Puss REPRBiEZ'ZATIBS'S. 4- Robert Smmlen and Wm Bank.» The follouix. in A lis‘ of (Islam: tea Wiltâ€"Wm itzgcnld, G 31:00.13; wwuum GUS. Show Wok x. â€"Sister Rough, Bro W J Saunders. Bm G Sloan, 3!"? G Lawl-yncc. ï¬r†Higgins. Rxn'RSS.â€"Bro A. Stacker. J W Hamilton, Si tar Blayboroug, Sipter 8193!), Sister Hunter. ’ "' Being, J G Haraeli. Sister Kenny. anoss Asp Avenueâ€"Bro J A Stewart, Bro A! derson ’1‘ Adlum, Sister Mrs Crow, Siat:r G Spence. Cossnn'noxs as}; istrâ€"Bro N Ingram, 'R C run, R C Newman, Geo Being, J G Ha el!.ASister Ken_ny. ,, ‘I'h___ , 7-7 7 FINAW‘E A21) Annaâ€"Bro Wright, Bra 0 B -uch¢r Sloan, Pearson and Thunpson. SUsPENsmxs AM) EXPULSIONS â€"Bro E H, Purdy, R Bunting, T Prince, Sister Maud Fee. éister Mrs Wakeham. Conunwoxvsscnâ€"Bro G Lawrence, J Cobourn, R F Hall, E J Dormer, Sister Mrs Ban er. COMM IITEES. Following is the report.of the standing committee ‘ :â€" CREDESTIALS.â€"R Mutton. Sister Ella Jones, T Bunting, E Smith, Sister Mrs The following is the stainding commit- tees an appointed:â€" Clerk. Mayor. The afternoon is taken up in receiving addresses of welcome from the mayor of Lindsay. Local lodges, the county Orange and C.0.0.F together with the reports of the district deputy grand masters especially among which was the repoxts of the Province of Quebec and the State of Ohio, which are of the most encouraging nature. At the opening of‘ maetiing Bro Coburn, of Diamond Lodge. Tut-onto. delivered a. stirring address to the grand lodge. while the special (enmittee werrgat work in an aijoinmg room drafting the standing committees. This evening the grand lodge will parade to church after the grand master. Addresses will be deliver- el and action taken thereon. F. Kxowmox, A LARGE ATTENDANCE FROM ALL nuns or THE PROVINCE. The annual grand lodge convention of True Blues was opened in the opera house on Monday afternoon at one o'clock. Grand Master. Wm. F itzgerald,: of Toronto, and Deputy Master, (L Sloan, of Peterboro. presiding. The attendant delegates were nearly all present and the greatest enthusiasm prevailed when thel delegates from the United States arrived. ADDRESS or w Euro.“ E. About 3 p. m. Mayor Walters read the following address of welcome:â€" To the U'urshipful ï¬lming and .Usuï¬u‘rs (f the Grand Lodge of Two: films of ï¬n; Province. of Unr‘urw. We. the mayor and council of the Town of Lindsay. on the part of our citizens. bag to tender to you a cordial expression of welcome. on this the occasion of your Second visit to our town, and we venture to express a hope that your visit may be an enjoyable one, and remembered with kind y feelings in the future. It is a source of satisfaction to the ple of Lindsay generally, to receive a . ' it from a body organized as yours is, 1 for the protection of Her Majesty the ] Queen in poison, crown and dignity, the J maintenance of civil and religious liberty, l and of inculcating obedience to the laws, 1 the crown, and altar of our l'nited 1 Empire. I While no doubt you will receive a I fraternal welcome from your sister organ- C imtions in town, the people join with 7 them in thanking you for your visit, and V again extend to you a cordial and heartâ€" J felt expression of welcome. l n Hold Their Annual Grand Lindsay. THE LOYAL TRUE BLUES __ ........ y. vstvu-u AVV|\ IIMIM . ll stock has the goods and the prices run the othexz'ay, ‘ geods climb up, prices drop down. Come in Emséd in council this 3rd day of J une‘ NIGEGOODS NEVER 80 WW. Two months ago we had a ï¬re in our premises on Kent- . January. A large part of the goods had been deliv That. 1s the brlef h1story of the last two. months’ tra but It had to be faced and we pulled through, How does all this affect the buyer of summ Wholesale season IS about gone, Having run off our damaged goods we had to renlace F1ne stock, new styles, nobby goods. Do de. It hasn’t been the kind of trad er clothing, you may ask ? \Ve had bou nllr anpl' ‘xrn ‘I'1)H‘- :ï¬â€˜l‘ 4L -17, [/l//Z[ZZi 2% g g (2 Z‘ 7 ‘ Z Qf Z" / [Z 0% ZLZ\ but it had to be faced and we ulled th'rowrh H ' doe ' ' v4 :_ TAM“ Wk WVHJ. ' LU “up“ p g , on s all thls affect the bu; er of summer clothmo, you may ask Wholesale season IS about gone, Havmg run oï¬ our damaged goods we had to replace our stock. W e went i \/\"P am no: and JUSE when the Wholesale tan was ready to reduce his prices at the sight of ready monev H. \VALTERS, " "“ ' ' rm“ "â€""‘6“' “v" “vw u“ "“0 (wk-u mc uuyer or summer Clotnmg, you may ask? We had bought our Stock ‘ season is about gone, Having run Oï¬ our damaged gOOdS we had to replace our stock. W e went into the wholesale market at f iust when the wholesale ntan was ready to reduce his prices at the sight of ready money. We got new goods at a big discount in and better discount than ever. Then the cold weather of the last three weeks has stemmed the call for light clothes and giVen us things and get them ready. They are here. Brand new and bright. just from the looms. Lots of them made speciallv fl orderS. Gough‘s must be suited. The wholesale man knows that and we are here with nice anr‘lc mm“... M YEBS AT GOUGH’S Lodge at MATEILIONIALâ€"On Tuesday a very quite event took place at the hotel. This was the marriage of Mr. A. Rich and Min Thompnn by Rev. '1‘. Gsrbutt { CHURCH CHlMES.â€"Mr. Demill of Oshawa spent Sunday in Little Britain He spoke in both churches and the audiences were phased ....... ODISunday next the Christin church will hold their “Childrens , Day†services. All are‘ cor_c_lially invited to attegd. _ l Speciu to the wuchmn. -A NEW me.-â€"Dr. Vrooman and Dr. Hall have foqned partngnhip. ‘WVâ€"___v w-..v-.av The grand lodge adjourned at noon in order that the delegates might participate in a pleasant excursion to Sturgeon Point er steamer Colombian. The trip was eartily enjoyed by all the visitors. '! EVEXING sI-zssrox. ' The grand lodge formed in procession accompanied by the local Orange Prentice ', Boys and True Blue lodges, headed by g the citizens’ band, of Lindsay and r marched to St. Paul’s church to attend a divine service which was conducted by l Rev. C. H. Marsh and Carl Smith. 0n , returning an open meeting was held with the Various orders attending church parade participating, Bro. Wm. Fitz- gerald. grandmaster presiding. Spiritual laddresses were delivered by Rev. Parent, of Waterloo. Que. a:French Canadian reformed Roman Catholic. Bro. Wm. McWatters. Major Martin, J. L. Winters. Bro. R. Newman, grand organizer also addressed the meeting, in the.interests of the Loyal True Blue association. This speaker arraigned the government for leaving out the supreme grand master of the “range assocwtion. Bro. N. Clarke Wallace when a new cabinet was formed. The liberal party received a scathing con- demnation for its silence on the Manitoba school question. “'EDNESDAY MORNING SESSION. Grand lodge resumed at 8.30 this morn. ing. A number of delegates who had arrived since last night reported. The entire morning session was taken us d n v a III with the address of the grand master a the adoption ,"f an insurance scheme. . ,.e_-, .. -- ~t-ulntlulo, Lula Wm Christie, Miss Bella Watson, Miss Tressa Watson, Mrs J Graham, Miss Hinds, Mrs W Pattersom Mrs W. Fizzgemld. MrsJ Crowe, Rich Bell, A Lungley, T S Boyle, J G Hardin, R L Grahym, E H Putdy, Mrs H Wakeham. Wm Miles, R D Mutton, Thos Calm. J W Hamilton, Ed Fallis. Wm Land. Ellis‘ Jones, J F McGill, Miss M E Spence, J R McKelvie, F Dudley, and G S Pudger. L’ Pctit, A Higgans, Mrs FSchcrtzhurgh, Mrs-3 Gordon, Mrs J A btcwmt. Mrs fThompszm, Mrs R Newman. Sarah J LLatimer, Mrs M J Shaw, Mrs 15 Nicolls, Miss N ’wbertsun, J A Stewart. G F Burnetr, E Martin, J 00! urn, A Creigh- ton, Chas A Roscwear, Dr Little. Mrs John Thompson, Mrs Wm White, Mrs J Myles, R Black, A McKey, Chas Boucher, T Prince. Mrs Hilton, Mrs Reed, Mrs Dandie, \V H Saunders, Mrs ‘l’n ‘, ï¬n. V......... ‘ nun u LVJUEU, Mrs (fix-eaves. 