[nasty to t1: Ln to‘ nab rincn; tons : sing] ion n e1]: e2 npro‘ ill at bf tho 1nd t 1b m AU ate] pvex Why “03 I ’he pm 111‘ tunic [8 01 ,nd two It 4 Ltt )0: th Ht. We oi. ve 01 "unto. 1 and No. 2 Sad in Lindsay by E amazon, Buggiet - . Ia successmny used monthly by over .0.000Ladiss. Safe, eflectual. Ladlesuk t your drn 'st for Cook: We. lost c..- Take no 0 er, as :11 Mixtures, pins and amutions are dangerous. Prion. No. 1. 81 get box; No. S, 10 degrees trouser,†per box. ' o. 1 or 3, mailed on recei of prise and two S-oent stun 3. The Cook Compny3W1ndsor Out. a- os. 1muolddndzeoomnendod nu Cmdo. mousiblemugyul 1n J£.EDWARDS60. Best Hake Horse Shoes and Mai/5, Iran and Steel Bars, and all kinds Heavy Hardware. Best Brands of Canadian and lmer.‘can Coal 0i], J. G. EDWARDS GO. Fairbanks Scales, Corn Hooks, Apple Raters, Barn and Stable Fixtures, Steel Sump Shovels, Bedford Manure Forks, Sheet- ing Papers. Window Glass. Paints and Oils. No one will give you such , . V ALUE m “Lamas. GUNS and AMMUNITION For the fall shooting. Smokeless and Black Powders, Loadged Shells. Frimera - - and W365. - - Come and see us DURING THE FAIR. It will pay you. 8.5 J. PETTY Bring your‘éREPAI'RIN G. We warrant satisfaction. In W alnut, Oak Etc. are the best timekeepers, and prices are lower than ever. ’ Never before at this season Ihave we shown such a choice selection of all kinds of goods suitable -for WEDDING PRESENTS. We have just opened out some Pretty Goodsin . . . . CHINA and JAPANESE WARE. W's: are up~~to-date. In SILVER- WARE we have all that is needed for Presents of any kind. OURQEE MANTLE CLOCKS .Oook’s Cotton 390% Command I HE J EVJELER. GEM and... . WEDDING RINGS HARDWARE Paommnox. --â€"Prohibition meetings in connection with the approaching plebiscite are nciw in order. One will be held here on Wed. Sept. 14th, when a rousing time is expected. The town ship has been thoroughly organized, PEicsoxALs â€"Miss Jennie and Mr. john Hamilton of Bobcaygeon have been visiting at: Mr, G10. Smiths’ . . . . . Miss Vida Mom returned last week from visiting Miss Emmerson of Lindsay. THE FAIRâ€"Besides those previous ly mentioned the following visited Toronto exhibition: Mr. and Mrs. J. King, Mrs. J. Archer. and Messrs. W. Ethics, J. Massey and R. Thornhill. Axxn'anmY.â€"â€"Sunday and Monday, the 25th and 26th, are the anniversary days of the Methodist church .here. At 10.30 and 7 on the former day the Rev. J as. McFarlane of Lindsay will preach. In addition to special music by the choir Miss Swanzey, soloist of Toronto. will sing at both services. \On “Monday a. fool supper will be served in the base- ment of the church. After -3npper.Reve. Manning, Macfarlane and Del“ will deliver midi-cues. This anniversary in [expected to surpass all former ccossione. Nomeâ€"The apple crop is rather poor, but plums and pears are good ...... Mr. Thos. M0886 has Lerrly ï¬nished his new house..'.\,..The plebiscite is not creating much interest here. We are mostly in favor of liquor ...... Mr. Stokes is going to put: up a new brick veneer .house. SILos UPSET.-â€"The heavy wind of a. couple of weeks ago tipped over the silos belonging to ,Messrs D. Beacroft, John Snelgrove, .tmd Fred Western. They have been replaced. This ac- cident has not. discouraged others and a number will build M an early date. Mr. Geo. Smith is at work on his. The J u‘y frost was very light here and did not hurt; the corn. l’LEBISCITE CAMPAJG‘Nrâ€"tmn :Friday, '9rh inat.,a. meeting cf temperance workers was held in the Methodist church at Liï¬'ord for the -.pnrpose of organizing for the plebiscitecampaign After devotional exercises, ofï¬cers wereeppointed. Rev. D. 1).:Oswald being elected chairman, and Rev. J. W. Coone sec-trees. It was arranged to holdmeetings as follows, at .each of which a program of vocal and instru- mental music will be provided: BethanykSept. 