mL LINES OFâ€" and English Tweed. matings, Trou- serings, Etc, Interest ,is'n Guaranteed. Prices . Right - - MPION K 00 am prepared to LEND William Street, Lindsay. Io Solicitor’ 5 Fees Io Commission. wh’s Biock, Lindsay. {EYâ€" 0Y1 600d Farm my at Lowest Rates Iiyou are still without uncea‘xs his identity in a ably-made Suit. If three- ka quarter yards of good naterial in the hands of the aï¬or does not make the mit certainly gives him g“ intend building this malt me before mak- Mm, 1 have an upto- wmm. and can supply ,that. is needed for 1mmâ€: the very lowest â€â€™1? Mt workmen. the 9†811d satisfaction ‘1‘ "3w ease. Enlarg- . an new machinery bi A410111213 turned out “.LARKE SONS, fibers at from $14 up. eater power among men ndleaning toward Ready- Iade drop in and see bar we have on hand for FOR you mm “was: of a number at f. m u hon the]. d h “unï¬t to nudge!!! vol-k- “Rudd easily done, Ind ro- new; pf,“ u naked. 2., 01’ Me rs read 3?“ â€"4 213mg sud maï¬a n; . Corned, NELON FALLS. lding Merchant Tailors Hoax â€Sim“ “'1 Fall or Winter Suit WILL GEORGE IIGLE me mucus Bellevflle Mixed ......... . ............. 5 50 mm Port. Ho Mixed via. Bethany ............. 6 15 gm Toronto xed via. Whitby and Port Perry 6 06 gm Toronto Expreu ............... . . . P011 H0} e 31“.) via Peterboro ...... Toronto Mixed vi: Lorneville ...... leiburton Mixed ................. Toronto Mail ..................... Cobooonk Mixed. .. .............. Port. Hope Express vb Peterboro. . are theseat or the starting point of many maladies, all of them serious, all more or less painful, and all of them tending, unless cured, to a fatal end. No organs of the body are more delicate or more sensitive than the kidneys. When symp- toms of disease appear in them not a moment is to be lost if health is to be restored. The best way to treat the kidneys is through the blood, cleansing it from the poison- ous matter which is usually at the bottom of kidney complaints. For this purpose there is no remedy equal to g MEWS Halibmton Mixed ............... Tummo Exprem from Port Hope P06 110 Nail from Tomnto.. . . Cobocon Mixed ................ Port Hope Mixed from Port Hope $010ng Mali; from Pom HT-pe. . . . on o x men from oronto Whitby ï¬lled". . . . ............. Belhvillo Mixed. ................ LeaveLindSv ......... LeaveJuucuunu ...... Arrive 31. B S. u. Junction ArriveatLindsay...... ..... Leave Bancroft ....... Leave Junction. .. Arrive at. Junction. . . Arrive at Bsncroft. . . â€"1b is stated that the Roshchilds will loan Spain £4,000,000 or £5,000,000, on the securisy 0t Almada quick silver mines, when she treaty of peace shall have been signed. 1 L_ LL- wan-vâ€"- -â€"A telegram has been received by the British foreign oflice stating that Capt. Cook has been shot dead in East Africa. He was a graduate of the Royal Military college, Kingston. â€"W. Gillespie, the Penetanguishene merchant, tried at Montreal on a charge of fun n-lshing false stetements of accounts, __:.L ‘ ..>â€"An.1 rn- §ar§apamila I All! unuu.u° _..__ v V , has been found guilty, wiohastrong re- commendation bo mercy. â€"A gas explosion took place in amine at Brownsville, Pa. Fifty four men were entombed, ot whom 27 found their way out. by an opening on the river. Eight. dead bodies have been recovered, and it is thought the other miners will be suffocat- “For many years I have been a constant sufferer from kidney trouble, and have tried a number of largely adv ertised kidney cures without beneï¬t. At. last a. friend ad- €396 me to try Ayer’ s Sarsaparilla. The use of eig ht bottles of this remedy entirely cured my malady.’ ’â€"MARY MILLER. 1238 Hancock Street. Brooklvn. N. Y. three years vvwâ€"â€"v Coope; seriously it stable were killed. some ‘ vuv “â€"1â€"--- -â€"It has been found the common house fly was the cause of the spread of typhoid fever in the American military camps at Santiago. This is the scientiï¬c conclusion of a commission oi scientiï¬c men, appoint- ed to investigate the condition of the ‘ camps, the cause of typhoid fever in them, i and authorized to recommend measures to prevent its spread and for its prevention n the future. The commission is com - ed of Ma r Lee, Dr. Veron, C. 1Vat} spent several weeks in the southern camps, gowing over the ground in the 'most through manner possible, and hgs LWar De ent. The commission is a unit in us that the fly is responsible for the prevalence of typhoid fever in the camps and brings forward apparently in- disputable facts to support its conclusion. â€"Ev . fail during corn-basking time the Ind hold a -wow in a vast screws of primitive ush near Fargo. Kent county, Out. Whiskey is generall a» particularfeatnre of these dances. an . L___1_ _- I. - nun-A {She "Quatcbmazk THURSDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1898 G.T.R. LOCAL TiME-TABLE ton Mixed ............... .. ...... .. 8 40 mm ‘Exprem from Port Hope .......... 8 50 an , Mail from Tomnto ............. .10 56 um 1 Mixed ........................... 10 10 mm .130 Mixed from Port Hope .......... 2 06 p.m nail from Pom vae .............. 6 21 pan $3153“ from Toronto .......... 7 53 run . ....................... 