I"?! sgg L Patterson. .. .31 72 Mrs McKinnon. ................. 74 Mrs Carmichael, tor Annie Brown. . . 1 46 Mrs Johnson ........................ I 15 Amos Stroud, 1 day ...... . ............ 1 00 J James. 1 day ............... . ....... ‘l 00 Samuel Marshal S; lot23and lot 24 . omiStobec dtothelands. 136 -Carried. Moved by Mr. Mark. seconded by Mr. Shaver, that the reeve give his order on 1 the treasurer in favor of Peter Brown for] the- sum of 850 salary as collector for 1894.â€"Carried ....... Mr. Adams entered and tool: his seat ...... Moved by Mr. Shaver. seconded by Mr. Mark. that Mr. A; McPherson be a inted pathmaster in the place of W. hort, who cannot attend to the same and the corporate seal be attached thereto.â€"Carried. . . . .Moved by Mr. Shaver. reconded ‘by Mr- Mark- that the reeve be appointed as a cOmmit, tee to meet the committee appointed by the council of Brock to amn for a settlement between Brock and ariposa a to the performance of statue labor on the town line between said townships, and 3. Adam Esq. 2nd deputy reeve, be appointed to make a similar arrangement withthe council of Eldon With reference to the performance of statute labor on the town line between. Eidouyand. Marinas ' and theeierkeorreapond with and to ask' ‘ the council of Eldon t6,appoint a com. seine! tent-st l!!- Adem-Qm-Ied ...... Special to the Watchman. COUNCIL Pnocmmcs. â€" Council met this 20th day of Maw, 1895. Members resent: Messrs. Lownsbrough. Shaver, ark and Swnin; absent. Mr. Adam. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Moved by E. Mark. seconded by J. M. Swain, that the following abate- }nents beallowed to P. Brown, collector CM. CROPS.â€"The crops in this section never looked better than the present appearance for this season of the year. Wheat at $1 per bushel and all other articles advancing in price makes the good farmers smile. BASE BALLâ€"Our sports seem to be pushing base ball with new vigor, and we believe in a. short time a good record will be made. i body. The deceased was among the earhest settlers, who emigrated to the wilderness of Canada. His partner in life still survives him to mourn his loss, both upwards of eighty years. The funeral took place on Sunday and was followed by a. large number of friends and acquaintances. OBITUARX. â€"It is our sad duty this week to chronicle the sudden death of Mr. J no. McFadyen. one of the oldest settlers of this SlCtiOD. On Tuesday previous, 8. blood vessel had burstedy which was the cause of his almost sud- den death He lingered until Saiur ‘ day morning, when life left the feeble Uxxox PIC-NIc.â€"A union pic-nic under the au5pice8 of the public schools of this community, is now am der discussion and no doubt will take place about June 16th inst.. W'atch for further particulurs. Spï¬cial to the Watchman respected, and loved by all who knew her. On Sunday last her remains were followed to its last resting place in the Presbyterian cemetery by a. large number of friends and acqualnt- ances. Much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family in their sad hour of trouble. - OBITUARY.-â€"It is with regret we chronicle the death of Miss Annie Elliott, of this section, who departed this life on May 3lst last. The de- ceased wasa daughter of Mr. James Elliot, of this place, who was much "Sermon Rspom‘sâ€"The following is the standard of the pupils of S. S. N o. 10., Fenelon for the month of May:â€" Senior Fourth Classâ€"Annie Cunning- ham, Lizzie Cuthhert. Junior Fourth Classâ€"Neil Parrington, Mabel Rea, Johnnie McNish. Senior Third Class -â€"â€"George Parrington, Jennie Hayle, Greenwood Parrington, Edith Taylor Junior Third Classâ€"Gertie Haygarth, Hattie McNish, Farquahar Parting- ton, How