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Watchman (1888), 23 Jun 1898, p. 1

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Ith 0 Milk Volume MBGAFFEY’S ,The Gr‘eatest and Best VALUE ever offered in the history of the PARASOL TRADE is found in our Special Lines at 50c, 60c. 75c, $x.oo and $1.25. ,A GREAT GLOVE at a low price can be had in' our Glove Money to Loan ____ -The season’s Greatest Offer in Ladies ’and Misses’ Hose. â€"Extra special Fast Black Jersey ribbed, 12¢, 15c, 18c. â€"Ladies’ fast Sanilary Black, full, seamless, cotton at 7c, 10:, 15c, 20. ~Special Vestsâ€"5c, 7c, 10C, 13C: 15c 2°C: 25c, and 30c. -A very desirable selection of PRINTS. ~Our Black and Colored Dress Goods are always found rightâ€"Blouse Silks are a leading feature. E. B. W. McGaffev Department. Good Cotton and Lisle Thread IOC and 15c. special LI‘aFfeta 15c, 20c, 25c. â€"Special Silk 18c, 25c, 30c, 35c. .Extra kxd lmes from 50c to $1.25, worth 20 per cent. more than the price we name. Very Taking SHIRT WAISTS made of the season’s most select fabric, with all the features of a perfect fitting and good wearing garment Clothing for Men, Youths and Bays â€"the be$t fitting and most durable suits ever produced at the price. Men’s suits commence at $2.75. N ouths’ suits commence at $2.50. ' 'BOYS’ suits commence at $1.2 5 . '0‘" 5Pedal Odd Pants at 75c, $00 and $12 5 are unequalled for the money. léadsay‘s Leader of Low Cash Prices Dry Goods House. ICS CLOTHING. Ics’ Wavshvington TIES in the season’s most stylish variety of high color, Roman stripe pattern combination, me, I 5c, 18c, 20c and 2 5c. XI. Number 26. IF YOU WANT BARGAINS Mortgage from 4; I . - per cent - Shirt Waists and Ties. Ladies’ Wear. SOOTHERAN Hosiery Department. arasols and Gloves. â€"Men’s White and Colored Shirts in an endless variety of Checks. Collars and Cuffs to match. Specials at 50c, 60c, 75c and $1. from I 5c to 50¢. Call and inspect StOCkOOOOOIOCOOCIUOOC. MEN’S WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS. , HIGH GRADE SUSPENDERS GO TO -2 t0 LINDSAY â€"In Cashmere the best 2 5c, seam- less, shaped ankle, full length, ever sold at thep rice. -Cornplete assortment pof SWEAT- ERS and BICYCLE HOSE. St) les and prices popular with the bicycle trade. The regular June session of the county council of Victoria county was held in the council chamber on Tuesday. Warden Lithgow presided, and the following mem- bers were present: Messrs. J. Austin. J. Bailey, R. Byrans, J. A. Ellis, S. J. Fox, J as. Graham, Fred Shaver and Dr. Wood. Minutes of previous session read. and on motion confirmed. run menN’s ADDRESS. Moved by Mr. Bailey, seconded by Mr. Fox, that the warden’s address be received and the difl'erent clauses be referred to the respective committees to which they belong. ' In compiiance with the terms of the report of the standing committee on roads and bridges adopted by the couneil at the January session, I, in company with the county engineer, visited the site of the bridge across Pigeon Creek on the boundary between the townships of Ops and Manvers, at the time in the month of March last, when it was deemed the water would be at the highest at the melting of the snow. I found that the elevation of the approaches and bridge were not sufficient. A report from the engineer will be laid before Owing to certain errors in valuation of the Village of Woodville by the county-valuators a reduction of the nggtegate will be necessary for the purposes of the equalization of assessments for the present year. ' ' yoq. A Vacancy in the representation of the cCounty council on the board of education of the village of Omemee has been caused‘ Jy the lamented death of Mr. Thos. Robinson, who was appointed in January last. From time clerk of the township of Fenalop, requesting that an arbitrator be appointed re differences respecting Rose- dale bridge. Frbm Geo. McHugh. MC.P., raped»! ans re‘ative to Rosedaie looks and Cowm’s bridge. From Reeve Robertson of Ops. re use of stone crusher, The presentment of the grand jury at spéng assizes. From Shah-man of S S. No. 3, Emily, re Eeportflof lnapecbor_fur East Victqgl-a. From the secretary of the Lay Associa- tion at the Bay of Quinta conference of the Methodist church, returning thanks for the use of court: room by the associa- tion. ‘ Fran M. Kehoe, repairs on Black river brijge. ""Fnsm’John s. Fielding. C.E., offering services 13 plannlgg Edéges. __ .