3113110111032 J H Walton, «T W Luve, J Nubes, H F McNaughton, A Nicllolsnxn.’ BIuKinnouflVI{()53bur()ugh. J 60111911, 1‘: Elwood, \V Galluway, R Mc- (Eregor, P Beckett, J E Campbell, Marie Sloan, A Duggzm, S. Adlum, J‘l Duimer, Lizzie Shaw, Mrs McMurtagh, Wm Seutt, Miss F Little, T Buntinu, A Graham. J McCausIand, G McFadden, Maud Fee, L Flut}, H Bates, Wm Scarlett. Wm \VilSon, R H Boyle, B B Sac-0rd, D Church, F Dudley. H Winslow. 1)“ - - Mrs Blagborough. R Pearson. 3133 Annie Brawn. (ieo Lawrence, R Kenton. Mrs J Kenny. Ed Smith. Flora B Roush, \v '- 11.3 17‘..,\.... _ Â¥, fSI-Jan, Deputy G M; N Ingram, Grand 3 Secretary; R Newnmn, Grand 1 Myanmar: R Bunting. Grand '1' reasurcr: Wm 1‘14“. Umnd Chaplain; W J \Vright. Grand ch>11cituxx J (3 Mndili, \Vnz Scarlett. Marguerite St ()mer, Juhn Gardiner, G Chapman. H Spencer, T W Watson, G Wurx'oll, U 1'} Hill. H A Thompson, M S Plumley, Miss Sadie Emu. Jas Nicholls. G Byny. Mrs W D Hunter, Miss H Boyer, Mrs Blagborough. R Pearson. 3133 Annie Bruwn. (:00 Lawrence. R Rnnrrm LITTLE BRITAIN GOUGH BROS Our snap in buying lets us give a plum to summer wearers us. Summer buyers look here! If you want value here’s SmRTING.â€"Our local' horsemen have had the track put in ï¬rst-class shape, and all the "fast: ’uns" can be seen nearly every evening coming dowrr} the home stretch in an effort. to beat 2.03“~â€"â€"they don't always‘ do it, however. The 1y elding b Easy Fortune. owned by Mr. Fanning, a now he favorite for ï¬rst place. REMOVAL.â€"Mr. Isaiah Feir and family left for their new home at Janetville, on Tuesday. Mr. Feir has purchased the min property at that place, and will commence operations at once. He will be greatly ‘missed in church circles, having been closely allied with all schemes for the advancement of the good work being done by our Presbyterian friends. He carries with him the best wishes of the entire community for his future success in his new home. TRAVELLING Duranâ€"The travelling dairy sent, out by the Ontario government will visit Cambray, on Friday, June 7th, at 2 o’clock p.m. These meetings have been poorly attended in the past, but we trust that such will not be the case on this occasion. There is plenty of room for imgrovement with some of our butter- ma ers at least. , Special to the Watchman. PERSt)NALS.â€"7Miss Flo Mchcheru of Eldon Station, visited the Misses Smith last week. . . .Mrs. Martin of Head Luke visited her sister Mrs. D. A. McArthur last week. . . .Miss Reader . of Scugog Island spent Sunday here, also Mr. C. Burton of the island. I OBITUARY.â€"â€"Death has visited our neighborhood, and called away an elderly gentleman in the person of Mr. G. Hammil he has been ailing for some time, and his death was not unexpected, His three brothers attended the funeral, one from Toronto, and two from Milbrook. Brunmmâ€"Mr. C. Anderson has er. ected a ï¬ne driving house. This is a stop in the nigh}; drection. SERVICES.â€"0n Sabbath next, 9th June. Rev. Principal grant of Queen’s College Kingston, will conduct the Sacramental service in the Presbyterian Church here and on B ridny previous Mr. McIntyre of Cambray will conduct the preparatory service. MANSE GROVEâ€"ELDON. Special to the Watchman. __-_» --v v unuuVV\l, Sella Chase, (Eat-ï¬eld u oodï¬'ard. Inter. '1‘ hird.â€"Cassie Brown, Betta Purvis, Roy Broad. Dougal Mchxt}'re.L Sr. Third.