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Watchman (1888), 9 Jun 1892, p. 4

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commumty. WALL PAP E B THE growth of land monopoly in the own 215,000,000 acres, a territory as large as the original thirteen states. Private individuals and land companies own estates from 50,000 acres up to 4,500,000 to the exent of 20,700,000 acres. Landlordism is evidently gain- ing a grip upon Republican America BIG SACRIFICE. ~â€"â€"TRY-â€"- P‘O‘RTERS (the “Watchman. publishing a statement of their election expenses. It is questionable whether the actual amount expended is given in many cases under the present law, but Editorial Notes. SIR John Thompson has been ap- pointed one of the arbitrators on the case to be submitted on the part of it would not be Wlse to remove. The Canada. In such able hands the inter- bill can scarcely be regarded as in the ests of Canada will be securely safe-{interests of electoral reform, guarded. The appointments have been favorably received by the greater por~ tion of the press of the Dominion, # __________________,______. THE mortuary statistics for 1891 lately issued show a slight decrease in the death rate over 1890, the rate TORONTO haspassed a by-law exempt~ ing all plant, tools and machinery used in manufactures from municipal taxa~ tion for ten years from December 3lst next, This is a fairer system than the granting of bonuses to certain manu- facturers, to be paid for by other in- dustries not so favored. The under- taking, however, is a large one, and disputes are likely to arise as to what constitutes plant, tools and machinery under the by-law. w A MEMORIAL is proposed toqthe late Hon. Alexander Mackenzie in the being 21.48 as against 22.14 per 1000. The cities and towns of Quebec show the highest deith rate, whilst the principal cipies and towns in Ontario have a much better record. The report discloses the fact that over 50 per cent. of the deaths in the Dominion were in the case of children under five years of age. Here again Quebec towns show to much greater disadvan- tage than Ontario. WHEN Sir John Macdonald died a year ago the Conservative party had a majority of 25 in the House, confront- government through the whole length of the St. vative party instead of going to pieces on the death of their chief as Was pre- seventy-fourth since its establishment, the bank having now prospered‘for nearly three-quarters of a century. The history of such an important monetary institution, ina young country like this, embraces to a large extent the financial history of the country itself. sented the then banking capital of of Montreal had a capital of $650,000, with a “magnificent rest” of $4,168, and paid a dividend of 8 per cent. In 1841 the capital had increased to two six millions of dollars the same as to , day. The president of the bank the other day in congratulating the share- holders upon the record, made the statement that- Canadian securities were far ahead of those of any other colony, and that our government could go into the money market with the greatest confidence. UNDER article 27 of the Washington treaty the citizens of the United States are entitled to enjoy the use of the canadian canals terms of equality with the people of the Domin- ion. A misunderstanding has arisen between the two governments owmg to rebates of toll being allowed by our on grain on carried Lawrence canals to Montreal. No Canada; whilst to-day the paid-up cam-l 000,000, with a 50 per cent rest, or- is granted, but if the trans-shipment occurs on the