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Watchman (1888), 23 Jun 1898, p. 5

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IFROM BUSINESS! purchasers we are prepared to demonstrate it to every man, woman and child in the county, Our obiect is to makethe quickest possible clearance of the stock and we have adopted the surest plan. MW. Kennedy C0. Racccunts be paid. Ind Durham, no '03! committee recommend that no pay- !Dehexnfter made. for cleaning Fendon kb’i‘ige Links the service is authorized by unison vehicles used for heavy trim“? I Iculd ask leave to introduce to the flammorial to the legislative assembly tying the views 0! you: committee on the £38333 the advantages to be gained‘ bums-traction of a bridge across the‘ :a :‘ne boundaxy between the townships 51ml Manvers at the third concession of would be chiefly in the interests of in- tnts of the township of Manvers, ya!!! me: recommend that until steps for the rpcnon of a bridge axe initiated by the :lof the united counties of Noithumber- mdDurham. no action be taken by this Magma sitting of the committee a dS-t ”3 I00k place as to the condition of the Warm£35. Your committee recommend 11h: overseer be instructed to inspect all WW bridges not later than August Ist ““1 report for the information of the “1;. 5b“ the overseer be authorized to “Puma! r-pa'us, and that all impmmm us be reported by the overseer to the number of the council who is author- has”, such instructions, after consulta- Lmb the warden, as may be deemed ICTORIA COU NTY COUNCIL ‘md by Dr. Wood, seconded blur. lib" ‘hit the report of the committee lmtion be read 3 fiat time u Y repairs for stone crusher ...... Powell cleaning Fenclon Falls hat the comm “'3 committee have read and 0011' N the re rts of the inwors 3ch_ 13 for t and West lctoriz “"317. and beg to recommend the EM be printed in the minutes. ‘5“? ,committee have considered the, Mpn of the East Victoria. Teachers la"“103 as set. out, in the imbector’s $10”!!!an grant toward 30 “printing the no used for O a?” 0‘ the promo on examinations, ‘ “Ye been made uniform ' P“ mspectonte 0! East. Victoria. - “‘38 the town of Lindsay. Your a??? Cafnnot recommend any addition Wit or thi~ Em". Committee 1lime considered the blunt Of the annual meetin Of the m?“ 01' school section No. in the I“. ‘D of Emil , rehtive to the terms m of r.InsnectorKnizhtw md u an ............. V. . . .7 ........ . 3 25 Curtis, belting for stone crushe; 12 00 .. This is the greatest, most convincing and gené clearing sale ever held 1n Lindsay. We have 9dopted the makeâ€" believe style of reducing ' a few things as tempters but S: Emerson, bins, etc. stone r committee have considered the comâ€" mon or Mr. Broomfield, member of the- council of Ontario and beg to recall-t 1:21: the sum of $30,be granted towards "mg down of Smith’s hill on boundary a Eidon and Thoxah at the 5th conces- Thom, on condition that the township migrant a like sum and that the county 3’10 and township of Thanh (EOUPIY he conditions mentioned on then P3“- ‘ ale to be commissioner. CR GREAT CLEARING SALE 1115118! LXDICSS Emerson, repairs. to stone ues with unabating energy. We expect have the entire stock wiped out mittee recommend that the e communication from John S. E, offering his services m plan- Everything in the House is Being Slaughtered. s be paid. v12 : .p, trucks for screen of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING froni EDUCATION. chgxges and Inspec tor Knight w a few weeks. Many lines are shewing the efiects of the terrible attack made on them. However, our assortment is very complete considering, and we would advise those desiring a nice choice to act promptly. $20 00 178 fol- the council in June, 189‘. Mr. Knight has made a statement to your committee and has submitted extracts from his reports to the trustees as to needed repairs from 1893 to 1897 inclusive. It is apparent that as the inspector’s report referred to was presented to the council in June 1897 and # Hm ”papa renairs were at least 23'» com- as the inspector’s report referred to was presented to the council in June 1897 and the needed repairs were at 199%? 231: com. pleted until July 1897. although the attention ot‘the tf'istees had been repeat. edly ”1113:; [or several years to the necessity for making them, your commit- tee cannot find any grounds for the Lcomplaint. 'mm financial renorta of the Lindsay Schobl Balance on hand J annary 1517., 1897 ............... 1 Government grant ...... County grant, exclusive of fees ................. Local municipal assess. ment................