8 55 pm in Hind. .......................... 10 20 p.m NEVJS OF THE WEEK DEPARTURES. ARRIVALS. 8: O. SERVICE. R. SERVICE. UAW» vv â€"' injured. Six horses in a. ‘. RAXLWAYI ......... 6 50 mm up in row. m m m m .PFFP mwwm 6780 1 say? “I?†mmmm L PPn. mm41â€"a. 1. 1.215 years _ago an yeJl'S ago an .lLluoil'J nan-av“ "u..- _,__‘_v was brutally cut: and slashed to death at. one of these dances. and his Slayers were never bra ugh: to justice. Indians from all over this peninsula assembled last Thurs- day night, and amongst, the numbe several white persons, for the Duaste of holdincz their annual‘pow-wgnw. ahiakey uununuu. 5-41..- ____ __,, was there in abundance. Towards smi- rise John Dodge became engaged-in an altercation with Eli Waubanash, Jobn‘ being jealous of Eli‘s attention to John’s wife. John Dodge was beaten into inseno sihility by Eli Waubanash, assisted b Charles Dodge, brother of the injured man. J ohn’s head and face were in a hor- rible state, being so terribly bruised And battered as to make his face almost un- yrecognizable. He also was injured inter- nally. E i Waubanash and Charles Dodge have been arrested, pending the result of J obn Dodge‘s injuries. vvuu "V'F' ‘ ‘ â€"Healthy, happy chi!dren make better men and women of us all. A little care and a little planning before birth is often‘ more important than any thing than can be done after. On the mother‘s health and strength depeids the life and the future of the children. A weak and sickly woman cannot hear strong and healthy children. Most of the weakness of women is utterly inexcusable. Proper care and proper medicine will cure almost any disorder of the feminine organism. Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription has been tested in thirty years of practice. It is healing, soothing, strengthening. It is perfectly; nqtural in its operation and - .k-..muulu of wool: lCSLcu Lu WILUJ 4‘“.-- -â€" healing, soothing, strengthening. It is perfectly natural in ‘its operation and effect. By its use, thousands of week women have been made strong and healthyâ€"have been made the mother of strong and_healthy children. Taken dur- ,. -L:1AL:-OL nncv ucax l u] ‘â€"Llw v V W'â€" strong and healthy children. Taken dur- ing gestation, it makes childbirth easy and almost pamless and insures the well being of both methpr and child. Send 31 ecnts in one-cs-nt stamps to World’s Dis- ponmry Mulical Assvciation. Buffalo, N.Y., and receive Dr. Plprce’s 1008 page “Common Sense Medical Adviser.†Mr. F w Thompson; of the Ogilvie Milling Cm. Winnipeg, w'hn has returned from a tour through wheat-growing dis- trio‘s of Manitoba says :__ ‘ “ The yield and quality far exceeded my expectations. As a result of this trip I am forced to admit that the government estimates of the crop will be exceeded by over seven million bushels. - c . Q UV“. DUVUu _*-â€"_-_ ~77 “I estimate the crop of wheel: for Manitoba this year at 32.000.000. and allowing 600_0,000 for the Northwest A -L-‘ ._..A auowxug U,va,vvv v- e--- _, , Territoritiea, it will give us a total crop of wheat nearly double that of last year, and the greatest. in the history of the West. "Manitoba this year will ship more No. I hard wheat. than the entire crop of last year. Yuan. “ As iliustrating yields, Portage Plains will average over 20 bushels to the acre. ’ ‘ " -‘ ‘ :--__ -LX‘L "Illr-v‘. vvv-__V “ If the balance of the territory which I have not yet visited bears out the gov- ernment ea imate, it is quite within the probabiliues that the wheat temp of Mari- coba arm the Northwest Territories mcy exceed forty millions.†VICTORIA COUNTY CHEESE BOARD THE BOARD CLEARED AT 8 15-16 CENTS The regular meeting of the Victoria county cheese board was held in the old opera house on Saturday last. Several 0! he factories were not represented. The buyers present were Messrs. W. FlaVelle: Geo. Fitzgerald and Jae. Whitton. Sub- joined are the factories and numher of Eheese boarded I Star ...... . 2 Lorneville. . . . . 3 Cameron....... 4 Dunsford ...... 5 Mariposa ...... 6 Derryville ..... 7 Cambrav ...... 8 Janetville ...... 9 Omemee ...... ‘ 10 Fenelon Falls. . 11 North Vemlam. 12 Minden ....... I3 Leaskdale ..... THE BIDDING. Mr. Elavelie started the sale with an offer of 851%. for selections, which Mr.1 Fitzgerald increased to Sign , and called Oakwood. Bobcaygeon. Cambray. Mart posa and Star. which was declined. Mr. Whitton then bid 8§c.. and called Maple Leaf, North Verulun, Fenelon Falls, Omemee, Jauetville, Dunsford and Lorneville, which was refused. Mr. Flavelle offered ago . and called Cameron, which accepted. Pine Grove, Paleutine and Red Rock declining. Mr. Whitton then bid 8 15~16a., and secured Dnnsford, Janetville, Fenelon Falls, North Vernlam, Reaboro, Maple Leaf and Omemeeâ€"689 boxes. Mr. Fitzgerald then offered 8 15160. for selections, and got Star. Mariposa. Cambray, Bobcaygeon, ()skwood and North Ops. ' ‘ -‘ 1A-“: -L J.‘ UL Lu vyu. Mr. Flavelle than cleared the board :t 8 15 160. The board then adjourned. NURSING HER DYING CHILD HER HEALTH GAVE WAY, ANAEMIA, FOLLOWED BY NBURALGIC PAINS RACKED HER SYSTEMâ€"HER FRIENDS FBARED THAT SHE COULD NOT RECOVER. From the Enterprise. Bridgewater, N.S. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Diehl, who live about one and a half miles from Bridgewater, are highly esteemed by by a large circle of friends. Mrs. Diehl had passed through a trying illness, the particulars of which she recently gave a reporter oi the Enter- prise, as followszâ€"“In the spring of 1896 my health gave way. In addi. tion to my ordinary household duties I had the constant care, day and night. of a sick child. In the hope of saving‘ my little one, it did not occur to me that over work, loss of sleep and ‘anxiety were exhausting my strength. i Finally my child passed away, and then I realized my pbsical condition. Shortly after I was attacked with neuralgic pains in the shoulder which AN AFFLIGTED’" MOTH EB FORTY MILLION BUSHELS Indian named_Bu!} 1);:ng . 1C0 THE Wrï¬thAN. LiNDSAYJHURSDAY, SEP‘Itw asaammxsa .. 82 .125 . 71 |~ 77 . co x4 Valentia...... . oo 15 North Ops. . 65 16 Pine Grove... 40 I7 Reaboro ..... 135 18 Bobcaygeon..xoo 19 Maple Leaf..115 20 Palestine“ . . .107 21 Ingoldsby.... 00 22 Red Rock. . .154 23 Oakwood.. .. 4o 24 Little Bxitam. oo 25 Manchestct . . oo 26 Sutton ...... . oo seemed ages. It is impossible to des- cribe the agonies I suffered during that time. A skilfnl physician was in lconstant attendance upon me. He said my was the worse case of anaemia and general neuralgia he had ever seen. After some weeks he succeeded in getting me out of bed and after a Efew more weeks I was able to do 533;? light housework. But I was only jshadow of my former self; my appe‘ utite was very poor and that madening pain still clung to my side. and also‘ spread to the region of my heart and lungs, darting through and about -them like lauces cutting the flesh. Every few days I had to apply croton oil and fly blisters to my chest, and had a bad cough. My friends gave lup. thinking I had consumption. I, 1 too, really thought my end was near, , fearing mostly that the pains about ‘ my heart might take me 03‘ any day. ; During all my illness I never thought p of any medicine other than what my I. doctor prescribed. It happened, how- 5 ever, that in glancing over the Enter- ? prise one day my eyes_fe_ll upon the 117'! prise one day my eyes fell upon me statement of a. cure made by Dr. Wil- liam’s Pink Pills. The case resembled mine in some respects. I read and re read the article. It haunted me for several days notwithstanding I tried to dismiss it from my mind. At last V “SUM. Ivy â€" v I asked the doctor whether he thought these pills would help me. He looked at me a moment and then remarked, “well, perhaps you had better try them. I believe they do work wonders in some cases and if they do not cure you the will certainly do no harm.†That remark opened to me the door of life, for bad he said “no†I should not have used the pills. When I had used two boxes I began to feel better, my appetite improved and there was less of those pains about the heart and chest. The cough too was less severe. I kept on till six boxes more were ltaken and to make a long story short. I was myself again, appetite good, spirits buoyant, pains gone and I could do my own work with comfort. I have been well ever since and have no doubt that Dr. William’s Pink Pills saved my life, and restored me to my family. I am ever ready to speak their praises and in my heart am ever envoking God’s blessing upon their discoverer. Rheumatism. sciatica, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, nerwus headache, nervous prostration and diseases depending upon humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc . all disappear before a fair treatment with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. They give a healthy g10w to the pale and sallow compiexions and build and renew the entire system. Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at 50¢ a box or six boxes for $2.50 by addressing the Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ' Do not be persuaded to take some i substitute. He Is the Hardest of All Brute: to Get Before the Cnmera. “One of the most difï¬cult brutcs to photpgmp}: is the monkey,†said a man L_â€"~lâ€"r\fl-I luvv'nâ€"â€"r_ , in New York who makes a business of taking the pictures of all sorts of animals and birds. “You may try as much as you like, but you will never succeed in mak- ing a monkey look straight into the cen- ter of -a camera for even a second. Its ghnoe always shifts OR to one side or the other. Nor will it ever catch your. eye full or ï¬x Its'own upon yours, and I have come to the conclusion that a monkey can- 'vâ€"v -- -___ , not look at a hamera any more than it can look a human being 19 the face. i s, Own a. â€"â€".â€"__ _v_,, 0 “Take a dog's head in your two hands and look into its eyes. The beast will re- turn your goze2 not ‘for long perhaps, for ,,-,n:_-....,. -â€" J'â€"â€" U the contemplation of human intelligence distresses all animals. But it is not so with the monkey. Hold its head as pa- tiently as ye! please between your hands, and it will cast its eyes up to the ceiling and keep on winking or cast them down to the floor as if asleep or twist them «round in a most absurd fashion to 1001: war one side or the other, but never, even in passing by it, will it catch yours. ' a L“._ --“‘nan l6 “Why is this? I don’t know, unless it s that the animal has some secret regard- ng our own origin that it does not wish is to ï¬nd out. However, if they are bush- ul. they are very inquisitive, and if 1 ,-_AJ-.