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Watchman (1888), 21 Jun 1888, p. 2

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Vol-r f r ‘3 _O,fl;€ati* .â€" A- u. ' ~._,..- 'fgfl 1 " 33‘ noon} to mrnawasinhmdgym Smmunebuuness ‘ ”on and the meeting dreamed tillj m Watchman. the iTllUVRSDAY, JUNE 215:, was. EditorialNotos. dresses to the army and navy. 'l‘he troops in Berlin have taken the oath of allegiance to William 11. The Pope will soon issue an impogâ€" tant Encpclical dealing with the true Jud false in liberty. Sir John Macdonald is expected to open the great Methodist camp meet: ing at Niagara. this summer. There will hen serious shortage of hay in all the Midland countia of On- owing to the dry weather. The most 250 licenses issued in the city. Messrs. Crossly and Hunter closed their services at St. Thomas on Monday evening, having during eight weeks converted 1,154 persons. Premier Mercier is having trouble with his lrish supporters, who inSist that the new stipendiary magistrate in Montreal shall be an Irishman. .\lr. VanHom has told the people of Port Arthur that he intends removing the Canada Pacific workshops from Winnipeg to that place. Col. Bond, of the Prince of \Vales’ Rifles, Montreal; has been offered the Commandantship of the W'imbledon Whichhc will accept if Lt.-Col. Mac- donell still refuses the phsition. In political circles in St. Petersburg the friendliest feeling is Sllow’ll towards the new German Emperor, and the belief is expressed that he will continue the peaceful policy of his father. Madame his.» Debar, of New York who. pretending to be a spiritual me- dium, obtained an undue influence "Vcr .\Ir. Marsh, who gave her his property, has been found guilty, and sentenced to six months in the peniten- tiary. .\t the General Sessions in Hamilton on Saturday. the grand jury were of the opinion that the introduction of cor- pm'al punishment into the penal system would have a beneficial effect in advanc- ing the morality of the country. .\ post-inortcm examination was held and cancer was declared to have been the ((1th of Emperor Fre- derick‘s death. Prof. Yirchow that Dr. Mackenzie was all along aware what the disease was, but thought it best tm'onceal it from the Emperor. An expert from Louisville, K y.. declared that the natural gas well in ( ‘ollingwood has a capacity of 2.000.000 fret a day, enough to supply the wants ofa town of 20.000 inhabitants. .\t the meeting of the loronto city council on Mondaythe early closing by- law. in so far as it is related too retail gnwcries and hardware shops. was re- says pealcd, which puts an end entirely to thc operation of the by-law. Tho- judgment against l.)ownie, the Montreal lawyer found guilty of per‘ jury, has been sustained by the su-‘ prune Court. But Downie failed to appear for sentence yesterday morning and is supposed to have left the country Count von Munster. the German Aminasador to France, in reply to an intcrviewer, said that he did not think the friendly relations between France and Germany were likely to be dis- turbed by the- death of Emperor Fred- t'l‘lclx'. _ _\t. the meeting of the Toronto Con, ft‘l'f'llck‘ of the Methodist Church yes- tel-day, a resolution was passed ex pressing sympathy with and confidence in Rev. 1V, F. \Vilson, in connection with his recent arrest, and condemn ' in: thc decision of the Police .‘Iagis-l mite in the case, from which an appeal! has been entered. ' Einperor \Villiuin yesterday issued! his prm-lainmation to the Prussian peo‘ ple, .\ftcra touching illustration to 0 0b.: ntrsusl l‘ilnpcl'or William II. has issued ad- Montreal police magistrate thinks that instead of a thousand or more, there ought to be at the very wmmwlnicmum ........... ..,...“... 1.1.va m» mat-9mm <9 mm.’..'.9wu MM um ‘ amanilaLinus Stirs :1 S ELECTIONS , , M. TIMI AND P1017011. gum“ j; a ,_ G»: -â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€" a a , in Am“ 1 Imago-runstâ€"A-‘ffi‘l “t â€" m It“. ' , . ‘s. 'l'onoxru, he l+-Holl. G. W. Ross, Minister of Edndhu, and Prof. Galbraith letu'e io-day for a {kit to educational cen- trcs in the United States. ltd the purpose of Mr. toss to establifi rtments of architecture and of mechanical cugineerin in connection \\ ith the school of practi science and he got-s across the line for points bearing upon each of those subjects. Hon. “'ilfred Laurier will piobobly begin i his tour of Ontario during the second week ; of August. He will be accompanied by Sir Richard Cartwright. It is likely their firlt meeting willbe the joint demonstration to be held under the auspices of the 101mg 3 Liberals of Hamilton and Toronto. 3 The police here are getting their names up. The excitement over Rev. “1 'F. \Vil- I son’s arrest. had not subsided when James â€"-â€"-â€"~ â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"_-...