inserï¬on, per line ............... 08 Saanughes, each subsequent insertion per line ........................ 02 Sim Hughes, publishing list of convic- hons,petquartcï¬.‘.;..'......... x7 50 same, per volume. . .' I ........... Sam Hughcs, achrtising tax sale, per lot ......................... Sam_ Hughes, orbs: advertising, ï¬rst 0 nine, per volume ............... Wilson 8: Wilson, assasment rolls per quire ..................... “1150:: 8.: Wilson, school census books, 1):: quite ...................... Wilson \Vilson, binding and labelling \Vilson 8: W ilson, mment tolls, pet quire .......................... Wilson 8.: Wilson, binding and labelling forms per Iooo 'ems ....... . ...... 'Wilson Wilson, 200 copies, list of lands redeemable . . . . ........... \Vi lson Wilson, collectors’ rolls, per quire ........................ \\ ilson “ilson, binding and labelling The chairman reports that tenders for adver- tising and printing were asked for in compli- ance with the instructions of the council at the January session and contracts awarded under the tendets received, as follows: Wilson 8: \Vilson, printing minutes, per page ......................... $ I 20 \Viison 8: Wilson, by-laws etc., in sheet Your committee recommend that the sum of $10.00 be allowed to the local registrar of the high court of justice for stationery each of the yeaâ€"11$ :894_and 1895. J. J. Cave “ .......... Lane 8.: Richards “ . C. N. Richards “ .......... Hart 8:. Ridden, engraving memonal.. \V. A. Goodwin, framing memorial. . \Vilson \i’ilson, advertising. . “'ilSon “'ilson, ad’m justice. . Review 1’. and P. Co., registry - . 0 tising ...................... TV.$ 18 20 “1159:; gt Wilson, collectors’ rolls The warden submitted the report of the sub-committee of the standing com- mittee on county pr0per:y; also a request from County Crown Attorney Devlin, applying for improvements in his ofï¬ce.â€" Referred to the proper committee. T0 EQUALIZE THE ROLLS. Moved by Dr. Cornwall. seconded by Mr Switzer, thata special committee to equalize the assessment rolls for last year, 1894. be appointed. and that the following members compose the same. viz: The reeve and deputy-reeve of Mariposa reeves of the township of Ops, Emily. 'erulam. Laxton Eldon and the munici- palities of Lindsay, Fenelon Falls, Bexley. Woodville and Omemee.â€"- Carried. REPORT OF THE PRINTING COMMITTEE. Moved by Mr. Laidlaw, seconded by Dr. Wood. that the report of the standing committee on printing be introduced and passed by the council. ' Your committee beg to recommend that the following accounts be passed, namely:â€" \\'ilson 8: Wilson, printing and adver-V A BUSY SESSION AND A LARGE AMOUNT OF BUSINESS TRANSACTED BY OUR COUNT! FATHERS. wnnxzsnar’s Pnocumxos. The council resumed at 10 a. m., mem- bers all present, the warden m the chair. Minutes of previous meeting were read and conï¬rmed. same, per volume ..... . . . . THEY CONCLUDE THE JUNE SES- SION ON SATURDAY. BOUNTY COUNCIL DDINGS. v v-- -nvl stock has the goods and the prices run the other Waiy , goods climb up, prices drop down NICE OOOOS NEVER 80 LOW. brief? 111812er 0f the last. twg months: trade. It hasn’t mm m HM A: J.-- _ ,1 chzz‘ 2%6 wkzk/lzgzg 0f z‘Zme has dam/‘07 as am! our cmz‘omem. 77/626276 czmz’ Me acczkz’em‘ 2‘0 sfoaé ram/2‘ 2°74 a gram all v . _ â€"__-â€" vâ€"n' u... w“Vo J-U 4.1.0101 but it had to be faced and we pulled through. How does all this affect the buyer of summer clothing, you may : wholesale season is about gone, Having run off our damaged goods we had to replace our stock. We wet and just when the wholesale man was ready to reduce 1118 prices at the sight of ready money. We got and better discount than ever. Then the cold weather of the last three weeks has stemmed the ca things and get them ready. They are here: Brand new and bright. just from the looms. orders. Gough's must be suited, The wholesale man knows that um! um am BUYERS A'I' Gâ€"OUGâ€"Iâ€"I’S SHARE ofï¬ce 22 5o 116 45 950 45 45 4o 'Moved by Mr: Crap dell, seconded by moon. asthe land has been taken by the . . Government for the Trent Valley canal. M" Fox, that the standing °°".‘“"“°° 0." The motion elicited considerable discus- ï¬nance be instructed tn take into consu- . . . . sion, in which Messrs. Luwnsbwugh, deration and report on the adv‘sab‘1{tÂ¥ 0f Dickson, Crandell. Ellis and Lithuuw tuok making a grant to the South rldmg †. . . . part. but the general cnncenaus of the agricultural society â€933'“ â€â€˜9'“ m â€â€˜8 remarks was favorable, and the motion expense of the opening of this fan- by . . 