W! I??? Hiszeply to the Invitation From the Irish Party. Mr. Edward Blake sent to The Mail on Saturday the following statement regard- ing the invitation he has received from the leaders of the Irish party to contest an Irish seat at the approaching Imperial general elections :--â€" u‘ n 97 â€73' L_ usuvv-novnav vv-v- ' - “ On Tuesday last I cabled to the effect that I was deeply sensible of the high honour done me, but feared I was too old and too unfamiliar With the arena to be in any degree useful to the great cause, I would accept a safe seat, but that I could not attempt a. doubtful or costly contest, and it would be rather difï¬cult for me tn start forthwith, and I request certain par- ticulars, which I thought important, as to the time of leaving and the proposed seat. an.--“ -,_,, “ Though I would have preferred to await a. ï¬nal conclusion before saying any- thing with regard to the unanimous invi- tation of the Irish ; arty to accept an Irish seat in the Imperial House of Commons, yet, in View of its publication and of the many inquiries I have received, it is per- haps better that I should make a. brief statement before leaving for Murray Bay. Burst-m, June 18.â€"At the Ulster con- vention yesterday Mr. Andrews, president of the Ulster Reform Club, declared on behalf of the Liberal-Unionists that they would never elect members to a Dublin parliament and Would never give their allegiance to such a body. Mr. Andrews concluded his speech amid the greatest enthusiasm, the whole convention rising and wildly waving hats and hankerchiefs. He declared “that as a last resource we are prepared to defend ourselves and we will do so.†The. resolution was carried unanimously. Rev. Dr. Lynd, a. Presbyterian clergy- man, moved the adoption of the second resolution. He denied that Ulster men‘ WIDE-ELLE E W133“ “ The pressure on the time of the Irish leaders is just so overwhelming, and they are called on to deal with so many matters of inï¬nitely greater moment. that an im- mediate reply to my enquiries could not reasonably be expected ; and I have no further information on the subject. “This is not the time to give reasons for a decision, which I cannot help some~ times hoping may, after all, be ineffective. I may yet be spared the pain of leaving Canada. Let me just say now that, should it be my lot to go, I can be sustained only by the belief that I g) in the discharge of duty, and by the hope that I may before long return to my home and friends.†Mr. Blake left on Monday for Murray Bay, where he has a. summer residence. 0n receiving a favourable answer to his message to the Irish leaders he will set sail at once for the Green Isle. Before sailing he will not visit Toronto, but he intends to spend the months of September and October here as it is not customary for the Imperial House to meet until Novem- ber. Many called on Mr. Blake on Saturday afternoon and Sunday to bid him good-bye and wish him success in the Old Land. Men of Ulster WEH Resist- MR. EDWARD BLAKE. cnossuav’s W M i; A11 widths and qualities. Good value an: 250, 350 and 400 per yard. Very heavy and Wide 650 $1. 00. ment: when dominated by a reckless spirit of lawlessness, would be dominated by a most intolerant and arbitrary priesthoqd. Rev. Dr. Kane, 3 clergyrnan of the Church of Ireland, seconded the motion, which was also supported by Mr. J. D. Dunville, Mr. W. J. Doulaghan. a. tenant farmer, Mr. Robert Greer and others. This'resolutiun was also unanimously adgptedl - _ - - ..