â€"â€"~â€"-â€"- Cbeesenum, agricultural editor of the Em- pire, was arrested and locked up in the cells all night. Cbceseman was taking a stroll in Queen’s Park at an early hour yesterday morning, when he was asked by a policeman what he was doing there. This enquiry led to hot words, the editor using very strong language and challenging the policeman to arrest him, which be promptly did. At the Police Court the Magistrate upheld the ac- tion of the police, but the case was with- drawn. The Toronto Methodist Conference adopt- ed a memorial from Bowmanville to the ef- . feet that the Annual Conference meetingwill be held in the difi'ereut towns within the bounds as well as in Toronto. A breach of promise case was hear-din the Assizc Court esterday before Justice F al- conbrid e an a jury. The plaintiff is Miss Jennie rennau, a nurse b profession, 26 years of age and rather intelligent. The de- fendant, George ‘ sports a heavy, dark moustache, and behav- ed in such a manner during the trial as to give the impression that he rather enjoyed the experience of having the story told in court than otherwise. The case went to the jury at 5.50, and they returned a. verdict for laintifl' for $1,000, the full amount sued1 Ol'. THE MANITOBA ELECTIONS. Kantian-s Will Take Place on July 4 and Polllng on July 11. \\'ixxiri~:u, June Illâ€"The writs for the general elections were issued yesterday. . omiuations will take place on July 4 and polling on July ll. Nearly all cnuinerntors have been appointed returning officers. The weather is oppressively hot, 93 in the shade to-day. The rivers are still rising. The early closing movement has fallen {.hrough temporarily owing to a defect in the ll". ‘ The (‘hlroullml and financially I'onlesl. Orrnxc. June 19.~«lu the Chicoutiini and ' Saguenay election for member of the Local House Duniuis (Lih.l was returned by about 400 majority w’er Narcotic (Nut) Elected by .lrrlamntlon. HA1.ll“.-\.\',Jllllt: libâ€"«Yesterday was no- mination day in Pictou for the House of Com- mons. llon. C. H. Tuppt-r, thc new Min- later of Marine and lt‘islicries‘, was elected by acclaiuaiion. The General Assembly. ! sembly Prof, Sciinger presented the report 1 of the Board of French Evangelization and made a strong appeal for supporn and sym- pluthy from the whole Presbyterian (.‘lmrch. cv. l’rof. Armstrong, Rev. C. A. “nudist . and Rev. Mr Cliniquy also spoke on the sub- l ject. ; 7 Thcscheme to purchase the Ottawa. Ladioz‘ ‘ College. to be under the control of the board, 1 was endorsed by the assembly” A llc-ry Sta-lay Sold to be Bend. Losnox. June 20.~A rumor that Henry M. Stanley is dead is in circulation in this city. The Paris Gaulois says that King Leopold of Belgium has received a telegram .. .. -. --..-.vu sv u true. There is no news in Government or Congo missionar ' circles either in London or Brussels of the i enth of Stanley. -_.|859V‘!l!lt! Get In their Work. HELENA, Mont, June ISLâ€"Saturday a west bound train on the Northern Pacific road when near Junction City was stopped by highwaymeu. The robbers broke in the exporeu car and took 0. package containing $4 . The male passengers were robbed of 8600. A posse is in pursuit. The Emperor Peaceful. Sr. Psrzasucitc, June 20.â€"In political circles here the friendliest feeling is shown toward the new German Emperor, and the belief is expressed that he will continue the peaceful liuy of his father, from which it in thong t he can have no motive for deviating. Collision on lake Michigan. CHICAGO, June l9.â€"â€"A collision occurred on Friday night on Lake Michigan, between the schooner “'illie Keller and the steamer Robert Mills, in which the former was sent to the bottom, The crew were saved. in testimony, CHW: Wingless-*7 I j~ . R. Henderson, 13 a machiu- 4’ ist in Taylor’s safe works, is a young man, ‘ HALIFAX. June 19.*ln the General As- . ELF-WILLED EMl’EROR. ,, I .TH‘ Elusswwr- Magma, 33% who ', “ m. Idolâ€"Worl- ‘ a an A B X, June 19.â€"If stflws show which ’way the wind blows two ' _whicli iKsiser Wilhelm 11. did on theater-y instant Lof his father’s duthumd whxchth caused 'gencral comment, _ marque «5.ng- ’ atappreheusifin film-Mum. Frederick ‘ {died at twelve “minutes pastelcven o'clock ; on Friday morning. The then Crown Prince éWilliam, together with other members of f the Imperial family, was beside the lam- ‘peror's deathbed At the very-moment of death the Crown Prince walked outpf the iClmmber, and gave orders to his aide-de- 1, camp, Major Baron von Natziner to have {the palace surrounded by fresh cordons of j troops, and sent another officer to order the ! regiment of Hussars of Guard to trol the lgrounds and to let no one in an to let no I one go out. The Hussars arrived at a. smart 'trot, and did their duty admirably. Even Sir Mai-ell Mackenzie was for bug!“ hob" l held a risoner. Even the pulses ven y PrincepRadolin, the Hof Marshall, and by Count Seckemlorfl'. the late Emperor's cham- ber-lain, were annulled within two minutes after Kaiser Frederick's death. ”A friend of mine, provided with one of the Fof Marshal's passes, who was in the place at the time of the Emperor’s death, was un- able to get out and was kept a risoner iii the guardhouse from half-past 0 even until i five o’clock in the afternoon. All Potsdam I was patrolled by troops exactly as if in war 1 time in the presence of an enemy. 