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Watchman (1888), 16 Sep 1897, p. 6

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\V. F. Mc- Then pay . nature a: z», » r satisfaction in our rich field 01 BARGAINS in... ,‘ 1, :9. ..a¢;â€"J¢-9~*~W‘ a“"“‘" . i M. ' ‘ -â€"Wa’:ehes. â€"Cloeks, â€"Jewellery. â€"Gold and â€"Silverware. â€"Spectacles, Etc. â€" . FM I-u- 513* . Q: N .. . .‘ u . , .1 ‘ -,p. L.... _ .- _. . a...‘.. .. I. A. 3' _,J . ugh H i I ,A::.;.='. < his: lift V ‘I V . ' I l '- I m i ‘ ..‘+. . . ' ' , . , . " - 9 . . . ._ . Q 4a,’i‘=i-v‘é9$w¢ w. I ‘ . ' p . . ,., -.»x~ 1‘2: x 4.4. ... f sour: can ctiiiiiss at, . DIAMOND... AND OPAL RINGS to‘ l fif'Frozu $5.00 "9' RIMES AND REPAIRING. câ€"Engagement. and Wedding . will , RINGS. Beautiful Patterns. ;. i ’ ii 9 Mâ€"For Repairing we take the lead. No outlandish prices. «I 3 , Leave your Wraps and Over- ‘ i i coats at W. F. McCAR’I‘Y’S ‘ Jewelry Store. He will take M care of them for you. TI iiEll'f'S‘l'w LlNDSAY- int l-llliS Ghoul _ ATâ€" ll’. G. \ loods Stove and House- Furnishing Depot. Pill: 5 “Q iii. W....Hl.‘lG MACH The New Rocker, The Leader, ”The Peerless and The Downswell. Any one of them will save your wife’s health Look ! Wringers $2 up. CHURNS! CHURNS! The famous Daisy, 4 sizes and the New Butter Cup, 2 sizes. 13, -â€"Milk Cans and Dairy Pails on the rock. -â€"-A full line of Fruit Tree Spray- ers, all new patterns. â€"Every cheese factory patron should have one of our new . 3 ‘ patented Milk Aeraters. = ' _ , - â€"Deep Iron Well Pumps $6 each. â€"F~..ill line ofCistern Pumps and Sinks. â€"Eavetroughing, Roofing and Plumbing done on short notice , â€"â€"Mixed Paints (weather and v ' ' .~ waterproof) the best made. ('1 ' 'lni We try to keep in front of the pro- cession in all lines in our . . business . . iii. 3. watts. Kent Street. Lindsay. . s-ng . . CA RTY. l‘he Jeweler, a visit; ’“y You will reap a harvest oi l l Local and General. â€"Prof. Dean, phrenolngist. Lindsay; at home Saturdays ouly.-Z.ll£. ‘ . -F01' good value in I.uiiiher.,blilngles, Lath. Lime’ and Tile go to it. l)ll\‘.\:\s ..\ Co.â€"â€"35~tf. . â€"-The peach crop in Essex county is 9. total failure this year. There “'lll not be a. basket picked in the whole district around Leamington. â€"-'l‘he old man growled about the bread i That had been niadeby mother. She slogucd him with it on the headâ€" And the blow almost killed lather. â€"’l‘he plates from which the jubilee poetage stamps were printed were de- stroyed at Ottawa. on Friday last. in the presence of the postmaster-general and other officials. â€"The Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, will re-oi en on October 1st. . A broad and thorouguly practical education for young: men who intend to be farmers is imparted at this college. , -â€"“I"armiug," oriezof the best agricultur- al periodicals published in the Dominion, has been changed from a monthly ll agaziiie to a weekly paper. It will in future be issued every Tuesday morning. â€"Deputy (lame \Vardeu Lawrence of .‘iluskoka says the prospects for deer this fall are very promising. Never before have so many deer been seen in Muskoka at this season of the year. The Ontario government has decided to largely in- crease the staff of ollieials in that district. â€"â€"'l‘lie government has issued instruc- tions to the ell'ect that this year no foreigners will be allowed to shoot in Canada until they have paid their license fee. lleretofore sportsmen \vere allowed to start shootingat. the beginning of the season. and to pay their fee when (501‘.- venient. W'l‘lie Cravenhurst Banner says: The new dam at the locks, constructed by lin- Ontario government, under the fort-innit ship of Mr. \'v'iii. Walters of Lindsay. is about completed, and is in every respect a rii'sl-classd‘iob. The \it-i'k of ph- :lr'nin; at the canal under Sir. Ancil .‘oills, wii: take another month to complete. â€"In the large cities "(‘lean your wheel. sir I" is now heard along with “Shine your oeots." Young la.ls nicd with a piece of waste and several picccs of cloth accost wheelmeii as they iii-mount. and for ten cents transl‘oriii a dirty mud-covered bike into a shining wheel in an incrediablc short space of time. More is a suggestion for some smart Lindsay youth. â€".»\.fter the burglary of the bank at Napance the general expectation was that Dominion Bank stock \voukl be affected {lightly by the scare. instead of dropping, however,» the stock went up nine points .villiin a few days. The actual less to the bank bv the burglary is $13,000. The unsigned bills. tllllOllllllllL“ t0 $1lLlii’lll, will not be paid. nor will the securities of «ZULU be negotiable. so that the actual lies to the bank is only $13,0th . .