16th 3 Pontypool, 19th ; Fleetwood, 20th; Ballydufl, 2,181: ; Mnnvers station, 22nd ; Janetville, 23rd ; Lotus, 26th. The meetings ‘will commence at 7.30 p. m., and will be addressed by prominent clergyman and others. Admission free 3 no collection. inst. Addresses on the prohibition plebiscite question» will be delivered by Rev J. W. Macmillan and Mr. I. E. Weldon, barrister of Lindsay. beds! to the Watchman. Tm; PLEBISCITE.â€"A public meeting in behalf of the plebiscite will be addressed on Monday night by Revs. Macmillan and Macfarlane of Lindsay. It will be held in the Methodist hall, and begin at 7.30. All are invited. » TE)IPEEANCE.-â€"A public temperance meeting is to be held in the town hall here on Friday evenipg nexpg. 16th up--.â€" CHURCH NOTEâ€"A memorial service for the late Mr. Samuel Campbell will .be held next Sunday morning, 17th, at 10 a. m. . PLEASA NT ,POINTâ€"MABIPOSA lpoodfl to tho WWII- RANDOLPHâ€"TIN Y m u a. 1mm Spedal to the swam“. Snedal to flu .wuch-nnn. Bpochltotho Special ‘to the ~Watchman. THURSDKY, SEPT. 15th, 1898. (She Watchman. DISTRICT NEWS. D UN SFORD CA MBBA Y BEIHANY OAK WOOD GA MERON FIREâ€"0n Friday night 350,111: 12‘ p.m.' ï¬re broke out in Mr. C. Switzer’s‘ blacksmith shop and in a very few; minutes spread to the house occupied by Mr. Geo. Lake, barber, in the nortbi and to the home of Mn. Harlowe,‘ VICTon.â€"Dame Gossip tells us that Dewey is not the hero of Manilla. but that some of our young men are trying to rob him of that honor; anyway 3 night) attack was made last Saturday evening when two fair prisoners @were taken. , ~ ’ PUBLIC Manamaâ€"0n Friday even- ing, Sept. 16th, ‘at 7.30, a public meeting will be held at the cheese factory for the purpose of securing shareholders in the Victoria counby creamery. A full attendance is 30-, quested. ' - ’ ‘ I < WELCOME,â€"Oakwood is good enough for Mr. E. G. Lyhle, for'aix days in the week,but we are pleased to see that he doesn’t torgebrhis Cambray friends on Sunday. Come back, Ed; you are always welcome. ~ WALKING CLUBâ€"The road from Lindsay to Cambray is very long and dreary eSpecially when walked at midnight. Such is the verdict: of two of our fair young ladies who had that. experience. Ramonaâ€"Mr. lienry Reazin, LP. S, and family have returned from a four week’s visit with friends in Norfolk county ...... Mr. Wm. Berk- ley and wife at Chibago, Miss Maud Plerce 0t Menilln. Miss Washington of Bethany and Mr. Marshall of Batavia, N.Â¥., are the guests of Mrs. Berkley of his place ...... Miss Lizzie jackeon has returned from a. two weeks visit at Toronto. EXCURSION.â€"The Methodist church of this place have issued poster: for an excursion to Laidlaw’a grove, Balsam lake. on Wednesday next, Sept. 21», per steamer Beaver and palace barge. Boat leaves Retties’ landing at 7.30 a. :11. call- ing at points enroute, and returning by 6 p. m. Tickets 250; children 100. This will be the last and beat of the sen- eon. Come and enjoy yourself. THREsmNG.â€"Mr. .Robt. Frise is do. ing good work in this vicinity with his steam threaher. COBOC'ONK ‘ Mhmwm “ '5 51:}?{J1u PERSONAL. -â€"Mr E. Hop kins, Mr. Joe Handley, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. S. Su_d- daby are among those from Burnt River who y'took in the Industrial fair last week ...... Miss MaggieA. Snddaby has re- turned home after an eighteen months stay in Uncle Sam’s country ....... M. a. Cowin. and her little daughter of Cleve- laud are visiting at S. Suddaby’e ...... Miss Cruikshank of MaplmLaHe 18 visit- ing at Handley’a. ... . . .Mlsa N ellie and Carrie Wright of Lakeï¬eld Are visiting Burnt River friends. PICNIC. â€"The Sunday School excursion down Burnt River proved to has very pleasant trip and was much enjoyed by E‘Rosf;;Tha heavy front of Sunday the 11th 1mm, put a sudden stop to the grow- ing tomatoes and melons. “ 'v 1 o I. 1 HARVESTING.