:19 for F H E?! TEAS 18~§§i3 Sï¬PPLIES ETS, VECETALBES 8:0- ms as {mass punposas wraitï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©rbsaRools adstal querties ufwmrh Emma“! knnwn. 1H 0.30““ â€mum?“ DiREBT FROM JAPAN. WARE with the V9388 ngugust we would lilfe to clear out all our summer l5 \\c.h21ve reflucecl 1n price evervthino that could .lggglUCthll ;. selhng w1th a small proï¬t‘ we gannot reduce unythmg more than one-half ; our new .CK DRESS GOODS 638“ St" [8 CUR GOODS ARE CHEAP, CURTAINS, CHEAP, _ :{C'Zt Street, Lindsay, Opposite Benson House BLACK DRESS GOODS TRIMMING BRAIDS, ALL WIDTHS, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, CHEAP, SOLS AND UMBRELLAS, CHEAP, LAWNS AND MUSLINS CHEA L. ire not guing to take '11P Each space tOâ€"day. It’s “01: F710 115'; any" more than a 1110 in saying what we WiSh read‘ for, after all there’s a . bath in tlzc old saying, that “M 'Jsis’c we need CHI ‘2"): that Fairwcather [“8 t T'uarinrr Sale of Stra“ last a few days Those who have not yet Van ayrc of the great re- 53am by Fairweather ~5Li11 few days in which 7‘: the matter. The stOCk hides all 9.3709 and all DI’O‘ \V u.|‘ . 4 0’ to arrive; we want all the room we can make D5UMMER GOODS must be sold. ‘l‘u‘ics all sizes and all proâ€" g“3 in stra‘. '5, light summer Edi(laying and outing caps. RemEmber the place, AWGRD TO THE MSE IS SUWQlENT ’HER WWEAT Eco†r doo th ur Lindsayigse. Skies; Daly H as OPPOSITE BENSON HOUSE. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY. YES! BRINQ IT T0 US. We have some beautiful things in Engagement Rings which you ought to see. Our Wedding Rings bearing our trade mark “B BROS.†are second to none. If you have any ideas which you want worked out in jewellry re- member that we make anything you Wish to order. LBRITTON BROTHERS. LADIES’ VESTS, CHEAP. Does your watch stop or run irregularly or unsatisâ€" factorily? Have you broken or injured any article of. jewellry? Has your clock gone wrong? When anything of the kind happens BRING IT TO us. It is part of our busi- ness to repair watches, clocks and jewellry. We give special attention to this department. Our workshop is thoroughly equipped with the best modern tools and machin- ery for this class of work FOOT 0F KENT-ST-. LINDSAY. and we faction. guarantee SEItlS- THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1893. Strawberries. Any quantity of fresh strawberries arriving dailv at Soanes’ Fruit: Mart. . Ice Cream Fresh every day at SOANES’, next door to the Academy of Music.â€"24-tf. At BRITTONI BROTHERS, the Jewellers, for $2. 00. â€"-3 17.5 Fresh Tarts Made every day at SOANES’, next door to the Academy of Music--â€"24-tf. A seven room house to let, near mills, newly furnished. Apply to Sootheran.â€":I-tf. If you are Going out of town for a holiday, take :1 supply of Mgmbray’ s Kidney and Liver "V__' V' " 'l'lrio' ' ‘ 7 ' J J Cure in your satchel. . Never travel without it. If taken accordiug to directions, when needed, it will prevent summer sickness during your holiday, and keep your appetite and your strength up to a healthy standard. Change of air and diet is very often followed by bilous- mess, but Membray’s Kidney and Liver Cure will break it up promptly. TOWN AND COUNTY I scream! the maiden murmured As the brightï¬ign caught her eye; Oh, don’t! smd he, my (larlmg And some cooling cream shall buy. I-c-e, said she, you catch on To my meaning in a minuteâ€"â€" You treat to cream, then I scream That I am always in it! On Sunday last a young lad named Hughes son of Mr. J. Hughes, bridge carpenter on the Midland Division of the Grand Trunk railway, discovered a cartridge and while tempering with it an eXplosion took place completely shattering the thumb and ï¬rst two ï¬ngers of his left hand besides inflicting bad cuts in his right hand, and face with pieces of the shell. Medical assistance was summoned when it was found necessary to amputate the thumb and first two fingers of the left hand. \\'e learn that the youth is doing as well