- '6'; {notion rt'he foregoing communica- tions, reports, etc., were referred to their respective com mltteee. THE VICTORIA ROAD. Dr. Wood presented the petition of J emea McCaughey and other rateplyers of Garden, Laxton. Dixby and Dalton praying that a grant be made for the improvements of the Victorie road.â€" Referred to the committee on roads and FFom clerks of Maripoaa. and Ops, transmitting copy of resolutions disap- proving of use of narrow tires on vehicles for heavy trafic. From the oferk of the county of Lanark. transmitting draft of petition to the gov- ernor-genenl to an nddltlonnl per delm allowance to non-commissioned officers. hiFééin {Poi-onto and'I'on Bay railway, commission aeokipg lpformatlori: nâ€"Ft‘râ€"oafitihe’ 'pubfiahen re Clark and Sonny’s drainage cage-.- From-the department of crown lands, calling attention to change in law relating to theg survey of boundary lines. From tha' secretary of Prisonere’ Aid, to grant. _ uRlapo rts we-e read from Oakwood, Fenelon Falls, Boboaygeon, Lindsay and Omemee public libraries. Reports were also read frOm the county glowlng association, North and South lctoria Agricultural societies and the treasurer of the Home for the Aged. From the clerk of Lenark. fer-warding petitions to minister of justice, re com- mittal of findigegte._ , from the Trent Valley' canal associa- tion, relative to it: objecu. Fi‘om the secretan-treaaurer of the Victoria. Rifle association, asking for a The appblntment of nominating officers for the ensuing election of members of this council will demand attentional: the present sessign. During the recess I found that inconvenience was likely to arise by reason of grants to the Farmers’ Institutes of the county not having been made at the Ianuary session, and deem- ing it advxsable that the amount usually grant- ed should be paid to the treasurers I instruct- ed the county treasurer to anticipate the action of the council at the present sessmn. FINANCE STATEMENT. The warden laid on the table estimates 3nd auditore’ reports, which on motion were referred to the finance committee. COMMUNICATIONS. The warden read the following com- munications :â€" Moved by Mr. Bryena, seconded by Mr. Gnhsm, that the committee on fin- euce be instructed to constder en_d report From the clerk of Ops. transmitting rebolution of council re boundary bridge betwe‘ n Ups and Msnvera. bridgel. on the udviasbility of making the nun] gnnt to the Victoria Rifle “Minion.â€" From the county engineer,re approaches and bridges on boundary between Ops and Manvera. Moved by Mr. Bdley, seconded by Mr, Ems. autumn] committee on eqmli‘ izstlon Ind moment be appointed, to be cougpoqaq of all the members of coun- Mr. Elli: gave notice of‘rby-law to con- firm by-luv No. 515 of the townuhip of Fenelon.â€"Curied. The cannon than uljoumod an 10.30 VICTORIA COU NTY COU NCI L. VICTORIA RIFLE ASSOCIATION. JUNE SESSION NOTICE OF BY-I EQUALIZATION. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1898. The council met at 113m. Warden Lithgow in the chair and all membero present. Minutes of previous session read, and on motion confirmed. The inspectors report for schools in West Victoria was laid on table, and on motion referred to the committee on education. PLOWMEN'S ASSOCIATION. Moved by. Mr. Fox, seconded by Mr. Swi'zer, that the committee on finance be lnstrucbed to take into consideration the advisability of making the usual grant to the plowman’s association of Victoria oounty.â€"Carrled. Moved by Dr. WoedS, seconded by Mr. Ellie. that by-law No. â€", being a by-law to confirm by-law No. 515 of the muni- cipal council of the township of Fenelon. entitled a. “ By-law to authorise the municipal council of Fenelon to lease to Charles J. Thurston a certain portion of the road allowance between the 9th con. of Fenelon end the corporation of Fenelon Falls," be Introduced and read a first time.