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Watchman (1888), 14 Jun 1888, p. 2

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" '. .JtN ITHLRbDAZ II Itm ...__..__â€"â€"â€"â€" (the Watchman; l said thattheStatesof the Union must be either all Free Statesar all Slave States a simple thing to spy, but a thing . ‘ - which no one had thought of. :5 Yes is true," answred the whole «1': "'tl'i't‘ -. in? IA), 'I cures sures SEMIORS 0180”,. , me Iterativnslonsg. Tunic I’m loctodlw is?“ r :‘Tfl', Killed and Further loss of J; ‘ Abbott, the am “ sefiof the year: ' ~ ;A few remarks winch will not be out of place at this sea. Slimmer Underclothing, - ' ‘ son: one 1103.53 ‘ é "' ‘ "‘2‘- - « Sim-“n" 0n . - when - I » Ba of Quinte Conference. . napal, «“ by Idld _3 ceded ti; Er. any small; In Favor of It: m m now (ml-cue Church “to FMâ€"uommfcdandm , CaptamISeptflPus Dcmsoll 0: gg'i’gfww . . I I ll .. I . II: t .. y l h ed h r on “”9 befm'e‘rTa lat “we pm - a..-“ Interruption s, the win-gnu Tm Mm,“ “a over “mum bee“ “Pmm‘ihwmnt m Just now is the time to discard 3041' on) 1”“ (1 Under. . g . , The 01 nf rence vs no open e "' . ‘ 'tru" 1e. . "”32 m" w" ' 1 l at L011 on. . 7 . . - ,. ~ 'g. . wear lcr. , ‘ Thumb; “:8 well amulet $15323” misfits? $110,523 a fine" imaginat've w W? J 10 In the Senate “"3” "cm A", by} he ‘ third ti e O‘TA‘V‘“ June 71:1“ $3,131.23; “Eater.” HWdefg‘lfilefifi clothing and don those more adapted to u vm‘ I hale of the most harmonious Iu'lnc _-s . n d . _ )th'l of the electric force with .tsmsa'ros, une .~â€" b M Mor- OTTAWA. , J une 6.â€"-For the _ m . thunélorstpnll-«E‘jer QWP; . be! (new. menthol Mrs- J almes p, f. A. . . _ . 111’. in n ' ' ’ . ‘ ~ erda. theresolution ofl'ered y r. . . , has ' . til“ at and Vicinity a. ‘1 - . .. . - .Won. ~ " ‘ “ The dl‘thlC you Wd- . , held for vars, 0n Walnegla) 3 realm” “.011 . l] ords of Christ ye“ a, Fisheries Treaty woweghtrwrw ‘~ -.» , but“ 0“" “ 9 y \ hour .- died~Frldsyw . , , -- ' bers f the 001* which sud! “'3“? °“3 w - sank“. “Wyfim ° . ‘ large W6 n 8‘“ estcrdny~und..lnsted and???“ ' Wild has been elected . é » 0'0‘ ([420] “l" (li’l7l0 was guen to the mom 0 l I l hm Pmed ml was taken up and went om! till to'dayM. With-ll“... ‘dl? . M... b t. -. y damn and musing the loss_0 Rev. Joseph , al’ Union CUtZOM (l I Z {>472 I A a If ... ference by the ladies ”f the ”3““ am was! as .0“ 0f t u? - it, 5 ' . is. mob'ectmg' W. .' Sherman‘s 3lit-'3‘?“ m b“ “'13“: The c‘ty “- C't Council enormous fie as known. The niornulg President of ,, the Congregation . ’ <5 ”(a enjuyame intelleryuimggiili‘a: of if); thoughtsi 'ltlubgandes‘! doing: W‘liiél‘lhm “”5” ”TM" it ““°"‘°‘.‘1'.33£‘ if m- ins iidgelsigixcriorzi'rgigiiiighlgrlhcstair? 31;: cliiigelil 3d (:lear'but'tplwilordsI magma in" which met in minim. er W to m, from 3 5 cts Upwards. If .. chair was occulfle‘ 3' ‘ r. ' - da 'ourtal y w H‘ , fished all that was infen y! , . .. ,, ...-.,-., ' ‘4 h centre 0 dthe win use, . Tle new gtee s can: . ,_ - , town. An address of welcome was del" ‘ m3". alasI toâ€"dav, from incessant hear- P On motion of Mr. Shannan the Senate of the Cliytfiagaxhfidwfpgatir: over the half ,J‘,’,of,?,ll,’$,-fific cyclone was sweepufig bctuiccn Toronto and Hamllmn, amved at H AR 17 '__1 still haVC the Best Assorted 510Cl§ of end b Jud e Dean and ablny-eswnded _ -I’ .- f - rated truisms’ roceeded to the comidemtion of the Fish- the Mar eI-sq, 3 to have been 't m, r was not in 1. e amilton esterday from (hasgow. . \ , . I Y . ‘ .~ , . . , ( . . . )r' . g I v by R: ’8 Lear! yd Dr “311“,,“ W_ mg. are simply lndll people ., P , T cuty h open executive session and market. 1hef1reis silipil'oslillad mm. fall along. Tile feltii lint which rosetoovcr H l d 1. d inToron‘OYOSter‘lay fromuP H TS in Town Deficit. bu llbll dllQ . )u 11. Jet :- _ to ' vs. . . . In . - , ‘ - l . 'ld come tothose “common , cries :- . . , . r‘ of its caused by the stump o :1. lg c , ', direct patu o e W , . 0 trees of two A a. y r 10 :1 , wfrom her-being a , Lambert and J“ ‘5' Clark. The Chm: "in “ ou ' ' ’l 'Ch has was mldressed by Mr. Gray in snppo v ’ d th tairs amen" some waste- A i ht miles an hour. s11“: P1110. . 'uries totlie system, res; tine. ‘ ‘i 3- . . . . , ,1 . a (let a fommhsm v. n , . mg 1m er es _ a . 83 y . . t r a, crushing J . . t .0 'carsano. , m... f l E E dared scvexiaIl engic°1;:::‘:?§heti$ni i eggmf‘gllglnand ground in the dust by “gfiétggldlemrgcr said that thc treaty strong gale firlogfii:tidilteytfld {:33 Feb: bid thfiefeet ‘g‘g‘gfigcflfil 1,13%“ dozens Mieflihct‘se‘lllg lilielgcla‘llclnd‘ted case 0°,- Mann 1] COLL A BS 8: Uâ€" a faded gigs“: lint: zulili'beses light refresh- I a Eodv'illcizil government the only aim ought "0t ‘0 be ratified because “1.11:3; firiiimatlbzlfli; Helm P ui ”mermaid cilibsuscs izicfichcstcrviu? Billing,SBfll1§: 82 £153.31) The Hudson Bay R‘Eil‘vay is to be l -1 " and 4 3l\" Linen. ‘3 ' lilihtsbveic served in the “83“”? t" the I ofpwllicli \vnstrto furnish the tables Of a €0an1?,:Ҥ"8“‘1°’ of Ame isnparks were showering on the W1.‘V‘l’°‘v::: and other places .in the‘dlrect path 0 droppedi asasetflemcnt n; being nitric. be l In the latest St) CS, 0 l , - . a members ”f ‘1'” “U"ferenw and the“ few at Rome, whose wealth was beyond G137: (gluon the treaty secured every Eillldmgs figidhfhe‘fdilfhlrcsgh :ml' 1txlfc‘ fire Stealillijliilling’s Bridge, St- Thomas Rom?“ chen thogiangrtfiafis Egtgtiick‘lznd’s l TIESâ€"In T165 1 haVe everythmg from 91.1 our 1!] 11.de to ‘\ inen‘l" . , . C ,ference was ! all estimate. , rigqut of American Inshermcn and left the f 9?