as could he expected under the circumstances. \Ve understand that Mr. R. I). Thexton, wood and coal dealer has purchased from Capt. F. Crandell the steamer Eva now undergoing a thorough overhauling 0n the drydock. M r. Thexton has found it necessary to add a steam boat to his numerous enterprises, and having an immense quantity of cordwood and forest produce cut and ready for shipment at his limit on Ball Luke he has availed himself of the opportunity to Secure this ï¬ne tow~l)oat. Our Nationa! Game; â€"~Brm1fnr<ldefeated Uxhridgc, at the latter town, on Thursday last by 4 In 0. -â€"â€"le>ridgc plays in Lindsay for the ï¬rst time, on Tuesday next, our civic holiday, and one of the best games of the year may be looked for. Uxhridge now stands ï¬rst in the league and the Lindsay boys have the conceit that they c; :1 win the game. ()0 up people and see the game! â€"â€"T'nc civic holiday game, on Tuesday next will be called at 2.30 sharp. You pay at the qatc and g0 and sec it! o v â€"â€"1’ort l’erry defeated Bradford, on Friday last, at Port Perry by I to O. ~(,)n Thursday of last week, the Lindsay lacrosse club twelve, played a game at Brace bridge on the occasion of the annual picnic of the Rev. Father McGuire. Their opponents were a team said to come from North Bay, but who, at any rate came on the train, from that direction. The result was an easy Victory for Lindsay, who thus captured the handsome trophy offered and the championship of the north. The score was 4 to 1, Lindsay of Course taking the four. (the Watchman. â€"â€""ort Perry and Uxbridgc meet in a league game at Uxbridgc to-day. The Salvation Army's Latest Scheme For Raising Money. The Salvation Army has hit upon a new idea forraising funds. Last year, Comman- (lant Booth inaugurated a plan for clearing poor corps and ofï¬cers of deht, by instituting annual Harvest Festivals throughout the Do- minion. This year, the dates will he as fol- l()\\'5:"â€"N01'tli-\\'cs‘t and British Columbia, August 261h, 27th and 28th: Ontario and ‘Maritime Provinces, September 2nd, 3rd and 4th. 1. L.‘ A "wand (‘nnh‘nl In Toronto, there is to be a great he Thanksgiving Exhibition from September to the 15th, or the same dates on v the Toronto Industrial Exhibition is 1 held. ‘ 7 1“- 5L.“ llCl\l- Great efforts are being made by the local ofï¬cers and corps to canvass the town (or city) for contributions in ltind of all description. Fruits, vegetables, grains, barley, oats, wheat, and eyen straw for the Circle Corps horses, all are solicited. A special point is being made to, to secure contributions of live stock, which will be sent forward to the To- ronto Exhibition to be used in supplying the Social Instutions of the Army with meat. Last year, three thousand dollars were netted in this way to assist the poor corps, and there is every prospect of a far larger sum than that being raised on this occasion. n ‘ m . .. “FAME/m m lw n D , The Toronto Exhibition promises to he at most attractive affair. (lifts of all kinds will be forwarded and tastefully exhibited there. The Salvationists of the far \V'est propose to contribute wheat, cattle and canned goods; whereas Newfoundland is being asked to contribute tinned and dried ï¬sh. Wood, oil and coal are also solicited, and manufacturers are being asked to give some of their wares. Commandant Booth hopes, by this means, to replenish the store houses of the Social In- stutiwns and Homes for sick ofï¬cers, so that it will be unnecessary to spend money on household goods. His contention is that, while the dollars are scarce, the land is over- flowing with good things, and he calls upon those who have enough to eat and to spare, to i remember out of their plenty their more unfor- tunate fellow creatures.