American side, as at Ogâ€" present system of toll rebates, or a vio- lation of the treaty clause. The Am- ericans, however, claim that the present method is a. discrimination against routes and ports and that in spirit at least it is a violation of clause 27. It is to be hoped that this vexed question aed through the Welland canal. the death of Private Joseph Palleucci, of D company, 1.8.0. A squad from the barracks were at target practice, and Palleucci was one of the markers. the wrong target (Palleucci’s), the re- sult being that the unfortunate marker was struck in the thigh, the ball pass- ing clean through. An ambulance was at once sent for and Palleucci con- veyed to the City hospital, where he died about 5.30 from loss of blood. Deceased was 32 years of age and had been a member of the company for a year and a. half. An inquest will be held. Senator Boulton has published an ad- dress to the electors of Marquette, Man. He comes out as an independent candi- date favoring free trade on British lines. The trial at Utica. N.Y., of E. K. Mc- Elwaine,ex-deputy U.S. marshal, indicted for aiding and abetting the escape of T. O’Brien, prince of bunco steerers, ended in a verdictof acquittal. OHST A. BARRON, Q. C. (Solicitor for Dominion Bank.) Lindsay. Offi- ces William St., in new Dominion Bank building. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY. JUNE 9, 1892. 2 ,7 , ,_ .. ~â€" '~ 1 * \ H, 1:1 L]: l of Mrs. Mackenzie who is to receive the liberal government of Quebec has been icars at Kingston or Prescott, no rebate Horticultural Show E '03 Hr B 13:18?! 8* interest of the fund during her life- overthrown, whilst the fiscal policy of s allowed. So with American grain I - pEâ€"th r 6: C01 » ' , . . . t e I E El NI] [1 NI [ I time. The idea is a oood one, and the party in the Dominion has been It Th Ch t, erFau-wea Kent S "‘ 4. . b"t 10f thle 0V ,94 , should it be entered upon will receive practically abandoned by the rank and ]t is brought down the St. Lawrence Tailggt 3,123,231,332; ‘Sd‘dietle e 0ices wposté‘g‘iged Air a -â€"â€"INâ€"â€"â€" the liberal support of .1ll classes of the file of the reform party. 'I he Conser- canals to Montreal, the rebate of tolls be held on I andmoderate es Friday, July ist, 1892, in the COUNCIL CHAMBER. Rules The Best Selected dicted, is stronger to-day than ever. densburgh, then the full tolls are re- and Prize Lists can be procured from the 1,, you “he sure am“, “-'â€" United States is extending to a remark~ _t:ii11€d. There is theretore no discrim Directors or from ,1perP-‘jgsd‘isease 0095““? W6 W111 clear 0111'; all our able degree. The Union Pacific, the TIIE annual meeting Of the Bank of ination against the American carriers J» HEAD, Sec 165213;, you cgfinaftigzdr; Remnants at a Northern Pacific and other railways Montreal on Monday last was the in favor of the Canadian under the and NeWGSt Brands (mg 39:1;3111 from expe DRESSING MILI: PICKS. The subscriber is prepared to dress all kinds of Mill-Picks, and to do all other jobbing in connection with Blacksmithing. REPAIRING Buggies, VVaggons and setting tyres a â€"â€"OFâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WINES, BOOKSTORE. greater than it ever did in the worst In 1817 the capital of the Bank of will soon to satisfactorily adjusted. specialty. Repairs to Blacksmith,s Be] 3 WHISKfES days of Old Ireland. Montreal was $35010“), “‘hiCh repre- lows and Plates. All work warranted. ’ ruS arrivingr daily A Marker Kllled- Portable or stationary forges supplied. ' eWpatte (1ng and America W _ _ ‘ ‘ a. A LIBERAL member of the Quebec LONDON, Ont., June 6.