â€"Th8 farmers .of this vicinity are busy bar-vesting their clover seed, which promises to be a very good crop. RETURNEDâ€"Rev. J. A. McKenzie and wife have returned from their trip to Chstaguay and other places of interest). Married life seems to agree with our pastor if looks and smiles speak for Night. We wish them every happiness in their new lie and home at Oakwood. PERSONALS.â€"M683r8. E. Lamis and W. Wstley have gone on a trip by wheel to Lindsay and Peterboro to visxt friends ...... Miss M. Tremeer has returned from her visit to her brothers at French River ...... Mr. Sandy McConnell, left here about a week ago to attend the Lindsay Model school. His many friends here wish him success. and much good will be done, but owing to various elementss in the situation ,we can expect no more here than a. bare majority for prohibition, if even that. Whuowm Special to the Watchman. BURNT RIVER [HE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY. timnsnAr SEPTEMBER 15m. 1898 CAMERA Y Dr. G. W. Davidson left some days ago to resume his practice in Cincinnati. He spent a very enjoyable summer at ‘his father’s Mr. Thos. Davidson’s ..... 1M2: E. Smith of McSweyn dc Ander- son’s law ofï¬ce is said to be taking a much-deserved holiday under the parental roof ...... Among the names of the successful candidates at. the departmental . exams. in July, we notice that of our teacher, A. E. Silverwood as having passul in French and German. He took the model school exam. last fall and this with his successful school work makes an excellent year again this year ...... Mr. W.‘ W. ‘Webster lost the end of the middle ï¬nger on hisright hand some weekslago. Binders in gear are rather dangerous, Wes. ~ We are glad to say'that he will soon be able to usel the band again . . . . . . Mr. Wes. Irwin is said to have.v.isited home some days ago. ..‘. . . .Miss Ethel Irwin is attend- in; Toronto normal school. 2' 4,556.1“? 7 CNN! -» Moral ‘Tfor C0||Lll|8 PERSONALSwâ€"RCV. J. Webster of Renfrew paid this neighborhood a visit last: week. He was taking a holiday trip for his health. All were glad to see him and hope to soon hear of his complete restoration to health ...... SCHOOLâ€"Our school is again in full blast. The work of last year was highly creditable. Though the school was closed in the winter for a month while the teacher was laid up with diph1heria, yet ï¬ve pupils passed the examinations. Carrie Eakins, Lila Eagleson and Edwin Honey took P. S. leaving, while Ida Graham and cafl‘ord Sennett passed the entrance. Ida Graham got the highest marks taken at WWDOd. A year ago ï¬ve pupils represented No.17. and all were successful. Teacher and pupils are to congratulated. thence to two dwellings and harness shop belonging to Mr. Geo. Russel and occupied by himself and family and Mr. Ruben Hartwick and family in the south. These ï¬ve buildings were completely destroyed but most of their contents was saved except that in the blacksmith shop that was burned. We believe there was no insurance on any of the property destroyed. The home of erflenry Doughty, situated just across the street south of Mr. Russell’s house, was by great exertion on the part of the assembled villagers saved from the flames. Much sym- pathy is felt for those suffering loss. The origin of the ï¬re is unknown. 7 n - 1 , ..:..Lo. 44..., 7 AT THE FAIR.