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Watchman (1888), 26 Jun 1890, p. 5

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.SS ne. Eurek 9, W001 )il. . 8‘5- 00., Toronto. elon Falls, R Ldsay. rest and shown in ’ Wlthin a, few ecure great :9 assort- l, Brus- pets, SS and quality All kinds of (awed, 0n 01189 F il. WM: NeW ‘ GEO..;‘-.1V1I‘Jlflflivuuu, pL£ASE BALI. AND SEE MY 5'6. PAPER. Agent for the celebrated Ux- ridge Organ and Mendelsohn M Di- -.L:: 210 no? airf "‘ m Bedroom Papers, (V 9 pers, Corners and porations. Room, Drawing- Doings About Town. For Sale. Eew Williams Sewing Machine, almost leW, for sale cheap. Enquire at the NATL‘HMAS office. film "Watchman. Look uut for me onnection with the E »f the season, in aid lethodlst Church, a mt Week. And 211 Honorable ’hysics 2-D THURSDAY. JUNE and appear at the GRAND r'RonwnAun CONCERT on the evening of July 131:. Music by the Duznihil’in Organ and Piano Co.’s 45th Batt. band of Bowmanville, assisted by the best local talent. IcGill DEAR. SIRâ€"~Enck thanks to firemen, grant of 825. Byt ssemb The Omemee Fire. To the Mayor of the Town of Lindsay. Den»: Sitinnclose'i find resolution of thanks to rirernen, and motion making grant of $23. By order of the council. ‘ Moved by Mr. Lamb, seconded by Mr. Parsons; That this council do hereby re- turn thanks tn the Mayor and corporation 9f the town of Lindsay for their kindness In permitting the fire brigade of that town to come to our assistance on the occasion of the disastrous fire which occurred here 0‘11 the morning of June the 2nd, and that the clerk be requested to furnish a 6pr of this resolution to the Mayor of Lmdsay.-Curried. ‘sm (3" 3- BALFm'R, VINCENT u. Uunn "My, Clerk. Reeve. Moved by Mr. Morrison, seconded by Mr. Parsons. That the Reeve issue his cheque an the Treasurer for the sum of tw(mg-five dollars, as a. grant to the Lind~ Bay hremeu.â€"â€"Carried. . A complimentary farewell supper weal tendeared to Mr. A. E. Gibson, the popular y("mg185122-r-keeper in the Domimon Bank 0‘1 the occasion of his departure for Scot- land, 011:1 tW') months leave of absence. The Supper was held at the Waverley house, and it is needless to say that the Spread Was first-class in every respeet. Mr Gibson’s many friends assembled 1n full force to do honor to one of the most gen- Elfmanly and obliging of our bank clerks. ,__ - _ 1 _:_.. Loon Alllv “We 10 (1') Humor LU uuu u; v--- V, flemanly and obliging of our bank clerks. The excellent bill of fare having been duly d“cussed, the evening was spent 1n speech 1 and Song, and at an early hourâ€"1n the m9min§z~the gathering dispersed after “13’1ng the guest of the evenmg bon Vayage and a safe return. The boys areua mm, in declaring that they had indeed 8 Very. large time ” The events of the e"9‘1111‘5F’S jovial pleasure will long be ore- membered as one of the most pleasing atfall's of the season. A New Feature Arcanum concertfwill be Ice Royal de, Strawbernes, etc. Law; an Collegiate Institute Notes, arable mention, ~ Second class 52â€"1). C. McDougall, M. Shaver, Blackwell, A. E. Smitheran, A. . G. Dawson, Misses E. Finnie and h , f can” ’ Pcsjtively 1:“:38 gosystem9 3011;211:3193, cold m the‘ keidney troubleshns of every 131% b3; and aches and mwn’a M83- dmtionj Ask for Dr- G t. 25 “3"“ made Oil Sold by 3“ dealer?» 3 1 bottle. number the place, just op- Xew Post Omce, which is now 'unning in full blast. 2;. METHERELL, Strawberry Social. Dr. Brown’s Magnetic OII. Don’t Fail to be UL 7c 8c 9c 10c way to 50c per Roll . cLarggest Stock of Wall “ E1ought into Lindsay. ‘fl (3 '6 H I! 'I r the special attractions in n the first Strawberry Social in aid of the Queen street ll‘Ch. at the Skating Rink Farewell Supper. Signed. ivited to visit the Col- LFriday of this week. be regular work of the In the evening the will be held in the Sui: Customers. 