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Watchman (1888), 4 Jul 1895, p. 2

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MIDLAND. SAD DROWSING Ammanâ€"Three of Andrew Rathwell’s children went down to Dollarton on Saturday afternoon to bathe. Two were brought home dead. The little ones, Maudie, aged eleven, Ethel, aged ten, and Frederick Harold, aged seven, leftzhome with their bathing suits, intending to have a: happy after- , A_11 semen )c'axu, "nun uv .v-------- e- -._,.__ posa, and finally located on the present homestead where he resided up to the time of his death. He was an upright man in every way, and was highly respected by all his neighbors and friends. He was a. member of the Methodist church. and a. Conservative in politics. He leaves a widow, three sons and two daughters, all grown up, to mourn his loas. The funeral to the Methodist cemetery at Salem, on Thursdav, was largely attended. wedding took place here Wednesday, when Rev. Mr. \Vickett and Miss Emily Yeo. daughter of Mr. Wm. Yeo, were made one. There was a large number of invited guests and the presents were handsome and valuable. ()nrrt'Aln2â€"0n Wednesday the 26th ult. death removed one of ournldest residents in the person of Henry James ”liver, at, the age of sixty-seven years. Deceased was born in Dexonshire, Eng- land, and emigrated to this country in 1852, settling in Darlington for some seven years, when‘he removed to Mari- reach them with it. But the current kept moving them out. Other children gave the alarm. and Wm. McKnight and Ira Hill got a boat and went after the bodies. Wm. Chew dove after the little girl and brought out her body. The body of the little boy was raised with a hook. An hour after the little ones went under the water they yere brought home and 5H0 vv I."â€" every etfort made to resu'scitate them. The bodies were interred in Midland cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Rathwell have the sympathy of the people of Midland.â€"[Free Press. TWEED. Ssmors Finsâ€"Fire started in the Albion hotel stables here last night about 1 o’clock, destroymg the following: Albion hotel and stsbles. owned and occupied by P. L. Clairmont, loss on buildings abmt 35000, insurance on stables $1000, on hotel $1800; Thomas Mchnn’s livery stables and store, loss .bnut 84000. no insurance; Craig’s law ofiice. loss unknown ; Busby’e shoe shOp; Hugh Coulter’s harness shop. loss abom $300, no insurance ; Alex. Turcott’s shoe shop, loss on shop about $200, stock awed, no insurance; Geo. Essterbrook’s ham. loss about $290; 39.9} Pyoumes’ WWW, -â€"â€" noon. Fred waged out to where the swell would lift him of his feet, and the current moved him beyond his depth. He called Jo: help, and Ethel bravely followed out I, j L__L._-4.L-_-_J {UK Hwy, (ll-u “In.-- --â€"' -_., _-_‘ to him. Maudie watched her brethfiei- $1in sister for a moment struggling in the swell, and then rushec} _for_a pole and tried to \.L u u-vâ€"â€"_-_ V) v , , - well. Hay is being cut in many places and is very short and light. which means high prices next winter. Straw and oats will alsv go up in price, as many farmers will feed these to their horses in preference to high priced hay. Alsike clover looks fine and promisesa good yield. Rain is very much needed and the growing crops are suffering as a con- sequence. HYMESEAI..â€"A very pretty June Special to the Watchman. THE CROPS.â€"F0r so dry 3 season the crors 3.11)an here are looking remarkably ,___ -‘_--._ W an “VI-56 .. PERSONALâ€"Mr. Dewitt, dentist, of Lindsay, was in town during the week in the pracnice of his prefession. SOCIAL Evanâ€"Mr. and Mrs. F. Lytle gave a party to a. number of their friends on Tuesday evening. Dancing, songs and games were indulged in during the evening, and everyone enjoyed them. selves thoroughly. ‘ I ',, ter. Human-u“; .. --- _ village. but hope to see new field of labor. HAS Accuwnuâ€"Word was received on Tuesday from 'l'ottenham intimating that Rev. McD. Duncan had accepted the call extended to him by the Presby- terian congregation here The induction will take place on July 12th. AccmnxLâ€"A painful accident befel Mrs. Geo. Campbell at her residence on King-st. on Tuesday evening. The lady in stepping from the verandah to catch a child fell and broke her hip. It is scarcely a year since she met with a similar accident.