'ed. Premier Mackenzue Bowell. or_ any other cats; motion of Mr. Ltm’nsbrough the person they may secure, 8",‘1 1ft_hey f’f" valuation of land in the Township of to come the grant not .to‘ m: paidâ€"said Eldon was advanced from «(£6.05 to grant to be $100 â€"Carrn:c. $916.30 per acreâ€"Carried. APPOINTING VALUATORS. Moved by Dr. W0ud, wounded by Dr. Mr. DICkWn g0: $10,000 S'I'uck 0“ the .. . ment valuation of the V ,’ of Cornwall. that the standing committee on assume 1! age L . Fem-Ion Falls. ï¬nance and assessnwnt tm instincterl to The committee then arose. ' take into consideration and report on the Moved by Dr Wood, seconda by Mr :tdnsability of appointinu valuutors ac- - ' ' ' - ' . . h . . Laidlaw that the report of the c mlttee cording to itection 269 of the Congohdmed ‘ om Municipal Act, for the purpose of valum. "" equalization be referred bmk to ’he * . . . committee of the whole to be amended 301 mg #091 Import?!“ â€18 WWW-â€camed- :as to ma thut the equaï¬mtion of the VICTORIA Pnouamx’s MWCIATION- iannahip of Eldon be“$16.05 per acre.â€" Reeve Lombrough introduced a depu- Lust (- From Chas. Faifbaixtn, M. rPâ€, fieâ€"s'pect- ing the unsafe condition of Little Bob bridge. Referred to the proper committee. SOUTH ammo AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Mr. Robt. Bryans Was heard in support of gettinga grant for the south riding agfifultqm} so‘ci_ety.h The warden submitted the report of the inspector of schoois for West Victoria. From W. Thurston, I‘resident E. V. Farmera’ Institute,_ requesting grant. Minutes of the previou's virizweâ€"ééing read and conï¬rmed. Council met at 10 a. m., members all pr§s_ent, the warden in the chair. On motion the council adjourned to meet at 10 a. m. tomorrow. The mem- bers will spend the afternoon in commit- tee work. On motion Mr. Jacobs was appointed a. member of the equalizatio l committee. FOR AN ISOLATION HOSPITAL. Moved by Mr. Kylie. seconded by Mr. Robson, that the standing committee on ï¬nance and assessment be instructed to take into consideration and report on the advisability of making a small grant to the municipality of Lindsay to assist in building an isolation hospital.â€"Referred to the ï¬nance committee. This motiori provoked considerable discussion, and as a result was with- drawn. AID TO SOMERVILLE. Moved by Mr. Howie, seconded by Mr Morrison. that the standing committee on roads and bridges be instructed to report on the advisability of granting $150 to assist the township of Somerville to build a bridge across the Burnt river. on the line between the 6th and 7th concessions. -â€"Csrried. (.‘ARDEN ASKS FOR A REDUCTION. Moved by Mr. J acobs. seconded by Mr. Thompson, that the special commit- tee ou equalization be instructed to take into consideration and report on the ad- visability of reducing the equalized Value on the township of Garden. Moved by Dr. Wood seconded, by Mr. McDonald that the standing committee on roads and bridges take into considera- ‘tion and report on the advisability of appomtinga caretaker of the bridge on the boundary line between Mara and Eldon at a salary of ï¬ve dollars a. year. and in case such be made that Duncan McFayden receive the appomtlnenc.- Carried. we lowest tenders were accepted; it will be observed, however that the prices are ;greatly in advance of these paid during a 1 number of previous years. The council then went into committee of the whole, with Mr. Campbell in the chair. and passed the report without amendment. . . .00 motion of Mr. Howie, the reeve of Somerville was added to the committee on the equvnlization of the assessment. The lowest tenders were accepted; i be observed, however that the prices greatly in advance of these paid duri1 number of prefiops years. THCRSDAY’S PROCEEDINGS. COMMUNICATIONS . A MUNIFICENT SALARY. , , , ' â€"â€"â€"“ VJ. U “w. W-.. a“ nun auect tue buyer or summer clothing, you may ask P We had bought our stock in th We went into the wholesale market at the en We got new goods at a big discount in consc e last three weeks has stemmed the call for light clothes a ' ' They are here. Brand new and bright. just from the looms. Lots of them made gh’s must be suited, The wholesale man ' ' Our snap in buying lets us give a plum to summer wearers. us. Summer buyers look here ! If you w We give high prices one right out from the shoulder is climb up, prices drop down. ant value here’s your daisy. No one but can be suite , Come in and see how far they have dropped. You’ll be surprised. On motion of Mr. annsbrough. the valuation of land in the Township of Eldon was advanced from $6.05 to $16.30 per acre.