ard Staples, Fred Rea. Sen- ior Second Classâ€"Meta Haygarth. Junior Second Classâ€"Lily Rea. Part Second Classâ€"Bessie Parrington, Flossie Rea, Luella Haygartb, Hattie Taylor. Special to t e Watchman. HOME Acumâ€"Mr. John M. Mar- shall returned on Monday last from Tomato, where he spent a few days in visiting relatives. Mr. Marshall xe- ports greater damage done by frosts between Lindsay and Toronto than in this districtâ€"Gazette. Spgéal to tbs WaEhinaE BUILDINGâ€"Mr. W. N. Jefl‘rey is busy at present veneering Mr. Joseph Perrin’s dwelling house. Mr Jeffrey is a good bricklayer and fully under- stands his business. Powuas' foam-ms. ILLNEss.â€"Mr. John Knox has been somewhat incapaciated for work for some time‘by rheumatism. We trust that he may be restored and set free from those rackmg pains. LOCAL NEWS-LET'I ERS Nobody knows of our troubles, Of the paths of trial we’ve trod ; Nobody knows of our sorrows, Nobodyâ€"only God. Nobody knows what’s before us, That is ruled by Destiny’s rod ; Of all the dangers in store for us, Nobodyâ€"only God. Nobody knows how we grieve for those \Vho are lying beneath the sod ; Nobody knows of our anguish, N obodyâ€"only God. MARIE’OSA. BURY’S East-2N: HARTLEY. BALSAS LAKE. GOD KNOWS. TIE EM Loxa.â€"Mr. G. Byers lost. valuable cow: the other day under y-peculiar circumstances. It appears he, had occasion-to tie the . animal. .to a fence, and in her struggla to get free she dislocnbed her neck. ' .1 ANNIVERSARY.â€"Already the Metho dist Sunday School' are making arrangements for their anniversary, wh§ch will be held as usual on Domin- ion day. Look out for particulars later on. ’ PERSONALâ€"Miss Linton is visiting herlold friends in this locality ...... Mr. and Mrs. E. Bewell have gone fox-1a. week’s visit to friends near Col- lingwood ..... Mrs. Walker is getting her house re-shingled. Contractor Miller did the job ...... R. Watson has been laid up for as few days, owmg :03. fall froma building near Ux bridge. The following accounts were ordered to be paid:â€" John Johnston, salary as collector$90 00 Alex. Dunseath, “ “ 40 00 Witness fees, Hall v Verulam. . . . 11 10 James Dickson, aurveyinz. . . . . . . 6 00 Ju._Humphx_'eyl_._aasisting en_rv_eyor 2 50 A by-la'w appointing era_,_etc. was passed. Moved by J. Kelly, seconded by J. Akister, that Wm. Mann be authorized to get Surveyor Dickson to examine post at s. w. corner of John J. Devits’s land, and to take the necessary steps to have the same proven to.-â€"Carried. Moved by J. Kelly, seconded by J. Akieter. that Collector Johnston having completed the collecting of the taxes in full, his aureties be released from their b0nds.â€"â€"Carried. vn-Vl- v AKIL All. Maveci bynj. Akisteh.me.econded by Wm. Mann. that the clerk communicate with Messrs. Moore Jackson to the Nicholl’s road, and give them a state- ment of the case. Curried. A communication was read from Messrs.:Moore Jackson relative to road 8.199;: the north side of N. N icholl’s farm. be reqmred to bear the costs of the witness fees. l The reeve repwrted that he and the deputy had inspected the place on the road where N. Hall upset hie threshing machine and un careful examination they declined to pay damages. Suit was sub- sequently brought in the division court, and judgment given in favor of the municipality. The plaintiff not being a. man of any meant} the municipality will The codncil'adjoumed'uu Jane 2M] After hearing the various appeals against the assessment, it was resolved on motion of Messrs. Akister and Junkin, that the assessments of James Long, IMorgan Johns and George “'hite be con- ï¬rmed; that Sam Quiuley be reduced $100 on e§ ] con 9, and $50 on ei; 2, J33. ‘ A. Oliver;$200 on eï¬ 26 con 8. Richard