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Watchman (1888), 3 Jun 1897, p. 8

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m heard anybody say that he ever knew an individual from this locality to go on an excursion to N iegara by rail and boat at so low a figure. This will undoubtedly be the cheapest trip on record. Racovma.â€"Mise Meta Bowen, who has been seriously in for the past three months, and who was pronounced in- curable by the doctors, has revived no attach as to inspire her friends with the Fans- on June 25th. The fare from Lindsay will be $1.90 and from Mariposn ntation and other stations between ()ak- vood and Toronto $1.75. Tickets will be good fit two days, June 25 h and 26th. and all who wish to go to the city on the evening cf the 24th may do so. their tickets being good to return either on the 25th or 26th. The boat does not as stat- ed in THE VVATCHMAN last week go to Lewiston, but to Queenston. and there- fore the electric railway on the Canadian side will be the route taken. The one fare pays for train. boat, and electric car. .I have not seen any person that ever Excvnsmx TO NIAGARAâ€"~Fun and com- plete arrangements have been made re garding the proposed joint. excursion excursion under the auspices of Oakwood council No. 30 C.O.C.F., and Court Mariposa N9. 1906 I, O. F. to Niagara PERSONALâ€"Miss Maggie Burns spent her 24th here. . . .Miss Hannah Greenan of East Ups is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dan Farley. . . . . .Miss Miller spent Sunday wilhflriends in the south. ...... Mr. Jack ()Laughlin spent Sun- day in our midst ...... Messrs Wm. Powers, P. J. U’Cunell and Dan Mc- Ginnis spent Sunday on Muskral Island. the guests of Mr. Jacketz. NEW MAL-Hm 1-: . â€"Mr. Sam Hawthorn has purchased a. new improved Challenge threshing machine for the coming season. Sag: will as usual ma_ke things hum. 898cm! to the Watchman. MILK Dz:.\\\‘1_\'u.â€"1\Icssrs John Lynch and 1’. Brady have secured the season’s milk drawing from here to Valentia cheese factory. They are now making their regular trips and it might be truly said that they have to get a gait on. Emsâ€"Mr. Tom Suggitt of Valentia 18 again making his regular trips with his egg wagon. Tom is as usual the ladies man. Cnors.â€"The fine sunny weather with a few frequent showers is making our farmers smile, as the crops never looked better around here at this time of year. st.xr1’oxxTnL».â€"Uur people are beginn‘ ing to think that your correspondent has died or has been scared out of existence as there has been no news appearing in your paper from here lately. LI N D SA Y4 LOCAL N EWS-LET'l’ERS â€"Fu‘ll' asxori xm-nt of \Vilkinson Co's eelohx :Itcvl hats in Fedora and Derbys (LL‘ ' â€". 30 â€"Cap p> at 10c. 17 w. 20c." .5c. 430. 11nd 50c --Mcn's Stmw> from dc to $1.50 Special to ma Watchman â€"Boys' Pants commence at 250 $1 3.5 --Y ouths’ 3 piece Suits $2.50 â€"â€"\Ien’s Sun’s at $2.50 â€"â€"Men’ 5 Sui.s at $2 .75 â€"Men’s Suits at $3.15 â€"300 Speck} Suits, worth from $9 to $14 for St} and $7.50 â€"Men‘s Pants 75c, 90c $1.00. $1.25 Clothing. â€"B0ys' 2 piece Xavy Serge Suits, 5 to 8 yrs, 99¢ â€"â€"B0y5: 2 piece Tweed Suits, 5 to 8 yrs, Special May Bargains in â€"Union Carpets an 299, 39c, 45c and 50‘ -â€"Hemp Carpets at ICC. 123 and 15c â€"-Lace Curtains 2; yds long per pair 23« -â€"Crmnptnn and I'L'IXC. Corsets. perfect in lit. none better in values at 25c, 50c, 65c, 75c, 3.1:, $1.00 and $1.25 -â€"See our 90c Corset clearing out at 65c â€"Ladics’ white cotton Night Gowns, lace trimmed and tucked 48c --Lmiies’ white cot’n (forgot covers from 13c £9350 cheaper grades â€"Paraaols regular $1 for 75c ~Parascls. regular $1. 