'lhe “rigid and uncalled-for military measure was I the very first act of the new Emperor. The second act was to order the Imperial urple standard to be hoisted on his own lace, the Mariner Palace at Potsdsam. The young Emperor's Imperial standard was hoisted within five minutes after his father’s death, so that not much time was lostin rting his Imperial authority. These were the first two acts of the young Emperor. No one dares say much about them in Berlin, but they cause cneral un- easiness, and are regarded as em llamatic of what is to come by and b . In fact an in- fluential member of the oichsrath, not a Socialist but a standard Nationalist, id to me: “ I see from these two acts that ' there is danger ahead for German . Our areat Kaiser “'illielm and our g Kaiser Frederick both died peacefully in bed; but ur youn and energetic Kaiser Wilhelm II. ;will, as t- 0 Americans say, ‘dle with his ! ts on.’ I don’t think there is so much i :danger oflwar as of his provoking with his ilitary arbitrary measures a state of feel- ,ing throughout German ' that will arouse 'Socialist-ic nttem ts am lead to internal .lstrife and discor . I think the immediate toffect of Kaiser Wilhelm’s reign will be to i i l i I l r l 4 I 'about 80 per cent." The above language expresses today the 7 feeling of the great masses of the German i'population. The new Emperor may not i prove to be such a Hotspur after all, but . such is the opinion already formed of him. i I learn from Sir Morell Mackenzie that 1 after the first agonizing spasms were over 1: the Empress rose, am going where Sir I, Morell stood, took his hand and said: “The . first words I speak shall be to express my thanks to you for having, lengthened my be- , loved husband's dear life. " The Austrian “cw. ‘ VIENNA, J unc 19.~Vicnna opinions of . Emperor \l'illiain's proclamation are not ? very favorable. The None Fric Pressc in a i cautions article says :~“l“redcrick as a vic- 1 torious general had no need of boasting. \Villiiun, on the other hand, was only a. boy when the great battles which established the German empire were fought." The Tagblatt thinks Hennany's loss is ir- reparable and says Frederick aspired to free- dom and progressfithc new Emperor's man- ifesto is a eulogy of militarism such as has rarely been seen. The Frcindenblatt hopes that Emperor William's only intention is to strengthen the warlike character of the ur- my, establish order and maintain peace. English ffltlclsms, The Daily News says: â€"\\'9 think the guru an “"st 051v ‘uvvuuu-..u..â€" .. unnyvauu “'illiam to the army and navy excites isun- ~ called for. More humility might have been expected from an older sovereign, but the spirit in which the Emperor arldresacs the army and navy. is of less importance than that with which he receives Bismarck. The Times says:â€"-~The proclamations are worthy of the Emperor and traditions of his l house. Their spirit is not necessarily to be regarded as warlike, still less as aggressive. I Germany is an armed nation, and only aS' such, under existing conditions, can she maintain her unity and power. The Ein- pci or has great power, but not enough to be able to hurry into a great war with a. light heart, against the wishes of his people, A dcspzitch to the Standard from Paris says :â€"-Emperor 1William's proclamations have sent it cold shiver throughout France. The National says ;â€"They will odify the world. They are the utterances not of a pastor, but of a slayer of peoples. ifioptéd.‘ ' VIENNA, June 20.â€"The budget committee adoptedthe estimates of the foreign min- :9‘r)’. 1 increase German emigration to America by . A In: lay ii rm, x, Juno l9.â€"-The'*iuult ofthe‘ mortal, "exanuua‘ tion of the g m rick Ellison accepted by t5; ., _ as a alum t vindiutiou of that: tion of the larynx. by late history . Mackenzie said today that the dise'nse “ was cancer, but asserts that it was very j dificult to make a diagnosis on account of 'nbuormal conditions in the throat. A bird’ - eye view of Potsdam would im the aver- age observer with the idea that the people had suddenly lost their senses. The solemn e is in a ferment of ex and placid little villag citement. The short notice 'ven of the Emperor's funeral has turned t in to y- turvy. l‘eople expected that the end Im~ peror would lie in state for at least a. week in Berlin, instead of which the time has been reduced to one day and the crush is en- ormous. The efi’ort to briu the mourning decorations up to the stun srd set in the funeral of the Emperor William has resulted in mere confusion. Thousands and thous- ands of workmen were rushing about to day in the streets of Potsdam nailing crape upon every projecting surface that would admit of decoration. Oflicers-were shouting their orders, carpenters building grand stands, citizens turning out the frames of windows tondmit of more 3‘ htsoers and agents rush- in about hunting or apartments. It was 33ng a Sunday as Potsdam ever knew. . After a vast amount of bother, presenta- tion of letters and so forth, g. succegdec}l i111 tti intothapalacotoyan wie tglierensgaw the young Emperor for the first time since he has assumed the dignity of