“) ew alona the streets running north CaithOIic Church, a. wooden strucItIm‘Ic: I‘W's ‘mgfleflioy 18 Ladrefield. on Sunday night- 1. I _ A fine assortment Of foumn-hand. thnese I I I The busmeb'rl’f :11.” mrnincv The ' The religion that " the common peoâ€" tariff on fish where it 0:131: “all” llefi’laflziv: slid {ast and within fiften minutes forty 01‘ HOW!) to pieces. There xvcrehtnfmg: 0‘: lumnel‘ 33%: Moore of Stellarton has been i d Chest ProtectOl‘.I 1 f t h lid in a few d'lvs . . ., _ . . - " “l“ .' . -. . Not b'ecttobedealtwitl y e 0813 ' . ' - ‘tinitntte 1m. i-ev. -'-. ' ’. T ' - ' nd 'Ui‘ ancv. 0 a ’ ' ‘ ‘ commenced In) 1‘" ‘3' 1°10 and l ,, l today “35 the same. 3“ J fift tenements were In flames. children and u. prles k lled Grand "Master far have I Slllx ll‘l VH1th 21 1,5 iv , .I i r m, I lasted from 9 out! p e, neec . branch of Con regs, ‘ l" . ,I - 1 uselcSS, . . ., . . ed McVey was i elected Masom‘c I T - , - . . : - flyiagni; ati’cnded. At 10 O'clock Rev. 3. religion of ritual and llarzeielfiofgi; At the closg of Mr. Gray’s speIeIch MI:- ngfium‘llixijrvniiaggin‘gutogrllytiiialadiquate ’00 figfixefii‘} fifiimnigmdfiomof themvery Scotio, Prince hdwardlsmid andIWWfOWd l MBBELL Sâ€"A few plums In all ‘ J' A' Wiginuns “mutating; ngggdeli?mii’ "Qt a re-hglonlOft cal-glligioffzf comgen- Eggtfffg‘ififigffififdoiuiioiioiooi supply the numerous streams laid on. and severely. ' land. have g U i"- ' - â€" ”Yd” w ”mom“: 9 ‘ ' of mystxcxsm, )u a. , . ‘ . I. l . ‘ . ‘ . . . . .1110 Toronto Anglican trollior‘epreSen' gI 5111; Just arrived and are selling fast. . d a. scheme of propIor . I I I $3,183;ch the election of its standing com~ lave all gone Those White and colored Get one before they ' . . . . the . - h l t the sickly f U. R. Booth. Mlommg ‘ Mr. Sherman, postponed till Monday, June the fire merely long et a At the arm 0 Flannel . . ' . . 1'1 25 I squirts which trickled on it, some of which Experimental harm, a. lmge burn W01 1 after h ' “in of which the Secretary II I t e Ema g scarcely went twenty feet beyond the $10,000 wasdemolished. hive men working ' ' ' he read the 80th chaptir of Ismh and t 1‘ chapter of Colossians, and Revs. Dr. ! sation, a religion of ‘I‘ common sense. Thev do not want a religion of doctrine, .. . . kenrefuge ., -. I “ t :NTRAL BANK ECHO“ . th Ex rimental Fat!!! 119-“ ts. . mlttxccs. , I ' ' ' ' led ' ra er. whose ORIV use was to he?!) out grea. A C ' noIzzlc ' d b] directl towards the mag- 9n}; e d £2” eatinn thn‘ dmnet when the Mr Mannclilnn, of Brussels, Ontario. 1}” k wmm and “' Bredm m p y ' . h' l S 8 movm ' force was .. b l‘v-{Hshlrr .u3anâ€"-Smsh- The “n cw - y th lar est in 1 an 1 l? The men started ° ' - fi Cl desdale colts, commg ., aThe General Superintendent briefly en-ors, but w 10 l a. a v To A Stan-mm: y .. - . nificent Roman Catholic Church, 6 ogta- cyclone struck tic am b t the roof fell urchascd so» no .Y Tl leave Greenoek ’ . ch Conference pointing 0!“ “ not worth a load of straw- . up on the (-P-R' . edifice of the archiepiscopal diocese of t to run and four got away, u «1’11" him rom first-class stock. my . . . .) l) . ‘t R l)- .l Wmn: nature of the work to insifif for example, noon the neceSSlty TORONTO. June 1'1"“ bit Ef ItfiStlory m waexcept the BMil-icaflamtn mnR’ “3:111:21: onthe fifth’ £10131'Mllllfigrgnailiiibzlf‘inlstz"131?- this week. ' it “"11' m H'Lycs of are going very fd'St' Just [llC thing for bItUl'gtIIOll 01}; ’ Lu --‘ ' ference- Th“ ‘ ’ edin faith “'35 ‘0 connection “it“ “‘9 ““3““? e“ m interior was 3W“ m . “'3' 9 n frightfuny 3“ ‘.'“3 .11 tcrville a. On Saturday “18‘ '1 '3 . ‘ "1 t ~ , , d W l 'tc Dress Shirts. ., traw ms. im- done by an annual Con lOi re entance Prec I8 y. . _ . the Master- . . emthasheetn‘OnrOO nd’s brick ard,Ro<. cs_ 2 . , ‘h , walked on the doors. ats Re atta dll 11 v , . . . 5 ll“ 0‘ transfers was then read and the " t “pt to present an abSthtlon that proceedings now gomg Pililfefonlerdav after was Of 80131 ill“??? in lendidly'; and had A$301,341G-re wasy killed. It is feared Sarawocll '1‘???th intoxicated and was ber (’9 .' g . h f ~ In fact cvcl‘VLl‘lln” 111 Elli: Gems l" ' Conference ‘1‘ CI p ‘ ‘ - imOrdmm- came to 113 yes - . which hel e _ sP ~ mannam y . , occurred Owen 501m ll< Handkerc 1t: 5. . a . h h the '11â€"; \as .Y . 1 the lt have en ana l 3 roll called. after 'w w ' no man could comprehend. e-re‘ noon. 'It was in the shape °£ 3'“ “51‘1““ there been a sufficient water suPPY that many more casna 1351 .l drowned. . - . . . t I PM“! w elect “'8 officers. ' h bef re ntance faith (luring re- from Cashier Almer- A. Allan, wh° 1“ 90W building would have been saved. As 1‘7 Y” which have not been rel)"rtm yo I. l west- Mr Justice Robertson yesterday cm" i 1‘ urmshmg llnc‘ levnov or PRESIDENT AND smnnnxv faltt grindpefaith after repentance; domiciled at Minnea. lis, Minn. It Tc?!“ this beautifulstructurewalxied at otvifr $10513; Almost at the 01218502: gest‘figyiitil was deimfed the city of Toronto to paylrheé’osltfi l G LLON “A ‘ . - L. Penr- pen ance - ‘ lur- or nestiona. )le transactions in lo 000 was totally destroyer , togIeI or W1 . em gable of the s u I ., . t l I b mud“: to repeal t 0 ar y 1 . . . Onthe first ballot Rm. M- . . :- ce before faith 1epentance( some \ y ‘l -. NI llan declares . IIt in the “0mm, 08th b l' ltnin and for a “1M, 1 of he w 0 l o A. was pres‘ b .1 vc ' laro'e repcn an ’ ‘ bank's overstocks which ._ 1’. .‘ _ other church propel y struck y igi g, , . . , ull . B -.lrw. , u . I Hull i so: «riffs? 1‘3" (iiigrdi 1302 with; czilst ing faith and repengillnce .aftfrd {8:23 were negotiated ’at the;I stggfltmvxinoitdiil: mated fit $100,020 {“03“ t tally beyond con bewaslfcpred film Til: gllélccgiligdnfih‘faigh 01:31:81 “zuulmecting of the Lou (11211. £1 oInt- ‘. Doheny Block, 3 doors east of . the l )aly l‘l ousc. ~ w V‘ e. r '3 o a- . - . , . ., - [flea y 111ng e , 3 directors themselves to u elr 0 The 1'8 S‘Vep :1. 