- (l4. -â€".lusl now there is a demand for cool horses l-o'li in Canal .. and the l'nitcii Slates. .‘Icver before, so we are told terms the line, have so many horse ex- ;iorlcrs‘ been on the niarkc in this time of (he yctr. The same thing' is lold on this side. lint. niit'ii'turiatcly, these buyers want only the best: and the count ry is full. not or \\ ell-bred stock, bill of the (\lllspi‘nij: of the low-prii-i-il scrub. llad a law bet-ii in force l‘oi'bivliiiin,r the use of uiilii-cnccil ~{Lillil)ll~‘. our slock of good horses would liavc been larger. and our horse breeders in much bcttcrspirizs. ~â€"'l‘iic agents of the Grand Trunk {ail- way System have received the lullOWlllZ oilicial noticczsâ€"“You will please notify :lic. parents of young: people, and llie lads lieiriselvcs. that they must remain away from the company‘s phill‘orrns and yards. and refrain from jumping on and oil cars. vllllt‘l‘ standing: or in motion. Take the names of each one so riorilicd. and if :if'er not ifyin: them they persist in disregarding the instructions rclcr the matter to the oropcr oiliciiil and a detective will se sciir PA: to DIOM‘t‘llit‘ them for trespass. i.t-l llic parents tl’ioroughly understand what steps will b:- taken." -â€"’l‘he l'xbridgc Journal tells a story ~i'ioiit :1 Reach farmer which all should proiii liyjust now while prices are liigl . l'lie fariin-r in question had a lot of wheat i. few years ago when prices happened to no high. He was advised to sell, but said he could not haul it out: just. tbs-n as be had to lix some fences. lie afterwards s-ld the wheat for about half what he could have hail. This year if the same man has wheat he will likely let the fences go until llic crop is hauled our. and soul. \Ve advise all who have wheat to sell now. it is a good price, and even if it goes higher the risk of its going lower is too great. In nine cases out of ten the best time to market anything is as soon as it is harvested. â€"â€".~\. new mode of computing interest. at stx per cent. has been published which .ppi-ars simple. Multiply any given number of dollars by the number of days of interest. desired, separate the right hind figures and divide by six. The result is the true interest is such sum for s'lcll number of days at six per cm t. this rule is so simple and so true accord- ing to all business usages. that ever banker. broker. merchant and clerk should post it up for reference and use. Them being no such thing as fractions in it, lhel‘i‘ is scarcely any liability to error or mistake. ly no arithmetical process can sirlccided information 1)" obtained with si)f9.‘\\' figures. To find the interest at 7 iwi‘ cent. add one-sixth, at 8 per cent., one 'liird. at 1’ per cent., on». half. â€"-\\'ilh a ghaflly grin and a gruesome '.'£ are; with a sprint and spurt and a stun stare: with a ripping rush and a reckless ri-i-l, conms the whining wrrtcli on his Wiirll'fifi wheel. His eyes stick out and his _l.t\\'s drop low. and he cares not a Clls‘s where he may go. He. tears o'er the crossing: lie scoots up the street, and woe to the man whom he chances to meet. He has no time for a warning, ring; he won'r go home till he's had his fling. If he strikes a. dog or does up a eat. if he scar-es a horse with his blown-oil'hat; if he kills a kid'or breaks a limb. he feels its a. well spent day for him. Or if he runs into a wabbling cuss, who is trying to learn without making a muss, and he gets pulled in. he pays his line, and swears that, he's having a deuce of a time. He smashes his wheel and lie bursts his tire, and his gear grows higher. higher, higher. Now he‘s ori‘again, is this scorcher grim, and there's somebody won't do a. thing to him, when at. last he reaches a place beIOw where there is no rain and much less snow. He scorched on earth: 'twas his greatest boast; he'll scorch down there and he‘lll likewrse roast. â€"Loose clothes and downy cushions ruin: only a negative sort of Comfort to the woman who is sulfering with some disease or derangement of the organs distinctly feminine. Some clothes and some positions make the pain and the iliscomf r. seem less. Perhaps the nerves are most affected and this in turn disturbs the digestion. Nothing will ever complet- i-ly relieve but a radical cure. The start of so-cnlled “female complaints“ may be a very slight thing indeed. It. may be that in the beeinning some small hygienic measures would stop the trouble. Cer- Iainly at this time, a little bit of the right medicine would stop it. When the trouble Incomes worse, it is harder to cure, but std] it. can be cured. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will positively cure any tr uble of this character. It may be ab- solutely relird upon. It affords lasting relief to a. woman whose natural modesty has kept her from consulting a physician. sud 31 cents in one-cent stamys to \Vu‘~rld's Di~pensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N.Y, and receive Dr. Pierce's 1008 page “Common Sense Medical Ad- .\ l v-ses,” profu~ely illustrated. _â€"â€"____________'________.__._a â€"â€"’J. Hughan. issuer of marriage licenses at lll'GHAN it Co.'s. I.iiirl~ay.â€"--i~ly. â€"-'l'cc h made by Mr. Gross ovi-r lwenty ears ago ari- still helm.r worn, and in good serviceable condition.â€"â€"â€"30-tf. â€".~\ Kiiigslon young man named Harry Glcriora ls rciurniiir from the Klondike after an absence of two years with So‘balllli. â€"l\lr. David Allison of Pctei‘borivizh has been appointed chief constable. of llobcaygeon, the former occupant of the ollice, Mr G. Nicholls, having resigned. -l\lr.‘ D. C. 'l‘rew, our local poultry fancier, exhibited twelve birds at the Toronto Industrial fair. capturing nine prizes and a silver medal. -â€"Urider the provisions of the New Act. Marriage Licenses are issued by Mn. Tnos. BEALL at his residence, Albert-sh, at any time of the dav betvvcen 6 rum. and ‘il p.ni.: also at his office in G. W. Beall's jewellry store during business hours as usual.â€"8â€"tf. â€"-Ori November 22nd, 1579, the. side- wheel steamer \Yaubuuo was wrecked in Georgian Bay and not a soul escaped. Later on the hull of the ill-fated steamer \vasili~‘Cii\’cI'ell drilling in lllc bay Not until a fww days ago, ll0\\'t‘\'l:i'. was the spor where. the disaster took place dis- i-«wcrcil. Mr. J. J. Anderson of the Anderson Fish C0,, and a number of lislicriiian were grappling for nets about live miles north of Moose Point, which is about 20 miles south of Parry Sound. Tin-v found the boiler, engine, anchor and chain and a hand truck iii-longing to the \‘fnnbuno. ’l‘hev Werc lying: in about lll fathouis 0f wafer. Mr. Anderson got about L's fatliorns of the anchor chain. This discovery lixcs the place of the disaslcr .ind clears up a mystery that few thought would ever be solved. ”The Canadian Horticulturist for Sep- tenibci- says: " Mr. ’l‘lios. Bcall of Lindsay sends us samples of the lint-st \\ bite-smith (lo ‘hi'bt‘l'l‘lt‘h‘ We evi-r' s:‘.\\’. The doz-‘n . . -â€" . weighs b.l|oi Hlllit':'>. and our snnipc iiiv-iisui'es li-f niches loin.r by ll inches \Vllll‘. ‘s c wrote questioningv wliclircr llicv could i>~- lllilI-t’ll \\'.':ile.siiiilli. to which Mr. bull i'cp.ic.l. saying. "'l‘lici‘c ("in be no .loul); about liic lit-i-i-u s being: \Vliitttsinith. I did not grow them more than about half the present average size ten yta's ago, and the bi-irics arc the product. of the same bushes. lixiicr-icncc is trained when growing: one variciy twenty or tweiitv- five years. as l have done in this case. l iiii\\"scllll you another dozen. Finished imirkelin; this \aricry yesterday, August 3rd: the lust lot being about four nusluls." . T‘ne Kingston Dairy School. The Eastern Dairy School at Kingston, Ont, will reopen on November, 25th, 1897. There Will be seven Courses, six of [‘VO weeks each and one of six Wei-kc, making elgbt‘tll weeks in all, or mm more tll‘lll former yeirs. The early dale of rillclllllg gives four weeks before the lL'lii-israiis holidays. This is desirable, beeiuse the majority of students wish to remain at least that long. The dairy schotil buildings has been enlarged during the summer, additions having been made to both the cheese and butter depart- ments. The facilities of the SClltiUl have been much improved thereby. Room his been made for more app-rains, and a larger painter of sinilcn'u can be ac- eornmodatcd at mo time. It is gratify- ii»; to find lllfl‘ llle :llltlllll‘llll'ii a: the school has made such enlargeini-u's really :icceisary. I: is expected [hit the stall" will be the same as last year. and it is wife to s iy thit no better men eould'found for lhe positions. livery member has and :t wide pr‘lc'ied experience anda ihoi'ouuh training: as a ddry instructor, Full inforinatiun as to courses, dates, etc., may be obtained from the