BARGAINS INâ€" BEAUTIFULâ€" . ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING RINGS WEDDING PRESENTS Gimme A SPEGBAL'I‘I’ Come and hear us play the tune. "Low Prices for Good Goods†........ only at........ ' I Spring Bargains Galar-e W.G. Woods Stove and House- Furnishing Depot. The New Rocker, The Leader, The Peerless and The Downswell. Any one of them will save your wife’s health The famous Daisy, 4 sizes and the New Butter Cup, 2 sizes. -Milk Cans and Dairy Pails on the rock. -â€"A full line of Fruit Tree Spray- ers, all new patterns. â€"Every cheese factory patron should have one of our new patented Milk Aeraters. â€"Deep Iron Well Pumps $6 each. -â€"-Full line ofCistern Pumps and “’e try to keep in front of the pro- cession in all lines in our . . business . . Our tune is bargains all over the shop. Kcut Street, Lindsay- Look ! Wringers $2 up. Sinks. Eavetroughing, Rooï¬ng and Plumbing done on short notice -Mixed Paints (weather and waterproof) the best made. WASHING MACHINES to toot yure own hornâ€" only be sure that you kan pla the tune you 58. yu kan ...... 77 KENT-ST» - LINDSAY- CHURNS‘. CHURNS! â€"â€"Speefaeles â€"â€"N0velties â€"â€"Faney Goeds W. G. WOBDS, Watches Clocks Jewelry Silverware â€N... ....r , â€"The population of Ottawa, as given by (he new directorv, is 63, £00. â€"â€"Mx‘.JOS. Riggs announces an auction sale of new high-grade and also second‘ hand bicycles for Saturday next, 3155. -The Rev. J. C. 'ilson, Methodist minister of Madoc. returned from Kee- watiu 'l‘hurSdav morning with the remains 0. his son, Dr. .T. A. G. Wilson. who was drowned in the Lake of the Woods on :‘unday, July 11th -â€" n,m A: â€"Forty-seven applications were received by the L'xbridge board of education in r -â€"panse f0 ‘ a teacher to ï¬ll a vacancy on me public school staff. Mr. Carr of: Paimmck was engaged at a. salary of $100 pn' annum. - -- #1r7,_ M.-- ree, â€"During last week Mr. .T. H. Lennon, auctioneer, conducted a couple of very successful sales of household furniture, ere, in town. These were for Messrs. H. Ferguson and .los. Lisle. As an auc- tiotwel' of household goods J. H. has few equals and no superiors in the province, and it requires to be a very rainy day late in the fall when he fails to make a sale placul in his hands a success. â€"\\'estern railroad trallle. oflieials believe they will be able to handle the new crops, “out they are taking no chances. Reports indicate that the. corn crop of Nebraska alone will be larger by 5L),UUU,0(,)0 bushels than ever before, and no one dares put his name to a guess of what the wheat crops of Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma will amount to. All agree that eVery freight, engine will have to work overtime to handle the crop. â€".\'otwithstandine the many cautions that have been given through the local press there are a number of stupid. thOi ghtiess people about town who persist in throwing banana peels on the sidewalk. The practice is a very dangerous one and has been the cause of several severe falls lately. When noticed, pedestrians should toss these dangerous and slippery obstacles into the street. â€"-.-\ ï¬ne barn belonging Lo Mr. bun m Balsam lake was atmcl; by lightning a couple 01‘ Weeks ago and totally destroy? . A numoer of ilxxplcazxcxns mulaqummtgy of grain was also burned. The loss 15 partly covered by imm-ancc. â€"â€"Tln> thunder storm that passed over this district Thul's'duy evening was wry severe, but the hmvy full of min that, accompanied it and mntimxczl (luring the following day. was much needed by root. and other crop» â€"Riuly:1rd Kipling persits in adhering: to his opinion of Canada. as “Our Lady 01 the Snowa." Lady Marjorie Gordon. (laughter of Lord Aberdeen, is the editor )f Wee \Villie Winkle, ajuvenilenmuu- zinc, and has just receiVed from Mr. Kip- ling the following skit for her Publiration : "'l’here was once a small boy of Quebec, \Yho was buried in snow to the neck, When asked : ‘Arc you friz ‘5' He replied : “Yes, I is, But we (lon‘s call this cold inQnehec.’ " â€".-\n interesting feature of the excnn >ion to Sturgeon Point under the auspices of the employees of the Flavolle Milling ‘03.. which has been postponed from \ngnst .