, -ï¬i.., R RT, L. D. S., fluff“)! Horticultural Society. BREVITIES. ' . e a 0Ҡsociety Will hold an exhibi- â€"-The rains of the st week have reat- ' ‘» flEâ€"NTIS?‘ tion of flowers and small fruit in the town 1y benefltted the crog: g I “xi-r \‘eï¬the‘ COS Store, op- hall on Dominion Day. Prizes of from :‘I’T flaw, 04 Kent St. Lindsay. 30c. to $1.50 are offered in nearl sixty "A. large number Cf cottage owners ,Ix'gdized Air administered. sections. For copy of premium lisg apply spent Sunday last at the Paint. Humane. , to any 0f the directors or to the Secretary, â€"-The Esturion commenced her double ‘ :2' â€k // gtigï¬bHehd' Cgme and try a dish of trips on \Vednesday of last week. / | , erries an cre _ selecte Oh What a cough ' Lindsay’s choicest floggi's :liirdihgdfgoiiiy- â€"Go to W‘ E' Murphy, 99 Kent-st., ’ heed the naming The paniment of select music. tW“ doors east of post ofï¬ce, for a dainty ,5 {h e sure approach of that lunch. , _._ ‘.. n5 â€"Mr. Edward McGrath is erecting a i : disdhse Consumption. Ask lnde 737: it you 03“ i‘ht’rd £01: thedsalse cent Assault. handsome two-storey residence on Simcoe : rands â€7T, 3...... to rpn the titled; that A Ugandnpmedghoxldice of Bobcaygeon, street. »-- “gs“. , - om ex was me . . K 3;; 7‘ “" ‘ hm r ~01}; con 11. It last b C orpm‘ecent “-88%“ on Saturday â€"For all kinds of plain and fancy job i :5 cure it ill cure 3 g ,0 f o y o. olice Magistrate Deacon. It k T W N ï¬i P - } “.335. 9 -t , gmâ€; that; during the ï¬re at Dr. giiohiilbyle HE ATCHMA. 0 cc. rices ‘ ' ’/’†onne 51383} ence On the 29th May last. ' ° ' ' a Mrs. Robinson left her two daughters â€"Mr. John Kells is adding an addition Remember that fOI‘ NGWGSt StYTGS, FlneStrQualltles A. "-131 7‘ ,Ln to the house occupied by Robt. Bell on Francis street. â€"â€"No elephants, but a ï¬ne assortment of trunks and valises at PERKINS Co., 52 Kent street, Lindsay. â€"Economy is wealth, and the best way to economize is to buy your boots and ETHERELL’S aged 13 and 8 in the house in bed. . Dur- mg her absence Shouldice went into the house and taking hold of the girl’s hands, mire TH GET YOUR made indecent proposals to her and used ï¬lthy language; He was sentenced to six :9 K158 ALL PAPERS. {$333 in the central prison at hard Greatest Varieties and Honest Prices, nothing .;.can outdo that Wonderful House known’ias Low C 625% Prices ’ wzerns arriving daily from Eng- ' ___ VD wdiliidia.ii and American markets. Obit u ary. shoes at PERKINS 00’s., 52 Kent st., - ‘ /â€"~ 0 Th d . . â€"The steamer Crandella is .to run an h 51 “1‘3 ay 135* ME; JOSEPPh Willlaffls. excurSion to Port Perry on Dominion Day, cpApERS, CORNERS aft: r 31113;] 8181; dileailifdoih‘i-eémiiil; (flied where. we understand, there is to be a big d H R TEES AND DECORAT‘ONS- Mr. \Villiams was born in Ludlow, Shrog- day 8 domgs. D 7y GOO S 0%56. â€"-â€"Hello ! where did you get those boots? Why at PERKINS Co., 52 Kent street, they have the latest styles and their prices are the lowest. â€"The Patrons of Industry for the county contemplate holding a monster picnic at Sturgeon Point about the middle of this month. â€"â€"The work of tearing down the build- ings on the new Opera House site has been commenced and the work will be rapidly shire. England, 47 years ago, and came to this country when about eight years old. His parents settled in Watertown, N .Y,, and afterwards settled in Canada. where he learned the milling business. Deceased was in the employ of Mr. Finley for about ten years and was a steady trustworthy man. He was a member of the Methodist church, and in politics was a liberal-con- servative. He leaves a wife and four children to mourn his early decease. ‘ Styles to suit customers, Women could not dress as neatly, prettily and becomingly t han at the present time. The Dress Goods Manu facturers have happily combined patterns, Ma terial and grade in harmony with favorable preferences for shade and color. If you like to see dainty designs, Neat Patterns, Fine Goods, and all in the 1.10!T MCTChant 1“ mm“: __ pushed by Contractor White. $11.18 Hurley .5. see the Cheap Express Wfaggons persona... ~ â€"'{‘1hebGranli,3y Rubberdlaciosse shoes best approved and most modern makes we ask you to call and see our stock .50 «r 9; test place in town or . , ,_ _ are t e est. , e sure an go a pair at _ . . “inimgoooas, etc. - Mufï¬n 0f Peterboroush’ 18 um- PERKINS 00s.. 52. Kent street. Lmd- We are determined to please our patrons by the liberal ch01ce of goods we ‘ ing inch 3 “1 tOWh- . say, ï¬rsr door east of Cathro 8.: Co. ' - - offer. We have also resolved not to displease them by disregard for their ~317.04 contributed in Lindsay, in aid of Algoma and North-west Evangelical and Colportage Mission. is gratefully ack- nowledged by Geo. Ruskin, Missionary. June 3. 