- P9 ' Mixed Chop. . . . ........ Corn Chop ............... Oat Chop ............... ‘3‘"; Pee Chop ................ ‘: Screenings ................ McNAB MARTEN “MLUMBER DEALERS A NU FACTURERS. IBILL s J. TIFF - ' 2nd (imp) [3] HifdaTS], by Holywell Victor (imp.) [l] (517) Holywell Victoria. (imp) }; [1] (720) by Holywell Duke (327)â€"Blem- ~ ish 3rd (340) by Snub (141).â€"Blemish 2nd ,,; (94). by Holywell Jimmy (329), Eva, by SampsUn 6th (123). W33; Mum-:5. Um 'half‘ the village‘ wiped out of master following is a hst of insured 101' E5â€: U. plant, valued at € Whu DIED. KENSEDY,â€"â€"In Lindsay on Saturday, 26th July, Ernest F. Kennedy, only son of Robt. Kennedy, aged 13 months. BIRTH. FLAVELLLE.â€"In Lindsay on Tuesday 29th inst. the wife of Wm. Flavelle, of a daugh- ter. WIPC‘J. UUL U1. un.. ......... following 15 a. hst of the suï¬erers : ‘Wm. Cardwell. hotel, loss $500, uninsured; A. B. H. Carl, general store, loss on stock $5.000, insured for 32,000; M Brown, rum. A $5,000 shoe sho Palmer. saddier snop, Gainer. butchexj shop, 1 ance; E. Noice, gene buildmg 52,0 ’0, insure! $3000, insured for $1 building. instruments $1,200, insured for $4, drug and book store, 134 ‘An 1.0,8vv,ou-.n~â€" -V- _, drug and book store, total loss on stools $2 000, insured for $800; J E. Delamere, Echo printing ofï¬ce, loss on building 3500 insured for 8200 engine, pow er press an nd 1 L- ‘I Insurance LINDSAY MARKETS. OFFICE or THE LINDSAY WATCHMAm LINDSAY, 031:, July, 3151:, 1890. F all Wheat per bushel, old. $0 00 to 0 87 Fyfe do do ............... O 00 to O 92 Spring do ................ 000 to 0 87 Goose do do ........... 55 to O 70 Flour, new process ........ 2 35 to 2 55 Flour, mixed, roll ......... 2 60 to 2 80 Strong bakers ............. 2 70 .to 2 90 Barley, per bushel ......... f 35 to 0 45 Peas, do .......... 0 50 to 0 55 Peas, large do .......... 0 50 to 0 6O Oats, do. .......... O 40 to O 45 Potatoes per bushel ........ 0 40 to O 45 Butter per lb ........... :. 0 10 to 0 12 Beef ..................... 0 O5 to O 07 Eggs, per dozen ........... 0 11 to O 12 Salt, per barrel ............ 0 00 to 1 60 Straw, per load ............ 3 00 to 6 00 V5001 .................... 0 18 to O 20 Hides...~................. 0001:0003 “’ood .................... 2 00 to 4 00 Bacon ...... perlb....... 009t001C Mess Pork, per bb].... 000130 17 5C Hay. per ton ............ 600to 80C "‘ ' n m A... M N do extra Prime ...... Shorts per ton .......... Lambskins ............. Sheepskins. pelts ........ Live Hogs, “ “. . Flax seed per 100 ....... ‘ AA“ Canada Improved Yorkshire Boar Wm. Corneil has on his farm Lot 13, in the fourth Concession of Ops, an improv- ed Yorkshire Boar of which the following Pedigree is from the registered Record: “Champion of Elm Grove 2nd.†Fan-owed Nov. 15th, 1889, bred by W. Davies 6‘: Son, Markham, Ont, 2nd owner “7m. Corneil, Lindsay, Ont., bite Ranger [4] dam Nancy {29], by Holywell Wonder » â€"-~ --.- rnï¬ â€˜ 1'1 1 A11 ‘72-].-â€" 'orn rureu LO [IQ-OW, ““5 Luv, .nt, valued at $53,000,a.1most a total 3, no insurance Mrs. Dickinson, of mwall, owned the large Erick block ich was totally destroyed, loss $4,000, “manna unknown: Mrs. McCracken, mada Immwed Yorkshire Swine Record. and cm senous Injury â€by, beszéas ha; elved an ugly as the cheapest. ’- ‘erms Liberal. Give us a Cid}; Yard and ofï¬ce corneréf \Villm nd Bond street, Lindsay. * Cut to order on short- est notice. llkinds of Lumber g waysqn hand. cheap 30th, dsay, July l a rope with them tnej: urn-um MW ither to jump or roast. A couple .own and escaped with slightly lacer- hands, but the hands of the others me so badly lacerated after descend. arying distances that they had to let A dmn to the ground. None sustain: EXTENDED PEDIGRBE CERTIFICATE. Disastrous addier shop, stock saved: D. tchel: shop, loss light, no insur- Noice, general store, loss on 2,04 *0, insured for $700, on stock sured for $2,450; Dr. Curry. instruments and library. loss rut-AA Fnr $4-â€: F. R. Curry, r bushel ......... i do .......... 