. . DQUARTERS 1:1 )R 0 TO MEETHERELL’S ‘. BASE BALL go to . VIN“. .nf ’ ‘ H E. .\. .\I. use Thesightoftheeï¬eer in full flight to the woork, the dogs‘eloee behind too close, and the old man 15:11 the back ground was too funny for anything. Personals. Mr. and Mrs, Jno. S. Petty, and Mrs. Scalp, left on Tuesday on avisit to Hamil- n. 4M2: Samuel Pal-kin has gone on a short trip to Providence R. I. v; .‘u, BASE BAT go to Mr. Alf. Trenough, formerly of Luidsa 5, II: 1;. .\. .‘i. , .4 .. .5. LAC Rt )SSE STICK ‘ s. )1. - . H, . ... .... «is Kalil-LT SET go .,:-44 .\. 31. HAMMOCK go to '7; ,\ .\l. , M1 1H8}: l‘..\l.l. MASK .1. o. _\. .\I. FooT BALL goto ii 7;. .\. .\I. luv-z"; you can get any- Sporting U118. 4 l l l .\l , \ 44 ....r ‘ 'flt.‘ V. PAPERS AND BORDERS. Bouts AND SLATES. rs taken for all Daily 1 I and Magazines. ' ’ .;_ .\. METHERELL; Watch] l'.\'l5l 21st. 1888. nan. l 4 , i ‘ 51»_\\'. -l 4 5 About Town. Ilflg l l 'l i 70.0.1“; Art School. V. .F, v, ,-,»g,f::'. students in the Art‘4 .., Hi to notice the name ; t’ ‘ daughter of our towns- I i Kil'n-n have re-entered innit? X 4 4 _ 4 5’ ,,..- business In connectionl (3'0†J 4 “bOlC‘ . " "f T93“ and Coffees. { wrirrmlthe-ircommodiousstore : ‘1? \vvlcotne their old friends l 'l‘h-ir immenst stock is i' ‘ m't‘. \n-lectrd in the best {(1 give the utmost. but now train d espatcher on the C. P. at Schrieber Out is spending a short vacation in town. Mr. W: J. King, Secy. Y. M. C. A. Port Hope, paid us a flying visit last week. - Joseph Mack, formerly of the Canadian “Post’ hasaccepted a position in a govern- ment printm oflice' at Ottawo. “Joe†left for Ottawa uesday evening, by C. P. R. Brevities. The Freemasons, of Lindsay and Omemee. Will have an excursion to Fenelon Falls, to attend divine service, on Sunday the 24th inst. The Bobcaygeon brethern 2 will join in the church parade at the Falls. The steamer Esturion has been chartered by the Lindsay lodge. A private party of young ladies and gentleman pic-nic’d upthe river on Monday last. The steam yacht “Jule Leplante†had a large number of the plmsum seekers l on board, while the remainder of the party went up in canoes. An en'oyable affair of this kind is, so far as Lin y life is con- cerned, an oasis in the desert. Town Council. The regular meeting of the Town Coun- 5 oil took place on Monday evening. Present | Mayor, Reeve Reeve, \Villiams and councillors Crandell. \Vinters, Connolly. McGinley, Fisher, Ray, Ross. The clerk read the minutes of last meet- ing which were approved. The clerk read the following communi- cations. From A. D. Mallon, withdraw- ing his name from the petition for early closing of groceries. Laid on the table. From Dr. Burrows relative to the con- vention of the Sanitary Ofï¬cers of Ontario. Laid on the table for futher consideration. From Bradshaw Bros, relative to state - of side walk opposite Queen’s Hotel. Re- ferred to Street and Bridge committee to l ved by the suicid I the church to w . tents of the letter, ‘, .\ i'vm . 7 lg Vill» .- hold their regular. Paul’s churchi . evening. Des- (' of. the weather, \ trunnionce. The pro- wnsistcd of an address \1; Marsh. :1de songs. and .; 1.‘lflxl'cl' of our popular "1554.... Lyn-lg of the Society is U ~.L'.1‘litt‘.~l pry In]? igl'CSS. Board ofTrade. ~- ...-'::,_: t-t't v.“ wk *2... -:,«4,':‘. ‘.‘."sz'r'l h {1‘ lust" in!“ m: .' '\ 5.11:1! I '11.! .'. l" HM ho l'u lard 1 >f Trade 1;: of this week to from Dr. Palmer Science In the reception E 72w Executive Association of min, which intends. l :try ('onvention in In view of the in- . l'lil s association last . h: rid the summer .1' ind to hp the guests 0,14 weak. on Lie occaSion. l â€N I“ 't. cmllsld†tthat '4 expenditure than was contained in the anu- ‘. “1'“ ‘- 1“ t 1‘ ma ter,_. 