monarch. He was clad, as usual, in a. gen- ei'sl’s uniform, and was without coat, cloak, gloves or hat. He stalked across the cor- ner of the courtyard, and when a. group of enerals and aides-de-camp jumped to their act and saluted, he bowed gravely and d into another wing of the palace. Twr. of the oflicers of his suste walked after him at a respectful distance. nine of the oriiccrs of the party. a. man of vcrv high rank in the German army, stood looking after the new ruler respectfully for a moment, and then said:â€" “ If his Majesty displays the characteris- ticsas a. monarch that he did as a boy, the coming years will be fraught with extraor- dinary interest for the German Empire. To my mind the most rcni irkahlc characteristic of our new Emperor is his steadfastncss. No power on earth can stop him when once his mind is firmly fixed." The Emperor's Elnnlrcslo. BERLIX, Juno 19.~â€"Thc Emperor has is- 5 ' sued a proclamation to the. Prussian people. I [n it his Majesty says: The "rave has scarcely closed over Emperor \Tilliam l. before my father, Frederick ”L, is called away. Frederick bore a hard fate and showed a very Christian resignation. He remained faithful to his kingly duties in the few months allotted to him, and ex- and heart. His virtues and his victories on the battle field will be remembered as long as German hearts continue. I huvotakcn the government, looking up to the king of all kings, and pray God like my father to hes just and clement princc. foster piety and the fear of God, to guard the peace, to promote the welfare of the land, to ban , firm guardian of the right and to progress ‘in my kingly duties in unison with the l ple who in good and in evil days iave stood true to their kings. I count 'upon the people’s fealty and conscious of , my purpose reciprocate it heartin as a. true prince to a true people, both equally ready omuke sacrifices for the fathcrland. _\l_v confidence is derived from this and good . will and strength and wisdom to discharge {hedkingly office for the welfare of father- an . l I The Funeral Ceremonies. . POTSDAM, J line 19. “Prince Bismarck and Count Von Moltkc arrived here yesterday. 3 The railway stations at Berlin and Potsdam i were closed against the public. Crowds ; gathered outside these buildings and solâ€" f dicrs and police were posted around the sta- § tions to keep back the crowds. The Fric- , dcrickshon palace was guarded like a fort- : ress. At 9 o'clock the bells were tolled and ithc ministers who were to olliciatc at the g , harem: it"ure‘ mica““trauma-Wasg ithe hymn “Soon Thou Callest Me to ’Highcr Joys" and "Jesus is My Trust.” Chaplain Koegcl blessed the corpse and the mourners, after which the choir sang “ If I Am to Die." The commanders of twelve ‘rcgiments of which the late Emperor was .the chief officer, carried the coffin to the by the brid 0, ant ‘ tOWards the church, The second mortuary service over the re- i mains of the Emperor was held at Friedrich- skron Castle last evening. Dr. Kocgcl, court cha lain, officiated. Emperor William and the 1m ress, the Dowager Em iresses Augusta. an Victoria, all the mem rs of ' the German imperial and royal families and , the entire household were present, At the i conclusion of the service the coffin was closed in the presence of the Emperor. (‘ount Von Stolberg-ll'orni erode, court chambcrlain; 5 Dr. F riedburg, rnssian Minister of Justice; and the others who had been hidden to the ceremony, and was then placed on the same state bicr used at the funeral of Emperor \Villiam. the processsion started . w" “rs-2*“. ""‘mW-y’» canon. TheEEmperbl‘; has ordered Dr. Mackenzie to width-am. , W‘ mth ‘ moat-1' hing ' of the hte'mon‘uufik anus: ihibited all the noble qualities of his mind ' W, M 1 “'1'?”- “"““"“il 1 t lerterda thismomingPotsdamm 'mg and eymblems of grief were to be everywhere. All the way from the W ; fl *0 the Friedenskiuehe, where the fun-h p: e mulwmfl ' and erase, ts h” amp-11x“ ‘d ‘ rig hmlf W1" » v “a r ... i. device's: The troops, ‘~: " total: in'thefunersl,Jcer°- ”Rpm e7 mtem".~ ,Tliey-‘com- e ‘pnsexd'thc entire: garrison at aPotsdam mid a portion of the Berlin md Spaudau garrisous. They consisted of one combined infantry battalion, two combined cavali squadrons, two combined batteries of arti cry, a. regi- merit of the "guardl corps from Berlin. and similar combined battalions and batteries from Spauduu. At. 10.30 o‘clock the troops assumed their positions and the various dig- uitaries, deputations and various associations proceeded to their places. . . The ceremonies at the Friedrichskron w ”atom. REPUBiiCliiDELEGATEs, ” ' .,..THoii‘sAno oar'rusui‘ar THE . . T'CHl‘CAGO CONTENT-ion . A' few of the p y kind in warm weather, ~ .. STBAW ' in all sizes,'qfl'alitias and patterns, from an ordinary Rye to a 'a fine Maniiia‘ Woo-m mm Arte (have-tion. Cosvsx'rrox HALL, Cmcaco, June 20.