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Watchman (1888), 6 Jun 1895, p. 4

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W train 8nd time-able to Nag"; 1.1!. on Thunday, J nno 13th. Fm â€"-Tho Lindsay and Cunbray lodg as of the Canadian, Order of yOddfellows pmpoc; rupning 9n _ oll~ra_il_ excurgipn by The fixst bid was again made by l-‘lavelle of 7c. for selections; Mr. D. Gunn, of Toronto, offered 7c for the board; Alex, Fisher raised it to 7 1.16 for selections; Spence oflered 7% for selections; Flavelle bid 7 )4 , and Guam raised the offer toT 5.16c and called Game- bridge, Dunsford. Mariposa and Star. Game- bridge was not represented and wished the secretary to forward offer for acceptance. The othets accepted. Mr. l-‘Iav'elle offered 7 5-16c for the balance of the board providing that Lomeville, Deny- vilk, Janctvifle, Minden and Laskdale ac- cept subject to inspection at Lindsay. All the factories accepted. â€"-Tbe nice bright. tags for 1895 are in. --The Eldon agricultural society will run an excursion, by .regular tnin,rto Ragga gang on Weglnfadny. ane 12th._ Av motion wae Khan passed expunging the rule. bu as from vxsxtmg the market. I. Spence said he had to buy so that it would hold its weight at Bellerille. He failed to see where the difference lay if taken on in uezght iqstead of pgice. Mr. Blanchard, of Leaskdalc factoryrobject- ed strongly to any change in the rule, main- taining that cheese should be purchased at just what xt was worth the same as grain. Mr. Flavelle said that if he was a. dealer he would thfnk difierently, He had known chzese torzexyon to shrink two and three pounds. It was allowed in all the leading markets, and if i: was refused in here it would keep outside buyers from visiting Athe_ market: The pxesident said the rule was introduced on the board at Pctexboro last winter but was dmpped at the last meeting, the buyers refus- ingto purchase They wereat the mercy of the Mr. Flavelle said it was the rule at Peter- boro, one of the best markets in Canada. It was impossible t_o egtjmate the s_hrink3ge_._ --‘ The president stated that while at Peterboru the other day he was informed that factories Could secure the services of an inspector for two lessons for $5, or three lessons {or $7. He did not favor the expenditure, other factories could suit themselves. . . .This board had been dealt a severe blow from the fact that Peterboro had sold for 6%, while Lindsay sold 6}§c. The prices would have to become nearer equal or the Lindsay market could not exist. Another injury was that they “ere one week in advance of any board in Canada, and he thought that unless a good offer was made they should ad~ joum for three weeks. Mnb Spence, buyer for the W artingtons, ob jccted tothe clause disallowing the usual half pound {or shrinkage, adding that his firm Would not purchase on the board If xt was adhered to. Petcxboro had suspended the rule. The second regular meeting of the Victoria County Cheese Board was held in the council chamber on Wednesday forenoon, with an in- creased number of factories represented. Some 74 boxes were boarded . President Robinson opened the proceedings by calling for the num- ber of boxes to be boarded and the names 01 any new factories represented, with the follow- ing result:â€" Szar ....................... . ........ 9 3 Iaomeville ............................ 40 Cameron ............................. 52 Dunsford ............................ 77 Gamebridge. .......................... 7o gianposg ...................... . ....... 38 KortbVemlam...................... 