‘I On- Kl I. UM": *- â€" v v-†mm to leave my camera unguarded for en minutes in a cage containing, a. dozen monkeys half the family would be busy aking photographs of the other half. â€-â€" N’ushingtnn Star. ‘ .f Va bag; 7171765 [heavy enough to break any sale§ grit a commendatory adjective ~Y0u§£€lcomh<miom Into the hands of an elderly matron of nuch dignity and some distinction came of. long ago the diary kept by her fat-her. worthy but imperfectly literate farmer 5' a remote country village. With a clus- r of her own children authored about her ;(I peeping over her shoulder she turned no faded leaves of the little volume con- .iuing the records of the year in which no was born and paused ï¬nally at the ;:y of her birth. This is What she read: “Nov. 11 killed the hogg‘the scales bruk 'en “'haying so doAnot: nowe exact wayto at he was a very ï¬ne hevy hogg darter .,. r-__, It. was not an entry to enhance the self gloom of “Garter Luisa,†perhaps, but it 4 am now often hilariously quoted by her 'hildren and never resented by herself, :8!) though it relegates so unmistakably ) second place after the hog in the un- estral annals, such a trifle as the advent The common impression th at. all persons an English uppei' classes are entitled to mats of arms is erroneoll, for there are Instances of noble and ancient families ho ha'vo no right to no. hereditary coats of am: sad Icon to who 5 grant 3t this late day. ~ » - There on 390,000 midmgin 1m!~ .uisa b. 7% pounds." -uv-‘ â€"‘ vâ€"vl 7. donâ€"that Is to as}, am an M1) equal in numb» to the Vholo population in in numb» to \Wd. PHOTOGRAPHING A MONKEY Sho and the Hot- , unless {t A Sad Diuovam Who 11".: young and nationwlhtdnlotk 3'7 About an author's “minim†and til. '01! denying way Tint he should lead nun onwurd. Ignoring , can and suits, Ami never hop- to: gloryâ€"or â€â€œ7““ h“ In since I've (on. to mum; it run: is quite strange The way my views m taxing on I most do- , cided change. For M. I’m right tho baker 1nd the idler must be wrong. For they won’t snow muse along. 30 I've learned from :1 mn- are overdue That even folks with : money too. The colonel enters, livid with rage. “I see, sir,†he hisses, “that you head the report of my remarks at the grave o! the late Major Snigloy, sit, with. the cap- tion, ‘Hio Jacot,‘ sir.†“I‘vv~ .11.! _a_ Yes, sir.†“Well, air,†the colonel proceeds, “I have called, air, to say, air, that you're another, air. You, sir.†' ’l‘he colonel, observe, does not talk in dialect, neither do we, which is in iml! rather funny.â€"Detroit Journal. Did His Best. “Why, Joseph, " she cried to the return- ed soldier, “what a sight you are! You must have had a teal-fully hard time." “I did," he replied briefly. “And yet you told me to have no fear, as your colonel was thoughtful and con- siderase and Would take the best one 01 his men." _ â€no my... “Yes, but unfortunately my colonel didn’t have anything to do with the oom- misaary department. ’ "â€"Chioago Post. Sympsthy. Teacherâ€"Now, children, we all know what the word posterity means, do 1n not? Pupilsâ€"Yes, ma’am. Teacherâ€"Well, then, write a sentence containing the word. (Five minutes lot- or). Now. Johnnie, you may read yours. Johnnloe‘q am sorry for the kldé of pos- terity that will have to learn this war out of a book. We have 15.1-03qu snap.â€â€" Now York Tnith. Up to Speciï¬cations. ‘I thought you told me you were a lightning chopper,†remarked Farm.) Stumplott, after he had watched for a few moments the efforts of his new hired man to hack down a tree. 'v â€"â€"v_ “I am, b’gosh,†answered the hired man, making another gash and another grunt. “I never st ' “ wiced in thc same place.â€â€"Ch1ca e. Influx-huh. “And,†the new at?- friend ad “was the audience v enhhpslggtiic?" uv‘ VI-v 7â€"- .._____V- , “Enthusiastic!†she replied. “I should think so. Why, when I had to my, along toward the end of the ï¬rst not, thus I mu going away to drown: myself, nearly every- body? in the house just rose right up and cheered. "â€"Chlcego Tlmeioï¬erald. Father Goodkindâ€"You must be recon- oiled. Mr. .’O Rourke. Death, you know, is inevitable. But if you will tell me your greatest regret Iwill do whatI can to console you. â€" -.. .u . AI... L, "ERâ€"riclkvâ€"w‘l'aix, father, in that ox'n be at th' wake any won't know a thing about; lt.â€"V1m. . “General " exclaimed the subordinate oflicer 1n the Spanish army, “what shall we do with these bundles of typewritten Victories)? ’ ’ â€xiiâ€"<55 on to ’em. Maxbe Don Carlo- will give us a chance to work some of 'om on yet. â€-â€"Washington Star. ‘ Spunk Hothod- o! Extermination. J asperâ€"W'ell, well! The Cuban insur- gents bad a very exciting football game last week. .. Eileenâ€"Good heavens! What inhuman plot will tho'ae diabolical Spaniards hatch next?