â€" When Chairman J ones, of, thaNstional Re- publican Committee, ascended the platform of. the great Auditorium”. at mongoo- terday to call the National Convention _to order, he looked upon a scene nap-“116104 in the histo bf ublic therin in this . S country. fizz-gar Rescuing: have held LINEN l! l .I in more spacious halls, but at none have the . ocular properties been so efi'ectiye or the . brilliant-y of illumination and picturesque colorings been so splendid. Every face can , a . ’ f n. be ad the crformance OfBachB be seen Without effort and an audience 0 ‘ , , , gldleRu st 13b illicit pZn Hohcrn Friodcn. not less than 10,000 a pears tobe an almost 5 fzflefrflfle (14113)] [/fllfi’ wed}, Then the chorale Jesus Maine Zuversicht countless multitude. be sweep was sung. As the last strains died away Chaplain Koegel arose and offered a prayer, in which he alluded in feeling terms to the double grievous visitation upon the Imperial house and upon the nation. He thanked God for all He had done for the departed monarch, and implored heavenly consolation for the sorely tried members of the Imperial family and for the nation. The church: \Venn Ich Einmal Soll Schciden was then sung, after which the coffin was removed from the castle and placed on a funeral car, the choir meanwhile singing, “ I know that ll Redeemer Liveth.” The procession was then formed and mov- ed to-ethe church. Upon arriving at the church the mourners took the seats asBigned them. After the service Chaplain Koegel pronounced the benediction. There was no sermon. After the firing of volleys and minute guns by the troops the mourners took their departure. Before leavuig the Widowed Empress bent over the coffin and took a solemn farewell look at her dead hus- band's face. Court Preacher Persiusrepeat- eddthe closing prayer and the chair intoued a tr e. Iiigthe procession from the castle to the church the Prince of Wales walked with the Emperor ahd the King of Saxony._ Among . those who took part in the processton were i'ince Henry, second son of the deceased Emperor, the hereditary Prince of Suite- 1 Mcininged, and the generals of the. army, headed by Count Von Moltkc, who carriedu. , murshnl’s stafl'. Bodies of the Prussian corps of the guard and the dragoon guard brought up the rear of the procession. The : funeral ceremonies ended shortly before one 5 o'clock. l'ruitullun on. , The total clearance on the l’etrolin. Oil ' Exchan to for the week ending J unc 7, were , 23,592 )bls. : for the week ending June, 14, 17,379 bbls. : with prices ranging from $1.12 to $1.13. The present price has stimu- ' lated drilling considerably and operations in the producing field are pretty active. (.hi , the McPherson farm in the cestcrn ficld Mr. C. McKenzie has tapped the sanicvcin as the ‘ late McPherson well and has a pretty good pumper. ]f it does not prove more perman- ent than tlic others in that field it will not prove much of a market disturbcr. Main shall 5; Stokes are reported to have struck a 100d well south of this town on llcar Crcck ill, but its capacity is not yet known. The enquiries for i‘cfincd have been in- creasiii" and there is a strong confidence in the trade that this season will he an active one. There has been-for the last two of three years determined efforts made to im- prove the quality of Canadian refined, and it is gratifying to know that a large measure of success has resultedâ€"Petrolia Topic. The flags are at half-mastat the consulate for the German Emperor in Montreal. ‘POLITICS IN FRANCE: An Electron which must be Fought I."l'._l‘ .Ignlnâ€"A ('losc Vole. Pants, June 19 “In the elect-ion for member of the Chamber of Deputies for the department of the (‘liai-eiitc, (lallibcrt hearse. Ei ht majors then took the horses ; ,_..â€"â€"h.______ (Bonn. artist) received 31,401 votes, “'ciller (Repu lican) 23,989, and Dcrouledo 20,654. Another ballot will be necessary. l-‘rnnec dcslrcs Peace. DIABSEILLI», u um. awâ€"L tounut 1' lUlluvt. addressing the Municipal Council here, said it was the ambition of the Government to maintain a. peaceful policy abroad and to ef- fect internal progressive reform. ltwas un- just to accuse the Ministry of desiring war while they were making preparations for an international exhibition. Tho lords to be Reformed. Losnos, June 20.â€"-Lord Salisbury intro- duced in the House of Lords a bill to reform the constitution of that body. The measure proposes that not more than three life peers shall be appointed yearly, these to be drawn from the judges of the Superior Court, rear ailinirals, majongenorals, ambassadors and privy councillors, the Queen also having the power to appoint two others yearly not so qualified, Lords Roseborry, Argyle and others approved the motion. C'flle K. or 3. Chancellor Sustalncd. ixcixxui, une ISLâ€"The re ort committee of the Supreme Lodge Kifii iii: of Pythias is said to sustain Chance lor Dotwlas in sus )Clldlll the G Peniaisylvania.l g rand LOdge Of of the great gallery alone, which seats near- ! 3,000 as, is a icturc which impres~ . . Sieve“ {$52 MiWP‘Vith .