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Watchman (1888), 24 Jul 1890, p. 3

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‘Fial illustration }uch £1 paper as hign art maflu' he honor 50?‘ as that the’” icstionably as- {e the ordinary; TREET 111111. ‘ "' acns of 5111133" t, examples Of or some yeaIS, O my, with sidfi rly treated, to <ind known 35 i at the speCial RIES. ’ ’ADA 30 dag/5. re 0%, plinished, con- séqu éntly buyers may 1:er on gettmg satisfaction bértion 5f art manu- a: gagareand General Groceries,«0roek- 6?“, 51553 Glassware, Cured Hams, Bacon, 53.5,; * a5311d Smoked Fish,Cam71ed Goods 4:11” all Description, Woodenware and Dairy Supplies, Flour Feed Chop, Oatmeal, Etc . . Accounts required to be settled w delay, and IN FUTURE N0 CREDIT WILL BE GIVEN. W00! l/szz‘ed as usual. J EfléfiMILY GROOERIBS. J ARTMENTS ARE:â€" '_;. All 1 Mam. 50 cms PER. ANNUM- 3 TEES For BUYERS v“; of Plain and Edncv 10b KINDS J_| 1AM Przflz‘z'i/zg 0177-53) Agam 1n Operatlon. 0F PRINTING Printing . CAMPBELL . settled without tnan the MANAGER promptly attended to. THE WATCHMAN, roprietor. Before you purchase look at F. MC‘CARTY’S Stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewellery. Waltham, Elgin, Hampden, with Thomas and Swiss movements. Gold, Gold Filled, Silver and Silveroid Cases. for railroad men at the lowest prices. New styles in clocks by the best makers. Chains, Engage- ment Rings, Wedding Rings, Finest Quality. REPAIRING We make a specialty, trying to give satisfaction, and reliance. We have been successful in our effort from the crowd of regular customers who favor us. We are sure of a large increase of business. Try W. F. MCCARTY for fine ‘repairing on Jewellery. Opposite {Daly House, Lindsay. ASSETS, - - - $32,620 mu SURPLUS, (by Canadian Standard) 7,3I9,000 ENOOME, - - - - 5,000,000 DEPC SIT AT OTTAWA, '- 2,098,223 The government blue books of the past five years (pages 58, 68, 72, and 86) shew the cash paid to living policy holders in Canada, in settlement of Endowment Bonds during the five years ending J anu- ary lst, 1888, as follows :â€" : ’ 5 '- - . I ' - . V A‘TP‘A LIFE! $44b,996 prmcxpal wuh (my payment or lnlcx'cm. WALuvuu ...... - and without expense. Interest yearly. All payment GM‘QADIAN AND BRETISH " madc in m ’ ffi e cm W C H. B. DEAN‘ A . PANIES COMNNED, " ”5,665 B . 51.. Besides the $446,998, the .zEtna Life Corner of Yorkagliéigt $352122", ng’dsay paid to living members in Canada. $447,577 Lindsay, Dec. 30th, 1887- ‘ 1n annual cash (11v1dends upon their poli- ___.__â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"'"â€" cies and “$29 434 to ' ' - , w , A WMOEV‘S and Orphans; Accndent Insurance- , ~°3A__‘L Tâ€" cies, and $720,434 to widmvs and orphans ' of deceased members, making a. total of $1,624,000 during the past five years 111 Canada. JOHN D. MAGMURDHY, General Agent. Accident Insurance. _ x mm: wxdâ€"wâ€" ~ , The London Guarwme‘: and Acmdent In Jerry, as 110 133333 01% 1 surance Company of Lan 1:2). England It was about two mmutes before we con d Capital $1,250,000. Liberal po.icyâ€"-Bonus get breath, and then the drummer had gone every five years, $5 per annum secures $5 with the stakes. An hour later I asxed WEBkIY compensation. and $1000 in the Uncle Jerry what he meant by such conduct, event of death by accldent. , and he replied: JOHN D. MACMURCHY. “Took me all day to learn it, and the teller P ann‘m‘l A n- Tanflgav gin me tWO 91g. (10118.1'8.” Lindsay, Ont. MATURE ENWWMENTS. Life Assurance Company. W. F. McCam‘y, LlNDSAY, THURSDAY, JULY . THE J EWELLER. $32,620 676 $446,998 A Grand. Gift" TO ALL READERS OF THE New York Fireside Companion, â€"THEâ€" Most Popular Family [mu/ml! in 5/26 Umfz‘ea’ States. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. Price $3.00 a Year. Anv person sending us $3.00.for a year’s subscription will recelve a Meissonier’s Great Painting, “FRIEDLAND: 1807.” Size of Chromo 29x21 inches. This superb picture, equal to an oil paint- ing, and suitable for framing, is copied from one of the most famous productions of the greatest artist of modern times. The oyiginal picture cost $66,000. The chromo is an exact copy of it, and alone is worth the Whole cost of a year’s subscrip- tion to THE FIRESIDE COMPANION. BEA UTIFUL CHROMO THE FIREsmE COMPANION maintains its high position as the best paper of its class in America. It contains Among those contributors who are en- gaged to write EXCLUSIVELY for THE NEW YORK FIRESIDE COMPANION may be mentioned: author of “ Miss â€"Middleton’s Lover," “ That Pretty Young Girl," etc. “ Old Sleuth,” Whose detective stories have obtained for him a world-Wide reputation. AMERICAN AUTHORS the gifted author of “Manch,” “Uncle Ned‘s White Child,” etc. Mrs. Lucy Randall Comfort, author of “Ida Chaloner’s Heart," and other famous stories. Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller, author of “The Pearl and the Ruby,” “ Flower and J ewel,” etc. author of “ His Fairy Queen,” “ The Little Light-House Lass," etc. .The works of the above-mentioned authors Will appear in no other journal. THE NEW YORK FIRESIDE COMPANION will also contain Serlals, Sketches and articles by the following well-known A authors, viz: THE BEST STORIES The services of the foremost artists or we day have been secured, and the illustra- tions will be of a higher degree of excel- lence than can be found in any other periodical. Every number contains a discourse by THE REV. T. DEWITT TALMAGE, Fresh and charming sketches, humorous articles and paragraphs, poetry and ansWers to correspondents. Miss Laura Jean Libbey, TERMS :â€"THE NEW YORK FIRESIDE COMPANION will be sent for one year on receipt of 33; two copies for $5. Getters- up of clubs can afterward add single copies each. We will be responsible for remittances sent in Registered Letters or Post Office Money Orders. Postage free. Specimen copies sent free. Address ‘ â€" - -â€" upfrx‘rnn M: Celllll/Luuuca buuu u. ;WVD-V_-,, EostOffice Money Orgers. Egztage free. Every boy of us in in the village Knew \ "non yet. apeCImen copies sent ree. ress Uncle Jerry Crawford. He was a driedâ€"up 3 “Didn‘t I see inthe papersthat congress had GEORGE MUNRO, old man, and never seemedto get any older, sent the Fair to this town 3” Munro’s Publishmg House, although always complaining. The form 01 “You may have read that this place had be of a fair to be held 17 to 27 Van dewater Street, Salutation was invariably this: been selected as the si 1? O Box 3751 New York. “38110! Uncle Jerry!” ' three years from now.” . . . . “An *‘ ar won’t- be none till then 3” “Yass, yass." “Not that anybody knows of.” __________.__..__â€"â€".