â€"-Up to Date, Mrs. Econâ€"They say that Mrs. Over- yonder’s niece, whose homo is in Petty wine, is a finished, elicaptionist. - u. ‘ n ,,,a. ‘1‘ Boonâ€"Tint so? Who killed hemâ€"New York Journal L903 «3! MUD- ,“m. lthmdmwmflnm “than men.†. “No, William, they†3“ digit â€W†w flag commandant .01 in iron-ea just as the advance I '4 o «1001 ad “I“ there)!“ ‘2 «mm was! JINGLES AND JESTS. ,..|1. ‘93, air,†*6 reply. Now mist we sigh when daylight sou. Now must we grieve when droops the rose; 100 naar the hourâ€"ah, sq'rrow's dole!â€" When w. must muse on high priccd goal. â€"Chicago Record. A nut-ml.“ Storm. It rained last night while I we: out Courting my darling E113, And I had left my mackintoeh At home. and my umbrella. And yet I suffered lack of these Without the least dejection. And. though the rain kept up en hour, I needed no protection. And such a storm as I was in The fear of storms dismisses, For I am Speaking of the rain 01 darling Ella’s kisses. " _L_ l0, "Dunn-'1, w] {v thy .pt tau 4“." he warrior hustled with I will To brave the battle gory. And now in peace be hustles still To get his share of glory. ,J _ All thou poet- of tho ammo: Are n gay. deceptive lot. I or they marvel about natal. Without being on the spot. The wild bard who chants tho ocean From tar inland writes his yarn. And the man who sings of haying Never even saw a barn. â€"Detroit Froe Presn About This Time of Your; Hated to Waite Thom; |tum» to: mun: own-'34 it l! m lore ‘ Lieu. I'hqoo but Gk)!- Lyric Frauds. â€"Cleveland Plain Deskt- Inconsolablo. In Some Cu... Ell Influence. mm»; their demeanor when In! 'missions must work fox pom U†“y gszmwg" '“" ' u no" 10‘: much-I. a disoonm to ho!» my s."â€"-Town To; Svaémngton um. “We 'â€"'Up to 13m. " '-â€"-YOUR ATTENTIUN IS ï¬BAWN TO OURâ€"â€" Readymade Clo-thing Department g DINNER {a SE T TS ! Men's Tweed 5252b, Boys’ Tweed med W or- sz‘ed 52522:, M en’s Tweed emd W envied Pam‘s, Boys’_ Pam‘s, Overcoaz‘s, and U lsz‘ers, Made up in good styles, from materials that will give good wear. You are invited to compare prices and examine the clothing carefully. HOGG BR 05., Mr. Frank S. Jost bought the entire exhibit of the Dominion Organ and Piano Company at the Toronto Industrial. Mr. Jost is the sole proprietor of the ï¬rm of Miller Bros., of Charlestown, Prince Edward Island, the largest dealers in Musical Instruments on that island, and he has chosen the Dominion Organ and Piano Company’s exhibit from the many exhibits upon the grounds, intending to place them on exhibition at the Charlestoiwn Fair. ’ ' Mr. Jost knows a good thing .when he sees it, and in his estimation the Dominion Organ and Piano Company’s instruments are the best made in Canadaâ€"Toronto World. General Agent, Lindsay, I 76 Kent-st , West. Lindsay Woollen Mills. VW’TE PLANINGMILL CALL AND INSPECT WORK AND GET PRICES. ‘ J. P. RYLEY We are selling the beat Stocking Yarn which wool will make, 2 or 3 ply, for 400. per lb. -16 oz. Full Cloth 350. . All Wool Checked Flaggel. warranted With New Goods just arrived we are showing a large stock of Eo'iviear three years, 25c. THINK THE PRICES WILL INTEREST YOU ARCH. CAMPBELL believe that the following prices are true or the quality of the goods advertised are genuine, come in and - inspect our stock, or if you have time, drOp into the factory where the goods are in process of manufacturing. HORN BROS†OAK WOOD, O; 'T. Our 25 cent Tea continues to give EXCELLENT SATISFACTION. No No better value in Canada. them.......‘.. SOLD. In all sizes and the very LATEST STYLES. Will be sold at Cut Prices. See W- W- LOG-AN, TPlaln Grey Flannel 20c. -â€"Bhnkeu;_35c. per lb., or $2 to $5 per -â€"If you pay' more for inferlo don’ t any we didn’ t hell you. FAMILY GROCER. M'St - North. T GS r .,v\' ',.~'. ‘kï¬.\k - llPlON a (3033 and English Tweed. . oatings, Tron- serings, Etc, # 'r. Guaranteed. Prices «N ,l. . Right PION 8: CO .45 B'mk. Lindsay. E.â€" . £88, on YOU ill MONEY. 6‘3", :r 12:233er to LENL) Good . arm :" 2.: Lowest Rates .«n ï¬n o Solicitor’s Fees. ’0 Commission. # , . Cornefl, . . Szreet, Lindsay. ‘21:};5 his identity in a ‘szj;.'-rr.-::Je Suit. If three- .a guarter yards of good atrial 3:: the hands of the not make the :11: certainly gives him rea::r :cvier among men still without ilinter Suit up. 3,. fl .. -L(‘.-. its; toward Ready- and see llitlill 81 sous, NELON FALLS. ding M erchant Tailors “MM†IT WILL PAY n = - . . .. '32.?“ building this ,' - uï¬ me I» if ‘ . m. it ore mak needed for Very lowest Workmen. the and satisfaction «is 3 3?? case. Enlarg- . " ‘3‘ new machinery .h‘23 beg: mmDer .ed 33 er I, . ’_ A“ orders turned out GEORGE IIIGLE t Vosend‘our work- Du-ceid â€â€˜1†done. and re- ‘ hump W In ï¬nished. Pay . â€send nigeï¬l‘gl‘an ready s n a m YOO~L0FD01633° .1 silllws are theseat or the starting point of many maladies, all of them serious, all more or less painful, and all of them tending, unless cured, to a fatal end. N o organs of the body - re more delicate or more sensitive than the kidneys. When symp« toms of disease appear in them not a moment is to be lost if health is to be restored. The best way to treat the kidneys is through the blood, cleansing it from the poison- ous matter which is usually at the bottom of kidney complaints. For this purpose there is no remedy equal to tigers Ssrsapamila “For many years I have been a constant sufferer from kidney trouble, and have tried a number of largely advertised kidney cures without beneï¬t. At last a friend ad- vised me to try Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. The use of eight bottles of this remedy entirely cured my malady.