““fld‘,°”,d°“ those 5 lish Flannel Shirts gomg fast, but an asso. rtment still and the Whale me both m i at Flannel at first thought suggests heat, but in reality is the lamp“ °"°" u” ”m“ “mum M coolest article you could wear. The 3“ “Grim is 260 feet long mi 120 fancy fronts to be worn without a vest," making one deliciously wide, with two side balconies and a. great cool. 7 . . A Desertation on flats gallery, the seats in which rise tier on tier A light colored Castor atsnan leof40 degrees. Thesuggwhich is but sligghtly raised above the floor of the A black silk or felt for 3 Camping Hats electric “gt shod by 2,0“) incandescent hall, commands a view not only of thegreat audience above but of a. large balcony in the rear and a tier of boxes at either side. The stage stretches from side to side of the hall and ”WWW“ in “dim“ “ the PM" or Christy to wear With a light suit. dent’s platform, whicn is in the centre, seve- - . ' ' ‘ ' - - li ht. ml hundred newspaper representatives. ' bldCL SUIt. 50ft felt "1 black and g There are just 5,100 seats in the hall, and g Knockabonts, C., C. as the convention is called to order probably TS FOR E R ODY- 9,000 ple are within the glance of Chair- W. J. GALLON man ones’ eye. The decorations appear Dohcny Block, 3 doors east of the Daly House. would not be out of place right here. a trifle bewildering at first. The walls, ceil- ing and every post, pillar, and panel u-re covered with flags, buntiu and streamer-sin varied artistic dcsi an colors, and por. traits and paintings of historic scones meet the eye everywhere. Chairman Thurstou's statement that Blaine denied us the privilege of supporting him in this Convention was rooted with cries of “ No ” and applause rom the gall- leries. He said, “ We dare notcommit the political crime of disobedience in Blainc's ex- rcss will.” (Great and continued applause). It: said that the great issue of the coming To Our New Shop With campaign is the tariff. A great many will rise to trample out for ever the pernicious If you want a Bargain 1n doctrine of Free Trade. (Applause and Dry Goods or Clothing cheers.) He prayed for another Moses to make the wanderings of the Republican come and see us as we know we can suit you as far as prices and good goods are concerned. ORDERED CLOTHING. A resolution of sympathy with Gen. Sheri- This Department is booming under the (Ian was adopted. Tho roll was then called for the appoint- management of our first~class Cutter, M r. P . completed its business on Saturday evening. T' Bond“ 7 The Countcss of Kingston has granted to meat of the members of the various com- thetenautvsonhermsh estate a reduction. Large Stock of Material for Light Summer mittees. Nebraska presented the name of of 20 per cent. in rents. see no difference between Democratic and Republican parties i_n__res,pect.to.his race. FOREIGN NE N5. Several members of the National League have been arrested in Ireland. The report that bad news had been re- ceivcd from Stanley is confirmed. Lord Robert Grosvenor, son of the Duke of Westminster, has died at Constantinople. The International Typographic-.1 Union industries. Fred. Douglas was called on and addressed the Convention briefly, merely expressing thanks for the welcome, and expressing the hope that the Convention will make such a record as to ut it out of the power of the A Wolverhampton (Eng) dealer has been fined £5 for selling American lard adulter- rated with cotton seed oil. Cardinal Simeoni has instructed Mgr. Persico to remain in Ireland and to continue to port on its mnrlifim. . HAS NOT YET ARRIVED A fatal encounter occurred in Constantl- l uople between Nubian and Albanian sec-i tions of the Imperial Guard. ' i Arabs who have come from the interior. . Suzytlthalé.Stanley;1 v12“ leflfidcd in a fight W1 .. rna ives, an t at )8 is escort desert- . ' ‘ ° - ' “Kim“ I ut the dfldttl‘SlgnCd has received his large stock of SPRI.\G the auto sy on the late Emperor Frede- GOODS It consists in part f . O H d ' , .,... ..,............ .,.... .. an some New Prints jcctcd the wages scale pro d by the , Amalgamated Association of Yorkers, and H ° ° asrieiscertain. v y Pl'lllt d M lln Senator Sherman has reported from the ' ea 6 us S, Cotpmittpeton Foreign Relations a. concur~ l {on reso u ion proviilin for abrit t' ‘ H C t international disputes. 3 rs ton m eavy 0 cm es The blind man who ten days ago, in a ’ O O 0 Beautiful Window Curtains, Gen. Fremont, which caused much enthus- iasm. Gen. Fremont predicted victory un- der the banner of protection to American Democrats ant mugwiunpe to say that they The Russian Government still persists inl coats on hand refusing to take part in the Exposition to be ' held in Paris next year. McCRIMMON BROS. _ 0 American ship Farm 1; and all hands are supposed to have beegnulost sailing from Calcutta for Boston. ' rick showc clearly that his ailment was cancer, his larynx having been almost entire- ly destroyed. Baltimore hospital, had a piece of a rabbit’s cornea transplanted into his eye is gradu~ ally recovering sight. . W Also a large supply of LACES which excite wonder at their RETURN bis“ CONVICTION-s- Made to me by the Justices of the Peace for the County of Victoria. and filed in my Office, for the Quarter ending 12th Juiic, A. l). 1888. Name or‘ Prosecutor. I Name of Defendant In pursuance of the Revised Statutes, Ontario, Chap. 76, Sec. 5. 