Warren 8100 and John Lewis 8100 on 9 con 5; that John McDonald’s acreage be reduced to 175 on lot 3 con 5: that James Humphries acreage be corrected to 176 for 12. and 10 for e3 con 8; that Thee. Courtney have wï¬ 8 con 7 added to his assessment and the same be struck off Jas. Lithgow. Court then adjourned to June 20th. General business was then taken up by the councilgwith Reeve Lithuow in the chair. on Monday, at the town hall. Bobcaygeon, as a. court of revision. All the members were present, and after taking the re- quired declarations Mr. Jas. Lithgow was moved to the chair. WOODVILLE. . A Conancuoxâ€"To the Editor of THE WATcmrAN,â€"DEAR SIR.â€"â€"Will is you kindly give the following space in h your valuable paper; I have been creditably informed that parties to answer their Own purposes have been belittling the McCormick binder, and are using my name, reporting that I am trying to dispose of one that I am using. I now most emphatically deny making any such statements. I com- menced us1ng the McCOrmick binder, a perfect stranger to it and its con- struction, as it is entirely different to any of the binders that I have been accustomed to using. and I never lost twenty minutes on account of it going wrong. It is by long odds lighter of draft than any of the elevating binders. The one I have isa Six-foot cut. I have newr found the necessity of more 1 than two horses. I cut some ninety 1 acres of grain last harvest, some of which was very heavy, and some lig t, and four acres of which was ‘badiy tangled, and the binder did its work well in each case. It is much simpler, needs less oiling and is hand- ier than any of the others. I never have to take down gateiposts to get- from one ï¬eld to another. When I have to get another binder, the Mc- Cormick will be my choice. Yours Truly, W. J. Bssca orr Swain, that the reeve give his order on the treasurer in favor of the Wilkinson Plough Company for the sum of $52.00 acc. for road scrapers.â€"Carried. ...... Moved by Mr. Shaver, seconded by Mr. Mark. . that the reeve give his orders on the treasurer in favor of the following persons for work on roads: W. Sanguines and J. Brown, culvert lot 12 con 3, 810; L. S. Spark, work lot 12, con 5, $2: \V. Burden for stone hammer acc., E. Mark, $1.25.â€" Carried ...... Moved by Mr. Mark, second- ed by Mr. Shaver, that the clerk be ‘instructed to notify W. E. Yarnold, engineer, to urge the completion of Short‘s ‘ drain not later than let September next, without fail.-â€"Ca.rried.. .Moved by Swain. seconded by Mr. Mark, that this council adJourn to meet again on the third Monday in June for general business and court of revisionâ€"Carried. GREEN BAN K. VERU'LAM. J on}: F. CUNNINGS, Clerk commission- COUNCIL Paocsnnmcs.â€"The members 1, 0t Ops council met pursuant to notice on e Monday. May 20th, to consider and decide the road appropriations for current year, and to transact ordinary business. After due deliberation the sum of $2,300 was appropriated for roads and bridges; $750 of which are to be expended west of the river and $1,550 east of it. The sub-1 divisions of the towrship are as follows : ‘ West of river and south of Oak- wood road. Reeve Ellis com, app .............. . ........ 8350 00 , West of river and north of Oak- wood road. Coun. Hutton, com. app .................. 400 00 T East of river and south of 3rd qr. - line and West of 7th con. line ‘ Conn. Fox com. app ........ 426 00 East of river and north of 3rd qr line, Coun. Robertson, com. app 639 00 East of 7th con line and south of 3rd qr line, Conn. Rea, com app .......... . ........ s. . . 485 00 h After transacting other ordinary busi- ‘ ness the council adjourned at 6 p. m. to 1 net on Monday, 27th, as a court of 1 revision. 