Serious Charges Against Steamship Ofï¬cers. BUFFALO, NY. September 13. â€"The Press says: The fate of Joseph Both, a Welioto- do saloon-keeper of this city, whose mys- terihus disappearance was reported in these despatches last week, has Just been learned. Roth left here in June for a trip to Europe, and sailed from New York June 19, with ï¬ve hundred dollars in £15; pocket. From that time until the present no word was received of him save the statement from the steamship com- pany’s agent that he had iisembarked safe- ly at Havre. Kipolyte Siegrist, a barber, arrived home from abroad last night and statt s that he was a fellow passenger of Roth across the ocean. On the fOurth day out Roth was taken sick with what appear- ed to has ï¬t' Siegrist saw Roth struggling in the hands of the doctor and his assistant. He saw the doctor go through Roth’s pockets and pull out a lot of money. The doctor counted the money over in French and said there was “ quate cent soixante- cinq †(four hudred and sixty-ï¬ve dollars), and then began to whisper. Next day Sie- grist was told that Roth had become violent and had tom the furniture in his room to peices. Then he heard that Roth was lead, .‘ne of the waiters saying that he had died in a terrible spasm. Next morning Siegrist heard that Both had been dropped into ‘the‘ sea during the flight. to 3-52:.) higl‘zc: greund. Several persons narrowiy escaped death by drowning. There Was greet damage done to property.. ZASESV’ILLE, Ohio. Sept. lie-The high water in the Muskimum valley has done incaiculable damage to the corn crop on the lowlands. Hundreds of acres are com- pletely submerged and the crop is ruin- ed. The damage to the government works along the improvemeht has been heavy. Wizd‘s steam saw mill, dry'house and machine shops gave way to the force of water and feel} over Into the stream. -v-â€" - -V- 7‘ complete tie up of the Romé, W'atertown “9 "r'r‘nmk'vrg railroad and its branches, \nl;\t ~ »_~....-A., . .. .4“ ,L_ww»:m (-f mflls: and nthcr inun- "Il’ Siugrisc says Rot-h never lanaed at Hivre as repurteu and that the death of Roth was very susplclous. 51th ‘u an V“ senously the li‘tle island gene the Kaiser a hearty reception, but there is a. pomt at which even German aggressiveness ceases to be tolerable. A little over a year ago, when Miss Lenora Clench was on her way home from Germany, it was stated in these columns that a Prussian Count was accompanymg her as an escort and would claim her hand in nmrriage on their arrival in her native roocs, wmcn seem kets u: the Wv‘.1 when suscovereu, as me Calgary and Edmonton railway. upon its completion, will be within 80 miles of the Athabasca river. Only in the event of petroleum being found has the Athabasca country a future, in Mr. McConnell’s op- inion. The river is lined with stunted ï¬r spect his good intentions we can only hope that he does not intend to rob us of our brightest jewel. _ We parted with Heligo- Count. .umsa up In of Miss Nora and narration of her I auuuo .¢ VvUIL ~".V=vv ‘V‘u-’--v _ éhamue‘ *he hearts of all lovers of high to-day, class music im'arioue parts of-Canada and since it the neighboring republic, and much as we I of that. admire the (Dennis excellent taste end re- bush ii 3' 21.5 M ‘ t to the surtace am; We gem-i:- ')VI.\« 1‘.- evaporated, leaving the tar beds as they are where these beds dip below the newer racks. Mu Vuu .nuwrvvâ€"FO V ï¬elds in the Arhaéégm‘diwéghas re- turned. While not prepared to make speciï¬c statements in advance of his re- port to the department, yet he made the l remark that R was quite probable ihat there wee in the Athabasca district 3. petroleum area greater than anywhere else in the world. Along the river there are vast bed of sand, about 250 feet thick, saturated with tar. These cover thousands of miles, and indicate that an almost in- ‘ ‘ 7 L _ _‘ 3.. cenom $13551? €10,000. Last night Home? 1885, will WINnPEG Sept. 14,â€"Mr. R. G McCon- nell, of the geological survey. who has been out inspecting the reported petroleum £1.1f19 {24 He : A f‘hn‘nagoa fliqh’;’_‘", has 1‘9- Dy,» DF‘RTV PARRIED AW'AY. At 8 n’clock this morning the village of 'open lagen presented a scene of devasta- on. Sidewalks were washed, away 39d â€-4 u- n (D lease-4 :0 110306 WATERTOWX, Nora. Clench's Count. {St Mary’s Cor. Mitchell Advocate.] )illv THE AT HA BASCA REGION. ‘* V‘ â€M «41'3“». are JLL“ fly, “.2“ vU‘ \LLbJ ‘.AC v-1». 