31 report of the streets and bridges com- i 5 report at next meeting. From J. Rigs relative to closing of bar- 4 her shops. Referred to Legislative com- . mittee. The Mayor stated that the committee: appointed to meet. the committee of the1 Agricultural Society. relative to the im-l ' proving of the Agricultural grounds. and i ‘ building a care taker’s house. the town‘ 3 paying two-thirds of the expenses. the; ' citizens of the town to have free access! 'to the Park when not required by the, 4 Agricultural Society. 5 .\Ir. Connolly presented the report of 3 Street and Bridge committee, relateve to the Lindsay street dram. The report' , stated that the drain was in such a state that a new cedar drain was necessary. The 4 2 matter was recommended to be left over for futher consideration by a special com- mittec. Mr. Connolly read a tender from Mr. . Freemont Crandell ofl'ering to supply the town of Lindsay with 400 yards of Lake Shore gravel; at 85 cents per yard deliver- l ed on the streets. The tender was except- Mr. “'inters was opposed to any more , Sonny, Willock, and Bryagsywas author-a : isedtoaskfortenderstoenecta cï¬i’isg‘c shed, dinninghaJl and b06153 ï¬ï¬qd up, the improvements to be ï¬nished ai's soon as 'ble. Moved by J. F. Dix, second- ed y R.‘ Willock, that the South Victoria agricultural society pay one-third cost of erecting a dwelling for a caretaker of the park the cost not to exceed $450, the building to become when ï¬nished the pro. perty of the society on the terms propos- ed by the mayor of the town of Lindsay. â€"Carried. On motion of Col.‘ Deacon, seconded by D. Scully, the president and Messrs. McQuade and Willdck were ap- ' .ial committee to examine printer, said committee to meet on Thurs- day, 12th inst, said revision to be ï¬nalâ€" . Carried. An adjournment was then. made. .â€" Startling Suicide. Great excitement prevailed throughout the town of Aylmer on Tuesdaélast, cans. e of G. W. oodfellow, Aylmer roller flour mills. About a week ago his 15 year old 'rl Lilian left her home, and it transpire she had been ill-treated by her father, who it is re- rted has whipped her most unmercifully or triflin aï¬'airs at times since she. was but a. sma. 1 child. Before leaving she gave a. letter to a. neighbor to be mailed to‘ her father, but be having left almost 'imme- diatelv in search of her the letter was not posted, but was handed to the minister of hich Mr. Goodfellow belong- after was revealed the con- which accused Good- fellow of intimacy with his daughter, which had been dgoing on for some four or ï¬ve years; and eclarin she could, endure it no. longer, she left an went to her aunt's in Buffalo. Goodfellow traced and brought her backonMonday, the 11th of this month. The town authorities did- not act in the matter until to-day, when lawyers Stevens and Tremeear issued a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Goodfellow, who, while being arrested. drew a revolver and shot himself through the brain. An inquest will be held. proprietor of the ed. Shortly Ordination of the Rev. J. 8. Collins at Assumption College, Sandwich On Saturday, May 29, Rev. J. B. Col- lins. C. S. B., was raised to the priest- hood by the Right Rev. C. H. Bor- gess D. D. . Minor orders, Subdeaconship and Deaconship, were conferred respec- tively on the three preceding days. The solemn and impressive service of Ordi~ nation took place in the college chaple, the three altars of which were elaborately decorated for an occasion of equal joy to the members of the community and stu- dents who were to witness the Conferring of the high and sacred functionsjof the Priesthood on one of their number. The Right Rev. Bishop was assisted by the Very Rev. D. O’Connor and Rev. R. McBrady, Rev. F. Semondc acted as master of ceremonies. Besides the Rev. Professors of the college there were present in the sanctuary Rev’s R. Burke of Hamil- ton diocese, R. F rachon of Detroit, P. Ryan of Ainhcrstburg. J. O,Connor of Maidstonc and Mr. T. CollinS, brother of the candidate and a theological student of p Toronto. , The newly ordained priest is a native of Port