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Watchman (1888), 7 Jul 1892, p. 8

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There is a hot struggle 1n prorrress i Montreal between the local street railwa It is stated that Emperor William has induced King Humbert of Italy to forego his idea of reducing the strength of the army. promising him that German bankers will dispose of the unsold Itahan bonds and, if necessary, float a. new loan. Chicago’s water supply is in a deplor' able condition. The river is pouring 500,000 fees of sewage into the lake, and the polluted water has reached the intake at the Water Works crib. Winnipeg’s In‘iand Revenue retu‘rns for the fiscal year just closed were $100, 000 greater than for the previous year. Thirteen Government supporters and four Liberals were elected 'by acclamation in Great Britain Monday. “Howly murtheri” sez he, “let me out of :av this, quick! Och! powers above. this is frightful!” An’ thin Paddy Gorman ehtruck Reilly a lick, An’ the fun became thruly delightful. "There was fightin’ all over the platform, d’ye moind, An’ a kick from Con Rafferty’s brogan Broke the chairman’s left leg, an‘ I hear Blake declined To shpake anny more at Knockdogan. -â€"n-"}T?:/). They got quieted down, an’ a few words he shpoke, You cud see that his moind was onais'y, “Och, sure," says the chairman, "it’s only a joke, The byes didn’t mane to displase‘ye.” ‘ Says Blake, ‘fI don’t like it, I’ll tell ye fur' fwhy, Such things to the cause ’ud be no gain.” Thin a big sod av turf tuk him'fair m the eye thin Blake tuk the shtump at Knock- dogan. Bedad, he’s a curious craythur, Wid the beautif’lest row right: fornist av his eyes, Disgust was expressed in aich faytune. His friends rallied round in an illigant shytle. They half-murthered ould Timothy «‘Hogm, . But he jist stood dumbfounthered wid niver a shmile, Fhwin Blake tuk the shtump at Knock- dogan. An’ thin he shtood back wid a luk av sur- “Hurrod for Parnell 2 ” was the slogan, The turf an’ the brickbats began fur to fly Fhwin Blake tuk the shtump at Knock- dngan. Whirroo, byes 2 But wasn’t there lashins av fun The day that Ned Blake kem oratin’ The meetin’ was lively afore he’d begun. And the gang for a ruction was waitin. thin he opened his gob an’ sez, “Gintle- .Z<OODÂ¥OOZÂ¥ ._.< QEDFIw MI... v.3..r mÂ¥<4m 2.13“â€" min, _Iâ€"--â€"” NEWS ITEMS. GENUINE CLEARING SALE PRICES Our MR. FLAVELLE being now in the English, French and German Markets .making We have decided to make room for them by offering our present large stock at Shorts per ton ............ Lambskins ............... ’Sheepskins. pelts ......... ' Live Hogs, “ “ “. .. . Flax seed per 100 ......... I Dressed Hogs, per 1001b. Rye .............. r Bran per ton ............ ‘. Mixed Chop. . : . ........ Screenings ................ Alsike Clover ............. Red Clover .............. fimothy Seed ............ ‘ Corn Chop. ............ ' Oat Chop ............... {Pea Chop. . . . I do -extra. Prime ....... l oooooooooooo LINDSAY MARKETS OFFICE 01? THE LINDSAY WATCHMAN. LINDSAY. Om, July 6th, 1892. Fall Wheat per bushel, old. $0 00 to 0 75 Fyfe do do ............... U 00 to 0 75 Spring do ................ 0 00 to 0 73 Goose do do ........... 00 to 0 63 Flour, new process ........ 2 05 to 2 25 Flour, mixed, roll ......... 2 20 to 2 40 Strong bakers ............. 2 30 to 2 50 Barley, per bushel ......... 42 to 0 55 Peas, do .......... O 00 to O 55 Peas, large do .......... 0 70 to 0 90 Oats, do .......... 0 00 to 0 28 Potatoes per bushel ........ O 20 to O 00 Butter per lb ............. ‘0 11' to O 13 Beef ..................... O 05 to 0 07 Eggs, per dozen ......... . 0 9 to 0 10 Salt, per barrel ............ 0 00 to 1 40 Straw, per load ............ ' 3 00 to 6 00 Wool .................... 0 18 to 0 20 Hides .................... 0 00 to O 30 Wood .................... 2 00 to 4 00 Bacon ...... perlb........ 0091:0010 Mess Pork, per bb]. . . . . Hay. per ton ............ 