-â€"33-I. Are You Going Out of Town. Do You Want a Home? Sale of the Steamer Eva. A Marriage Icense, A Bad Accident. She Was In It. in Army has hit upon a new funds. Last year, Comman- .1uguratc<l a plan for clearing ofï¬cers of debt, by instituting ‘ Festivals throughout the Do- ycar, the dates will be as fol- \\'cs‘t and British Columbia, 27th and 23th.: Ontario and be a great Central Burke’s the local 1bcr Ioth m which is bc'mg to be :1 Some Lindsay People Open the Gates at Bobcaygeon on the 13th. On Sunday last a few of our sports got into a queer fix. They contemplated a pleasant sail down Into the lower lakes, and everything went merry as a marriage bell until they arrived at Bobcaygeon. Here however, they were destined to c0me to grief, and learn that all policemen are not of the same family. They found that the bridge had to be swung, this they did in genuine lock-master style. Then they had to “lock†through, and proceeded to open the ï¬rst gate, but neglected to see that the second gate was properly closed. This little piece of neglect would in a very short time have drained Sturgeon Lake dry as a mill-pond and added greatly to the real estate at Sturgeon Point. Just at this particular point the wide-wake policeman who regulates the citizens of ’Caygeon hove into sight and brought matters up with a turn. He would not permit them to go through the locks nor would he permit them to pilot their craft back, as it necessitated the swinging of the bridge a second time. It was here that they discov- ered they were “in it.†After a time some genial spirits arrived and induced the “ cop,†to take a walk and thus enable the boys to enjoy their ï¬rst experience as “blockade runners.’ On \Ionday night there were great doings at the 3'1 ntlon Army barracks. Mr. \Vm. Hy Mince wasmarried to Miss Edith Cald- well. Mr. Geo. Lindsay was best man, while Miss Lieut. Hellman helped the bride through. The Rev. Mr. Greener did the knot tying, as the law requires, while Ensign Coombes did the army part. On Monday last Mr. Alex. \V. \Vray, of the C. 1’. R. freight department, l’eterboro, passed away at Chemong. “Bully,†as he was known to his intimate acquaintances, was a son of the late Alex. \\'ray, of Lindsay. lie was a young man of much promise and his demise, at the early age of 24 years, will be heard of with unfeigned regret. The funeral tool; place at Lindsay, yesterday, and was largely attend- ed. A pilgrimage will leave Lindsay on Monday, August let, by regular train, at 10.30 a.m., connecting with special train at l’eterboro, at 1.10 p.m., for St. Anne De Beauprc. Return tickets $5.75;children $2.90. A large num- ber of persons will no Edoulit avail them- selves of this opportunity to visit St. Anne’s and take in Montreal and Quebec at the same time. On Tuesday morning Mr. james \Yorkman, who was driving a team at the Sylvester works, met with an accident which will lay him up for some weeks. He was helping to unload some lumber and the horses suddenly started off. A pile of lumber fell on Mr, \Vorkman and his right leg was broken in two places. l)r. Burrows is looking after the patient. ,, A,,, __. A special train will leave Lindsay at 10.50; 21.111. on Monday, August zlst, per the Grand 3 Trunk Railway for the shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre, Quebec, calling at all stations east to Belleville. arriving at 7 o’clock I‘uesday morning. Return tickets $5.25. Besides visiting the renowned shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre and the picturesque Villarrc lying in {WC and beauty between the Laurentian Mountains and the broad-flowing St. Lawrence, a rare Opportunity will be given all to visit Quebec. “An Old W'orld city planted in the Newâ€â€"-an<l its numerous historic scenes. The Heights and Plains of Abraham, the monuments to \Volfe and Montcalm, the noble terraces that look down upon the City, and the harbour ï¬lled with shipping, and the cathedral that guards the entrance to the St. Lawrence, are sights well worth a visit. General bporting Notes. â€"â€"-\f1c1 a \\:11mi11g 11p 111ilc\ \ :mcy Hanks “as 5cm against hL'r 1cco1d at Boston, last 81111111111), :ICCLnnpaniLxll/ by a 1111111e1, but f-Iilcd to do better thru12.0S‘/+. Ilcr time, In (11131- tcrs was 32%, 1.03%, 1.35, 2.08%.7 Nancy seemed to slackcn when msulc thc distance and l)ol::lc had to use the whip. â€"â€"â€"Thc great Maine stallion, Nelson, reduced his realm to 2.09 flat at Portland last his rcca) Saturday. â€"â€"\\cpul1lish clscwhcrca a brief history of the gum star of this 5 won, Ilulcla 2. 