1 Date 1 Nature of Charge. o Once at petunia» We; m... assassins; '3 pi! 5 ...... fine or umagc. to be paid. I -_~. h _, ,_ l . . ’ Amt. of )enalty Fine whcn paid or'To whom paid over by If not paid whynotairdé SHOES have dmved and are worthy Of It‘lSPCC u of Conviction. i Name of Convicting Justice. . ._.._____. __.___â€".___ _.______ beauty and price. LACE OVERSKIRTING. verv hand- some at 40 cents per yard. A good stock of ' Pd! and Straw H alts. glust Opened “P- M)’ BOOTS m l said sticc. general observations. .. ._ .. . . ._ - 1..-- . __.-._._ . . ion. A‘ ~ - . .. _ ,. 1”“ .Mti'fl “ discharge 0! 1"” kingly Town of Linrlsav ...... 'Marv Gohccn .......... Child desertion .................... :March 2%, 1888 ....... lA. OLeary, P. M ............................................................................. Committed for trial ' prClal Of Ladies Button B0015 dt $I'2D Per pd”- duties in the race of death, he prays The Queen ,,,,,, ‘ ....... ET. A’. Valentine ....... Einbezzlement .................... .1 {101‘ 2'3}, ....... 33 (:3 .......... . .......... . ....................................................... do do , ' i Some Beautiful desi - I ' . ' l‘ V [‘3 ............................ 4‘ l. 'g it:"l ‘ l -u .............................................. " I “ Hod to make him a just and clementgg'cé‘gggggfimi """" Quinta???“ .iiifiif ...........| (ff) ' 3, do do ................. $8.(ll........... ................ Egghggbilblmonthhd'i gns ll'l princmm that he may promote thel'l‘ownof Lindsay:..iiiilGardinerHuntcr ...... Vagrant-y .......................... [do 2. ...... 30 do comBmoynthstailhl W the welarc of the land and be a firm ThedQueen ------------- igilafi 3°”? ........... QbEgmglg money under false Prev; 33 1;; ...... (‘3 :13 ............................................... .................... do 1 year central prison. apers, Borders c . . , . o ............. 3 on S .......... ~ ' , ........................... .7, ................................................................................... guar‘h‘m 0’ tyhe peolikfs £2,551]? H? do ............. iHllngl'l Manning ........ gagrzincif‘b...gul ................ ' go 2;; ...... 33 go 2Weeksinjailh l I h d ’ 0 punts u n t ie es e1 v, ant Town f Lindsay ...... Peter Senn'tt. ........ reuc o ‘ow y- aw ............. o -4, ...... o ................. . . ave ma 6 - . ' ‘ . . :-(,,,.c,ou.~p:f his pm. reciproéntes it doo do ...... 3.10111} Manniler, jr,_ , , _. Disorderly conduct ........... ... .. do 33, ...... do do . .......................... 500. to pound keeper. la . . . prgfiarations for (10ng :1 large Spring Trade heartiiv true prince? to a true pm; 33 33 """" Eff.“ Hill}? aim“ """ remit. c..fԤ.--1.'..'r ' : : : : : : : : : :: 12,- ‘4: :::::: I13 113 ::°.:::::::::::::: . : ---------------------------- None: paid . mg 3;? a" “”5“ Y large stock of all kinds of Goods, and it Me. lxith equally ready to make sucri- a, do do iiiiiILiSain H1)\‘\‘0.....i .Illiiifugioua'drivingi ................ .l g: 3. ...... 33 33 ................. 500- impound keeper, 13 gram ylng to state that they arc movmg off rapidly. Many fict‘fi in: tllt‘ Fatherland, l 'I‘hc'Quet-ii: - - ‘ - . -' ------ éGsorge JOh'nStO" ------ fillii‘ildlitdnd disorder-l“ d0 1“: do do ' ........................ 00111..“ a lunatic. persons Who have not hltheno dealt With me are now d . lj‘onn of Lindsay ...... '3‘ an. gphlll‘htoll ........ D' t b' 3 do 14 do do comm defaultmdavs and CK ress thems I be 0mg so . .. . .' '- ,,,,,,,,,,,, ,- ,,,,,,,,,,,, isurin ace .................. , ....................... _, , , -‘. .. . . n" -V"{/ ’3‘.“- “R‘:" M" Rainsfprd Tzlf,il,,00lf“fijudsm. ...... {Hoean-y firm, __________ Drunk and isorderly .............. do ls, ...... do do ................. f P (1 ll 6 V es as 111g Welhplcdscd “ ltl‘l the selection formerly of st. James cathedral, 1‘0 John llartwickf ....... soeorge Hardwick ill-tissaugt ............................ go 3.3" ...... 33 do ................. O Goods an t e prices charged. We pride ourselveq in hay- . ,~: - .' ~Â¥ -; «r ........... r‘ S n ,,,,,,,,, a ' ....................... o .., ...... to .................................................. - ........ ' , ‘ W W "5. in.” 3.353%. .......... keratin ......... moms??? ....................... a. .2, ...... a. .1. .. . . . . . . . . . .. ------------------ bound overly»... mg on? of the largest, best selected and m... ..,...; . am... ed tl - .. d "ll“ of his til it utterances: Q . n ---------------- committed f - y g n tan 0. . .P P -‘ . lTown of Lindsay ..... lWiu. Hazelton ........ Breach of Cow B’y-law ............. June 1., ...... do do ................ , do (Be ortrial. stocks In any country Store in the count ,- C . d and the practical philantrophy of his , J, Short Lie. Inspector-.lJohn Ashenhurst, , , Breach of Canada Temperance Act. Mar. 19. ...... J. Deacon, 1’. M ............... -:. ‘ . Forthwith ......... . No distraut committedmdat? pound keeper. 1 } ~ Ome dl'l see for teachings. He recently told the con-i (‘0 d0 blames Mt‘Gl‘t-‘gor- d0 , 30 30 ‘ 3° :2: ------ 33 3° . 15th April, 1888.... Co )3 hard labor. Yourse V35. ‘ .