â€"-â€"A shocking Wm HERLIHEY A L55 A ND Can _,__.._..’â€"â€"â€" Legislature has introduced a bill to tal of the banks of the Dominion is 60 accident occurred at the Cove rifle ' , . APERS CORNERS THURSDAY1 JUNE 91 1892' relieve candidates from the necessity of millions of dollars. In 1819 the Bank range this afternoon, which resulted in June 1: 1892' Wlu‘am St- L‘ndsay 1MP AND BE 9P0]? TEES -â€"â€"--GO TOâ€"â€"â€"â€" 11d Styles to suit c THE AMERICAN DOCTORS M 50ENTS A R (2a Wampum}: 2:: Euro}: am! Amen‘u.) THIIR Behring Sea commission, and the Hon the law as it now stands exerts a check millions; in 1845 to three millions ; in Tecre are two targets. Palleucci’s had SERVICES C. H. Tupper has been entrusted with upon reckless or dangerous expendi~ 1855 to four millions; in 1860 to six JbuSt'bdeF-firehd 13,1; anthe patipe out from; ARE 8 H A N N 0" .. , 1\r - , , _ , . . n... , . , .. .7 ohm 115 s 6 er us 1en one o , _,1.I»:R I HAVE 111 , the important task of preparing the tures on the part of candidates, which millions, wlnlst 1613 saw1t at 5,312,- the marksmen took aim and fired at FREE.‘ I. 'I. ,, ~‘ "WW“ firm A staff of eminent American Physicians The Leading Liquor MeTChaflt and Surgeons have opened an office for 19 Kent St _ opposite Hurley medical and surgical attendance, at No. Brady’s 2303 St. Catherine Street, Montreal. They give free services to all who call upon them before August 1st, 1892, and frankly tell you if your case is curable or not. All incurable cases are rejected. Special attention is haid to every case. Invalids living outside of Montreal should address their letters to MR. JOHN MURRAY, Manager, and enclose two 3 cent stamps for symptom blank and ques- tion sheets. NOTICE 01‘ 131- L111 N0. 650. 1.\‘ Ll.\‘l1\‘a‘1‘. _,...... land see the Cheap Ex pr iv‘ ‘ reateSt place 11 1,150 gsporting Goods 8' Balls, Croqufit 5 Lacrosse Sticks, iiorget the 5 cent W111. REINHART LAGER. - Agent for the celebrated ORDERS by MAIL will receive 3 prompt attention. OTICE is hereby given that on the 23rd day of May 1892, the Munici- pal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Lindsay, passed a By-law provi- ding “that during the whole of every year all the dry-goods, clothing and millinery shops, situated within the Municipality of the Town of Lindsay, shall be closed and Town and Con ASett of Good T remain closed at and continuously after the hour of six o’clock in the afternoon of each day of the week, except Saturday and tho day immediately preceding any public holiday. 11-. minder, for $10.. 11:! 1.... lmds‘ ay. See his distinction, however, in this matter of â€" rebates is made as between American and Canadian vessels. Should a. Can adian carrier after passing through the Welland canal tran~ship his grain into shape of an endowment of chairs in ed by an opposition strong in numbers political :science ,in the Toronto and and vigorous in uprpose. To-day the McGill Universities, the Ontario sub- government has a majority of 62, and scriptions to go to the former and the the Opposition is in a very weak state. Quebec ones to the latter, on the death Since the death of the chiettain, the GIVE HIM A CALL Agent for the Hamilton Mi neral Works. Plao'n Remedy tbr Cami-111 Is the Best. Easiest to Use. and Cheapest. Promenade Con . F. KNOWLSON. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, Town Clerk. 5%. E. T. Hueltlne. Warren, PL n nextproinenade cl: inc: Lindsay 25 LIay 92. “Citizen 5 band W11. I i .i. 1, ,t‘. . if ,3, ~11» - L...q' ‘ v. 1.. I‘ r I; W my“ "WM W «.1.va wa‘m» : .133 ‘W;*_§f;+fé;g4 ,, _ . “ng ‘ 'h‘f‘umrâ€"«éfi‘1-?f*i:¢“’f131.'; ‘ '...