â€"Carried. The motion elicited considerable discus- sion, in which Messrs. Luwnsbwugh, Dickson, Crandell. Ellis and Lithgnw took part. but the general ouncenaus of the remarks was favorable, and the motion carried. Messrs. Kylie and Crandell opposed the increase in valuation, and moved that it remain the same as last year. but; the report was sustained. Dr. Wood moved that 1000 acres be struck off the acreage of the Township of Eldon. asthe land has been taken by the Gtzemment for the Trent Valley canal. And whereas, it is necessary and expedient that the said__eg_qalizatjor_1 be conï¬rmed. Mariposa ................. Ops ..................... ‘ Emily .................... Eldon .................. F cnclon .......... . ....... Verulam .................. Somerville ............ . . . . Bexley .................... Laxton, Digby and Longford Carden .................. Dalton ................... Town of Lindsay .......... Village of Omemcc ........ Village of Fenclon Falls. . . . Village of Bobcaygcon ..... Village of Woodville ........ Whereas the municipal council of the cor- poration of the County of Victoria, did on the twelfth day of june, A.D. 1895, appoint a special committee to equalize the assessment of the munictpalities in the said County of Victoria, for the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-four. And whereas, the said council has received and adopted the report of the said special committee equalizing the said assessment as follows :â€" On motion the council went into com- mittee of the whole to hear the report of the special committee on the equalization of the assessment for 1894, Dr. Cornwall in the chair, as follows :â€" D-wl". vs vuu [U the Victoria Rifle Association towards paying expenses of keeping the rifle range in order and paying markersâ€"Carried. . . A deputation from the Rifle Association was heard on the above matter. Moved by Mr. Fox, seconded by Mr. Ellis, that the standing committee on ï¬nance and assessment be instructed to take into consideration and report on the advisability of removing the restrictions attached to the grant made to the Victoria Rifle Association in January last.â€" Carried. I Moved by Mr. Switzer, seconded by Dr. Cornwall, that the standing commit- tee on ï¬nance and assessment be instruct- ed to take into consideration and report 1on the advisability of granting $100 to the Plowing Match Association of the County of Victoria in bringing about a plowing match this year, on condition that the goverrment or art association ‘ make a liberal grantâ€"Carried. A GRANT TO THE RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Moved by Mr. Ellis. seconded by Mr. Read, that the standing committee on ï¬nance_ and assessment consider the advrsabilitv of making a grant of $25 to .L- "TZ_. ' 7'" Total ....... Rich, president, John Gibson and Robert Bryans. They asked for a grant of $100 to enable them to give prizes and other- wise sustain the associstion. Rich tation in the interest: of the Victoria Ploughman’s Association, viz., Richard n:_L - - ‘ - - ~ » ....................... ........................ ...................... ........................ 1, Digby 1nd Longford . . . . 1 ...................... l ....................... of Lindsay .............. : of Omemcc ............ :of Fenclon Falls ...... u : of Bobcaygcon ......... :of VVoodville ........... THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 20TH. 1895 EQUALIZING THE ASSESSMENT‘ ............ $10341656 oo ........ $238603o oo ......... 1469830 00 ........ 1468620 00 ........ 994300 00 ........ 831390 00 ........ 835500 00 . ....... 311515 00 ........ 145000 00 ;ford.... 103073 00‘ ........ 133668 00 15100000 110000 00 52000 00 Warden Chambers, reeve of Fenelon, 12h. the replied, and showed that. the school Ihip of sections from which the new one was to $.05 to be taken were very week, end any" property taken from them would destroy ntl’ :l-e‘ their prospects altogether. Several of age of ; the members .took part. in the discussion. I and it was ï¬nally decided to not entertain .. ' l the appeal. On motion of Dr. Wood. seconded by Mr. McDonald. the report of_ the standing committee on education-W and adopted without amendments .83. gfollom; Mr. John ‘ Daniels, of Fenelon, addressed the council. In the course of his remarks it was learned that he had come to the council to ask that arbitrat- ors be appointed With a View of forming a new school section in the township of F enelon. The council of the letter town- ship hed refused to act in this inatter.