â€-â€" MARY MILLER, 1238 Hancock Street. Brooklyn. N. Y. G.T.R. LOCAL TIME-TABLE DEPARTURES. Bellevllle Mixed ......................... 5 50 13.111 Port Hope Mixed via Bethany ............. 6 15 a.m Toronto Mixed via Whitby and Port Perry 6 05 am Toronto Express .......................... 8 55 a. in Port HO} 9 Mail via Peterboro .............. 11 00 am Toronto Mixed via Lorneville .............. 1?. 15 p in Baliburton Mixed ......................... 2 15 p in Toronto Mail ............................. 6 ‘25 pm Coboconk Mixed ........................ 0 30 p.m Port Hope Express via Peterboro .......... 7 55 p.m ARRIVALS. Haliburton Mixed ......................... 8 40 3.113 Toronto Express from Port Hope .......... 8 50 run Port Hope Mail from Toronto .............. 10 56 mm Coboconk MiXed ........................... 10 10 a.m Port Hope Mixed from Port Hope .......... 2 05 p.m Toronto nail from Port H-Epe .............. 6 21 pm Port Hope Ex rose from Toronto .......... 7 53 p.m Whitby Mix ........................... 8 55 pm Bellevillo Mixed. ........ . ................. 10 20 p.m I. B. O. RAILWAY. .â€" C T. It. SERVICE. LeaveLindSv .. ......11 20 s.m Leave Juuctm... . 2 2-) pm ArriVe at I. h’ ..; u. Junction .............. ‘2 00 pm Arrive at Lindsay ........................ 5 10 p.m I. B. 8: 0. SERVICE. Leave Bancroft ............................ 11 00 am Leave Junction. ....................... 2 '20 pm Arrive at Junction ........................ 1 45 p.rn Arrive at Bancroft.......... . . 5 15 pm (She "QIllatcbman. THURSDAY, SEPT. 29th, 1898 NEVJS OF THE WEEK .â€" -â€"It is stated that the Roshchilds will loan Spain £4,000,0w or £5,000,000, on the security of Alinada quick silver mines, whenthe treaty of peace shall have been Signed. He was a graduate of the Royal college, Kingston. â€"-W. Gillespie, the Penetanguishene merchant, tried at Montreal on a charge of furnishing false statements of accounts, has been found guilty, with a strong re- commendation to mercy. â€"A gas explosion took place in amine at Brownsville, Pa. Fifty four men were entombed, of whom 27 found their way out by an opening on the river. Eight dead bodies have been recovered, and it is thought the other miners will be suffocat- ed. a â€"On Monday the son of Mrs. H. Horn- ing of Kirgston, widow of the late Capt. J. Homing, died suddenly at Glenvale. The little lad had eaten freely of grapes, and was stricken with‘an illness so sudden and fatal in its sheets that he died before medical aid could be summoned. He was three years of age. â€"A heavy rainstorm, accompained by severe thunder and lightning, passed over the northwestern portion of Manitoba on Friday. Wm. Black, aged nineteen, was killed by lightning while standing in a stable at Franklin, and at Macdonald station W. Nicholson was killed and J. Cooper seriously injured. Six horses in a stable were killed. â€"A despatch from Winnipeg says that deliveries of wheat are now beginning to increase. During the past two week the bulk of the deliveries have been_made along the line of the Northern Paciï¬c A great deal of wheat, much more than uSual at this time of the year, has been stored in the elevators by farmers in the hope of prices advancxng. - Several days ago a young Hamilton married man, who went to the Klondike some time ago, returned home to findhis wife gone. Before he went away he left her a house, comfortably furnished, and $2,500 to keep her during her absence. It was a great shock to him when he found that his wife had sold the furni- ture in the house and disappeared. From information he received he suspects she went to Buï¬'alo with a young man. The husband went to Buffalo to try to locate the couple. -â€"It has been found the common house fly was the cause of the spread of typhoid fever in the American military camps at Santiago. This is the scientiï¬c conclusion of a commission of scientiï¬c men, appomt- ed to investigate the condition of the camps, the cause of typhoid fever in them, and authorized to recommend measures to vent its spread and for its prevention pr: The commission Is com - C. Van spent several “HIPS, KOWIIlS most through We: De unit in for the prevalence . camps and brings forward apparently in- disputable facts to support its conclusion. - . fall during corn-bucking time the Ind hold a pgvnwow in a vast ush near acreage of mimitive FarRO. Kent county, Out. Whiskey is general! a particular feature of these dances. an they generally breakuplnarow. Three years ago was one of these dances. and his slayers were never br'. ugbt to just ice. m‘er this peninsula assembled last Thurs- day night, several white persons, for the nu , holding their annual pow-wow. was there in abundance. Towards sun- rise John Dbdge became engaged in an altercation with Eli Waubanash, John