-â€"â€"Advocate. Uyusuâ€" -â€" - ACCIDENT.â€"â€"A son of Mr. Adams, of Garden had the misfortune to have his leg broken on Monday. The injured limb was successfully set by Dr. Blanch. ard and atl.a‘-. accounts the little fellow was doing well." ntth .1,...L:-A. A: DCIVSD VlJv-vâ€"“â€"â€"_J , THE CROPs.â€"â€"The crops are looking well, hay will be short and light. Rain is much needed. “I'll, nu)â€" â€"'-.._ _ ' - ' 1 bath, badly damaged ; Felix Dyoumes outbuildings, destroyed. shop and dwell- ; .9; mm faumged by fire and water, loss about \5U“), mvered by insurance in the may”: 0 zA-pany ; several other buildings and p. p- tv slightly damaged ; J ohn Sham u 4-. plate glass front badly imaged, h as $75. no inSunnce. Egén; They ran for finally met an obstn afeoce. whe‘e they injured the driver. LEI-'1‘ Texanâ€"Mr. J. J. Tout. who has carried on business here for some time past as a. barber has removed to Roches- ter. We are sorry to see him leave the '- ' a- _-n :n we [.OCAL NEWS-LETTERS Sp°cial to the Watchman' Special to me Wand”... RUN AWAY. â€"â€" On Thursday While Kenneth Ute was returning from Lorne' Ville cheese factOt'y where he had been de- livering a load of milk, one of the cans fell down from she wagon and startled the team. They ran for some distance and finally met an obstruction in the shave of - Ir...» whe‘e :hev smashed the rig and Special to the Watchman. Pumas” LITTLE BRITAIN VICTORIA ROAD WOODVILLE. LQRNEVILLE. Patrons of Industry, of Victoria county, will be held in Mr. Manning’s grove one and a half miles south of H artley. Eldon township, on Friday, July 5th. Every arrangement necessary will be made to make this one of the eading features of the season. Platform speaking will be one of the many attractions. The follow- ing gentlemen are expected to be present and deliver short addresses :â€"Joseph Stratford, president of the Farmers’ Binder Twine Works, Brantford; George Johnston, Patron candidate for South Victoria; Alex. McLeod, Patron candi- date for North Victoria; R. 0. Brandon, Patron candidate for North Ontario; H. Harrison, Cannington; John Campbell, Fairview; John S. Cruess and others. After the speaking a good program and various sports will follow. All families attending will kindly prepare baskets for the occasion. Pic nic commences at 1 speaking at 2.00, tea from 5 to 7 o’clock. A grand time in store. Let there be a grand rally. Special to the Watchman. SPORTs.â€"Excursions are all the rage at prgsent. ' EXCURSIONS.â€"Seveml of our gentlemen, who with their young ladies took in the excursion to Niagara and Chemong. re. ported a delightful time. What was the attraction, some got left behind ....... Quite a number from here took in the excursion to Kingston and the Thousand Islgnds on July _1§t. PERSONALs.â€"Mr. L. S. Fowler spent Sunday last under the parental roof. His :any friends were glad to see him.. .. . Master Perc and Victor. sons of Rev. F. Whitelock. unroeville,U_.S., are spend- ing their vacation with thexr grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Beachem. ....... Mrs. W.J. Greenaway and children are visiting hziends at Orillin, Goldwater and other EDEN. P.MCARTHUR CO’S, KENT=ST. many Eden friends. ...... The united ex- cursion of the Friends and Eden to Bobcaygeon, on Tuesday was well attend- ed. The day being delightful everybody returned home well pleased with the days enjoyment. ...... A strawberry festival will be given by the members of the society, on Mrs. Strcu'ls lawn, on Friday evening J ulv 5th, at 7. 3 Oo'clock. Admission 15cts. Everyone invited. A good time expected. Accomodation for horses in church sheds close by. The Presbytery of Lindsay met at; Cambray on June 24th, at 2 pm. A fair: representation of ministers was present, but few elders Rev. D. Y. Ross, M. .51., Cannington. was elected moderator for the ensuing year. Calls were received1 from Lindsay and Woodville 1n favor of Messrs J. y.M Duncan and J. W. McMillan, respectively. Both calls were‘ sustained and ordered to be transmitted in the usual way. Provisional arrange- ments were made for the induction of Mr Duncan at Woodville, on July 12th, at 2 p..,m Mr. Boss to preside. Mr. Cameron