25 for 95¢ â€"T. B Shirt W aists at 750,... Qland $125 THURSDAY, JUNE 3rd, 1897. -Parasols at 2Uc â€"â€"-Parasols at 25c â€"Pamsols at 40c â€"Parasols at 50c ~â€"Seam1ess Cashmere Hose 25c â€"â€"Ladies’ Vesta at 5c â€"Special Vest, worth 15c, for 10c â€"Extra fine qualities at 15c and 200 â€"Ladies’ and Children’ s Gloves from 10c -â€"Extra good values at 15c, 20c and 250. â€"Fast black cotton Hose 0:. â€"Heavy weight cotton Hose 100 “Louis Hermsdorf dye “good” 15c (the “Watchman. Howaver we]! mtentioned and honest the clever statements that lead to sales it must be annoying to carry home the goods and tell the neighbors the cost and have them say they bought the things here in the regular way at half the price without yaunting advertisements. We can show quite a number of articles sellin" along here for along time in the usual course of business at half and quarter 1653 than hullabaloo prices . M035 THAN Tmmuzmc ! Parasols and Shift Waists. Gloves, Hosiery and Vests. Corsets and Whitewear. Carpets and Curtains. 6t Hats and Caps. KENNY‘S~0PS OAKWOOD. «J Dchrs hem iisle‘ Thread 2‘ H $§ §£ CARTER, “ I6 $1.00 29c 50c 75c "0| 25c .Mrs. F. Whiteside's father apez’u Sabbath with her ...... Rev. W. Wicket: of Mountain Grova, en route for confer- ence, spent last Sabbath at Mr. Yeo’s. . . . Mr. B. Broad is visiting his father. Rob. in looking well, and we are delighted to PERSONAL â€" Mrs. R. Fostei is stopping a couple of weeks with her daughter at Saintfield ...... Miss Whiteside and Mrs. McIntyre of Lindsay spent Sunday with their sister, Mrs. Dr. Vroomsn ..... We rwere pleased to see the genial counten- . ance of one of our former teachers, Miss Elliott, in town. She was the guest of Mr. Jas. Blewett’s ...... Zilla Morgan and Miss Griflith of Wilfred have been visiting friends in town ...... Mrs. Dr. Vroomsn returned home from Toronto on Saturday night. after a week’s stay in the city ...... Mrs. Robinson and Mrs. Oliver spent Sabbath at the home of Mr. Thos. Wallis. . . . Howard Glenny of Cartwright paid us a flying visit on Sabbath. He stopped with his uncle, MrJohn Glenny. J M... n “n -. Mamumm L1cENsEs.â€"J. B. Weldon, issuer of marriage licenses, Little Britain.â€"12-tf. IlLNESS.â€"I\/Irs. Philip Mark has been dangerously ill with inflammation for a week. Dr. Hall is in constant attendance and hopes are now entertained of her recovery. Special to the Watchman. Axxxvt-ztmnnxâ€"The church was necked on Sabbath afternoon. it bein:t the C.0.F. anniversary day. There was a good turn out of the members, Including a continâ€" gent from Janetville. Rev. F. B. Stratton gave a. very interesting and timely discourse on the very appropriate text: “None of us liveth to himself. and no man dieth to himself.” The speaker. after referring to the fatherhood of God, and the consequent brotherhood of man. showed how well the btneficiary institu- tions were adapted to c; rry out the main lesson taught in the text “living for others." He gave‘a lucid description of the progress of the different Forestric organizations. and concluded by exhorting his hearers to make preparation for both worlds. NEW Saloor. flownâ€"Our new school houses are both under way. Mr. Hanley, contractor of Lindsay, has the foundation laid for the northern one, and Mr. Bryans of LindSay is pushing on the south one. Both are to be brick. ‘ PERSONALâ€"“h were pleased to see the smiling countenance of Mr. Stillwell once more in our midst. Strange what brings him over the water. . . .Mr. Wilmot Mark of Blacketnck was visiting his old friends on Sabbath ...... W. Pogue and son of Scugog Island was in our hamlet on Sun. (my. highest hopes. Her fiumerous friends will be pleased to hear that her recovery is probable. She is a universal favorite and her complete restoration to health is urgently looked for by everyone. Special to the Witchnnn. -â€"Pm‘fect fitting white Dix-as Shirt 50c ~rSce our Imperial \\ orking Shirt 30(- ~Fine summer Shirts and Drawers 23C