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Watchman (1888), 11 Jul 1895, p. 4

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55 2m Only One Buyer Present and the Sales- men Decline to Sell. The regular meeting of the cheese board was held in the council chamber yesterday. Some 1440 boxes were boarded. As there was a to al absence of buyers, the chairman explained that it would be impossible for them to du hu<ine>s. Mr. l’lavclle had been called away from town, but had promised to be in attendance shortly after the arrival of the 11.20 a.m. train, he therefore recommended that they await his arrival. He also explained that as the Peterboro board had only received an ofler of 8 1-16 for selections, they declined to sell and he attributed to this the absence of buyers. He thought it would be well for the board to consider just what ofier they would accept. Some ltttle discussion ensued when it was generally conCeeded that if an offer of 8% was made it would be well to accept. There was a manifest desire on the part of the salesmen to sell if anything like a liberal ofier was made, hoping in this way to build up the market and secure liberal treatment from the buyers. _ .- . p r ’ ’ , ,,__ 0.-.“. 'nnrncnntpzt-_ The following factories were re] Star .......... . ............. Lomville. ............... . . . Cameron ......... . ....... . . . Dumford ...................... Gamcbridge.... .. . ....‘ Manposa ........ . ........ Dcnyvillc ................ . ..... Cambray .................... . )anetvillc ..................... Manilla ...................... FcneIon F ans .................. North Verulam ............... Mindcn .................... . Ixaskdale (white) .............. \‘alentia .............. . ....... North Ops. . . . .............. Downeyville (white) ............ Reaboro ...................... fact poéhet “CAMLnA, ‘ 4 canoes, takes 25 " snap-e with one leading. 11‘ Is 5 Any Boy or Girl can use VICTORIA COUNTY CHEhSE BOARD Mr. Flavelle entered and he was informed of the situation and stated that he was not prapared to bid more than SC. for selections, but did not call the factories as the salesmen did not manifest a desire to accept. I. . Pm A “ KOMBI ” IN YOUR POCKET PRICE $3. 50, Unleaded u 3.70, Loaded un- n.--. u........‘ Salesman That‘statt enquired if the factories would be granted permsssion to sell off the board. â€"-A special meeting of the W.C.T.L'. will be held on Monday evening, July 15th, at 8 o’clock, at the residence of Mr. Thos Ellis, Caroline-st, opposite Queemst. Methodist â€".3 yvn \.u-- ... v --w-_ - V, temperance workets. The meeting will com- mence at S p.m. sharp and close precise!) at 9 mm. 'THUKSDAY. JULY Ml u. Mr. Cmess though: that it would hurt the board if they did so. church . The Mammoth Sacrificing Sale of T.Dolan 8: C_o‘s 99031: of ngth- -vâ€"u‘“ ooo worth of igh-class goods will be offered at prices that will createa sensation. Don’t miss this great sale. and get your share of the bargains in honest goods. All made welcomeâ€"272. ‘i'ng. (Elâ€"65, Furnishings, Hats and Caps. c, has opened at Gough Bros. Stone: {\bout $10.- '11" at Oddfellows’ Decoration Day. On Thursday, July 25th, the beautiful and impreasive ceremony of decorating the graves of depirted brethren will be observed by the ()«ldtelloxs and their friends at the Riverside cemetery, and they will not be al me in the; memorial Ceremony, for all who have friends interred at Riverside, will likewise lay a spec- ial floral offering of remembcrance on the grassy mouncls which mark the resting place; of their departed friends. The c;remony r mills the virtues otthe dead and these will re id impressive lessons to the living. Decor- ation day is a. worthy observance which is not likely to fall'into disuse. It originated with the Oddfellows of Canada with Port Hope lodge, and has been observed for many years and will continue when Otltlfelloxs yet to be initiated will be laying tributes on the mrvm of those who to-(lav onrticiuate in the ‘_0 be initiated will be laying tributcs on the grrves of those who to-day participate in thc proceedings. ___+___ Pay For What You Get, And See That You Get It. There is no earthly reason why an rdvertiser should not know the exact circulation