â€" Fred Broad, Sarah Reazin‘, Anmc Mc- Kinnon. Jr. Fourthâ€"Hezekiah Reazin, Frank Purvis. Alfred Archer. Sr. Fourthâ€"«William Slemmon. Florence teazin, Chas. Mainhgod'z fl SHIOOI. l{1~:ron'1'.â€"The following is the report of S. S. No. XI. Mariposa for month of May-First Clas.s-.â€"Jobn Mc- Intyre, Rus‘sell Evans, Maud Mrlntvre. Jr. Part Second-Elsie Chase, Victor Chase. Daniel Woodward. Sr. Part Second.â€"Russel Wallis. Howard Kcslick, HOWard \Vallis. Second Class.~â€"Katie McKinnon. Jr. (T‘bird.â€"R_o_v B_Iain_bood, Cb-.ll- (vL-_A . .- RAMSAY'Sâ€"MARIPOSA. Specia. to the Watchman. Uni'rL'Am-.â€"â€"\Vord was received here on Saturday last. announcing: the death of Mr. Henry Finch, at Brantlord (hit. The dUCCflFL d was the father { Mrs. \V. X. Rea of this place, and was well known in this district. Mr. Finch had been a ‘ remarkably healthy man. and although he was about 7:3 years of age had never really suffered any serious illness until a short time ago when a heavy cold reuult- ed in erysipelas which caused hi9 death. The remains were brought to Lindsay by the evenirg train on Monday, and inter- ment took place at Riverside cemetery on Tuesday morning. Special to the Watchman. THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 6TH. 1895 l’x'u’x'r .\'0r1â€":s.â€"-'l‘he Sacranwnt of the Lord‘s Supper will bedispencod at St. .\ml- rew's church next Sabbath. June 9111, inst, at 11 a. m. Rev. Primipal Grant. I). l). of Queens University. Kingston, will con- duct the service morning: and evening. . .. Mr. .1. \V. Molntoxh, M. .-\., of Cambmy. will preach the preparatory sermon on Friday. the 7th inst†at, half pasL two o'clock in the afternoon. Special to the Watchman LOCAL NEWS-LE 1 '1 1: RS CAM BRAY. PETERBORO ELDJN. . STACK-Y, Teacher. a ’7‘0" 1 want value here’s your daisy. No « and see how far they have dropped morni: PL'ILPIT N otes.â€"0ur pu] It was occu ied on the 25th by the Rev. 9m. Hassar of Manilla, who is an eloquent speaker and ‘no doubt if our people would follow the views in which he pointed out, they would always flee from the paths of unrightousg ness and turn to that, which leads to the ‘ eternal home of a chg-istain life. I 7NdTESa-Tt}e'c}3i)§';15;T531}ing well after sucha. cold snap, not much damage was done tbrgugh those parts excepting to the eayy fruit. PERSOXAL..â€"Miss Bessie Ford of Lind- say is spendinga few weeks holidays with her friend Miss A. Webster ....... Miss Mary Webster is enjoying a visit with Kirkfleld friends at present. ....Miss Josie Barrage is visiting friends in Emily ‘at present ..... Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mc- ; Lauzhlin of Lindsay spent the 24th at Mr. S. D. Webster, of this piece, _ 17-...--“ n“, , job. BUILDING,â€"Mt. Robb. Webster. north of our village is errecting a ï¬ne new bl ick residence which will be completed in a short; time. The carpenter work being done by Mr. T. TreVelen of Beaverton; brother of Mrs. R. Webster. The stone and brick work being done by Mr. Pearce of Little Britain, who is an expern work. 1.112.113, and no doubt it will be a first-class‘ vaâ€"nl‘ U Special to the Watchman - _, . RACE Commaâ€"Look out for the race which is to take place next Saturday. mGLENEfN‘E. c---:-. . , .- CHURCH CHIMEs.-(_)ur pastor Mr. Fusaee has gone to attend conference, and has left Mr. Glenny to take charue of the services next Sunday. n c 7. l" - ‘ A A Sl'CuHss.-â€"--(’)urnS. 8., excursion of 3lst., to Fcnelon Falls, was largely attended. PERSONALâ€"“The Misses. D. Mancester. M. Heaslip and V. McGill have return- ed home after spending a few days with frignds at Fenelon Falls. ‘ ‘ A SUBSCRIBER. ILL.-â€"â€"Mr. Thos. McGee is very ill at present, we hope to see him able to movenaround soon agam. A " ’ } CORRECTION.