Haliburton County. Two hundred acres, eighty acres cleared; balance hardwood and cedar bush.'Two bearing orchards, two houses, two barns, stables, etc. All well fenced. Convenient to church and school. Well watered. W'ill be sold at a low price and on easy terms. Apply to IOHN ROSCOE, ESSonville P.O , Haliburton.â€"-2o-3. Cuuncil Chamber in the Town of Lindsay. at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, for the con- ï¬rmation of the said assessment and for the purpose of hearing complaints against the pmposed assessment or accuracy of the front- age measurements or any other complaint which persons interested may desire to make, and which is by law cognizahle by the Court. F KNOWLSON, Town Clerk. Lindsay, 23rd May, 1899â€"213. 7â€"._-_ -v unsVVLLJJ-LJHL‘0_ The undersigned would intimate to the farm- ers of Ops that' he has purchased the pure- bred Durham bull, Field Marshall II. , and will keep the same for service on the prem- ises, Lot 28. Con. 7, Ops. Terms, $1, cash. I have also purchased from the noted breed- ers, H. George Sons of Crompton. Ont., a pure-bred Tamworth Boar, which will also be kept for service on same premises. Terms, $1 cash. J.‘ H. MOORE, Lindsay ï¬rm ghhzrtiscmmts. 3".0‘39 - By Wednesday morning the line waa clear and the Cobooonk train came through as usual. A good deal of the grain was shovelled into bags in a more or less injur- ed condition, but much will be waisted. The crows and other sagacious wild-fowl are giving attention to what remains. The dead ï¬reman was 23 years of age and unmarried. He was a member of the Masonic Order. and the members of the local lodge took charge of the body and showed it the attention for which the Order is noted in such cases. His remains were taken to his home at Midland by special coach at 2 o’clock on MOllda'r morning. He was very popular among his .iollomwnmen and others who knew him Mechanical Superintendent Storer of this town was on the spot with a wreck- ing train and crew in a short time, and early in the afternoon Divisional Superinâ€" tendent Tiflin with Roadmaster Cheer of Allandale arrived with an auxiliary from that town. Meantime between three and four thousand other people from the town and surrounding country had also arrived on whatever various sorts of locomotion they could command, and no more animat~ ed scene has been witnessed for many a day than that presented by this mass of humanity “theorizing, questioning, gossip- ing, moralizing, sympathizing and phil- osophizing. while they watched the train- men with their locomotives, anchors. great hawsers, jacks, price and derricks working scientiï¬cally and With a will, clearing away the wreck. The mam was there who “told you so," and he who clearly saw in the accident the rebuke of Providence for Sabbath desecration. The kodak fiendâ€"that scourge of the populace -â€"was in possession of every vantage ground and has since been gleefully ex- hibiting the results to long-suffering victims at every corner. During the months of navigation im- mense quantities of western grainâ€"wheat and cornâ€"are transhipped at Midland for eastern points via. Lindsay. Frequently trains of 40 cars drawn by two engines thunder through the town eastward bound. Often they pass through on Sun- day. About ten o'clock last Sunday morning one of those great trains was approaching at the usual rate of speed. Engines 449 and 215 in the order named were hauling it along. In the foremost cab were Driver McMillan and Fireman Gates, while their fellow- trainmen, V m. Maybee and John Dudley were in charge of the second locomotive. Brakeman Zealand were also riding in this cab. Everything had gone well on the down trip and the drivers were opening the throttles to climb the grade about- ) miles out when one of a herd of cattle, feeding on the road, walked onto the track and stood there. Instantly whistles sounded, and as is the custom the speed was main- tained in hope of throwing the animal clear, it beingimpossible to stop in time. In a moment the forward engine struck her‘ and threw her in the air, but not clear of the track. Instantly the front trucks were on her again and left the track, and like lightning the foremost engine was mired on the lift side of the track, the second one in a similar plight almost. twenty feet on the right of the line and fourteen box cars piled in all positions and degrees of annihilation, while tons of wheatand corn poured into the gutters. But there was a sadder sight. Death was atthe wreck. The occupants of the for- ward cab escaped injury, but the ï¬rst car mounted the second caboose. Fireman Dudley was instantly killed and Brake- man Zealand terribly injured. The forme1 had his neck broken, and was also badly scalded. Since his death was instantane- ous he can have suffered nothing from his injuries. The latter had his arm broken and received a number of bad bruises, but his chief injuries are from scalding. many parts of his body being literally cooked to such a depth that his recovery is doubtful. 1 the news was flashed about that a fatal railway wreck had occurred just outside the town limits. Soon large crowds were hurrying to the scene of the disaster which was one mile west of Hopkins’ crossing on the Midland road. It was soon evident that the reports were only too true and that another of those sad events had taken place that have brought sorrow to so many homes of the friends of our railroading population in recent years. LEF T THE TRACK ON SUNDAY A COW THE CAUSEâ€"ONE MAN KILLED â€" ANOTHER BADLY INJURED â€" FOURTEEN CARS SMASHED AND TWO ENGINES DISABLEDâ€"GREAT CROWDS VIEW THE WRECK. The town was thrown into a. fever of excitement shortly after ten o ’clock, when the news was flashed about that; a fatal railway wreck had occurred just outside A HEAVILY LADEN FREIGHT TRAIN A BAD RAILWAY DISASTER The Watchman-Warder FARM TO RENT.