‘v‘h to Saturday. August. 7th. \\"..1 be u. 530;:111}aclit rme betxu en llorn lérm. “Vietnrm.†Cunt. Ball's “Emmet," and other flhl yuch's. for a suitable prize. The ixiee will take place at 3 p.1n. overa three-mile (ourse. and is uure to prove an em il in: event. and one thatt will he looked .or with lilit'l‘t“i. Keep the date in .01' with interwt. K01) the date in mind, Saturday. Aug. 1th. â€"~'I‘hex‘e will he :1 serious drowning :U‘a'ldt‘izt on the river near linthbun‘s mill unv of Lhuw: dams. and ~omc of the small il"}'> who live in that section will furnish lhx- Viv-Lima. These lads gather on the lmnk in nature's colxtume, and :h :i steamer paves they plunge in and swim nut in it~ wake. graisping (he punt and thus being :li‘.iuj_twl through the churned-up water like .1 shin}: of glistening sm-kersnt the *ml of :1 line. The danger is that some of tllL‘sL‘ XVII)“; guli'ers will cling on until their strength is exhausted, and when they do let go will be unable to reach the shore. Nut a few of the most daring ones cum _-.:0 >0 far as to catch on to the fenders, where they are liable at any moment to be drawn to the stern and within reach of the rapidly revolving bladee of the propellor. Parents should warn their children of the great risk they are running by indulging in this practice. â€"-.»\. business man is not the nmst patient creature in the world. He cannot waitto hearnny long-tlruwn-out etory of the cause of his aiiment. lie doesn‘t care two straWs about a line spun theory of how he should treat himself. He may be; predispmed to scrofula or consumption. "That." he will tell you "has nothing to do with the case." He wants to be well. if he can be cured, write outn. prescrip- tion and send in your bill. So. here's the ï¬rst part of the proposition. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is u microbe hunter and killer. Many persons of <crofulous blood encourage the breaking out of unsightly sores, to prevent the tli~ense going: to the lungs. There is no need of this state of dread and discomfort. l’u-ify the blood. It can be done. “Golden Medical Distovery" will cure 98 p‘r cent. ot~ all eonsumptim cases, also of 3.11 other lingering bronchial. throat and lung: diseases. â€"The country east and west has gone nigh crazy over the reported gold ï¬nds in Yukon country. Alaska. If we may be- he“: the ~Lories told by Lho~sc who arlivell nu the last steamer at, Seattle all who mm: the past two years thorn: are now rc- iuxmenscly we-Ilthy, rcturning with from r5:3,000 to $200,000 in gold (luv. As n r.-~ulr of these reports thousands are leav- w ' New y day for the new Eldoradn. They wii! arr ve atthe:rommencementof the nine months of terrible. Winter in that frozen land, and it is safe to say hundredsâ€"per- haps thousandsâ€"will lmve their bones r1). re. However old miners who returned lam \vr-ek tell the other side of the story. Klondike is decribod ‘35 a. player camp 5 Ton miles long and thirtecn'miles wide. lo ated in a sink, wallml in by rocks 3,000 fl or high. Gold abounds, but no ordinary m in can stand the hardships of the un- cn-ilized region. In three years 2,000 graves were made in the Klondike basin, a large majority dyiny from starvation. According to the stories told by these 'niners the gold brought in last week to Seattle does not represent the ï¬ndings of individual shippers, but a large proportion conï¬scated from the effects of those 2,000 miners, who fell a prey to the hardships. At the death of a man possessed of dust. his body was buried without a cofï¬n, and 'he dust divided among those who cared for him. Those who intend going to these new gold fields are warned to wait until early spring, when they will reach the Yukon country as summer commences. Summer there lasts but one hundred days, snow being on the ground for 265 days at least. None but the rugged and healthy can stand the journey. The distance from Lindsay by ‘the overland route is about 5,000 miles. The enterprisin publisher of one of the Seattlle papers as sent acor. respondent to the country, who will send his reports back by means of carrier pigeons. ‘ “I think Mr. Doolitï¬e is an awful clev- 61' man.