7"?!" . , , ,7 .“ a?“ y'all. (in: .......... WE ouoHT To BE . . '. T . , . , . . , - To the doors with the thousands in our town and county wantlng Dry GOOdS- 36W? in the (£15er 0f (11418153: £2? sue] magniï¬cent stock been placed before the community, and all fresh. from the looms of France, ermany an rea .Itazn, the mai'kets we personally visit twice a year in order to keep pace with thegrowing tastes and demands of 01:1; comhmuili‘ty aml to place ourselves in the fore frbst of all competition. It will pay every buyer of Dry Goods, Clothing, Millinery, Mantles and Carp€tS, '50 glVC us arge S are 0. L leir DUSlneSS‘ SILKS. Nothing equals us in these. Our black 3 SLlI'iill at 75c., our black Luxorâ€"soft and free from cuttingâ€"at $ 1, are without comparison. ; .r‘zvrm':-‘~‘m~btv DRESS GOODS. Black Cashmere. ____. __.-_.â€". Dress Trimming. Vsle have been exceedingly to mendOUS Bargain an ... -iuzx Our Braids,Gimps and fancy Silks for Dress Trimmings are the newest at popular prices. , adies Fall and \f‘Zin Wool Serges, Cashmeres and Fancy VVeaves, all colors. Popular lines from 2 so. to 50c. Our 50c. Black Cashmers, 44 inches wide. has quality and ï¬nish equal to the ordinary 7 5c. quality. MILLINE RY. 1' .“ \ are in 7:1 pOSititm 1') (Li. .. l i I ST E:RS d5 at prices much iii-7202. 171': n‘: ' ~ 1 . se goods ar; now in ~ 211.0 N “f".‘,.,.q'.- . .,.- :N.:i..\‘ii w MANTLES. MILLIN E RY. â€"â€" We trust ever}: in}- fuhs g . .. . - ... t... . Aim-w . Nearly Iooo garments to select from. D1~ .. .1, , , at our offering-s m;m.<, l..--ic...-s.;.g. Directfrom the makers comes our hats. Our Feathers, TIPS: Mounts and Jet rect from the German makers. Newest Elegant garmenftsTwuh long military mg for vou by (loin? 5“- This places them or. our counters at trimmingsâ€"we import. Our prices styles. ‘Very popular garments from capes. eingo need are the best _________ wearing Garments made -_ b ' - a. ‘z’~_ï¬ 9‘. “E 2.0 Cfl'b'flc "Janina . New Fall Goods have been (’ij‘ï¬iti’d BLANKETS. .. T. es and we can Oizer ’\\.'(.)T‘:CC!?‘.T. 9 $3.50 to $10.00, FLAN N ELS. prices that saves the buyers money. must be the best. RIBBON S. HOSIERY. ‘- - â€"â€"â€"â€"- 'M‘NIINGS in :3 difzcref‘; Tim-19. l2“. Cashmere makes Direct from the makers. . . . . _ ’1‘th - ' ' ' ' ' - ' .I‘l nncl“ 10c. t01 c Wool I‘lannels A . . ~ - -. -.- , , -. , ...,- .__. These are goods we dCCIdEdl-V lead m' Our Very popular lines are our 250, 35c. and Lnlon a 3 o H3 l _ k bl ’ Specrat popular lines, extra weight ‘ NEW L1.bl ‘ l\ .-\.\i) .\i.3.\ fl...‘ . o . . o Y 7 ' ’ ‘ ‘lL - . . ‘ r “/1 x". ‘2'“ .. popular 4c. and 5c. narrow Width. and under 50c. qualities. Boys’ heavy hose. all pnccg best line, 15C. to -4c. ca») uns mn a e 1 b , 1;. Newest €01“me priCCr a.... goods from 10c. to 20c. We have all colors. 5126 and ï¬mSh at $150 to $4. CARPET DEPARTM’NT. A good line at 25c: CURTAINS. shirt Flannel 25c. to 35c. 50 PIECES PLAID AND i“.5\..\‘C‘i' ect styles, regular value - ,- 1 "cm' ' " 0w i3r'Cr‘ot . ic dr1ve in L \ l \l - . Men’s CIODhIDg‘. . Eattems in 1‘1le tfxiox kl ’t miss seeing then . Boy’s Clothing. v~VVV . - -“: â€Fr: "“1 I) ‘ SpeCIal bargains in \\ til 1 .. w: t, \l Practically the only one in Lindsay. Nearly Handsome Chenille Dado Curtains. l’0pu- All our Boy's Clothing has good points. . It Ordered and Ready-made. The good points .. . , . . , ETOYV ; w: -. 400 pieces to choose from. Popular Brus- lar goods as low as $3.50. Lace Curtains as pays to buy reliable goods. Our two-piece in our rcady-mades is durable cloth. good ; Big drives in LR 1--.. x- 5915 at 90C- to $1- Popular Tapestry lines low as 25¢. per pair. but the $1 quality is suits at $2.50 to $3.5 are very good. Odd sewing, ï¬ne trimming,latest styles. The best - ... x P- 7 DP†.