-... Fees: â€"r%ident pupils $1145.50, county pupils $677.00, non resident pup‘ls $229.00 ......... ‘ Examination fees ....... LiBrary . ............. 918% “WE‘EQEKR ggfiéggfijfia a'nd other Balance on hand January lst., 1897 ......... . . .5 Government grant ....... County grant ............ Local municipal assess- ment ................... Fees: â€"- Resident pupils $48.00, county pu 115 $86.50, non resi ent. ‘ pupils $30.00 ........... Examination fees ........ Total ordinary receipts. ' Masters ................. 1 Repairs and furniture . . . . Library .................. Maps, apparatus. etc. . . . . Stationery, fuel and other Balance on hand to next acct. .3 30 00 Your committe recommend payment of accounts as follows :â€" ‘ Wilson Wiison, printing for in- 1 Wm aaaaaaaaaaaaa o l c a II I ..... s 3 00 Sam. Hughes. printing for inspec- 2 00 tors ........................ p ..... On motion the council went into com- ;mithae of the whole. with Dr. Wood in ‘tto chair on the second reading, other which the report mu read I third time and pas-61L ’ Moved by Mr. Swifzer. see Mr. Fox, that the petition to tl able the legleletive assembly pvovinoe of Ontario be now follows :â€" RECEIPTS. Lindsay Collegiate RECEIPTS. PAYMENTS. PAYMENTS. con tin out in .5727500 _. 1351 247300 Mr. Knight. ba§ I nst'itutc 3145230 8071 t0 16450 4177 3194 1733 20470 $9164 50 .3 1710 04 $1755 04 81785 04 877352 'f by the government of the for the improvement of 1] the prgvince. a ‘p‘ Lu: luv luv». 2. That the fulfilment of the purpose of the government is largely retarded by reason of the almost unlimited use of narrow tires on vehicles used for heavy traffic on the highqu of theiprovlnce. ,r .L _ r-.. :n unlafinn 3. That the provisions of the law in relation to the use of narrow tires and the substitute of wide tires are entirely inadequate for the reason that the law can be brOught into eflect only by citizens, towns and incorporated vil- â€" - " -A-‘- ankzhk “cup [Eggs and by cbuntics been assumed and are roads. {WU 3. 4. That the prohibition is so limited in the application that serious injury, commercially and otherwsie, would result to an) municipal- ity that might bring the law into effect. _ . 5. Th; the great advantages of the aboli- tion of the narrow tires for heavy traffic and the use of the wide tire can only be fully and reasonably secured by' an enactment yvhxch would apply directly to all municipalities in the province. _. . - a- 4-..“... nothinners Lu: pluv IULC. 5. That in the opinion of your petitroriers the manufacture and sale of narrow .tired vehicles for heavy traffid should be prohibited and the use of wide tired wheels on such vehicles made compulsory within a reasonably limited period of year; ' ,,____ dun. flap umueu DEIIUU Ul ,Cnxa. Your petitioners therefore prav municipal act be so amended as to em views herein set forth. that body The report was then read in co Immittee of the whole with Mr. Bryane in the chair, and finally passed. The council then adjourned until 10 The council mm. Saturday. Council resumed at ten o’clock on Set- urday morning. Warden Lithgow in the chair and members all present with the exception of Mr. Johnston. Minutes read and on motion adopted. FINANCE bEPORT. Moved by Mr. Shaver, seconded by Bryans, that the report of the standing committee on finance be received and read a first time as follows 2â€"- Your committee have exammea we report of the auditors and the statements of the trea~urer’s accounts for the year 189'? and beg to recommend that the same be adopted. 7-1-4....) 41.“ UC auvpuoen. Your committee have also examined the statutory statement from the Bank of Montreal of the moneys at the credit of the treasurer of the county in current account on March 3lst last. and the treasurer‘s statement of the money at the credit of the corporation on May 313t last. ___-.. 1.-.... LLrLlL'I UL u-Ay vv- yvav-v- ._ __ 7 . The estimates for the current year have been duly considered. The amount to be raised by assessment, including a deficit of 52153143 which existed on January 131;, - -- a.“ An 1898, is 323 379.00. A rate of two mills on the dollnrlof $11,621,085, the amount of the equalized assessment of the ( oun- ty would, realize ...... 3 23442 00 From which there is to be deducted the amount to be allowed to the town of Lindsay on ac- count of the net cost to the county $485.40 of the police magistrate's salary and expenses. . .. 63 00 _â€".â€"â€"â€"- Making the net emount realizable $23379 00 ,,4_-_....-..A on." than 431.34“ng 1.1.1: now umvuu .. - -..-.