â€"Qaite a. number of 9111f townspeople waited Toronto ex- - A‘l’ _._. Tm: F AIRâ€"Perhaps twenty or more of our enterprising farmers took in the fair at Toronto last week. All will turn out to patronize Lindsay Central on Sept. 23rd and 24th. MxLyâ€"Mr. Christie of Manchester has charge of the Davndson mill, and is making many alterations. We hear that rollers are to be put in shortly. This will be a great advantage to the farmers as Mr. Christie is said to be a ï¬rst-class miller. Chopping will be done as usual. LITERARY SOCIETY.â€"Th6re has been some talk of starting the literary society again. Many do not seem as enthusiastic about in as formerly how- ever. _-__ ___v 1"" FALL' Funâ€"Th}: Somerville .Agl. Soziety wil'lwhold their fall fair on'Oct. 4th. The chief attraction will be an open trot .for purse of $20.00, lst $15, 2nd $5. ' Four to enter three to start, best: two in three beats. This promises to be the best fair ever held in Coboconk.‘ . hibition he}: w.eekl ï¬ï¬Ml CIRCUS â€"Quite 81 number from this locality visited the circus in' town, and all seemed to be well pleased. Among thn most delighted ones, we noticed Mr. T. G. Irwin; m . THRESHIN-G has commenced here in earnest. The grain is turning out. well and the farmers are looking quite cheerful. NEW ARiï¬ï¬‚L.â€"A young son at Mr. Bruce Weavers. I trust that now the busy season is over they may let outsiders know that this thriving community is still in existence. Luu Vllslu VI Ill-Iv â€"--' DEATHs.â€"'â€"On Friday night the infant son of Mr. and Mn. A. B. Carl died after a lingering illness and was buried on Sunday aftemoon ..... On Sunday the infant: son of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Hartwick died and on Monday afternoon was buried. w. vvâ€"uvvu IV we: ~â€"â€"V V Clownâ€"The village has. settled down to per in pepulationegaxn, most of the summer guests havmg returned to their homes. An unusually large number of persons spent their holldeys‘ here this year. the two hotels .bemg crowded much of the time, besrde large numbers who put_up‘eg private‘hou‘see. W to nu ma. PRELUDEâ€"Our scribes have not been heard from for a long time, bqn GLA NDINE 132$... ' ; “Am“ Lia ï¬e:- 1’53} Strur per loud Timothy. 0 o o n 1 _Alaike ........ Rod clover; Hay,perton.......;.. Honeypot lb.........‘ Cream per qt........ §agg peryunoh.......‘ aidesâ€"M Fumen' Elly! per 1b normals. Potatoes per bag......." Penn; Mummies. . Peat, Blue. . . .. . . Buckeye peas. . . . Pmsmall......; Fall Wheat: per bushel New wheat per bushel Fyfe Wheat do do.,. . Spring do do Buckwheat...... . Barley, per bushel. gyeOOOCOOOOOIII I Bria-h Markets. Liverpool, Spr, l3.-L‘1rÂ¥0.â€"No. 1 North. 'Rprlng, 65 85941: red winter, 55 6d: No. 1 Cal., 63 19941 to 68 2d: com, 38 154d; peas, 5s 054d: pork, 508; kml, 255 9d: tallow, 195 6d: bacon, heavy, 1.0., 309 6d; light. 303: short cut, 305 6d; cheese, white, 37s; col- ored. 38:. leerpoolâ€"Closeâ€"Spot wheat ï¬rm, with red winter at 5s 7d. No. 1 Cal. at Gs 1d and Walla at 53 101,5d; futures. 5s Md for Sept, 5: 4%d for Dec,r Ind 58 4%d tor Much, Maize, 33 114:! for mot; futures, 3: 1nd for Sept. 33 135d for Oct. ud as 8m! tor Dec. Flour, 205 9d. Cnmpbollford. Ont. Sept. litâ€"At the (,‘nmpbollford cheese meeting, bold hvre to- night. 1118 boxes. all white, ware boarded. balance of August make. Following an- the sales: Bird, 250 at 81-16c; Whirtnn. 310 at 8c: Magmth, 370 at Sc. Balance unsold. » A Sharp Advance in Liverpool Fatw- Export Demand Goodâ€"The Lute-t Quotationâ€. rruesday Evening, Sept. 13. The Liverpool wheat market was strong to~daxy. Spot red winter closed 2d per cell:- tal higher than yesterday; this month's dc:- l~1very 199d, the December option 11795» and the March option 1%(1 higher. Paris wheat closed 5 centimes flower to 15 centimes high- er for the day’s seslsion, - ., AA_L__J_..0- CL Av. Iii-V nun-g .r W'WIvâ€"v This response of LivEE-pool to yesterday's advance in American markets caused Chil- cngo prices to move upwards again to-dns‘, and the movement was helped by the good export demand, and by a rise of a cent a bushel in Northwest quotations. All de- Liveries advanced about a clear cent on the Chicago board, and over half the gain was 'x'etai-ned at the close. Leading Wheat Murketn. Following are the closing prices to-day at important centres: Cash. Sept. Dec. May. thcngp -. .$. . . . $0 ($4 $0 (32!; $0 64% L\“ew lonk ... .... 0 69% 0 66%; 0 68% bi“. Louis .... 0 (3.3% 0 641/; O 6579 Milwaukee ...06634 0617,43 Toledo .. .... ...._ 01“.?3/1‘9654 999% Hogsâ€"Mine in light supply. only 4 luml»: and the demand [wing "(nix-.0 pr‘om \x-n': vxvm-d and higher, :Il’d naturally nu' «of the normal. lat-ken: were qmlabiv. $12 to $435; medium, $4.13 to $13.5: plus-“33.7“ to $3.95: mugbs, $3.50 10 $3.70: sags, $.23) to $6.25; grasses, $4 (0 $4.15. Cheese Markets. Inge-rsodlflnn, Sept. 13.â€"â€"Om'rlngs awn}- 2140 boxes August make. No sales: 733 to 77,442 bid. Market quiet bard .. 0 69 Minneapolis .. .... l‘vrnmo, N0. 1 hard (now).. 0 75% Toronto_ red.. 0 66 Chicago New York ... St. Louis .... Milwaukee Toledo .. .... Detroit .... .. 011112111. No; 1 Northern Dulmix. N0. 1 4:11: supply: fall-r dummd; n-ndm god. ‘1".. :i;:l.~i.\‘ was $5.50 52th and Lambs-"There “are 10 u; M frmh 8:119, hmmding S loads of t‘fmn' x lambs which 501'! on the b! sis 021' yw‘flw (.clV $5. 90 and $0.21) {or (1:;mad .m: \\ 1' 13mm. chain» to extra. $6.2!» to $6.. 7.9: ~.~ n to choice $5.75 to $6.21. Sheep. w u! :-r ('hoive {o enm. $4.77» to $4.90: mum]. win. a L) oxtm. $4.40 to “.611. Chicago. Sept. Iiiâ€"Hogsâ€"I'Zs:iumtt-d 10 f't‘ipts 10-day, 20.000; left over. 2570: activ- ï¬rmly to strung: light. $3.70 to $4: hem-ï¬n $::_55 to $4.05; rmlgh. $3.55 to $3.71): _(‘:utl(h-vavipts, 50W): steady. Rot-"um 33.90 to $5.50; cows and lu-Efc-rs. $1.?“ In 41.00; Texas steers. $3 to $3.35: \VPSUr-H‘ F???» to $4.30; slackers and feeders, $3 in Iriugsâ€"l’rives ï¬rm at $4.75 for has: 51-] ions. wulghing 01! cars from 1m to '. .hs, each, and light and hvavy fals_ $; m $4.40. East Burrmo.1\'.1'.. Sopf. 1:a.-('».-:Ȣ-.â€" market '39 quiet. ard four halls 0.x ' \erAm no mrtinllaz-ienqujxjy. (rum-s Wm The run of live stock at tln Guide Mar- ket today “ as \01'\' lightâ€"4!) ':11‘:uld\‘ nil old composed of 800 cattle. 751} sheep and lambs, 1000 110:; s and‘ .5 cuhos. Trude was brisk. owing to the light mn, .uml prices very mm. exporters whiny. :1. H to $4.50, with 100 to 20¢ vxtra fur a run -hoicc lots; light export hulls. $3 10 $3.33. JUMS. medium export, $3,115 :0 $3.51!; buds, choice he: 1\'\' export, $3.65 tn $4,124.. \\'I 5411) to 1.2:; medium, $33 81) to 3.: m! “1011,345 to $3.61); Inferior, $3.25 53 ‘35 per cwt. Them were 10 milk cows, which 5011‘: at :18 to $45 eat-h. 1‘nh ca 80111 at $3 to $0 end: or $5 gper 1 av! Heavy feeders, ï¬rm at $375 to $. 3.80 p- L 'rWt. ‘ ‘ Wheat slightly ï¬rmer; 1000 bushels sub! “.8 follows: White (370 to 689, red We to div. and goose Me to 580. Barley steady: 1.500 bushels sold at 11(- .c 4151:. (mts ï¬rmer; 800 bushels sold at 281,3 to Lmuis of good butchers“ and export-are, mixed, 3% 10 :0 $4.25. buu: qrs' cattle \wro se-ano and ï¬rm a: 0110“ 9: prices. ° (.‘hnif'o picked lnts ~m! l it $4.25 to $4.35 1)?!‘ (-wt.; vamh' (If g ~~,l Sheepâ€"Receipts, 17,000; weak to a $11.13, 0\\'t‘l‘. Hay steady; 30 loads sold at $7.50 to $8.14) .or run for timothy and $6 to >57 'per ma ur clover. Straw, $7 to $7,509†ton. wt . .