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Watchman (1888), 1 Jun 1899, p. 9

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my. 10c to 256 ‘N-m 5c to 20.: :19 is stillmfi trier, 2c , .11 colors, pet 02: 8’ ng DC? apera )83 mon ntod on ,ny col set in the Comt‘ ndsay, on non of AD TH .general basins: ' . MATCHETT, ‘5 not "N11 13th, 187 Noted P‘ for M ”I Ebony. W \Voad B435“: b? or, with 31“ v theCcmj mum" {Watchman-Wards! ELY EXPOSURE AND WELL- ! mammal) REBUKE. Ie=t fruit packers came in for a fitted and timely exposure at the I the lion. Mr. Fisher and Plot. 38. before the Agriculiural Com- [the Home of Commons last werk Inning.“ The latter gentleman t com:..::tee that the Canadian Me in {il'eat Britain was in a bad kg to lack of care. lack of skill and onestv in packing the fruit, and in this showed samples of fruit found La di<abied ship in which at either 2 barrel were choice specimens of while the centre was filled With Fin'ifails of small size and qualiti- her also stated that thousands of pf dishonest Ontario apples were Efiflland last year, much to the pf Canada and to the mination of kcta for further trade in this line. statements, coming from such ive scurces, cannot be guinea“. gross frauds have been perpe- lasting disgrace to this countty 1 on the fair name of Canada. ‘ measures should be put in open- revesn their occurrence the com- ason. Legislative action should and the chief offenders located 13’ punished. There is 318“: on books that imposes a. fine upon ho fraudulently exposegoods for KfiUA 133 having the good strawberries band the inferior ones at the bot- ? bilsket, and why could it not be Innish offenders found guilty 0' ioods to Great Britain which are they are represented to be? I)? seem somewhat severe treat? t there is no other effective way 01 'ith persons who perpetrate meh floral suasion or sentiment does any “light when such dishonest '3 in question. When an indie 5 5° higher sense of honesty than may Water the milk he sends to factory or creamery. or to M frauds in packing apples as has ’ “("11li Will prevent his eon- do so other than the strong arm - he difficulty will be, however. the offender. A: Mr. Highn- is and Lounges in stock; ETWO is m first-class order for sale cheap. ml at the Cu stand. CHARGES '. RICH., 1: Ian: the man that makes the o‘hes. How do I make them ? lake them to fit. I exercise :3: care to first take correct measuxes :your foxm: bafing done this I out n make the garments to conform to mform. \'ot alway_s an easy thing do, I admit; it requires expaience; "Also 5. full stock ’of Flows and facts, Bain Wagons and Two admins. STERING AND REPAIRING ;, YEREX, Little Britain 1’s just why so many have had me do their work, and why you ought I guarantee perfect satisfaction. ['17 me for your spxing suit. .1: Class Meat Shop in connec- ; Fresh Beef, Lamb, Pork, Sausages, .ked and Dried Ham. Come and get 5 before you purchase elsewhere. keep only the best MASSEY-HARRIS .ds, Bicycles, Cultivators, Drills, Mow- Tediers, Rakes, Reapegngud Bind!- (011 Want a Implements? NEY TO LOAN OTHBS DERTAKING ST T0 HAND N flND BLflGK Inns HOLTORF EST FRUIT GROWERS “Idon Co GEO. TAYLOR. ust placed in stock a fresh supply of ycan bux, ranging in Woe from 30¢ per lb. Special quotations in 10 and 20 lb. lots. OXTINUES HIS. . Don‘t Make the Man ‘ittle Bxitazn Cash Store. ‘cmeuu for placing an unfimited Farm Pmpenx at. Piveand Six A11 Loans uiu be put through c gelay and expemes. The Tailor, Little Britain Clerk of V'eruhm Yobeaygeon JUNE 1815, 1899. Mr. Fisher â€"Mr. Gilbert Boyd of Gravenhurst, one of the best known deer hunters and all- round spox tsmsn in Muskoka, died at the General hospital. Toronto, on Friday after- noon ot last week as the result of a cancerous growth in his jaw and neck. and the shock attending the operation. Mr. Boyd was admitted to the hospital early in the Week, and the seriousness of his condition was explained to him by the surgeons. The patient, however. decided to take the risk or an operation rather than bear the pain of the growth. He was operated on, Friday afternoon, but shortly afterward collapsed unexpectediv, and died almost immediately. He was 43 years the stomach, musing slight temporary congestion, which relieves the blood vessels of the brain. The hot milk is also quite strengthening to the stomach.” ‘ to a little work I would recommend. instead, a bowl of very hot milk, (without so muchas a water) immediately before retiring. The hotter the mlik the better for the purpose. This will prove a. better sleep-producer than all the oolates known to medical science. It brings about an increased actiiiny o! the blood vessels of “ Insomnia is a self-inflicted curse through the violation of nature’s laws," writes Edward B. \Varxnan