\ ,WNL-Y»; run fromsoc. to 75c. Elegant Mcquetts $1.15 one of the popular lines. pants 75C. to $1. Good Overcoats $2.50 to $5. Over-coats and Suits range from $7 to $10, OL R S 1 -x- Ll :1 - \ij-f 1:; :i - " aims in Grey banned, 0 ‘ â€â€œ1er 7"‘11‘4'1115. (yz'ca‘. \ I nels’ Shake! la.l.l\...‘, kâ€...a-- ‘ JV†' ’ \\".: . .. ; T. m Bar(7:7'l"l< 1:: \\ Elli» (1111“ ‘A‘ r" ‘)_l~Al I b a o . OHS. Fur Capes and Jackets in the popular Furs, we have in great variety, all lengths, \V e solicit a look through. Agents for Butterick’s Patterns. ' i \' ‘Tï¬â€˜lWIE: " Our valqu in RF.:‘-.l);--» L RNISHINGS cannot_bc.2;l);:r<v;«.c::cd. l3 ' . Shirts. Braces. TESS, \c\~‘ I, ' â€it owest. Our Mammoth btore is T . cit your patronage, knowing . .- ; 7 .. ht Prices. This season vrc Ciii‘ t. - WARNER i ' Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and : COMMUNICATIONS. I wet cellars are a fertile cause of shorten- i when it will be spent working men in ed lives and the large outlay of moneyltown wrll receive it who wrll Spend it for doctors’ bills. Consumption is one of l With our merchants. . . . the Commonest diseases increased by a There have been no serious oblections wet soil and a flooded cellar and with aimed 333111“ the scheme. My friend. _ well-drained subsoil the death rate from ‘ Ratepay 9'" 1}“3 urged difficulties thjlt' Sm,â€"â€"I cannot follow Householder to'this cause would diminish. The wells may be explained satisfactorily, the chief Chicago. If the sewage of the town are polluted by soakage after rains and ones depending on improper construction emptying into the Scugog through. drains the continuous flow of matter from of traps and lomts. Aboard of commis- 31ready made and pald for. be objection- privies. Let us have sewers in the Stoners should be appomted to superm- able. how is it that the same sewage central part of the town at any rate. tend the outlay of money and work of collected into the one sewer now intended Waterclosets will ï¬nd chief use there. construction, satisfying the public as to to be builtat great. cost, W1,“ not be and there where wells are thickest, and the efï¬ciency .“f the work, “Nd the objectionable? It 13 not fair to blame people might be allowed to continue absence of pcssrble log-rolling among the B L N . 715 3. There shall be raised levied in each in the event of the assent of th' y_ aw- 0. , being obtained thereto, after one from the ï¬rst publication i: ’7 __ ‘f\\.\rcu.\1.t.\'," the (late. of which . tron was the 30th Day of Angus. 1894, and that at the hour. ch} places therein ï¬xed for taking the of the Electors the polls wrllvbe ' Dated this 29th August. 1894. FRED KNOWLSOS. Townl. year for the payment of the said debt and interest and the debentures issued therefor the sum of $1536.84 during the currency of the said debt and debentures by a special rate sufï¬cient therefor on all the rateable property in the Municipality of the Town of Lindsay. The Sewerage Question. To the Editor of the lVatchmrm. A J)l'-LA TV to raise the sum of 835,000 for General Sewerage Purposes and to issue Debentures therefor. 4. The said sum so borrowed shall be paid to the Town Treasurer and paid and applied for the purposes and with the objects above recited. HEREAS IT IS DESIRABLE TO raise the sum of $25,000 for the purpose of paying the town’s share for the construction of sewers by the Town of Lind ray in accordance with the report Cheapest p] Books. m m the â€W“ : knocking at our door. A full supply now on hand “ the 119W P. S. Algebra and 1511011de P by Slology and Temperance. A full line of Model School BOOis in stock. the council in thrs' matter, the Board of their spring water wells, the sewers will councillors. Hot'snnownu. and recommendations of Willis Chipman, 0- T115 3gb?" shallh 00?? mtg force Health is alone r98p9D81bI°-, I did “9‘7 be appreciated. It is objected against _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"mâ€"_ 0â€â€ Engineer. End tabe 1889:“ on e "81: 3y 0f speak of b00519 01‘ thmk 0f “-0 Whats sewers that the town will be generally DIED. A d h f 'd it i ecem er ' GEORGE A L†- the matter Wi‘h Householder ’ But I mixed for their construction, and that in lil.A(,‘K\\'ELI..