wFrench Buibnggan Shirts and Drawer 25¢. «Bhuk CaShmere Socks worth :L'yc for- " â€"I>c:ultifal as_~oxtx_nenb_ of \Ion_s Fancv vyui ..._ Shirts. at 50c, 750, $1 and $1.23 ~-Black Satin Shirts. special 39c and 50c â€"\V0\fo:: washing Tics 1th 01‘3 {01'253 -â€"-Silk Knots or Derhys :2 for 25C 7 â€"â€")-Ien‘snn«l Boy." unlaumh‘icd Shirk weight 3 l-4 lbs, for 90c. -â€"-13 Spools Coatx" Thread for 10¢. â€"‘1 pearl Bails 25c â€"FC:ItI1er Ticking: for S1- -â€"\\ hite L 1111101 \\ :11'p “111111111 95c â€"L 11101011 L:1rpot \\ mp "I111111l1" $1.1) â€"â€"Big 1 :1111115 111'111‘1‘01is :11 2.51' â€"Marselles BedVSpread, size 76 x 90 â€"36 inch Factory Cotton 3c â€"36 inch Bleached Cotton 56 â€"Shaker Flunncls 5c. 6c, 7 ~ and IOC â€"Towellings. snaps at 4c and Sc â€" Towels." f0: 5c â€"II.\'tr;L Luge 'lowolsz fox 15c -56 inch T: xhling 21c â€"Fast color Gingham Sc â€"Hca\ v Sheeting 10c â€"Cottonudcs at 1 2.’_.c â€"Big job just to hand. 1_22 piecee, ALL \mOL SorgeS, 36 and 42 web (33 shades) to be closed at 25c- and 30c â€"Bcautifu1 Mk Lush-vs at 250. 35c, 400, 500 â€"â€"Black Sicilians an. 250, 350, 450 and 600 â€"Shot- Lustrcs at 390 â€"Bicycie Snitingg at 40¢ and 500 â€"Black Valorcs at 33c, ~15c, 50c, 600 â€"â€"l“uncy effects from 24c â€"Orgun.dies ana Dumtyes from 1251:: â€"â€"Beautiful range colored Dress Iuslin 20¢, 23(- and 250 You will find our New Stock made up entirely of goods that are trustworthy and serviceable,'and our complete assortment insures perfect satisfaction and easy selec- tion. \\'e wish everyone to know that we are giving great Bargains in the best line of goods we ever sold. Come early and see us. â€"Fast color Printfi at 5c. Sc, 10c and 12.50 â€"Neat designs in black and greys at liéc -â€"Tart:m reds fast and pretty at 10c ”Chilllies in neat patterns at Tc â€"Linen efl‘ects 10c -Plissc at 12-.Lc and 4c â€"-Qashm_qre Impel'ials‘nc “ Sp} gci: 11 unluundried Shirts, linen bosom Prints and Cotton Goods. Men’s Furnishings. LITTLE BRITAIN. Dress Goods. VALENTIA. Staples. Stapl S. sté who had ‘imbibed too much “ O-be-joyfm." From the crowning hair of its head to the lowest tuck in its boots this neighborhoodis a tem- _ OLD RYEâ€"D0 not cease perusing this article, gentle reader, for fear that you should be deluded into reading a persuasive advertisement of the ad- vantages to be derived from patroniz- ing De Guzzeler’s distillery or grog shop. It is nothing of the kind, neither is it a recital of some entertain- ing free}: on the pert of some unfortun- HERE AND Tunaâ€"Mr. Dave Stevens paid a visit to his father, Mr. Wm Stevens. Mr. Stevens accom- panied him on his return to his home lat Orono. . . .Several of our southern lpedagoguesowho anticipated a. wheeling trip to the Pension Falls convention were ruthlessly disappointed by the bad weathei and impassable roads . . . . Mrs. Hall and Mr. Geo. Hall of Toronto are waiting friends at Zion . . . Mrs. Geo. Walsh of Burkebon 18 visiting at Mr. John Stacy’s. . . . Miss Clara Western has completed her course in dressmaking at Lindsay and‘ returned home. Her many friends gladly welcome her back again. Yi: 0L1) Tim: .:\NNIVERSARY.â€"“Itis just too mean for anything 1 ” So say the belles of our borough. The weather clerk seems to have a reckless disregard for Sabbath observance, and with a satanic persistency continues to pour down rain, which of itself is all very good, but the fact that calls forth imprecaiions is that it will insist; 0n raining Sundaysâ€"not only on ordinary Sundays, but it actually had the audacity to rain on the Sunday chosen‘ for Zion anniversary, and not a sprinkle either, but a. regular soaker. iFor the tea and concert on Monday. however, everything was lovely, old Sol favoring the occasion with some of his brightest smiles, and the pro- fusion of long imprisoned new spring hats eclipsed the most elaborate millin- ery opening of the season. It “as worth the admission fee just to see some or” the exquisitely dainty crea- tiOns on view. Judging from the bounteous spread of good things provided for the tea, prettily dressed women make excellent cooks, for the provisions, both as to quality and quantity, were all that the most inveterate epicure could wish for. A truly splendid concert ended the day’s enjoyment, and the immense crowd went homé happy, mentally resolving to come again “next time." We con- gratulateo our neighbors on their success.