Hope, in the diocese of Peterborough Ont. He completed his classical and philos0phical course at St. Michael's To- ronto. After a course of theoltwy at Sandwich, he entered the Basilian I‘foviti- ate at Plymouth, England. His term in the novitiate having expired he returned to Sandwich where he has been since en- gaged in teaching, The Right Rev. C. H. Burgess was the honored guest of the college during the week. His presence on the recreation grounds, as well as the interest nmnifest- l having been eï¬ected . Prim for Canadian cattle were depressed early last week by the arrival G of several steamers from Mantreal, but ey were ï¬rmer towards the end of the week. ' ' «,Inwthe Megiï¬tic local electiim case the Qpebec .Court, has given judgment void- ing the election of Mr; Johnston, Conserva- together 'at - tive, and disqualifying the petitioner, Mr. \Vhite. ' $3 , 333 3d. Mt.†Hugh McKay has declined the Que- bec Legislative Councillorship left vacant by the deaths Hon. James Ferrier, and Mr. J. K. Ward of Montreal, has been appointed in his stead. ' . Miss Eva M. Kennedy, daughter of Mr. Warring Kenned of Toronto, won the prize for an essay on “ mastic Economy†at the Wesleyan Ladies’ College at Hamilton. Miss Kennedy is a member of the Alumni of the college. The Manitoba Government appears to have very nearl completed negotiations with the Northern aciï¬c and Manitoba and North- western railways for the construction of the line between Winnipeg and Portage la Prairie. Leclcrc, the young man who committed suicide from the steamer Corinthian in the Long Sault rapids on Wednesday, was a native of Quebec, and was on a wedding with his bride, to whom he was mar- in Toronto. , LA-‘l' EMT R EVIEW. Tonox'ro, June 18.â€"0n call at the Board of Trade to-day 97cwas bid for Ho. 2 fall wheat, 99cfor F0 2 red winter; $1.02 for 50,000 bushels No. 2 red winter,- and $1.00 for 10,000 No. 1 Manitoba hard on track at Thorold. 'l‘o-day‘s estimated rccei ts of live stock at the ,Uniou Stock Yarr s, Chicago, are 20,000; ofï¬cial, Saturday,9,843; shipments, 15, 164; left over, about 2,500; cattle receipts, 10,000; market steady. Shipments of wheat from India during the past week to the United,ngdom were 105,000 quarters; to the continent 90,000 quarters. Tm: STREET MARKET. The receipts of grain on the street are small and prices in most cases nominal. Fall wheat is quoted at $1, spring at 86c to 90c, and goose at 77c to 780. A load of cats sold at 57c. Barley nominal at 50c to 66c and peas at 72c to 750. Hay in limited sup. ply, and prices steady, with sales of ten loads at $15 to $18.50 a ton. Straw sold at $9 a ton. Dressed hogs are quoted at $8.50. Beef $6 to $7 for forequarters, and $8 to $10 for hindquarters. Mutton $6 to $8.50. Lamb $8 to $10. Veal $6.50 to $8.50. nssnsonn‘s REPORT. Beerbohm reports as follows to~dayz Lon- donâ€"Floating cargoes, wheat steady, corn nil; cargoes on passa e, wheat and corn steady and quiet. Mark ticâ€"\Vheat, flour and corn quiet. French country markets uiet. Parisâ€"Wheat steady, flour ï¬rm. Goot car- goes No. 1 Cal. wheat, off coast, 33s 3d, was English farmer’s delivery of wheat during the past week is as follows: Wheat 39,665 quarters; average price 313 7d, was 315 8d. \Veather in England cold. Liven colâ€"Spot wheat neglected, corn dull, 4s ~7._,d, 1d cheaper. Good cargoes wheat, off coast, 32s, was 335. Present and following month, 32s 6d, was 335; do. “'alla. \Valla. wheat, off coast, 32s, was 325. Present and following month, 328, was 323. Ltvsnroor. MARKETS. Liverpool reports wheat quiet, with de- mand poor and holders offering freely; corn dull, demand poor. Quotationsâ€"Spring wheat 63 7d to Gs 8d; red winter Gs 7d to 65 8d; No. 1 Cal. (is id to Gs 0d; corn, 4s 7d; peas, 53 10d; pork, 70$; lard, 425 3d; cheese, 443 6d. The l’olnloc Market. TORONTO, June '20.