â€"â€"â€"â€" “How you feeling?” MON EY To LOAN “Wretched, wretched, thank ye.” “An congress has fooled me into comin’ all ' I’ve heard that at least one thousand times. the way from Missoury to see that. Fair. a deviation but once. A Look here, this thing is a fraud. an’ I believe AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES, and never knew . . . . drummer who used to come up occasxonally you had something to do With it. Do you INTEREST PAYABLE YEARLY. from St. Louis got on to it, and one day hear me?" when a down of us sat on the steps of the “Yes, I hear you.” “Well’ what have you gotto say for your- Terms to St!“ borrower. drugstore Uncle Jerry was seen coming up ' the street. 1: self ?” MCINTYRE STEWART, “15m that old Crawford,”a.sked the drum- “Nothing,” - mer as he shaded his eyes with hishand. “Then you acknowledge that you are a Fro-nu} {in V011?” Henry Guy Carleton, Walter F. Jackson, Charlotte M. Braeme, “The Duchess,” M. V. Moore, privileg" to‘borrower to pay off any prmClpal wuh any payment of mm: and w1thout expense. Interest yea C. E. Bolles, Mrs. E. Burke Collins, Mary Kyle Dallas, Kate M. Cleary, Charlotte M. Stanley, Mrs. Mary E. Bryan; Mrs. Elizabeth Stiles, K. F. Hill, Kate A. Jordan, Grafton Deane, Shirley Brown, Annabel Dwight, May R. Mackenzie, Miss C. V. Maitland, Mary C. Preston, Annie Ashmore, Carl Brickett, Adna H. Lightner, Esther Serle Kenneth, Mrs. Findley Braden, Arthnr L. Meserve, etc. COMPANIES’ PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. Barristers and foremost ar_tist_§ of 33113 General Ag; Lmdsav Ly of? any sum o_n account oI at of mterest wuhout notxce crest yearly. All payments etc., LindsaY- [890. “Hold on 150' me tight” get my hat.” 316 Lost a. Sale. An ioebox on which a. sign “Fer Sail" stood in front of a. Brooklyn grocery store the other day, and when a woman stopped toexamine it, a man, with Lis hands and overalls showing grime came out and said: “Madam, dot vhas der beegest bargainin dis whole county. I paid 818 for dot ioebox, nnd now I sells him forâ€"forâ€"vhell, I make der price so sheap dot it pays you to shplit him 00p for firewood.” A n .1... Aka-amt! as: “Been in use a long time,” she observed as ‘ she looked inside. ‘ “Madame, Igit' you fife tousand dollar if I doan’ buy him only last year.” “What’s the principle on which it works!” “Der best principle in all dis worldt, mad- ame. It vhas by der oopright, horizontal, rotary principle, und nobody can beat it. My son he runs dis grocery for me while I runs my boiler und engine shop. Dot makes me know all about ice boxes.” “A boiler isn’tan ice box,” she remarked, as she lookéd into it again. I3 auu Luv-w .Hw -- _°wi ‘ “Shust so, madm, but der principles vhal der same. Dis vas'a tenâ€"flue ice box, mit a. return draught. She vhas seex-inch stroke, patent cut-9ft, tested oop to 180 pounds. und 9L _ 1-... "no... {anfnr WW”! Uuu’vu, “a“-.- - -r _ vhas feexed oop mit a low-water indicator and all der latest inventions. If data ice box exploda on you I gif you one million dollar, and any shild can run him.” Lu; 1' Anna» "ant “flu (Au: Uwâ€" -._._ , “Explode! Mercy on me, but I don’t want anything around to blow me up! It must be some new fangled arrangement.” “Madame, I git you my word he vhas as safe asha trunk oop in der garret. He con- sumeshis own smoke, vhas provided mit a check-draught of der latest style, undâ€"” “I don‘t want it!” she said with a decided snap in her voice. and hurried away as if she feared an explosion. At that moment a young man came out and asked: “Fadder, doan’ you make a sale?” “No.” “Vhas you tell her?” “I say to her dot it vhas by her oopright‘, horizontal, rotary principle, mit return flues, seex-inch stroke, patentâ€"” \ “Fadder, you