- AND STILL Axmm‘Iz.â€"â€"â€".\Ir. Davi- son’s home cnmc within an ace of being reduced to ashes last week. The trouble, as in the other case, originated with a burning chimney, which ignited the ceiling. \Vhen noticed the ceiling was burning merrily, but prompt action of a few neighbors happily averted this disaster also. \1: .111 111' -XNO”;1111 1: 171111:.â€".\Ir.(1(o. 51103-51010 1ocently had :1 \"m narrow escape from having his 111111111 (’estroy11'd by fire. Soot in the chi1111111vcaurrht fire and before it “as noticed had :11 0 set fire to the ceiling and roof and was rapidly gaining headway. It was discovered in time, however, and the appiication of a li U c \\ ater efl‘ectual‘y (Lunpoxmd the ardour of what might, have‘ ueen a sexious CO111fi1121ati0n. Bexcm 't:1{.â€"There was a good turn out on Tuesdiy night to meet Canada’s famous cartoonisu E\pectntion had been running high. As the living objects appearing in the papers for the past )ear have been so significant multitudes were anxious to see the author. He came ; they saw ; he conquered His witticisms and caricatures were sufficient to gratify the keenest critic. and tickle the funny chord in the entire crowd. as manifested in the rounds uf applause that greeted his perfornmnccs. If any country can beat him let the mull he trottel out. We shtuld like to see him. ' BRAULE'S -MARIPO.§A Special to the Watchman. CONFERENCE, â€"Rev. F. B. Strntton left on Monday morning for Bowmanville to attend the stationing committee. which met in that town at 2 p.m. ..... Rev. A. R. Delve and Richard Robertson left on Wednesday for the seat of conference. The ministerial session and layman’s con- vention met on Wednesday. Mr. Robert- son is a member of the Conference, having been elected thereto by the Canningten district. \VEn1»x.\'as.â€"Dame rumor says two weddings in our village in the near future. Wendel who they are? That’s the ques- tion. Cumwmâ€"Rev. C. E. Cragg of Oak- wood occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church Sabbath morning. having exchang- ed with Mr. Deivo. and preached a very acceptable and profitable sermon. EXUL'RSION.-â€"TWO bus loads and several carriages took in the excursion from here on Saturday last. The morning was most unplopitious, a drizzling rain falling. which I ravented many others from accom- panying the party. The day, however. turned out fine. and a pleasant time was enjoyed. It was under the auspices of the I.O.G.T. SHEEP KILLED. â€"\V. P. Rogers had we sheep killed by dogs Tuesday nicrht of last week. This IS the third time depre- dations have been committed in the vicinity of a similar nature recently, and it is about time somebody' s canines were muzzicd or treated to a bullet. learn of his success ...... Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and Mr. and Miss Oliver of Sunderland spent last Sabbath at Mr. John Wallace’s. . . .Miss Mary Sailles is spending a week in town. . . .Mr. Ashton of Columbus is visiting his sisters. Mrs. Wickett and Mrs. Stone ...... The Misses Smith entertained a number of )oung folks on Monday elening. A very plea- sant time was spent: in conversation, flames. etc.. after which all did ample justice to the good goodies prepared by the hostess. ' :THE WATChMAN, LINDSAY» THURSDAY. JUNE 3m) 1897. whiz- " *' éeia';:'.;‘.'