-â€"The glut in the pota- toe trade is not over. Deliveries from '30 v race/5"“ \Qbfvvw A Heavy “Black Silk at 50 cents per yard. A very Strong WOOL TWEED at 40 and 50 cts. A HEMP CARPET at 410' cents per yard. A TAPESTRY CARPET .1. 30 cents per yard. A large vamety of Trimmed Millinery. A Job Lot Of Cotton Hosiery at half price. About ZO’ipieces of “the best quality of Prints to be cleared at 8013s. and many other special I lines at DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. ___.â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"‘ __x-._.___.__._..e..._.__,~_..._..â€"___.....___ v . l The convention held on Saturday, in Pitts- burg, of iron and steel workers is of opinion that it would be best to close all iron works for three months. _ - Herbert Ward, one of the members of the Stanley expedition, is on the tray to Eng- land with dssprttches which arelexpectcd to tell of a. serious disaster tO'thctcxplorer. The London Chronicle says“ it fears the feeling of brotherly sympathynhich binds Euglislnncn to the Germans, socially as well as politically, “'lll tcud soon to disappear. Madam Diss char, of New York, who, pretending to be a spiritual medium, obtain- ed an undue iullcncc over Mr. Marsh, who gave her his property, has been found guilty. Senator Hale addressed the United States Senate yesterday on Senator Morgan‘s reso- lution for the ratiï¬cation of the Fisheries Treaty, after which the debate was post~ poncd. ".l ' 1' " 4 “iï¬Ã©ï¬â€˜lii 3 4 an :I n. .“ -, , ‘ l‘h '7‘ £1215 NOIV 01V [/AA’D .1 [.J/tO/z‘ SYNC/J 4.5 . E, .1... that the result of 4 mittee. and moved that the item for a box 4 ed in the popular game of the college, base i Manitoba, Maritime Provinces, Quebec and I :_* ‘ 451ml ‘1 “"1." “"‘uld , drain on Kent strset east be struck out. I ball, “113". sourse 0f very great pleasure to Odd Utilrs fmll] illo-ltuts lenElafw “"iliiilplalccld l 7‘55 7““ â€â€˜tcrflts "f the Mr. Ra ' seconded the resolution. The the students. , ., 0." ..“' - “1.“. L " > a rca. .3 9“} 0"" c" 5 . . 3 . .. . - . " Transactions ucrc light. (omimssion men 4 resolution was carried. Mr. \\ illmnis; Before the Bishops departure on Saturâ€" have all they can handle “55 it is and were 4 l4 \ ' â€"' ' "'â€" ’ also opposed futhcr expenditure, and l day morning anaddreSs was read by Mr. D. , reluctant in “41th Some conshnors have , . » 4 _ County COUH' l the other items were “'13" struck out. I Forster, 0f the class â€f Rchotot'lc, in behalf ; been “ stuck " mulch-ave stored their goods thatdresd terror 9. disease so long bsfllin8 ‘ h \\';j.. :2. This was an action 4 On motion of Mr. “'alters seconded of his fellow students. cxprcssxve of tho J‘oy without 044,,“ng a. 3,104 Prices are ranging science “a the niostskill ed physicians. who 5/ .\lz'. .l. Scully :ts executor for , by Mr. Ray the chairman of town Proper- felt in his4Lordship s mat to them. of toe 4 from 7,0 1,, 7;, cents ,, â€13- The market is in knew of â€Â°mn9â€"§°’§§%§h1§§f:n§élelii 4 if D. .l. Sculiv. deceased. for the ty was instructed to have the town safe re- sincere Wish of all present that the years a. Very unsettled condition and accurate pri- :nu'nomï¬fdmeve: when given “8 bï¬ â€˜, 4 f my . promissory notes. Wilson . moved to the Police ofï¬ce. he now wished to pass 11) rest and quiet, 1 cos are not to be had. . h°m‘dm'4 heal m 3°‘mtii’un‘lh‘lnmgm- ,_ 4: I... ‘~ :‘u we was. paid and that ' A Mr. T. “'alters stated that Mr. Moseley after nearly forty years of arduous work as 5 Elm; uniâ€"lvitthchmae. “faz'tii’eiigds ppflasnogd 2:6. poisoned 4 ; .. “liven as an acc'unida- told him that he wasobliged to abandon the ' priest and Bishop would brove ’lthe hillï¬ 4 T(‘|R()T~'TU,.vllll‘.(t .204, Eggs are in good dc. buyl'hheravages otngis 16113593223 :sngciidgs- ‘ :4 in 1.1.»...1 Ll1:}'lUS inhis books . Work of Sinking the trial well “1 con- picst of his life. and1 of_ trilliiml-(igiin'i‘t 4 numd m4“, limilcl‘nlc supply at 144-, cents. {11.201153011135133 gigcgsggaétggnmy 4%. 