go avhay and leaf me to sell him. You vhas too scientific. So mooch talk makes people afraid. I shust tell ’em dot it vhas for sale by a family who vhas going to Europa for der summer, or to wind oop an estate, und before toâ€"morrow he vhas sold. You vhas all right on engines und boilers, but you vhas way oi! on ice boxes All d_er principle about him vhas to sell him for $0 233511), A Promoter of Temperance. ' trateâ€"l-Jid you ever see a. man intoxi- cated by beer? Saloon-Keeperâ€"Oh, yes: lots of times. Magistrateâ€"In your saloon? Saloon-Keeperâ€"No, sir; men never get in- toxicated by beer in my place. Magistrateâ€"How do you manage it? Saloon-Keepe â€"I draw my beer into the Coney Islandbeer glassâ€"Racket Caner (to Sick man) today?" A. , ‘31. Sick Manâ€"Oh, 9.1m: no hopeâ€"I’ll never get away from the doctors 0n the Street-Car. Innocent Countryman (tolady just ing)â€"â€"Have a seat? Ladyâ€"No, thanks. I. C.â€"-B1ess you, I didn’t expect any. Following Directions. pl'UUD] "CLL, rum..- iv “Oh, no. He’s thehman who always re- reckon.” plies that he’s wretched, thank ye.” “No, I . “1 maybe mistaken, but Idon’t: think so.” ‘ “Wall “Of course you are.” er make “Well, I hate to give in. I’ll bet Q‘20 that u; “.i; when he comes up and you ask him how he “All 1' I step ri; is he’ll rep1y as I said.” ALA..- ._A a" mo “xr‘l‘u 18 ”U H- lctJAJ wv .- w... There was seven of us there, and all we 009d raise was $16. We handed that out fat. enough, however, and it had been cov- ered when Uncle Jerry came along. W'e were on the grin as the drummer called out: “Hello! Uncle Jerry l” “Yass, yass!” “How you feeling?” “Pretty well, praise God!” replied Uncle Jerry, as he passed on. ,,L-_ LA£A-A “9A nnn'lr' “Yes. ’ “He’s the man who 81 ways tretty well, ptEise God? ’ They held on tight Oh, a. little better, but there's never get strong enough to get 12 doctorsâ€"Chatter. No Hope. kuv “hay and leaf me to 8811 no scientific. So mooch afraid. I shust tell ’em by a family who vhas r der summer, or to wind before toâ€"morrow he vhafl ‘11 win-kt rm angina 113d in in the village knew vrd. He was a driedâ€"up seemedto get any older, nnlaining'. The form of how are you feeling “ while I on the Crowd. replies that he’s but there’s I- 77 I step right over yander au’ eat a suacm. . and all we “Why don’t you take it with you?" 3d that out “Feered somebcxly mout steal it whine I’m “1 been COV' eatiu’. “'11! you hold it?" , along- We “Yes, m take charge of it; for you. 1' called out: When the woman had been gone half an hour- Lhe p. iic-.-:na;1 began to feel 11139.53 An hour page}. and stilinte women 3111 not . 1 reium L339. mat evening the carpaI-bag rephed Uncle was eyened. it. contained four dead cats, I together with the foiiow'mg nate: .ore we could “These cats lay in an alley next to my mer had gone house, on the West Side, for four days. I uter I asked have time and again notified the autharities, 53°11 conduct, butas no notice was taken of my appeal, I have taken this method of disposing of them. andtheteller Ycumayretum themtome whenwe meet ; ' at the World’s. “hf-WW Travels. y enter- Mr. Van Punk Scores Bis than: 1: Without Opposition. “Please do not say anything more Punk,” protested the young giri. not list en to yen.” n:- “Don’t refuse to hear me, Kiss Pathet- bridge!” he exclaimed as he looked about the room as if to find a hassock to kneel on, but seeing none, he stood upright, looked intently at. the ceiling, and proceeded rapidly, in a. high-pitched voice. “Doubtless you will say, Miss Petherbridge, that you never have given me any encourage- ment. You will think I amprezmmpzuous in .