â€"â€"At his residence, near Sun- 11 w 9:933 or 3‘“ purpose 3 u 6. The votes of all the electors of the Town of Lindsay entitled to vote thereon shall be taken on this By-law on Monday the 24th day of September, 1894, from nine o’clock in the forenoon until five o‘clock in the afternoon of the same day And whereas $1536.84 is the total at the following places, and the following amount required to be raised annually for persons shall be the Deputy Returning thirty years by specral rate for paying the Ofï¬cers to take the votes at the respective several instalments of principal and places:â€" interest at four and one-half per cent. per annum accruing due on the said debt under the terms of this By-law. necessary for the said Corporation of the of the Town of Lindsay to create a debt to the extent of $25,000 and to issue debentures therefor in manner herein- after appearing. must say in all candor that the P35t the east ward for instance it is not likely (lerland, 0" the 7th lnSY-v .l- D- “IRCkWCH experiments of the gentlemen who con- the sewers will be used and therefore the (eldest son of Mr. W. 11. Blackwell of Canning- trol the Board of Trade as well as the east ward should not pay any taxes for ton) aged 24 years, 7 months and 9 days. Board of Health are not. calculatedto sewers. There is much had reasoning Axnnksox.â€"On Sept. 10th, in Bobcaygcon inspire much conï¬dence when dealing in this. The east ward has most of it: Joseph Anderson, aged 63 years. with matters of public interest. I beg young men and women working in stores I.\'(:Ra.\1.â€"â€" On the 91h, in V'crulam, Soon to say that holding up the inducement of on Kent-st. for 9 or 10 hours a day. Ingram, wife of Matthew Ingram sr. aged 85 labor and Wfl‘lefl 13.110? sound POIâ€? m These persons need pure drinking water, years. this case at 1933‘“ It 13 hke cuttmg 519“?“ and need to be placed in the pure sur- ,--_ , , ~ the apple tree to have the apples. Cur roundings made by sewerage. In early THE SMALLEST IS THE BEST. council are doing amse thing m keeping adult life the need of the influences Th“? are a dozen clear of the present scheme. Puninglresulting from improved sanitary condi- well-known liver broken stones on our streets 13 an excell- tions is greatest and for this the east pills, but only one cut plan, it is t0 be regretted that we ward would. be honestly bound to pay. so effective that, have not money enough to do a great Besides. the east ward, for instance, will Book and Stationery SI . You will ï¬nd us ready and waiting LO sl ew and Seasonable (10005. . . A i " " bel'cvc the 1.11 Fair dealing is uc . . ‘ ' l n'l 7.... r ' “ a c ‘ 34.9...“ I'Chantile success: \\ L . (1111,“; t. \ owledge and ability. but non . .“i NORTH “'A R D. Everything needfnl in schools. GEO- A U No.11, Council Chamber, :Peter Nicolle returning oflicer. And whereas the amount of the whole No. 2, Skitch’s Waggon Shop, R. G, a - . nv w“ a.l\ a .' . - V . _ - ‘ 1;â€; 1....) .D‘: rateable property of the said Town of Cornell returnino ottic . ‘ fr “Alma imp“ . - . . . . er. - ' i l : G tlla. 3L1 LAyLA \\ ~ ‘ 7 ‘ 7‘.‘ deal more 0f “2' There are three or per- share in the oeneral im rovement of th it can be‘ guaran Lindsay. accordion to the last reused N 3 â€"\ \‘V P 1p", ) ‘ Opposne Post Oth‘ce. Ixent-st.. Lin . Pp0§lnb . _ fl . 2‘. ‘l‘" hes: \\ L‘ >'~-‘A _ - a P e t d to wins a . o. , - . . ar Ins thce, Thomas t r udnmkm L L W haps four natural outlets for the drainage , town. as it must suffer its share of the es glve la m on J 5 assessment roll, is $896580. McKibbin, returnin ofï¬cer. †\‘rhinn‘ that Ci 03.: :70 ell us if we sell you a ,_ Trim.