of the paper he advertises in. If a. publisher states that the circulation of his paper is a. certain number, and demands advertising rates in p10- portion to that circulation, he should be pre- pared to give indisputable proof that he has the circulation that he claims. A mere word wf mouth statement is not sufficent, and in justice to himself the advertiser should insist on something more tangib'ze. Just at present ”Glue Tilllatchp'lgg; Nearly 700: papers circnmc in'Lind'szxy alone, and about 2,400 within trading distancc of xhe {‘yiun. among the best class of fanncxs and A cordial invitationwis extended to all [owing factories were represented :â€" ..... ..... ....... 5.... ..... ..... 13o ..... 02 go on your vacatlon. ‘ A per “ CAMERA," only weighing skes 25 " snap-shot ” pictures .ding. It Is NOT A TOY. nr Girl can use it. For sale W.C.T. U. Notes. 11th, 1159:) was informal â€".\11’5. Juugu v; Hun-I-uw _.-__ , ,7 U Miss Lizzie Judge, are the guests of Mr. WAY. ogn, brother of Mrs. Judge. â€".\Iiss Zetta. Silver, is at presem visiting friends in New Market, Toronto and Jackson’s Point -â€"Mr. O. P. llargrove, of Patterson, NJ. is spending a few days with relatives in town. â€"-.\lr. and Mrs. John Dean, of Patterson, N.J., are spending a. short holiday with rela- tives in town. -â€"-\Ir. and Mrs. Tim Cong are spending a. short holiday v I’"' -â€"Mr. J. Sando. of \\'a.sliburn’s Island, was in town Saturday. 11:: reports ’lunirc fishing excellent at this popular resort. â€"Mr. Wm. Carr, of Toronto, is spending :1 short vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carr, Peel-st. â€"Dr. and Mrs. Andersmi, of lixctcr, and Mrs. and Miss Elliott, of Mitchell, arc visitng many friends at Cameron. .. .. p Ill [.11 u u- â€"-â€"Miss Louie Tyn'cll, of Chicago, daughter of M rs. john Knowison, south ward, is home on vacation. â€"-.\1iss A. Stinson, of the south ward is. spending a. short holiday with friends in Port Perry. ‘ ‘ ‘l r..L¢.._ V’J â€"â€"john Moffatt, senior, an old resident of Parry Sound, formerly a resident of Lindsay, is in town visiting friends. --‘.\Ir. “ZR. Whitlaw of Norwich, Conn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. :\.M. Paton, â€"-Miss A. P. Fowlds, of Hastings, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Dr. W'ait, of Russell- St. â€".-\Iex Birchard, teacher in Port Perry high school, was in towna few days this “eck on his way :0 Beavcnon to spend his vacation. niccl â€"â€"-.\Iiss Wynne Gregory is at prcsent visiting friends i.) Simcoe, Norfolk Co., and points west. She will be absent several weeks. â€"Miss Stella \Vailacc, daughter of J. \V. Wallace, who has been visiting friends in Toronto for some time past, returned home Saturday. â€".\Ir. Geo. Gemsjaggcr. of Baltimore, is visiting friends in town. He is an old Lind say buy. and has worked himself to 'thc n p notch in the Knabe Piano Factory. Imlustuy and pcrseverence always :61]. â€"â€"-A party Composed of Miss Jessie Mc- Sweyn, Miss Rhoda Slight, Miss \\'atson,Miss A. \Viilinmson and Miss Gil‘espie, of Ham- ilton left Monday Inst for Boston. They ex- pect to be absent two weeks. â€"st. J..\'. Tompkins, of \Vilson, Mo , formerly of Cameron, who has been visiting her friend, Mrs. CJI. Downer, of the east ward. returned to her home on Thursday â€".\Ir. \V. J. Beacock of Cacsarea was in town Thursday, and dropped in to subscribe for Tm: WATCHMAN. “Nearly everybody takes your paper in my sectinr‘, and I might as well join the procession," was Mr. Beacock’s remark. â€"â€"Mr. S. G. Faulkner, of l’eterhoro, in- spector of North American Life Ins. Co. was in town Monday in the interests of that popular company. Mr. Faulkner and his agents are meeting with excellent success in this district. â€"â€".\Ir. LII. Paterson has sold out his bus- iness at Sutton, to good advantage, and will make Lindsay his headquarters for the pres- ent. A lucrative position as traveller has been offered him, which it is possible he will accept. vast. â€".