0 [e do .......... 0 do. .......... 0 er bushel ........ O r: Tb ............. 0 ................ 0 dozen ........... 0 parrel ............ 0 load ............ 3 ................ 0 l A b b b O I I A 5 O O 0 ................. 2 per Tb 0 I, per bb] 0l ton ............ 6 ¢ 1111K M‘NAB MARTIN. Dr. Cur Y insured for $400“ I). stock saved H. \VADE, Sec. Agr. Arts Asso, ~ 0 u 000016004078m800â€"036041 l 1 ggmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmm O 1 m ,mmmmmmmmoommmmmmmmmmm 0 54mmwnm mmmwmmmmwmmmmmmmm 000000030020 000000 1111 55 to 0 70 235130255 0 6 0 0 t 0 260to280 . 270to9‘10 .(3015004 .3 5 0 O t 0 Ru 0 ------------ a ....... o o t ‘ n o . . . o . 0 c ...... H :ompletely ninc‘. The stock 75 EAGENTS WANTED. FOR THE ROYAL CANADIAN I WANT AGENTS TO CAN VASS FOR. farm business for the Royal Canadian Insurance Company in unrepresented dis- tricts. See advertlsement in another HE BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS OF the late L. Maguire are in the hands of Dundas Flavelle Bros. for collection. All persons indebted to the estate will please call forthwith and settle same. Azzv persons having accounts against the u mum: please render same to Dundas C. H. N!CHOLSON, Master. Is now making daily trips, leaving Coburg at 7.30 a. m., Port Hope at 9.45 a. m., on arrival of Grand Trunk Railway trains frorri East West and North, connecting at Charlotte With afternoon trains for all points on New York Central, Erie, North- ern Central, and Lake Ontario Division of Rome, Watertown 8; Ogdensburg Rail- ways. RETURNINGâ€"Leaves Charlotte daily at 11 p. 111., except Tuesday at 9 p. m., Saturday at 4 p. m.; calls at Brighton \Vednesday, and Colborne Wednesday and Friday mornings, Trenton and Belleville via Murray Canal Saturday nights. Freight shippers will ï¬nd goods care- fully handled and lowest rates quoted. Every accommodation for passengers. Attention and Regu!arity Specialties. For information, address MR. RISHARD HUMPHREVS, Would invite the ublic to see STOCK of MUSIC, both assic and Modern, which he has for sale, and will furnish both MUSIC and INSTRUMENTS at reasonable nrices PIANOS TUNED .11 Private and Company funds to loan at above rates, on good Farm and Town or will visit pupils at their homes. security. Debentures, Mortgages and Notes negoti- ated to best advantage. Lindsay. By the aid of the new Hydro-Carbon Gas Furnace he can make indestructible porcelain ï¬llings and re- store broken and decayed teeth to their origtnal shape, contour and color. By this process old roots can have porcelain crowns attached; consequently THERE IS NO PLATE REQUIRED. Gas, Vitalized Air, administered for neariy 23 years, extracting teeth for thousands of persons wrthouta particle of pain. He uses the latest approved appli- ances for administering the Gas. He studied under Dr. Colton, of New York. the inventor of gas for ex- tracting teeth, who has given it to over 160,oooper- sons and not a fatal case. MR. NEELANDS uses Ball's Local Anaesthetic for extracting teeth. He is now using a new style of forcep, which he had expressly manufactured while on