4. Mr. Cruise favored selling if a fair offer was matie, after which they could udjoum for‘three Seven new factories are thus reported will: only one absenteeâ€"\‘alemia, which can be accountcd for by the h‘eazvy mini The board 'then adjourned to June 26th. Editorial N otes. _ THE first fruits of the short sighted- ness of the city fathers in not purchas- ing the waterworks came to the fore on Monday evening last. A request was made for two hydrants in the South- west part of the town and is still a. live issue. If it is complied with it will mean an additional expenditure to the town of some fifty dollars per annum, and will at the same time prove a valuable source of revenue to the company from the increased number of water takers. Another point is that if it is the correct thing to com-i ply with the request from this particu. lar section how many more places are similarly situated and likely to be heard from. If hydrants are given where demanded how long will it be before the annual expenditure is in- creased One, two or even three thousand dollars. It is only right that citizens should be afforded fire protec- tion, but who is to “pay the piper?1 Not the waterworks company. now FAIL TO SEE THEM. P O R T E R ’ S . THE LINDSAY CHEESE BOARD NEW AT PORTER’S THURSDAY. JUNE 61-11, 1895 "vibe Watchman. that has been brought into Lindsay this spring. PAPERS ! PAPERS FOR AT ANY 1 ANY ROOM L PRICE you can see the largest and most éomplete stock of PAPERS AT ANY PRICE PAPER yards, 30'; 5nd at 600nm“, 26-homl 113. Mr. Wellington’s score “200 yards, 29; at 400 yards. 30; at 500 yuds. 20; It 600 yards. lfiâ€"total 94. Both parties had siauhots each. . . .On.Saturday night Mr. Hines .180 won 1 silver coke bucket ‘t the thawing my», by nearing 59; out of a palm. 80 pants. â€"On Monday last an interesting shootingmatch took place at the range for a silver tesaet. between the local shoob'sts. Messrs Hines and Wellington. The former made the following scores:â€" At Â¥00Aytmis1 30; at 400 yards. 27; “3500 â€"â€"A young woman named H.A. Botting, resident at 746 Fulhsm road, London, England. writes to the Mayor of Ottawa for a husband. as she sees no prospect of getting one in England. She adds: “I am in my thirtieth year, strong. healthy, good tempered, thoroughlydomeeticated in cooking and housework. and I would do my utmost to make my husband a 200d and industrious wife. Will you do your best for me? But on no account select 3 fair or saudv man unless he is genuine.” -A pleasant excursion will be run to Bobcaygeon, per steamer, Crandella on Wednesday, June 12th, under the auspices of the Fleetwood and Llfi‘ord Sabbath schools. Tickets 25c and 15c. A pleasant day’s outing is assured, and citizens who wish an enjoyable trip should not foil to attend the some. -â€"-The work of Waller Bros. on the fine residence recently built for Mr. Jae. Farrelly. ot Ops. is a credit to this young firm, and is freely commented upon by those who have inspected the work. They are at present putting a nine foot stone foundation under the large barn owned by Mr. Walter Curtis, of West Ops. -â€"At the last meeting of the town council a grant of $1500 was made towards the construction of an isolation hospital. and a building committee appointed. The site has not yet been definitely locat- ed, but this will soon be done and we can expect the first sod to be turned in the near future -â€"-The time for collecting outstanding taxes has again been extended to June 17th. This time it. is final as the rolls must be returned on or before that date. We warn the delinquents to no longer try the patience of collector Spier. but accept gracefully their final mandate and pay their taxes like little men. â€"â€"The Downeyville picnic takes place this year in Flyn’s grove one mile east of Downeyville, on Wednesday, June 12th, Father Bretherton. who has charge, expects to make this year’s outing even a greater success than ever. No doubt a large number will go out from Lindsay. ~Noting the present (f a silver cup to a brother journalist, a western editor says-“He needs no cup, be