__ V , Your committee recommend that the rate for county purposes to be levied for the year 1898 be two mills on the dollar. Your commttee beg leave to introduce a by-law to provide for the levy of the rate for county purposes. Your committee be: to recommend that the course pursued by the warden in directing the treasurer to pay the treasurer 0f the Farmers' Institute the amounts usgally granted oe sustained. xour committee have considered the resolution of council instructing them to report on the matters to which the same 1 refer, and beg to recommend as follows: ‘ 1. That the sum of $25.00 each be ranted to the East Victoria and West ’ictoria Farmers‘ Institutes. ALMAM A-..k ha 2. T‘fiZt‘ '{h'é ‘ sum of 3mm granted to the South Victoria Victoria. Agricultural societies. a any-n nn I..- V "gun-.1..- “r.--v___ , 3. That the sum of $50.00 be the Victorig. Rifle Association. ,A 01MM 1... the V 1000115 Lune no .......... 4. That the sum of $100.00 be granted to the Plowman‘s Association for the county of Victoria. 5. That the payment of. the foregoing grants be subject to the usual condition as to reporting for the information of the council. 6. That Thomas Winter be maintained in the home for the aszed for a period of six months, and that the cost of his removal J. vamu-vuâ€" .. 1. That the council do r Dominion government for the per diem allowance sioned oflicers and man militia. as re nested by th' coun§y_of Llalbon your c -~ “- 8- n nun: “21-.- This file presentment or me ya 531"? at, the spring assiges, referring to 1 Lindsay, its proximitv to the rail“ yards and the consequent unsuitability the prepisgeugs a refuge for the old a qu rayâ€"7, infirm, be filed. 5. That the cemmunication from the Trent Valley Canal Association, reapect- b' t of the association and ask- ! $500 towards a fun tobe used or presenting the claims 0 the association before the count ‘ 6. That the request of the Association for a grant be filed, the grant havi been recommended under a resolu- Ltion o council. ‘ blishe’rs of “Clark’s and 7. That the pn haze case be informed that Scully’s drai . - L' a h: nnf. (me in Which th!s coun- SATURDAY'S PROCEEDINGS .Law was“ ‘1‘ ""“r ,towns and incorporated vil- counties on loads which have and are maintained as county THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY. THURSDAY. JUNE 23RD.1898‘1 e province of Ontario the roads throughout have examined the Be granted to and North Home for the Aged; the Public Libraries of Lindsay. Omemee, Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Oakyood. 7~ -â€" J nnwmnn+ n4! I thus uuu van" Wu. Your committee recommend payment of accounts as follows: ' Expenses A. F. Wood, attendmg road conference .................... $11 90 Expenses special committee re finance ......................... .. .. 2 00 F. Shaver, attendance re finance: . . . 3 00 Moore 6: Jackson, solicitor-3’ servwes 5 00 Road machinery committee, atten- IFA'M and pasâ€"8831. COUNTY PROPERTY . ‘ Moved by Mr. Graham, seconded by Mr. Bryans. that the report of the standing committee on county pr0perty be introduced and read as follows :- Your committee recommend that the chain} man of this committee and Messrs. 1‘02: and‘ Bryans be appointed a committee with author- ity to have‘ the necessary plumbing done in the prison and to-examine the sewer, control. led by the county, from William-st. to the river, in accordance with the usual sanitary requirements, and to negotiate with the coun- cil of the town of Lindsay with a View to the municipality contributing a portion of the cost of extending the sewer. A communication from the registrar, call- ing attention to the dangerous condition of the doorway of the registry office, has been considered. Your committee recommend that the chairman be authorized to have the necessary changes made. ‘ ,I . .1... -L_1_. A-uwwwl u.._..‘-- ._.__ \our committee recommend that the chair- man be authorized to have all the outer wood- work of the court house repainted. The chairman reports that tenders were received in March last for the supply of bread and beef for the county goal. A contract was awarded for bread at nine cents per four pound loaf, and for beef at five and one half cents per pound. Owing to the abnormally high price of flour that has prevailed for the past two months, a temporary increase in the pn_c_e of flour has been allowed. ‘ .L A; ALA (AHA... r-IVU v. -.vâ€"- __.. .v._ . Your commlttee recommend that the follow mg accounts be passed, viz : Fred Reeves, repairing cornice, court 3%... -A room ........................... .p Geo. McFadden, painting, kalsomining, v _____________ , K""‘""D' _ etc, court room ................. 