Superintendent. Mr. J. A. linddick, Kingston, Out. To vbe cheese and butier makers of Eastern Ontario we would say “make it a point in attend if you possibly can.” It is worth something to get in touch Will) (be institutimi, and apart from the infor- mation which is lo be gained the connec- tion miglitoften help you, as it has others, ".0 secure a better position. Every clieeseriiaker who wants to succeed in iliese days of winter creameries must un- lerstaiid the art of butter making also. There can be no better place to lean it than where all the dillerent kinds of up. paratus in common use are in operation under the direction of skilled instructors. -â€"Farmer’s Advocate . _...__._.‘__â€"â€" “God Has No Half-Providences." [Rev. Robt. Johnston, ii.D., in the London News] It was a favorite saying: of the late Dr. A. J. Gordon of Boston that “God has n ) half-providences.” If an impression was forced in upon his consciousness he therefore always acted upon it believing that God had the other side of the pro- vidence prepared. which, without his side of it would not be complete. Thus it was that he moved so consciously and so con- tinually under the guidance of God’s l spirit. A writer, very different in many respects from Dr. Gordon. has lately been teaching similar truth. Dr. John Watson, better known as Ian Maclaren, in unin- teresting article on "Christian Telepathy” tells among other incidents how on one occasion he found an altogether unusual difficulty in preparing a Sermon upon which he was Working. Thoughts of a brother minister would obtrude them- selves until a suggestion that in its inten~ sity seemed a commandment forced itself upon him to write to his friend offering to take a day’s service for him. Even the date was clearly indicated. So forcible was the impression that he wrote the letter oilering his services, but no sense- less did it seem to him to send it, that he tore it up and threw it in the fire. That evening, a letter arrived from his friend. exp aining that a very great favor would, be ceiifcrred if Dr. Watson could assist him upon a certain occasionand indicating evel‘ the day which had been suggested in the letter which he had written but had been destroyed. Dr. Watsm draws three conclusions, wh=ch, as ihey are alikeao comforting and so much more aarifying than the wild and groundless theories i f so~called spiritual- i in I venture to quote : Lâ€"Tliar people may live in an atmos- phere of sympathy which Will be a com- municating medium. 2 â€"Th.~it this love is but another name for Christ Who is the head of the body. 3 â€"'l.‘hat in proportion as one abides in Christ he will be in touch with his breth- ren. And he coneludes:-â€"“In proportion as we live for ourselves are we separated rum our families. our friends, our neigh- bors ; in proporiion as we enter into the life of the 0.983 we are one with them all. being one with Christ, who is one with God.” . ' . "â€".â€"â€" Photoraphs. I. H. Oliver is prepared to take instantan. cous photos under his new skylight as cheap as the cheapest. Studio, 128 Kent-st , Lindsay, nearly opwsire the post office-34. .y-_.__ _._._.___...._.__.._._.â€" m HER COMMENT. She was so gt'nllc zinc. so {ctr 1-10 paused, licr (-vi-i'y word to hear. And win-n soft music touched the air Slit: ml in accents swuet and clear “Isn’t it lowly?" Tho mimic sceneâ€"how it entranced! ’Twas fancy’s realm brought down ‘to earth. She sighed when Columbine had danced And Harlequin began his mirth, 'Lsn't it lovely?” Again across the mountain's crest The twilight kis'scd. the evening star The. crow swung, moi-king, toward his nest. She murmured as slu- gazed afar, "Isn’t it lovely 1'” Then sought wr- for more mundane joys. Be-nenth tho circus canvas wide Ber voic i arose- o’cr all the noise When tho rhinoceros she spied, “Isn't be lovely?" -â€"Washingtun Star. GlUSEPPl’S JUBlLEE CHEESE. Ship Rats Ate All but: the Cask and Mighty Aroiiiit. “That’s the cheese! That’s the cheese!” cried Leonardo lliuscppi, a Ewing street. Italian, as ho danced about a small bump] in tho United States customs ()fliizo for Chicago. “That‘s the lovcly Italy clicescl" And as he spoke Appraise ‘ lloyiic, who was waiting on Leonardo and his human friends, walked over in the window on tize aroma and prayed for a hrcalh of air, while Dr. Harry Manning, an export, n), turned to the chemical division and play- fully broko a wicker bottle full of bisul- pliitla of carbon and sat down on tlicfniiii s. Leonardo Uinscppi is a