.* ..... oo 72 zrog “ goose..........00 62 kind, Buckwheat............00 32 main. Rye..-.....o....oo.o.00 31- ’rtun. Osts ........ oooonoooo-m 24 Pa”... ooooooo c ....... “’45 ”3°“ Barley................00 25 maple 2 ft. ......... Tamarac long. . . . ........ Tamrac abort ............ goft wood .............. Sheep skins ............. Tallow ................. Wool. washed ........... W 001, unwashed ..... . . . Hay, per ton ............ 7 00 to 8 00 Honey per lb .......... . 0 06 to O 00 Cream per qt ........... 0 20 to 0 20 Sage per bunch .......... 0 05 to 0 05 Lard per lb ............... 09 to 0 10 Straw per load ........... 1 50 to 2 00 Timothy ................. 1 25 to 1 85 Clover, Alsike, per bus. . . . 3 00 to 4 50 Clover.Red.........' ..... 400to480 Hidesâ€"Beef ...... 3 ....... 5 $0 to 6 50 Woodâ€"qty: beach and Pot $17093 per bag. . . . ..... 0 4O 45 MEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Chickens, per pair. . . . . . 0 35 to 0 45 Ducks, per pair ........... 0 40 to 0 50 Geese. per lb ............ 0 06 to 0 07 Butterpertb............. 013t0315 Eggs, per dozen. . ......... 0 8 so 0 9 Turkeys per 11) ..... . . ..... 0 09 to 0 10 Hogs, live weight, per_cwt 4 60 to 4 85 Lamb, per lb..... ....... 006 t0007 Dressed Hogs..... ....... 5 75 to 625 Beef ................. . . 4 00 to 5 00 Farmera’ Hams per lb. . . . . C 36 to 0 08 Buckwheat ...... Barley, per bushel. Rye ............ . Oats, ............ . Peas. small ........ Peas, Mummies. . . . Peas Blue ...... . . Blackeye peas ..... Fall Wheat; per bushel Fyfe \Vheat do (10., . . Spring do do Goose do do. cattle cwt ............ Bulls. per cm ......... Feeders per cw: ........ Stockers per cwt. . . . . . . Sheep, per cwt ......... Yearling lambs. per cwt. Spring lambs. each ..... Calves. per head ..... Chmce bacon hogsf cwt Thick fat hogs per cwt. . Light fat hogs, per cwt.. Sows. per cwt ......... Stags, per cwt. . . . . . Toronto Live Stock Market. Milch cows, each ....... S' ‘J 00 to £4? :8 00 Export cattle, per cw.t 4 00 to 4 5O Butchers’choicecattle.cwt 3 50 to 3 65 Butchpre’ 0rd. to good Toledo Clever Seed Market. Dull easy; prime, cash. $4.1m; Camber 34. 42.1.», MARRIAGES. \Inmxâ€"UnuMwlwlxex J. R. I’cnkc of Mimlcn. at the Mrlhodist parsonage, on “011611), May 1711]. Allan Madiil of \Ion- muuth In \liss Hannah, daughter of Mr. Thus..\1ilbum. of Snomlcn. “Easier 'tis you'll find To make your mmd to the weather Than weather to your mind." WAIT FOR IT.â€"And it is not IOng to wait now either, Just ’till the third Sunday and Monday in June. Wait for what? Why, for Salem church re opening and anniversary services. We’re going, in fact every- body is going. so unless you want to be seriously “not; in it,” you had better come along too. And everybody is going to have a. good time, for was it ever known otherwise at Salem? Bigger and better this year than ever before. \Vatch for particulars in the near future. After you‘ve read them you’ll be sure to go. DEATHS Mum-In Lindsay, on Sunday, May 30:11, 1897- Georgina Hawkins, beloved wiic of John Mills, aged 33 years. CRANDELLâ€"In Lindsay, on May 23th, the wife of Capt. Frank Crandell of a daughter. MAY-TIME BEAUTIES.â€"-â€"Mnny of our orchards are now in full bloom and others are clothed in all the delightful stages of bud and blossom. Not only do we appreciate the beauty and fragrance of the wealth of snowy banks which dot our fair country’s landscape, but they are all the rum pleasing when we remember that after the blossom comes the fruit, and this season’s flowers foretell a glorious fruitage later On. Some of our growers report plums already Injured by the frost, but we hope not seriously so. WEATHER TALKâ€""Looks like ram,” "Been a. long dry spell.” “Still wal- lowing plensantly in the abundant