in the June Ladies’ Home Journal. “ The cause may be over-anxiety, planning for the marrow, thinking and Worrying over the yester- days and to-days, but no opiate can re- move the cause, even though it may bring sleep. If the cause is merely mental over- work it may be quickly. removed by relieving the brain of the excess of blood. Physical exercise is a panacea for about every ailment which human flesh is heir to. Therefore, stand erect, and rise slowly from the heels; descend slowly. Do this from forty to fifty times until you feel the congestion in the muscles of the leg. A1- most instant 1‘81in follows, and sleep is soon induced. Fer those “ho are aVerse A writ has been issued against the to wn« shins of East qunmbury and Sectt for $20,000 damages by the relatives or one lute Richard ngh, wLo 105'. his life on the towniiue on March 28th but, through a snowdrift upsetting his aleigh. The out- come of the sun. Will be awaited with con- siderable interest, and may have an impor- tant bearing on the liability of township councils to keep the roads in asafe con- dition in Winter as well as in bummer. Incidentally it may revolutionEZe the statute labor question by compelling path- masters to turn out their men after every storm to clear away drifts cauaed by a township's n: glect to encourage or enforce the conau'uction of wire fence:. In Clair county, Snyder township will be mulcted out of $2,000 as the resuit of a defective public high Way. Mrs. Bessie Davis and her brothers, Edward and Harry Kockler, instituted a suit against the township to recowr damages for injuries sustained on a highway 8 short distance fl om Ty; one. The three were driving amug the road in a carriage, when the horses plunged over an ugly embankment. The ju. y awarded Mrs. Davis $2,000 for the de21 y injuries she sustained,. and $20 to each of htl‘ brothers for the damage done to the vehicle. and which cannot. possibly be developed and held if such dishonest practices as are here outlined are carried on. ‘the ordinary iarmer comes in for sensing because of putting the best potatoes on the top of the bag or the poorest fruit at the bottom of the basket. In connection with the export apple trade, however, it is not the farmer who has afew barrels of apples to sell, but the one who makes fruit- zrowinga business, who is the more guilty. And from a purely business standpoint it is hard to understand why he should be so dishonest when in the end it will re-sct against himself. He is in the business to stay and its future success will depend upon the permanency of the future marker, It must not be taken for granted from the foregoing that all the fruit-packers in his province are dishonest. There may be Only a. few guilty of dishonest packing. but the actions of these few are eufl‘icient to bring the whole trade» into discredit, and to make it almost impossible to develop it further. For this reason it is more urgent l that summary [erasures should be taken land that these dishonest parties, who are not only robbing the British consumer of what he pays Ior and the Canadian prom ducer of the grad name which he has acquirei for upright dealing, but are also robbing their neighbor who packs his apples in an honest way, in that they pre- vent him from getting the price for his goods which he would get if every barrel sent out of the country was honestly and careiully packed. There are times when shipped everv day, it would take a‘ whoie army of officials to see that every barrel was honestly packed. The difficulty then of getting at these dishonest parties is therefore very great, but, nevertheless, some method should be adopted to prevent their repetition the coming season. and dumping the apples out, which would mean a. great loss to honest packers. If every packer were compelled to put some distinguishing mark upon each barrel by which the dishonest packer could be traced up and puniehed, the practice would soon cease. During the apple season, when LL AAAAA Bad Roads are Expensive A Cure for Insomnia am be practically impos- ms to lok I: up fraudulent arl, as the inspection of shipment. on the vessels The Newcastle (Eng.) Courant of May 6 sayszâ€"The Technical Educational Com- mittee of the Essex County Council have been carryinu out experiments in the de struction of charlock (wild mustard)‘ which have attracted wide-spreal atten- tion. Last week about 250 visitors assembled at Chelmsi'ord to witness the demonstrations. On all the plots the crops were oats and beans. Plot 1 had been sprayed eiuht days before with a two per cent. solution of sulphate of copper at the ;rite of thirty-five gallons per acre. Rain 3 fell three hours later, but the charlock was seen to he killed, whilst the craps were uninjured. On plot 2. sprayed six