4444.4 . Judgment was given sequence of his drill having become fas- . entertained of soonue4coming 4 . a: t: 4 Butter 45 almost a drug on the market. 4 4 l .. i ‘tened in the bottom. at a depth of 125 Assumption. The Bishop replied 1n 11.1Si’1‘1mmig any quantity of “dairy" at prices CURES GUARANTEED é . . . » l.c:~.‘.‘:'. :md Hudspcth feet. b ‘ “filial markedI and) pleztsagl; 811:??(2‘85183: \‘lurying 44.0,†14, 3,3 16 cents. Creamery sells Toronto Medicine 0044 Toronto,0nt. :4 4 ‘1'.“ .\l‘ll‘llll and Hopkins On motion of Mr. Ray seconded y lIr. a ( rcssmg co ege oys. ' _ s ow at ‘. c ant z...c. 444 ‘4 4 Winters the action of the Mayor with re- was given when at the conclusmp of his ‘ ' “ Papal Enc 'cucal. 4 AAAAA . ;.,.,1 in was indicted ference to the improvements of the Agri~ remarks the Bishop proclaimedl bilitlurday ROME, June 19.â€"-The Pope will soon issue ,..;,:;,,., his fathepimlaw cultural Park was sustained by the coun- i a. general hollday. a conclusxon Hg 1 y ap- an important encyclical dealing with the .4 4- 4 134%,,†in a verdict , cil. preciated by the hundred students of the true and false in liberty. ,: . .,,,,j,.,m1,,f,,,1t1,e priSon- , On motion of Mr. “ inters seconded by 1 college. , h 1 11‘ ï¬â€˜ fl -_ â€"~ - ‘ .--,--.-,,_.--, , f. . .. v . ' - " ' h z t' I if Dr. Burr‘ ws Rev. father Collins cele ,rutei is 1st 4 4 4 , 44 ‘ I'M ‘ 'IKW liryiiiii: (14:21: ; hilreieféiizilliiZeiuiiiiif: ltlie conventioii of ‘5 Mass in the college chapel on last Sun- MARR'ED' 111111112 5731.11 2:121 11.1; 11,121 111/. 1/ 2:14:71 I 11:, 4.4 ‘4 . 'J. W2 ;: DHZ'. .H ' l ' : 3’ . ‘ 5' ‘ i 1 " "i .. -‘ .- L‘» - - . 3 ealth Ofï¬cers of Ontario was com- da'. _ _vathâ€"~Murta. Al St- PdUlS amid), L: 4 , o. ( m... n B Dem the H 3 - u c H ' ,,. i A i i i ‘ linended by the council and a committeel Right Rev. Bishop Burgess and \ ery L1udsay~ “June 19th~ by theb W's ' t1. 3' : " l ,. 4 4“ 4 4 3 consistino of the Ma .01.: Willimns. Bryans Rev. Administrator Joos, of Detroit, Marsh, Sidney D., son of R0 ert 111%, g, L: I)“, 5. \ mung. Lus- old case was 2 Dr. McAdpine and t e mover wasappoint- paid a. visit to Bishop \Valsh “to his home to Alice. second daughtcrlof the late - t : 44 .4 , 9 " 5"â€! 1"“1 the “mm? def 3 ed to make the necessary arrangements. ‘in London on Monday the ~8t11 lust. bert A. Murta, 3110f Llm 54}- 1», ,4 , ‘: Mi" \ "ung “his sustainec ' t On motion of BI]; Connolly seconded by Bishop Walsh is but SIUWIY recovenng ~â€"- vr-‘M‘W‘A: 'M‘ a .5 'v " “ ' Mr [Fisher the Committee on street l from-the effects of his recent fall, LINDSAY MARKETS. h . . ~ . 1/ ., , [I ,1, \ .dies' College, Oshawa. ‘ and bridges, “'38 authorised to test the [The ne“v1y ordained Priest is a son of OFFICE OF THE LINDSAY \VATCMMAN. g: ()wlzlg [a plies) of U [6’ â€la C ‘ 2 .\.-".4... ..f m.» Dainill : grading machine of Mr- Bro?“ 0f Ham- Mr. T. Collins 0f OPS-l LINDSAY, 0m, Jmn 2151), 1888. a 1/ : _ l, . -, . m \ ced (n 1 Ill/011 and report “‘3 IN"? mee mg. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"'â€""â€"â€" ‘ ..... 0 85 ï¬g 0 90 4 ’ ‘ / 2M (27’ 561M617“? (I / 5 444447444444.44421134‘3‘644c411113,: music} On motion of Mr. Wmters, a byJaw re- The Mail sayszâ€"The Legislature of gitlflehflléeigoperbushel ...... $ 00 u; 0 82 E4 1 [3e cowgifamzhaf ilfffï¬iy» 5/071 Wag 2.731 2 m... .. m5 M. v. P- 5: hung a? the :closmg 0f We“ 311°!“ ““5 Manitoba is responSible for a novelty Spring do do ........... ~o to 0 s2 5.- expmm i Z? M 401’ 6W" 5 . 5 , s " “mime“; by â€W 01‘5““3‘1 Flu-“W33“ a “‘5‘ ““‘e' in the way of insurance. At its last Goose do do ........... 00 to 0.0 E to do afmmgy ï¬W/ytrade.â€"â€"Teas, Sugar; Gv'om- : - .“h‘f‘†“EMF“? “5;; 1:22;??? i d T d session it passed a bill allowing mum“: . FlaunbfPrullg ;" 100 """" 3 23 :3 2 :8 : fey. Provisions. eta. Flour and Feed. [7515 we Izavc : : "l‘ evening 3 on. X' '1 8 . y | | n ra e . - - . ' cia. ( O ixet , (.o .......... 2.. .. 4‘ , 5 . . -’ , f, -. 