â€"â€"South half Lot 4, Con. 4, Manposa, 100 acres, 90 acres clear- ed. Best of stabling for stock, convenient supplies of water, couvcnient to school. Good dwellingâ€"every convenience. Pos- session Marcb 15!, 1900. Apply to Dr. A. E. VROOMAN, Lindsay P.O.â€"-21-tf. FOR SALE.â€"-Brick house, with one acte of land; good stable; young bearing orchard; good water; location central.~ Apply to C. CHITTICK, Lindsay.â€"-19-3mos. THURSDAY, MAY 25th, 1899 (151cm ghbrrtiscnmtis. I A rum-tr. JOURNEY April 26511 was the date of the ï¬re. Early the following morning L F. Humcs. son of ex-Mziyor Humes, Seattle, accom- panied by Thomas P. Reilly, government messenger, and a companion named Tokales, started for the out-side with the news over a trail that the majority asserted meant certain death. They also carried the report of the just closed royal commission. and after such adventures as few men survive reached here last night. their passage up the trails haviig been made with Mounted Police relays and the best dogs that the force could put at their disposal. In many places they found open water, and were forced to pick their way through the wilderness, yet they did it, and made Skaguay in eighteen days. SWEEP or THE FLAMES The ï¬re commenced in the very heart of the business section at3a.m., in a cabin close to the opera house on the waterfront strip. An abortive attempt was made to extinguish the flames before the alarm was sounded, and the delay thus caused gave the ï¬re headway. When the brigade turned out the found the conï¬agration beyond their power to subdue. A strong north Wind was blowing, and the ï¬re travelled in sheets and clouds rather than flames. It swept all the buildings in its way along the main thoroughfare, down to and including Donahue Smith's establishment, the rased area including all the waterfront buildings abreast of the same blocks. Within half an hour the ï¬re had crossed the street twice and burned through and spread to Secondst, every important building in what is known as the business section being eaten up. The ï¬remen after the ï¬rst half hour’s work accented the inevitable abandoning the endeavor to extinguish the mad torrent of flame and devoting themselves to the saving of property in buildings as, yet comparatively removed from the sweep of the ï¬re. 'rwo BANKS BCRNED. Not a single building was left from Timmin‘s Royal Cafe to and opposite the Fairview Hotel. In this district were all the structures erected in 1897 and 1898. Not a pioneer building is left. When the obliteration of the town appeared ordained the citizens became panic-stricken, and even when they could have been of some service rushed madly toward the hills at the back of the town, stepping to stand in petriï¬ed horror. gazing idly upon the de- struction of their all. Among the most prominent of the ï¬rms burned out were the Bank of British North America, the Canadian Bank of Commerce, Mullen“ 8:; McFeely of Vancouver and Dawson, Par. son's Produce Company of Winnipeg. the Royal Cafe, Donahue Smith, the Aurora Saloon, the Bodega, the Madden House, the Victoria Hotel. the McDonald block, the California Exchange. There was no insurance. NOTHING TO REBUILD WITH. The stocks of the commercial companies: will be severely taxed in meeting the de- mand tor necessities, all the private stores of food and clothing having been totally (Continued on page four.) $4,coo,ooo â€"â€" THE TWO BANKS BURNEDâ€"NOT A BUILDING LEFT IN THE CENTRE OF THE CITY. Victoria, May 2lsnâ€"The expected has happened. Agreat ï¬re, long threatened, has overwhelmed Dawson City, =ind noth- ing is left of the center of the Klondike metropolis save a heap of costly ashes. Fortunately the big ware houses of the commercial companies escaped, but one hundred and eleven buildings, large and small, were consumed ere the ï¬re burned itself out. The ï¬re was caused, as was its predecessor, that all but obliteiâ€" ated the town, by the upsetting of a lamp in a disorderly resort, The loss is estimated at over four million dollars, but fortunately without any fatal. ity. LO 5 S $4,coc,ooo One Hundred and Eleven Build- ings Burned â€"Mr. D. Holmes, of the Queen‘s who railroaded on the main If eighteen years, says Sunday's v worst pile of wreckage he ever saw. DAWSON CITY IN ASHES â€"One rail was embedded in the earth to a. distance of eight feet and so beat that it could not be Withdmwn. I: was buried and the track restored above it. â€"-The appearance presented by bossy in a striking comment; on the words of Stevenson, who invented the locomotive, “It; wed be bad for th’ coo.†-â€"Ib turns out that Brakemrn Zealand’s arm is not broken, and although terribly scalded, there are good prospects of his recovery. â€"The section men are to be commended for the generous Way they allowed their brethren of this division to assist at the wreck, although a strike is on among them all over the system. aâ€"The wrecked train was in charge of Conductor Lithgo w. Brakeman Frank Shaw of Midland was also on the train. â€"-A pet dog belonging to Miss Neelands got under the wheels of the wrecking train and was decapitated. â€"-The largest pieces vet found of 10881 were boards out of which the n be: was pieced together. -â€"-The cars at one point were piled as high as the top telegraph wire. in this town. Brakeman married man and also a. re land, but well-known here. Notes of the Wreck 75 Cents p at annum 1 above it. ? the Queen's hotel, the main line for m Zealand is a. resident of Mid- the