mud.” Such expressions we hear daily from our well-nigh disgusted agriculturists. But better take what we get and murmur not, for perance one, and indulges not in the cup which not only cheers but also inebriates. Nevertheless, we have noticed recently the development of a trade in “rye," not, however, as a beverage, but as a more innocent and profitable article of commerce. We refer to Mr. Thos. Lunney having found a. market: for his rye straw, lz.rge lvzds of whxch he has had pressed and which his teams have been busily engaged hauling to a place ‘._of ship- ment. nupw a u. .......... ,racloug............. acabort............. wood............... pakins.............. w.o-uuou.aoonuoonooo .washed............ .unwuhed,......... COMMERCIAL. Lindsay Markets. mum. do do . . . . . (JOARSE GRAIN VEGETABLES. GENERAL. BIRTHS. '75 to 4 90:0 4 300:0 200:0 U' 03 c: :1 9: w w L: :o ‘25 to -5 to 50 to 25 to 25 to 25 to 00 to 00 to .‘25 to 0001270 WW009311 42320000 mmmmmmmm 42320000 4 SO 5 00 3 53 2 50 4 00 6 00 50 Call and inspect Sample Wheels at Quicksteps at $5 THE WONDERFUL CHEAP MAN. There's big value for you in our Double Header Sale. Two solid reasons why we want to unload. Will you stand by and see the un- loading done and not get a share of the advantages. Com: AND SEE. We cannot afford, for the sake of our rep- utation, to have any but the best and latest clothing. We. must offer at the lowest prices. This we do. Coma AND 5151-2. -You can find your neighbors buying at our counters and saving money by it. So, too, can you. COME AND SEE. We go to our New Store, Dobson’s Block, corner of Kent and 'Nilliam-sts, as soon as they can be made ready. Our removal illustrates the growth of the business. Its growth means satisfaction of customers who have brought trade to its doors. The new store will fill a ”“Lnu larger trade and handle a larger stock. Our friends need not fear that under the new auspices Mr, B. ] Cough will be less able than in the past to do his share as a successful buyer and seller, for he still remains a member of the buying syndicate of Cough Brosâ€"buy- ing for eight storesâ€"the largest clothing syndi- cate in Canada. Com-1 AND SEE. ' The motive will be Spot Cash and your money back if goods are not as represented, You can't judge of the values we offer unless you come and see the goods for yourselves. Com: AND 5121:. To 2726 Wkeel... Our big Dissolution Sale will continue for 30 days longer. People will realize how ne- cessary it is for us to get rid of the goods when we say that in addition to the requirements of closing up the interests of the late firm there is the imperative call to clear stock before removing. 1-Dissolution of Business. A FEW WEEKS AGO BY OFFERING The demand was so great that we had to cease ac with the factory working night and day to supply 01 of the times,” and cordially invite the public to ins; and Most Trustworthy Bicycle (other than the offered at less than $100. Z-Remeval to New Premises. '. A. LUZ/ER 55: co 'm‘ 0217/ Skou/a’ez/ Ling); 632E; had to cease advertising them. Now (Successor to Goug ppl): orders, we are “abreast ‘0 Inspect The Handsomest ".71, THE “71515 L 0F'91- CLEVELAND) ever [69 I 'OIIgI‘flld Toronlo. \ ‘ .\\“.\N\x V \V former patrons that premises next to P solicits a continuano H atan manufacturer FOOTWEAR \ ALSO A COMPLETE STOC KENT STREE' .Anewdeaignin 3n:3houldhaveonl inoleums i n a _ Our stock of D. 1". ind prices cut awa; ”In tgo. The pub] mimange. One Pric Encourage home t: "Id buyer will recei‘ :l' Don’t forget to -â€"Hemp Carpa indsay’s Leader .-â€"Wooi Carpet â€"â€"Brussel’s Can â€"â€"Canadian Oi‘z‘ One Hund‘ Mortgage 1” - per cem “ ABLE “'e have taken M. H. 515 OUR â€"School â€"Ladies' -â€"â€"Evenin; SOOT hut/z 5. Number in all QM ad van Wii all

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