5m ;a\5'~2‘:il*1)' “H the efï¬ciency ‘ij . 1 , The .fnaM,,,in gFaryrel shot a, Palmes to “flse’dby mertuzsnog: 533mm do Fall, do .......... 2 20 to ‘2 40 t3 donefor some trmepast, and m mcreasmg . 012mm :2 '1' rem‘ 58â€â€œ “WWW." . 1‘ “.9 (“mg 912. . ‘ . 1 ‘afm ten rate “0‘ ‘0 â€Gee ‘1 ce“ ,, . , j Flour, new process ........ 2 40 to .‘2 60 L! Ever 1/3,)“;- wmt flap 2/ I as on a weddmg mom. .3 ;, “my.“ pieces were given j Hebei S ShOOtmo 8““qu shorty . a. fund to be knowmas the Hall 1mm Flour mixed roll ......... ‘2 10 to 2 30 u , y <> ,. , - l , ., ’12., 7, g 444 4444. 44m gmduatiJLE 4448.334 “354 0 clock on Monday lniiht, (12:11:11? nggï¬t ance Fund.†When in consequenCe of Strong bakers _____________ 2 30 to 2 50 R L 373/ good, â€/6. fomm’ (If 16?, placmg (I (170064 (3] 6’ 5 4 To I’m/mm [(414 h'lc“ ‘5‘t‘1’l'l'l9“°‘~ the leading " iiiign) fizihiigifeieiid ghfcarotid artery a- hail storm crops are damaged, ll“; Barley, per bushel.. ...... 0 00 150393 4 for Gyowm'gs [/5611 206 were 271 a serzozts bosztzonâ€" 4L: 5 - M“: 3‘5"“ hi; the. MES? #1319 l mil. although the best medical skill in the owner of the crops mlay be p331 5):: :45 11:23:, hive (i1: ---------- 33?) 3 O ‘65 we were skart’bf‘ro’om; A 602026?! of war was [geld a i 4 2 '5 5* 5s 5 .- - . - 1 b 1 . - e ua mone- .. 5 5 ---------- - . - . - ‘ IMPORTANT CHANG-ES r.- l>"l"“.‘7ulllll(‘. and in the cantata (fl? 1Y3:Priggsltici‘il'llgtï¬ggrï¬gglilneybiiiia {231: funda Sum ’ q Oats: D do .......... g3?) :0 g :15? $4 Oi’thUZf/Z and [/16 «$70961 2043 tï¬at 1/56 E l . 5 *"Tm displiwed Pains' †' d - i ' ' . ‘ ° ' Potatoes per bushel. . . . . , 0 so ' , , p“. ' - - . ' into the detectne oflice and _ 4 e wnzcii marked tilcReane l 3:3 12:81:; William Young and that he â€1"“- .éppges, perigag """""" (1)23 :43 0 i?) ‘5 OROGKERY AND GLASSWARE DEPARTMENT § E 1 ‘ F 11 "l‘ILTlllll ‘ Sevem eel ‘ , ‘ ll er er ............. ' . . ‘ ‘5 . - . th rifle that P .. ,., , . . . . at. .2. were well given. and gggggtfj‘fgoï¬hï¬ï¬‚‘gl‘dlei, iiiquest was DOM'N'ON NEWS†Beef --------------------- 3(1); 33% » lma’ to goâ€"uo Ital!) for 2!, and 2! must go at once, as L: ar “)7 NEXT. a ,r:,,,.. 1'12: displat‘llslel P3353 held at the morgue by Coroner Johnston Senator Fortin died June 17. _ gï¬s’pgirbiggl .,'I....-......: O 00 to 0 95 ,4 [/26 new $15061. 7027/ de‘ [0 /ch72d 572075135 dlld [/36 3’6 0(41’5 if 4 ' "l’f' “ "if; “liege“ TCOmpdm' yeSterliidyt‘ifthgn’ imCi-ttrfieimiiadnogtegi Pliny l'liihma‘ilate ï¬xed for the mm“ ism,“ Perload """""" 2 50 to 3 00 l mus! come of Me s/ze/ves com If we flaw to [51/6 2 0217' .Stor/c 23‘ al/ MARKED Dflit'll /0 “714'†PRICES “5 W1†Linn. , E lit 2 -- ' "s will revea m iera a . “mm c ections. _ Wool . . . .' ................ 0 18 t0 0 0†LS. - . , . ,. , , I. , g . , w ,. 3. .. f‘l‘L “lathe“ shattered by the fatal bullet. loans 83"" \Vheat stalks 2:; inches high have been Hides ..... 000 ,0 003 ,4 l/zem zm‘o éus/ze! baskets and slow under t/zo cozmz‘w! ,: myâ€? a COMPLETE GLEARANGE A, Md! mm. zuztï¬out any 1 A "L" U â€mu" ; evidence. He Stated that he was 1411 the shown at Moosejaw. , Wood . . D ' I t I I i i i i i i . ..... 2 00 to 4 50 g , Cl 4 l 4:. ‘ 4 4 , 4 , ' ‘ "* gallery With *1 companimi that the “Eelfxé The Ontario Uni“!must C°“"e“ti°n ‘5 B.....'Ifffii,’.é£ it: i. . . . 0 08 to o 09 ‘, l/V/zen we announce f/zzs 4Peremptory 4 ost-ou :4 SP1: C. [A L 1: FFOR /. t an to One on the Dogs. 4 ploded accrdently, and that. seeing e 8d meetingat Bloomï¬eld. 4 Mess Pork per bb]. 4 _ _ _ 0 00 to 17 50 N Sale at may be 16113672. for granted t/zat goods 201/! be 4: . ' L bru‘ - o‘l'i -'-r in Her Ma' st '8 , shot Farrel, they became frightened an Col Otter has decided to close the Gaer- Ha )er ton 9 00 to 10 00 g ’ . . i 'i - .2; $5.... .;..~1?..’;.mea. mm... b... .. W... .. commonmgesforthepresent- at: a... r.2;.;.;55:::::2 wide/leap. Everyt/zmg W t Overdue Accounts 3;? milk-twat londlwinded and 88“ himself “1" He “v“slfufni‘h Sew“ 80mm Vi“ assume 1‘â€? Lie“ Shorts per ton .............. 