to preach, Mr. McLeod to address the people and Mr. D. McDonald the minister. Mr. John McLean, after due examination, was licensed to reach the gospel. The services of Mr. . R. Lowe student of Queen’s college, have been secured for Kirkfield and Bolsover. Subjects of discourses were prescribed to students laboring within the bounds. The congregation of C1mbray and Oakwood was urged to secuz e a settled pastor at an early date. Tne mission fields are to be visited by dep utstions. Next meeting at Lesskdale on the third Tuesday in August at 11 a. m. A very successful Presb terisl S. S. convention was held on the following day, addressed by Rev. T. W. Rse,Acton, members of Pryesbytery, and a lsrg e number of S. 8. workers. P. McLEOD, THE WATCHMAN,LINDSAY. THURSDAY. IU’LY 4TH, 1895 Meeting of Presbytery. Presbmry Clerk. HATCHED DEAR SIR,â€"â€"I notice by The Templar you propose a “reduction of license” cam- paign. Permit me to suggest an “early- closing" campaign instead, for the follow- ing reasons: 1. It can be more readily carried. 2. If carried and enforced it will be far more effective. 3. In effect will include or lead to reduction. In favor of early closing as against present conditions it might be urged : 1. More easily enforced. 2. Largely removed temptation. 3. Give employes a needed rest. 4. Make hotels much better places for travellers to pass at night. 5. Prevent a great amount; of excess- ive drinking. Editor of The Templar. 6. Make our streets in the evening much safer and less objectionable. REDUCE THE LICENSE HOURS. 7. All business should be closed not later than 7 p. tn. 10. Largely decrease the need of police protection. 11. Very few of our young men would visit the bar if closed at seven. 12. Hotels are established by law for the travellingzpublic and no inconvenience to them would result by closing at seven. 13. Nearly all business done in the hereafter seven is in violation of the spirit: if not the letter of our present license law. 8. Husbands and sons would more generally pass their evenings at home. I shall not, at present. elaborate these various reasons nor gdd further to the list. What do you final: of my position? Yours truly. J. P. ARCHIBALD. Inga-loll, Ont“ Not. 1, B94. OUT ACEâ€"- that we are offering so low just now. They are clearance prices and unusually low for that â€"while the things are exceed- ingly prettyâ€"novel and stylish. See them, anyhow. A thorough bred Holstein Cow.t wolyeus old. also 3 thoroughbred Holspein Bull, seVen months old, both with registered podspee, apply to Let us ask you to note carefully that lot of Hair Ornaments, Fine Silver Czarina Buckles, Fillagree Bracelets, Silver and Gard and other Jewelry The Jeweler, 77 Kent-st. FOR SALE. IN A FRIENDLY WAY W. ‘ F. McfiGARTY, Lindsay Plflicum hfipxy'io ~10-fi. A- E. PLCMIKR, Manager. Adininistmtors with the will mnexed. 95 FIRST DAY OF AUGUST, 18’ . - mg g, 1:93. ,. and that after said lst day of Agft‘quéi :11??? Administrators will disiributc ch; :3 that?” mm, deceased among the parties cum!‘I the)’ webs-1 regard only to the claims of Wm“ notice. 0 THE TRUSTS CORPOATION 0F mm! R: Estate John IVcIslz. 0R - Notice is hereby given ursunnt to 011311.11, :' 0.. ltST. that all persogs having claimsfifiqfldf Estate of John Welsh, late of the Town 0‘ “Edi; gounty of “mark, pullar. who died on or WEE.“ -lst_ day of December, 1335, are required’to aeum thexr claims and full particulars of such c1!“ :0“ updersxgned Administrators, at their 0mm“?! ' king and Jordan streets. Toronto. “for“ me Position permanent if suited; 8150 increase. State reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. gentlemen ahd ladies to travel f3! established house. Salary $780 and Expenses. ADM IN ISTRATORS' NOTICE TO CREDITORS. HOUSE TO 1151'. 6H5”! . FM” A “1.." rink. W A N T E:D.â€"-Sm-emi faith“; PERSONS TO TRAVEL THE NATIONAL, , pppome the curlinS xink. 316-317-318 Omaha magfcmaw 37}:- u. 'HbPK'P JAS. coxxel Bog: and Shoe 6“"! some C nrrent L Ann-v" 1Wrge Chnpman, p0 friend of Shakcspeare, barn_1{53-mm“s Wint! W "' . . V yer, (hed m lNantucxct, .uus:.; New York city 150-1. Wueral S. C. Armstrong, 1:?" the Hampton (Va. ) Indian scizw. Hampton; born 1539. Iggyâ€"Sewcll E. Jewell, a noted ab! died in Haverhill, Mass. ; burn 15' fiesâ€"Decisive defeat of Mary Stuart’s army at Murray. Wehmm Van 0101‘. 