1892. . â€"â€"Flags were at half mast over the post ofï¬ce and a number of business'places and private residences on Monday last, to mark the ï¬rst anniversary of the death of Sir John Macdonald. -â€"The Young Men’s Association of St. Paul’s church held a grand excursion to Sturgeon Point on Tuesday last, per Alice-Ethel and palace barge. A pleasant time was spent by all present. â€"â€"There will be a sale of lots at Stur- geon Point on Wednesday, June 22nd. A number of buyers from a distance are expected to be present. The Crandella will carry intending purchasers to and from the Point free of charge. â€"-A fatal accident occurred on Thurs- HO S I EB i . I†' day last about three miles from Uphill, in 7 the township of Digby, by which a child . . of 1 year, the son of Mr. O. Sullivan, met It 15 1mposs Efifilï¬zti‘éa ï¬gzbfï¬sgï¬hiiï¬ffez ï¬rst: particular style and grade might have a larger space â€"â€"Mr. F- R. Curry, druggist, of Minden, was in town for a few days last week. â€"-Mr. Wm. Farquharson, of Toronto, spent Sunday last in town with friends. interests in regard to prices. - - - - ~ GLOVES, ' All feminine hands look dainty in our Gloves. for we carry an assortment that cannot fail to meet any requ1rement. COBSETS,â€"â€"â€"- We ask special inspection of our present line of these goods. They com- mence at 25 cents per pair. They are strong and durable. 3 Balls, Croquet Setts, Lally celebrated ' Lacrosse Sticks, c. Forget the 5 cent wall paper at L A G ER. . A. METHERELL’S, Kent Street, Lindsay. :0 368111 for the betidge Organs and â€"Mrs. A. O’Laughlin is at present visiting friends and relatives in Belleville. __________’â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" -Mr. George Newton, of the Canadian Press, Campbellford, spent Saturday and Sunday of last week in town. â€"Mr. N. A. McLean, of Toronto, is spending a few days vacation in town with his brother, Mr. H. R. McLean. â€"Mr. John Hart, bookkeeper for the Sadler, Dundas Flavelle Milling Co., is. enjoying a holiday visit under the parental roof. â€"Mr. Wm. Flavelle, of Dundee, Fla- velle do 00.. intends leaving on Monday next for the English and German markets. He will be absent about two months. â€"â€"Mr. A. B. D. Goldie. left town this week on a visit to “Merrie England.†Mr. Goldie expects to be absent for a year. His many friends here will wish him a receive HURSDAY, JUNE. 9 1892- tention. / ' Town and County. _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" A Sett of Good Teeeh ,, meander, for $10.. at GROSS' Dental L miiinsay. See his new card. __â€"â€" ible to be speciï¬c in the description of such a stock, when each devoted to it than we Promenade Concert. - Hamilton . . . . . . 'y OI‘kS anex: promenade concert to begiven pleasant holiday amidst early associations. few hours after. can spare for the entire item. . neCitiren’s band mu be held “.1 the ""'â€"“ â€"An excursion to Muskoka is to be _ =2: â€5:111; f1“ t}? efemhgx‘ifwfgéday, The New Wharf. given by the Beaverton Lodge No. 249 of ‘ ‘- De. 0 u par mu ars A little ruffle of excitement was caused I'O'O'F' on Wednesday, June. 15th“ The r excursion Wlll run from Lindsay Via on Tuesday morning at the new wharf, when it appeared a misunderstanding oc- curred between the Crandella and Alice Ethel. It appears that there is a by-law regulating the time a boat should occupy the wharf ween otherwise required, and both boats were billed for leaving with ex- cursions about the same time. The Crandella havmg been tied up so as occupy the whole space, the captain was requested to drop down a. little so as to allow the Alice Ethel take on her passen- gers, which