2o 00 to 22 00 c 1 ~ . 9 a ' . . . . ' . .. .â€" a '0 ~ went he went back into the rel 4bef§r4e. The inqÂ¥::n“agsaabout 20 Governorshlp of Manitoba on .Ju g ’ b no Lambskins --------------- 0 9,9 to 0 20 Dinner Setts of 200 pieces, usually sold for $14 and $15, may be t 4 , ‘ _ - “13.1w.“ , in search of a prisoner ““11 t ‘5 ex emnp. g f h b The M5370†0‘ 11““ Mina?“ “ c "qf Sheepskins. pelts. . , 2 , e . -~.- 0 .4.†t9 1 00 taken away for,$8- S. I? AIMS! 56 [5mm] 07’ SCH/Ea] d} 110/ c‘ / 0/1/32. 'I.’/1. 4 - 7‘ 4.... .4 4 44m “me d years of age, and Is a brother 0 4t 6 01); for $5,000 from the Mercter Government . or Live Hogs, _.. u “4 ‘ . o 00 to 6 00 ,, Goblets, usually sold for 60¢. per dozen for 40¢. , ’ i " , â€t “‘1 3444mm: (1. well sup- Shot by constable Alberts in ngh par "lief P‘WPW‘es' . . . Flax seed er 100 ......... 2 50 to 2 75 35‘ Plain Tumblers, usually sold for 50¢. per dozen, for 3°C. 4 Fifty ww“fl_ â€blank minis some years agoâ€"Mall- The ï¬rst strawberries of the Niel-8““ (113‘ Dressed ogs, per 1001b. 6 50 to 7 50 E " Plain White Dinner Setts, usual! sold for $2.60 for $1.50. ‘ - a .ne nï¬cï¬sarylam 'n fact all‘ trict were Put in the market nine days Rye ...... 0 00 to o 50 5 Chamber Setts, usually spll fol:i $25312! Sgt-£095 g ~ I . . 9°91?“- * 1 e l.’ “ 2‘ .. - F' t P esb erian Church in rthan last ear. ‘ 5 """""""" j Fanc Chamber Setts, usua y so or , or . . I , 4 _ 4 4 4 ,r. 1. iv? cnsnanng the wnysgn- Tb: ns rCanyzda. gaptain 000:†of Chatham, has basin £13516 058:0n ............. 1840g0t0t02g (33 ,4 One zxtraï¬ne China Sett for $6, usually sold for $10, ‘24 Lindsay, May 10th, 125b,: :n his hi 2 insurance net. Du? - l Assembl . - ’. t tor of the briga e 4 ............... 4 4 4 . the Euuldcutl's and b01301». 9331‘ 0,5,3: 3:;tgxylgefiiï¬h8hgiï¬e3 Canada all; 2'31;th £3533? ms ruc A1511“ """""""""" 4 00 to 5 00 - Also a large assortment (3f Earthenware Dazry Good-V, â€It'd E .__- "._.-*-..-7 L , n "“9"“ duty intent Arriving Halifax has recalled the circumstances Two new elevators will be erected 4st â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€""'â€"â€"â€"~-â€"â€"'â€".â€"--"â€"â€"â€"'â€" , a's Pans, Churngcta, will be sold cheap to clear. 4T/zrse goods 3 , 4, MW. “4,01,â€. was visible exâ€" that the ï¬rst pm byterian church in Ca- Thunder'iBay, making the total capacity .2 -~ , are bulky and the 5/101) 1': small. Come andgetéargamsm Crock- - LIN-D S Y mil man. him he taCliled. wagmeia’ midi?- was built in the Nova Scotian capital there 4,5“),000 bushels. 60’ and Glassware, , 4 A "'“ â€â€˜9 “0119"“ i0 be (lei-1v and the further interesting fact that the The“, have been more. transactions in , . K .4lmSSeSSlun ot a policy on his only ï¬rst minister to take charge of the church Manitoba farm 139.13 this [year than for 4 _ .1 s .. .- .. 4 KER C it . Kantian}: After a lot of surpgius was the great great grandfather of the several years prevmus. 4 t EALED TENDERS, add ssed to the 4. O. ,2 . , 0““, “W“ded’ ‘t was 5' present President of the Umted States. The Carleton County 00113101 °“ 59‘1“" SunderSigned, and endorsed “Tender for , ' . ' 1 Nth“ me- â€1‘1 man had Itis on rec?~ d that Rev. Mr. Cleveland I,“ defeated a m°lllilw° give the cyc one Post Ofï¬ce, c., Lindsa , Ont." will be re- FAMiLY GROCER, Kent-st, Lindsay. at Winch rchable insurance 1: annum, his house rent suï¬â€˜crers a grant of $2, ceived at this ofï¬ce untilyTuesda 28611 June‘ 4 P. S.-Terms strictly cash. 4 President Blain and Broker Cox will be i?" 'es care l" lace 3 risk. Have that h aached every . 1 th seve alw r , u i in the .5. a... wasthi nextquérr- “we igidï¬sni‘ikiiiheamflfoogr in the Epis- examined by commisSion in Buï¬'alo r . 