days before with a 4; per cent. solution of sulphate oi copper at the rate of twenty? five gallons per acre. the charlock was killed, the cats were slightly, but tempor- arily discolored, and the beans were uninâ€" jured. Plot 3 had been sprayed six days previously with a two per cent. solution of sulphate of copper at the rate of fifteen gallons per acre, and plot 4 three days before with a two per cent. solution at the rate of twenty gallons per acre. On both plots the charlock was killed and the crops were not injured. Plot 5 had been spray- ed three days before with a two and a halt per cent. solution of sulphate of iron at the rate of forty gallons per acre ; the charlock was seen to be dead, whilst the oats and beans were uninjured. The demonstration afi‘orded much satisfaction to many who had travelled long distances in order to see it. l â€"A sad diowning accident occurred in Orillia on Saturday afternoon last. Mrs. Geo. Haynes ot Meatord, with her son Maurice, was visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Carmichael. The little lad went out to play with his cous'n on arising from his afternoon nap, shortly after four o’clock. The latter missed him a few minutes later, and asked Mrs. Carmichael where he had zzone. She went off to search for him. Meantime Mrs. Havnes went to th-z Ciiiel n to draw some Water, and on looking in saw her son floating near the op hing. She pulled him out, and called for help. Every effort was made to revive the lad. but without avail. He had been out of the house only a few minutes. The lid of the cistern is a heavy one, and fitted tightly, Mr. Carmichael having placed it there for safety just before his visitors come. How the boy got it off is a. mystery. as he was only two rears old. The shock was a severe one to the mother. How -.\Ir. A. Hurst of Bobcaygeon, has had a. very bad streak of luck with his cows. In the last two years he has lost three cows and a. calf. The last of the cows was drowned on Friday night. It, had rambled away to the pouch side of Little Bob, and getting into a pasture the gate had closed so that it was unable to get home. In the morning she was found floating in the river and it: is supposed in trying to swim across during the night had been unable to find shore and was drowned. â€"Mr. Oliver C. Fish, arrested some weeks ago in the United States and brought to Canada, charged with the embezzlement of several thousand dollars of his brother's money at Emsdale. came up for a preliminary hearing at Parry Sound on Friday last and was committed for trial. His alleged accomplice, Miss Fender, was honorably acquitted. Fish will be defended by Mr. John McCosh of Orillia. and two disappeared. The two were afterwords found being worriea bv dogs. Somebody will have ten sheep to pay for, or there will be trouble. -.â€"Mr. Robb. Mitchell of South Vex-ulam, met with a heavy loss this week. He had had ten sheep than were put up in a pad~ dock close to the house every night. The other morning when he went out, he found eight of them worried to death, â€"Mrs.: Martha. Switzer, wife of Dr. Switzer of Evanston, 1115., and sister of Mrs. Curry of Omemee, died on the 17th May. The body was brought; to Omemee and interment. took place on Friday to: Emily cemetery, where the remains were laid with thJse of her parents. â€"The prOposed telephone line from Orillla to Bracebridare has fallen throuah, the council of the Muskoka town refusing to grant the $100 asked for. " -â€"Messrs Cameron 6: Cameron of Beaver- ton one evening recently placed $75 in their safe, and in the morning it was gone. ‘ In these days of easy combustione the‘ ‘ moral seems to be: “Don't keep a safe.” â€"\\'ord was recently received from the N orth-west that Robt. Kirby, formerly of Lorneville, had been killed by a barn which was blown down during a heavy wind storm. He was a member of LO.L. No. 32 Woodville, and Lorneville tent K. 0. '1‘. M. He was 21 years of age. â€"Mr. Farman, a Buffalo, N.Y., banker, is building a $20,000 summer residence on Clifi‘ Island, Lake Joseph. Muskoka. â€"Two years ago Allandale was amalga mated with Barrie. The former now seeks to be set apart: again as a. separate village, ' â€"-Corcner \Valwin of Barrie had ‘the top of his thumb taken ofi‘ recently while cleaning a. bicycle chain. --The American Canoe Association will hold their annual meet on the Muskoka lakes this summer. â€"Barrie has one liquor license for every 430 of population ; Orinia has one for every 600. -The population of Orz‘lllia is 4.600, a slight decrease over last year. -â€"Mr. John Leplanbe of Bobcavgeon died on Friday of last: week aged 89 years. District Happenings LIN DSAY, THURSDAY, JUNE :51; 1899. oth ers It is claimed by some authorities that the thick skinned, dark colored