can drink from any vessel that contains liquor, whether the neck of a bottle, the mouth of a pickle-jar, the spile of a. keg, or the bung of a barrel.” â€"-“The reels begin to hum. now the fishermen have come.” Messrs Geo. Matthie and Jas. Appleby visited the trout stream adjacent to Millbrook on Monday last and captured a nice lot of the speckled beauties which were plenti- fulâ€"as was also the misquitoes. -The Rangeley Lakes is the name of a bright newsy paper that comes to band this week from Rangoley. Maine. It is published by Harry P. Dill. formerly American Consular agent at Lindsay, and C. E. Dill. â€"â€"On Tuesday of last week the Gover- nor-General successfully laid the corner stone for the new eight story palace being erected for the Independent Order of Foresters. â€"â€"The annual canoe club boat races and acquatic sports will be held on Friday and Saturday evenings at the club boat house, foot of Ridout-st. A capital program has been arranged. -â€"The large brick house owned by Mr. Chas. Rawlinson. of Kinmount, was burned to the ground on Monday night. The house was unoccupied and it is supposed that an incendiary was at work. â€"A joint excursion under the auspices of the Queen’ 3 Own Piccolo band of Lindsay, and the Ruboro bran band, will bay held to Indian V ills ge, per steam- er, Columbian, on Monday, July 1st. ~The annual meeting of district lodge, N0. 31, Independent Order of Odd- fvnowe, will be held at Bobcaygeon, on Thursday, June 13cb, at 1 o’clock p. m. ~â€"Bnkeamen R. Marshall and Henley, have been decorated with an extra stripe and are now officiating as oonducton on ‘kpecials” of their own. â€"Mr G. E. Martin, of the Victoria Flour Mills. has put in a new steam boner this week, one of the largest in town. â€"Tbe Bell Telephone Company have expressed their intention of giving an all-night service in this town in a couple of months. -â€"Immenae train loads of lumber are again moving down xhe Midland, from Gravenhurst. â€"-The usual guarantee grant of $200 was made by the town council to the Central fair on Monday evening. â€"â€"Lawn mowers. lawn rakes, rubber hose and hose reels. cheap at VAN Gum’s. ~2‘2-3. .._“What are our young men coming to ‘2” wails a poet. Coming to see our girls, of course. ~This was the tempting notice lately exhibited by a dealer in cheap shirts. q" “They won’t last longat this price . uuAv.-uu _-, ~ Soda Water and other summer drinks at Fox’s. -â€"â€"A Square Piano and a. good Phaeton for sale at 30 Bondâ€"st. Lindsay.â€"â€"19-tf. â€"â€"Throe acres of good land in south ward.â€"Apply to C. CHITTICK.-â€"22 *Paature to Rent in south ward. Six acres. Apply to 0. BIGELow.-â€"22 â€"-De1icious Ice Cream always on hand at Fox's.â€"] 15, LITTLE LOCAL LINES. The “chm; 600 per mm â€"~A very important meeting was held in the Y. M C. A. parlor on ~Wednesday afternoon, (29th inst.) when nearly 501sdies assembled to hear the address from Mrs. Conway. president of the Canadian Asso- ciation of the McAll mission, and Mrs. Howitt, president of the Toronto Aux- iliary. Mr. Robert Ross. president of the W.F.M.S.. of St. Andrew’s church occupied the chair. After the Opening hymn had been heartily sung, Mrs. Ross read :5 portion of the scripture and Mrs. Whiteside led in prayer. Mrs Cowsn was then called upon to address the 'meeting, which she did in an able snd ‘ interesting manner, by giving the history ;of the McAll mission in France. That :very successful work was commenced lover twenty-two years ago by Dr. McAll Land his wife in the city of Paris. The ‘McAll mission is an effort to make known the gas lto the working men and wo- men. he next epeker. Mrs. Hewitt. ex- lsined how the effort was carried out and ow the work was made permanent. Both those ladies have recently visited France and hsve seen and heard for themselves how the services