the captain did not seem will- ing to do. The authority of Mayor Ray was called into requisition. His worship gave the Crandella a certain time to move, . . . difference, and canoeists passmg by are and when that time expired and no sign of moving being apparent, the mayor greatly annoyed at the blasphemy Of these ordered the lines to be let go and the young ruï¬ians. One or two arrests, would MILLINERY, boat shoved out. The Crandella dropped we think, put a stop to all such boisterous Bl'llackwaiterb Jémaiï¬n] to Ava'erl‘liurSt , I t ence y 03. to aa. - spec1a rain 3 J h F 1t H t f Sp g tittzii‘iï¬difdfifétt rattan: M3113 BOYS and Yout S e as 01‘ h“ - will reach Lindsay at 10.25 p.m. The Beaverton Citizens’ band will accompany 51.5% the excursion. Tickets from Lindsay and . . return $1.50, good for the one day only. mzNeckJW'ea'r Shlrts and Under- ___\V7e WOUId call the attention 0f the // police to visit a number of bathing resprts b1 S t 1 d up and down the river, as it is a hint tly ' _ occurrence to see boys, and even yhung wear 1n seasona e y as an men, standing around the waters edge without the necessary bathing require- Grades ments. Sunday’s don’t seem to make any Married in Peterboro, Tuesday last Mr. T. F. Matthews, Elise. Matthews. esq., of this town, carried to Miss Ella Stratton, sister R. Stratton, esq., M.P.P. The Rev. Trotter performed the ceremony. Irinzxv couple left on the evening ai-l't ur through the states. We :hem prosperity. v : Mill Improvement. -;- indie-r, Dundas o; Flavelle Milling Pas. nearly completed the extensive L'--:I‘.‘.~'I‘.'.$ which have been going on the was: five or six weeks. The riot-1;: Wheelock Compound engine » ll‘ftS been placed in position, and it its: time was put in motion on mm ““ Mdlm‘llh. . lllls. hl ‘NI- . ‘43- :rht‘ l‘;)‘1‘1};11:“31:‘:325 $1335.32: down stream for few yards when she was CODdUCt- b d f E hmehC‘F‘tce ‘ f' ' ’ tied up. The Alice Ethel came along side â€"â€"Arranoements have een ma e or a - a in our WCILC ui ed stablishment YOU Will be more th ;~..:. 1‘1“}.‘3‘5 gentleman deserves 11th and took on her passengers and steamed union exchrsion of the Methodist and IS a prominent ,fbature 1 EPPP ‘ ‘9 . LT: creditVfoi‘ the mannir in _W 1:] away after occupying the wharf about Presbyterian Sabbath schools of Dunsford, agreeably surprised at our Sty CS an I‘ICCS. . . . _, 7 ; 1! Us tau-med out the tas assigne , half an hour. We do not propose to to be held on Wednesday, June 23rd, per T ‘_ ..1ï¬g_,__,~m‘ trill-3 difï¬culties and unconvenience - me an erson for this little breeze but ".1 trim: of premises, and other bla yp 9 certainly it is to be regretted that a better '0“ ice- t e an a ace arge. e boa , . iAvill leEvii Lindiiai') zit 7 3% a.m., grilling at House FuTHIShlngS and FlttlngSo _.._,....,. ing will leave grounds at 4 pm. Games and sports of all kinds will be indulged in. Tickets, adults 25c.;children 15c. All are . . Collegiate Institute Notes. .,.d..11,.......d. ,, Carpets, 011 Cloths, Matts and,,Matt1ngs â€"â€"The formal closina exercises in con- â€"â€"Thursday last? June 2nd, was the ' a twenty second anniversary Of the Battle Stock abounds in these Goods, both in necessaries and nection with the Collegiate Institute will of Rid 1,, h F - d In 1. . . o geway, w1.n t e enians un er g . . be held 0“ thay June 24th Present?†General O’Neal crossed the Niagara river novelties. nght and proper pr1ces on all Goods. . . . . tion of prizes and medals and in all prcb- at Fort Erie and were met by the volun- ability an address by Prof. 'IFlarllie, 0f tears at Ridgeway. The volunteers were Trinity College, Toronto, W1 ma 6 up commanded by Col. Booker, who had had the evening programme. no experience in warfare ; and owing to -â€"On Saturday lasta friendly game of wrong orders haying been given, they baseball was played upon the school were thrown into confusmn and were grounds between Lindsay and Peterboro obliged to retreat. The Fenians also Collegiate Institutes. The playing was retreated, as they knew that another large sharp and spirited on both sides and re- force of volunteers and regulars were ad- sulted in a victory for the home team of vancing on them from another quarter. 