13:,ng 0341,03, ambagï¬ggwfl 0n, 4 i m Jimmy appeared °“ â€he â€â€œ8 com-{church withgood acceptance until the in; Central Bank matters- ' to 4445 awï¬eï¬hgrï¬ï¬‚fwï¬ydiï¬ , . . _ , , J - g» when ... m... ... memmmasmayrormwhew- 1...... pm image“... a. .2... t... 0.... .. Msssrs- Haas... ' Run the Y ear Round. eofliter was 111 quest. ap . humming services were instituted, Mr. has been 1101111118th in t e n sgaï¬ackson Barristers Lindsay, Ont, on E1 11 at 400 strongly “dvmd to take the. aâ€. Cl eland on! laboured for ï¬ve years in Liberals £931.19 14°81’13““ and after F‘riday 8thJ1ine,aud tenderswill Q SGW ere o 4 plan. After a few minutes Hilvifax, whenyhe proceeded to England, The'tricolor over the French consulalegn notbé considered unless 9134?, 4 4,4,99,39,11,. . .. .. , 4 . m, the Otï¬cer tmeditgwargg joined the pisco'pal command returned Monti-eagles “animated out of respect“? $342,433 and signed w1thiac444 341%mreé 4 5 r 4 4 _ .. .w. w... .1... .1... ..,-.. m...- m ‘ 1.....- a... w W ~ ° .. â€s 5 FULL GLOTHS TWEEI FLA NNE km: feet) a; d Ming his hand on' roam h 30: o forthePro It is fared that unless some stepssre ,Anacce tedï¬nk $.18qu Killi‘ibkiv tgrtll? ‘4 , ’ l ’ . ‘3“)? “ml " YOUR my P1550395†“on 0ft e pol. taken to renvealï¬ $35 Nelson permanent at' igddifvieger 25m of‘hsmduiit of texider, must flllStlLVEfl-PLATEU I ‘ . . i t i . . er the fell leased himself - . -5 - M treal will â€Piece!“ each tender. This cheque WHEN? , '_ . 3 he ullicer'surasiiv issuing apiece - l . South Victoria AS'"“:Ult'-â€'fll Society. 2:4,; rumored in Montreal that ex-Pre- §§f§§l§§eimd if the part ' decline the g ‘. . Xral'l‘l C. , for 52116. I i ' i : éleeve atweé“ ‘1‘“ W A meeting Of the above societywasheld mier’Joly has consented to be the local contract, or fail topomplcte e work con- ., s6 4 . , s vex-g, and lumping an adjacent in the council chamber. landsay. on Sat'_ mural candidate in Megantio. 4 â€acted for, and “'11le returned in case of g 4:. an "5 â€ME“: _4 4 . made i...- the woods follows! by urday, 9th iris?- ‘Presenï¬ 50““ D°bs°n~ The rumour is denied that Laval Univev unscrew"??? 9‘ ten 6" d ° 5 E to the public on 16 one»: 011800111 eaVIHg ROI]. "T. who ï¬red several Show, in â€10 pmdent; 001‘ Mom Robert BUB-BS, ï¬ty in Montreal would be'MSloned. If the By 0.: ErbBIEL E V , 33. - .. .tl W! gt 39â€â€œ! ï¬lo“ ‘ ~ ‘ i , ' lyhiCh onlv increased, the now 3- WilllléckhTiH-‘Mflfleh'r'wnf‘dg' Society of Jesus won the pets-31133443 Lon « ' Secretbry. .-.’:' <3; . . . i . 'i‘ i ‘ I , fl 2. ' ' '5 sea-d†5 peed hearin D.Sc . - -Dm' 11- â€m'.' ' musmemem ..‘ pam‘ bl’WO‘ks, 2- _ ' 0 M dB 11 k°â€â€œ9‘)li1n:ila:sr:are<f folloive‘g Rem ml W" 1“ sm- 0‘" “mm“ °f donrMasonic Mnt‘lï¬l 3““ Wm“ De mudztsiighnéfmesi l §§ 353.5 . 1 5. 'a‘r g an u 111g“ '.““¢0mnm1)l\' nay looking dogs. Col. Deacon, swondedby Mr Gonnolly, 459,1 yesterday momma WWW'M‘P'? ' 5 -- 3% 2." .~ 2 i 5 ‘ i .5 , 4-..... - . f “(on humane. The latter. an; 1boardvent gm 09mm†323$: Thepeï¬tion in @5393“ “EM 3 g .. ' ~ ' “lr’tin‘nislandabl' ï¬'rtstoseek w M to revise 9 Prize - .. ' am . , ,_ . _ ._ . ,- ,4 I limo“ cube friendlye 3.0.1., but Walters asked permission to address the a 4 4 5,4 a.mmwaummgm‘uuw.museum ‘, " C†ASE: :E OB WOO . - “hike on his Pursuers until-the WWW was granted, and he aooordâ€" I mflnï¬w mmmflï¬lawnhrbd 7: 4 V i 1’" 5 ' 5- . . . - mmml’led his tether 90“ inalyiintmdum the “bi“? prevmusly '- ._ . f" 3.: , .' . ~:-.-l;- E’ TheWVPlacc 1n the Lountv to send vour Wool. 3““ 3 savage Urowl afï¬ne. broached regarding the building 03“? mm dï¬e.%“’weï¬ 5 ' »- 4 5 5 ’7‘5’19.‘ 5 _ ¢ '4 latex-e! esmped‘ :31), m be mp. taker’shou‘seinthegroundsy Whlch' ?†Eâ€? mudâ€! 4 4444‘ m \\ , ' -4 ‘ y , 2 - . . Jud our thoroughly worn out favorably commented? " On motion . ~ ~ calmed mm â€a 3‘3“,“ . , J W W A..l ILA-CE of the peace†is now ’ ofT. Connolly second , by D- * a m 2- 5 4 mmswm%m.m.zmu - ' ° ° 5 Wee.“ be found in lmun' ' ants of special ccmmittee composd. of ï¬ne follow Wâ€: I 37.. l “â€4†5 » . W ;' t ‘ I ' "* I“, «4. ‘ ' Mme amiss, black oil ing members; ‘Thepresdenï¬a_:¥fl§§§tl,;:5n; 5.13".“ 515.52%. - 5