“ 0"" rd ' ' 4 .. time. ...-..> “ ll make 1t gOOe cut) of the town. They are accessible to most 'of the assessed property. By follow. ing these outlets the cost of excavation and pipes would be very much reduced. If it is objected that such drains followmg the natural water-courses would be a nuisance, it is evident that a main sewer would be a greater nuisance. If the citizens of Lindsay are as wide awake as I believe they are, they will require some. thing more deï¬nite, more feasrble, more generally useful than the present one sided scheme. \Yhilst followmg the arguments of the other side I am still of the opinion that the. Scugoz is not a proper place to receive the sewage of Lindsay. .x ours truly, Rance-wan. loss from neglect of this necessary sanitary fact I on, or th e improvement. There are some people money be refund- who object to paying anything in the ed- DOCtor shape of taxes for any cause, however Pierce’s necessary, which they can evade or Pleasant prevent. These men are not friends of Pellets are the public, and their views are limited better than by a nirrow horizon. It may be taken as f h. (l a safe rule that the men who baulk a as lone ï¬ sanitary measure such as our lroposed agents are re ned and concen- sewerage scheme are ready to sacriï¬ce trated. Every one suï¬ers, public good to their private ends and care at some time 01' other, from 0011' less for human life than for a few mills on stipation, Sour Stomach, Indigestion, the dollar of yearly tax. I would not Biliousness, Bilious and Sick Head- eay our council follow this general 'ule aches You’re relieved and cured f .- N nor would I hint that they activdy of these troubles, if you take bentures 0 the mud iown to be made, . xecuted and issued to the amount of oppose sewers. But they are neglecting,r » 69" v ' ‘ their duty in not putting fairly and “P. P. P, $..o.000, payablem annual instalments on . he First da of December in each ear thoroughly before the eople the m n: - These Pellets are easy to take, and t - y - y of the by law. The pBoard of He: It i act m a natural way WIthout shock- for thirty years, for the followmg amounts and Board of Trade have approved the ing the system. They’re easy to for the following years respectively ' that scheme, and it recommends itself to carry, because they are put up in $438, Bigosâ€"éggg-giiggb-igggflgh’o$55333 anyone who has studied it. To be sure little la ' . Th ’ - 7 ' there may be difï¬culties in the way and g 38 “318 93’ re the chap low-$000, 1902sooo 1903-$600. 1904. q a . i- . . est, because aranteed to give sat- $600, 1905-3600, 190 "$700, 1907-$700, 23.31}. E: 31.523233 $335221 Bia’éiiié’ii MW“- emember: that Dr- 19(â€S-$700. $209-$800. IMO-$800. 1911- diverted, But these are details We Pierce’s Pellets are pleasant to take, $800. BIB-$900, 19]3:$900, 1914-$900, should conï¬rm the general principle, and leasant in action, P377060; in eï¬ect. 1915‘31000‘ 1916'$1000’ 1917'$1100, declare that we want sewerage. The eep this in mind and you solve the 1918"‘1100‘ 1919'$1200' 1920'$1200, history of towns like Lmdsa shows to roblem of cod health a d 1921'$1§00. 1922-$1f100. 1923331400 often that sewer by-laws haveybeen tim: ii g nd goo 1924-$1000, making in alla total of . 'vin . - and again voted down, to reappear for g $20,000. 25::le mgr $111151! icm tossoxbnee £18131;er . If you’re sufler- . 