‘ and this was his only recourse to appeal to the county. He addressed the council at considerable length, and made a very fovorsble inipresslon. Moved by Dr. Wood. seconded by Mr. Kelly, that the standing committee on ï¬nance be instructed to take into consid- eration and report on the advisabilitv of building a lock-up at the village of Kirk- Ediâ€"Referred to the ï¬nance committee, DISCUSSING A NEW SCHOOL SECTION. The council went into committee of the whole. with Mr. Dickson in the chair. to consider the report of the committee on education. ' ' --â€"--hv \- u-u to actions {5: damages from accidents happening on public highways.â€"Re~ ceived. as That the value per acre of the Township of Eldon be increased from $16.05 to $16.30 per acre. 9 That the equalization value of the Village of Fenelon Falls be reduced from $161,000 to $151,000. Your committee beg to report that the total value of the county as equalized is $10,341,- 656. Your committee have compiled a schedule embodying the details of the assessments for the year 1894 and cf the present equalization and beg to submit the same as a part of this report. The council resumed at 2 p. m. mem- bers all present. ACCIDENTS ON Pl'BLlC HIGHWAYS. The warden read a paper from the clerk of the county of Simone. enclosing memorial to the governor-general in council asking that the law be changed as --L_'e_-, P ‘ ‘ Eldon be reduced from 62,000 to 61,0003gres. 6 That the value per acre of the Township of Carden be reduced from $4.00 to $3.50. 7 That the equalization value of the Town of Lindsay be raised from $1,000,000 to $1,- 200,000. 8 That the value per acre of the Township of Eldon be increased from $16.05 to $16.30 per acre. I That the acreage of all the townships, except those hereinafter mentioned, be the same as last year, for the purpose or" equaliza- tron. 2 That the acreage for the Township of Laxton for the same purpose be reduced from 23,400 to 23,100 acres. That the acreage of the Township of Longford for the same purpose be raised from 28,0co to 38,873 acres. 4 That the acreage of the Township of Carden for the same purpose be raised from 36,400 to 38,191 acres. ’ That the acreage of the Township of ‘3! I W ‘l, h“ ,. Â¥ ,M w ’t - ,777 ,ï¬â€"‘r’-" “w I‘IOIVVVU u \our specml commxttce lmvc exammed the assessments of the municxpalitics for the year 1894, and beg [0 recommend as follows :â€" Moved by Mr. Kylie, seconded by Capt. Crandell. that the report of the committee on equalization be referred back to the committee of the whole for the purpose of reducing the assessed valuation of Lindsay to $1,000,UOO.â€"Lost. Moved by Dr. Cornwall, seconded by Dr. Wood, that the report of the special committee appointed to equalize the assessment of the municipalities in the County of Victoria for the year 1894. be received and read the first timeâ€"Carried. The report was then adopted as follows : , KIRKFIELD GETS A LOCK-UP. EDUCATIONA L REPORT. D! nnnnnn “"*O“llv‘fl¢.a . V W.- the Township of OUR SPECIALTIES ARE : OF ALL KINDS. GROCERIESHOUR, FEED, BREAK- FAST BEREALS GROOKERY, GLASSWARE AND GOAL 0â€. GREGORY'S QRUG STORE ‘1' b-vvvll "tux,†lllUUUCCS SO large an amount per acre of desirable cattle food for winter feeding as the Mammoth Mammoth Mancel is exceptio shaped roots. Growers who have used it for 3ears past prefer it to any other Long Red Variety. Has a distinct There is no other root ’RATT : KILLEN, Our prices in all lines are at the. bottom. shoulder ; big charges can ’t keep in the vested and trousered righ t up to the l cropb or'x’ova n 76 1 7/02/7461. CORNER KENT AND WILLIAMa 1n the early wholeâ€"sale he end of the wholesz cpnsequence. Bigger to get in the Un‘Zw to ߠ0111' which produccs so large â€ï¬zkszflzdes 0] wholesale 5; .Bigger and season. 6 season The rmg line,b a â€70 ‘ baton-e . After this, fre- quent shauowphyï¬pg of the soil is all that is needed, and the irequency is of “much' pqrtanm astheshallowness flaw foramonth is not too organ â€"â€"-vâ€"‘w \.