3 rfelt hereabouts by the almost 'VJ ithout shedding a tear, and are fn noiice that â€.118 inhabitants of Damage by Floods. :2 There Are Vast Petroleum Areas in the Diétrict. xolished at a. total loss to the .ib tants are Indi mï¬e :1 fa v notat t QAAWV! waver » ï¬nd at once revivedâ€" her betrothal. During is‘s Clench’s return she up In Vur BAILEY. ~55 nut 1111011 in torrent e davs vast has n<F to grow W8â€. .-.111He, but as th: in an appearancg we Y. , Sept. 13.-_â€"-The Po verxtabl 9 U8! necroleum had in and H 3 almost swollen 31' rman Jua- the the has market BARLEYâ€"Would appear to have begun to moxe outside,‘) and at good prices; one sale of new No.2 was reported to- day for 61c at an outside pcint whence Toronto rates to the Bridge rule. PnAsâ€"In good demand, steady and un- changed with sales north and west at 600 for car-lots, which price would probably have been repented. BUTTERâ€"Choice steady and unchanged at 14 to 15c, and occasionly 160, for selec- tions; 8. cu lot. of old changed hands to- day at about 51m, thus probably clearing off old stocks. 3’ _- - 7 z. EGGSâ€"Firm at 170 for cases, with some beginning to ask 18c. but the latter price rather exceptional ; trade lots in good de- mand at 16c. mar WHEATâ€"Very quiet ;there seemed to be very little either offered or“ wanted, and buyers wishing' to get it at moderate prices. There was no movement. reported to-day, but on Saturday a. lot of heavy No. 2 fall, new, sold at 960. and we should think that this ï¬gure would have been the top price to-day ; neither spring Wheat nor Manitoba hard seemed to be «:fferin g. OATSâ€"Rather unsettled ; there seemed to be none on the track, with more offered lying outside, but the latter not in favor in consequence of uncertainty of the punctual shipment aniarriyal. _ HIDEsâ€"Cured in good demand and ï¬rmer with sales by car lots at 80 for selected cows. SHEEPSKINSâ€"There seems to have been no further advance this week, the best green selling as 80c. The St. Petersburg Oï¬'cial Gazette says the renewal of the Triple Alliance for seven years will encourage Austria in her anti-Russian policy and oblige Russia to cast aside her peace illusions and redouble her vigilance. ' Mr. Charles MacDonald. a. New York engineer, on visiting Gananoque, his native place, the other -day, offered to double any amount subscribed by the citizens £01 the erection of a mechanics’ institute. 4.118 lOéii-x‘dt lilSEltutou Dy Luc OUUUU" hampton dock companies against the dock labourers began yesterday nmrning, and work is entirely suspended. It is generally believed that Germany will counter-mend her slavery proclamation at Bags-.moyo, but even that will fail to remedy the irrepa ‘ableâ€" harm already clone. MOSTREAL, Sept. 16.â€"The grain market shows no change and outside of a small movement of oats there is nothing to note. Prices are unchanged at the advance noted yesterday. ported ; held - In florir there are no special features except that fresh ground Ontario brands are rather scarce here, but ï¬rst arrivals are to hand this week ; straight rollers is ste'gdy at $4.90 to $5. Gananoque yesterdz‘uy earned a ny-iaw for the erection of a new water works sys- tem ; but rejected the by-law in favor of a second bridge. The Rome correspondent of the London Standard conï¬rms the report that. the al- hance between Germany, Austria, and Italv has been renewed. The provision market is uninteresting, with a quiet movement of pork and lard. Eggs rule easy under some accumulation and a slow demand at 154; to 16:}9. There is a fair jobï¬iiig; Vâ€"dvgxiiand for butter, but no call for anything; in a Whole- sale way. Creamery in small selected parcels brings 20 to 210 and ï¬nest late- made townships dairy 180. Cheeseâ€"Quiet and unchanged, with prices nominal 1n the absence of business. The strike of the Montreal ship-labour- ers is practically at an end, the contractors having secured all the help needed from outside. A young Gill named McEwen hanged herself at Headingly, Man. , on Sunday 'because her father IS going to marry again. I ,7 . I V. RM: 3 “what-m 'O'XCh‘JS the Lmtet‘. mates frontier the customs ofï¬cials place a cord areund each package and afï¬x a customs seal thereon, making a charge of ten cents . . ‘ . “.1“ : .- onâ€, per package. Thu uluu}. l.) o; u .32atuus char cter, but if persisted in Will stop im- portations Via. New York and the shipment of goods from Ontario to British Colum- bia. by the Northern Paciï¬c route. A recent order of ‘the treasury depart- ment at Washington is likely f0 have a. harrasing effect upon those who import or ship goods through the United States in bond. The order is that all goods bonded for Canada must be corded and sealed. d wBeaL and a. 1131f with markets quie s coutmuea me , remained dull :1; â€" Unchanged COM M ERCIA L. Toronto Produce Market. Sept wen renewed. «L-ou’c instituted by the South- 1ock companies against the dock bpgan yesterday nmrning, and Ltu'ely suspended. NEWS ITEMS. Montreal Markets. A VexatuousIOrder- as before 15 were it I] 3.! Ly carried a by-law eW water works sys- 3 bv-law in favor of no movement )eI 1111 2‘00 C811 :9 30 mi toilay; S; ï¬fpenn y lugne THE WATCHMAN. hts ted by IOWCI‘ lights LalB 100a Wheat, Peas, Barley, Oats, Red and Alsike Glover and Potatoes. MaCDONELL 81 COWDRY d'o â€"ext-ra Prime... . Shorts per ton ......... Lambskins ............ Sheepskins. pelts ...... Live Hogs, . “ “ “ Flax seed per 100 ...... Dressed Hogs, per 100th Rye .................. Bran per ton .......... Mixed Chop. . . . ..... In order to enable the committee to complete arrangements, tickets will be sold only up to the 17th. N 0 tickets Will be sold after that date. Corn Chop Ouf Chop . Pea Chop . Screenings Also Strayed away about lst of Septem- bet a lamb. Any one giving information that will lead to the recovery of the same will be suitably rewarded. Mark, hole in right ear. E HOLLON The Mayor and Corp oration of Lindsay have decided to entertain His Excellency the Gov ernor- General and suite, at acom- plimentary banquet on the evening of Into my premises on Lot 20, Con 4, a EWE and LAMB. The owner is requestâ€" ed to prove property, pay expenses and take them away. (Bovemor 5 (Beneral. mndsay, be Tickets $1.00, to be obtained from mem- bers of the committee. Bacon ...... per 1b Mess Pork, per bb] Hay, per ton: ._ . . . COMPLIMENTARY MUNICIPAL BANQ U5 7‘ MR. RIGHARD HUMPHREYS, Eggs, per-dozen Salt, per barreL Straw, per load. Wool .......... Hides ......... Wood ......... Bacon ...... pe Kinmount, Aug. 20th, 1890.-â€"32. or will visit pupils at their homes. Would invite the ublic to see STOCK of MUSIC, both C assic and Modern, which he has for sale, and will furnish both MUSIQ and INSTRUMENTS at reasonable urxces PT AN OS TU NED . Oats, do ..... Potatoes per bushel“ Buttex per ff) ........ Beef ................ LINDSAY MARKETS. OFFICE OF THE LINDSAY WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, ONT... Sept. 18th, 1890. ‘ Fall Wheat per bushel, old. $0 00 to 0 90 Fyfe do do ............... 0 00 to 1 00 Spring do ................ 000 to 0 90 Goose do do ........... 55 to 0 70 Flour, new process ........ 2 50 to .9 '7O Flour, mixed, roll ......... f2 71') 1'0 2 90 Strong bakers ............. ‘2 8‘) ta ‘3- ‘3‘) Barley, per bushel ......... 