85 00 Light, Heat Power Co. court house 20 55 “ “ “ “ registry office 6 86 J. G. Edwards Co., flags, etc ..... II 35 B. Brooks, excavating ............. 8 00 Anderson, Nugent 8.: Co. work, court house ............................ Bell Telephone Co. court house ...... “ county attorney’s oflice ............................ Ins. O’Connell. planting trees ......... Brimmel and Downey, putting wood in basement, court house ............ S. J. Petty, repairing clocks .......... Jos. Little, work, court house grounds Frank Hutton, carting brush, etc ...... The council then went into committee of the whole thereon with Mr. Bryaus in the chair. The report Was then read a third time and‘ passed. PETITION. Moved bv Mr. Shaver, seconded by Mr. Austin, that the petition to the honorable ‘he minister of justice re in digente, be now read a first time.â€" Carried. Thq council then on marina wanf into commxttee of the whole on second read- ing. with Mr. Bailey in the chair. The peti'ion was read a third time and passed . Moved by Mr. Austin “gauged by Mr. Bryans, that; by-law koâ€"a being a by-law to authorize and provide for the levying and collecting certain rates and assessments for county purposes in the county of Victoria for the year 1898, be now introduced and read a. first time as follows :â€" Whereas it is estimated that the sum cf $23,379, being a rate of two mill: on the dollar ot $lt,721.85,'the equalized value of the county of Victoria, (less the sum of $63 to be allowed to the municipality of Lindsay for the proportion of the salary of the county police magistrate with which the said muni- cipality is not chargeable), will be required for the following county purpose, in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight, namely: Administration of justice, roads and bridges, education, salaries, sessional expenses, committees, interest repairs and improve- ments of county buildings and premises, fumi- ‘ ture, court house expenses, printing, book and stationery. law expense, Farmers’ Institutes, agricultural societies, public libraries, charity, registrar for special services, postage, con“ tingencies and miscellaneous votes oi council. The municipal council of the corporation of the county of Victoria enacts as follows: That for the aloresaid purposes the said sum of twenty-three thousand three hundred and seventy-nine dollars shall be assessed, levied and collected in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight upon the whole rateable property in the county of Victoria liable to assessment according to the law now in force concerning rates and assessments in the manner following, that is to say: ‘l'__-_.u-n 0kg mom UUll‘dl3n In the municipality of Somerville, 1 five hundred and sixty five dollars. In the municipality of Bexlcy, 111' two hundrgd and_ eighty-nine dollars. r 1' 4__‘__ n two nunuxcu aluu “5.", -._.- W 'In the inunicipality o Laxton, Digby and Longtord, the sum of two hundred and forty- nine dollars. ‘ In the the municipality of Garden, the sum two hundred and ninety-nine dollars. ""30 In the municipality of Omemeq, the sum of two hundred and twenty-seven dollars. , In the municipality of Fenelon Falls. the sum of four hundred and twenty-nine dollars. In the municipality of Bobcaygeon. the sum of two. hundred And nine:§ ' ht dollars. In the municipality of ville, the sum of two hundred and one dollar? ’ _ “-gâ€"gllhn OK [WU uuuu-w aun- v..- _---_.- , The by-law. m than red in committee of the whole, with Mr. Austin in the The council than adjourned. Subscribe fof Watchman. LEGALIZIN G THE LEVY. the Public Libragies the sum of $1550 -, the sum of I 95 12 25 10 75 4 1S â€"~The wheat area in Manitoba has reached 1,500,000 acres, an increase of al- most 200,000 acres over last year._ The total acreage under crops of all kinds is 2,212,000 acres. This goes to defeat the prediction of the pessimistic scientist, who found the worlds population growing so much more quickly than the food supply that he saw ultimate starvation staring mankind in the face. â€"-A decision of some importance to farmers and buyers was given recently b; J udze Morson in a. divison court case. \ 111. White of York township sued P. McIntosh Son, grain buygrq, for $532.2_5‘. “v-u- Nu“ ~vâ€" _-.