1 Count or RBVISION.-â€"Th0 Ops court a of revision was held pursuant to notice on ‘ Monday, May 27th. There were only six appeals saainst-sssessmentand the were~ I decided as follows : John‘Jordm, ot'21, ; con 1. 1974; acres. 487,500. assessment r reduced to $7.300; J Olin Twohey. st. lot "‘1 27, con 4 200 aches. $7.000. assessment conï¬rmed; Jss. Fabelb 91: lot! 17 and 18, con‘9148scres.85,m04 Mont 000- e: ï¬rmed; Tho-aloe, lot. 2.1, can 4’4, 197 s: 861’me assessment reduced so 11 Special to the Watchman. DIPHTIIERIA.â€"The spread of diph- theria in the Guilford settlement has been so rapid that the whole of this village became alarmed, the Local e Board of Health having taken no “:88 measures to check the spread of the “9 contagion. Four deaths took place ‘C from diphtheria, and were registered nd- as such by the medical attendant but ver still the Board of Health took no act- wet ion. There are today fourteen cases I of diphtheria in the Guilford settle- Ic- ment. As the residentsin the infect- ed houses were not subjected to any quarantine, and were in the habit of coming into the village to transact their business, a general alarm pre~ let vailed, and the outcry became so great .11, that the Board of Health were com- :rs pelled to meet. Accordingly, on Sun- ' *8- day afternoon a meeting of the Board . as was held, which was attended by Mr. h Gorrie, Mr. Prust, Mr. Austin, Mr. 'H; Nivm, and Mr. Dover. It appears ( a, that the Sanitary Inspector for many 1 2, years, was Mr. John Davies, and the ( )- duties were performed very satisfactory, I 'd quietly, etiiciently without giving " offence to anyone, and there was no 9 instance of contagious disease spread- 6 ing into the municipality, but this .5 year the council removed Mr. Davies, 6 and appointed Mr. W. Austin, as F ., Sanitary ofï¬cer, he being the brother N 3 of the chairman of the Board of Health V f The Sanitary ofï¬cer Mr. Austin, ‘ now absent, and has been absent for , some time. At the meeting of the , Board of Health on Sunday afternoon Mr. Gorrie said he was of the opinion 9 that something should be done. Dr. ' Giles, the medical ofï¬cer says that he Sp ‘ notiï¬ed Mr. Prust, the Secretary of Fe the Board of Health on \Vednesday th May 8th, that diphtheria was present of} but as no meeting of the Board took ch: place he was in an awkward position, i and could not do but little. The M1 Board aftera rather lorg discussion 3Ҡ. . 01 came to the conclusion to appornt a be person to keep the residents in the ton Guilford settlement from coming into as, the village, and Mr. R. Cruikshank Wr was appointed to the duty. Dr, Giles, 51:0 the medical ofï¬cer, throughout the W" whole matter, appears to have acted â€he . thal very properly, and whatever blame is . , 251 due, must be attributed to the in- wes activity of the Local Board of Health. the â€"â€"Independent. Sim tore Lety FT H V‘ OVER THE OCEANâ€"111'. Edward Boe left last week for a visit to his native country, Scotland. Mr. Boe is an excellent example of what industry and pluck will do. Thirty-nine years ago he and his partner in life crossed the broad Atlantic (and in those days it was not the pleasure trip that it is to-day,) without friends and with ‘scarcel y a shilling in their pockets, but they set to work with brave hearts, and after many hardships and discour- agements they are now well to do, in comfortable circumstances, and respec- ted by all. Mr. Boe’s many friends will join in wishing him a most enjoy- able trip and safe return.