\Ir. John Campbell, of Vancouver, B. C., formerly a partner with Mr. LA. Barron, 01 Lindsay, was in town for a few days looking up numerous old friends who were delighted to see him and hear that he is prospering on the pacific slope. He left for Vancouver Wednesday. â€"At the recent Normal school examinations at Ottawa, Messrs. J. N. Moflatt and W. ll. Day were successful in securing honors in the second-class professional exams. Mcssers. T. Mark and R. \Vager and Miss Braden also passed. This is a satisfactory showing for Victoria. County pupils. â€"L\Iessers. 1.1). Flavelle, G.H. Hopkins, and RD. Moore, left on Thursday evening of last week for England. At Toronto they were joined by several friends and by this time the party are no doubt well across the Atlantic. They will be absent seVeral months. â€"â€"Mr. H. A. Gospell, teacher of Preston wheeled into town Thursday, accompanied by Mr. W.H. Day. Both young men were en route to Cameron to spend the vacation with relatives 'and friends. The distance from Preston to Lindsay is 162 miles and the roads were found excellent for the first 100 miles of the journey. â€"1\Ir. F. A. Robinson, the popular secret- ary of the Lindsay X..M C.A., arrived ’ome thout [“0 weeks ago, after a. very pleasant trip across the Atlantic, He 15 1 ow in Aberdeen, Scotland, and writes from that land of oat- 111 'f'tl cakes .1 1d heather, to friends in Lindsay to 53) that he is enjoying himself immensely. lie revel: in “p )ztrritch” three times a. (la). At prcSL-nt Mr, l{ol)in.:on 15 th e guest ofC.111. Miiiln friends from Brantford, and will remain visiting relati es in the old country until Se p- te 11‘1L-1 .. .In the meantime the X. M. C .\ rm 1-115 are in charge of XIr. Roberts, and the izthrL-sts of the 3oung men am being “ell :QOkL‘tl after. -â€"Rev. J.‘.\'. Totten, of Queen-st. Metho- dist church remnant itbi week from Totten- hum, where he went to visit his father and friends after their loss by fire. tic found the place sadly changed since his Visit of a few weeks ago. His father’s home and surround- ings were swept, but little being saved. Others of his family had their property des- troyed. The beautiful church erected a few years-.120 in a complete wreck. However, severe as has been-tlie'disasrgr, the people are not hopeless. Men could at difi'erent points, 31:5.‘Juflq-e of Sarnia and .L - .... - Tim Coughlm, ofMichigan, rt holidav with relatiics in her daughtfir THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAYJHURSDAY, JULY 11TH. 1895. be seen in the midst of the ashes and embers clearing away the ruins and making prepar- ations for rebuilding. In some cases buildings have been already erected, and will soon be fit for use. T ottenham will come throvgh the fire and live, and in time the sad breach made the destroying element will no doubt be again restored ...... Rev. Mr. 'l‘otten relates a pe- culiar circumstance in connection with the fire. The A.O.U.\\'. lodge was burned, and charred papers belonging to the society were found at Newtown Robinson, where they had been carried by the high wind, SOme nine miles distant. Although badly charred, print- ing and writing thereon was still legible, and the papers were thus recognized. FARMERS’ Binder Twine C0-. (L’L’d) of Brantford. R. Smyth, agent. “Red Star” and “Blue Star” at factory prices. Smyth’s grocery, opposite market, Lindsay.â€"â€"27-4. Try E Williamson’s photos at ( pct dozen. They are just lovely. foot of Kent-st., opposite Bntton BI The progressive and Victorious Leaders in clothing, secured the T. Dolan 8: Co’s stock of Lloth- ing, Cloths, Gent’s Furnishings, Hats and Caps. c. at 60c on the dollar, and will flood the town and county with trumpet-tongued bargainsto all the people. The sale is now in full swing. Don’t miss this chance of a. life-time.â€" A TVI’arriage License At Bm'rrcN BROTHERS for $2.00.~â€"3-t.f. On Saturday, July 20th, the annual union excursion and picnic under the auspices of the railway employees of the Midland and North- ern divisions of the (i. T. R., will be held at ()rillia. The fun promiSes to be even greater and the crowd larger than ever this year. A splendid programme of games has been pre pared and will be issued in a few days. A game of cricket for a cup presented by the \Vaubaushene Lumber Co., and valued at $too; tug-of~war between nine Midlanders and a similar number from the Northern Division; and a grand game of base ball are among the list of attractions. A special train will leave the Lindsay