011g, 0 ' (CS royc . . . I . r1 the . . t 7' conferences Of t c et ‘0. I I . .» I '1'“ ballot Re" '1' J‘ Rice “as The} “ 6ft. mex , - , _ . $1 convent a. (“ruler , buildup, mre Mucus: l . real and ngfll'a- . 3 . w“ 1 . ' $1133 3...?“ e... could bummed, 9W“ . fe‘“ WWW “initial: 1.... .. .,.- van: narvrgufcmy... s. :‘z:.:°:§.:‘.£l‘:.... its... .. themkms d... 0...}. We openedstrndw’ Mm“ . “' - ”k... _... . e , - . t' )n‘ committee was - - ‘ negotiations are Yonce o a , . i C ror en inc had . . war d. The stove was real and IVorwwh rcspcctnc y. . E I” _ On motion a nomma u a , . ‘ or logic. . town theatre. Carlton-street, near a I -By the tune the onque g 5,0,8 m the upper _ fluid . I f H xilton has “mod ohc ordered. to consist of one Lnnnste; “1T , .We could wish to 81“: at grechIel'. has been selected as the most suitable quar- arrived from Ottawa 0,1121 blind two 180ml smashed to 1330,? 831d thit'iilfcflll: place I 3,5118, (leggy; for aipomc His parish- _~ - . I . , . t" be elected y we (-xs- ' " re lete Wll ‘3 i ‘ a 't. streams on the college wine was sawet Ian! flashed aroun t 9 oor 5° 1 ‘o . tom “96‘“ . ,-' d I . :ggchr'g‘h: following is the corrected hst lengygriginfirgzfirht ilnd to quote the “whimgilcrn. tmiu from Maizfleai the Eddy and Unioxf Isteamcr land seizfirg} thoroughly on fire in sevflrgrl Plgiiiingfig. ioncrs “'11:,Egejflgldgdnon“liidla:ri?urfe an ’ 9 "add i . . ' C3] nin rtun Districts : mos ' ' 0- , ' 0f 't isba between Clurcmon um streams 0“ Eddy's Films groan 3. sou , Some little delay 0‘3"?“rm m .t , , carriage Va ‘ _ - , ' r ”f the Lindsay 'md I S .conclusmn, thh “ as :1 noble flighbtll- fifirzlz-h imconsglemblc 1053 Of property the fire, the lumber piles m Wlllcll were but firemen were quicky onItne SEEM-Him; mt?) Yankee fislnng “55.01% have billimazilgé ° El . ”gm-Av msnur'r. eloquence. It seemed to us that 11 and Obstl‘IXCtion to traffic resulted. A num- mostly saved, only the fence and a. few piles hour’s hard work succeded m Cfutégugwinm : inside the tllrce-mllellmgl Lied!” 1:}; lie}; h; ‘ ;.reat Slaughtet‘lng " ‘ v i ' W 1- Williams. D‘ D'; James ' r ‘ fi lV {CHOW ““5 sermon on of cattle broke through the feIECe 8.134 beiu destryed.” the roof zmd attic of the “eel, , O and destroymg local 8 crme _ from Lindsay n 1m could so t . ber _ l g _ _ b . _ lmth “ater, cmuons l h ‘\ R“ vers superallllllflted ; a f th "05 81 0f Chnsf’ after grazing “10118 the hue a. wlnch lau “7i“! the exception Of the. church, We? y" The wholcbuildmg Was deluget .- f 11 order to carry 011 the" own OP ' . l .. Greener. 10:16 .0 ll" Dewey ;Omcmee the character 0 e Oh? ‘hqract-e!‘ of down on the track. These r-cstingmlnlli}13 tery and convent almost all the buildings and the loss will be ab°ut,'$"’0(iol iiixy Major J. H. Mead of the Toronto Field . . Lindsay has ‘ -'Ie)1illsf()r(l Gilbert Horton; as another sermon on t b L ‘I 'll re the unsuspecting freizlitdriver involunti‘f'ly were of wood and burnt like so much paper covered by insurance m the Antllili . 1‘; tile, Battery was thrown from a. buggy last week _ . . D :3 A .. i “B m‘ Jthuston ’ M K - \‘Voodville. the training necessary for tho“: “ 0 a tried to (liSlodrre with his cowcutclier. File under the impetus of the fierce gale which Hartford, and NLOTPI‘ BritISh and - crca. - while out in the country procuring horses for , . E I , .I-{l i ( a ( )() ’ l )‘hrt n‘ FThulniisFa‘l: gable humond' l to preach it The man who Shall be at?" ennine tender? and fourteen freIigh: our: prevailed throughout the two 1113;113:113 fire â€"â€"â€"â€"-Tâ€"â€"â€"-â€"-‘â€"" the annual. camp. His 16 g was broken m two I . . . . aid” P A‘ m; eneo A“. ' VI: den W, ' I ' .' ' 'l till-left e a ’ 'l l d iled u :1 tie 0P 0 lasted until it fairly burnt itse 011 . -~â€"â€"- ~â€"*â€" , - a. . . _ I , ‘ ' '1 ‘ ' 'th‘ hrea"“"”n“ m we” dew“ w p [1:0 ' t1 -’ - - .f F REIGN NEWS Places- 2 - - 1 . 4 - . non. U()lllU 011 at Wyaeon, Andrew “ as“? ’ m . - ‘ to kmdk - . n ‘ h d badl wrec'cd. Wllllc .‘C It is difl'lcult to get at the nunibel‘y O . . . Little lumber merchant of O C 10m t lL 11 L, D ‘0 I". ' B. 'l'uc er; huunount. LalebI Tarball" l lapse 0f centurleb are dead trilthsltio ti}?! mdkovtvairtd’lfil up fdr a. considerable (115- houses burnt, but u. moderate_Calcula.tlon _' ll,h 1:17.70;va oncofcvtremc Mmgifliizln assigne’d, With liabilities ex- l de L ‘ n- ' Atherley. W. J. bowlers. (Illilll'lJMIlv “x | manv. who hear them incessant )s a - ce. . ‘ , 1 puts it at 250, which is morcI likely to be John Bug! *3 °° ‘ l l " ' ‘ . cdincr‘ 8200.000 and assets composed of E W: Williams. I" D': Fmancml becretxr}. ' ihcaring do nOt understand, the man The members 0f the American U“ bum ° under than over-estimotcd-I 1‘ ully 1.300 Peo- \V'fifkucfs. , . ., . - 1] 0- in limbo: limits and lands, of 8- little over I .- I 5 ..~. lobnstoll. l . 1 ll b0 'llllf‘ to repeat tllftL COUl' ers' Assmiation passed through her? ycstcr- Ple are homeless, most 0f W--0m are p00l‘.I llle lmnpel‘or 0f Ill-“Z11 15’ I‘ll.)1L y rec“ «100 060 i ’ . .' . .. ; II I ' '\\‘\'I\4;’J‘I)V msrnlm‘. 2“!” S m ~ i'l ' 'l lnum'untv approves day “‘0!“ Chicago 011 1'0““ to the Thousand The 1038 Will 9300“} $50030“ 9“ “'hwh ins hen-1th- . ,, \v’ north County Council on Saturduy i - '5 _ g- W .. . L i i h. .I W w. t.}, (lcu ll. illlOll sensf‘. “ “bf ‘ oduct [SIB-Dds. there is little insurance except $30,099 0“ \Valt‘Whitman, the poet, is dangerously \I pulp; gubmitzlby-law to the electors l .2 if: x. ..I Cunningwn. (thus. " 'd-Lll‘ttl ‘ .Bri- i but cannot utter, 13 the mint pr â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"‘.“‘â€"â€"‘_ the church, $4,000 0“ the convent and-$0,000 ill at his home in Camden. dew-m f) ‘l to buy the toll roads from ‘1 ' . ' . W . ' Haley : (”kwmid‘ J. Lilli-Ills lV ll ilUVd' ‘ 0f “'3 onlv true culture. . THE FQEEbT CiTY' on the fifty Hall. . , . . -1 Lord Lansdownc took his seat in the 10 “use 13;: The sum requirci. isabout l .