‘Stm'km‘s sold at ~33: to $3.37’eg’ fur "menu In. and extra: (-Imico 10:. at. $3.30 Syrupâ€"Ewes sold at $3 40 to $3 .30; blilk<. .75 per cwt for genura' run, with pi.- .v. .ts gning at $.‘: .60. Sp‘nu' l:llnlm~â€"Pl" cos ï¬rmer at $2.73 in Lamb and $4 to $4. .30 per mm . the l'ezxs ï¬rmer; 150 bushels sold at 51c to Toronto St. Lawrence Market. Ens! Buffalo (‘nttlc Market. OCOOOOOIII 00". OOOOIOOOCOQO.'OOO‘Q WHEAT CLIMBING. THE LINDSAY MARKET $7 to $7.50 per ton. dressed, sold mt $6 to $6.25 per Chicago Live Stock. Toronto Live Stack. ODD... “ do do..." cons: GRAIN. 0’... no... amuï¬.‘ GRAIN. "OO. 0 051% 0 58% 88.1.... WMM%mm msooomo 5.7.7 .7180 mmwmm 91 0.000 0081 0650 mwmm mmmm 055. %w%mmwww 00000000 wwwmmmww wwwwmuflmw 00006000 0'61‘; In U) _ _ , 7w..- vu qu acne! W necessary {92' competing a amï¬m Thu and h rgnmng spnnggosghoqllmuse and chutéh d ‘ , 1 .mthvi doing {all 'p owi '3: once.- 0% pm apply to owner. HOS. WEBSTER. 43 Carol hnday. or to GEORGE WEBSTER on the i'aâ€"35'4 ....._...._.' 7 '_‘.L_ ,-o ‘ ' - “Lindsay P.0‘ â€Wu H RESIDENCE fOR SALEâ€"Situated u baud. Hui ‘ The residence is I stem me, and medium repair. 1110 Mac ' bu been mutantly occupied md 3 11min: done therein. to pan an tollRS‘ R STALKER, om Robson‘ Raglan , flakyâ€"374. IV . __-vv v. \ll 1 Pawns In this ooun‘y to munge our blniml; in their own and nearby counties. It â€a mainly oï¬ee work conducted 3t In me. Sthry “night $900 1 yeu‘ md expensesâ€"deï¬nite, bonaï¬dc, no more, no less mtg. lonthiy $75. Relerenee. Enclose sell- address pod envelope, Herbert Efï¬eâ€, Prev... Dept. M. omegaâ€"88 8 , __,. v "u u.wuuc:fll0u 1 ma 3, Fenelon, ncu Osman-n vilhge. known as the do Croaier md Richu'dson tum, in ohm! {or ï¬le on my terms. The hm conï¬ning 100 lens, d! clan-ed snd in good cute of cultiution ; convenient to school and roaloï¬ice. FL: puticulm a I to W. J. CAMPBELL, Cameron. pp y In 3. Aaplcndid wellcf new ï¬g! libeny for loughing Much 18%, 1899‘ or turthe JOHN BRYANS, owner, Nor ‘5- WAN TEDâ€"Several Trustworthy Dal-Ami- old- “uâ€" â€"- BLACKSMITH $1301? AND Drurnnxvnu an“ a . - .- biz-MU“ 1 U RENT â€"Bemg east hit 10: 7, in the 11th mansion, tenn- shipol Ops,comzining 100 mm. The urn: is only ghoul. a mile and n In)! In In Benbom. on the lending mud to Lindsay. 1n ï¬rst-clan stnc o! comntion, 3°“ "'m" dumng uld (tune bun sud outbuild- "128. A splendid we" nf nor...- am... --_-_ _ A H A Davidson's Mill, near Little Britain, i reï¬tted and in good running order. ï¬ghopping‘ done evgry day. A A..- -..__-_: - FARM TO RENT out ha. ! In! 7 :.. "' Municipal Council of the coggratio towndLincsay intends to construct 3 gr sidewalk onthe South side of Kent. street, William street 1nd York Street, md 19 a: make. and Which is by law cogninble by the court; Dued this ï¬fteenth day of mber, A.D.. 1898 I". KNOW N, 01:11â€"38 2. roam â€Ell and women can SAVE TIME AND MONEY by taking 5. thorough; practical, complete and up-to-date Course in Accounting, Shonhand, Typewriting, Civil Service Sub jects with us. Write for prospectus now. . n. n. mama. nun. PRINCIPALS {#8. HARRISON. 80-6111. . Undergrad. Tor. University and S. of PAS. V -- râ€"J ‘uv and the me o! the owners were: an be ucextained from the last. re roll, is nuv ï¬led in the 06cc 0! municipdity end in open for inapea hours. he etimatedcoot of he's-or]: is $233.20 is to be provided out (I the the municipality A Cog3_ql_ljevision will be held A Court u! Revision will be held on MONDAY. THE IHIRDLDA‘Y OF OCTOBER. 1898. u , .J- --A n. FARM FOR SALE OR TO DEW f_A_ n . _ Leaves Lindsay at 10 a.m. Lea yes:l.indsay at 5. 00. GOBDCDNK AND LINDSAY ! Will run for the balance ofthe season a follow; Lewes Cobooonk at ...................... 640 x. An'iveantFenelou Fallsat... ...... 8.30 gm. Lewes Fenclon Falls at .................. 