08);; , in her mm: :11 151111110 1:151 \\ L-ck. â€"â€"â€"Thc Canadian stallion, Alvin, was among the C1 1111:5111an at buflalo last \\ (.le and after a grL’at race was awzudul second place. Ilis time “1152.11,.1â€. â€"â€"Duncrm C. Rose is anxious to get on a match with \\'. H. Quinut wimjclaims, the Canadian mixed Championship. â€"â€"()n Tuesday, the Fort \Vayne Driving park developed :1 surprise in the two-yenr-old pacing Class. Linn Hill, without at break came under the wire in 2.07.}é the fastestmile ever paced by :1 t\\‘o-year~ol(l on 1111 Indian track and the best record for this year. Narrow Escape. â€"â€"On Wednesday Mr. John Burgess, of Verulam, accompanied by his two sons, William and Edward, visited Lindsay, About 12.30 o‘clock, after their business had been transacted they were making preparations for their early return home. Mr. Burger“: into Mr. A. Campbell’s store to g“ ‘ parcels, leaving his two sons in the \‘elizeiel outside. The animal becoming restless William thought it would be best to get out of the buggy and take the anirc“: by the head. Just as he jumped :ht- urinal made a bound forward jirkiu ’ - " out of Mr. Burgess hands and making a wild dash down Kent-st. the reins flying on each side ot him. Little Eddie Burgess, about eight or nine years of age, grasped each side of the seat and cried whoa at the top of his voice but which only apparently urged the beast to greater flights of speed. In trylng to take the turn at the foot of Kent-St the rig collided with the. sidewalk opposite Britton Bros. store and upset, but the animal did not stop, but rushed madly along. passing between the building and hydrant out into Ridout-st. Just here Mr. Fred Howe ran out and caught the horse by the head, and after being dragged as far as Dr. Kempt’s residence succeeded in stopping it. The voung boy who had been under the rig from the corner crawled out as soon as the horsewas stopped. He was badly frightened and com- plained of pains in his back. His escape from death was almost miraculous. Mr. Fred I~10we certainly deserves praise for his pluck in catch- ing the ‘ani‘mal‘and stoppingLit 1n the manner 2-1- rm. .‘y‘ l-~\ ..... n y‘vaf f1! inb Qï¬ich he did. Tï¬Ã© thicle was pretty badly damaged while the horse escaped without a scratch. OPENING THE GATES. To St. Arne DedBeaupre. To Ste. Anne de Beaupre. At the Barracks. Broke His Leg. At Chemong. » ‘cial gospel services in the tent on ,'._.T he 53"“ or Peel-st, are being continued \\1111am.st., ne. \Ionypeny and R. Telfer, by Messrs. J ‘ 'ek night, except Saturday, evangelists, each We at 4 and 7.30 p.1n. A at 8. anti 0? Spnday‘ Vtended to all. No cordial 1nv1tation is es collection. -â€" IJlalllUllu IJUQ‘I . game at â€"â€"-L1ndsay and Cobourg played a neople Cobourg on Monday last. About 250 L ‘rne. went down and saw a rather one sided ga. a Cobourg won by a score of 19 too. The game was a fair and square one. It was played in the agricultural park and Mr. Geo. M. Stephens, who acted as umpire, gave every satisfaction. Lindsay’s playing was execrable and twenty-one men never reached ï¬rst base. About 700 people were present and the visitors were used like gentlemen. ' â€"I\Ir. T. W. Evans, of Yelverton, arrived home on Friday last, after a most pleasant voyage, from Glasgow, Scotland, where he had taken a very ï¬ne consignment of roadsters. Mr. Evans could not see the force of returning empty-handed, and has, therefore, brought with him three ï¬ne Clydesdale stallions and a handsome Shetland, all of which landed in ï¬ne condition. The Clydes are all of grand quality, all prize-winners at the greatest society shows in Scotland, and all were districtzhorses at high premiums. The Scottish Farmer, in a very flattering eulogy of this shipment, says:â€" “Seldom, if ever, has there been three better horses than Craichmore, Darnley, Uam Var and Blythe Prince exported to Canada.â€.... Craichmore ‘ Darnley is six years old, {and was sired by the famous Darnley; dam, by the great prize-winner, the Druid. He has cap- tured all the red tickets at the principal shows in Scotland, and what is still more note-worthy his produce have won 23 ï¬rst prizes this year alone at the principal fairs, including Glasgow, besides several second prizes ....... Blythe l’rince, sired by the famous Prince of Wales, dam the great prize-winning mare that pro- duced Royal Salute and other noted horses. This is a horse of ï¬ne size, style, quality and ‘ action, and a prize-winner since a yearling. . . . Uam Var is another three-year-old that has won eighteen ï¬rst and second prizes around Stranraer and neighboring shire, and stands second to none of his age in Canada. His sire was the Highland [Society prize-winner, Lord Ailsa, whose dam was by Prince of \Vales. [1113a, WIIUDM uulll vim.) u} a. .-..V‘, V- Uam Var’s dam was by Topsman . . . . . .All these horses are of grand size, rich color, and good style In addition to this trio :1 ï¬ne specimen of the Shetland pony is provided in a handsome and speedy little chestnut. All persons interested in looking over the best representatives of the Clydesdale should call at “Topgallant Farm†and inspect this lot, where they will receive ' a hearty welcome from the genial proprietor. â€"Mrs. P. Brady and Miss Selina Brady are visitinw Miss \IcIntvre. â€"â€"â€"\Ir. J. Considinc 15 spending his holiday in lxochcster, N. Y â€"â€"â€"Miss Mabel Dulmage, of Colborne, is the guest of Mrs. Fremont Crandell. â€"â€"-Mrs. J05. Buller, of Peterhoro, was in town on \Vednesday. â€";\Ir. \Vm. \Vray, of Tweed, was in town yesterday at the funeral of his nephew. Hastings Stanâ€"Masters Bruce and DngIas Paton, of Lindsay, are visiting Mrs. \Vaites. - Mm. Truesdale and daughter, of Chicago, is at present the gueSI or Mrs. S. G. Parkms. â€"-Mr. \V. F. McCarty returned on Monday last from a pleasant weeks’ visit with friends in Detroit. â€"â€"Rev. Mr. Marsh, of St. Paul’s church, Lindsay, preached at the Point, on Sun- day. â€".\Ir. \V. \V. \Valton, representing Messrs. John chsworth 8; 03., Toronto, dropped in to see us yesterday. â€"The many friends of Mr. Ed. Grefmy “111 rLath to learn that he is now sunning from a swan attack of pleuriS). Diamond Dust. Church Chimes. Stock Notes. Personals. ' râ€"Neuralgia must go! $500 for a case that '1 arper’s Arabian Balm will not heal at L ‘e. For sale by E. Gregoryâ€"17m 0n°~ “1y Pads. Fly Paper at HIGH: “'1‘ 's Drug Store. â€"29-4. 301%.“! k v, Aug. 22nd, is Lindsay’s . .â€"Tuesda, Our friends in the country “"10 hohday. 1r this in mind. Will do well to he. n ' Linament stops â€"Douglas‘ Egyptian. ‘ion never sets in. blgidzat once, inflamma. â€"â€" -1' . , A ,1, â€"Don’t fail to attend the; lac. "‘ at: the Agricultural Park, on Taco». 22nd, Civic Holiday. -â€"-Keep your eye on the differs}. testimonials of cures made by Douglas! Egyptian Liniment. We defy contradicl tiOD.-’24-12. â€"The attention of the energetxc chair- man of the street and bridge committee is directed to a very defective spot in the sidewalk on William-st. â€"Harper’s Arabian Balm is the best liniment sold. Popular price, 25 cents a large bottle. Gor sale by E. Gregory. â€"17-tf. â€"Gentlemen call and see the shirts we are selling to day and next week for 50c 75c. If you can’t call yourselves tell your wives to see themâ€"KERR Co.â€"-3-tf. -â€"Rathburn 8; Co’s tug “Nora.†has been shipped to Hastings where it will be used in towingr the company’s logs now in Rice Lake. â€"Call at E. Gregory's Drug store and get a. bottle of Harper’s Arabian Balm. the best: liniment for man and beast. Every bottle guaranteed.â€"17-tf. â€"The proper place for pictures ahd picture frames is at the foot of Kent-st. opposite Britton Bros.