'riving Daily VINCENT C. CORNWALL, Reeve. â€"J. W. Vallentyne, Flay, H. Armstrong, Nugent. B. Silver, GRAND PRO‘MENADE er Roll Paper 26, 1890. $6 Garden Party. , Look out for the annual sale and garden party of the Young Ladies’ Sewing Class of St. Paul’s Church; Lovers of Good Music, don’t miss the Royal Arcanum Concert at the Skating Rink on. JULY Ist. The benefit concert tendered Mr. Riley in Queen street Methodist church was both a musical and financial success. The programme was very enjOyable, and the net proceeds amounted to upwards of $30. Queen-st Methodist Church. Services, Sunday, June 29th. The pastor Rev- Mr. Dewey, morning and evening. Sub' ject for morning, “ Our riches in Christ.” Subject for evening, “The duty of the hour." Safe For Sale. ‘ Taylor safe with combination lock 1n first class order. Apply to .- A!" .“IrA‘kT Mayor Smyth has received aletter from the Ontario Department of public works in reply to an enquiry stating that the work of deepening and widening the Scugog so as to enable our steamboats to land at Wellington street bridge, will be- gin early in July. This will be welcome news to excursionists. Remember the grand celebration and‘ picnic on the Agricultural Grounds on Tuesday next, July lst., under the aus- pices of St. Marv’ Church. A large pro- gramme of games and sports has been arranged, including horse races, bicycle races, baseball match etc. The grounds will be open at 10 o’clock a. m. Dinner will be served from twelve to two o’clock. Everybody welcome. The police have succeeded in tracing the perpetrators of the robbery of Mrs. Keeve’s jewellery store on Kent street. Patrick O’Keefe was arrested in Toronto last Friday as one of the guilty parties, four of the watches stolen being found in his possession. O’Keefe is now in the gaol here. Three of the stolen watches were found in under a fence in the East Ward. A young chap named O’Grady ' f the ihurriedly left town on hearing 0 arrest of O’Keefe. There are several others suspected of complicity in the rob- bery. The police will no doubt bring all the guilty parties to justice. On Sunday last the Masonic brethren of Lindsay, accompanied by visiting brethren from Omemee, Fenelon Falls and Mariposa attended divine service in in the Cambridge street Methodist church, the Rev. Dr. \Villiams officiating. The procession was one of the largest of that body that has ever appeared in this town. They reached the church about 3 o’clock 1p. m., where there was a large gathering of the townspeople. The Rev. Dr. preached an excellent and very instructive sermon, which was apparently listened to with close attention and thoroughly ap- preciated. On the return of the brethren to the lodge, several brethren made brief addresses, when Bro. Miller of Omemee gave a very interesting Masonic address. Votes of thanks were passed to the visit- iting brethren, to Rev. Dr. Williams for his eloquent sermon, and to the choir and I trustees of the church. The New Steamboat Landing. Mr. J. L. Perkins, lat has returned to Lindsay, : position of head salesman , ‘ ,‘__ Lung. aha Rh“ "a--- . ns‘ new boot and. shw Daly house. Mr. Perkm in Lindsay and district Wi have that gentleman back "' ' “H11" ”1 nave Luau v”--- ._,, Perkins will be equally glad to meet with them in his new position. Mr. John Green of Owso, Michigan, was married last week in St. Mary’s church P. D. Laurent to Miss Teresa. by the Rev, Lindsay. The happy couple left by the evening train for their future i home in Michigan, amidst the congratula- tions of their many friends. We are pleased to see Dr. D. Scully home again on a visit from the far West. The doctor is accompanied this time. by his bride, both of whom were welcomed . - -:..,.1,. AF Friends, Thar Dominion Day Celebration. .The Frencn U’OVUL‘uiuou» u. ........ discuss the application of the Egyptiein‘: conversion scheme until the English evacu- ate Egypt. At a. meeting of Nationalist electo Newry, held on Saturday, resolutiogz were adopted censuring Mr. Justin Mc- Carthy for persistent neglect of his party duties. Mr. Riley’s Benefit. Church Notes. The Keeve RobberY- French Government‘ declines to Tn‘._-_A.:..... H. GLADMAN. Postmaster, Lindsav. Masonic. Personals. ;;.