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Watchman (1888), 1 Jun 1899, p. 5

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3rd line if" ts}? match, Bargain Gi Lindsay ITTON B‘ ted in rings. , ENGAGEMENT: ic Shirts, .1 is line is ecial 0521i; 10 your 3 u Cane: is 1:6: and attractml {mes} whichyw yin: a. on! crows.“ 3c. 60c and 75: . mi Gingham, 5c. , ‘s’ \V'hite Shirts, 24; Cotton Shim, 23c Letter 0m SPECIALTY. d Rings. tor In an c shaman 1n theirs “(S at I“, Â¥â€". dots, I Our Mottoâ€"Good Goods, Cash, One Price Only. Boy’s Boots, 63c, 75c. 85c, $1. $1.25 Men's 91);: Bunkin, good as any 81 boot Men's Bluchar Cut, $1.20 Men's Dcngolas, $1.43, $1.50, $1.75 Ladies‘ Oxfords, St. Louis Vesting, re. ‘ zulzu‘ 32. now $1.65 Lariies’ Oxfords, Dangola Turns, 75c, $1, .ew Store, New took, New Prices Here are a few eye-openers : aeWatchmanâ€"Waidei THE LOCAL BUDGET. -Er‘;ir::.ers and breeders should 1:981 the e * of "A Lover of Good Horses under ; handing of Woodvme on 9820'7- t 1112C. Chittick shipped a W‘lOad ° is; e:xp;r: cattle to Montreal 0:1 Sam;- ‘ The shipment. wan made up.Of 111:; n and came purchased from Rich” 9.12:“ of Yelvertou. -A titan}; drain down the centre of mnriuge st. caved in on Monday, the ,ter poured from two r,pet.1ings,l}1l the 'ee: surface near Dr. Herrupaus resi- nce Excavations are 30102 on to rate the trouble. "Mr. Albert Davidson of Glandine, de- term to P. B. McIsLhargey this week, erar very fine cattle; Une two years five months old weighed 1360 popnds" _ther thirteen months old welgheé 'Dpunds. They brought five cents a the trade 1n Ladies’ Undexweax Lawn and Organdy Muslims HAPPENXNGSHABOUT TOWN IN BRIEF. fin Monday eveninz 15000 salmontrout- ; from the government hatcherxes an i Wazszle, were deposited in Head Lake . It ll-tliburton. Some years ago a. War quantity was placed m Sturgeon :e but the water proved too shallowand film and the fish lived only one season. Hid lake is probably deeper. rThere'll come a time some day-" He sang in a. tenor V0199. nd the beauty of his vxbrant tones Hide all about rejoice. here‘ll come a. time some day.” Again the chorus low, :10. - is tailor there in a. gallery se’at ’x elled out. "I hope that's so! BC’inning next Sunday Rev. {Bryce 95‘ pastor of the Presbyterian church Obc‘lygeon will deliver a. series of {our Utes '11 <1) The Church; what It IS and. t it is not; (-2) Why I shouwmz, her or the church; (3) Duties of a. rch member; (4) The government of the therian church. These and 4.. . i “’9 “mated at. Dnnsford 0%} the. con of each Sabbath. REPAIRRNG A SPECIALTY ck Cotton Stockings, start at 10c 5c 2. pair, and they are the best in te; good values in Children’s; spe. Bav’s in Ribs Opp. Post omce. Lindsay ittle Local Lines at 40c.; special at 3| all new shades a 2 5c, 40:: nd 20C, 23C, â€"Marriage1icénses issued by Mr. THos BEALL at- his residence, Albert-sh, also at G. W. BEALL’S store. Kent-st.-â€"5-t,f. â€"The annual excursion in aid of the Home for the Aged‘ will take place on June 22nd to Sturgeon Point. per steamer Crandella. 'â€"Wednesda , Junefl 14th,‘ is the date fixed for Rev. ‘ather Bretherton’s annual picnic at Downeyville. â€"It will make you dollars if you feed Your calves Cottonseed Meal or on Cake. It makes them healthy and they grow hke mushroons. You can get it at the OAK FRONT GROCERY.â€"â€"16-tf. â€"A monster single- oke egg. measurinz 101; by 675 inches, was left in our sanctum on Thursday by Wm. Chafiman of Camer- on. The egg was gourd-s aped and land by a. common barnyard hen. ~Miss Winyn-ove’s Kindergarten (5138.8 will be held regularly from now untll midsummer. Those who intend sending their children, apply between 1 and 4 o'clock at. No. 27 Cambridge-st.â€"20-2. -Miss Mitchell is sparing no pains to retain the reputation for fine millinery and dress making. obtained during many years of busmess in this town. She en- joys an increasing patronage and the style and quality of her manufactured goods deserve it all. -Percy Steele of Bolsover, aged 16, was struck by lightning and inetantly killed on May 26th. He was on his way home and had sought. shelter from the storm in an unoccupied house, weere his body was found, â€"The Grand Orange Lodsre of British North America is in session in Toronto. Over 500 delegates are present, those from this district being Messrs. John Kelley, J . W. Wallace, Lindsay ' J. H. Delamere, Minden ; S. Suddaby, fiurnt River. â€"On Friday last. through an acciden one of the large carriages in Carew's mil ran over the, endot its track and dropped to the river some 15 feet below. The mill had to be stopped until by block and tackle the runaway was replaced. Fortunately it is one of the sort on which no workmen stand. â€"It was reported on Tuesday that thel bridge men had declined to perform certain unusual duties and had been dismissed. It transpires that they have been only sus- pended. Tbis is regarded as a ‘ ame of bluff on the com ny’s part. e men laid off are M. 1\' ulvihill, Adam Switzer. W. Gammon, Thos. Nixon and Geo. White. â€"The first game of lacrosse in this dis- trict of the C.L.A. innior series will take place at the Agricultural Park, Lindsay, to-morrow, June 2nd, when Cannington ‘and Lindsay will cross sticks. Aninter- esting game may be looked for. Admission 15 cents; ladies free. Game called at 2.30. -On 'Tuesday morning Master Cyril McA}pin_e_ ggd §om¢ igllqw-§Eu<ients got 1__.. LL; .UUDIIJLUU VII-nu gym-v -V--' v- ‘___,_ -7 e - ‘J on the Haliburton train to ride down the Avenue on their way to school as is their custom; The conductor appeared unex- pectedly and at his request the boys jumped from the moving train. Cyril fell against a. stone and lacerated his leg very badly. The wound re quired three stitches â€"A letter from Bombay India recently received by Miss Belle Nugent returned missionary from that country states that very heavy rains fell in April. Usually no rain falls in that month. The wet has driven the Wild beasts to seek food in the clearings and a large tiuer had been killed near a residence while attacking the domestic animals. The plague has still to be fought but the natives in that section are becoming reconciled to in- noculation, which has proved an effective preventive in 95 per cent. of the people preventive created. -A severe Wind and rain storm, accom- panied by thunder and: lightning and hail passed over this seeiion on Monday evening. The rain fell in torrents, delug- ing the alreadv oven-soaked grou . In the French villagea'house owned. v C. Bissette was Struck by lightning. The fluid passed down the plpe, after knocking the chimney to pieces and shook the furniture up considerably. The inmates fortunately escaped ....... 1 net east of the grain warehouses on King-st, a bo|t struck the bank, flinging heavy stones i and earth onto the track. â€"Major Martin returned home from Toronto on Thursday filled afresh with the mihtary spirit of the good old days when the smell of powder was the order 9f the day. The gallant: major’s enthus- at the meeting of the managing com- mittee of H.M. Army and Navy Veterans Association in that city. The m9jor states that the regular annual ceiebmtion will be held in Peterboro 0n Coronation day, June 28th, and he has been appointed on the committee of management, to arrange all necessary details. Col. Sam Hughes, M.P., and Capt J. W. \Valiace of Lindsay were both elected members of the association. _ . u 10‘ 1 â€"The season at Sturgeon Point is likely to be very late this year on account of the fearful scourge of caterpillars that is making the : lace untenable. During the past week the slugs have spread them- selves in millions on the oak, basswood and some other trees, besides attacking the lower billberry bushes. At certain times of the day great numbers of them crawl up the sides of the houses and. when possible into them. The webs by which they suspend themselves from the trees make a network everywhere and to 3 go out of doors at all requires a good deal of resolution. Those who refuse to stay inside, 20 about habitually;swathedyin webs and decorated with varying numbers of the nine-spot wrigglers. Caretaker Graham is said to be of the opinion that the removal of whiskey from the Point is the cause of the caterpillars being so plentiful. â€"Firecracke.rs area good thing on the Queen’s birthday and provide an extremely easy means of exhibiting our loyalty. but ‘ __.._ :.~ #L.\ “cinn- On \Ved- "JULHUCL U‘GUAJ aw---.~_ A young. son of Mr. R. B. All liam-st, north. had his eve (, damaged by the premature c a. cracker. It'ls with considerable pride tha. we point. out the really sple did exhibit of Confirmation Suits which we have had made up for our young friends. The styles are the highest we have everhg’ndledâ€"the prices the low- est‘we’hEWe ever named for suits of equal worth. From $1.25 to $2.75: :3; J‘LiGOUGH? Lindsay‘s qp-m Leading Clothler.-â€"22 I. BOYS’ CONFIRMATION SUITS Little Local Lines -~I.uv‘ -- _-__ ,Ir. R.B. Allah of Wil- ad his eve quite badly premature eprOsion ot â€"HOSIERY â€"â€"GLOVES â€"-U D E R. W EAR _BL0US‘ES â€"â€"CRASH SKIRTS ~LUSTRE “ . we have an endless variety 6f Hot Weather Goods for Men, Women-and Children, It’s been a busy time for us months ago preparing all these lines for June selling. Run your eyes down the list émd take a peep at the pricesâ€"they'are interesting, --To RENTâ€"A square piano, tuned lately, $2.00 a. month. 0. BIGELO\V.r-16 cf. , â€"Bring your watch repairing tOHUGHAN 8: C0. Moderate prices; satisfaction guar- anteed.â€"2;’.-tf. -Dore1}we:nd, of hair goods fame, To- ronto, Wm be at. the Benson house on Saturday, June 3rd. â€"To Rentâ€"Small brick house, No. 36 Mill st. Possession at once. 85 a. month. Apply H. Brown, Watchman-\Varder. -â€"-William Lundv is about to establish an ostrich farm in the neighborhood of To- ronto. The birds will be brought. from California. -â€"Mr. Alex. Flack’s barber shop window is a veritable greenhouse of rich blooming plants. It is a credit to Sandy’s good taste and the admiration of passers-bv. â€"The contract for building the Rider Kitchener factory was awarded to Mr. M. H. McGough of this town. The work will be done with all possible speed and the mill will be ready for the machinery by the first of July. â€".\Iiss Bannon is repared with the usual large stock to supp 3' her patrons with all the latest; devices in the millinery art. A call will be sufficient: to convince the public that her rices are reasonable and her stock up-to- ate. Call; no trouble to show goodsâ€"19. 506, 75c and $1 ~ â€"â€"Fancy Gingham B10usgs, in Stripes and Checks, at $1; $1.35 and $1.50 ' â€"\Vhite Pique and Muslin Blouses, at $1, $1 10, $1.50 and $2 -The follinz is worth trying: If a sp‘iin- ter has been driven into a. child's hand it can be extracted with steam. Nearly fill a wide mouth bottle with very hot water. p‘ace the in 'ured part over the mouth and press slight y. The auction thus produced will draw the flesh down,and in a minute or two the steam wi;l extract the splin- ter and inflammation together. -â€"-The RC. picnic at the lower end of Big Island, Bobcm‘geon. on June 6th, will be on a iarge scale. Every noint on the joined “Karwatha.” lakes is apparentlv to be represented._ The Alice-EDHGI will 4‘ L- sLA ~-A..nr:a €hnm -â€"Ladies’ Ribbed Cotton Vests. with half sleeves, at 50, 10c, 15c, 200 and 25c; with sleeves, at 12%, 209. 250, 403 and 500 â€"Children’s Ribbed Cotton Vests at 5c, (30, 7c, 100 DU ‘16 AC lvuvuv‘»-- _,,‘ convey bexcursionists to the grounds from ‘ Coboconk and intervening points and the Crandella from Lindsay. Pleasant Point and Dunsford. Mr. Stratton, M.P.P., o-f Peterboro, will be among the speakers. â€"Stimulated by the strand success of last car’s Industrial Fair, the direttors of t e Toronto Exhibition are putting forth greater efforts than ever to make the one for the present year eclipse all that have gone before, both as to the extent and variet of exhibits as well as the mag- nitude an novelty of the special attract- ‘ ions. The Prize. List has he‘en published, " $125 and $1.50 White Pique Skirts, with three rows of Tacks at. IUUB. Auv :â€" ....V ,__v - - -__ r ,, and copies can be procured by any of out readers by dropp ng a post card to the secretary at Toronto. The fair is to be held from the 28th August to the 9th of September. -The parbv of local fi-‘Ahermen, cum ris- ing Meesrs._J. B. Knowlson. J. A. P3101301]. G. H, Hoplgms and Dr. Simpson. who had been spending a. week troub fishing on the York branch Of the Madawaska river. 13 ‘ miles from Baptiste‘smuon, on the LB. 8; L..'. -‘t $2.00 Black Lustre Skirts for street wear. at $20”) Black and Navy all-wool Serge Skirts, spleniid style, at $3.50 Colorei Cambric Blouses, in assorted styles, at lllllco va... '-"l"â€"‘-v O. railway, returned home on Tuesday of last week. Their catch was not up to the usual number. l‘hey arrived on the around before the fish. However they manacred to catch a. sufficient number of speckled beauties to keepthe nan supplied. Some of these weighed 2!; pounds. A party from Toronto-Messrs. Askln. Taylor and Strachan, of the Grand Trunk Trans- portation Co.â€"who camped near the mouth of the river, were more fortunate and captured 80 fine fish. The water was abnornmlly high, which interfered with the fi‘hmg. The point at which the ‘Lindsay party pitched their tent is 970; feetabqve the level of Lake Ontario. and the cold; was" intense for the "$535th There was i} frost.,-ever{ night during: theifi stem The 106 did not ea‘ve Bapti'fit‘e lake this year until the first week in May. >53 dozen Ladies’ Black and Cream Silk and Taffeta. Gloves 2.32250, 350, 400 and 500 Ladies’ Summer Corset; in whifie at 350 mi 5110 White Muslin Underskirbs, with Embroidery ana â€"Lac3. at$1, $1.25), $1.50 and $1 75 bash Skirts. in plain and Fancy Makes at $1, Little Local Lines WE HAVE MANY OTHER LINES NOT MENTIONED PIQUE SHIRTS â€"MUSLINS UN DERSKIRTS -â€"-ORGAN DIES CHEFFON CAPES â€"GINGHAMS SILK CAPES â€"PIQUES SPRING JACKETS â€"â€"PERCOLES SUMMER CORSETS â€"-CAMBRIGS -â€"House to rent at $4 50 a. month. Apply to O. Bigelow or J. H. Sootheran.â€"19-tf. â€"â€"Owing to the continued wet weather, acres of potatoes in this section have rotted in the ground. and will have to be replauted. â€"-An excursion under the auspices of the Valentin 0.0.151 leaves Lindsay on June 9th at 8 8.111. for Port. Perry. Keep the date in mind. â€"Men's Sacks 2-ply Natural Wool. Also Union Socks 3 ply heels and toes, price to introduce 18¢. a pair. HORN BRO$., Lind- say Knitting Mills. â€"While J 05. Wilson was working at the drag-saw in Carew’s mill on \Vednesoay his thumb came in contact with the teeth and was quite badly cut. â€"'1‘he contract for the new school to be