~ 1; ' '2 i of I \ min, Wm. Bredm {glam t: hocolik -\.II' ! The ordination Service \\'lllCll follow" Two privates 'Il Ilu- London Military School The c urch was beautifullytfinislicduzpzlt"? House of Lords Friday night. gliggggbpa - l . F . . ‘ . ‘ 2 u ‘ . - ' ' . . . ‘ ' ' - ' ‘ . ‘ ' ' S . n ' l ' n ' v . ‘ thana‘mlfrlalli) \Drtw‘ lsiiir‘cl-uul one to be 3 (1d was very inwrcsslvc' l wo’l lLandl- Rub a “mum“. iihichtvigfgesidxlllnyN13: oiil‘y urge, the con- Ii 1s stated :13“ lllngla'fld thus S‘g‘wd the File at Pilot Mound cal‘lylIllnliimiiylmoml ! “I e are at 1)rCSCllt 1n thb ofT t le ..' . . . . \ . . , , .. z! i . . . ... . .~.;rs. from - , . _. \V] cler “ , . . . morificr Suez una convcn lOll. . II I . St wart‘s )ch smltl mu i .. 1I sent ; \ 1‘5“""5‘. .R‘md' ihilm 1P... $35133; l dams “ 9“ Imgenteéla \‘zizb'futllonzed so LOSDOSi onfi'ni’gllcld-i fiifisges all.e the tents 0f the Swill); t:)ItI.-;1I:yit(lc:tg oftiiiiifliii'll: It is announced that the Panama. canal 3313335331 “"iitson’s suddlcry, Don g1”. by . III ”dryulple, “hzlllzllltl Bl 3:33;“: ‘W Bre- 3 son aInd hilalfll’ 111:1 r\1~,1ini;ters solcmn- milliltagy"éfilidolcmrc’missing, together Wi‘h ‘ $3,131,231Elairicn‘fovled.{ml buildings on lottery loanwill be issued June 27. d jewelliz‘y store, Sumtlwrg 13m?” gelled“?! 53866 1 OLD F I RE E .AIIII, ondI . .I fol-c” one In - sell . - - ' .' rcitCl w 1?: 60 C > ., 9 ‘ . R l t Hueston . . f . ..f t . , . -1, - omewhat bcttcrnu . d" as (lwcllllW. .OSS, ,. 0’ ; 5 . , . . , - ' ' . . . . . . . \\ . “atoll. l P . . . , . . tch and :94 belon mg to o e , fi- - 11 Ian rcr and laced there or so. e y. Generad filler“ on 18 s and Mor ”.l‘. O l . ‘ ‘ r ‘ I I , ,. . hO' 1:, den : Finantml htLlLtdr} (. ly- laying their hands uponlthcm as the) :ntfher soldier. 8 1:} liis i; «I thwm-st fiiic Hull has ever had. he expresses himself hopeful of recovery: insured fo.x $;,000. I I I N er“! the East hnd of R (int St] LLt, lebl do “C «L 3 The Methodist» of Lindsay "-1": t” be lbosveu bcfflre the altar‘ , A ruflian entered the house 9f Mr. Ross â€"‘â€"â€"“ Twelve hundred JewS $3“ng in ”Howl's: At Saturdays 50330“ Of the LOllthIIIIE/I'Sll' “ c A ‘ ‘ - ~ . - . r 1 -‘ i c ngra ulnted on theiruplmiuhucnts. Dr, I In the evening there was an equally on Myles-street on Sfiturtllily mgIhft‘pIr 18$; THE GRAIN STANDARD AMENDED. at Leeds have struck against more than at, fercncc Rev. 2101‘“ Tame],OIfIzIItfyAgéwfitfgI [tare heavy 10581.5 l)\7 the ll l-C leld 1 C(lllll L d ( Tge an I U u ' ' ‘ I l I C ‘ ‘ was . l . t ie a sencc i ' i '_ ‘ r ' . . 'rvurer 3 1mm ‘ _ . ' s . - , f7 \ " limits “'1!“ Wk“ Ml" Pearson 5 1’1““: IS 1 large congrcgfltlQn, thongh- the he'lt . . day morning ( unzigtion in the Military 001- , The New Regulations ofthc Inland Revenue 1‘0“” "‘ “ cck I .- . , . n1 Whose-nylscciiscd of blackma 11mg hotel- ‘ J , . i . - . ~ . '(3 - 1 - .. \ll . . . r to h we who is filllllgfl- P0 Thchw lOVldlll” fo the quluquenm as hema , _ 94X)“ .\ L, if“ V ( LCl L( O . A“ that Wu“ be .lcsircd- usu good Pastor l Stiflmg. ventilation nf‘ellllllb -l « ‘l 16ch and uttem ted to out-rage Mrs. Ross, nclmrtmont. “- “In“; of 5m Pruscsian Diet has been om. keepers, was deposed from the ministry and Ial‘noul‘lt 0 1110116} c . 1 y \ . ml as an eminentlv Christian gentle-mun. ' been beneath the ‘1"t‘(:eI Of “11;: ( fits; who was in bet . He cpockcd d‘hlie £33331: I OTTAWA, Junc S.â€"-'l'be Inland Revenue I 13' published. expelled from the Church. I . . I - . . . . I . . . . . .- . (y res] . ‘ but was ( five“ 0 . ... ‘ 13 : arcllltuls. l ht ”it" me ’ Without mercy _,..,... .: ~43â€" - M'. D-wey, \vln: . . I A, t" ”W Ru 1 L he is welliMrJ .earovd. preached :1 lOI'Clble, and (hone % pmcticzd sermon. on the christian c011): duct of life. He had no dcsn‘e to h - t f tlv (:,,,,_ " taken out of the world as yet, but \IVIis - Mr. Penman. :m Preside-n n cI . ed to he kept from the (:\'ll, and 5 nne goes in Family)!“ and “m be ’ is '1 li-rht in it. The church would lre . . g . linseed in this town. For the last three better for n great many more sermons vearsllelmsbeenuulcultlgniflemnplnnupleIg on practical llOllChtI) and truth filler??? - - c . -} "‘ r u“: 4) ‘ i , . . . to l‘0\'l( e ‘ ‘4 _ the spiritual and tempo! u. \ c a l I :and that not more) P II a ' ‘ v 8 I ‘. IA‘I f . . A Church In tlns town. mu m . . .. I a are \Vltllout 0! Ml)eeeun"dl‘- f l to 'm unprecedented cx- *amplc {I0 tho-5f: 11‘ t . l‘ . cv- n uncwss u ‘ “those Wltlloul’. are mowd not I} . . ' . . '1 . "~1'revret- - - tent. Hakim“ Lmdsm 81 new 3 a ainlilcs but by contact with 11fc~ «but for - - ' - nubers. who . ted by his cflllgrcgatu m and nu. . . . . _ I . ; . . fittlll bid him God speed 111 bus new sphere “fills own sake. It ls eminently 2;. going to take Lindsay East. known here and is a favourite Wll’ll who have the good Work at heart. fel'ence could accomplish his purpose by some ncigb- : bors, who were alarmed y the little 12-year old son. . . The general store and residence belonging to Mr. Sifton of Arva, was burned about 3 . o'clock on Sunday morning. l THE PRAIRIE PROVINCE. Runway Tenders and Constructionâ€"Mr.- klsh‘s Hunk-rem. \melrnu, June 12.--â€"Thrcc proposals have been received for the con~tructlon of the railway from \l'iumpcg to Il’ortugc.“ I l Tuck laying on the Red River I\ (1.6;) l Railroad commences next Monday from . )Ie Department has forwarded to the Boards of ‘- Tradc of Toronto, Montreal, \mepcg, ‘ Brandon, Regina and other places a. revued proof of Sec. 44 of the General Inspection . Act as it is proposed to amend it by order in council. The section deals exclusively - wish the classification of grain, respecting lwhicli a. conference was recently held In - Ottawa. between representatives of the i Boards of Trade and the Ministcr and Com- ? missioncr of Inland Revenue. 9 Paragraph 1, referring to extra. Manitoba, ‘ hard wheat, requius 85 per cent of red I‘nye as its standard, but is amended by inserting the word “hard” before “red Fyfe.” A similar amendment appears on the standard . r-.. v- . I u...:+.). "it.“ ‘rcd 1:ny Wlleitt. The clans; raiding Mi: to the free iist was passed through committee in the House of Representatives. The new St. Cntlicriucs light, Isle of “'ight, will he flu: most powerful electric light in the world. A new steamer, the Emperor, on the Do- vcr-Culais route, is expected to cross the Channel in fifty minutes. The German tramslntiou of 7.01338 “La Torre" has been suppressed in Germany on account of its indecency. The court has ordered the winding up of the Amerisau Exclrnigc in Europe (Limited), . vuo ‘ I ‘ 1- it I cncnnu.-...l . ‘D R‘Jgfijfiéfi‘fi ‘3 lll‘npcrly. are mgmg along the of British Columbia, to take over fifty crof- \'a.nccd to CitCll. He proposes to form a. fish- ing village in Vancouver Isiand. Rev. Dr. Cocluunc, of Brantford, was pre- sented on Friday night. on . bcbaIlfI 01 his congregation, with a. purse containing: beI f‘lvccn $400 and $500, on the occasion 0L lllE Council in London, England. ‘1'.“ ]=\:l|n‘ll) ) , . 1 ‘ ‘Alcxander Long has offered the Impgrla Government, onobchulf of the Government ‘ tcr families as a. test, provided £120 be ad- ; departure to attend the General Assembly 9 E meeting in Halifax, and the Prcsbytcrxrnl: Gcrch Slicpbcx-dson, a. farm laborer, and 1 ID ‘ ' l ~ w: lw‘w\;:‘idlal 6‘0“ ‘1 \L’ll Nut .1“ LA 3 murder-mg the luttcr’s illegitnnnto Infant 0;; l l l I Mark our Goods Amway Down, regardless of cost by which lllcilllti no how-c to “76 invite all to call down and. 31:2: us. I'Lzlllxi': our 111111. Moonrnrrcou sacs. 'mnmmurommn ‘ HAS NOT YET ARRIVED - - . - t - Maw 20le last the male prisoner in his cvi- f . l ' lint his carom, . . . . . ' ' Hm.» 4- r... "““"‘““"‘,f which they are to la. lg to-morrow. Rn- F No. 2 Mnnnoba. bard wheat is retained at ”“th Film": 0f. he‘lf‘mf‘dlmld- deuce swing am, he dciibrrufcly drowned . )3wa m”? “fiend" “mm“ . i Of all things.” “The friénd 0f the SOdSV ccttc wears on air of bravado, but Caddy is 08 lbs P0 the bushel, composed 0f at least A Plol’hct’e” has ”me“ 1” Chartres, but thc child at its mothers request. I . l The Methodist Conference Sun-a ‘ - ‘ u 1 l 1 1 . k 1 . two-thirds of hard red Fyfe wheat. The the blslmp has decided that she has no "God i the}! _ 5.1 "s the noun 11110501,}191- may be comp (M: y no en ( own. . . .. . . . ‘ "d . I . . . . o g . . L. d i .. l. l a P _ a . Mcflurivlc the Chicago hoodlcr, 1,. 9. part- next paragraph reads as follous. c\ l once to support her claim. ; uoq i day ln ln say. isul’llx’SCd to. recellie ”Oi“ 191m" '83? Her in Dixer‘ett‘s saniturium at Bamfi‘. “bio. lIliax-(IlIwIlutc II“yfc prcnt slnzll1 be 1 'II‘lic rcipprt tlmththp British Government l . P“ l l “ ' ‘ ' ' " - ' ' ‘ ' ‘ '. i - ' ' ' ' ’ ' as 15 e ' l ' . . 1 "ft of offerin 50““ “I" “'0 C emlm ! “'01:; 1mg 110 ess nu wit u rauvn t e iccnsc clauses of the l - lhe senmesof the daIvo xned mtlitlie gum , cvccptmg on ) sue 2 en . . “ 1m 1“,, been {0qu gm 3’. g . I I . . .- .. j» usual Conference Love Fe’lis‘t after which ’ necessar" consequence 0f former SmS-J money to a. person to burn buildings at Por- than (’0 lbs. in the bushel, and shall be COlll- Local Government Blll was incorrect. ‘ “nous Methods 0‘ English Beggars. ' ‘4 K , I ; W the Rev. E. A. Stafford preached one of g the most memorable sermons ever heard l . . 1 Rev. Mr. Ma‘lll’lll.‘ “In.“ Member fun m the town. 1 o g . . k l t i Established Church. The church was literally pac cc 0: Loxnox, June l2.â€"A few days ago a the doors. AS the reverend gentleman l special cable despatch from New York an- -_ ' - . . _- , nounced that the Rev. Mr. Mnturin, rector rose before this large audience, with no ! of the Episcopal Church of St. Clement, scrap of notes or manuscript, and gavel Philadelphia, had joined the Church of . l - . .. ”1’ le he'u'l | Rome. Hearing that he was in England, I on us “mt" 6 common poop ‘ ‘ l visited the Society of St. John, in Crowley, him gladlv," one'sl’irst reflection was that i not far from Oxford, where he was said to NOT ’FOR ROME. tage-la~Pmirie, and will be sentenced to day. FELL OVER A CLIFF. ' A Hamilton Boat Builder‘s Terrible Death â€"Struek by Lightning. HAMILTON, June l2.â€"~Boot Builder Mat- thew Thomson left his boat house intending to visit friends in the vicinity of the Valley Inn. His body was found early yesterday morning lying below the cliff near the Grand Trunk Railway truck. Evidently he lost his way in the darkness and fell fifty feet over a. cliff. An inquest was deemed un- posed of not less than ()0 per cent. of hard white Fyfe wheat grown in Manitoba or the Northwest Territories of Canada, and shall not contain more than 25 per cent. of soft wheat.” ‘ Another mncudmcut clnusc reads: “N o. 1 Manitoba Northern whcut shall be sound and well cleaned, wei hing not less than 60 lbs. to the bushel, am shall be com- . sed of at least 50 per cent. of hard red yfe \vhcut, grown in Manitoba ortlic N orth- west Territories of Cuuudu.” A further amendment reads: “No. 2 Manitoba. Northern wheat shall be Col. King-Harman. M.P., Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Ireland and special bctc noirc of the Irish Nationalists is dead. Tenders were invited Saturday in London for the new Canadian loan, £4,000,000 in fifty-year bonds at three per cent. issue price 92 1-2. ' Lord Selisbury’s bill reforming the House of Lords provides for the election of a num- ber of life peers within definite limited