are conduct. ed' in the mission halls. Auxiliary was attained, and the election of officers re- sulted as followszâ€"President, Mrs. Flav- elle, sr.; secretary. Miss Gregory; tress- urer. - Mrs. Milne. The first. regulu meeting willxbe held on F ridsy, J has 28th, at four o’clock in the Y.M.C.A. parlor. The vice- resident end on executive com. mittee ‘ be sppointed st the next â€"â€"They are here again. The first one arrived on Thursday. It was wafted in at noon tide. As the meridian steak and onions sufl‘used their aromatic vapors jthrough the village, the Crandella swept 1 up the lower reach of the river, with flags }flying and the blaze of new paint; Ca t. 'Lew W inters gave the helm a turn to 1 nor, west by west, heading her a point and a half to two points sou-west of the doctor's hen house; the gentleman en the brass horn blew with a vigor inspired by a fixed determination that come what might, his duty should be done, thou h every gallus button was torn out by t roots; John Kerr hitched the bow hawsen to the hydrant box; the grand final tre mirissimo crash; and the fourth line ofl Smith with its brass band and Mr. Fitz- gerald, shook itself out on the Bobcaygeou dock. The season is on, and for the next four months joyous, perspiring crowds will come mussing up our calm quietuae in their hilarious pursuit of re- creation, pop and bananss.â€"-â€"Bobcaygeon Independent. --â€"A full meeting of the board of direc- tors for the Farmers’ I aim: Mutual Fire Insurance Company was held on Saturday afternoon last in the office of the secre- tary. Robert Corneil. Considerable bus- iness was transacted. and among the prin- cipal points touched upon were the adoption of the form of policy to be used, fixing the rates at which the company propose tcdo business and with weare credit- ably informed are much lower than that. of any other company doing business in this county. The new company starts out with very bright prospects, asalready a very large number of farmers have signi- tied their intention of atronizing the Farmers’ union Mutual gnsurance com pany. â€"â€"The children’s aid society will meet in the council chamber on the afternoon of Friday. the 7th June. During the few months that the society has been established grest progress has been made and some young children whose future seemed bent towsrds dangerous paths have been removed from their bad surroundings and steps taken to ensure their turning out useful members of: society. Membership in this society is3 open to all classes and creeds and those sympathising with its objects are re- quested to apply to the president, D. Ray or Dr. Herrirnsn, secretary. l ~01: the 18th inst. Lindsey wi‘) be far- ored w th the annual meeting of the grand lodge of the Canadian Order of Oddfellows. It is expected they will muster fully 150 streamers and will come from all parts of the Dominion. The old opera house has been granted them in which to hold their sessmns, and the town will be honored with their presence for several (lays. A strong committee of the local brethren have arrangements in hand, and no doubt no pains will be spared to make their visit here pleasant as well as profitable. THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, THURSDAY. JUNE 6TH.1895a â€"â€"A G.T.R. railway engineer. the other day said the usual life of a. locomotive was only thirty years. A pusenger remarked such a Dough-looking thing ought to live longer than that. “Well" responded the engineer, “perhaps it would if it did not smoke to much.” ~â€"-A sum of $5 was voted by the town. ship council an a grant: inwards the pup- chase of a fire extinguishing apparatul for Halibut-ton, as soon as a similar amount 3113 been subscribed by the village resi- ems â€"To reduce the blood from the boiling point to temperate, quickly and without- harm, open the cold water faucet and let the water fall upon the wrists of each hand fox several momenta. .._F, C. Taylor, Insurance Agent. Office on the ground floor of the new Opera house, Lindsay-st.-â€"â€"8. â€"A dampened bit of straw paper in the crown of one’s hab- deadens- the strength of the sun’s rays. â€"â€"Tbe floor paints sold at - VAX. CAMI”S sre_ gqaranted to dry hard m 12: hours. _-â€"The cheapest place to buy your unware is at VAN CAMP’S. Two dairy pails for 25c. -â€"Ladies, call and examine our sample? 2'; Parasols at wholesale prices. ”KERR 0. -â€"â€"Go to Dr. Neelands “and get, your teeth extracted without: pam. ~A long hot summer is predicted by amateur weather prophets. Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . Fyfe do do.... . Spfingdo .......... . ..... Goose do do ........... Buckwheat ............... Barley, per bushel ........ Rn .............. . ..... Potatoes per bushel ...... . Buttes-pearl)...” ....... . Eggs,Rer ozen........... (hmu .......... . ..... ” Peas, small ............. . . Peas, Mummies ........... Peas, White-eye .......... Peas, Blackeye . . . ........ gawk Blue ............... hie ens, :- air......... Ducks p310!) ........ Gwmpum ....... "nu 'Turkeys do ............. Crook butter ......... . . . . Hogs, dressed, per cwt. . . . Hogs, live weight, per cwt. Beef, forequarter per cwt. . “ mu “ .. Lard, per lb .............. Hay, per ton .............. Red Clover. . . ........... Addke.....,.;.........u Timothy ....... Pork, by qr., per buyout '”*m“ohmfimocc ,88338383388 cOOOOOOcOOOOOCOHHH 83$8$$33$w5§83$8888 .m88885fi888E838888888$8583388888 Duck: (10' ....... Goose, per lb ....... . . . . . Turkeys do ...... Crook butter ......... Hogs, dressed, per cwt. . . Hogs, live weight, per cwt Beef, {greguu-ter‘ per cwt. Onions, per bunch ........ 0 Wishes, “ ........ 0 Lettuce. " ........ 0 Fame" Hum; ........ '. . 3 0 A 68. (102 .......... R flair: ....... Wkw'o.ouo"goioouof'o 0,. 0559.3 .......... . ..... . . Peas, small ............. . . Peas, Mummies ........... Peas, White-eye .......... Peas, Blackeye . . . ........ gawk Blue ............... hie ens, per air......... Ducks dop ........ Geese,perlb ....... Turkeys do ............. Crook butter ......... . . . . Hogs, dressed, per ewt. . . Hogs, live weight, per cwi'. Beef. forequu-ter per cwt. . Fall Wheat per bushel” Fyfe do do ............. Spring do ................ Goose do do ........... Buckwheat ............... Barley, per bushel ........ Rye ............... . . . . Potatoes per bushel ....... Butter per f0 ............. Eigga, Rex- dozen ........... â€"The excursion of the season will take place to Buckhorn on Thursday. June 13th. That is the date fixed for the annual excursion of St. Paul’s church choir and their friends. The trip to Buckhorn is one of the most delightful on our inland waters and everyone ahould take it in. The steamer Columbian will leave the wharf at 8.30 a. m. with the happy excunionists. Fare only 40c and 25c. -â€"A batch of boys who were caught swimming during prohibited hours were brought before the P. M. and fined 82 each, including ooats......Speaking of this offence reminds us that it would be a wise thing for our police to visit Tully’s landing on Sunday afternoons and just see to what an extent this nuisance is carried on. Last Sunday it: was simply disgraceful. and manv of the boys were old enough to know better. â€"Don’t forget the excursion to F enelon Falls on Friday,June 7th, per steamer Craudella. It is under the joint auspices of the Baptist and Union churches of Reaboro. which is a guarantee of its success. Sports and games will help to fill up the interval at F enelon Falls.. The fare is only 25c and 150, about one-half cent a mile. It is cheaper than the “merry-go-round.” -â€"-The amateur standing of Messrs. D. Burns. W. E. Houghton. A. E. Silver- wood, N. Wilson. Halliday, andiHughan,of L'xbridge, is threatened for riding,y in professional races at Cannington, on May 24th. This is tco bad for the boys. when it is considered that: nearly all the crack amateurs have to see the “dough" in sight before they move a foot. Men cannot follow up the sport and live on “tin" cups. â€"Auction sale of Crockery, Glassware Silverware at HCRLEY BRAUY’s old stand opposite Gough’a, on Saturday, June 8th, at 2.30 p. 111., and eiening at 7.30 and every evening untii stock is sold. J AS. H. Lxxxox.-â€"23~l -â€"A fifth gravel train has been put on near Midland. â€"â€"F inc, fresh Cocoanuta with monkey faces at F ox’s, No. 115 Kent-st. C. LINDSAY MARKETS EVERY DA -- EVERY WEEK, Here has its specialfeatures Atall’ times, in exery department, we airmto give as good as, If not better values, than you. can get elsewhere. But theres a daily changing ,. of" exceptional opportunities-of special valuesâ€"â€"â€"of new anivalsmof'oflerings too great to be continued:lomg. You;can confine your pm. chases to these, ifyou like, with the additional satisfac- tion of knowing that you can buy anything you want at prices guaianteed by our offer to give “You’re; money back if you want it.” t0 ltbmpon 'uhuuomuwhet ble cox-um 1mm, “M" “d i' W“ nrdon sud mm” win min 311 kind: of stock. m'gfidgw m u moo: “Mu 1mm“: m midenca Stocknchmd farm 8“” ‘ 5 t3. Recommen- ,_A.A__A_ _..l Sell chap. One hundred mm, mom or leg. LOT 10. CON. 8. T’P of FENELON Apply» TO PROPERTY Mona Wed. NO- 96 KENT'ST, - LEADING HATTERS AND FURRIERS. ‘ at Low Price: See them a .22. ’ > W J. A. MATRICK. "Mao yam forth: unpaved fire up. Wt: , FM RWEATHER SPLENDID VALUE Straw Hats to cheap. 75 DOZEN LOCK WIRE FENCE '2 STHAW OOL‘ HARM FOR SALE OR Mums FLAVELLE Buns. ““6 you teen the .Ex. FLACK. lo swank-ban. Manual. llIOSAY~ sold and makes it deliciously light." That‘s What the ladies say who Us; our BAKING POWDER. Try It yourself, seeing is believing. The large quantity we sell tells that It Pleases folks. What light ans! White and wholesome biscuits It makes. Truly your heart could not desire a better article. “IT RAISES DOUGH NICELY WEDNESDAY. 12th JUNE, ’95 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. F. Kxowuos, â€"22-2. Town Clerk. Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision, to hear appeals from the assessment of the Town of Lindsay for the year 1895, wxll be held in the Council Chamber, in the Town of Lindsay, on TOWN OF LINDSAY, 1895. 1 15 foot anoe. 1 16-1001 anoe 3nd 1 canoe skip, 1pr eguigped. MONEY T0 LOAN. AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES INTEREST PAYABLE YEARL Terms to suit borrower. Notice is hereby given that the Muni- cipal Council of the Corporation of the County of Victoria will meet in the Council Chamber, in the Coast House, Lindsay, on Tuesday, the 11th day of June, 1895, at two o'clock p.m., for the unsaction of general business. County Clerk’s office,] '1". Man """ '"P .- nu., Lindsay, May 28. j County Clerk. COUNTY OF VICTORIA McINTYRE 8: STEWART, Barristers, Lindsay. OCRT 0F REVISION. GREGORY? Drug Stag ANOES FOR SALE. UN IC I PA L CORPORATION Apply 5: tfie Royal Hotel to ~01? THE~ ed. Vt e snow LaVV'ns! VVhitC Zephygs, Crinkl‘ goods. Two 5; 25 cent: and 35 LADIES’ AND in all the L:\TI-5TZ‘ OUR ROSIER FRILLIXGS; L1 Light Vl eight C oats and cords, \axy Sages plair and Balbriggan u I: crc. c. and Colored Shh s B -c assortment of the new: 7 assortmfin ? Volume IN LACES, EM1 But E. E, W. MCGE Carpets. How to selec carpetings, some brigh1 eve: THE BOSTON. All goods sold cheap. Pri‘ You Can’t Tell matter how often merchandise, and 10‘ better are seiszrs HOT WEA UNIONS AT JAPA1 Nerve stock of thJ Show {1211; \Vhite an Crinkle (:1 Two 5136032 VIII. at this sea nun! can1 LIND Mens’

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