-â€"In our news items last week the reference to the adoption of the pew-rental system is an error as the matter has never been referred to for at least twelve months. The mild reference at the end of the same item works both ways, for While some are hard to please. others are two easily pleased, Special to the WatchIngï¬. I’l-ZRSOXAL.â€"-.Mx‘. Robt. Touchburn. of Lindsay, paid his many friends in this village a welcome visit last week ...... Mrs. John McL‘rorie. who has been ill for some time. is slowly recovering: and has improved so far as to be able to go to Toronto last “ eek to visit her brother, Mr. John Sadler. fl- _.4‘ .u “innit-“UK LUU soon. ()vnn 'l‘nn (humanâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson leave to-day for a trip across the ocean to old Ireland, where they will visit the scenes of Mr. Andereon‘s childhood days. They purpose remaining away for some time. All wish them a pleasant trip. FOOTBALL-A football club has been organized and our boys are busy these days practicing for the game at the annual picnic. which will he held about the last week in the present month. V-...... . ..r u H mu, LuL'quLlUll. Ho'r W i-:.-\'rm-:R.â€"'l‘he recent spell of hot weather after the heavy frOa'ts and cold snap is heginninu to tell upon the crors and the people are. now desirous of a slightlet- up. Rain is much needed in this section, but there is no use in squealing: too soon. ()vr-zn 'l‘m: (Minxâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Frank Anderson leave to-day for a. trip across the ocean to old Ireland, where they will visit the scenes of Mr. Andereon‘s childhood days. They purpose remaining away for \l A ' innâ€: finâ€) All ...:. _ A “331.com; \‘Isrmmâ€"The WATH is eagerly looked for each week in ofï¬ce for its spice)" 11mm. Every r‘ wishes it. a wide circulation. uuv Special to the Watchman S'r \1‘l'l-I Luannâ€"Mr. A. Cowieson is again at Work with a large numbc? of men improving the queen's liigln'ay. They are making: an excellent job of the turn- pikinp: on west Mill ctreet, and it is pleasing to note that our boyx‘ aim to leave arecord of good work which will spcak for itself. JANETVILLE. FRANKLIN. We. give high prices one right 0 held about 03335;? month. Robt. :I‘puchburn. of them a pleasant "1:110 WAN'HMAN Week in this Every reader one but can be suited I. You’ll be surprised. 7v"-l "a l ILLâ€"88ml. Deyellfbrother of ‘Jno. Deyen, Mt. Horeb. Ops, bill a very low condition from injuries received from being thrown from his carriage~00933ioned by the pole breaking. v r-vvvul gwmg able and empressed "addresses SocuL.â€"The social in the evening when refreshments was served was unexcelled 111 every way. ILL.â€"-Sam1. Deyell, brother of ‘Jno. Deyen, Mt. Horeb. Ops, bin 8 very low! condition from injuries received from b9i’18 thrown from his cartiageoccasioned 5v flan nn‘n L-.'.l-:._ , . Presb: 15th via. Peterboro Tlckets good“l fro Lind deny by special train. THE CONFERENCEâ€"A large deputation left for the Methodest conferer ce U :iay at Picton. AN Carmaâ€"Y. P.S.C. E. Presbyterian church excursion to Rice lake Saturday; 15th Via. Peterboro- Tlnlrnfn AMA-3 :_,# I i.. J -_- THE Cokinnxcuâ€" left for the Methodest at Picton. RAIN.â€"-Beautiful Showers v crown the country. Fruit crop suï¬eredAmuch yet. Special to the Watchman uc uuuu‘, anu V "J V ’a well rendered solo by Miss Bertha Knight. The collection amounted to something over six dollars. The society seems to be in a. most prosperous condit- ion having now 143 pledged members. __.- v IV]. I with nice goods never so low Special to the Watchman . strtmz.