-. u The third, fourth and ï¬fth resolutions were then taken up in turn, and after a number of speeches were made, in which the speakers reiterated the idea of iesis- tance, as voiced by the previous speakers, all were adopted by unanimous votes. Captain Sharman-Crawford then pro- posed a. vote of thanks to the Duke of Abercorn for presiding. Mr. J. J. Whyte, D. L. (Loughbucland,) seconded the motion. The vote of thanks was passed and the immense crowd then arose and joined in singing “God b‘ave the Queen.†The volume of sound was tre- mendous. Rev. Dr. McCutcheon, president of the Methodist College at Belfast, then pro- nounced the benediction and the conven- tion ended. The proceedings occupied a. little over two hours. Riéhard Embree, C. P. R. agent at Boissevain, who skipped out with the company’s funds, has been captured near Calgary. V Ex-Attorney-General Martin left for England yesterday, in connection 'With the appeal in the Manitoba school case. An Insane lrishman‘s Frenzyâ€"Livelv Times at Edmonton. WIXNIPEG, June 19.â€"Patrick Casey, an insane Irishman who is under the impres- sion the detectives are on his track. on Saturday set ï¬re to the Canadian Paciï¬c railway bridge not far from this city, to prevent them from following him on a train. The westbound train was proceed- ing on its way, smoxe was seen rising irom the debris, and the train was stopped be- fore the spot was reached. As the train gang went forwardto inspect, the man rose from a ravine and started off on the run. He was overtaken and placed under arrest. It was immediately seen that the Door fellow was demented, as Carey ac- knowledged doing the work of destruction and explained that he had done it to pre- vent detectives in pursuit from crossing the structure. Casey was brought into the city, and is now in a cell. There is a big row at Edmonton be- tween residents of the present tcwn site and those who are booming the new town site across the river. The climax was reached on Friday when, acting under in- structions from. headquarters, the ofï¬cials of the Dominion lands and crown timber ofï¬cers attempted to move their building across the river. The citizens of the old town gathered in a body and forcibly took possession of the buildings, preventing their renioval. An indignation meeting was held on the scene of the row and a telegram was sent to Ottawa asking that the order for removal be rescinded and demanding the dismissal of Land Agent Anderson. Whom the excited citizens ap- pear to hold responsible for the trouble. NORTH-WEST N EWS, FLOOR OILCLOTHS. THE BUNDAS FLAVELLE I305. INTO THE PREMISES of Mrs. Eliza- beth Powers. two miles south of Downeyville. on or abouf the beginning of May, ONE EWE 8: LAMB. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. MRS. E. POWERS, Who will kindly send us the No. and style of their plows we will send one or a dozen of‘the Johnston Patent Plow Shires, Guard and Underscore Attachment, manu- factured by this company and supplied by our agents at average, ordinary price of common shares. W e will expect testi- momals, if only on post cards, giving candid opinions, as we have many already highly in our favor. Agents wanted; we will pay good salaries to the right men. Address The Johnston Patent Plow Share CL of Toronto, L’td., 4‘23 Spadina Ave. Toronto. Eggs; per dozen ........... O 9 to O 10 Salt,perbarre1. . . . . . . . .... O 00 to 1 40 Straw, per load ............ 3 00 to 6 00 Wool .................... 0 18 to O 20 Hides .................... O 00 to 0 30 Wood .................... 2 00 to 4 00 Bacon ...... perib........ 0091:0010 Mess Pork, per bb]. . . . . 0 00 to 17 50 Hay, per ton ............ 6 00 to 8 00 do extra Prime ........ O 00 to 00 00 Shorts per ton ............ 16 00 to 18 00 Lambskins ............... 