‘ v \m ‘K A\\k- «l‘ho aha-3138306 of a round silo are: I: m 1988 lumber, has no corners for thu ,Q‘Eihgemspoilimasicis apttodoin . .~ one. is stronger and will lté Shape and can be made very » Thepestsilos I know of are round made In the canter of round bank. flange:- of: 2:1ng 9bebtm't .Ehmgsbein; InSmilzbe: 13‘_§t11l11:on1 advan I"; . 0f springing out. This is very Important, because the deeper the 51‘.» 9% the ensilage will keep. other ‘4 being equal. The outside cover- ‘-- put on i118 Ship 13p. Ducts can in, w.w 3‘ intervals of 3 or 4 feet. Ween. The boards z'n‘e bent groin-«1‘s» thateachbomd isahoop. and iccan be flag any height desired and with no -..» Uksll \ v\. Auvxgxw- It {s built. of wood and round. "an. “mull: need be only 2 by 4. the inside 1131318 ing two thicknesws of half inch boards in. 6 inches wide, with tar paper be- The Best Silos. Of all the bulletins ever ixmed from aIlleriment‘. stations the one on silos UV meessor King of the Wisconsin univer- E: Station perhaps caused gzeatosr 1:1- He advised wood eilos round in Shape. This style now prevails. in many mom, notably in the “"51 039 1f essor’s followers thus wriru “Prairie Farmer concerning 11:} silo. . Which he thinks the best m r :- invented: As-large a- crop was securl frum rvm cuttings as from three. whether the} ï¬rst cutting was at an early period or at a medium stage of its growrh. As early out hay gave a slightly better gain, the balance of the experiment favors early cutting, though it is :ms‘umed. but 11-»: known, that the character of the growth from early out alfalfa is not as substan- tial as that from late cut. :5 the flesh ‘xf cattle fed on the latter probably contaii‘s glare fat and less water. The usaal prac- if" of early cntnng was. however. con- Harvesting Alfalfa Bay. The usual custom is tr;- harvost alfalfa just before it is in full blown. Wit}: early cutting in many Sections r‘mw crOps perseason may be secured. BIL-1'- ing that alfalfa clover out slightly :zr‘twr bloom might be as nutritious as that cut in bloom, and that if as much nutri- tion could be secured in two crops as in three the cost of harvesting thu hay would be lessened, Director Sunb. vrll of the Utah station divided the Utah sm- tion alfalfainto six plats and throw lots. each test being in duplicate. The ï¬rst lot was mowed before the alfalfa. came intobloom, the second lot was out when in early bloom, and the third 1a: when completely out of bloom. The. early out .alfalfa gavea greater gain in flesh when fed to steers than the lure cut. Should you get a ï¬eld cut and cook andafew days’ ruin (any. it.- be cocked over, and by this nuns be kept from coloring badly and ;: musty. If one had caps to vavrl‘ cooked up, there would perhup< necessity of cooking over. yet I .~ not use the hay caps in fairish wa as the hay Will sweat and (“1:33- v.1: m uncovered. Clover cut a: 73.- mentioned and cured as diva-t» come out of the mow a; bright an '1 as when put in. After a short time the clov-r is m‘ L the barn, where it can be I; -.:r < 1.- u as possible from air dram-in;r ,, L:- “P"‘ When it can be done put in an 1 l l r “.3 storage place as soon as po'~<:“zl.: :2; put some straw or old hay r2; r2 1v- r and you have something I) 21?»:1‘3‘; the moisture that comes frnzz- 3: fr~ cut clover and will have none '7‘ black or moldy. VJ ‘ "coess for years, and I hum: xi gag??? ders. First, clover should be cu nae it 8110‘ ’9 the bi'3~<on:5 we] -' before all of it is in Lluom. Th ï¬mh 690of day when out has much m d! ï¬th a successful curing. I 143:"(1‘ Mgr the maChiDe in clover until Y? r rirw i: eï¬ and then mow ir, and in t3: 0 he: . : meday, when It is I; â€[1311? xv; 1n (1 3 :1 it and put up in not tml we r Thwaare generally left um: 1:03 1 day, and if the weather is nut- ï¬: ha-y weather they stand unri- * tL 5.3 . “A day, and then are opened cu. 33 _-,.... ihin, but in such a wav Ma 1: t1; . 3.1 get through it and the sun not «2 3': v much. A m by Which Pc'd'ect Hay Can I M Without a Tedder. \As many farmers. do not possess a h: Wer and mOStIAans descriL-HZ by 21,?! chit-oral writers include one. the 5.2m 'ing from a Correspondent of Cuunti éentleman Ought» to be read with infra est. He writes: I give fi’plzm which 3:35 U- 11 in an»: Calm-u Note on Can. CUTTING AND cunme CLOV: " “.1. to harvest alfalfa, 111 bloom. â€With y sections three :secnred. Believ- cut slightly after ztritious as that if as much nmri- and in the J m: 121 as re: rm as}