station at 8 a.m., re- turning at 8 o’clock in the evening, in time to connect with train for all points eaSt from Lindsay. The fare is only75 cents for the round trip. Second quarterly report 0! donations to the home for the year 1895:â€"â€"-Basket of apple's, a. friend; basket of cakes, ~ Mrs. T. Anderson; mr‘tk, a. friend; bread, Mr. Fox; buns, a. frrenri; basket of cakes, Mrs. T. Anderson; buns, Mrs. Reid; fish, cabbage and carrots, \Ir. Soanes; cabbage, Mr. J . Sinclair; corned beef, minCe pie and 3 (102. eggs, Mrs. E. \\ nods; buns, a friend; milk, Mrs. Dr. Kenny; roast of beef, St. Vincent de I’utl Society: two loaves, bread and buns, Mr. Foxmmnges, Mr. T. Anderson; basket of cakes, Mrs. T. Anderson; parsnips, {\Ir. Knight; cakes, Mrs. T. Anderson; bread and buns, Mr. Fox; basket of apples, 3. friend; basket of cakes, Mrs. T. Anderson; jelly, Mrs. \Vhitcside; cakes. Mr' T. Anderson; onions, Mrs. J. Sinclair; rhuliarli, Mrs. Trew; cake, Baptist church; cake and bread, Presbyterian church; lettuce, Mr. J. Sinclair. For the ubOve contributions the members of the C.C.C. do most sincerely thank all those, who have so kindly added comforts to the home of our aged poor. The annual excursion of the Methodist Salt. bath school took place Fridav last. The day was very fine, and when the Columbian left the wharf fully 400 school children and their lriends were on board. The place chosen this year for the annual outing was Sandy lake, about an hour’s sail below Bobcaygeon. The spot is an ideal one for a plCI‘llC. The shore slopes up fully fifty feet from the landing, to a beautiful shady woods and at this point has- kets were opened and lunch partaken of. About one mile further east is Sandy lake, which is reached by a path leading through a clearing to the lake. which is noted for its excellent bathing facilities, and to this spot nearly all the children repaired and enjoyed themselves for an hour bathing and paddling aroundlwhen astart was made for the steamer. As the ropes wereabout to be cut for the home trip it was discovered that little Tochie Terry, the to year old son of Mr. A. B. Terry, was missing. A search was at once commenced for the missing lad and the steamer’s whistle was blown at intervals for fully an hour, but to no avail. It was finally arranged that Messers. Fred Frampton, Yankee Flavelle and Chas. \Villiams should remain and prosecute the search, Mr. R. I). Thexton kindly placing his steam yacht at their disposal to enable them to reach Bobcaygeon. About six o’clock the lad was discovered sitting on the roof of an old shed, to the north of Sandy lake. It appears Tochie wandered along the lake shore i in quest of shells and away from the rest of the children. When the warning whistles of the steamer were sounded he started on the, run, but when he reached the open space be- tween the two lakes, the whistle, caused by the echo, led the child to believe that he was going in the wrong direction. He became confused and bewildered, and started off in a northerly direction, finally ending in rolling down a steep embankment, up which he found it impossible to clamber again, owing to the andy nature of the soil. By this time Tech- ie was thoroughly frightened and called aloud for Mr. Boxall. At the foot oflthe hill down which he had fallen .was an old shed, and believing there was nothing {or it but to spend the night in the woods, he clarnhered upon its roof, where, as he said “the snakes wouldn’t, get him,” and in this position he was found by' the searching party. When Bobcaygeon was reached a teleger was forwarded to the anx- ious parents, Informing them of Tochie’s satety. It is an experience the boy will re- member as long as he lives. ’ Methodist Sabbath School Excursion. Bmder Twine at Factory Prices. Reduction Sale at Ladies Goods. JISS FOSTER, Kent-st., in Order to efl’ect speedy sale of her large and carefully selected stock of ladies goods, is offering; same at great- ly reduced prices, and the many lady readers'of Tm: WA'rcuMAN should call and inspect these goods and learn prices. The stock comprises corsets, the best nukes; gloves, hos- iery and ladies’ white wear of all kinds. Childrens’ pmofares, etc.