†said Maud Littleton in mm of 5m- mnï¬dential chats with her friend l’uny Peri-tins. ‘uDoyouw'said 1m friend. “I don’t. I think he’s awfully stupid.†“Oh, but he knows lots more than most men,†want on Maud. “For one thing, he knows when to go when he’s making a call. and for another thing he never puts his feet in it, for the reason that he never any; anythingfiâ€"rflnrner’s Bazur. Local and General ongin: to Mr. Cufl' of \nuck h) lightning a n and touill) llestroved. [on us its and a}. qu:mtit_) . w xmuu, a“... ..... returned from Kee- ning with the remains (7}. Wilson. who wan; kc oi the Woods on rm “mt passed over 13' evening was wry vy fu‘nl of min that, -0nti1mcd during the much needed by root. Clever. NAM E. 51‘ â€001,. MA Cunnin ham. Charlie†Opt: 6 ........ S )ratt, oberb ............ S. S ..... . . . \\ alker John ............ S .S ........ Bell, In n0 ............. Lindsay ....... Dzwm , Bessie ....... Mar' Iposa 14 ..... Fitzpat1ick,l\1ury ........ S. S ........ I‘ v elect Lizzie. ..Linds:1y ...... BOBCAYUKOX. Names of." candidates admitted by the local exammers, with school at. which pro- puregl and number of marxs obtained, the maxnnum hemg 845': Purdy, Winnie. . .Bobcaygeon. . .. . .613 Moore, George ........ ..... .514 Reid, Harry... ....... “ ...... 491 Reid. Percy . . .. ..... " ...... 437 Deye11,;\'annic ...... ..Emily 15........468 Enrrleson, Lila. 1]:1kins,C:1rrie Hone) , Ed“ 111 Jones, Annie; P arkinsou. Mabel... \\ aka.) . Mabel ...... \\ vbstel,\ A 0\' Mia... . \\ ehster. Blunt he.. . \Veh‘tcr, Maude ..... Webster, Arthur. . . . \Vhite, Ada. .......... \1t011,1~‘lo.u~ie.. . . Campbell 11-111‘ietta Morison. \\ ilhelmina Munro Jennie. .. MC) \1111b. Eva. ..... Mchu'lane. l 10$1e. . Mchir. Alina ...v . . Mch'udyen, Bessie. . .. chswr b‘1:111ccs.... Bovntgon. 1111111 1\ ...... Bu1~gos~.(‘wowe ..... (HHCspic, Jo} 111 ....... Jarrett, Albert ... . . . BIL-(1111‘, Andrew. . . . . Mt‘ch, ('hm'h's ..... Spcncc. Robert. ....... ‘1'11thycr, Jame“ \Vhetter, Arthur. . . . ZeaLmd. John ...... Emmncc.â€"'l‘otal mark»; 315, 3235‘â€. in each subJect and an , of the total required to pass : Brcreton. Claud . .. . . . . Manvers 15 ...... 497 Byers. Edgvrton ........ Cnvau lrl ....... 5255 Cmnpbell, Tom . . . . . .Millln'ook. . . . . .451 Cochrane. Lynch-1L . , “ ...... 492 Elliott, R B ........... . .Cuvanil ....... 47.") Hethtringtou. \\'alter..l\lillbrook ...... 4m Johnston. Melville. . . .Mmuvcrs 13 ...... ~' 22: lonc<. Hilliard .......... Hope 17 ....... 425‘ Kerr, Norman ....... S Monugbnn 4. . . "506 Lightfoot, Bert ...... “ 5. .. .428 uough, Alvin ..... . . . .szm 10. . .....-126 Smithson, (la-owe ..S Moxmglmn11.....513 Westlick, (‘urrol ...... Mzmvors 15 4.27 .,_ ""H ‘71. an '<:1t11-.\‘(m. 3111111. .. . .. Bradley. Myra ........ Cue, 1.1111111 ...... Fallis, Lillie .......... Fallis. Nettie ......... l1‘c1‘g114011.1£:l1el . . Giwn, l-I:l11:1......'. . .. lioodfullow. Maggie†Grundy. Millie ....... liutcluuson. Celia. .. Jowisnn. lluhy ...... K911) , lcrtha ....... . Kenncdv lo: 111.. Ki: pan-111:. .. \E;111ul.. Lang, .1 11l_\.111 ...... . huwcs. Olive. ....... Ala-Clerk Jennie.... 31116111311. 130111111 ..... Robinson. Clam ..... Shaw, Mamie ....... Sulltlhr 11. Birdie. Smp le< Emma ...... Tl1ornd3ke. Carlotta. \ ancc lcnnie. ...... '\ 0111s, Sadie.. ...... \Vhite Cora Maya. jzvxmpbs-H, Murdock Voals, Sadie. .. .r.r.l\lanvers ll ...... ms \Vhitc, Cora May ..... . “ 15 ...... .3513 Public _ School Leaving-Total marks 122.3. 32%;“ in each subject and .3†L of the total required to pass : Best. Hiram G ........ . .Cavan :2 . . . .653 Brock. Annie E. . . . . .(.‘a\':m l3 ....... (Sill? Byer<. Gerald . . . . . . . .S Monuglum l.. . .li'.‘ Herron. Ca>sie ...... “ 5. . . .613 Stewart. Richard .Cm‘an 13 ....... 8116 Thompson, Merricl. . . . .Cm'an ‘.’. ....... 684 Yeals, Mina .......... Mauvers 11. . . . .654 The following who failed in above, but obtained 25,; of the total marks, have been awarded entrance Certiï¬cates 2 Bull. Mannie ............ Gavan 10 ...... .550 Benson, T’mnciq ..... . . .Manvers ‘J. . . . . .55.