45 to 0 55 Peas, do .......... 0 55 to O 60 Peas, large do .......... 0 50 to 0 60 AAA OR SALE THE NORTH HALF OF Lot 6 in the 12th Con. of SOMER- VILLE. Containing 107 acres, 40 of which are cleared and fenced and in a. good state'of cultivation. There are 100 acres free from stone. ' TERMS will be found very liberal and to suit. purchaser. Apply to HOLMESâ€",â€"W1Ls0N.-â€"â€"At the residence 0f the bride’s father on Wednesday, Sept. 10th, by the Rev. A. Martin, Mr- Joseph Valentine Holmes, of Madoc TownShlp’ to Miss Meliss Wilson, eldest daugthF 0f vv ‘I‘qu u ~â€" â€"v- _â€" Wm Wilson," of‘ Elziver, all of Hastings County. ‘1.- WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24th. Lindsay, will receive pupils there for Having removed to the North End of 10 FARMERS. Are now prepared to buy at the no G. T, R. Storehouse, Lindsay. FARM FOR SALE. DIANO ORGAN, VIOLIN, ETC, C A SH ILL ESTRAYED Pvne’s R0“ R. SMY'I‘H, Mayor, MARRIED. ’TO THE add at the Store 1, Rm LINDSAY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1890 DR. FROST, Kinmount . 750003000 000 016020015m006 0016004078m00 ) x \ r)1.. 20 54008 00 t t0 01001m00 WWOPO 00030020 00 O 6 . 0 .18 ........ Cambray. 500055 566031 000000 wmwmm.m 5700604: 4-.059031'. 00000 Chairman“ 3110118 creditors of A}; Vlllago, of Wood toria, widow. (1 13th day of Aug; required, on or before the hat day of Octo~ her next. A D. 1090 L0 synd by post-paid, to the undurcigned, Sohcitors for Donald the Benson House in Keenan’s Block. dates and itema. a tics (if any) held 1) Statutory dcclamt After the said ii) the said excrvu tor x the said statvutc, \a distribute the assc or any part, t-he_reo 0f the Town of Lindsay, in the County of Victoria, Solicitors for the said executor, AGENTS WANTED. WANT AGENTS TO CANVASS FOR farm business for the Royal Canadian Insurance Comsany in unrepresented dis- tricts. See a. vertlsement in another column. FOR THE ROYAL CANADIAN During the month of September, I Will sell N o. 9 all Copper TEA KETTLES $1.50 each, lowest offer ever made in. Lindsay. You cannot miss the store .L'J. Private and Compan funds to loan at above rates, on good arm and Town security. Debentures, Mortgages and Notes negoti~ ated to best advantage. ROCK BOTTOM PRICE Sc Money lent on mortgage, and mart gages and notes negotiated. ,Straighx loans at 6 per cent. Just arrived, which for eloquence and beauty out- strips anvthing ever offered in Lindsay. Every stove guaranteed to work complete. Call a and see them and you are sure to buy as they are all new styles and at MR. NEELANI‘JS uses Ball’s Local AIIEESlhetic for extracting teeth. He is now usmz a new style of forcep, which he had expressly manufactured while on his last visit to New York, which removes the teeth without danger of Injury to the gums 01' Jaw, the gums healing up beautifully in a few daYS, and no consequent trouble. Artiï¬cial teeth. inserted on all the pogular bases and by the most approved Styleï¬ and appliances {or their retention and Coun'ort. Numbers of persons are wearing teeth made by M r. Neelands over 2o years And never required repairs. Prices trnm $10 to $65 for an upper or under set. 03'†3-W3 999. the new Tin Shop 9.1101 see I.†magniï¬cent line of pa. HA flan-u...- /. .. fl. n .- 1 h. ‘ ',.,. “H . .. ‘ Bauer: .3..- UL}. new a“, UUUJSUJE; D LOX/8% Coal and Wood Ranges, Parlor By the aid of the new Hydro-Carbon Gas Furnace he can make mdcstructiblc porcelain ï¬llmgs and re- store broken and decayed teeth to their original Shape, contour and_ color. By this prOCess old roots can have porcelam crowns attached; consequently THERE Is NU PLATE REQUIRED. - Gas, .Vitalizcx‘l Air, agnï¬nistcrcsd for nearly 23 years, cmracuug igum for thousands of persons thhouta partide Ofpam.