â€" One DoltarVPer Dozen. All Aboard for Orillia. Home for the Aged. Gough Bros. at one dollar cly. Studio, n Bros. â€"26- 3. (L’L’d) qr Money to Loan. Apply at R. G. CORNEIL'S Insurance ofiice.â€"22. ()n Glcnclg-st., East, 7 rooms. Hard and soft water. Apply to 1'3. P. GII.I.OUI.\'.â€"-ZI. Now that thousands of school children are; free to seek recreation when and where they I may, drowning accidents are being plentifully‘ recorded in the daily papers. One reason for this is that the majority ot the youth of Cana- da have not yet mastered the art of swrmming. It is self~evident that a majority of the drown- ing accidents could be prevented if everybody venturing on the water in a boat, or in for a bathe, knew how to swim; and this is a state of things that should not be allowed to con- tinue. The natural desire to “ play in the water ” during hot weather leads many boys to go ofl’ surreptitiously with companions to en- deavor to learn the natatory knack. That they occasionally get drowned while in pursuit of it is not to be wondered at. Not only boys but girls should be taught to swim just as soon as they are old enough to kick. No exercise is so healthful, none so useful. If girls are am- bitious to ride a bicycle, why not equally zeal- ous m acquiring the more advantageous art of learning how to swim? There are few really good lady swimmers. “hat is required is proper instruction for these young gaffirs until they are sufficiently versed in the art of swim- ming to strike out for themselves. In Eng- gland most towns of the size of Lindsay have free swimming baths and capable instructors, and as a result most English boys are able to swim like ducks by the time they are twelve years of age. If Lindsay had well-conducted swimming baths it would be a boon to hund- reds of youth of both sexes, and a great relief to anxious parents. Until something is done ‘ by way of teaching Our crowds of youngsters ‘ to swim the melancholy list of drowning acci- i dents will increase every year. The market Saturday last was well snpplled with farmer’s produce of all kinds. and the attendance of buyers was fairly good. but there is yet room for improvement in this line. The Lindsay market is going to be just what we make it. and its success depends largely on the attendance of buyers. Butterâ€"some of it very choiceâ€"sold readily at 140. to ;17c. Nice sweet butter in five and ten Lpound crooks will find ready sale, and farmer’s wives who have a good article of ‘ butter to offer will be sure of the highest price if ofi'ered in this form, or in small. tasty rolls. Honey was offered at 6 cents a pound and found a ready sale at this low price Turkeys brought 9 cents per pound, and chickens 45c. to 50¢. per pair. Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . 0 85 to 0 85 Fyfe do do ............. 085t0085 Springdo................ 085t0085 Goose do do ........... 0 80 to O 80 Buckwheat ............... 0 33 to 0 35 Barley, per bushel ........ 0 40 to 0 40 Rye .............. . 000t0040 Potatoes per bushel ....... 0 25 to 0 30 Butter per 1b ............. 0 14 to 017 Eggs, per dozen ........... 0 10 to 0 12 (labs, .................... 0 35 to 0 35 Peas, small ............... 0 55 t0 0 60 Pens, Mummies ........... O 55 to 0 60 Peas Blue ............... 0 50 to O 55 Chickens, per pair ......... 0 45 to O 50 Hay, per ton ............ 8 00 to 10 00 (,,)“i"1}5~ per bunch ........ U ()0 to 0 05 lisidishes, “ ........ O 00 to 0 05 V Lettuce. “ ........ 0 00 to 0 05 Farmers Hams. .......... 0 08 to 0 09 Apples, per (107. .......... 0 00 to 0 10 Rhubarb ..... . .......... 0 00 to O 05 Duckeggs...... ., ...... 000t0040 Gooseberries, per quart. . 0 08 to O 10 ’.Honey per 1b., ........ . ‘ 0 06 to 0 06 Green peas, shelled per qt 0 10 to 0 12 Cream per qt ........... O 20 to 0 20 Hogs, live weight, per cwt. 3 75 to 4 00 Pease per qt ...... . ...... 1.0 00 to 0-10 gTurkeysperlb..........-.'..1 00toO 09 Teach the Children How to Swim. According to quality. Other sizes at a proportionate price. Furnish Carpet Paper, Put it down on a room Make it for you, LINDSAY MARKETS lib POL uuuuux a a o n dOu-oo I 00...... 10 dOOII0.0IIUCI LtOOIICI ICCOCOICI 3rbushel........ cocoa-coll Fouo per bushel....... dozen.........-. nmies........... e............... per pair......... ton. ..... erbunch........ L‘ coo-s-au 65 liams........... erdoz.......... 9 coo... I-o‘~-‘« House to Rent. urnish you with a good Ingrain Carpet, DUNDAS FLAVELLE Bans. Prints. Light Dress Goods and all odd lines will positively be cleared out at first. cost for cash. We do not believe in store- inz away old goods, and customers will have the benefit. A choice stock of FRESH, Great Clearing Sale 0.: Summer Goods. in spices and Vinegars for pickling. We have the best bran 5 produced in Canada. We are doing a fine trade in BOOTS AMI SHOES. Stock never was so well sorted. Call and see the goods and prices. HARVEST TOOLS cheap as the cheapest, PURE PARIS GREEN and Percy's Potato Bug Killer on hand. FLOUR has dropped to much lower figures. In 5 bag lots we sell at mill prices and save youaloag drive. \Ve are, as usual, paying the highest market prices for BUTTER AND EGGS. We don't purpose to give you So. per doz. more than they will sell for. and give you 20c. tea. for 30c. Don’t think that is business. The little pedler has called 011‘ his dog and all are happy. smear AND _I;_L£AN cgocames We}? â€"â€"26-3m. Stm3ed into the premises of the undersigned Lot 14. 0011.15 Mariposa, on or about first. J une, 2 ~3ear- old heiter. Pumas answering this ad. will be obliged to prove propert3 and m3 expenses. ARCHIE SPENCE, J uly 11th, ’95.-â€"2$-4. STRAYED. LIKE A GHURGH W H. Pogue, Our services are free. We always glad to show goods because I ern 2! 602/166 to 56112713 711227 We Boots and S/zoes at [0 v prz'oces avcryéody Min/:5 of us as file: leaders A reliable name :22 a 51106 means SOLID LEATHER. W’e sell more s/zoes 2021/: a name t/zan any store 272 fizz": county. mam _31ssou, LITTLE BRITAIN. FOR $8, $10, $13, One Door East of Duly Home. OUR SHOES ARE RIGHT OUR STYLES ARE RIGHT OUR PRlCES ARE RIGHT W. H, POGUE, LITTLE BRITAIN- Woodville P. O. “IT RAISES DOUGH NICELY and makes it deliciously light.” That‘s what the ladies say \‘ChO‘LlSC our BAKING Po“ 11m Try: it yourself, seeing is believing. The large quantity we sell tells bithat i: pleases folks. \\ hat light and u bite and wholesome biscuits it makes. Truly your heart could not desire a better article. GREGORY’S Drug Store. _.â€"â€"â€"â€"-_'~â€"_-â€"-â€"â€" â€"’â€"_â€"d ,. g i E UUIIIU Q Ul . In additon to the fine iines with uhich our cases 'gre alxxa35 “ell filed me :have something nexx and gvery nice indeed for \ eddâ€" 111 S, birthdays and such kioccasions. Come and see J. G. EDWARDS 8100. On account of the large consump tion of poison for the destruction of Potato Bugs and insects that- injure fruit trees and other plants. and ‘5 there has been a long-felt want for some article that would cover the plant or the leaf with a perfect soluble 5011? tion, we are selling a pure liquid 1’an Green. When used according W directions it will leave a light Inn? parent covering, which will be 1110”3 uniformly distributed over the leaf, and AL.n PARIS GREEN we guarantee, will rennin longer than anything heretofore on the market Also STANDARD DRY PARIS GREEN, fl cuuncu s Bucrml HIS JUST PUBLISHED' PRICE 75 CENTS PRICE50 OOCEIYIS. J. G. EDWARDS 00., U‘U’ H' 5' ' Book and Stationery Store OPPOSi‘emt omce, Kent ryst Lyndsay- A LON G-FELT WANT. SIGN OF THE ANVIL ROYAL FOLIO AND THE GOSPEL CHOBE LIQUID GEE}. “1.25.55 ‘ '/.u I‘: . >ING HATTERS AND FURRIERS. Just now we are offering some extra good values in Watches, both Gold and Silver, for ladies or gentle- men. Such values cannot be duPlicated or repeated Tand if you want a watch, now is the time to Esee what we can do for yOu. ATCHES. .DDING RGAINS e want to do your itch repairing ; Id guarantee ’give you sat- faction. honor vOTE OF THANKS TO CAI’ TAPS CRANDELL. Won frtSIâ€"n-fiérzwtbwé'm’ “weal-1' Foam and ram“ Wishes are that the dwine blessinl hymn you and tint you my long be spared . 0f the staunch steamer Cmndclla. BIT“!!! 330$. .INDSAY. WM. GRAHAM. LINDSAY- sold in the Town IF YOY ANYTH7 In this and Inspect is first-class vehicle is an THE B STOCK: Buggie tons, ' THE PR! ARE ml You cannofi We uni class work. a best. REE 1y done on a] able prices. 1 All 30 as I an out of GENE Practi‘ Repairs Steam ened a repalrl NO. 23, For may car am well ya J and misay 'ust

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