hislast visit to New York, which removes the teeth without danger of injury to the gums or jaw, the gums healing up beautifully in a few days, and no consequent trouble. Artiï¬cial teeth inserted on all the pogular hams and by the most approved styles and appliances for their retention and comfort. Numbers ofpersons are wearing teeth made by Mr. Neelands over 20 years and never required repairs. Prices from $10 to $65 for an upper or under set. Lindsay, will receive pupils there for Sporting“ Goods and Ammunition al- ways 'in stock. Repairing promptly at- tended to. 39-6m GUNSMITH AND .GENERAL MAOHINIST. J. NEELANDS, Having removed to the North End of Perswns from a distance will please send 4 posta 1rd before coming. Ofï¬ce, Kent Street, Lindsay, earl) opposite Congress Hall. â€"40 5 52', 6 64 PER DENT. F. GILDERSLEEVE, 3%. R. SIMMONS. say, J unc N UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF Bracebridge, The Staunch Lake Steamer! DIANO ORGAN, VIOLIN, ETC, ILL BARRON McLAUGI-ILIN, Pvne’s Ron. OF THE LATE R. DUNE GREGORY 1d, 1890‘ CAPT. NICHOLSON, Port Hope, Ont. Solicitors. Lindsav.â€"-39 Kingston, Ont. CORNEIL. Ont. M. B. G. D. S. ONT. DENTIST, THE WATCHMAN. SEWING MACHINES. -â€" -â€"._, as Agent for Mr. 'Wetherup, I wish to inform the engublicb that I have urchased the Sewing achinc business 0111 him and will 1n future carrv it on on my own account. The reputation of the New Wil liams, places it one of the FOREZI2 057‘ flIACHINES in the mark years. I shall have. my office â€in the boot and shoe store of Mr. L. Maguire, Hamilton’s block, Lindsay, where I shall be glad to meet my customers and friends, and where the machines may be seen working. I shall continue ,to canvas §through the coumry as usual. Lindsay: Feb. 26th. 1890. AWNINGS, LFRED KINGSCOTE has Opened out in Dunsford’s Block. on Water-st. opposite the market, where he is prepared to do all kinds of Awning, Tent, and Sail makmg. Good Work and-Low Prices. Remem- ber the place. 18-4m. Money lent on mortgage, and mort- gages and notes negotiated. Straight loans at 6 per cent. Having visited the Fashion Centres of Toronto Buffalo, and New Yo rk, and made extensive pur- chases, I have a very Choice Stock of Latest Fash- ions in Shapes, Trimmings, Ribbons, Laces, Veilings, Feath- T 0 2756 Ladies 0/ Vz'cz’om'a C 0717229 .' ers, Flowers, etc. These goods are now opened out, and ladies are cordially invited to call and in- pect the stock before purchasing elsewhere. Have in stok No. 1. Labrador Herrings “ Lake Superior White Fish “ Salmon Trout Finnan Haddie, Codï¬ish, Fresh Frozen White Fish, 850. We are prepared to do business in a business way, and?“ ope to be favored With a _sh_are of_ your patronage. We have the ice s’c Assortment, the ewes’c and Freshest (Breeds in the market, and having bouh ht for CASH, we can give you%h lowest priées. All orders will be carefully ï¬lled, and perfect satisfaction guaran- teed. * w Goods delivered promptly. Familv Gracers, Cor. Kent. William Sta, Lindsav. NEW WILLIAMS STILL LEADS THE WAY !. FTER having served for ï¬ve years MONEY TO LOAN. TENTS, and SAILS. Ket A. KINGSCOTE, JOHN MALLET'I‘ and is guaranteed for ï¬ve THE 344 VVater-st., Peterboro’. MOORE J ACKSON. MARK ‘ GRAHAM, NEW MILLINERY, MISS O’BRIZE: N. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JULY TRIMMINGS, ETC. Emploraiions (ml Aduenturm of Henry M. Stanley and other IVorld-Rmoumed Eac- plorm's: Containing Thrilling Accounts of Famous Expeditions, Miraculous Escapes, Marvelous Discoveries, can, in fhe Wilds of Africa. mHIS SUPERBLY ILLUSTRATED ,,2L‘,‘.