varie- ties of potato are less liable to scab than Hard Shell Marrow is a new variety of squash recommended as the best for pies. canning or drying. Irrigation as applied in some parts of the east. notably in New Jersey and in the rice growing industry of the south is to be looked after as well as western irrigation in the investigations for which congress made an appropriation and which will be under the direction of the Hon. Elwood Mead. former state engineer of Wyoming. Good Housekeeping, the home magazine, has a conviction that “the higher educa- tion of women" has not been made all that it shou‘d have leen; It declares editorially that “she has not been taught how to make her witehood more endearing. her motherhood more noble, her home a greater i power in the development of the world. In other words domestic scienceâ€"that first and nearest and most vital of the problems 1 which face all womankindâ€"has been over~ looked and ignored in the quest of remoter things.” The magazine proposes to begin in its next number a series of articles covering this important subject, and urg s all the “ woman’s colleges " to embody domestic science in their courses of study. Published by George D. Chamberlain, Springfield, Mass. One dollar per annnm; ten cents single copy. A Michigan grower has a wonderful late potato. as yet unnamed. for which it is claimed that it combines more good qualities than any other potato. cooks as white as the whitest flour. has a perâ€" fect netted skin. is russe‘t in color. hardy. handsome. prolific and a good keeper. The army worm is essermauy a grass eating insect. though it often feeds upon other plants and is said to prefer oats to corn. ,The boy stood on the back yard fence, Whence all but him had fled; ' The flames that lit his father’s barn Shane just above the shed; One bunch of crackers in his hand, Two others in his hat, I With piteous accents loud, he cried, f“ I never thought of that!" (A. bunch of crackers to the tail Of one small dog he’d tied ; The dog had sought the well-filled barn And ’mid its ruins died!) ; The sparks flew wide, and red and hot : 1 They lit upon that brat; They tired the crackers in his hand, And eke those in his hat. Then came a burst of rattling soundâ€" The boy f: Where had he gone? Ask of the winds that far around Strewed bits of meat and bone. And scraps of clothes, and knives, and top And nails, and hooks, and yarnâ€" Therelics of that dreadful boy That burned his father’s barn ! We have a book on Paleness and Weakness which you may have for the asking. We to our Doctors. Perhpo you would like to consult eminent hyslciann about you condi- tion: W tens free! all the particuiars in our cows. You recoivosprompt re . y ~ Address. DB. J. c. AYER, Lowell. Mus. “Every morning I have a bad taste in my mouth; my tongue is Coated; my head aches and I often feel dizzy. I have no appetite for breakfast and what food I eat distresses me. I have a heavy feeling in my stomach. I am etting so weak that sometimes tremble and my nerves are all unstrung. I am getting pale and thin. I am as tired in the morning as at night.” What does your doctor say? “ You are suffering from un- pure blood.” What is his remedy? Books and Magazines. Casabianca to Date "2 .An- 4 'W...‘ J A Dainty Wheel A small commiSSmn will be pam' to any p8rson giving such informatlon as will sale within 60 days of suchinformation. J. J. “7 etherup, BOX 415, Lindsay, Corner Sussex and Peel-sts., 3rd door north of VG . M. Bo}: on’s store $¥§¥¥¥$޴$Â¥$¥¥¢$§wé§éfi$wg The Red Bird-Best; 10-061; and Good for Yaars £3 Qkéééfléflfl‘kfifih éfiééafl’fiéékfi i good service for years after the majority of wheels have been rele- gated to the scrap heap, The peerless Brantford Red Bird is sold in every Canadian city and town from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and can be seen at your nearest Red Bird Agency. If you are a prospecti.e bicycle purchaser you might find it profitable to make a tour of inspection to-day. The Goold Bicycle Company, Limited. For; Dainty Women...“ AGENTS, LINDSAY, ONT. J. O. CULLEN, J. J. WETHERUP “â€"pmâ€"x ~_-â€"___ â€"Genuiuo Bell Pianos and Organs, â€"Tho Dominion Piano: and Organs --Mason and Risch Pianos. â€"-The Mendelsshon Pianos. â€".Or any other make desired. -â€"Sewing Machines and â€"Mc8urney-Beatie Bicycles Beautifully finished, and with every detail of construction given the most careful atten- tion by thoroughly skilled mechanics, it is a wheel that is not only exceedingly handsome, but one that will give Fitted with our new caged bearings it is delightfully easy run- ning. The daintiest icycle creation of the year is our ladies’ Red Bird Special, Model 51. 75 Cents per annum PAGES 9 T0 12

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