periods. Samuel B. Oldliam, Deputy Grand Secre- tary-Treasurer of the Society of Free and Lurk is the technical term for the principal modern varieties of begging. Mr. Ribton day in any large town: shipwrecked or disabled sailor lurk, the acci- dent lurk, the sick lurk (pretended illness, some tie up their arms in a very clever way, others remain in bed simulating illness while they send out their companions to beg for them), the foreigers’ lurk, the frozen out gardener’s lurk, the family man lurk (parad- . ing a number of children in astute of feigned' I I I I be III guest St John’s Is III ”man unpreten. necessary. sounIdIaud rmsmmfly clcnn, 0If good milling Accepted Masons of Ireland, is dead at I destitution), the lucifer or breed and butter few men could be so unl‘luely lackmgm l tious red brick 'building on the ’high road. During the late storm lightning ““13“ qualities and fit by warehousm", weighin Dublin. the h sicnl ces of an 0mm . t '3 l Entering it I found the corridors and rooms PI y gm r I I 5 filled with carvings and paintings illustrat- questionable whether the perpetual conâ€" l ing ecclesiastical history. I was cordially trast between his matter and his-manner ' received by the Rev. W’, R. Benson, founder, I I . ’ l and head of the society. Hi3 cleanssllaveu be "0t one Of the sources 0f 1"” POW?“ . Iface, sedate expression and Iflowing black “'ith a voice of hardly pleasing qualitv, 3 robe presented a ”the? meducval clergical . . . ' . a amncc. and distinctly nasal toxic,witlia]ank and ppe ungainly figure, devoid of magnetic turin “53°.“ "er t0 R0“‘°'.”.h° said’ smil' . . ld l . . l _ ; ingly. . ll cll, yourenterpnsmngaper may power, co am ex on repe lent lll pres I contradict it. What’s more, he as no idea once, be yet. with a manly simplicity °f gomg 0""- He is simply in England on ‘ “And so rumor has it that Father Ma.- and a wonderful force and originality, l n six-inonths’ holiday, and at the end of that I time no will return. He came here for his holidays simply because this was his home delivered a sermon which bore through- ' , , , , - before he went across the Atlantic. At pro: out the marks Of (listlnctmn. : sent Mr. Maturiu has left here on a visit to e 't: , I ' l . ‘.' _ ., - 1 friends. \Ve here belong to the Established . 1:1} b ltement ,Ot. t,” “A!” h" Find Church, and are under the Bishop of Pennsyl- Justined a. new dehmtiou of the "com-! vania. It is true that we call each other man people," and hedefined then) as thel 3:33;;iilfim’ and “"3 perhaps somewhat people who felt their need of Christ. With a. fine irony he showed that the . great characteristics of humanity are l m 6"" “fll’s'm' "'a'm" "' Pew" . Health. the same 111 all the centuries, and that . . I . I Sr. LOI'IS, June 12.â€"â€"Jay Gould and party then, as now, somety divided Itself who arrived here from the west and left shortly those who called themselves “ll f afterwards for Memphis. Mr. Gould is at- . . . .. , 1e I tended by his family physician, and appears best families and those who did not.I In his pourtmvnl and characterization of JAY GOULD AND FAMILY. to be in quite feeble health, thile the party was at Winfield, Kansas, Eddie Gould Lwhile gomg from the de t to the hotel, the tower on the new wing of the Hamilton Asylum. split the cornice and did about $300 worth of damage, ANOTHER HOME RULE SCHEME, National Parliament and an Imperial blot â€"Engl:md's Defective Ordinance. LONDON, June 9.â€"'-Ir. Joseph Chamber- ; lain recently held a. secret put-Icy with a. dc- thc latter received the impression that the Binningham statesman favored the schema defined by an Edinburgh pamphlet. The plan is to "rant national lmvliaments which shall be sfirjcct to an imperial diet, and the idea of the scheme is to eventually admit the colonies to its advantages. It is announced now, as if to add to the general timid feeling entertainied regarding England’s army and navy, that a large per cent. qf the heavy guns of the navy are (113- fcctive and in dangerous condition. Two of the 69-ton guns on the new Iron-clad Rod- ney, a 244,011 gun on the \\’ar Spite and one of the new guns on the Collingwood, are said to have the lining of their tubes cracked and to be otherwise defective. Mr. Parnell has invited his followers fn Parliament to a dinner to be given next W'ednesdny, at which they will meet their colleagues who have been imprisoned under the Coercion Act, putatiou of Scotch Home Rulers at which 10 not less than 58 pounds to the abushel, ant shall be composed of at least 50 er cent. of hard rcd Fyfc \vlicnt, grown in anitoba. or the Northwest 'l‘crritorios of Canada,” After speaking of the grading of winter wheat, Indian corn, oats and barley, the fol- lowing is added: “All barley grown in Manitoba or the Northwestern Territory of Canada. shall be graded as above, but shall be distinctly clas- sified by inspectors us ‘Mnuitoba.’ barley.” In the provisions as to all grain the fol- win is added: “ I\o wheat or other grain that has been subject to scouring or treatment by the use of lime or sulphur shall be graded higher than No. 3. Samples furnished to inspec- tors shall be made to conform as strictly as ppssible to the conditions and terms specified , the foregoing classification. The above modifiaitions shall not come into force until Sept. 1, 1888. KILLED HIS SON BY MISTAKE.- A Father not... at m. from mu thinking It was a WOodchnck. LINDSAY, June ll.