prosperous llalâ€" an. He has been in Chicago ii number of gulf-5: and has taken care of his money; also, a: he has gained in political iiilluâ€" Ullrtc, iii: has taken care of his friends, and they think Leonardo is all right. Ilc told them he was going to give thorn a jubilee banquet. lie promised it should be one of the strongest things on the West Side. He wrote to friends in Rome and had them send him direct a consignment of the cdililes wlilch are most affected by tho rich and epicurean people in the liter- nal City, and they did. The things nine and Giuscppi took some of his closest friends down to welcome the reminders of lio'ino. There was ii cruso of ollw oilâ€"not made from peanuts, but from olives. ’l'iicrv- / >1. Such as would throw a millionaires chcf into upgrades of envy. 'l'lu-rc was prtstf .1 garlic that needed no label to disclose its character, and a whole paekagecf spav gill'ltl. lint. the. pawn called for a cask cf cliccsc. and nothing of the kind could in found in the room. I’ri-si'ntly one of ti." Italians bounded to the outdoor landing and rolled inn litilc l.:irrcl. Thcii Lco- rzardoand Lis follows shoutcd, “That's the checsc 3" Unjortiirintclyu lot. of ship’s rats lunl gnawrd a holc in the bottom of tho cask and hail cull-n :ill of tho cheese but ' " llnviir, which clung iii-mind tlic SllL'll ..‘.:'.l the cask and sent llnclo Sam‘s cusiozzis pi-oplo after their resignations. 'l'bcy .~:ll‘.ii.l on: in the wind ind snontcd through i':- open door 133;: Li-oiinrdo might. i:i::::t- l'...-.' iicx'. wirk lime ullll ,. ll ‘- n tilt! sumo pay ;:.. {driftâ€"Chicago l’iisl. Housekeeping In India. l l l l l A writer on tho Anglo-Indian kitchen I in English culinary journal. glvvs ' dctnils of tho scrvicc llinr rcwnl the. rr3::‘-“ l l l l i u. all of lioilsukoopci's in Iiidin. Filth iii (\‘i-ry form appears to ho a necessary lll‘l'llllll‘lllli‘ lilt‘lll': of tlic East Indian cuisinc. 'I‘lv kitchen sink is on the lloor. with ::n -i=.;'~ ' let through the wall. There. is no nan. :9 ground drainage, and the sewage is as up; to (low about the wi-ll :is :iiiyv.'lii-ri- risk. ’l‘iiccook in toasting bread holds il. l::-t w. . :i ii: tirz‘s below a charcoal iii-o. Chinamcii are more cicaiily, lint. thcy frequently risi- 5:;3 soup tnrccn to wash their feet in. In one particular l-liist Indians secure I9,:rcati-r clcanlincss through the use of pure wrmrl ashes for washing utensils instead of soap. The former have pungcnl cleansing proper- tics without a disagreeable reminder, as l in the case. of the bitter. In zilliiccounis of East Indian cookery the inevitable curry plays the lending part. It is only of llllt' years that it has liven revealed that curry powder is valuoless unless freshly iiiiirlc. The commercial sort that is cxportcd from India possesses no merit whatever and is a libel on the concoction. \Vhy Be Sold. Thom. There is no curio more unique than the. typical Denver newsboy. and the dullest of their number never fails to provoke my profoundcst interest if not compassion. I ran across one last evening whose pictur- csqucncss and quaintncss charmed mc. llc was a typical gamin and so diminutive in stature that 1 had to stoop ovcr to iii- tcrrogato him, which I (lid in this way: “Where do you get your papers, my lit- tle man?” “Oh, I buy ‘em of Johnny Green.” “And who is Johnny Green?" “He’s a newsboy. lie buys ’em in The Times alley. ” “W lint do you pay him for them?” “Ficents. ” “What do you sell them for?" “Ficunts. " “You don‘t make anything at that?" “Nope. n “Then what do you sell them for?” “Oh, just to get to holler."â€"Denver Exchange. The Ways of India. Lord Roberts in his book tells a good story of a native Indian servant who had been told to prepare a bath at a certain hour. Meanwhile a fierce attack was de- livered by the enemy, and in the thick of it. the servant, who had made his way through the storm of bullets, suddenly ap- peared among the headquarters stuff. “Sahib," said be, “your bath is ready.” An almost better story comes from the Malakand in Chitrul of a subaltern who was \vuked one morning by a brother sub~ iiltcrn’s servant pulling at his foot. “Sn- lilb," whispered the servant, anticipating wrath, “sablb, what am I to do? My mas- ter told me to wake him at half past 6, and he has not gone to bed till 7.” His Downfall. Kind Old Ladyâ€"Poor man! ~ You look as if you had seen better days. Mr. Willie Deadtlredâ€"I have, madam. Once I dwelt in granite halls. Kind Old Ladyâ€"And why this loss of