-â€"Cbronicle. WANTS TARâ€"It is rumored that a certain resident of the northern par; of ‘the village, after ï¬lling up with bad whiskey went home on Monday night, and after abusing his wife attempted to set ï¬re to the house. Now the ques- fion is where did the Whiskey come trom? Could it be possible that it came from the cottage. even without a- J license. THE WATCHMAN; LINDSAY. THURSDAY. JUNE 6TH.1895: TUSINESS.â€"'-Our carriage builder, Mr. Whileford has been as busy as a bonnet maker for some time turning out a number of ï¬ne rigs of various descriptions. Mr. W. is always up to the times in his business, and any one thinking of investing in anything in his line would do well to give him a call. HALIBURTON. OPS. Moved by Mr. Cum-ins. seconded by Mr. Graham, that the following bills be pnidzâ€"E. D. Hand, advertising court of revision. 81.50; J. Campbell. use of room ‘for council. 81; H. J.‘,Lytle,~ stationary mount 18“, 33.73; E. :Henderson, ramming two dead hex-sec left on lot :, con. 4, 82; J. Clumben, unending tn; f Moved by Mr. Palmer, seconded by Mr. Hall, that the following persons receive “41me the or ratezâ€"E. Field- home, 810; W. Hutc eson and wife, $13, and Mory McFavden. Sarah McFayden, 10hr! Melanin and A. Douglas 85 each.â€" I Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Palmer, that this council will grant $20 as reward for the conviction of the persons guilty of the recent housebresking at Sturgeon Point, provided the parties interested supplement it with a like sum. â€"â€"Carried. ‘ Moved by Mr. Currin, seconded by Mr. Graham, that Mr. Palmer be 1instructed to close the bargain for a ‘ gravel it with Mr. J. C. Parrish, and that Mr. all is authorized to close the bargain fora gravel pit with Mrs. J. C. Scott.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Currin, seconded by Mr. Graham, that Mr. James Blatchtord’a bill for coflin for J. Fieldhouse cannot be ‘ entertained.â€"-Carried. l COUNCIL Pkocnsmxcs.â€"The council then took up general busmesa. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Communications from C. D. Barr and R. S. Porter were read. Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Currin, that Geo. Parringtou’s assess- ment be reduced $100; that Wm. Jordan’s and John Powles’ assessments be reduced $100 each; that Wm. Little- ton’s, P. J. Wilkinson’s and I. R. James’ assessments be reduced $200 each; that Wm. Rutherford be assessed as tenant of broken east part of lot 20, con. 11; that‘ Win McDonald be assessed for part of the north-east corner of lot 15 con. 2. :that Lucinda Tamlin be assessed for lot 25 north of Mill-st, Cambray; that the west half of lot 13. con. 3, be struck nfl the non-resident roll and assessed to D. Sinclair; that Wm. Isaac not having appeared. his assessment be sustained; that the assessment roll of 1895, as now revised, stand approvedâ€"Carried. COURT OF Rsvxsmx.â€"-The council of Fenelon met as a court of revision. All the members having taken the oath of ofï¬ce. Mr. Chambers was appointed chairman. Special to the Watchman . Wiltred Endicott, Minnie Endicott, Lizzie Robinson, \iolet Thurston. First Class, â€"Gilbert Here Katy Hardy, Laura Brien, Willie Robinson, Wesley Irwin. SCHOOL REPORT.â€"-FOlIOWing is the peport of 8.8. No. 7, Fenelon for the ' month of May, names arranged in I order of meritâ€"Fifth Class,â€"Georg- 3 ina Here, Rosetta Hay. Senior " Fourth,â€"John Jackson, Albert Hore, ' Bert Brien, \Villiam W'agstoï¬', Eva 3 Hay, Thomas Jackson, Bertie Irwin,‘ Mary Irwin. Junior Fourth Class,â€" ‘Villie Greer Willie Jackson, Martha Thurston. Third Class,â€"Ethel Ken nedy, Walter Hare and John Endicott equal. Second class,-â€"David Endi- cott, Harry Endicott. “'ilbert Irwin, Robert Sampson. Senior Part Second Class.-â€"Wesley Pollart, Edith Ken- nedy, Wilfred Hore, Minnie Pollard, Ella May Brien, Aggie Sampson.‘ Senior Part Second Class.