~The lecture given by the Rev. Mr. Loclin in the church at the quarterly meeting of the Christian En- deavor Temperance Society, proved a grand success. The lecturer had at con- siderable expense, and trouble, provided himself for the o asion with a large with his whiskey no striking impressions. The house was I packed and the speaker held the attent- . ho is but com. mencing his work a bright and useful future. The Rev. Mr. Macaulay of a. bootâ€"jack and clothes-pi: Corners. Success boys. i‘ undertaking. We hode 1 community will patronim the business wi l prosper. '1‘ ----- ‘ _ ‘1' I - BULMM.-We undc couple of nut yuung men §§-..'1‘1:_a.\11's.â€"-.-\ week ago last†Monday ' morning, one of our Leading residents was greatly astonished to ï¬nd on enter- ing the kitchen to start the ï¬re, a young man, cleanly shaved and fast asleep. He was still more surprised when attempting to awaken him to hear him utter “yesl Maggie,†but his dream must have been far away, as after he got control of hisl eyesight and saw the owner standing be-g fete him with a kindling stick in his hand, he thought it Was his turn and he reach 1ed for his hat and went out side. He then took the road without asking,r for farm work on the way to the canal. We thought he was a gunner, but the tramp came back. v out from the shoulder OMEMEE. ' Misluid last Id glven us time to specially for us to ï¬ll h nA--- ,A EDEN. ung men intend erecting‘ luthesopiu factory at our 2 sboys, in an large an} 'e hode the surrounding! patronize the boys so; , coated arks. Some" good by the choir, and ’_ b7 Miss Bertha understand that week] which will 9 has not ; big charges can’t keep in the , vested and trouscrcd right un m Hm JOHNSTON 81 SISSOI‘. Our stock is large, but selling! last Saturday soon clears the shd‘ LADIESâ€"WC :m- noted fort makers shoes all the 1mm style“ 10}? prices. “7e are solo seems {0‘ in KING’S ï¬ne shoes in 1 indsay. MEN~â€"Our ï¬ne boots are 8“ value. . Three big bargains in WOT†Boots gt $1.10, $1.00 and $1.50. I __-__ ‘ We are selling mam lines 1955:! it now costs to make them. D913? buying means you will pay 3“ mopey. .4 HURRY UP 03°Ml'utoiflplyflofl“ | J. G. EDWARDS 6’1 BICYCLES AND BICYCLE SUNDRL The ROSS ST] FENCE is the best cheapest in the mark‘ bvery man who has garden should own a PLAN JR. SEED DRlLL: LAWN MOWERSf greatest improved pa J Corner of Simcoe and Front Sts. "a now under the propriez-ship of M: Daly. late of Lindsay. Rtï¬tteda; furnished throughoutandisone 05:5 [eguipped and conductgd hotelsh felt}. The wine room IS unexcefle lculsme gannot be surpassed. Ten 53nd 81,90 per day. Corner 9: a; ’and item-9‘1, foronto. TEME, PLACE One cent per pound extra will l our goods at wholesale rates i1 2.: to wool growers to deal dired We have a very large stock‘ e and grey, 4 5 cents per pound â€" nt kinds of home made yarn t 6 can save you money 0 SIGN OF THE ANVIL 2625522213763 )e and from: Sis “.2? Pmpr‘e: ship of )L_ indsa3 Rtfit‘edav â€llOUIdIldhoner-n conducusj buzezs L e or grey, single and doubll sattanette, from 25 cts. per y‘ own make, 2 ply yar’n, 15_czs. . ladies’ and childrer} s hosery. “P to the ï¬n? ior Wedding :ziINDSAY W0 B 28 w: mm mum mm ‘ m loin: Mn . ï¬shes 0! ale “he ‘94 Me to verwar» that yo gen :11} buy of guarim \Ve .. s g3 hm: ~ .q. ' , Â¥ (.6 , ,ï¬â€˜vcnmn =% 78' _ gn‘ ,‘~, . r‘géï¬gï¬mon I I I ‘-/' ""A" ‘ : , » â€"â€"-v ' Better prices bu want weddmg presents « ’RING sun- 'DSAY WOOLLEN MILLS. ‘ “701111 your while to and in5pect the ' We have satisï¬ed the keenest 1;; now having got several‘clearing‘ es we have bigger bargams that-J ‘ but if you have not as yr; to buy or not, x; .113; 30 and 3 5c dress goods: all 12 ï¬e prmts + 10c shakers 1 35¢ delaines, all con; 20C sateen 1 , ' ~ Ioc bl k eotton hese, 15c mens‘ sox, mt mens’ shirts 35 and 40C mens strdw nat Our Prices for Gloves, “ hats and 40c mens’ straw hats of ROCTLEY. Kirkï¬eld mens’ pants “ suits P. M 1 was? PRICE PRICE 7 JUS In pm IND: