VD} su‘ 120‘ John b. 912 class murderers 0 four children at Sauartburn ' vet-e banged on the same ecaï¬'old a1 Winnipeg Saturday . unearthed - -â€"-The Brantford police had gang of thieves at t Lvnden. on Monday, of stolen goods in inhabited. inhamteu. -â€"-George and H; and 5 years respect . 3 1.-.“. nkvmg ro‘d Duismore. lvoly. were dro (1 river near Cainsville. on the bank, aged 7 wned braciuvbgevn playing on me xx dipped in. â€"â€"A striking section man Jackson of Bellevi‘le, tried u as the track in ‘11 No. 13, m aton, Monday. He stepget? in buv now-â€" -â€"An order-in-council has been pa Eu he law shall take its 2nd. 31m . 1M“. Mary Harrison, an aged widow, threw herself before a freight train at t afternoon. and was killed almost; instant- ly. Train hands say deliberate. but fainted. ,.__:â€"nv17 affldent â€"â€"Jos. Freeman, a 39.1): Elliott's stables, lying at the hospital i: - . , , fainted. â€"-â€"Jos. Freeman, a. veterinary student‘ at D: Eliiott's stables, Sr. Cm harinaa is now lying at the hospital in a critical condition. 'Whiie adminis- ering mec‘. dared his removal to the hoapxtal. â€"â€"Exceeaive tea drinking is the cause of the pitiablu condmon of Peter Phelan, who, as he hes in Bellevu‘e hoapita], a wax manikin. Thirty cup: resembles - ._ -. mum; used a :he Beat“ llUm â€"â€"A3 a result of ‘he celebration at “Ulllvww‘vv ' dead. Experts say that t] Battie. Maria. Hastings, 3 young girl . , from Innisï¬l township, will lose the “9 bemg the army W01" d that in all sight cf an eye. She was paning along . the street jusc an a boy was discharging a 19 the W550“; moth. I“ giant ï¬re cracker. A part of the explod. â€$319“ '10 9““ a 800d to agriculturzsta . ed cracker struck her on the face, pene- -â€"Ricbardg MePbaan, 'II- gurus. ulv ........ - ed cracker struck her on the face, pene- ' [rating the eye. â€"Whfle John Johnston and his two ‘ eons. Peter and John. cf St. Thomas. were going for a. load of atone about 8 o’clock Saturday morning they were struck by a fast train. The father Was instantiy killed. and one son was funny iniured. and died a few hours later. The other had his arm broken, but was not‘ seriously hurt. -â€"Fire at 3 30 o’clock Sunday morning destroyed the barn in connection with the Barnee house, Bridgebnrg. A vuln- -m.‘ mam aaldinfl. John R , ownedjy -Fire at 3 3O u'c10‘3K a! dastrnyed the barn in c‘ the Barnes house, Bridge able pacing gelding, John XVI} ï¬Ã©Donala, was hotel Wu saved by tearing kitchen, which was on ï¬re. near by were_ aavm'i by a I -L L‘- â€"-C nharine Sn. Andrew. married three‘ monxhe ego, went: to the City hote3, Kingston, where she was formerly em- ployed, to melee them during the hoUidaye. About six o’clock she fell into a faint in the dining room, where she died. She was 24 years of age. Her remains were removed to her uncle’s, on Montreei-et. Ber nncle, Duncan Powers, died yester- day from old age. The two corpse are u eoï¬ios side by side. and will be interre< together . â€"â€"Lomlne Logan, a ï¬ve-year-old girl of Branthrd, was vary badly burned last ‘ Thursday while playing wlth ï¬re-crack- m. The child’s dress caught: ï¬re, and she ran, all ablaze. to her mother who ckilv wrapped her in a cloak. This notion. in is hoped. bu saved the chm of the Week P7. ried to warn 8 ask in front of 13, near Kiug‘ med invfront 0f rinjured. :33 been Pasagd 15139 1899 named ‘, of the employee w"--- maiden: insurance in connection wun “his mine, which gives the me advantage of paving the ' ‘Vlthout cost of collection. has issued 1 pointingo ing against not in a posit den: or keep death. â€"â€"Conaternstion has been caused amor the farming community atound c that: the army Beflecme by the repor wcrm had made its con ""m n? Mrs. Boldtick, 7t )mpm men A; the __ mused ltwo‘ 00380. Ihffn1 been caused nunity around that the 8my aarance on the 7 ch concession, good deal of alarm m-u.-._--e ne, formerly a fashion. -â€"Mrs. Susie V'i mrlin, a young man able young widow of Woodstock, has just viiie. a small village been awarded $‘30,0U0 and vaiuable ,fmm St. Thomgs on property in i’en. Yan, N. Y.. in a suit ht against J.Vanderwenter. an instantly she broug ed gentleman whom she married e understanding that: she her what she has obtained through the courts. Be- Lan named Ward was now by being hit. with a fore the marriage an agreement we: drawn on here, but after getting 1h: 6. to cat-r: r. widow Vanderwenter decline Jity 0f hapeak, from it out. and his defence in court was the “'3 0f the drownimz 0f the agreement was a forgery. Yukon. Among them mum of New York; â€"-The prohibitionists and anti-prob: "‘3‘-‘-"- mo ï¬nanced in A big ï¬ght jut Ordered Suits at THE WATCHMAN-WARDER; L more mooeru sum"--. and was once 0 - - ° dlscharge and Wm been user? as a nunnery. copied by the Queen of Code, who brou. Indie 2,000 idols,and was atten- pletion Of his term 0 -â€".â€"Robertson. Lim ght from ded by a suite of 300 persons, a majority of whom lived in tents erected in the gar- Thomas, the largea den. in Western Ontario, â€"â€"Williem H. Holland. the bookmaker, troyed by the Mood who on Apr .hot Samuel Holler, log “'35 one Of the 1‘ the ticket-seller for Buffalo Bill’s Wild was comprised 0f in New York, and was comparatively a butlh two years ago. 1 West Show, in a saloon shooting. was ar- . . of the city, duect I who escaped after the " “3"- «mrl held in $500 bail nRice. The stock. â€"Mra. Albert Tavermu Cortland). who has spent tt days in Port: Huron visttinl daughter and the family of C. ‘ ' “- ‘~- New York. daughter and mu mu“, 7_ left this week for New York. where she will rejoin the Stuart-Robson Company. ' n leadlng lady of g: 36%.Onu: two years ago. Lueuun’ u“ :k. last week an unsigned telegram came to saying. “Edward to be buried as Wednesday. Came if you can." Supp“. the 1m; bk son to have (1 ed. John McIntyre, the the father. started for Cumin to bring WorkmanShiP- Mounts and anti-prom aged in a big ï¬ght just my of Brome. Eastern er. Sidney Fisher of Csbtnet repregenta in 7 LL- e, the young Canadian lmington.Del.. far the â€"Large Stocks â€"-Best’ Brands A; Montague, has been Cole‘s parents have â€"Guaranteed Satisfaction ' . the f t. . 22223012202222 EhTorontobplctnEe fume: ï¬gsdcï¬t: prifzdass’ rchable lune at a ° "8 â€â€œ3 t “p h WESTERN GREY um: - . from the Mxlton 3th Toronto *3 gouge“ of Out, kilns, is a quick setter and form; the young Canadian lngton.Del.. far the Montague, has been Cule‘s parents-have >. 23 years oId, went 3}. Y.. to Wallace- . ago. Tuesday of telegram came to n SUIVIVU v- -7 , ‘9 also badly wrecked, seven large Gnu-Ya nd tangled badly. Their m being broken a '8 loss is also heavy. Of â€"-A trave‘llng restaurant was bidly Gt wrecked at Brockville on Monuay. The cooking in the car is done with. a gasoline stove, which had never worked properly. ’8' Gas had accumulated In it somewhere this morning. and when Phillipe, the man in charge, took off the cover to put on a i the windows were broken, and d one side were badly shaken. ed by John Akin of Ugdene- hioh were of heavy oorated. are said to be worth . oi $10 each. and there. with the other 0 the car. will bring the total damages t =2 1028 up to abc ut 8200. -â€"-Juetlce Charland of Montreal in ren- dering judgment in a case of Darling w. Deterr, took the opportunity to stronglv advocate the passing of some law aqaine: usury such an Senator Dandu rand has new introduced in the Senate. The actitn under conelderation had been brought on a note for$150,bearin¢ interest at :be rate of 130 per cent. per annum. The learn- r .L- 1... Ian: him nc ten Seven 0 ttle the iron an -â€"A circular of some interest to thei ', has been issued dealinu" with the entry of dutiable postal packages. . Under the existing regulations. peckmesl ‘ apply to gain the preferential tariti‘ cut must: mds of keir a certiï¬cate that the goods encltsed is the are of Bratish origin and manufacture. The tesulb has been to cause more or less l small way owing to the fashion. absence of.the Certiï¬cme and consequ at t he full duty rate. The de- ‘25 value, customs ofï¬cers and notwithstanding the ‘ allow the reduc. duty rate where from a British country. and when they are reasonably sstisï¬ed that the mods have been manufactured in such GREEN. ONT. under comma-MM- .-_o- I note (0131503)»:an intereet at :he nte of 130 per cent. per ennnm. The learn- ed. judge said that the low left him no alternative. The rate of ln'erest was ï¬xed on the face of the note, and be had to glve judgment as prayed for. At the ‘ same time he. could not help expressing his etrong condemnation of a system which tolerated ench e are of interest would very likely sue for damages m 5- one who would cell them usurere. Tre feet remained that nemy had free scope in the Province of Quebec.end it wee time something was done to check lt. â€"Jce Snow, 3 young erlioian, seven years old. started to school about right and a half months «mo under Mrs. War ‘ button. Toronto. When he atuted he could neither speak nor write a word of Enalish. He hm made such wondezfu‘. iprogtess that his teaaher sent one of Li; A - . ., 1 ..... pm- ï¬nches. The program: |uau uni -__.“ work-books to Inspector Hughes. The writting and spelling are perfect. and would put: many Englhh boys to shame. It is both clear and plain, while the spelling is excellent. Young snow has a brother about the same age as hlmseTf. i who has been golng to school about one “ z- -n- in the VI luv "â€"7. year and him: ‘x'nonths, and it urth book. His work in Another example oi 200d ceived from Cnhinaman Len. 28 years old. and I very favorably with that. Gsflcian . 0 year! 3‘â€. u nnnnnnnn city, directly opposite the poet $85,000. ‘ The stock ls valued 3: Insurance on ldinz at: $25,000. a the neighbourhood of $60,000, auilding $26,000. The new metallic of the Bell 'lelephone Compury is .dly wrecked, seven large cables broken and tangled badly. Their wile?) the the 80053 count ry. â€"-____._.â€"â€"."'â€"= ; \mpm These are our specialties at th ’ . . e present tune and Builders wfll ï¬nd it to their advantage tc‘J deal with us. “-53!£!!§§§°~\MULLETT, “16 “a†'vv gems: to school about one1 months,and is now in the His work is ahao very goo . uple oi good work was re- ; Ghinaman named Chew- ;old. and which compares Iv with that. of the yum; On which our famous J31 such an enormous trade country. and it is on the u n... 1 Are the ï¬neSt mine in the imagine thvy save money b Toronto. To thaee peeple w either Tea or Coï¬ee from us, it better value than you can elsewhere, return it and y â€"-Fine Cool Linen Hats only 40:. â€"â€"Straw Sailors for only 25c. -â€"Stylish Stiff Felts only $1.00. -- Colored Shirts 60c. -â€"White Linen Laundried Shirts only 38‘: Spratt Kine“? mi: trade-in Lindsay and the is on the same foundation that ‘ inc the largest «36% trade i: and Teas, Crcckcry and Le goods and prices. of Victoria. - - - - JUNE 19:] 3899‘ 0-day. Same veop‘xe y bv buying Tea and 0:;ï¬'eea in Xe we wish to say : Buy a pound of us, try it, and if you don’t consider an obtain in Lindsq. Toronto at d 3cm: money will be cheerful‘q .refnnded ...... the market t r $39£§32§ 1 KA -FIG =, _RAir:iNS. With this in market and has built Up enrroundipg {have built the County I ‘- Great g the be m neï¬t 0’ on thei saw- m Vapâ€"m-dam fulï¬ll! plate. Dï¬ med. regal†$131 ch Suits, 0 and buckle special $2.95. Ken's Sinai: rett on coat. 79$ maxi 55. suit a! ethi DRESS: CAPES MIS