â€"-Mable Sampson, Mary Eveline Brien, Thom- as Indicott. Lizzie Kennedy, James Pollard, Mary Kennedy. Senior First Class,â€"Joe Greer, Sarah Ann Myres, Lillie Brien, Millie B. Brien, ‘I'T'I ‘- l IIEUU‘J PLEASANT POINT-FENELON Speck! to the Watchman. and changed the name of the assessed Darty from A. and F Perkin to the Dominion Bank. At the request of Joseph Sloan. now living in Lindsay. his ; name was struck off the roll. The list of , appeals being now disposed of, Mr. Robertson moved, seconded by Mr. F ox. ' that the roll as revised be now accepted, ‘ and that the assessor be paid his salary.â€" Carried. Mr. Rea moved. seconded by Mr. Hutton, féthat the reevc and Coun. Robertson inspect Lee’s hill for gravel and view the Feir mill by-road and make such stipulations regarding both as they think proper.â€"Carried. Mr. Hutton moved, seconded by Mr. Robertson. that the G.T.R. 00. be notiï¬ed to grade the approaches to Willock's crossing. lot 24. con 3 and to Open a water course at the intersection of the railway and 5th or line between 4th con line and the river. â€"-Carried. Mr. Rea moved, seconded by Mr. Fox, that the petition of Joseph Little and others to close two lanes or road allowances on the west half lot 21, con. 7. be received and fvled. that the necessary notices be posted and ad- I vertised at the expense of ti e petitioners. Carried. After passing sundry tile drainage by-laws, the council adjourned to meet on Monday. July 8th. J W. F. O'BOYLE. Clerk. assessment} or 2520.000 quite reasonable. Mr. Thos. Fee, being experienced in mill business was asked by the court to give his opinion. He did so under oath, and said he thought an assessment of $12,000 about right. The court ï¬nally reduced the assessment from 820,000 to $15,000, and changed the name of the assessed Barty from A. and F Parkin to tho $650911)â€. Murtha. pt 10: 18, con 8, 73 acres, $2,800, assessment reduced to $2,750. Robt Ross, manager dominion bank, against the assessment and name [assessed of the Parkin mill property. Mr. Steers, of Barron Steers addressed the court in behalf of the dominion bank. and said that an assessment of $20,000 on property which the bank was willing to sell for $8,000, was not in keeping with the assessment act. The assessor stated that he was informed the “plant†cost about $38,000, and that he thought anl assessment of $20,000 quite reasonable. I M_ m._ A , n I . FENELON. Jul ~53 [(314551 OUR SPECIALTIES ARE : OF ALL KINDS. GROGERIES [008, FEED, BREAK FAST CEREALS, GRUBKERY w GLASSWARE AND GOAL I ï¬ll ' OUR LINES ARE :‘ WE LEHD, WE NEVER FOLLOW ‘ UNDERCEKING A SPECIALTY. ANDERSON, NUGENT COMPANY FURNITURE MANUFACTURES. The and well serveci; We‘ ck the best grades and "coaxed to a turn,†ture and keep in sto lowest prices. ,,- __-‘ “van. Vul PU] in almost any house in the cour have purchasers examine it, it w new material, original in its make- “cooked to a turn.†and we†can“ Don’t follow this rule in Know what it’s made of and k who _has taken the dose. Our ' Founded 186:" ‘ Pai above named Company ha ve located and Washington Avenue‘ Made ,ompany have located 7th quarters at the Daly House. OF FICE, SALESROOM AVI) -, Igth to 20th Streets, ST. 9‘. " ' ' In th‘e‘“ â€man. there is still “vi or the govemm‘mt an ancient'vetet v M NaJuneau’s army. tonne ‘ ,_._---6 L uuulUIC. of and how. See some {mend ;e. Our Furniture can be seen in the county, and we like to nine it, it will prove “hash" of in its make-up and seasoning, CARVING BROILERS, M, . . SALES TO JANUARY Toronto, '0ntario FAC’I‘Oky, We manufaE- and sell at the Lindsay, with ’~HASH. R BACKS 77:188. e, aldehyde at 7.1, ether at 3. we 1Icohol at 151, water at 212 sulphu: id at 620 and mercury at 662. '1‘ V6 Defers to tests made at sea. lex- aNineter at 30 inches. en the barometer stands at 30. Show; 3 Pressure of 15 pounds to t “are inch. Remove this pressure. 9“ a portion 01' 1t. and the boili‘ point 01' all liquids changes correspo: “1813'- In making reckonings on :1 59°“ it is calculated that there is m11011 of one degree for each 1 feet 0‘ ascent. In the City of Mexi We? boils at 198 degrees F. and in t Eknalayas at 180. By the above it w be seen that “boiling" water is not : I?" equally hot. This explains why next to impossible to cook bea: ZOta 093' etc., in mountainous regions Asageneral thing we have not mi ith in those seers who profess to in: t dreams. Yet the bright boy in 1 llowing incident seemed to ï¬nd in n- her‘s singulur dream a very pom: : ning, and one on which all b4 ould do well to reflect. if they are e mated to enter one of the establi: u nts where liquor is sold. A laborer e Dundee harbor lately told his wi n awakening, a. curious dream whi -e had during the night. He dream hat he saw coming towards him in 0rd .3 our rats. The ï¬rst one was very f 4.. was followed by tw» lean rats, I rat being blind, The dreamer I f; -..: yperpiexed as to what evil zuig ollow, as it had been undersm .d war ' mof rats denates Coming: exlamii -eappea.led tuhis wife concerning th Htxshe, p0ur woman. could not help hi His son. a shsrp Dd, who heard 11 s 23th tell the story, volunteered to be the i terpreter. :“The fat rat. †he S‘kid “is the mm ' keeps the public-house that ye gum Often, and the twa lean zmes are me Eng mither. and (L: blind ane i> 3e: The Rolling Point. ‘ There are some curious things aboi :he boiling paint of dimeren: 21.1131 "hid! the most thoughtru} never :al ï¬ne to reflect upon. If you have bad fut 0! school six months. it is 1-3 to} .hat you have enflrely forgotten :1 “193131118 0f the term "boiling point" 1‘ £13th to the different elements. 121 “the tempex‘axure at which the dust: force 0f the vapor of any liquid is eqq t° the Pressure of the atmosphere." T1 ““0118 liquids have different bx 1m rm“- Sulphm-ous acid boils at a :r-é 53‘! 2move 17 degrees of the Fahrentï¬ eposits. Such people will not take me of themselves or their faznil {veryg kind of improvement stops peaks down because it has to be fox 1 chose who are indifferent to it. and Irdly conscious of the event. Drunk ass is debt. and it breeds a debtor c ke that of old Rome, who were virtu‘ “May God preserve me irom decent, igno'tble. criminal slavery to n delight of smoking a weed ) which I see so many carried a ' †Charles Lamb, in his “F are tobacco dacribee it as the. 1| Stinking’st of the stinking kind, 'ilth of the mouth and foe of the mi flea. that brags, her fois 3n, ‘ {reeds no such prodigious poison.’ Lord Derby says :â€"“The working cla; pend every year, in drink, more d wentire capital they have in all wings banks and if they wculd o rink moderately for one year, d 0111:! be able to _double their a 0WD 0- â€" y voung men of America e tobacco heart3â€. How many me of them mere children, are ï¬ning the habit which must soo ter result in a “tobacco heart?†.15 of Michigan prohibit the sel Wing or furnishing of totaaco in i m to minors under seventeen yea {9, unless upon the written order 0‘ went or guardian of said minor, lousands of our boys are smoking wily cigarette, or indulging them other forms of the poisonous weed, Lus fasnbringing upon themselves a condition known as the "toh‘ mt.†It is enough to make all lq health and cleanliness pray as Cq sad to breathe. Restoratives on :6 applied but to no purp'se. d of paralysis of the heaxt and Lure of respiration. In reporting event the surgeon said:â€" lstitution was not a very strong: on ‘6 A Tobacco Heart“ .Eeismoker and hadAwl and Naiire