erected in School Scction No. 123, Emilv. has been awarded to Me-srs. Wm. Muler and James McGuire of Lindsay. â€"-See our Teachers’ Bible. Morroco leather. India. paper, 1000 pages, maps. illustrations, concordance. etc. Special price $1.25 at HUGHANCo's.,jewellers, Lindsay-â€"â€"2Z-Lf. â€"-'1‘hc exploding of firecrackers on Kent and other principal streets has grown to be a dangerous nuisance,and Rhouid be ston- ned by the police at once. I: is contrary to law. Several lads have even gone so far as to light the fuse and then throw them at passing lady bicylists. â€"-The Misses. Paton do not rely on newspaper advertising so much as the excellence of their goods and workman- ship. The very finest millinery in town may be found in their show-cases. Stylish, dainty and becoming, the hats and bonnets of these expert. milliners can- not fail to be increasingly popular. â€"It‘. will be good news to those who lewe or arrive in town via Lindsay-st. souh, that: the piece of macadam road laid last fall and in such splendid condic- ion this spring is being extended to the railway track. The crusher is at work and its massive jaws keep eight: men busy carrying stone and four teams have all they can do to haul the daily product to the scene of the road-making operat- ions‘on Lindsay-st. â€"Without saying a single word about‘l it to anvone, not even the one benefltted. ‘ twentv-nine years ago a benevolent person deposited $400 to the credit ota man in one of the Springfield, Mass, banks. Recently the bank paid out nearly $1900 on account of it. The above shows the rapid growth of a saving account if allow- ed to remain undisturbed, the wisdom of having- an ace-mot of this kind is quite evident. The Victoria. Lean Saving Co. offers every convenience and safety to start and continue an account of from one dollar to fifty thou-and dollars, no matter “that the amount of money you have to |invest they can offer you a. suitable in- vestment. Interest payable or added to the principle at every six months. â€"A very enjoyable selection. of sacred music was rendered at St. Jo~eph‘s Con- vent on the evening of Empire day. The large room was well filled with an ap- precimive audience. and'was tastefully decorated for the occasion. The concert. opened with a masterly rendering of the‘ Magnificat with an organ accompaniment, which was followed by seleceions of vocd and instrumental music. including vocal solos and duets, selections for the violin, the three violins being played inavery skilful manner, piano ducts, in which six mung: ladies performed on three pianos. The national anthem brought the concer. to a clo:=e. At the conclusion Rev; Frther ‘Laurentl, Inspector Knight; and others expressed their, high appreciation otthe admirable selection . of music and the excellent. manner in which the Whole had been rendxcd. Little Local Lines -â€"-\Vhits Piques and Duck; at 12%0, 15c, 186, 2%, 400 and 400 â€"â€" American “ml 11% at 10c,12/c and 153 â€"â€"Ging hams from Gleat Britain Stripes, Checks, and Plaida, at 20c,‘ .220. 250, 3x1, 450 and 650 â€"Canadian and American makes, at 100,12/0 and 15c -- Linen Crashes and Fancy Lines, 36 inches wide, at 12%0. 18c, 25c and 350 â€"En21ish Cambric, in St gripes and Plaids at 12/(, 200 and 230 â€"â€"Ladiea’ySpring Jackets in Black and Colored, 20 " per cent. off regular prices ‘ 250 311(1’350 Blue Ducks and Piques at 25c French Orgahdies and Muslims at 200, 258, 37%0, Special Ladies’ KilGloves, $1 and $1.25; Black pand Colored for 75:: Issued by 13311:on 131103., jewellers Lindsay.â€"â€"lyr. â€"Women’s and children’s fast black seamless cotton hose any szze - all one price, 10c. The congregation of St. Andrew's Pres- hyterian church are erecting a ‘new Sun- day school and installing a pipe organ at a cost of about $9,000 for the whole under- taking. The ladies of the congregation wishing to assist in the matter formed themselves into a society called the "Talent \Vorkers,” through which by the manufacture of different articles for private sale. or a weekly or monthly sub- scription, they have undertaken to raise $1,000 in three years. That they are suc- ceeding: is quite evident when we say that although only organized about eight months. they have already raised $35. The present school room will be undergo- ‘inp; alterations in the course of a few weeks, and the Talent Workers took the opportunity on Tuesday evening last of havinnafarewell social in the old room, and also iving an exnibition of the work they are oiniz. This proved veryinterest- ing to the large crowd present. A great many pleasant gatherings have been held in this room, but we venture to say that mone exceeded this in sociability and pleasure. A most interesting program was rendered by the following parties: Misses. Camelon, Ligget, Dunoon, Mrs. Mowat'and Messrs Mullett. Peace and Skinner. We congratulate the ladies on the work they have done and predict the raising of the full amount considerably within the time limit. It is remarkable what can he acconmlished by a large number, each doing a little. -The annual excursion in connac! ion with St. John‘s Sabbath school, Dunsford, will take place on Saturdav, June 17th. to 811‘! Island, Balsam lake. per steamer Alice-Ethel and palace. barge. The boat will leave Lindsay at 6.30 3.111., calling at Dunsfnrd, Bell's landing, Pleasant Point and Ball Point. and arriving: at: Bill Island 31:12.15. where nearlv three hours hours willbe given excursionists. Tickets 20 and 15 cents. â€"â€"The Knights of Mecca-bees will hold their annual excursion to Sturgeon Painb and Fenclon Falls on Tuesdav, June 13: . per steamer Alice 3th and palace lm‘ze. A special program of spoz-ts iq helm: prepared, for which valuable pfizes will be offered. A first-class orchestra. will accompany the excuraion, and when the Point is reached the. barge will be anchor- ed, nerm‘xfting all those who wiah to trip the light fantastic to the. heart‘s content. Keep the date in mind - June 13th. â€"The third annual exuraion of the East and West Victoria. Farmers’ Institutes will be held on Tuesday, 13th June, to L'ne Model Farm atGuelph. A special train will start from Omemee at 8.25 a.m.. and M‘rlvmc in Guelph at 1 run. The return fare from Lindsay is $1.50. Excursioniscs can leave on all evening trains on the 12:11 9.11.1 tickets are nod to return‘ on any train on ‘June 14'. . The date chosen i: an excellent one to see the Farm and experimental plots under vegetationv -'â€"Three pieces of Irish table linen. half bleached and pure in quality, all special prices, 350., 400.. 50c. IJUUUI run“ tutuuexpu. A specwu u'mu r‘“"; ..-__ -- -----â€" v. â€"‘-- _â€"N _ 7-- , m,“ , vill start frnm Omemee a: 33;, a.rn.. and â€"b or several weeks om: Lomluczar M. n'rivxnz in Guelph at 1 pm. The return 3100““)? has been Cfi‘ duly “"1135! (0 3‘0 are from Lindsay is $1.50. Excursioniszs gttack of inflammatory .1 heumaltmn. dc :an leave on all evening trains on the lflch 15 now. however, .regammg 1“" .5999!