2. The said debentures shall bear through’with all the hui-ry that is undee- mg from Catarrh, lnterest at. the rate of four and one-half sirable. This Plan of seweraoe for Lmd- the proprietors 0‘ per cent. per annum payable yearly on say has been a long time on tulle tapis and Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Elbe. First day Of December each year so far the town has made some outlay in Remedy â€k yo? to dghlelhï¬urptshe alfgrrselfaii’ hOfv the i said try their medicine. ' ’ a 6 coupons the connection. Why not vote the bonus ' . . . attachedf the a ' 9 i133; fofiyia‘ii:n§§t iii) Vqï¬edb mag; not fbel Eben: If you can’t the debeniiires aliidvfddhohfslildebfinfdi n . , m e ere or e cure ’ . use as the sewers are called for, and; pay you $500 in cash. d, they†Tizggdiorai the Ofï¬ce Of the Town And whereas the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Town of Lind- say is $194,900 and there is no part of the principal or interest of the said existing debt in arrear. SOI'TH “'AR D. N o. 1. Joseph Maunder’s Oflice, William AUTUMN Robson, returning officer. No. 2, L. O’Connor's CarriageIShopJ. M. â€"â€"o-â€"â€"- Kuowlson. returning oï¬icer. No. 3, Denms’ Pump Factory, Charles Miss O'Brien has luff; turned from her fall W, O’Leary, returning oflicer. . - ~|t the wholesale firms, IHSPe and studying the NEW DESIGNS s m a l 1 e r, b u t the huge, old- pill; the medicinal Therefore the Municipal Council of the said Corporation of the Town of Lindsay . . 3 ' - lo 3g" r .q r ‘ rIC§t.u\ » 5 enacts as follows:â€" Some ï¬ne \..luC 1‘1 I ’ - . .- I ~< 2» ‘ 'g“'\".l‘;';'..h m. *liy abreast of the tune 1.. Malia. #50 1: A l ... x r On to this department. hornet g 'nStant demand in the manna DEPA ' ' ‘ °""~ o what a hantts nits: It 15 really supusmg . l. t . ‘ J .~ N ’ OCSlllJlL M} .c. . *‘ made in attractive and - . l - ‘1' 1t \\.(~l‘ill(5 l.r;\ "all that a few season: have . 0thing worth accepting. ‘ - UNDERWEAR AND lil-;\.\.\r.l. . 11:; ,1: ‘ 121 a lock closely at the matte: Of (a ‘1 3 . I- ~ lvn - A‘- thc illlCC‘. A“, yer to look closel} a; . ‘ \ q-y V l. T a.‘ ï¬lmy†‘ mination and comparison just HOSIERY AND GLOVET; we: "d Hosiery stock when you stazn. 1.. ‘ “ LOTHING AND ovizacoms. t- . .111 5210‘ ‘ We“, wear well and look \\ ell. \ 1i ‘ “at and inexpenSiVC suit Or overt-Jun- .E.W.Mcl Lune: or L01 unnsArs m nouns m . EAST WARD. 1. That for the purposes above recited it shall be lawful for the Mayor of the said Corpo'ration. and he is hereby authorized and required to cause de- No. 1, J. Graham’s Shoe Shop, A. Bradshaw. returning ofï¬cer. No. 2, Crandell’s Ofï¬ce, J. O'Reilly returning oï¬icer. ’ ..__...._..â€". Vote For the Sewer By-law. To the Editor ofthe ll’atinmm. Sm,-â€"If the sewer bylaw is voted down It will not be because we do not want sewers. or because the proposed system is faulty. but beftuse those who are placed in charge of the public'welfare have not done thelr duty concerning the sewers. In this age it does not require to be proved that in towns like Lindsay sewers are a necessity. Common sense shows this. Our council are continually spending money to improve the roads. How much easier to make good roads if the roads were underdmined: There is not ï¬ve per cent. of dry cellars in the town. This would not. be with the sewerage systen1_proposeu. The tile drain accomg‘mnymg the sen-tr Wluld carry oil" surface and suoson W.tt.i‘, and leave the cellars dry. Damp collars mean damp houses and sick families. The diseases resulting from damp and the Town Clerk’s Ofï¬ce in the Town of Lindsay at 10 o’clock in the forenoon is hereby ï¬xed as the time and place for the appointment of persons to attend the various polling places and at the ï¬nal summing up of the votes respectively on behalf of persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this By~law respectively. i b the ‘ eautll“ number of votes given for and against some Of thC most L2 d [0 " this By-law respectively. Millinery ever oftere . NOTICE, public. New goods aream daily. The date 0f 0 TAKE NOTICE that the above is a “’i“ be announced later, true copy of a proposed B -law whi h b been taken into consideraiion, and cwhidli M'sq O’BR'3 W111 be ï¬nally passed by the Council of 0 the Corporation of the Town of Lindsay KENT STREET. 1 ‘l r l I