â€. Car‘hcnrb. John ......... Can-anti... ....:')Sl Benson, ‘l’mncii. Carhcmt, J.olm Coux'uuw} Daisy†Graham, \\ allace Sisnon. Haulan Smith, Minnie. . .. Baker, Maud ........ . Saintï¬eld ....... 432 Bell, \Vilhelniina ...... Port Perry. â€571 Black. Aguie ............ Wick .......... 434 Clemente. Lillie ........ irrick 135 ....... 430 Defoe, Sarah ............. Uticn. ........ 557 liarchmzm, Gertrude ..... Epsom . . .. .431 Ellerly, Olive ............. Myrtle ........ 578 Emmerson, Ethel ...... Port Perry .532 Ferguson, Louie. . .Broek and Reach. ..43n Ferguson, Hilda ..... Port Perry. . . . . .585 Greenwa)’, Edna ...... Little Britain mill llambly, lira .......... Port Perry ...... 427 Jamieson, Maud. ..... G reenh’ank. . . . . .520 Jenkins. Louise ....... Little Britain.. .43“ Laing, Hazel .......... Port Perry ...... 53‘ Luke. Velma. ........... Pine Dale. . . .4613 A'Ianderson, Bella. ..... “ .. ....570 1 Mark. Ethel ........... Little Britain. . ..45!l 3 Marshall, Lena ........ Port Perry ...... 570 )IcCulloch. Ethel.. ..1’rince Albert. . . . . 52 BlcCulIy, Eliza. .......... \V'ick 512 McMillan. Nellie ...... Greenhank ...... 430 Morgan, Lulu ......... Little Britain. . â€550 N ewton, Mary. ....... Saintï¬eld ...... 4521 Perkins, Mary. . , ...... Greenbank ...... 424 Porteoue, Stella ......... Prospect ...... .482 Rennie, Annie ........... VVIck ........ 45:5 Bundle. Bertha... . .Brock and Reach. ..547 ‘ Sonley, Bertha ......... Pine Dale ...... 430 Thorne, Emma. ..... Royal Oak. . . . . .52l Till, Bertha. ........... Greenbank ...... 462 Weldon, Florence... .Little Britain. . . .518 \Vilson, Birdie ...... . . .Prince Albert. . . .427 \Vorden, Edna... ...... Manchester ..... 618 Adams, J. H. .. . . . .Scugog ....... .528 Archer, Alfred .. . .. . .Mariposa 11.. . . 433 Bentley. Bertie ......... Reach 3 ....... 474 Bruce, Rupert. . .. . .Port Perry ...... 427 Burns, Robert ......... Greenbank ...... 49.3 Crooks. Alfred .......... Seagrave. . . . . . .529 Culberr, Mahlon L. . .Little Britain ..... 4:32 Cummin", \Villiam. ..... Wick ......... 43'.) Currie, V 'illinm ....... Port Perry ...... 548 Foster, Thos E ........... Brock 2 ....... 425 Graham. Nelson ....... Mariposa 7 ...... 4'.)9 Hex-n, Gordon .......... Port Perry ...... 6‘27 l-Ii~cox, Charles ........ “ . . .432 Luke, Ruswll ......... Greenbank ...... 434 anuire, Mansell ...... Yelverton ...... 544 McLean, John. ........ Mariposa 20 ..... 472 Parker, Trevor ....... L ttle Britain. . . .477 Phoemix. Charlie ...... Greenbank......428 iPurves, Frank. ....... Mariposa. ll. . . .502 Rogers, Ivy ............ Mariposa S ...... 490 Ross, \Villiam ........... Raglan ........ 494 Bundle. Frank ......... Port Perry. ..... 581 . Sang-item Selwyn ...... “ . ..... 465 Scott. Albert ........... Yelverton. . . . .451 u ééoié, Albert ........... Yelverton. . Surrah, Percy ........... Myrtle. . Stacey, Wesley ......... Yelverton.. Thompson, Roy ......... Beach 3.. . . Truss. Peter ....... . . .. .Seagmve.. . Waddell. Ambert ...... Pine Dale†Webster, W imam ...... Reach 13.. . ENTRANCE EXAMINATlONS. - RECOMMENDED. Laing, James ......... Prince Albert. . . . Candidates who passed the public school ieavinz examination June 189'. Minimum number of marks required to pass 612 : Beecroft, Wm ......... Mnriposa. 15 ..... 760 Brewstqr. F..A. .......... Brock l. ..... 618 Burthwutk. Frank ..... Mari set 20 ..... 61‘) Clark. W. A. ............. \ ick ........ 21 LINDSAYâ€":51?l’PLEMEN'l‘ARY. M111 BROOK. KIRKIHELD. ..... ..Emily 15. . . OAKWOOI). ....... S Monaghan :3. . PORT PER R Y. THE WATCHMAN; LINDSAY. THURSDAYé‘ JULY 29TH, 1897 ...... 613 Bobcfl)‘g80n .‘ . _ , . , .514 “ ...... 491 .. ...... 487 ..Cm':1.n 10. . . S Moxmghau -1 . .Mzmvors 15 . Milll‘u'onk. .‘ .31: um 01‘s 1‘). . .. Cmun 5 . ..1\Ianv‘ex~ 11 ....Ca.v:mi).... ..Millb1~)ok.. ...Man\'crs 3.. S BIOIInIL‘EhiUl 1. ..C:L\'anT. . .. .Alzlnvcxs ‘J. .. 1.101)L- 113 ..... S\Iolnu;:h: m 1 \1.1u\cx~1) ..Czu‘:m 11. 6- 11).. SMomxgh: m I Cavan IS .S Monaghan 3 .-.\1anvers 1.3. . .Ca. an?) . \Ianvels 11 . “ l.) )Iillbrook . . .W'ick . . . ....50(i . “483) .. .442 ....467 ...5()S .' .428 . .440 439 497 42!) 