-A. i L M010. occur to you that a young man has no other way of ascertainingin what. light, he is re- garded by the object upon whom he has fixed his hopes of earthly happiness than toâ€"to try it on, you know. Therefore, Miss Peth- erbridge, to come to the point a: once (for in mime-rs of this kind it has always been my cush. ‘mâ€"Tor, .a.s.I was about tosay, in matters of this “nod 1t :5 always best p0 be dlrect and explicit), “‘t me ask you, .u'lthout any pre- ambi e, prolo‘ue’ or mtroductlon, whether you couldâ€"~” I am sorry '30â€"” l 6‘ I T . .; “kv;’rtithi:eI; £3? ‘ make up your mind to ,. .. ., _ “.14. to thatofayoung ____ar 7 LU Uuuuvsu JV. consent to lifik your £32» , A man Whom you never ma) bifvgfsflr 3:: any other light than that of s. .. be ‘ whose entire devotion you P?“ A “1.8:: '- uvw vâ€"vâ€" . â€".~ 7 and who long has entertained for ) thatâ€"J’ ,, by--â€"” q “Feelings that he may not have mfl'ered to escape him hitherto. In short, Miss E’ether- bridgeâ€"for the question is simgzly one at the heartrand need be ownion for the (ewes! words onlyâ€"may I ask you whether, alts! mature deliberation andâ€"" 4‘ Ifâ€" 11... if you will marry me.” “Then there is no need of any more words, I am sorry that I cannot give you a tower able answer, butâ€"1’ “Do I understand you to refuse 3” “I certainly do refuse. " “You reject me?” GIL “You will not deny,” he said, “ that I have asked you whether you would marry me!” “Certainly not. ” “And you have said you would not?” “That is what I have said.” “That’s right. Check.’ ’ And he made another mark in the note book. “You ere theninth yonng women who has given me the same answer since last Thurs- day,” he said briskly. “I'll get over the pain, Miss Petherbridge. I’m trying to make a record. That’s all. Good morning." â€"Chicago Tribuue? “You will oblige Marriage 3 Failure. Cobwiggerâ€"Did you ask Brown if he liked his new house? Merrittâ€"4t wasn’t necessary. I heard his wife say she liked it. â€"Epoch. Had Her Revenge. A woman carrying a. faded carpetâ€"bag stop- ped a policeman in ‘ hicago, and said: “Which way must I go to the World’s Fair!” “Headquarters of the directors are around on Dearborn street.” n,,, LL- L--An“nwnt-a “I don‘t- care a snap tor me 11qu w“. I want to know what the Fair isâ€"whar they air showin’ things.” “There isn’t any such place, madam. The Fair won’t be open for three years yet. ” “What, ain’t there no show at tall?” “Not yet.” “Didn‘t I see inthe papersthat congress had sent the Fan to this town?” I AJL-LA.L:.~ “IAM “at. “An thar won’t be none cm men: “Not that anybody knows of.” “An congress has fooled me into comin’ all the way from Missoury to see that Fair. Look here, this thing is a. fraud. an’ I believe vou had something to do with it. Do you -‘vwâ€"â€"c, “Then you acknowledge that you are a. fraud, do you!” “I suppose I am.’ “An’ you air not sorry for it. unmet-,1 ’MAm'NG A deco. RD. I'CUAUu. “No, I am not particularly cast down.” “Wall, will you do me a favor, jest. to sex-tr er make things squat?” “I will try to.” “All righ Then hold this carpet-bag till OnaSonl Sawd- math Rejection more, Mr Van girl, “1 must m-k in the note gwoman who has since last Thur:- 5. Bit it must n has no other hght he is reâ€" o! .lv 7’

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