0 50 to O 60 Sheepskins. pelts ......... O 50 to 0 60 Live Hogs, “ “ “... 000 to500 Flax seed per 100 ......... 2 00 to 3 00 Dressed Hogs, per 10011). . .. 4 50 to 5 00 Rye..............- 000t0075 Bren per ton ............. 14 00 to 16 00 Mixed Chop. . 1 . ........ 1 10 to 1 2O Screenings ................ 90 t0 1 00 Alsike Clover ............. 7 00 to 8 00 Red Clover ...... - ........ 3 75, t0 4 25 I‘imothy Seed ............ ' 1 50 to 2 00 Corn Chop. , .......... 1 75 to 1 85 Oat Chop ........ s ...... 1 20 to 1 30 Pea Uht’)p'............‘..... 120fo'1 30 3 A LINDSAY MARKETS OFFICE OF THE LINDSAY WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, ONT... June 22nd, 1892. Fall Wheat per bushel, old. 350 80 to O 00 Fyfe do do ............... L) 00 to 0 80 Spring do ................ 0 00 to O 75 Goose do do ........... 00 to 0 65 Flour, new process ........ ‘2 05 no 2 25 Flour, mixed, roll ......... 2 20 to 2 40 Strong bakers. . . . ......... 2 30 to 2 5O Barley, per bushel ......... 42 to 0 55 Peas, do . .' ........ O 00 to 0 55 Peas, large do .......... 0 70 to O 90 Oats. do .......... 0 00 to O 30 Potatoes per bushel ........ 0 20 to 0 00 Butter per lb ............. 0 11 to 0 13 Beef ..................... O 05 to 0 07 Eggs, per dozen ........... 0 9 to O 10 Salt, perbarrel............ 0001:0140 Straw, per load ............ 3 00 to 6 00 Wool .................... 0 18 to O 20 Hides .................... O 00 to 0 30 Wood .................... 2 00 to 4 00 Bacon ...... perib........ 009 boOlO Mess Pork, per bb]. . . . . 0 00 to 17 50 Hay, per ton._. ._ ......... 6 00 to 8 00 -AA. AAAA T0 FARMERS OR AGENTS WATCHMAN. LINDSAY. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1892. Emily, June 11, 1892. 75c. BEST 'Ul.’ v uaALUL ooooooooo do ........ per bushel ........ er 1b ............. .................. r dozen ........... barre] ............ erloau ............ ooooooooooooooooo uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :tra Prime ........ STRAYED. P..;- son-a... oununnonono-.... .‘er............. :- ion-nonaacotuï¬g eed...........' . 9....---.a-noo o l-lcoo'touuto. OOIFa'lvoOanQoo 90 130100 700t0800 3751:0425 150t0200 175t0185 1201:0130 120t0130 5~000037n 5.093010 0000000 0000000 ttttttt 20000170 40710210 000000 0()t0065 20550225 220t0240 230to250 PPLY T0 MR. J OHN A. humus Lindsay, for Moneys for Investment, at Lowest Rates of Interest. Ofï¬ces \Villiam St. in new Dominion Bank build- ‘ MR. NEELANDS uses Ball's Local Antesthetic {of extracting teeth. He is now using a new style or ‘ forcep, which he had expressly manufactured while on his last visit to New York, which removes the teeth without danger of injury to the gums orjaw, the gums healing up beautifully in a few days, and no consequent trouble. Artiï¬cial teeth inserted on all the pogular bases and by the most approved styles and appliances for their retention and comfort. Numbers of persons ' are wearing teeth made by Mr. Neelands over 20 years and never required repairs. Prices from $10 to $65 for aniupper or under set. By the aid of the new Hydro-Carbon Gas Furnace he can make indestructible porcelain ï¬llings and re- store broken and decayed teeth to their original shape, contour and color. By this proceSS old roots can have porcelain crowns attached ; consequently THERE IS NO PLATE REQUIRED. Gas, Vitalized Air, administered for nearly 23 years, extracting teeth {'013 thousands of persons w1thouta partuleofpain. He uses the latest approved appli- anres for administering the Gas. He studied under Dr. Colton, of New York, the inventor of gas for ex- tracting teeth, who has given it to over 160, 000 per sons and not a fatal case. Pérsons from. a. distance will slease send a post card befoe commg. Ofï¬ce, Kent Strett, Lindsay J. NEELANDS, Second-hand Cook Stoves, Crockery, Glassware, Tinware, Mirrors, Sprlngs, Chairs, Mattrasses, Tables, Bedst‘eagls, and Second-hand School Books at the AUCTIO MART, Opposite Benson House I00 MEN AM WOMEN TO BUY LEE]? PPLY T0 MR. JOHN A. BARRON 1 Piano, $125. 