0001331750 600m 800 Must be sent in not later than Tuesday afternoon to secure insertions in foL owing issue_ Stephen, the seven-year~old son of Mr. Robert McIntyre, Orialla, went fishing in Lake Couchiching on Friday evening, and as he did not return home when expected, a search was made for him. On Sunday morning his body was found standing between two boat-houses on the lake side, with just a foot of water covering him. A clerk in the French N avy Department and a non~commissioned oflicer have been arrested éin Paris on the charge of selling ufficial secrets to the Governments of Italy and Germany. Capt. Borup, military attache of the United States Legation, is implicated in the affair. While Mr. Gladstone was driving through Chester on Saturday to attend a meeting, an old woman threw with great force a. piece of hard gingerbread at the vetern statesman and hit him on the nose. His eye was so seriously injured as to require the services of an occulist. company and a New York syndicate for possession of the franchise for an electric street railway system. There is strong influence behind each organization. NOTICES. ' ADVERTISEMENTS. c.. w~ rv- v “94191, uxu. ..-n--otu~o :wprocess ixed,roll. Lkers............. erbushel....... do .. gedo do per bushel... :r fl). .. QCOIOOOIOOII-IQIQ dozen” perib........ L2, perbb]........ ton........ ra. Prime . . unto»- r..:. onion-.0 rer............. f'.............. eed -.oo-co-o..o . . noun-.0...- o oo.ogono--~.. coorqganoooovoq r a03700000000000000 05“ %%%%01014023015000660m07%% 00000000160040H8®M005350m1 ,\.I ) mmwmmmmmmmwmwumowwmmmmmmom 015900800) t 00000 t QWWW210 OOIOOWWWWW55OOSWWM 0,0 0000000030 2 060600024041 ... ....... .1 1 . . ....u... .....u.¢ u...... “Hun” . “Hm< IL 0"}. I. ”1“» I... .e numb e . . m .h .b n 10m. JULY SALE. 90 {50100 700t08 00 75t0425 t0205 DUN I F LAVELLE BROS. THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, JULY 7, I892. MURRAY, Manager, and enclose t§v0W3 cent stamps fur symptom blank and ques- tion sheets. A staff of eminent American Physicians and Surgeons have opened an office for medical :md surgical attendance, at No. 2303 St. Catherine Street, Montreal. They give free services to all who call upon them before August lst, 1892, and frankly tell you if your case is curable or not. All incurable cases are rejected. Special attention is haid to every case. Invalids living outside of Montreal should address their letters to MR. JOHN NEW RESTAURANT. Lindsay, April 20, 1892. THE AMERICAN DOCTORS The choicest chocolates and creams al- ways kept in stock, and all kinds of Home- made Pastry. Wedding Cakes :1 Specialty. Buggies, Waggons and setting tyres a specialty. Repairs to Blacksmith,s Bel lows and Plates. All work warranted. Portable or stationary forges supplied. Come Ladies and Gentlemen, let us go to the New City Restaurant, \1 here you will find the premises thoroughly renovat- ed and nicely fitted up for the comfort of Mr. \V. E. Murphy‘s customers. The subscriber is prepared to dress all “kinds of Mill-Picks, and to do ail other jobbing in connection with-Blacksm ithing June 1, 1892' 99 Kent Street two doors East of the Post Office. (29 Yearsfractz'ce in Eurofieand America.) llc-gimn-N :1?" warn}; and mmv n:'t- r .2 I‘m plm "um: and tun 3. Lnfurmuliuu .' ' \‘fc furniJ y-onr 3pm- .‘n rmin-Iy In-wl DRESSING MILL-PICKS. Wm. HERLIHEY. REPAIRING THEIR SERVIBES ARE FREE." «’33 . E. MURPHY. ncr‘. ‘.\ u- . ...: tvvlr1$~'l}()xxxhc cm- ‘x‘n 5mm 1‘) \nl. uh. here. Full 3”}; ‘; "’)., AL mam. MUSIC. William St. Lindsay All kinds of Tinware, Crockery, j Bedsteads. Springs, Mattrasse Tables, Chairs, Sideboards, Lampc MR. NEELANDS uses Ball’s Local Anaesthetic {of extracting teeth. He is now using a new style or forcep, which he had expressly manufactured while on hislast visit to New York, which removes the teeth without danger ofmjury to the gums orjaw, the gums healing up beautifully in a_few days, and no consequent trouble. Artificral teeth inserted on all the pogular bases and by the most approved styles and appliances for their retention and comfort. Numbers of persons are wearing teeth made by Mr. N eelands over 20 years and never required repairs. Prices from $10 to $65 for an upper or under set. , __ -.-- ---~- -â€";uAv-v‘u uuu ud; runmcc he can make indestructible porcelain fillings and re- store broken and decayed teeth to their original shape, contour and color. By this mocess old roots can have porcelain crowns attached ; consequently THERE IS No PLATE REQUIRED. Gas, _Vitalized Air, administered for nearly 23 years, extracting teeth for thousands of persons Without? partuJeof pain. He uses the latest approyed appli- nnrne lnr nr‘m:n:ne..._'__ rL, n -V-- ....