48.3 â€450 “48!; â€42 ..471 . .551 ..471 .501) 422 46: 440 4:56 431 463 561 ~12? 171 50:; .000 .428 ‘ 1243 .513 457 .520 .446 .482) .40" .002. ’ 4." 45 13' 5;)†~17“ 0:1 .34 4.4 473 567 44!) 581 49;, in} 4:37 115‘ -.1 )1 49.. ’ 477) 510 .430 .53“ .4613 .570 .45!) 581 510 325‘ Culberc, 11111111011 ....... Maripnaa 1Q ..... 625 11arhorn,Etta. .......... 11131111111} ....... (HQ Harborn, Edith .............. 742 Moore, Idn. .T ............ Saintï¬eld ...... 65h va,in Gertie ........... P.1- uh 111 ....... 1' .8 \Vaddell, Frank†.........Wick...... 667 Entrance standing on public 5111001111211 _ inp; exmnination. Mmmï¬nu number of man ks. r11111ix'ed 308: Black, \V. S ............... \\'ick ........ 557 Cox, $1111 111111012. ‘11-:1c11 16 ....... 489 Uros<cn, 121:1 .......... Muriposu :;U .15 Murmy, Kate .......... .,,_,578 O Lemy, George. ......... 11:11-11 171 ........ 31:71 Pinkham, Annie ....... 3111111111311 21).. 121) Robertson. )Iugwit. ..... lunch 1. ....... 5138 Waddcll, Olive .11 ........ 111111-11 2 ........ 515 Public School Leaving; I‘Ixnmilmtionrâ€" Names of candid: tL‘s puv-cn .w the. local exmninors, with whom :u \xhich prcpaucd and marks obtained, 122.3 being the maxi- mum. NAME. 2'00] MARK.“ Jones, Sandy. . . 033‘ 1'1. ......... TU» Reeds, \Ym. . .. ......... T. . ...... “(357 Robinson, 05“ n1 ’1 ...... “ 1'2 ....... . .679 l’ogue, 110“ Md ........ " ‘J ....... "(BTU Greer, (IL-urge“ ‘.. .. “ T ........ â€(351 Fee], Mabel. ...... .. “ 1H . ..... "(32". W‘fld Pranks of Mongolians Unmet tbs Le:- .dorship of the Dwarf Casan. Mrs. Mary Shears Roberts wri'r us of the famous 71 :zrnar dwarf Susan in Lu- writs of “Histurio D\\zufs†in St. Nicholas. Oman \‘:)3 a. noted warrior during: the reign of Genghis Khan. and rcvvzzhld a during spirit oven in bnyhuod. Ho gath- mod 3 bamd of wild bovs undcr his lmd .- ship, :md Mm. Rohn'ts {4in the following account of one of his pranks: When they came tngvthvr, they found chemsulws on u. greens 'm‘d where a. drum! of magniï¬cent hnrsrs, owned by one 'l'ln Kin, was quietly pasturing. (lusan curtly ordered umh to mount u cuurser us «mic-l:- ly as possible and to gain a neighboring plain at all spovd. '1‘le tiny dwarf set the example. Spring- ing from the ground with grout agility, lze graspnd a startled sued by its mum, :md by a :~‘l-:i1lful mzmvu‘wr was on it»: hzck in :m inmmtz. llis Comrades follrm'ud suit. The llucr fOOté’d animals charm-ll :1lwnd,zmd soon all the 'l‘urbur buys worn drawn up lu'fnm tlu-ir small luudor. va Cusnn, without, saddle 01' bridle. put them through all the military cmrrcises he could {liliik of. "If We. should ever be called mum to go to war," he rmuzu‘kcd, “we should le found soldiers already In aimed for lumtli. A true I» :u'rinr should 111.3.nuge his (nurse! by WUZ‘Ll ur much, or eyon g.1uncc †Now, awarding to the Tartar code, the theft of a. horse was punishable by death. Tin Kin, the owner of the herd sown dis- cmercd that some of his ChOiCt st 111111121. ’5 wow 111iss1111:.:111d0ff he starred in 11111 p11rs11in,\nwing vongvaucc on the 11115- cm 1mm H11 soon came in ï¬ght. of the ovildnvrs, but 1115 rage 5:1 wr- place to aston- ishmnnt “111111 110. fmmd his 511111-11) 51.11111 11111111111111 by half 1211111111 children who “111: {11111131 thrnuch '1: 11'11115 c21‘111'1ia'1151111d11 bhv (10111111111111 of 11. dwarf. Before 111.1 1111-13 timz- ‘10 51111211; (3352111 came charging s: 111111, saying: "We 11:11:11 not stolen your horses, as you 11111:: think. These am my soldie‘rs I wwhml to touch th< m to ridv 111-11,:11111 in 0111111 :01 (In 511 I horrmxcd 9111111- of 3mm cunrsvrs. Ynn who 11:10“ lï¬huirv:3 luc host, ordvr to (In so I borrowed suzm- of your cnnrsvrs. Ynn, who know their \‘éluc heat, can survly ï¬nd nothing wrong m our ac- tions. 0n the contrary, you should he pl -: sud to hm‘o your animals approciatvd. and I can assurv you we have found then Worthy tho highvst- praise.†'l'huownm-Wm: so taken aback at; the dwurf’s luminguc that; for a mmmu 3:6 stnud specuh'vss. He soon, hmwvw. r»; gained posmssion of his wits, and 0:: claimed: “‘[uu uppmr to be u queer u‘: ur utter. Como tome. with your (wonmulv: and wowill talk the matter overtogsilxrr.