-â€"Frida.y evening while Robert English, one of the wealthiest and most prominent farmers of Burnt River, and his son, Alfred. aged 15 years, were placing traps for \voodchucks, the son moved along the river bank unknown'to his father. The father seeing his brown hat beside a. bush The regular annual convention of the American llzmkcrs‘ Association will be held thisycm- at Cincinnati, Ohio, on \Vcdncsduy, October 3. M, J ovis', of Paris, is preparing an air chip to cross the Atlantic in. It will be 200 feet high, and with all the apparatus will weigh ulmut four tons and a. be] . The Colonial Under-Soweto of State dc- cliucd in the Commons yesterr av to insti- tutean inquiry into the rights of the Hud~ :on Buy Company on the Labrador coast. The Russian military chiefs recently as- scmblcd at St. Pctcrsburg unanimously dc- clured that the country would not be ready for a. long time to attack any l'luropczm powers. Three new railways lending to the Austrian frontier were decided upon, Ex-L‘uptuin Anderson, Lieutenant John Morrow and Surgeon (l. S. Rycrsnn, of the Royal Urcnudiers, Toronto, were presented to the Prince. of \Vulcs at u lcvcc us a. dcpu» tation from the regiment. The Prince and Princess graciously accepted Hume’s icturc of the Northwest rebellion from aptain Ha’rston, of the Grcnadicra, as a. silver wed- ding offering from the oficers’ of“ I' the regi- i found t°° late by ”3993139? 110115011016. econo- lurk (dropping in the mud, or otherwise damaging by an apparent accident, boxes of matches, slices of bread and butter, etc), the deaf and dumb lurk, the collier’s lurk (pre- A150 tended loss of employment through an ex- plosion), etc. Then there is the “shallow cove,” or “shiv- ering Jemmy,” who goes about half naked; the “high flyer,”.who simulates the broken down gentleman, officer or tradesmen. It will be noticed how they utilize human suf- fering, and play upon the sentiment of hu- manity. “The pursuits of the vagrantare of the most protean character. One day he is the ‘lurker ;’ another day he is the ‘crocus,’ or ‘sham doctor,’ selling potions flavored with 1 salt, or some form of nastiness; or he is the l card sharper of the public house and race course; or he is the hop picker just returned from the country with ‘genuine ketchup’ made from ‘cattle market mushrooms’ (i. e., decayed pig’s liver); or he is the sham smug- gler, who sells brandy or tobacco, the samples I of which are genuine, but the bulk of which -consists’principa.lly of colored gin or bay.” 5 Or he brings ducks, eggs, apples, potatoesâ€" sll much below market pricesâ€"which are l Turner mentions the following well known I varieties, most of which may be seen any l l The fire lurk (pretended losses by fire), the I. ut. the andersigned has received his large stock of SPRING GOODS. It consists in part of Handsome New Prints, 'Heavy Cottonades, Beautiful Window Curtains, beauty and price. some at 40 cents per yard. A good stock of [fa/Z and 527711.! [la/5. Heavy Printed. Muslims, - a large supply of LACES which cxcitc ‘.'."".‘.I(lcr at their LACE OVERSKIR'I‘ING. very hand- pusr owned up. My BOOTS AND SHOES have arrived and are worthy of lnspcc tion. Some Beautiful designs in Wall Papers, Borders, 0. I have made preparations for doing a large Sprin laymgm an unusually large stock of :1 IS gratifying to state that they are m oving off rapidly. A special of Ladies Button Boots at $1.25 per pair. g Trude by ll kinds of Goods. and it M any persons who have not hitherto dealt with mu are now doing so and express themselves as being well pleased with the SLTlCCllOll of Goods and the prices charged. \Vc pride ourselves in hav- tlifiltlurmnmmun__ illiiiliiillii: H I ill I . and mistaking i, for a “.oodclmck {,de c . ing Ipne of the largest, best selected and most mstily arranged ”In the Eisenee Sm ( ucecs mu. Pharisees‘ulic e into an excavation am had his right leg PAT PURCELL’S SEAT. instantly killin the young man; The father awlla e ‘01 ‘AZ StOC 'S in any country store in tllc COLan'. Come and sec 01' i: . I: best families" of J udneu, be displayed in ! $322? SP rained, “m1 received some bad The Prlvy Council Edlclal Committee '5 prostrate “15‘ gnof. ‘ . g and ago“ orks’ Etc. ’ i 1 a marked degree that historic sense t s ’ , . . . . lie ‘- . (‘ro Pros .ls. Which is so precious an ellulplueut ot a p N NEW YORK. June 12.-â€"The cro re rt teacherof men. In theEvsenes withtheirl for June has been issued by thep Unified aesthetic frippery he found the modem State's Board Of Agriculture. I” regard t° likely to Allow an Appeal. MONTREAL, June 9.â€"Word has been re- ceived from Mr. Donald Macmasfar, Q.C-., who is now in London, Eng., for the urpose of making an appgcat‘on to the Tudicial vy Disastrous :s‘ylorm In lanai-Ir. LAKABK, J unc 7'â€"-'l‘lie most terrific thun- derstorm, ‘ aceompauiml by rain, bail and wind, swept through this section about noon > 0 IV ' \ ' ‘ L. O CON N OR wouldrespectfully ask all requiring a first class job of any kind in yourselves. H. J. LYTLIE- 7 Cambray, May Ist, 1888. , . . yesterday, levelling fences, barns and almost h' 1' , ., .. _ . wheat the report says: Qomnuttce of the ICouncil for permxs- everything on its course, some farms being ”5 ‘99 00.08511 undue , hcmgelves and not be hamburrged by orly-tongued wind- "“""~’W‘ " “" “apostles of culture : m the badducees I“ There was some reduction in seeding the 31011 to “PM! from the Judgment °f' the Su- left without a. fence or outbuildings, and q hag; m films 1m rtaImt businesrq” It should “0t be a. question 0f low prices for inferior with their disbelief in a future life. the wmter wheat area in some states, though the . me Quart l the Glcngarry election case, ‘ , . goo s, uta. fa r price for superior and reliable work. - . . . . . , - _ 9 average breadth of all was but slightl re- ‘gmm‘ 0‘ “H143 ’ nor “ ere thi" "me ‘ duccd. In the Ernst and South thereywns . . acres. The percenta e 0f reduction for the throng: the sham and soplnstnc: of? entire winter wheat fezion is placed at 7.2 ' their woulzl~be religious teachers, which l per cent.I It is IS in Illinois, 14 in Ohio, 10 was fast driving them into infidelity, m Mlcmgm’ “‘19 m Indmna. Th" isin . . . , comparison with the reduced area han- ted There Inns a homely strength in his, last year, There has been an increase of comparison of annnd once set in motion I am of Spring wheat in Dakota find the to a pair of tailor's shears which should i Temw‘i?