25 to 3. The Peterboro boys, takeiiupon The Fenians did not make any other the whole, were very much younger and attempt at invasmn, and they soon after smaller than their opponents, and for their disbanded. The Review of Friday last says 2 “ Mr. than; on which the iitflldii’: 23:: understanding should not have been ar- Ball Point at 9.00, Pleasant Pcpiï¬t, 3.30; . - :znu'HinV’ count 2 ' . - . . . . .' 7. . . ' .,, _ .. I . . . rived at. The wharf has been placed theie Bells Landing, 9.4.), Dunsfor an mg, . ~. .. ,_ ,mgï¬ ! 5:)011'98 oneTot 3w ruff}: for the accommodation of our citizens, 10.00; Scotch .Line, 10.15; arriving at Remember, when 100k111g for LACE CURTAINS our assortment commences at 30¢ Wield ihe “Hume. 0 s W W and mt for my one boat The councfl Grahams Landing at 11 O’CIOCk' Return- a pair. Our 25c CURTAIN POLE is the best in the trade. . . w .. 4.; the work has been accomp- ’ €51. the engine was running at *iiwil. Mr. Buchanan placed a cent, 7"†41 its edge, on top of the .r..‘ seems determined to support the mayor in carrying the regulations. â€.3," , 7.31:: Where it. remained some time :ziken mil, without in the slightest 2": Using :til'ected by the motion of the :Ltierr. â€"_._ , Y. M_ C. A. Notes. 3Vsizviziisraiidiiig the heavy rain last my 'tizcrnoon, the young men’s meet- "“0 7‘. I‘vi'j: profitable one, Rev- hlr. ii'tiiburton, gave an intensely â€resting 2;!.'.l practical address on the ‘13â€Q-ii: you‘mto Hen.†It is to be the young men of our town ;~._ opportunity of hearing him MEN’S BOY’S And. YOUTH’S Ready-made Clothing, lclaims to Novelty in Styles. Variety in Patterns and Moderation in Prices, We lay specia . . , , . . mWe are able conï¬dently to 1nv1te inspection of our prices With any other made on a w. ‘n . i ï¬fe long. Preparations are already being made 33') â€"lilut'nl of the Assocration to the j . The ladies committee has size and agr} “put IIIDP" ablverhdfair gym, 1 1 . d1 â€mi-(011 to ' "tie the additional especially 1" 955â€Â» um e, . arms, 19% F. Matthews wasp easanty surprise ast . - . . ‘hhinzs whichpxriiilllbe required because and McKee, and though they dld hOt W1“ evening at his residence on Wolfe street. like grade Of gOOdS, and feel Shre that the comparison cannOt fall. Of bemg -. .3381 The employees of the Peterborough Pack- in our favor, asgour prices are gunapproachable. 55......3' moi-x, ___;_ the game, nevertheless by their honor, .:5¢1:truei' number of rooms. The . _ pluck, gentlemanliness and we might a1- {Elinor and co-operation of the ladies 33?: turn is necessary to the successful Cnplishmmzt of this task. To this end 'lotic meeting will be held on Thursday We: next. the 10th inst. at 8 pm. fi’ 1:1 the Association room, to which ladies are earnestly invited. Brief ad- e=3€8 will be given setting forth the ing House and the George street store most add, their good looks won golden waited upon Mr. Matthews in a body and opinions of all, especially the young lpdies. presented him with a short, compliment- FOI‘ Lindsay, Messrs. Perry, Mchenme ary address. accompanied by a handsome and Cathcart did gOOd work. Mr. B-,H- marble clock, with bronze ornamentations, Brooks, 0f Peterboro, acted as umpire, the occasion of the pleasant expressions and “he dld it very W911,†his dec1sion in being the anticipation of Mr. Matthews most eases being received by both_ clubs as joining the ranks of the benedicts at an hire and scone of Young Men’s Chris- perfectly .thtaWhiCh, by the way, Is amost early date. Mr. W‘ 0' Barloworead the ~ 1.1 ASSUClitilUll work, and the valuable unusual thing in a baseball match. Mr. address and made thapresentation which " Eta-Me ladies may render in carrying it S. Smithson, one Of Peterboro 5 promis- was a complete surprise .to the recipient, ' Let all keep the date in mind and ing young men, accompanied the team as who, however, made a suitable reply. Re- 11:0 attend. “war correspondent.†freshments were served and a very plea- ‘The Young men’s meeting Will be held __Remember the institute plcnlc by sant social evening was Spent With Sing- X: Shnd ‘ " t mer Alice-Ethel and soc-w to Wash- ing. music, etc-n "11 are cgidifngsiï¬iiid'm All young 8 ea (Additional local matter on the 8 Page,)