such a borne? Mr. Willie Dendtlredâ€"My term expired. -â€"St. Louis Globe-Democrat. The first religious journal in this coun- try was The Recorder at Chillloothe, 0... In 1814. Philadelphia was the first city to issue a directory, its first edition coming out iii 1785. ,vns a big tin can of yellow niushromns l l l l l l l l l l I ISAILED THE cow TO A FAIR. l And This Cape Coddcz- Captain Got First? Prize In a Special Class. When I was down on Cape God. I heard an amusing story about an Old E's-i captain and his cow. Captain Pat- t: 3501). after sailing the sea for more than 40 years, finally retired to a little farm near Barustaple, where he settled down, with a horse, cow and two or three dozen hens. His cow, though 3 Link and rather stubborn creature, was said to come from very good stock, and when the Barnstaple people took it inf-0 their heads to have a fair Captain Pat- terson determined to exhibit his cow. But when the day came for driving her to the grounds the cow showed that she had a mind of her own and would not budge a step beyond the farmyard gate. In vain tho old captain tugged at the rope, pummeled her sides and push- Pd hcr flanks. The cow wanted to go to pasture and was bound she wouldn’t go to the fair. Jag; rain Patterson’s patience was very nearly gone, when suddenly an idea occurred to him. Though he was not strong enough himself to force the Cow to go to the fair his training sug- gested something that was. Tying the cow to the gunpost, he went up into the. loft of his ba 'n and threw down an old sail stripped to a duty mast. Then he put a horse’s blanket bclt through an iron ring, strapped the belt around the cow, inserted the end of tar: mast in the ring and bound the mast to the side of the cow with some 50 feet of rope. The wind blew “q tering,” and Winn the captain untied the cow and raised tho sail the canvas swelled our ovcr the cow‘s back, and away she wont “stilling” down the road, running and plunging and tryin" to stop herself in vain. Captain Patrrrson seized her tail, and using it as a rudder guided her skillfully in the. right direction. With every fresh puff of wind the obstinate cow would be hurried along faster, .‘irilo the dust- blcw up in clouds and the Full flopped ZlZ‘ll tagged as Captain l’arti-rson held to the ziiaiiishect w'th Oils hand and the cow’s tall with the otlmr. It; was a hard voyage for bath of them, bu. not a long one, and when tlii i-zimo in sight of the fair ground 9'.’l'2’:.'lll:fly out to s-c the remarkable Sight of a cow being sailed through the struts like a ship. Chin-is and lauglili-r lillrd the air, and Winn the captain finally whirlid his new around at llzu gate of the fair ground and brought hrr 32‘3”}? “up into tho wind" the shout :ha'r. croisc might have been heard I'm: iziilis away. L'iu'oi'iunutely Captain Pat orscn‘s cow did not take one (if the 11in s for blmulrii Stock, but The captain l:iI“‘~‘~'.' vcii a special prize by tlii- i::2r ‘11.;- £44.- 7-. -illl 0‘ ‘.\‘li.s' ,,l (’33: :nissioncrs for “the lu-st urlviw iii" ais- izi t;i:i;; bulky catno to market.”â€"() (.V"" “A is. Born-st but Cute ‘i'unkcc. There is a funny case of international honesty down in Arizona, just on lllll‘ between that territory and Mexico A Yankcc farmer lives there, one A ra- 9n liarrow ly name, and it is his busi- :"'.~'~‘- lo raisi- chickens. Chicken fixed :15 clu-np in Mexico and chickens bring fiixw j‘z‘lci's in Arizona, but to raise fowls in .‘dcztico and bring: them across the bound- ary or to buy the feed and bring it across, Would involve the payment of a considerable duty, which would eat the profits about as first as the liens Could eat the corn. As for smuggling, that was not to be thought- of. Amasa is a Yankee, and .19 i. so hon- esl: that his neighbors say he wouldn’t take advantage of a man in a hUI‘Sl' trade. But he is also full of Yankee in- genuity, and after deep cogitz tion he built a long, slim hencoop, one-half of it. in Arizona and the other in Mexico. On the line there is a gate. Over the line there are barns containing feed. At feeding time the gate is opened, and the. chicken fancier slioos his flock into Mexico, where they eat their meal. Then he shons them back to the protec- tion of the American flag, where they dig-est this Mexican grain, lay tlicir rugs and carry on their family affair; Mr. Barrow saves about 50 per cent on n,- ' his grain and makes about that much on his chickens, and if there is any smuggling done it is done by the inno- cent and