‘ .He uSes the latest approved appli. ances for admxmstering the Gas. He studied under Dr. Colton, of New York, the inventor of gas for ex. tracting teeth, who has given it to Over Y5ï¬,(\co my. sons and not a fatal case. L ' :0 distributed, as rcgal‘dé any person of whose chin: he has not then had notice. Dated at Lindsay this-2nd day of Septem- mix A. D. 1990 ’ Persons from a distance will please send card before coming. Ofï¬ce, Kent Street, nearly opposite Congress Hall.â€"â€"4o J. NEELANDS, 5 54, 6 62' PER GENT. URSUANT T0 REVISED STATU- TES OI‘ N UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF . .. . a I .+ :9... 53a .on gm Emu 0% gm Kama hoaï¬o. ammoflco -\ . 1‘ ‘n" [alt-l EXEGHWW NEETIGE MONEY TO LOAN. BARRON 8: McLAUGHLIN, f Agnes Morisc Voodvillc in the w. deceased, wl August, A. D. 1 n or before the 1: . D. 1690 L0 send 1 cigned, Solicitor c ‘1mr't‘n ....... L3... “ ONTARIO 1887, Cap 110, the 1‘ Agnes Morison, late of the Voodviilc in the County of Vic- w. deceased, who died on the August. A. D. 1890. are hereby Heaters; and Box Stoves. McS\VEYN 8; ANDERSON, MOORE JACKSON. Solicitors. Lindsav. S. CORNEIL. Lamas y. M. R. G. D. S. ONT. m u :31, Lindsay. a posta Lindsay 1 . I This Tea has been before the British 9112;;ng years, and has attained to such popularity as to t. -y .sz ace PI‘QHOUHCGd “THE BEST TEA IN THE w“: TC. . . o . .1 1'“ ' k 2 7“ 3.; pa, The absoiute punty also has gaxz’aed for 112 tn. ; :an ‘_ . , :::-: v . ‘ H‘L’Hfg“, _V ‘ mendatton from the most emmen; Manon.» w - {3 profession; { Canada Improved 1 Canada Improved Yorkshire Swine Record THE WINDSOR HOU SE (Near the New Post 06cc.) This large and commodious house has been leased and is now opened as a ï¬rst- class TEMPERANGE HOUSE. Furrowcd Nov. 15th, 1889. bred by W.’ Davies Son, Markham, Ont, 2nd owner Wm. Corneil, Lindsay, Ont, bin: Ranger [4] dam Nanéy [29, by Holywell Wonder 2nd (imp) [3] Hilda 8], by Holywell Victor ‘ (imp.)[1]. (517) Hnlywcll Victoria (imp). [1] (720) by Holywell Duke (327)~â€"Blem-’ iah 3rd (340) by Snub (141).-â€"â€"Blemish 2nd (94), by Holywcll Jimmy (329), Eva, by Sampson 6th (123). ! The furniture is new and everything about the house will be kept in perfect order, Strict attention will be paid to guests. The travelling public will ï¬nd this a comfort-4 able stopping place. Entrance to yard! and stable through Veitch’s yard. ' some not. LUNCHES 15:. AT ALL HOURS. G. A. BROWN. 1 l ed Yorkshire Boar of V Pedigree is from the re LHU IUUI'IH “Champion of Elm Grove 2nd.†out THE 'I'Iâ€"IIS'I'L £799 Char} TEA g ItA guarantee to overcome this obstacl> the"; ’ J o o . ’ 1‘ \h arrangements for the introduction of their Tea [iii â€a Dominion of Canada. What is more refreshing than a cup of really wood T53 But the difï¬culty arises where and how can I . o "' Proprietors of the THISTLE BRAND OF PURE ;:.-;:'9£¥l0| EXTENDED PEDIG REE CERTIFICATE BELE BEST IN THE PURE INDO-CEYLON â€mil This Tea has It is PaCked 1n Half and One Pom d and sold by all the Grocery and Pr()‘.risio:"»"E :anada, at 40, 50 and 60'cents per pound Kent Street, mndsay. TRIAL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLIC H. WADE, Sec.. Agr. ~ Arts Asso. lYorkshireBcar whicli the foll6winsz term Proprietor. sum 5 . morn; L ‘1' I r ‘ . , «. .,,. . l-ohkiA r I D M3 2/15, / F, ‘/ , I Cut to order C :2 short- est notice All kinds of _-_‘o;_oera ways on hand ‘ :heap asthe cheapest. Terms Liberai. Give us a 0 Yard and ofï¬ce corny: of Willi .d Bond street, Link-"av I shall cox country as u Lindsay, July 30th) I BILL S 55' Lindsav, Feb. 26th ways in stock 18-4111. CUNSMITH AKQ - vs..-‘ . account. The féputatfg liamS, places it one of ti FOREMOST Mun LL16 be W1 in the market, an years. W NT I shall have mv LFTER having Se ‘88 Agent for Mr. :7! qum #L, .A__I ~. _ aw; i Bracebridge, LFRED m; . E. SE place nrr Vork and i UH ma M NAE " 3’3 usual. A. KINGS; H E. 1X1 uu a 4 \V rved WW 11V Extemi; patron: special for Pic? That ALL KIN .‘ IMP Numb