114.:- neveldt, eminent and lib- eral Dutch smtcsmunuliu} ; born 15-19. 1717â€"â€"The Empress Maria The- " -. /_-‘. AL“: 14w- 1346â€"The United States (12" , \ claredwar amimt vaim. The war meal-mm: of ’h-si- 3: dent Polk du-lurul that the act of Mexico." T110 ac armed attacks upon Univ-vi post in observation upon 5 1863'L35t battle of the civil \m: mâ€"Judge Amasa Junius fur 1265-A1ighieri Damn. pm ‘1‘)‘. died in Rawmna 1.)-.. MKSâ€"Gabriel Daniel Fa? 17$. Fahr<>n11(,vit w' sicist and mechu .i<-i: 1720 the thermunv .1. r ~ v ya.“ has bepn in p .z- .w States, Holland 1211?; < 2 1m-RObol't’ 0‘~V\'2}, It}-.. reformer, bum in “'3. HSTâ€"Dr. Edward Jcmxcr ment, proving thc 3) -~ 1740 174'8â€"â€"Alhan Butlor. 311th Saints," dix-d. Isaiâ€"Edmund Hum. 121'; BIT-Daniel 0' Cam» 11 triot, died at (-‘n n )3: IRES-Frederick John } 3 author of Called 134 France. 1890â€"01iwr Bell Bunw- m author and (din born 1796. 1392- 3. do ~1ugc alum; ‘. a: the greater part ( f ' resa 0f râ€"Talmagc‘s new 1 gent adjoining bu 1164â€"E10ise.famous Fr. nw‘ .. ab n _- of Abelnrd and subjw: 12‘ 111.12; died: born about 1101 1791â€"Colonel John Buttrick m: the Americans at the Com- L :11 aged. 60. Ianâ€"William Henry Sc war in Florida Grange count} Albany. 187-. 1mâ€"The famous Republican r‘ :2: mChimgo. The Dc invcratzu had alteadv met in L"har1c.~ K rated over the slavery questi . lien aspimn‘s 101- t}; - r1 . bearer were Lincoln. >0“ 3.: ,. lmâ€"Rev. Dr. Edvard Bright ' “Diner, died in Se“ York cit PHefify Gratmn and patriot, died lin July 31_1745- 17‘9‘DL Edward vamcr. dis coverer of vaccinatmn Isaâ€"n . mm: met: born; died 1823. Isaâ€"John J 33'. statesmandied in Westchcstcr county. .\'. Yd born in New York cxty 1745. I â€" Ephraim C1; founder of the funny“: « : cyclopedia. divd in an' don. Ephraim C:;;.::..wz had no connection with :1: Scotch authors and p... liShk‘rS, tht‘ Dru!“ e T.‘ Wi 11am and Robyn. His ‘2 cyclopedia, cumpih «1 W“ serving an aux-.1221» ,~ ran through sonata; ‘ tions and bi-camf' the lug WTflleyrand. f a m o u ~ French diplomat andr ister to Bonaparte d iv“. 1 1 Paris; born 17.34.13}: n Were many T311 3' mm?» ad the chief of thu: 1 1145. my handles to his 1: me. a: \ g; . Maurice d? and Prince \v’.’ Brno“ :1’. . in Was very W011 identified 1:; hi: dzn' 4:131 Vi" bein history by the simyu- nu. .‘ rand; he it was who du-‘mrcd 1:9: “1,3: @389 is given to a man u: c lin'x'h“ 1 thoughtsz" Napoleon Was. 1‘» my“. :1 1‘ mi udhetoo firm for Xapoiwn. .~ in 3' par: °°mpany in 1809. and he mun; :1»: the re “mfion of Louis XVIII: whi‘u- laboring f< the republican cause in 1793 he went to Em ha $1111 “'38 ordered out of I‘m- 0011:1111 Mfibed by Robespicrre. he 1‘; and .sz as ”Em In America and wrote a {sunvur 21;»: 01: °Q.Am('rica's commercial Nations. William Herbert \Fran‘x Farr?! “)v novelist. died 1:: Km” York; born London 130: A Ten-n cyclone swept across five 5: h the Mississippi valley wuh great. motion. w w, ALA.LF) Mm destroyed property valued at! my!) in Ohio, Michigan and states we - hu- tha month cube Arkansas, 0.: fig ‘irty-tourth pusllel. the GWEN" . . “In lower Mississippi infested by but “0d antes mmretumed north. 1 3 CW mm . mtivo a! his tn‘ Vine: in one of the most intefiiagzd ‘0! of the '04. 8e spenfi ‘ ‘3- A “muffin“: the .m M Q mama Marquette. missionary and 91"“. died near Marquette river. Mi< m; born in France 1637. Man: ette ‘ 0'” °t “19 first Europeans certain 3’ km: ‘9 ”'0 disoovemd and explored the 1 "PM river. In 1678 he conducfed m 7A- rrent Selections From His tory’s Broad Page. Express Maria The- Austria born; died “Orin; party from Quebec 1 ‘he great river at we mouth v. , James Ewell Brown Stuart he noted Coated-Kata cavalry- of a wound received on the 11:3: m at Yellow Tavern. )’Connor. noted Amurican "z.::- iu Nantucket. Magsq born in city 1804. S. C. Armstrongprincipal of iot, died in Lund 3. 1746. May 13. at of Mary 1t Murray. : Winthrop of Massachu‘ of congress. born at Bos- May 1-1. May 15. a .‘By 1!). 120 poet. dramatifi and ma, died m Londun: 3183' 17. 1' WV M't'!‘ kercial relations. art \Frzmk Fox-rel Sew York; born K.W.E

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