8.40 gm. Cdlinz at Sturgeon Point, if necmmry. Arrives at Lindsay at.... .. ...... .. 10.30 sm. Lewes Lindm st ...................... 3.00 pan. Arrh’es'at enelon F1113 n 4.30, tad Cobooonk at ................. 7 M .. -‘ FARES.-â€"Cobooonk to Lindsay, tingle 70c, return $1.00; Coboconk to Penelon Ffllg, single 35c, return 50c; Rosednleto Penelon Falls, single 15c, return 95c; Penelon Fal'a to Sturgeon Point, single 15c, re- turn 25c; Fenclon Falls to Llndeay, single 36c, return 50c. Steamer will all at any lending point i! ngnfled’ . Freight or reels carried at low prime. EXCURSI Nut-ties from 50 to 70 should com- municate With the owner a: Coboconk or Mada: P.O. For further inlomtion npply to J, D. "8005, Prop., Lindsay P.0. One 3 years 01d. :5: prize at the Toronu Thu: 1-year olds, sired by the above. Four Ram lambs of similar breeding. All are ofgood quamy and _will be sold prices. Lot :3. Con. 14, Manposa. uuu was wereox upon we -r 11 ab ' ereo tnd 19 be benefltted magmyu$TEht£emwg shown); the lads lhbie to pay the said “Basement. and the bum o! the 0179er thereor, as m :2 the)‘ A... k- _. M.L-:_-) A.___, Gina Individual Ingt ucticn, which is suit- ed to your particular case. Calling both my. at Sturgeon Point on following AX.‘ _ Leaves Fenelon Fallsjat 2. 45 38-tf. Steamer GREYHOUND “ MAPLE LEAF†,C â€" vâ€"' v Ir. ““1 n _ Conié early and ‘iakel your WITH You. Leaves Fenelan Fallsjat 7.15 a.m. THE NIMMO 8c HARRISON Business and Shorthand College 2 College Street. Toronto. ' Arrive at Sturgeon Point at 6.15 Arrives at. Fendon PM]: at 6.45 For full particulars enquire of W.SADLER, Purser. W. FEE. Cnntain m and Best for Table and Dairy ' No adultmflon. liner cakes. ’ Wall commence running between Fenelon Lint any on Monday, May 2nd. LEICESTER RAMS FOR SALE â€"Season ]898~â€"the Steamer. *vv mun]. All!“ Wells ming spring; s‘éhoolhous: and chard: dose by n Of ‘ 1 vah' 1W [‘ iowi (“gt once.~ ï¬om partials: er, Hos. WE . 3'30 GEORGE WESJ‘QE-E'n43, C‘P‘mestn NEW MILL. Arrives at Sturgeon Point at 11.00 Arrives at Fenclon Falls at. 11.45 Arrives at'Stm-geon Point st 15 Arrives at Lindny at....... £30 Arrives at Sturgeon Point 7.45 Arrives at Lindsay n 9.00 ’. ROSS, Woodrilie P.0. 33;?“ 50,41!!!) Menu; ................ . CHR!STIE CO : the Toronto Industrial. the abave. the cor; oration of the 99.3“.†1- xrqnolithic ,. over muss; “mi 0° 0! the clerk of the inspection during omce '.ool_:oession 7 and Maximo uppl to w-‘Id.L'ndssy .0. W. F EB. Cnptain it. streei, between and to man the 3qu Maï¬a; $50!.†of wh’ch genenl hands of Gmsr Bonus at modemte mttotheï¬cvised sum 129, Sec. 38. the Lredmm Clip. ofBfl. Freer hte of the \ inure of linden, 31 County of Bdiburton, Pub' ic u: the d! m WAD†139s, intestate, are web: More the “died on or :bo hypoot. prepud, on or “‘°‘ “355 inï¬ll?†4“ lcSWEYN A‘N’DERSOV of ï¬.’ in the County of \ictorin m m the sock d-y of Am“- to and by post. repaid, :0 Mean. 1W!" Andaaoo. Linda-y .0., solicizms tor and" ton and Robert. Thurston, executors 0‘ the O†jhe anid‘l’homn Thurston, their Chmdfl_ i met. mm and occupations, fu‘! pmâ€: their cum, and the nature of the scan“! ‘3 , he‘d by then. The said cxccutoni shad. “M “id mud d‘y of m-Vber, A.D., 1595! k fl ‘ to distribute the usets of me ssid_ yea-8d “w M there: i among 'h: panics amped My in and only to the claims of whxdx :39: U: a notice. ad shsll not be liable for the II“; " thhereono distributed m w): W U‘ chin web executors hue not name a 3“ web distribution. M _ _‘_ M “,3 to send by post. prepaid, 10 Meat: Iswegu Anderson, Lindsay 9.0., solicitors (ca: 1h. Dnvey 1nd Henry McKee. execmms oi the m the aid John Gnudy, their chrim me am addresses and occupation, full panicuhn 4'. claims, and the nature of the security (‘1! WM by them. The aid executors shal’. maid twang-fourth day at September. 