â€"-_ __ _7. a balance claimed on a load of wheat sold to defendants. The latter acted in the usual way, inspecting one bag of -the farmers load and buying the lot at $1.02 Subsequently the claim that the bal- ance of the loa was of an inferior qualit and on] allowed 80 cents per bushe . Judge orson holds that as the farmer was not asked and never said that the load was all alike in quality, he is not responsible, as it was easily within the power of the buyer to find out by looking at all the the bags or asking the farmer. He holds that the wheat was not sold by sample, but by bulk, and gives judgment for the plaintiff for the full amount. â€"The war has practically doubled the iprice of horses such as the United‘States government uses for artillery and cavalry. Prior to the war of the Washington vernment was not a large factor in the arse market, buying only to replace loses and through contractors. Now, in order to get the large number of animals need- ed, the government has to send its agents into the open market. Two months ago the war department was paying from $60 to $75 for cavalry horses. Last week at East Buffalo agents paid as high as $135 and thy bought few, if any less than $120. The increased demand has directed attention to the decrease in the number‘of UUEUUIVI‘ v \“v v-vâ€"_'_-- sound and serviceable horses available for cavalry purposes. In order to facil- itie the purchase of horses the Washing- ton government has lowered the standard to which they they must conform, so that now any sound horses between the age of 5 and 8 years, and from 15} to 15% hands in height, is regarded as suitable for cavalry use. Even with this concession _ the government agents are finding it' inost difiicult to make purchases with the rapidity desired. No docked horse how- ever will be bought, and those who have shortened their horses tails to make them saleable to people of fashion will have to dispose them in that market, for every horse in the government service is requir-‘ ‘ ed to have a tail just as nature intended l he should have. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cement, Plaster Paris; Salt, Charcoal, Hard, Soft Rathbun C9. We make a specialty of pleasing our country trade in all the above lines. and Blacksmith Coal Cordwood and Millwood. Wedding Presents For J 11116 Weddings Town Office. No. 77: Agents Office, 773; Mill Oflce, No. 78. GEO.W.BEALL’S BICYCLES Call and examine and get prices on .0132: stock of“ NEWS OF THE WEEK or acid on the instalment plan if duired. See these wheels bo- foro making your selections. Tho best Bicycles on the racket: Large additions to my stock enables me to make a most attractive display of DAIN‘I‘Y WEDDING PRESENTS. to-day. Watchmaker and Je weI/er. My display of Cut Glass, China. and Silver is very attrac- tive and reasonable in price. Be sure and call. No trouble to make selections at J08; RIGGS. ...The... TELBPH ON BS : . H. M. BAKER, Acm- RED BIRD W00! Wam‘eai Az‘ 70¢ M (17464197266 For Cash. HOGG BROS. WOOL, WOOL, WOOL! Wanted at the Lindsay Woollen Mills, where it will be manufac- tured into blankets for the Northwest Indians and frost-proof under- wear for the Klondike miners. Having contracted to furnish the above supplies we are prepared to pay Toronto prices for all the Wool we can procure. _ We especially need your fine Wool and Lamb’s Fleeces for Knitting Purposes. Also cotted or burry wool for Shanty Blank- ets. All our manufactured goods sold at Wholesale Rates in exchange {or wool. We want your wool, give us a chance to bid on it. ' William Street, Lindsay. THE WHITE IS KING! General Agent. Lindsaih 170 Subscribe for WATCHMAR in the world. “ The Bear- ings are the best in any Bicycle in the market _.we except or bar none.” season. We offer special inducements in exchanging wool. A full line or Woollen Goods at mill prices, and each of the other departments zâ€"Groceries, Hardware, Clothing, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Dry Goods, Wall Papers, Crockery and Glasshvare, Paints and Oils, Patent Medicines, with a thoroughly assorted stock in each, is at your disposal in trading for wool. A Carload of REDPATH’S SUGARS, Yellow and Granulated, just received. SPECIAL PRfCES IN BARRELS. ' BINDER TWINESâ€"Pure Manilla and Sisal, all the leading brands in stock at Lowest Prices. Also the best Pianos, Organs and Sewing Ma- chines and cheapest accord- ing to quality are sold :5 are the best in r Bicycle in the market ve except or bar none.” er 20,000 put out this HORN BROS» OAK W0 OD, ON T. Kent Street, West. cook's Cotton Root Componfl II meeeufnuy used monthly by 0'0? . sch; efloctnfl. Luna PIANOS, ORGANS. SEWING MACHINES Lindsay Woollen FAMILY GROCER. S\ ‘ L] \U

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