irresponsible [riddlesâ€"Wash- ington Times. Meek, but Vigorous. She was the dainticst of the daintyâ€" fzicc, figure, air and apparel all pro- claimed it. To be sure he had not heard her speak as yet, but from - the lips of so pretty :1 little patrician only pearls and diamonds could fall. It was strange that she should be at the races unat- tended, but that, of course, was but, the accident of a moment. Her husband or brother could not be far off and would rejoin her in a moment. Time went on, though, and still she sat alone. Pres- ently something happened. One of the horses stumbled and fell. The jockey was pitched headlong to the ground. He lay white and still. The man turned lo look at her. There she But, the color flown from her cheeks, her lips parted, her eyes wide and staring. He ventured to reassure her. “011, I don’t believe llo’l-l badly hurt,” he said. “Hurt?” she repeated quick as a flash. “I only hope he’s broke his neck. I had $20 on the _ ittle scoundrel. ”â€"New York Sun. The Women of Guiana. The wife of the cooly in Guiana is a woman who is very much to be envied. Every gold or silver piece her husband receives for his services is beaten into personal trinkets to be worn by his bet- ter half. Iulhis condition it constitutes the cash wealth of the family. It is per- fectly safe, as it is as much as any man's life is worth to touch the trinkets so long as the woman wears them. These same women are also noted for their beauty. Their features are straight and perfect, their eyes beautiful in color and their forms perfect models of symmetry and grace. Dressed in soft. filmy materials, rich in color and eastern figures, they Every citizen is bound to assist a sheriff i present strangely oriental and fantastic in making an arrest when called upon. ] appearances. s The Art of Living ‘ h . ‘ _ And living well, is in judicious marketing, \“l e. ‘ ' H i (3, ,.. 1 as much importance as what you buy and w}, y“ . ' atyu-,.j..;_,. it Comes to food. I on want to know the .11-, '., ’(J - 1‘ . - ~ , . ' Juli j" v, things you are 201112 to eat. Lveryrhing is inc. “'i‘ i . . ' , .. .. “p 7.», attractive at our store. Toe prices are always no 9 W“ - g Camping Supplies. August is the ideal month for Camping, a'f- an lnClllllplele unless you are Well supplier-i wit}, l;_‘,.~\~\.'r‘r';llj and other Ilfmdj-lO-CJAZ delicacies, which WC W: “do. moderate cost. Just leave your order and be.“ Satisfaction Guaranteed. A. CAM P KENTâ€"ST, LINDSAY. LINS; in fact ne . d .. anything you mag e .Eui’l‘i a: (I; 1:, . quhase: " °° p Solicrted. h BSDAYs SEPT. lot 0W Skinner’s l h. “.4 P9013184... {Yonder why We are .3 :1, 5,7“: :‘ finest lines of Moi , \‘.. :g;..;_ Missts and Ciri.’ ‘ ' 7’ ... Creek folkes never 3 to the bike, but when the town was ran. it 'v" . . U It wasn't a 21s: th. . pot, a. pair of oyster to. ' l' else that come be m. our business, and-we- agin it and determined ' 5 t. Deacon Spooners s .m Philadelphia l‘ldlu .e Deacon met lira. at . .1‘ An: 5 Great: u 9 T: and Shoes at prices a notch or two lower than our Competitcrs, l The Answer is Easy ! l 9,, We buy fi-r cash : our tilzclif‘ ~ are \‘e y light. and we are s l .l {Al «.1 .. I’m glad powerful gla ‘Nut we are all agin the lied v i e lowest llVll.'_: p: it. l9 _ .113 Creek." 3‘ See our new lines 311:":n;!‘.'r': ' hat’s the matter of i, on. Handsome goo...- very H“ ) (h? a ) Cllcdp . . . . Turks and l’alises, on .9. Co. AESWERED l A F771. v 91 4‘17 venshun of souls. Any pussiin as . on one 0' those tiles. 1 mble, hossvrzm:t gnaw t: a male dead Widtiers g " :ll cast it aside an" ' A M The Jlodcl I". Shoe Store Q ‘V’V l .a.. ca ll I ‘ 9- .. Tlu--"" 7- r: “ ‘ "W‘x‘fâ€"v‘. 9‘tt-v: hffiwflfirjft_~_nfl_‘__‘ 7’ I. ‘ ~ "I I ' I." i i "‘ I k 1'11 kill the 11:29:13 ca... )5 I’ll have to ICI‘LlCE }~ n that Jim got “a; and 3 l 932': 3?, ‘3’} F * his pop a luizatic analâ€"v - 9 ~. ' ' . “,9... . H. - ‘ ll; § {35‘ fule, but berall - on C;.. .(“’ i )eacon. We ‘ _ i ’ and passed new] w, and sich was ti; Inful] it} . that- he cOuld le“ on «9 all any man 1:. t-“ I or his note of security. ‘ 0 Weeks later rwlhlll , nedâ€"suruthin’ 12.1: s y clear down t..- ::.:~ things bilin fur sew r;-.. l ' widder Skinner, who ..-;il daring public opinica i e leuce, fluid on :1 .’ billiards, sent to Nev e. It got around towi oin’ to hev one. {and w a: and sent. Silas C. riding l'l’ld out all about it. smoking a cigaret: . :rl - could choke his heart 1 his chest, he sex: Vidder Skinner, is it sent up to New York 1 destryers called a bike‘ . ou bet your life I lial - widder. i 3 . 