â€"u.. ' u I I 7‘77 ‘~J antes tor admxmstenng the Gas. He Dr. Colton, of New York, the inventor tracting teeth, who has given it to 0» sons and not a fatal case. -_ r.....,..., are wearing teeth made by Mr. Neelands 0v er 20 years and never required repaxrs. Pnces from $10 to $65 for an upper or under set. Persons from a distance will slease send a post card befoe commg. Office, Kent Strett. Lmrkau I’PLY TO MR. J OHN A. BARRON Lindsay, for Moneys for Investment, at Lowest Rates of Interest. Offices \Villizun St. in new Dominion Bank build- ings. J. NEELANDS, By the aid of the new Tin Pails 80 and upward 2 Rubber- 7 Bars Electric Soap 25c. 1 Box Toilet Soap 1 c. the G515. Henstudied uhacr I, the inventor of gas for ex- given it to over :60 ,oooper v Lindsay. Hydro-Carbon Gas Furnace Tipped Led Pencils 50,â€" Big 2 Quart Bread Pan 25c ‘ill slease send a post Kent Strett, Lindsay DENTIST, M. R. G. D. S. ONT. Dealer i , Crockery, Looking Glasses, , Mattrasses, Washstands, )ards, Lempsfi‘ombs, Brushes 3 Papers of Pins 53 in New and Second )rices for Rags, Iron ', Zinc and Bottles. 250 Envelopes 35c -â€"-â€"AND THE-â€" PORCELAIN FILLING SYSTEM successfully practised by Mr. Gross. An upper or under set of good teeth for $10. Pure GAS and VITALIZED AIR for painless extraction. Free when artificial teeth are required. Over 30 years exper- ience. Rooms over Kennedy’s store. op- posite Dominion Bank, Kent Street. CROWN and BRIDGE WORK All branches of Dentistry, including the beautiful and durable DENTIST The legal partnership heretofore exist- ing between Messrs. Barron McLaugh- lin, has been this day dissolved by mutual consent. Debts to the firm may be settled with either Mr. Barron or Mr. McLaughlin Mr. Barron continues his rivate practice in the new Dominion Bang: building, and Mr. McLaughlin remains in practice in the old office, Baker’s Block, Kent St. Lindsay. Dissoéution of Partnership. Dated this 3lst of May 1892. (S'g’d) JOHN A. BARRON, R. J. MCLAUGHLIN LINDSAY ! , Cop- } T1118 GREAT COUGH CURE, this 5“” , 511 CONSUMPTION CURE, is without 3 P," auel m tho history of medicine. A11 drugg‘g are authonzed to sell it on a positive 22“me a. test that no other cure can successfully 533”. Ifyou have a. Cough, Sore Throat, or Bropchi‘”; use It. for it will cure you. If your Child 3: the troop, or Whooping Comb. useitpf’OQ‘P. '2 apd rehef is sure. If you Eiread flmm‘qd-Jo‘; dl§sase CONSUMPTION, don’tfw’i t3 3‘“ “an: ml. : oure you or cost nothing"2 A“ y DmggISt for SHILOH’S CURE. Price 1° €53: gifts. and $1.00. If your LungS are Sara 1: lame.- us: Sh‘loh’s Porous 131253993599 'l- Park Lot “A.” cansisrin}.r «fume and a half acres. There is a dwelling house- well and good orchard on the premises. FOP Particulars apply an premises. 01‘ to Unwnhx- .- - m- HENRY MATH'Eus DJQLKIEiieI THE SOI TH \\ EST CORVER of PhirlzTnf “A ”an. n;.:\fi , n) and HE WEST HALF of lot 10 invthet'fh Con. of Eldon, County of \ icrona. containing 100 acres more or less. APP]? to DALLAS WRIGHT, owner. on the premises, or by letter to Argyle P. 0' Eldon, June 11, 1892. ONE EWE LAMB Machinery orC vance of all cc The owner is requested to prm e proverty pay expenses and take them aua}. dealers WOUld MRS- E 1’35 e thus increasil Emily, June 11,1892 the p h 81 a urc as ‘ For Sale or to Refit Oils. None (3: INTO THE PREMISES of Mrs. Eliza' beth Povs ers. two miles south 6 Downeyville, on or about the beqi nningfl' May. ONE EWE' 8: MW. ISS SILVER, Teacher of Instr: mental and Vocal Music, ani3 Painting. Residence, 27 William 5; North. 43151 Money lent on mortgage, and mor' gages and notes negatiated. Straight loans at 6 per cent. surLon’s ‘" CONSUMPTION U/LD . CURE. MUSIC AND PAINTING. MONEY TO LOAN. FOR SALE STRAYED. 3“"!me ‘ year is bt-Sn: mad! by 165'. Good“ iu,'l my..\'.Y.,at n ”2'3; :1 r us. Best you "my nu: make‘ as nun-h. but “HI ,telch you quivkly how tn cum from $5: $10 a. day at {he Mart. and mvxe as {can on. Bath sexes.|il ages. In anyxnrd Amw‘icn. you an comnmme at home?- nll your flan-.0: spare momenu only: t:.-: Work. All is new. (hrs: my sum u-very worker. We start you. {3mm everything. EASILY. SI‘EH 'IXJ’ lanai PARTICULARS FREE. Addy-ounces «1350i I (XL. P0311439. mm.- MOORE . JAC KSOX. cansisting of one and film FRAUDU Sale by all L‘ *1)? by M00011 B: :oLL's UNEQUALE CI. RDINE ATIC particul St, Lindsay. LEY’S Number

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