being jealous of Eli‘s attention to John’sl few more weeks I was able to do some light housework. But I was out) .shadow of my former self; my appe- ttité was very pom- and that madening pain still clung to my sideand also spread to the region of my heart and wife. sibility Charles Dodge, brother of the injured man. John’s head rible state, battered as to make his face almost un- recognizable. nally. have been arreste John Dodge‘s injuries. men and women of and a little planning _ more important than any thing than can be done after. strength depend of children. TH’E WelGHMAN, LINDSAY, THURSDAY. "SEPEE. gramme" an Indian named Bull Dodge brutally cut and slashed to death at Indians from all the number of hiskey and amongst John Dodge_was beaten into insen- by Eli \\ aubanash, assisted by and face were In a hor- being so terribly bruised and He also was injured inter- â€"Healthy, happy chi!drlen make better us at . before birth is often On the mother‘s health and the children. A weak and sickly woman cannot hear strong and healthy is utterly prOper medicine will cure almost any disorder of the feminine. organism. Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription has been tested in thirty years of praci ice. healing, soothing, strengthening. It is perfectly natural in its operation and effect. By its use, thousands of week women have been made strong and healthyâ€"have been made the mother of strong and healthy children. Taken dur- ing gestation, it makes childbirth easy and almost painless and insures the well being of both morher and child. Send 31 crnts in one-cent stamps to \Vorld's Dis- pcn~ary Medical Assvciation. Buffalo†N.Y., and receive Dr. Pierce’s 1008 page “Common Sense Medical Adviser." â€"â€"--________..-â€"-_.-_:__â€"__â€"â€"'â€" FOR'IY MILLION BUSHELS Mr. F W Thompson, of the Ogilvie Milling Cm, Winnipeg, who has returned from a tour through wheat-growing dis- tric‘s of Manitoba says : “The yield and quality far exceeded my eXpectatlons. As a result of this trip I are forced to admit that the government estimates of the crop will be exceeded by over seven million bushels. “I estimate the crop of wheat for Manitoba this year at 32.000.000, and allowing 6,000,000 for the Northwest Territorities, it will give us a total crop of wheat nearly double that of last year, and the greatest in the history of the West. "Manitoba this year will ship more No. 1 hard wheat than the entire crop of last year. . “ As iliustrating yields, Portage Plains will average over 20 bushels to the acre. “ If the balance of the territory which I have not yet visited bears our the gov- ernment es imate, it is quire within the probabilities that the wheat crop of M’H'I' toba and the Northwest Territories lllC)’ exceed forty millions.†___â€".â€"â€"â€" VICTORIA COUNTY CHEESE BOARD THE BOARD CLEARED AT 8 15-16 CENTS The regular meeting of the Victoria county cheese board was held in the old opera house on Saturday last. Several at he factories were not represented. The buyers present were Messrs. W. Flavelle', Geo. Fitzgerald and Joe. Whitton. Sub~ joined are the factories and number of cheese boarded .â€" I Star ......... 1C0 I4 Valentin...... . 00 2 Lorneville..... 35 15 North Ops. . 65 3 Cameron....... 85 16 Pine Grove... 40 4 Dunsford ...... 84 I7 Reaboro ..... I35 5 Mariposa ...... 78 18 Bobcaygeon..ioo 6 Derryville. oo 19 Maple Leaf. .115 7 Cambray ...... 75 20 Palestine. . . .107 8 Janetville ...... 82 21 Ingoldsby... . oo 9 Omemee ...... 125 22 Red liock...is4 io Fenelon Falls.. 71 23 Oakwood.. .. 40 1! North Verulam. 77 24 Little Britain. 00 12 Minden ....... co 25 Manchester .. 00 i3 Leaskdale ..... oo 26 Sutton ...... . 00 THE BIDDING. Mr. Elavelle started the sale with an 0361' of 8c. for selections, which Mr. Fitzgerald Increased to 80 , and called Oakwood. Bobcaygeon. Cambray, Mari- posa and Star. which was declined. Mr. Whitton then bid 8§c., and called Maple Leaf, North Verulun, Fenelon Falls, Omcmee, Jauetville, Dunsford and Lorueville, which Was refused. Mr. Flavelle offered 8§c . and called Cameron, which accepted. Pine Grove, Palestine and Red Rock declining. Mr. Whitton then bid 8 1516s., and secured Dunsford, Janetville, Fenelon Leaf and Gimmesâ€"689 boxes. Mr. Fitzgerald then offered 8 15-160. for selections, and got Star, Marlposa, Cambray, Bobcaygeon, ()akwood and North Ops. Mr. Flavelle then cleared the board at 8 15 160. The board then adjourned. AN AFFLIGTED MOTH ER ._â€"-.-â€"-â€" HEALTH GAVE WAY, ANABMIA, FRIENDS COULD NOT RECOVER. From the Enterprise, Bridgewater, N.S. Bridgewater, by a large circle of friends. 1896 my health gave way. of a sick child. my little that over work, Finally my. child passed neuralgic pains in :1: side grew worse y I became unable In addition to my reduced in flab. My E I Waubanash 811d Charles Dodge lungs, darï¬ng d’pendm“ the result 0t-tlieni like lances cutting the flesh. Every Alitrle care oil and fly blisters to my chest. and had a bad cough. My friends gave Iup, thinking I had consumption. 