â€"Oarried. ‘ On motion the council went into com- mittee of the whole on the second read- ing with Dr. Wood in the omit: The by-law was then read a third tlfie anipasaed. u 7 ‘ On motion of Mr. Cameron, seconded by Mr. Switzer, that the following re; ort of the equalizstion committee was receiv- ed and road a second time : Tfie council then, on motion, adjourned to go into committee, to reassemble at. 10.30 on Thursday. Sixth ' a :,,,,.,....'John A.Ja£ks1 3. That leave be granted to introduce a by-law to give efl’ect to the foregoing xecom- mendations. On motion of Mr. Bailey, seconded by M r Austin, the report of the equalization committee m referred back for further considernuon. Your committee have considered the ques- tion of the equalization of the assessment of the municipalities of the county for the pur- pose of levying rates for the current year, and beg to_recum_mend as follows; : The by 43w then referred to was then Introduced and read. In fixed the equal- ized value of the mnnicipulitiea as fol- THURSDAY'S PROCEEDINGS Members all present exeept Mr. J ohn- son. Minutes of Wednesday’s proceed- ings read and continued. ,GRANT MADE On motion of Mr. ghaves, seconded by Mr. Graham, the standing committee on finance was instructed to take into con- sideration and report on making the usual want to the East and West Vic- toria Farmers’ Institutes. i. That the attention of yofir committee having been called toasecond entry by the valuators {or certain property in the village of Woodville, valued at $200 and an error of an under addition of $210 in summing up the aggregate value of the said Village, the sum of$1,790 be deducted from the total valueâ€" $102,415â€"as reported by the valuators and adopted by the council in June 1897, making the net value $100,625. 2. That in all other respects the equalized value be the same as in the year 1897, and as shown in the annexed schedual to be made a part otthia report. - 3. That lean-7c be granted to introduce a by- law to give effect to the torcgoing recom- mendation. ' lows : On motion by Mr. Switzer. seconded by Mr. Fox, the report of the handing committee on printing we: received, read and adopted without nmendment. nromrmrs ' to cum: On motion of Mr. Ellie. seconded by Mr. Osmeron. e hy-lew to mks certain :p intmente to oflice wee received. read at time, considered in committee. and holly adopted by the casual 01! motion of Mr. Bryans. seconded by Mr. Graham, that the standing com- mittee on finance and assessment was instructed to consider and report upon making a grant to the North and Souh Victoria Agricultural societies for 1898. APPOINTED 10 OFFICE On motion of Mr; Ellis. seeomled by Mr. Cameron, the report of the standing committee on appointments to office ms iécSit‘ed, read and adopted wichtut amendment. as follows : 2. That the fdllowing be appointed nomi- nating officers for the representatxve diviswns, VIZ 2 I. That Mr. Samuel R. Grandy of the vil- lage of Omemee be appointed a trustee of the Omemee high school in the room and stead of Thos. Roblnson, deceased. PIDLABB All) HAW On motion of Mr..Switxor. seconded by Mr. Cameron. 1. by luv to amend by-law No. 420, providing for the licensing, reg- ulating and governing of hurkou, podlars and petty chnpmen, m twelved. read md ndoptnd ‘by a two-thirds vote, and signed and ended. ' EEnily .................... . Eldon ............ 7 .......... F enelon .................. . Verulam .................... Somervillc ................ .. . Bexley ...... ............ .. Laxton, Digby and Longfoxd” Cardcn ..................... Dalton ..................... Lindsay town of ............ Omemec, village of ....... . . . FenclourFalls, village of ...... Bobcaygeon “ “ ...... Woodville “ “ ...... Matiposa. .................I$z,783,444 Ops .............. . ....... . 1,754,400 Emily .................... . 1,479,720 Fourth F 1fth Sixth First Division . . . . . Second “ Moved by Mr. Wood. would by Mr. WEDNESDAY MORNING EQUALIZATION COMMITTEE LEASING 1m: HIGHWAY. Total...............$u, H fl oncu.¢oouoonoul put- of............ geof.......... village of...... (I (C oo-oua . . . .Iesse B. Weldon . . . ..Walter F. O’Boylc ..... Richard I. Grady ..... George W. Taylor ”or-1513:3121»; .- qulalizgd Value 1445;: 124.5 149,366 62.37; 1,530,40 I 13.770 214.450 149.190 100,625 924. 