‘ further we“, but edecrsasc in take upon themselves to go on clippin" l Iowa’ “ ”comm “‘1 mum“ Inn-king “n . . . . a - we ' In all direction after their own sweet! 231-32,: Sgt '11?ng w'iggegtm? will. I gntly slightly below 38,000,000Iacres. . on Then as now, there was bait one thin" l is Slight Ml change 0f condition 0f mm . _ . . z » . . . s, in which I def cometition. teentll century Pharisees far to seek. , 3,0 material loss of am, from freezing, but lisli Bar, which is to the cfl'ect that the up. -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" m... 0%Ejzkfigtivggfity °f ”51135333“ if?) OfIfififf-‘EIWS: all manufactured 0 sccongmwth The common P909199 ”1"". “3 now, were i in several “ estern States it was consider. Plioation will likely be granted on the A “inflict-'5‘ Full m . it“ . " ’I . Season y 5 u Iworkmen. , ‘ ‘ am open to ideas. and hug! indeed i agile: t{The apparentlrediliction of breadth gonndfihat tlfle 1cloneltflucf.lori Ofd the Afict and 3? Lotus June 12 anl "‘3" J 13%? for lntyepagllltirggl donot advertise for Old buggies 1'0 repaint) I have my old . . . . -- I .. .‘ -,. ' ‘t 0 too erexteu ' tetime - - , ) â€"In1er ames I. re _e‘ m r. o nHardin whohasworkdf'r f ‘ ' ' an unpleasant habit of thinking to: g 0 Win r mscomparer mtithat oil“? year. eva l l y - mg ~ Boyle 1n char 0 of a. rish in W‘ l he’wxll fl: ’ e 0 me or ten years and expect themselves, and a faculty for seeingl isabout one and three’fourths millions of for trial, are questions of general interest, ’ g inc lester . , hat he has 0 taincd tho opinion of Sir Horace Davey, Q.C., the leader of the Eng: and on account of the difl'e‘rence of opinion amongst the judges of the Sn reme Court, tha Bench hawingbeen (livid three to two. On the merits it Horoce also thinks the appeal will besuccessful, as, according t; the true construction of the .Act, the timid (luring which any session of parliament may last is excluded from the computation of the six months' dais within which tbs Petition ’ must be tried. rthsmmre be is a! opin- ion that the courthad jurisdiction foextend the ttige, notwithstanding the lapse of six' mon ‘ number of dwellings uuroofcd. \ 111., is locked up at po ice head unrters for creating a disturbance in a disc crly house kept by Mamie Rogers. She claims tha the struck her in the face and , thmtencd to shoot her. Boyle admits that he was chunk and had visited several saloons before he visited the Rogers house, but denies having COR struck the woman or threatened h clailns that he called on the woman toad-bah some letters he had writtento her months . ago lu‘au efi'ortto reform her. ;( ‘ Pllflnsudthe I'm“: A. 1 have now on hand the lar est stock I ever 1 d have Top and open thtons, Tgp and other Carling:l made and by the most skilled workmen. . . OARTS, the best in th Luhoygspnnznsaomr iii a , ,. Mn» :- another ten, as I do no keep changing hands every year. All work hand- ' teed. . All .. I‘mlifpairs of allkinds promptly ctfendedwmk A large stock of BABY GAflRlAliffs’and Gamma" ‘ROAll e markets. No actoryworkused. _ I . NER d'gtuntnzmg and RusssLL STREETS, LIuébsAr Memento ELECTRIC ld orders are coming infast. I ‘5 n “w- uu i :- sparrows Under New 'Management and with a. very Assortment of Choice Goods, *3 Lam prepared to ofi‘er to my Extensive Eu Efifllfli= w g H : - , a l wheat, some im vemcntin New Y rk and ‘ ' Lomx [June 12â€"111,: ,1in - ' ~ . which would reach the common! Pennsylvania, 32mm: decline in liliesouri Rev. llr. Lunacy Suspended. ' ‘ be troublé’d with anothei: li'oc snap \ _BELI _ O . ends CUStomer S and “ peopleâ€"~-â€"-commou sense. This sndminorohangosofshtutebewhere, mak- Noumea Jung 9;â€"‘~Nesriy the wholeof moyle suit. " For somé'sii" months them; , ~ ‘ ‘ - ‘ ' " was the greatest characteristic of iii? “”8“ 733: oasis“ 73d inNay- gfitfldfi in?!“ 65 the Niagara Con W- W“ Wm" ‘Dansan; a 0a 8m 0’. . . of the gospel of Christ, and this the Mogul, ”figamumfi reason that they “heard him gladly.” countries. In0h10.1ndhns,Mlchigan,-and 'ith an epigrammatic force for which ‘ Kansas glie gouge condition is nearly'the his sermon was marked, be defined mum lb!- ‘ ‘ . . . my; ‘ “ ,, .. . “coming ” district resolutionfor his, , ‘ , . , hichwill ‘ will“ -' , ‘:. “m M“ 'hat‘lhmm’ mm...» “m. a... - 1...»... ~ .wsy- my? , » . .. best. value to be obtamed Bonpeople” thought, buliwhat theuni- Mo-“ m. J. “13,â€"- “. R0 I! mm , 8 , W YerYOtchfor mspmtocourtchmmm . I I II I . maul heart of humanity approved when heard. His power of illustra- m (3.23., whereas; , tion here was remarkable. Nothing guy-am W bearfiedofit. OnFrIiIdoY could hemore forcible that his illustra- , my "any; “J0me. , Brown willie - -- - grmmderthedmefnnNeflWur houfromtheposmonofafinrson the OnSotnnhythoW‘hh evcoltheAmerieen war, when Abra- ‘ ' ' lmLincoln cmefrom the was, and, will leave for London. Out; 99 Thursday Methodistflhurch was " token up with the meg of the’Rovfifii 1 Longloy,who undealongnnd‘efl‘ootinéfgg' BMW “19 W G in error and pleading dam Thesewoi-onto ~ W t... new ”main“? fimva: ,. ~ - » . - ... . W3 ' m officer-of; the Gamma can we :. mmmtashnngfireiand " ‘ Ms some: that the m“ '°-f CW1”: 59%?erth , i> "fill. w'! . Mn 1 z.' "VJ: -n .- INext door to Ham 7 Tim, vmsss, tunsmes a. smrus IN GREAT ‘ Alp-atrium QUALITY. â€" L. MAGUIRE. z'lton’s Carriage S/zow Rooms. and all others who may favor me With their patronage, the

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