“ ml tickets are sod to return on any and hopes t? be 18 harness 3;;an m a. rain on June 145%. The date chosen i: couple 0: W38“. _ In excellent one to see the Farm and -Revs. J. W’. Banner of Hahburton, w WWI: ll”E3‘?:§3¥‘i~§312§%2fiiifim _; "' - ,- l of Kinmount and Geo. Ross of Dalrymple , Three pleces Of" InSh ”awe passed through town Lhie week on their 1111811. half 131939th and Pure “1 WIayhoéo this annual convention or the “an all s ecial rices, 350,, A et ietc urch now in session in the ch grog _ p p .city of Belleviile. Rev. Thos. Manning. % ‘° . ' V l B.A.. and ,Rev. J as. McFarlane, paetors of DUNDAS 8: ELAVELLE BROS' . the local churches, are also in attendance. DUNDAS FLAVELLE BROS. Talent Workers Social Marriage Licenses Coming Events ME N’S Balbriggan UNDERWEAR “ Cashmere Gauze “ COLORED CAMBRIC SHIRTS COTTON HALF-HOSE CRASH HATS AND CAPS SUMMER COATS, ETC. ” â€"â€"Men’s and Bnys’ Crash and Straw Hats and Caps, Crashes are 250,. 350. 40c, 500, 75c and $1 â€"-Stra.ws are 250, 35c, 40c: 500, 75c, $1 and $1 30 Men I Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, at 5250. (Expand 50c: -'Boy 3 Balhriggan Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, at 30c, 350 and 4â€"00 Men’ 5 Fine Cambric Shirts, at 50c, 753, $1. $1. 25, $1 50 . ,10 dozen Colored Cambric Shirts, that were $1. 2.) each for 500 each Men’ a Light \Vei ght Navy Serge Summer Coats in Double-breastged, $3 and $3 50 Men’s Fine Black Cashmere Sex, worth 35c, for 253 per pal: SPECIAL in HOSIERY Having been overhauled and put in first- class condition, the Steamer is prepared to contract for excursions to and from ail ports of our inland waters. The Steamer is already engaged for fifteen excursions for the month of June, and societies and others cantemplating excursions should apply for dates at once. For all informa- tion apply to GEO. CBAXDELL, owner, Lindsay P.O.â€"22~1. Steamer Crandellaâ€" Excursion Season, 1899 Now is the time to have them put in shape for the season. Come early and avoid the rush. All work warranted. \V. Webster, Mechanic-d Expert, :25 \Villiam-sc. northâ€"11d. -â€"Mr. “Jack" Comstock of Peterbcro, spent 24th in town. -Miss Mary Oliver, Toronto. spent 24th in town with her parents, Peel-st. -l‘hos. Clark, postmaster at Hotspur, Ont, is visiting relatives at Cambmy and Manilla. â€"Misa \I. Cong hlin of Weat Ops spent the 24th with friends in Port Hope and Cobourg. -â€"â€"\{r. O. D. Wilde,1edzer keeper in the Bank of Montreal has been ransferred to the Montreal branch. â€"Mr. John 11'“ in, lately of Mr. John Duck’s ocery, has =ecured a position in a. leading runtsville store. --Miss Carrie Armstrong, accompanied by her friend Miss Carrie Lindsav. are at present visiting friends at. Cartwright; and Bowmanviue. ' â€"Mr. James Coone, Methodist proba tioner at. Bethany, .penc Tuesday at, his home in Manil‘m, and left for conference on Wednesdav. â€"Mrs. Stewart Robinson of Be‘ evili e left, for home yesterday after spending .1 few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Widdia of W illiam an north. -â€"Messrs Robc.\ u gent, John Keilyand J. W. Wallace this week attended the annual meeting of the Orange Lodge of British America held in Toronto. --Mr. D. M. Bryson has completed the commercial, shorthand and typewriting courses as the Ontario Business College, Belleville. having secured his diplomas with honors. eâ€"Enzineer J‘; McMahon was in Mill- brook this week attending the funeral cf his sister, who had been ill for sweml vents with lung Lroubie. Deceased was 40 39‘!“ 9.: 9“? -- ‘.. ‘ . â€"â€".\Ir. Phil. Thomas left this week {or Montreal. from which point he will take passage with some Toronto friends for a abort holiday in Glasgow and other points of interest across the water. â€"Mr. John Britmn, for the pact three years the ohliging assistant at the Lind- say post; office, has resigned his position. and to~dav enters the employ of Ihe Rathbun Co. as junior bookkeeper. Bis plac_e_ will be filled b_y Mr. Fer Robinson; 9 %0 per Personals Bicycles worth

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