‘ q u... a. . w .14»: ,. , . 1135,“. ..“ .1 FOR BIG! VV e ask the attention of a discriminating public to Stirring up the ant-hills to look for small plunder. - mometer of prices. BIGGERl . BIGGEST ': E-‘-“ "l“ “WWKWW“ ”WE-J1“ .A. ROARING a few lines thrown out for immediate slaughter. Two-penny, halfâ€"penny dealers alarmed at loosing all trade. TIE-IE W ONDERFUL CHEAP MEN. are on the top of the heap. None deny it. They can’t. What has gained us our fame ? We lower prices down to poor men’s pockets We reach the lowest notch in the ther- We throw away clothing to establish our name as the - Giant Glothier’ s S People’s Philanthropists G-OLlG-HS CAN BE IMITA‘I‘ED, NEVER APPROACHED- Men’ s Serge Suits, $2 .75, worth $6; 400 Men 5 -\11- Wool Suits, ten difimcnt j the Eel. pattclrf 3:3 SSl $111 $3150, ‘Corllh $8; 200 Fine Black and Worsted Suits $6.90, weith $13}? , 2,200 pair pants from 49c. to $3.50; Boys Suits 58c. and up; Boys Knickc1frolceinttomifii‘iiifi“ an 5, 11:rse‘atuis‘O airs,c (’Zuffs, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Underclothing and Hats, at prices 50 per cent. lower than any house in the trade. Come, pay our “fiken to or 111d: 5 ore a VlSl .. _ We do not ask you to buy unless you are disposed, but simply ask the privilege of showing goods and quoting prices. A. CUSTOMERS GRATIFICATION IS OUR PRIDE, 3;“: Dub “filament (If this‘ 1': ~13 Therefo f - will“; menu" “in b” . 1‘9: 1 goods are not just as represented, money’s will be cheerfully refunded. 13.33“, the 113th , , . e - SSUClatiOll Bargains on earth take a. friends advice and follow the crowd to N GO UGâ€"H 33308-, The Wonderful Cheap Men, ASSOCIATE STORES: 101101110, BELLEVILLE, BRANTFORD AND 011111111 LINDSAY AND PETERBO R0 afimd‘ .. ,F 1??“â€" r1.» Wmen’m lll / /ll l. / ...I‘Vllll-§I?lillll .lls/ll ./l'l ./ll‘llll. .. (Villllvxll lv/ll'l lllVllll llll“ll AMI 1: lllmllll .ll‘ .1 .. IMMHH. lll ? (llllll. Alm‘lh/lll lWlWIanlMl‘Vh ..l 1" 4%].4'1‘11/lllnlmvll ,.1.‘.1- /l1"/W AWN “‘W‘WVM. ‘1‘ gray as usual at 1'1. rink on the eieni Pull par‘ ===.-_.â€"‘= 1 \1V,.- ,a‘ , ~‘Lund‘b ~ Married in Peter-b Tuesday last Mr. T. oiGeo. hIattliews. es married to Bliss 1513-. S -R.Stratt011,,es,.. .Vl. -‘h‘0tt€1‘ [18"5 11":gt'tl I happy Couple 15f: ' lufora tour :111‘ w.:_".. :1 1 them prosperity. ‘ ‘ III.'iclllllllhvnliINllh .llllllll. ' I Mill Improvem- eSadler, Dc: (1 s .x 1 has nearly comp 1 cC' tovements which 1 iv the past fire or six _-1' cent Wheelock C111 11.1). ) has been placed ' ,the first time was ,‘1 at 1:.y The 111111;}: is 13‘ rintendence of )Ir. : Gait, and that g1 '1 C1 test credit for the 111' has carried out the er the. difficulties and the enlarging oi ire: 1 ligoing on nhic 1 the 1 0f the conipm 1\ t “.116. e mill wills 111 "plete in the 1m \ ii cc. ' Isolidity the \ {.1 “eds WI. den I118 t‘ll:i3.t‘ hSpeed, 311‘. 1111i: .:'=‘i ‘1 2 on its edge. “def Where it renizii " taken oti‘. \\ itlii u: ‘ ' mg effected by Z hinery \ t '1 Y.MC..AN \otwithsrandin» ' '11. I " y afternoon, the \ 1 W383 Very 111‘ mi: 3111‘ c 0f Hzilibuittzz 1'3??ng and ,1r:.ct 1L 1:". 'Quit you likc 11¢ ”ed that the \ .3», 1.1 ,_ have an 011va t 1,9,1 " ‘ ere Iona ‘ \Prepal‘ations are :zilr l “4.“: Which will be ‘.,the 132281‘ number 1 . “ ' ‘Oe and C0 (perat the to“ is necessary ~‘|.‘I ' ll... ..‘ Wilma. 1.” , _ are earnestly 1 ‘5 Ill . and wbe gi‘ en ‘ ., Scone of Yo :ul A“(“L‘mtion W ark, 1. : 1 ”ladies may ré ‘ “11 keep the o

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