9 are ye going to ride am, and don't ye for": 5 had to wait‘till llil wobblin' before be con -ut mebbe you don't 'v'n Creek is agin the b I" Is one of the few industries in its line which is no: Controlled 7;: fr.â€" :1,- monopoly. We soil where and to whom we zilcisc. The public have long' since learned that they can save iii-hey -.:.3' better class of goods by dealing direct with us. Liberal allU“hilCr r: .i-Te the are sold by the web. â€"We oller Heavy Tweeds for 350, which are sold in the ci 50¢ per yd. (Several Patterns.) -â€"-Yarr. Carefully manufactured from long, silky infill: ireces. 40 different varieties. â€"Blank3ts 35¢ per lb. up. T 32 . i l l ! iii: l Warranted to wash satisfactori‘y. Y S/zccfz‘ngs, Fancy F/azmr/s. C'Izrz't'rrurarz Hoszcry. if. HORN BRO . Lindsay Woollen Mills. William st... Nor: .. Qâ€" LA WA N T EDâ€"C ‘3 Y I ~-._'..u..a--.-nu-_ ‘l'" ,. . If. .l..l~'.‘n.....9.u:. . ..... . Y ‘ ‘. [*4 [I 1.; \ 501m , an 8. Fl \' 8. S SC I 5-â€" Queen Victoria; Her Life an: Reiun," has captured the hitish Empire Extraordinary test:- mouials from the great men: send for convfrec. Marquis of Lorne says. "The lit-s: pupuiar l.-.i'e'(,f cm, I Queen I have seen." Her Majesty sends a kind, letterof appreciation. Selling by thousands: gives enthusiastic satipfaction. Caiivasscrs making irom $15 to $40 Weekly. l’rcsr‘ertus free to agents: THE BRADLEY-GABRETSON Co , L'T‘n, Toronto. Ont. l l "GS; ' / FbR‘SALif‘oauo RENT; The midersie‘ncd offers for sale her hotel and premises at Povlaue Road. The farm contains 10:? acres. lint-class clay loam, through which runs a never-failing sprin.’ crec-. 0n the prairies i. a large building, formerly used as a hotel A fine new bank barn 40 x 60 is now in course of erec ion, also I don’t know and I ' the Widder, as she gti the. l t’ll be the destruction mebbe of the town “Can't we coax ye yer idea.” at a eoax‘.” sex the Wi hen we might raise i to buy ye oii‘ Soul V was destroyed fur we don‘t. want Sq “ - ' fifty feet into :h '1 up the bike and 8 ’ if we raise $30 1" N0. nor for 55,0001- ‘ Pushed into him and l lnall the iii-“ts: "2': designs . . . â€"XE.~1T, â€"CHE.~\I’ and -IVELL 31305. The time to order is NOW- Satisfaction guaranteed- liirze comfortable stable. 'llie Trent Vallev Canal runs 91cm: the north side of the prop-rtv '\ ’ill be sold or rented, as the proprietor is anxiou; to leave for California. Possession .1 2 i ven in Novem oer. I‘Il' I‘I|\I\\\\IIIIII\\‘\II\‘|\\\\ll\|I‘\‘|‘l‘ I“! I‘ll! ‘III Apply to MRS. YOUNG, n the m' ' . P.O.â€"3-l.u, U {re 1365. Balsami- â€"â€" W. G. BLAIR SONS; The Nobby Timon. i‘mt Ci ht‘"""‘ - - 9 ------- »-i-mu Illizlllllllllllrll’lEll... . . .. .. .li... FA”. 4% Pure.- Red Blood \\\\\‘ \|‘\\I|l|\\\l'.' "Ill lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllllllllllll(NINE . in 11 . A clear skin, a keen appe- Are You GOlll‘E.T . . hewas glad to tick flte' goiid ldlgcstlon, active :zbâ€"‘J/ "a f i 1 ”er an tidneys. renewed - _me or our rays, Vita“? invariably follow the T0 Billld . . v gsgzznd otilieleggnpla useo â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"’44* . rouge e 0000 ..- the Street to smoke an v .w in guitar; arous'lf‘g‘; "r ' * everybody W "'m’ "r ‘0‘ 8 You "" 9.9 :. widder' Skinner b like to give you a poi. in l at . material and work “151.30? “will" ,_ . you both, having a dry l::.r: "1‘. S:W;r' "‘ and began to perf and also good workmen to N‘ wk in. _ ..._ taken any lessons You can rely on trill": Wig. stock °l also adding to the alrem.) ‘ ‘ right there and El - . i '5: 33¢ , 2i. . - 3°;ng EEK: walihicknes (in; , 3 Short. skirt, and a Si A ' prices you w.ll rindcl will 35 “3:31,; is W went up and dOWl, - m i . i:\.ii '3.” . ‘ most . carefully prepared 33:3; (1.5,,Ldgl’wauiviliiin: fulfill! ‘ ' ' Creek. She badi combination 0f. thoroughly _ both i300 11mlm Kahlil; 39:1,. and: :- . and when Silas Cl tested blood purifying and ,i r'. d them he fell 83 system-renovating medicinal I GEO. INGLE' ... u three rods of1 rod ‘ . “ - e. P uc‘s' The Lindsay Planing Mlus' ./. - ‘ All that, didn’t bewin 769 PER Borrns. To RENT. _ Two Hung , == 'â€"‘ Acres, being Lot 5, Corr. 4. Eldi‘m‘fid. 0” . . - VilleJ 150 acres cleared; “13““? ”gm, listInd . PREPARED BY - . the premises are a frumellouse with th 1115’ M: l c0 E afmmi barn with summit llgglmfienl tit" 10 9 l l RN .. \e h . , i R DRUG STORE $23k: hastflnr‘ti'cn “Omani '

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