“ The little (‘uVi‘JlUI‘S with one ucmml no. crpm-d the invitation, mdo hack to “It: tonsuf Tin Kin, brcukfusbcd with him, and thv result of in all was that a ï¬rm friendship was established betwuen t2): Tartar lnn'sc morchunt and the recklcs‘ little dwarf and his followers. Justiï¬able. The little man was excited, the big man was calm and determined and the justice was puzzled. “dif him ten years, shudgc,†said the littlcmnn; “gif him ten years und nod- lngs 01$ for gout; behavior.†"When your honor understands the case," put in the big man, “I am sure your honor will see that there is certainly no occasion for a severe penalty. †“Let’s get at the fact-s,†said the justice. “As I understand it. you live near each other, and if it’s only a little nuighl)m'- hood ruw I don’t want to treat. the aï¬uit' too seriously.†â€â€œ171mvc 'the flat just; above his, your honor.†oxplained the hjg man. ‘ Lea tlc m ighborhood rowâ€"nit, non." broke in the little mun. “I bet you in ms 5 grhnt pccg row, und don’t you forget it. He buss right. into my flat vcn I m.» .79 away. “Is that true?" asked the justice. “I picked the lock.†admitted the big mun, “but; when your honor under- VV’ stands. â€" “Did ho steal anything?" interrupted the justice, addressing the little man. “You has you he did, shudge.†“Burglary.†said the justice, looking 801m “Thigh-evidently a. case for the crimizaicoufl. Ishall have to bind you owr no the, mmfl juryâ€"that is, unlvss what you cook belonged to you, and own then you had no right. to break in to go: it.†He had a canary w‘éh-ich used to hang in front of the window. Better Than Song. A workingman, fond of his pint of beer 1“: Saturday night, got. very muddled sometimes. Knowing that his wife on such occasions searched his pockets, be, when not too far gone, used to secrete his money in various places, and it: often hap- pened that. the next; morning he could not remember the hiding place. 1.1.1. ....A 4A 1......- {u One Sundry morning he was sitting looking at the bird, when a neighbor looked in and inquired if he would sell it. As the bird was not much use for singing. he reached the cage dOWn for his neighbor to look at, whereupon his wife got very angry and hung up the cyfgqagafn. “It didn’t belong to me,†admitted tin big man, “but it your honor lived in the next flat to it I feel sureâ€â€" “What was it?†demanded the justice. “A comet.†said the big man. “Justiï¬able theft!†roared the justice. “Cornet in a flat building! Great muck- erel! Plaintifl is ï¬ned $5 for taking up the time of the court with such a. ridicu lous case. "â€"0111ng Post. “I will not have that bird sold on an.“ account," she exclaimed. “1 GOD'S 0M8 naught about it being a poor linger. for it’s laid many a sixpcncc and a shilling, it’s begun to lay half crowns!†Then it‘s. awn} rcalizéd Where some of his hidden treasures 'md gone-â€"Peurson’s Weekly. flAND OF TARTAR CHILDREN. ()311‘1311‘21: ....\\'ick. .. . {each 16.. Muriposu EU .Rout'h 15.. M: u ipnsa 2t) mu 11 4.. block 2.. MARKb ,. . .7155 . ...(ib'7 .. .1779 “â€0713 ....l3.')1 1:111:11 inn-Hi the 5131101111 ‘5' 1111! that. c111 “I‘H‘m if 1110113; ks. :111f‘1‘1‘1wm: 1‘6 I \ ‘1: '.':1L‘(1 ' "‘ .‘xut' 102 1;“ :1 1“} mz‘ :1g'm'721 " 1 B. ... 4'...31._ . 50‘ . . 1:112! 111 311‘ Uranium. _ v 1111.1 :0 17(- m .<1 ‘.{'1:." 11:1 â€I 1 1:41 and now a. Young Lady Trained 3 Caterpillar. Educated Oysters In Franceâ€"Evid<-nce 0f Cerebral Action In Carp Which Ap- pears to Settle the Question. Henry do Parvillo has written for a French neWHpaper the following amiclv on the memory of. fish, insects and other creatures : THE CLAIM MADE FOR FISH, INSECTS AND OTHER CREATURES. mu"--- . W. “Herr Edinger, the German anatomist, recently discovered that ï¬shes have mem- ories. Now it is believed that insects and mollusks are equully gifted. One of my lady renders, a teacher of 'dmwing in the Paris schools, put the following question to me: ‘How can any one imagine any animal to exist without amenmry?’ And. dwelling upon her query, she uflirms than caterpillars have. memories. She at one time possessed a big brown caterpillar with nmguiï¬eent fur. She kept him in a wort;- hux and carefully fed him with choice leave. Now, this caterpillar, following: the fashion of his kind, used to roll himâ€" self up into a. hull whenever he was fright- ened. When the lady wanted to make his Ind and iix up his apartments, She tool: him delicately on a leaf and brought him out of the box. At first the creature would rull himself up, but in a short time he he- :mue tame and remained in an out- stretched condition, knowing Well that no harm was intended. “ ‘I was then a. schoolgirl in the 9mm- C(uur of Bcauvais,’ said my correspondent, “and with my cum‘rpillur I gave exhibi- ninns to the sisters and the girls.’ When- m'cr she touched him. he remained per- fmrly at ease and never coiled himself, but when anyone of the other girls touched him be instantly rolled himself up. He knew his mistress well. Therefore the ex'miurn evidently possessed aanemcry. “One morning the lady opened the box and to her astonishment the caterpillar nus gone. In his place there was z; 1i 'ri - heap of agglutinated hairs. Her pet had lu-come a chrysalis. The sisters and pu- pils awaited the arrival of the buttrrily with impatience. The question wag, Would the butmrfly have any recollections of its existence as a caterpillar, and Would it remember its mistress? The un- swer is easily guessed. Butterfly and can- erpillur are two, and the butterfly had no ...“. _.‘._V V. "But here is another exmnplo in regard to ï¬shcs. It is givcn by M. Pierre )lognin of the Eleveur. ‘It is not necessary to trawl very fur,’ he says, ‘to gut t‘m‘ eviâ€" dz thc of memory among ï¬shes. One nerd only to go to Fontainebleau and look at the historic carp in the ponds of the castle. I often wont them some ycars ago when 1 was camped in the forest with my regi- ment during the ï¬ring exercises. Them is one spot behind the castle where people UIIU hlnuu uK'IIAuu wuv eru-v "u‘- ‘ l' A amuse themselves by throwmg bread and fruit to the carp. The little pieces of bread are eagerly devoured and fought: for by Hm ï¬sh. But. if un apple is thrown in, the lish, recngnizing it, pass it; by disdaini‘ully. They knew by experience that the thing is beyond the power of their jaws. “’ 'â€" ' x _ "' ‘There is one trick which is often played upon them, and that is to throw to them an entire loaf and as hard a loaf as can be procured. The carp poke their noses at it and retire. keeping it in View. They surround in, remaining at, a little distance from in. One big old fellow approaches in from time to time to ascertain the progress of the. soaking and softening, and in about 20 minutes, when the explorer dis- covers that. the required degree of softness has been reached, he notifies his compan- ions of the fact by a wag of his tail or by whatever means of communication the amp possess, and instantly they charge upon the leaf, tear it: to pieces and help themselves. In a few seconds nothing is left of it. “ ‘Xew, this shows that experience has taught the carp than the bread, no nmtter how hard in may be at ï¬rst, is bound in Dime to become soft enough to out, and they wait patiently for the expiration of the necessary time. In this there is not only evidence of memory, but, also the woof of a complex intellectual opomtion.’ 7 I»- _:....l.‘ Ln 'rvu v- -. v--._‘.,___ *M. Pierre Megnin may be right, be- cause it; is very diflicult to explain in any other way than by cerebral action that surivs of facts, in some degree reasoned out, exhibiting the carp waiting for the soften ing of the hard bread every time it. is thrown to them." A Weather Stone. A writer tells of a curious stone that is to be found in Finland. It is a natural barometer and actually ton-tells probable changes in the weather. It is called a ‘ Public story tellers still earn a good live- uhood in Japan. In Tokyo alone (300 of ‘wm ply their trade, provided with a Fan]! table. a fan and a paper wrapper to Ilustmtc and emphasize the points of hus-uFVV -_ - ocnmimir, and its peculiarity is that it turns black before approaching ruin, while in ï¬ne weather it is mottled with spots of white. Investigation has shown the stone to be a sort of fossil, mixed with clay, rock salt and niter. When the air is moist, the sash turm black; when the air is dry, the szm: shows in white spots on the sur. taco of the atone.â€"Pittsburg Dispatch. HAVE MEMORIES. weir tales. OSWEGO Grey Plaster, the best in the IN SACKS. Easy to load at our “farehCu William Street. " KENT-ST, LINDSAY. SRAPS IR GRRRIAGES E? ALL STGCK MUST BE SOLD 1 Factory Corner Russell and Wi‘éliam Streets. purI.OEeS- \‘e have taken large uruuu: Ghu Luv Duyyll u-IIIUU \rvuc». w- - -- :v.‘ highest cash price. Our stock of DRI’ GOODS is well assorted. is of in: reqi quality. and prices cut away down so low that our sales are double what have few years ago. The public soon ï¬nd out where they can expend their: is: best. advantage. One Price onlyâ€"One Proï¬t only, and that the manufaczzrex A new design in WOOL LAP BUGS for driving. Every 282‘ has a. rig should have one. Encourage home trade by dealing 'direct with the manufacturer. 5:5 seller and buyer will receive mutual beneï¬t. Lindsay Woollen Mills, William-st, North. Red Blood Aclear skin,a keen appe- tite, good digestion, active liver and kidneys, renewed \itality invariably follow the use of RARSRPARiLLA GIMPRUND CORNER DRUG STORE The buying public are notiï¬ed that the Stem of Lindsay will close at 1 p.m-shatpon . . . BUSINESS MEN’S Thursdays, July 1, 8, 15,22, 29, â€"ANDâ€" August 5, 12, 19 and 26. TEE OBJECT : A half-holiday fox-the business men 0 the town. â€"25-tf. will Our‘ 250 JAPAN TEA, as usual the best value in 101172. FIRST COME 'ure.. A most carefully prepared combination of thoroughly tested blood purifying and system-renovating medicinal products. 750,1’ER BOTTLE. \VING TO LEASE of premises at pres IT: (CERT/32;"; " H O’Connor expiring on Ist January next the In; 3;; RT . CnAM arrlagcs, Buggies and ï¬'x'agons on hand must be (ES-mg; ci â€mm“?! the Dec; of work. N one but best material and workmanship used in Don’t forget 2’0 gzve us a Mame to (52d 07250217 U'oa’. A. CAMPBELL, One Hundred Thousand Pounds of nun; HALF-HOLIDAY. be offered for sale at the very lowest ï¬gure for ca LAND PLASTEB; We have taken large orders and the supply must come. PREPARED BY LAND SALLT 5' {HF-SEEM HORN BROSIM @mmm EEIEIILEIEEL H. W FIRST SEER :3 00115-3? gum lliillllllllmlllfl'" “E in“? llllflfllllmmlli 3m: To Build . . Are You Going .f; FARM FOR SALE 0“, RENT -â€"Lot 3 Con. 3. 095T gm“) mm acres. so manned-G tame burn, scone foundation: *3!“ $.30 Good newer-idling well 0‘ “â€3" ‘ Win n†my andthmee from Jmehil 1-1e I: (on term of yarn to u auiubleum Wn‘ rum. Pension ghen to P1“ “591‘“ further particulsrs :pply to _ 05. ROBERT 01: CHARLES â€gm .S‘UMzk/ER SUZTIA’GS .. The time to order is Satisfaction guaran‘ he Lindsay Planing MiHs. qutgwn I! vou are going to M" N like waive mu :1 Win“ material and ‘ork “on acn- you both. hmingadr) H -‘n w d' and also good workmen to I“:2 n Youmn reh on mixing: “‘6‘“: also :ddinz m the “he: -’.\ 9mm“! mchinen a Band 39.5“an pi re-saw lumber any ““0““; 50‘ prices you will ï¬nd I am as CH9†Ed ad with regard to Qualih “15% nomad for doing good“ Pmm't‘: â€d p" bothin bud and so. w-ood ‘92,; Ssh. noon. Mouldings. 1'3“" m The Hobby Tailors, Foo: a‘ â€".\'EA T, â€"CHEAP and â€"\VELL AlADE- In all the ncwc designs . . . l. BLAIR SONS: FAMILY (ERG; ch. INGLE' maximum} IEEHEEIEEIIII $0.; “u - 0n ..\( ‘ E‘IIICEEâ€" 4 WAR CLAR OFF! is NOW “we a large c .::: as “I‘D-bu: on hkagfacticu} mm: D 0:0}:1‘a'flu‘1‘ 7/ â€Vice, for g‘ruwn Children_ 11 is 0119: - it is small ix ,I/ in Quorum-.3 hudSOmQ and we if GREQ “my given on an K “M Wu): TOPS: M igï¬gundinz ('0';sz 8’15 and HEADSTOX Marble and Granue. will aka place or LENNON. ‘ AUC Tlox bivakmm,all shsuld: I†pried were rurcl ï¬ne “9" of?!†Market 0:. at prices for har gather department Eire do not lead lid with us. mm Harness E ,. DILLM AN, 1 31' CH AM EAST BENSON so <006> 'thc ï¬rst day of A rill be ndvmxxd, ~ ness before :ha (I: amdinuy i‘ L $2 50, for ..... :le Harness for earn Haness $28fcr. . . . . ..S S. ‘5 ‘5 Cc ‘uwme and \\ e Si“: camrrz'. address on rec 'DSAY Let Kod 31st and the “F 7- '3 the be 'ictur. COar. OS Tm