153 1.045.615 861,660 282,510 721,665 On motion of Mr. Switzer, seconded by Mr. Fox, a by-law to amend by-law No. 419, entitled a by-law to provide for licensing‘ regulating and governing of auctioneers, was received, read and finally adopted. WILL BE SENT TO HOME FOR AGED Moved b Mr. Switzer. seconded by Mr. Ellis, t t the case of Hanlon, who is ocnfined here in the county goal, he referred to finance committee for his keeping in the home for the age at the county expense.-Carried. FINANCIAL The warden laid the bank statement on the table, showing a Inbatantisl balance to the credit of the countâ€"Received. COM]! UNICATIONB. From Mr. Broomfield Informing coun- cil that Ontnrio county council had mode a provisional grunt toward: cutting down ofp Smith’s hlll on boundary between Eldon and Thongâ€"Ronda- :n_d bridges. From 0. D. Barr re feulty stein to registry diceâ€"County property. EQUALIZATION. Moved by Mr. Cameron. seconded by Mr. Ellis. that the report of the commit- tee on equalization and assessment be re- ceived and “optedâ€"Carried. IN CONFIRMATION; Moved by Mr. Cameron, leeonded by Mr. Ellis. that by-lew No.â€" being 3 by-law confirming the report of the com- mittee on equalization be red 1. first time.-â€"~Carried. Council resumed at: 10.30. Warden Lithgow In the chair and members all present) except Mr. Johnston. Minutcu reed end on motion confirmed. Bailey, that the standing commute? on finance and assessments be instructed to‘ consider and report on case of Mr. Thos. Winter, who has become old and infirm. â€"Carried. On motion the council went. into com- mittee of the whole on the second revi- ing, with Mr. Shever in the chair. The by-lew wee on motion read It thitd time, penned, eigned end sealed. A SAD CASE. On motion of Monte. Grehem end Bryena e deputetion consisting of Mr. A. D. Mellon end Thee. Connolly were heerd on beheif of en unfortnnete men named Henlon. who wee confined in the county geol ea indigent, end paying the council to have him pieced in the home ‘for the aged. Movedby Conn. Switzer. seconded by Mr. Guyana, that the report of the standing committee on road- end bridge- be now ngread.-â€"-Cm~ried. The report was then peeled throng h committee with Mr. Swim: 1n the chair and finally peeeed as follow: â€"- Your committee have again hednnder con- sideuzion the application of the council of the 9i Great Sale of MM @0063 2% -â€"Men’s fine light and medium weight. natural woolShirts and Drawers, extra fine finish, $1 each or $2 per suit. â€"Men’s fine Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, nicely finished, 50¢. each or~$I per Suit. â€"Men’s Fancy Cambric Shirts, with Collars and Cuffs attached, extra good quality, 50¢. each. -â€"Men’s Fancy Cambric Shirts, were $1, now see. -â€"Men’s Silk Ties, in light or medium colors, in Bows, F our-in-Hand, Lombards,Knots, - and Flowing Ends 25¢. each. â€"Men’s fine Silk Flowing End Ties, newest designs 50¢. each. FRIDAY’S PROCEEDINGS sz'z‘e ASflz’i/z‘s, Colored Sky/2‘5, Sofz‘ Accnoxnns’ LICENSES Summer Sézrz‘s, Underwear, Geffen, A [Z- Woo! and Ba?- érz'ggan, Scar/s, Ties, 50x, Linen C ol/ars and C 29f: ...... AND A LARGE RANGE OF...... UMBRELLAS; HATS, CAPS, CHILDREN’S HEADGEAR. - RUBBER COATS, ETC., ETC.’ ROADS AND BRIDGES. All Men’s Goods sold at greatly reduced prices. ___.vâ€" -_â€"- “v uvsavu U9 L‘scu. Your committee have considered the para- graph of the Warden's address and the report of the county Engineer relative to the height of the approaches to, and the bridge across Pigeon Creek on the boundary between the townships of Ops and Manvers, constructed last year by this council and the council of the united counties of Northumberland and Durham. Instructions for and examination by the warden and the engineer at the the time of the spring freshets were given at the Jan- uary session. It is apparent that the approaches _ and bridge should be raised. in connection with it which could form a sub- ject for arbitration under the provision; of the municipal act. Your committee hold: 1g these vicws, rccommed that no action be taken. make up the supplementary amount. There is attached to the petition an appendix, some of the statements in which are quite extrava- gant in their relation to the facts. and county councils relative to the outlay incuxred. Your committee is of the opinion the bridge is not a. county bridge and that, therefore, there is no liability resting upon the oounty, anti further that _n_o_question