~. . \- -. v, ,j, j u t , do do lJolm loung ........... , (10 0 0 0 g. ...... o . do do $914110" ‘7" - ‘- ll'eor‘a'e” “1""? ‘ '1" , do do .u m. Clark ........... i (i0 do go go 3. ...... go 30 E- J. Lmn those of them w to were eavmw tie , do do vJohn McKinnon ....... I to 0 0 0_ , ...... 0 o , -. citv for their vacation ought to l,allowi 3° ‘}0 EC; liesgfimm' -------- 33 33 33 Ad?“ g’ """ do do Cambray, May lSt, 1888. ' . - - - - f l ,- - 0 .............. -9 ------ _ _ . pOOI' lilllllllt‘S 0‘ the P371511, “5'10 were y Hugh Tic-Quin; ........ gArchibal'd McCuiag. . _ , Dmigcrous lunacy ................. do 11., ...... gommi'tted pending further ..... . well recomended. to occupy the base- I J, Short Lic. Inspector. Thomas l‘ucker ,,,,,,,, Breach olfo Cauada'é‘empcranfig Act. 33 El), ...... . Deacon .............. , [Dents 0f tilt'il‘ llOllse dunng the“ ab- ; 33 {:3 ,gmiE33323i-n: : :10 ~ (I: do ‘ do :24: : : : : ....................... TEE sence. and he agreed to be personally; 33 I}: ,gfiggagmfi;“ 38 33 38 d0 3 i :::::: ............ I AL A ( 2 E: "v‘sln'lsu’le f0" the conduct 0f the terns l Rev. B. .\l. Puttyson.. . l‘Villiam‘Gauly-h : , Disturbin reli 'ous service ....... ' .............................. porarv tenants. Strange to say, a _J. Short Lic.Inspector.'Alfred Jew‘ell .......... Breach of- an aTemperanceAct. do 4, .............................. , . number of the emigrcgation acted on. 3:; g: igmeégggfi """ r 33 33 ((11: , do 4: III: the suggestion. and it is said about g do .10 que Bow-2a.. .....'.-..::l do go 30 ' ............................. ‘2 thil’tv poor families are no“‘ living in ' d0 (10 W ._ G. Scott ,,,,,,,,,,,, l 0 0 0 ............................. ' ' - ' I W l ....... (1 do do ............................. . .- , , . . brown stone mansions. The benevo-g 33 33 Johhlfiiggrilxl: .. (13 do do .............................. 57.5.2 ...... _ ..... Foiillbmmflhiiiii * lence shown in this W n is creditable 1 geisisLSciilly ........... éothSrlrliitl: ........... yagraucy ........... . ............... Dgo‘ Q ------ ' agree 11:25.th in cammon jail.. '7. Un d N ' . .. ' . . . ‘t .............. 60. 0 us on ,,,,,,,,, l .unucy ............................ a: s v ...... ... nuni ‘ . . . n i ‘ . . . alike to the W150? and. 1'15 people. J. ‘hori Lie. Inspector. Henry Thompson ...... Breach of Canada Temperance Act. do _ ‘9, .......................... .. orthw ting-titty . .. County Treasurer er ew management G. W. Goodfellow, proprietor of the nmdp Miwggn Efgfi $313222 ....... Tmttillggver Midi}; do Adgnl gig ...... Vina?“ Cééhfim.’ ............... £953, 1?th Ii888 ...... if ............ ...... .. ?u ' ‘ ' Witih . ' .' . ...... s ....... ’ B ..................................... . _________ , ‘ ‘ .. ‘ Aylmer mlleraflfigr mill. was agated do do ....... 'pmcis O’Brien. ,,,,,, ’{fOtiiilggVer blfidge ............... go hi, ...... 3: 7 do ................ pap-obi; in ten days 1M Treasure a ve Exte vesterdav in - v er. charged in on do do ....... ,Charies Dufl‘us. ........ iso er "eon uct ....... ' ......... o . ------ f g o ................ . . ' “"1 -" - I ‘ ' fiftee - , do do ....... vSte hen Ingle ......... 'Dlsorderlycouduct ................ do 14 ...... , , . ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, - "at mtmnny'mth gm ill "5:" G. Edwards, G. 'r. R... Wn’i. Flynn ............ Twins on Railway; ............... do :28: ...... _ ................ 01d daughter. L-pon t e 0 can ow Thos. A. Mitchell ...... Thomas Rice ........... {1811,18 WY “18111,th language. do 30. ------- _ do 9° ................ mw him the warrant he drew a. revolver R. C. Garratt .......... go“ 133 Kellett. .. .. . bell iquorto minors ........... one 14,, .. . ... - ,.. . _er hem ................. anti blew out his brains. gagesib‘sfislth. Analgesgastéiengs ...... Assn t ........... ..,.... ......... A331] 3.3; ...... Bailey ........... . ..... an ‘. ; . ' __ n-evion. ...... ur on r ........ . , ' ..i... - ' ..... .- ...... ilargely attended meetingof German Eli” All? Allison. mehmtéiiifi'i ........ clam , . . Islam!) 12. . . Fo‘i-tihwith . . .' ...... . f Mlclme bean ......... imot w y ..... . ’ ' ' ' , ...... o . citizens Of Toronto was held on Monday John Staples ........... John thnors. ......... was 6, .. . .. when resolutions. of conolence for the go ............. games 1%de .......... liar-ch g, ........ do do .................. .‘ loss of Emperor New and confi~ Moat a ”’3.” ,. """"" - - 9; :::::: "w. mum';sa:sia::::::: deuce in Emperor William were passed John .......... Robert Thompson ..... y 28, {lo do ..... ,; . . . .. ........ and ordered to be forwarded to the George er. ........ Robert Graham ........ do ER, ...... ~ Dowager Empress Victoria. IsaacdoFuner ............ gmmfegzaway. . . 3:6 11’ ...... . -d IIIIIIIIIIJ Ghana-”xiii: do u: ...... The Republican Comm was «211- , a: ........... Emaifiuslafid ...... do 1%. ...... order' (M’ Mam JohnW’ickett ......... , ...... ed to, m ' y David 6:110way. ...... Joseph E. Gould ....... l, ...... one in H been 1 n prodt‘ 13.3, '5 cut. . flat. " and 0‘: fit pfairiti “dam. .n Gostlin

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