2 Counter Scales. 1 Organ, 1 Ice Cream Freezer. 2 Second-hand Buggies, Second-hand Baby Carriages, 'I A__ --_ __ WANTED, J AS. H LENNON M. R. 0. D. S. ' ONT. DENTIST, 4 Second-hand Bedroom Suites 1 Awning. Lindsay. Dealer in New and Second-hand Furnitur 50 Candy Jars. The legal partnership heretofore exist- ing bet ween Messrs. Barron 8; McLaugh- lin, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Debts to the ï¬rm may be settled with either Mr. Barron or Mr. McLaughlin Mr. Barron continues his {rivate practice in the new Dominion Ban ’ building, and Mr. McLaughlin remains in practice in the old ofï¬ce, Baker‘s Block, Kent St. Lindsay. Dated this Blst of May 1892. (S’g’d) JOHN A. BARRON, R. J. NICLAUGHLIN DENTIST All branches of Dentistry, including the beautiful and durable CROWN and BRIDGE WORK, successfully practised by Mr. Gross. An upper or under set of good teeth for $10. Pure GAS and VITALIZED AIR for painless extraction. Free when artiï¬cial teeth are required. Over 30 years exper- ience. Rooms over Kennedy’s store. op- posite Dominion Bank, Kent Street. I w. H. GROSS! Dissomtion of Partnership. AND THEâ€"â€" PORCELAIN FILLING SYSTEM 2 Biscuit Cases. LINDSAY ! Money lent on mortgage, and h gages and notes negotiated. :1 loans at 6 per cent. ISS SILVER, Teacher of 1m mental and Vocal Music. Painting. Residence, 27 Willis: North. 4 HOUSE AND LOT FOR 8 - RICHARD \VILKISS or to G. H. Hopkins, Barrister C. P.S.â€"-Good milch cow for sale. OTS 3 4 Block H H. East‘ Lindsay, 1% acres. Good how" barn, good garden with large sum! fruit trees, and small fruit. Rarei tunity as property must be sold. - HE WEST HALF of lot 10 in! Con. of Eldon, County of‘ 1 cont_a.in_in_g 190 acres more or less 1 to DALIL’AS WRIGHT, mew: pggmises, or by letter to Argyle Eldon, June 11', 189:2. HE SOI'TH WEST Park Lot “A .†cansi J- Park Lot “A â€cansistin}: a half acres. There is a dwel. well and good orchard on the For pgrtiiculars apply on preni IENRY M ATH E. V VI ' SD. This GREAT COUGH CUREafl‘ WA EulCONSUMPTIONC CLRE WK u“. vv-vvva-n â€"-vâ€" v. allel in the history of mechczner-lï¬;e 5 ac authorized to sell it on a POEM a. test that no other cure can 511: orB! Ifyou have a Cough, Sore T h??? c use it, for it will cure you. b use“ the Group, or Whooping Cougmcad flu“ and relief is sure. If You daffaztv disase CONSUMPTION. Whig 3 wilf. cure you or cost n%%i¢ Druggist for SHE-«OH,S CLLuncS ’1' acts. and $1.00. “flour £51195" lame. uxShiloh‘s PM 4 MUSIC AND PAINT! For Sale or to R911? SHILOH’S cowsule0| cuaz.‘ MONEY TO LOAN. FOR SALE :56":me a roar is bring maée 12'1“ Good\\'iu,'l'rn_v.N.Y..nz w-r“ " '35.“ you may nu: make a: 1m.- ‘tcach you quickly how 10 $10 :1 Jay at the Han. and Div}? 1!? nth “1's. ail at». In I!!! I. _\‘«-u ran cvnum'm‘c 3: MI . n“ yuur timemr Spare mama“ th- work. Ail is new. um: pl! every Worker. We Man you. everything. EASILY. SI‘EHDILY- l'Alfl'lCULABS FREE. Addm“ «115505 a 10.. warms. M MOORE 8: JACKSG 811119 BUILD [ARDIN For Machinery 0: in advance of all 30118 dealers wou 3 same thus increa 1g the purchase] nur Oils. None For sale by all 801er by MCCOH IcGALL’S UNEQUA Volume V o OF FRAUD elle bona-flde. at half pri‘ be sold at her run out. go Eds, of 86 Kent St. Li: Is on receip ON 7‘! .1; D00 Number SF