- -E. WILLIAMSON. -31-3. â€"-The traffic returns on the Grand. Trunk railway for the week ending A ug. 5th are 331101.450: for the corresponding week last year, $392,566;incrcase 88,840. -The Port Perry Salvationists held an excursion to Lindsay on Tuesday. They paraded the principal streets and held an open air meeting at the corner of William and Kent-Ste. â€"-For 117:1};qu and well ï¬nished photos. E. WILLIAMSON excells.â€"â€"31-3. â€"â€"Harper’s Arabian Balm cures lum- bago.â€"17-2. â€"â€"Mr. Geo. Matthews,the Lindsay pork packer is reported to contemplate erecting a. factory of considerable capacity in Otta- â€"Douglas"Egyptian Linament is a. posi- tive and speedy cure for pilesâ€"2442. ~Doug1as' Egyptian Liniment cures neuralgia, toothache and earache :in ï¬ve minutes.â€"24-]2. â€"â€"Insect Powder. Sticky Paper at HIGINBOTHAM’s.â€"29-4. â€"The Salvation Army excurtion to Sturgeon Point to-day. They purpose holding a grand union meeting with the corps from Peterboro and Fenlon Falls. â€"A new postage stamp of the value of 8 cents is now being put into circulation, This stamp will be available for the pay- ment either of registration fee and postage combined, or of postage only. â€"-Street gnmins are reported to be haunting the fruit stores and restaurants and are not averse to helping thamse¥és when not too closely watched. he police are likely to take a hand in it. â€"â€"On Tuesday evening last Oï¬icer \\'adde11, of the Toronto asylum, came to Lindsay for the purpose of removing; the unfortunate man, Finley, of Mariposa who is suffering from softening of the brain. â€" The Citizens’ Band rendered an excel- lent progranmf music on the market square on Tuesday evening. They play again on Friday evening. The band is now doing well under the tuition of the band master. â€"Mr. Thos. \Vetherup reports that this season he will surely prove the far- mers' friend. having purchased a. new cluVer mill, two new grain threshers and a traction engine. He is already at work and states that his new machines are running very satisfactory â€"The Masonic’s fraternity, of Lindsay, purpose huldmg an excursion to Lakeâ€" ï¬eld by train and than home to Lindsay per steamer Columbian, on Tuesday next, the civic hohday. This should prove a very pleasant outinU. â€"The English and Methodist churches of Port Perry held a combined excursion to the Point on Wednesday. About 300 people were on board and all appeared well satisï¬ed with the trip, as they passed through Lindsay on the way home, about 3.30 p.111. ... I: “v 1, s~\.v..-v v. â€"On Tuesday last while Mr. Walter Haslam was assisting some men in rolling a long stick of timber at Carew’s mill the piece slipped off the bearer which caused the far end to fly up and strick Mr. Haslam on the neck inflicting a. severe blow and lacerating.1r the skin slightly. I: was a very narrow escape for Walter, however. â€"Monster sale of Boots and Shoes at Jouxsrox Sissox’s during August. The balance of Summer Goods must be cleared this month- The enormous cut on prices will soon scatter this large stock. Choice bargains never wait, so don’t miss the opportunity of a iife time, but bring along your cast to J ouxsrox 617 Sissox, the Monster Shoe Storeâ€"3L4. â€"The annual excursion underthe aus- piceï¬ of the Choir of St. Paul’s Church of England took place on Monday last to Chemong Park per Steamer Crandella. and a pleasant time and quick trip was enjoyud. The scenery along this route andat the park was heartily enjoved by all the excursionists. The citizens’ band “no ~--v v- was present and added not a. little by their choice selecteons of music. â€"â€"-The excursion to Crowley’s Island on Friday. Aug. 18th, under the auspices of the G.T.R. library, promises to be a, grand success. An excellent programme of athletic sports has been arranged for, together with a great game of base ball. An energetic committee are at work doing all in their power to ensure a icapital day’s sport. Little Local Lines. the Grand “osse match lay, Aug