1538.535“ mommy» *3“! the 95d (1th Pun-sum: to the Bevisea Gimp. 129. Sec. 35, the Cred )3“ gm. Township 01 )‘e Olaâ€"6.129. Sec. 35, the Creditors 01M“ hte 01th. Ilbwnship 0! \‘eruiam, in the 00‘ mhmih day 0': August, 3.1)., 1m m we orbefom the SECOND DAY OF OCTOBER, All-g Yunnan to the Revised Sutures of Ontnj . Chap. 129, Sec. 35, the credi'uori or Job}: â€I“ hue of the Township of Lanna. g; the 0m“ Vugoria, tanner. deceased, aha died on o: aim: Thirteenth dsy C1 JU'F. AD. 1:9: are ream or before the ’ ‘ wammmm DAY or seminal Janaâ€"35 4. pug w Among the parties (mug: a. hawk-g regu‘d only to the claims of thick mi then notice, and shsll not be liabieiorzhe- any put thereof so distributed to nymdu chin such executors hue not had node: time of such distribution. ICSWEYN ANDEPSON of the Ton: of injbe Countyyfï¬'icwlit, solicitors for uiie Dnted a my. the. 23rd (153 am 1898â€"364. McSWSYN ANDERSOV 4:122de in the County at \" mom, solicmn; to; gheg to m by P0“. Preli‘aid, it: Sum Anderson. Linden £0 , colic-item {LL-K?“ I “W! of the e513“ 0! . l Nuï¬m, their christian and suma'h‘mflh indompation, full pgnicuixs of me; an? the nature of the mm; (if ang) held in“; said executor aha]: after the said wearâ€. Sephmbet. A D. 1896, be a: hum) w v . q assets dthe said deceased or any WWW me panics entitled thereof having ‘ the china 0! which he has then Lama“- be liable for the m or am- pm than“ tribuwd to my person of “huge chimmh has not Ind potioe at the time of such (1m Dued u 'Lindsby :be'zzrl 1898â€"35 4. . {n u“ l he died 0“ d“ of August, D . 1895, "eh the? TWENTY-FOURTH nu . - WV“, Hm McSweyn 8; Anderson, gm“, '0! Ann Grayï¬fimnmslu-mk “all 1.0,. the and inmate. .thler chum,m ind ‘1 addresses Ind descnpuon5,m11 Immagr‘. china. ï¬nd the mature “f.1he5€°uritiee(igm§ b them, and the sax-J gut-mugs an; “WWW" tint the aid admimsuauxx shall, the “2‘ twenty-1m day of September, Ll). g at liberty to distnbutg the assets ‘0‘ or any part theh;c’_ 3:50;; W: WM thereto, hum: regam on!) u, , med-in. the may then huex.ouce andahwnatbe “a m or an) part thvrui sodm" Dswd It Lindsay 1898.â€"-35-4. ngqm-mum DAY or mm A n Iona dem'x ANDERSOS‘ in _t.he Qountx 9! ï¬laom, so 7.- . WVU can)†0‘ ' cup. 129, Sec. 38, {1e credimr‘, 0, 153991217,“ late of the Town (i Lmusag, g“ the C‘Jumvog YR,‘ widow. deceased, who dim on 0,! aw: me flag? mum! on of July, AJJ, 1831:. Inmate mm u; send my post, prepaid .Onégtth. â€W'FOURTH DAY 0F ‘ A- 0. I892. Sm“ nmwzys a Axï¬fe'llsox in the County at Vlctoria, s‘ "‘33.!“ En:- EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO non-nuance ADMINISTRATQRS, , m CREDIMD " " Inno- to send h post Pfepai d Anderson, Lindsay p.o_ 56'.“ Meg“ George Deniaon m Villiam A 11‘3““ the estate of the aid Charles cue, . m ' amen, "Em and 0c “amen Cuba 0! theit c the] th cum", (1! “1.) held by them. Th M the and twenty-hunt, d“ d W.“ be a liberty to difltribuu; the; Lmhfliu" dweued or my part thereof m“ W thereto, having W on}, g which they htve then "mice. and 50‘“ . jot the asset: Wham. Pa.†thereof R M m Mn 0 “' use C134") ‘ hag notice at. the time of ““9? egg M web . . .n “CS‘YEYN ANDERsux .ï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬mmm endby pa». prepua on u v m m or names} ncswrzm 'é'A'ï¬EiS in the County of \‘ictozia,, Dated the 23rd day of A EXECUTORS’ x CREDITORS. OTICE I] W n Undeny, the-'23 Pursuant t9 mg Revised E DMINISTR ATOR'S 3 XECUTORS’ NOTICE T0 ‘XECUTORS’ NOTICE TO I‘D DDDDDDD 'ro 032911035 CBEDI‘I‘ORS. TICK T0 CREanOBS- OBI-EDITORS. CREDITOBS cmmrroné £898 N o TIC? In 33'0 _â€"Ba KERR _.Fo* only 9‘ one dc award kind‘ of IS .38