- Lindsay, and accepted the ‘ salesman in Mr. Robert 3t and shoe store next the y’Ir. Perkms’ many friends district Will be pleased to aman back again, and Mr. mmnv glad to meet with sed to see Dr. D. Scully ,visit from the far West. acccmpanied this time by )f whom were welcomed a circle of friends. They Hv to their Western home. late of Oakwroord, THE WATCHMAN, Great preparations are celebrating the lst of J u will be races of all kinds. are sparing no pains to gramme a success. LL 5. L. 541 will celebrate the coming 12th July at Fenelon Falls. A good turn out of the brethren is expected. Thos. Suddaby has gone out upon the “ tented field." Don t forget to turn out upon the lst of July and enjoy yourself. Specxal to the \VATCHMAN. BASE BALLâ€"VVe have a strong club this year and are expecting a. challenge from Woodwlle or some other nelghboring club. , CHEESE FACTORY.â€"â€"Our factory is now in full blast, and so far everything is en- couraging to all parties concerned. SAIjE.â€":Mr. 1â€"). McCrimmon sold his fine team of chesnut-s to Mr. D. B. Porter for the handsome sum of $320. CHURCH MATTERSmâ€"In the absence of our pastor, Mr. McKinnon, at General Assembly, Mr. Currie of Sonya, occupied the pulgit last Sunday. GOOD OPENING.â€"No one has yet come to occupy the new store. Thls 1s surpris- mg as a splendid business was done in it last; Winter. Special to the WATCHMAN. PERSONAL. -â€"Mr. Wllson Graham and wife of Norland spent a short visit; at- the parental home, and attended church at this place. We are all glad to see their genial faces once more. Call often is the wish of their numerous friends. ‘ Robert killedi mutilated. I at with body Tuesd Dr. Beckett at once made his way to! Mr. Hardie’s residence. No. 920 South Main street, where Mrs. Hardie and her infant son were found. The lady had had no intimation of her husband’s terrible fate, and was completely prostrated when the doctor made her acquainted with the contents of the telegram. Every efi‘ort to get more details of the killing proved fruitless, and nothing was said about the matter until yesterday morning, when the following press despatch reached this l city :â€" TOMBSTONE, Ariz., May 26.â€"-'1‘en days ago Robert Hardie, of Los Angelos, ac- companied by Dr. F. L. Haynes, of Phil- adelphia, left here for a. trip in Chiricahua mountains. and stopped at Mike Gray’s he use, Rucker Canon. Yesterday morn- ing word was receiVed that he had been killed by Indians. and shortly the body arrived, also Dr. Haynes. A J L‘nn‘ itl‘L‘LVCu, (DLUV _â€" _ - , v The coroner’s inquest Hardie and Haynes were riding along the trail toward Gray’s house, Hardie in front about ten feet, when a volley 0t firearms was heard. Hardie reeled in the saddle. falling backward off the horse. Haynes, thmking he was mistaken for the animal, went to his assistance, and saw he was dead, when he went back to his hcrse. When about to mount, another shot was l fired, killing his horse. sho wed that l a. ______ “A nreu, Minus u... ---_.-- Being; unarmed, he started to run, and on looking back saw an Indian following, who raised his rifle and fired at him, but missed. Dr. Haynes kept running and caught Hardie’s horse and escaped to Gray’s house. Four men went to the scene of the killing. Hardie’s watch and pocketbook were gane, but the body was not mutilated. No doulct but the murder- ers are San Carloss Apache Indians. GEO. E. MEEK. [Robert Hardie was son of the late Rev. B. Hardie, methodisi minister, and brother of Miss Hardin that taught at one time in Lindsay. Ed.] BURNT RIVER. KILLED BY INDIANS. LORNEViLLE. »tions are being made for lst of July here. There all kinds. The committee pains to make the pro- GLANDINE. Tuesday evening- 1 instantly by Indians. Un- am not hu_rt. Will be home THE DETAILS. FRANCIS L. HAYNES. 5., May 26.â€"â€"Ten days :, of Los Angelos, ac- F. L. Haynes, of Phil- for a trip in Chiricahua topped at Mike Gray’s Ion. Yesterday morn- ived that he had been LINDSAY, THURSDAY, jUNE 26 I890. size. 011 the first of April we commence 1n Bradburn 8:, 00’s 01d stand, opposite Per- rin’s drug store, to sacrifice these goods. we will hold a big Clearing Sale under the management of SOOTHERAN CO’S OLD S‘ E. W. McCraffey. E. E. W; McGAFFEY. STAND,

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