has arisen in the' eEgineer’s repoft iévith the adation of another Hub-rail material to be plawd above the present one. Your committee have considered the petition of Iames McCaughey and a. large number of ratepayers of the townships of Garden, Laxton, Digby and Dalton asking a grant of $250.00 to supplement a conditional grant of the same amount made by the legislature for the purpose of repairing the Victoria Road south of Uphill. Your committee recommend that the sum of $150.00 be granted on condition that the local municipalities interested raise the additional sum of $100.00 which is required to Your committee recommend that the report of Mr. Kehoe as to the repairs on Black Water bridge authorized at the January session be accepted es satisfactory, end that that the treasurer be instructed to my Mr. Kehoe the sum of $10.00 for making repairs. Your committee recommended that S. I. Fox, Esq, M. P. P., member of the third division, be appointed commissioner for this council to act in conjunction with committee or com- missioner of the council of the united counties in carrying out the necesary works as §pe_cified‘ -_. AL- __ 44, 9 township of Fenelon, for payment by the county of the cost of construction or a. new bridge at Rosedale in the year 1897, and also the requesi‘ of the township council received since the January session that this council appoint an arbitrator in the matter of the diflerences existing between the township and -...I ,,,,,, Your committee have considered a number of other communications referred to them and beg to report as follows: I. That the mad machinery committee has hzd the screen of the stone-crusher mounted on trucks, the necessity for which' 15 indicated by Inna Robertson.es es.q ., reevc of Ops, in his epplicetion for the use of the machine by the township. 2. That the amendment in the law relative to the survey and establishment of mumcipal bounduy and conwssion lines, to which ettention is called by the deputment of crown landris of special importence to loan! munici- palities and will be salutary in its effects be- cause of the finality of the proceeding that may be taken under its provisions. 3. That your committee ate in general accord with the views expressed in the resolu- tions of the councils of the townships of M ai- posa. and Ops res ing the in'ury tothe roads of the county wEiCcdh results the use at (Continued on page 5 â€"â€"Men 5 " .Jld Boy’s Sweaters, 1n newest colors 50c, 75c., $1 and $1. 25 -â€"-Men’s Umbrellas, steel rod fast colors, full size, 50c., 75c. and $1. _ â€"Men’ 5 White Shirts, with or without collar attached, 50c, 75c. and $1. -â€"Men’s â€"â€"Men’s â€"Men’s -â€"Men’s Lineri Collars, 4-ply; 2 for 2 5c. â€"Men’s Linen Cuffs, 25¢. per pair. â€"Men’s Black Cashmere Sox, all-wool 20c. and 25c. ”Men’s Soft Summer Shirts, collar same as shirt, and fitted to wear white collar, 7 5c. and $1. â€"Men’s Black Shirts, fast colors, 50c, 7 5c, $1 â€"-Childreh’s Eeadgear. Tams, Pullovers, Golf. ____._ -.. .. a. uLLAJ, .I. uLLUVCl D, UUII, Turkish Fez andw Varsity, from me. up. 91 KENT-2 01: Approved Indorsed Notes for term from 3 to 12 months. x. H. SOOTHE RAN , . ..PAR|S GREEN ...... .. ...INSECT POWDER.... . . . HELLEBORE ......... . ....MOTH CAMPHOK... ....WHALE OILSOAP.... ....8LUE STONE ........ LAUREL GREEN on‘y 15 cents a pond, and just as good as Pub Green, a: l O ‘ Sure Dea tla Taurist Service is mad and equipped with speck] referenoaâ€"eo the Conflur' MIN U-mwnienoe Of ”‘0 Honour Tnnrm. For rateamd all in- fomstbn apply to IRUNKS AND VALISES AL- WAYS IN STOCK: A.H|GINBDTHAM’8 THE GRAND TRUNK B’Y. Next Door to the D317 Home. First thingâ€"whether he in m brother or the other girl’s brother. or your husband. Men are all alike in this. If your feet are neatly shod, he thinks you are elegantly clad, even if you are wearinga dress that’s made over from leet year. We have Shoe. that make feet appear ‘long and slender-aristocratic. Shoes that make large feet look smell. and little feet: as dainty as Cinderella’s. Shoes that conceal all deformities. Shoes More pet-foe in every do toil that goes to make up a strictly well dressed foot. Reasonalh prices: . WHITE: 75 Cents per annum; GEO. WILDER, Agent. ‘vt

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