«J_ ILLLU saw. u--____ .1. work comprises in one magniï¬cent volume a graphic account of the travels, discoveries and brilliant achievements of ‘ I l Stanley in the Dark Continent. A com- plete history of his last great expedition for the relief of the celebrated Emin Pasha is given from Stanley’s own pen. In this volume the great explorer relates hIS ter- rible sufl'erings and dangers, his long and wearisome journeys and conflicts in res- cuing Emin Pasha and his brave band. The work is extremely fascinating. The explorations of the greatest travelers, their thrilling adventures, terrible dangers and miraculous escapes ; the strange customs, l savage wars, human sacriï¬ces, rude forms of government of wild races ; the brilliant scenery, beautiful birds, ferocious beasts and reptiles of the tropics are all described ,in the most captivatng manner. ‘ The reader is conducted through the thick jungles, the oheerless deserts, and luxuriant plains of A friea. lie beholds a wonderful country, famous for its fertile valieys, its vast forests, its mighty rivers and cataracts, and mines of untold wealth. All the world-renowned explorers of the tropics are here brought together in a brilliant galaxy. The names of Living- stone, Baker, Speke, Du Chaillu, Baldwin and others are all celebrated, but- the most thrilling interest gathers around the name of Stanley, the world’s greatest ox- plorer. His perils, privations, and mag- niï¬cent triumphs are Imrtraycd With mas- terly power in this new and very at- tractive work. There is more to be learned from such a. volume as this, more to interest and fas- cinate the reader, than can be found in dozens of trashy books. Here the most wonderful discweries and adventures ever narrated charm the reader. Stanley’s Explorations and Adventures should be in every household in the land. AAA ‘ It contains over 800 large octavo p and more than 200 elegant, engraving colored plates. - c‘ n , Â¥ "itâ€"is ‘issued by BRADLEY, GARRETSON Co. of Brantford Ont. The work is sold by subscription only, and who is the authorized agent, for North Victoria is now canvassing for it. . . P. SHERMAN, 31,1890 pages, 18 and L0 ! “the “Conquer: Triple Cirg A Marvelous, Matchless, and Maitigenious Twelvefom BALLOON ASCENSION- THE GREATEST HIPPODROME EVER SEEN. Double Museum of Animate and lnanimate Wonders! 10,000 in at! ! Octopus. or Devil Fish, Egyptian Mummies, Freaks of Nature. Moustr «3:18 number, more hvmg curios, than havqever been exhibltcd 7 o A Modelled after those m use by 13“" 1:) New Y ork State for excoutin ' not miss seeing; this dreadful Death Deal mrv Instrument P3 Roman Standing and Chariot: Races, Modem Running and V Arabian Steeds, Kentucky steeds, Outstride Riders, Flyinw R11- Speeds and Matchless Sport n - o ‘ ' V . V: :f“ S ‘ C1 Contammp; all sorts of Burglars Tools, Safe Blowers 'lools. sneak Thxcx v. .~ 1.†. 3" baggers, and Garrotcrs \V capons. Giving Six simul :meous: cfs in the“ umgs in the Air on the st“; Glorious Half Mile Race Course. 12. GREAT UNIFIED sagas @ GRAND FREE STREET PARADE Every morning at Ten ~. ~55 Two Performances Daily, at 2 and 7 p. m. Doors open at 1 and 5 E3- Reduced Excursion Fares on all Railroads. 07w rcus, Uoum ular produc AND A COMPLETE CRIMINAL DEPARTMENT. Qua-w 12 UNITED SHO’WS WILL B all their Greatness and Grandeur! Will E AND A COMPLETE ELECTROLODE, ‘l ADMIT S BEARER to the 12 SHOWS -- zcéel‘ . Wed 0726 Price of Admis ' \Ir u'v~ bless, and Maitigenious Twelvefola {Eniï¬cation ‘-CLASS CIRCU S ARE :b'I's: N ME um WltnOUL '11 .tine ’BSS