3 the life and the future 1:00, fearing mostly that the pains about Most of the weakneSs of women my inc-“usable- Pm?" “are and During all my illness I never thought of any medicine other than what my doctor prescribed. It IS ever, that in glancing over the Enter- prise one day my eyes fell upon the statement of a cure made by Dr. Wil- liam’s Pink Pills. mine in some respects. I read and re read the article. several days notwithstanding I tried to dismiss it from my mind. At last I asked the doctor whether he thought these pills would help me. He looked at me a moment and then remarked, “well, perhaps you had better try them. I believe they do work wonders in some cases and if they do not cure you the will certainly do no harm.†That remark opened to me the door of life, for bad he said "no†I should not have used the pills. used two boxes I_ began to feel better, my appetite improved and there was less of those pains about the heart and chest. The cough too was less severe. I kept on till six boxes more were do my own work with comfort. , North Verulam, Reaboro, Maple NURSING HER DYING CHILD HER FOLLOWED BY NBURALGIC PAINS RACKED HER SYSTEMâ€"HER FBARBD THAT SHE Mr. and Mrs. James A. Diehl, who live about one and a half miles from ’ are highly esteemed by Mrs. Diehl had passed through a trying illness, the particulars of which she recently gave a reparter of the Enter- prise, as follows :â€"“In the spring of In addi- tion to my ordinary household duties I had the constant care, day and night. In the hope of saving one, it did not occur to me loss of sleep and anxiety were exhausting my strength. away, and then I my pbsical condition. Shortly after I was attacked with the shoulder which shifted to my right side after three weeks and settled there: The pain in ' and after a few to leave my bed. bodily trouble I _ became melancholy and was very much friends regarded my condition as dangerous. I remain: ' voral weeks; to me it â€- seemed am. It is impossible to des- cribe the sgonies I suffered during that time. A skilful physician was in constant attendance upon me. said my was the worse case of anaemia and general neuralgia he had ever seen. After some weeks he succeeded in getting me out of bed and after a He ‘ through and about few days I had to apply croton 1. really thought my end was near, heart might take me off any day. It happened, how- The case resembled It haunted me for When I had taken and to make a long stOry short, I was myself again, appetite good, spirits buoyant, pains gone and I could I have been well ever since and have no doubt that Dr. William’s Pink Pills saved my life, and restored me to my family. I am ever ready to speak their praises and in my heart am ever envoking God’s blessing upon their discoverer. Rheumatism. sciatica, neuralgia, partial paralysis, locomotor ataxia, uerV».'lli headache, nervous prostration and diseases depending upon humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc , all disappear before a fair treatment with Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. They give a healthy g10w to the pale and sallow complexions and build and renew the entire system. Sold by all dealers or sent postpaid at 50c a box or six boxes for $2. 50 by addressing the Dr. Wil- liams’ Medicine Co., Brockville, Out Do not be persuaded to take some substitute. {â€"â€" PHOTOGRAPHING A MONKEY. He Is the Hardest of All Brute: to Get Before the Camera. “One of the most difï¬cult brutcs to photograph is the monkey,†said a. man in New York who makes a business of taking the pictures of all sorts of animals and birds. â€You may try as much as you like, but you will never succeed in mak- ing a monkey look straight into the cen- ‘ter of a camera for even a second. Its ghnoe always shifts of! to one side or the other. Nor will it ever catch your. eye. full or ï¬x lts‘own upon yours, and I have; come to the conclusion that a monkey can- not look at a camera any more than it can. look a human being in the face. “Take a dog's head in your two hands and look into its eyes. The beast will re- turn your gaze, not for long perhaps, for the contemplation of human intelligence distresses all animals. But it is not so with the monkey. Hold its head as pa- tiently as yoï¬ please between your hands, and it will cast its eyes up to the ceiling and keep on winking or cast them down to the floor as if asleep or twist them 'IX‘OUDd in a most absurd fashion to look )"01‘ one side or the other, but never, even if! passing by it, will it catch yours. “Why is this? I don’t know, unless it s that the animal has some secret regard- :ig our own origin that it does not wish is to find out. However, if they are bush- ul. they are very inquisitive, and if 1 rum to leave my camera unguarded for en minutes in a cage containing, a dozen monkeys half the family would be busy nking photographs of the other half. â€- El’nshingtnn Star. - ________._._â€"-â€"- She and the Box. Into the hands of an elderly matron of zluCh dignity and some distinction came int long ago the diary kept by her fut-her. worthy but imperfectly literate farmer 3' ii remote country village. With a clus- r of her own children gathered about her ;(I peeping over her shoulder sho turned no faded leaves of the little volume cou- .tning the records of the year in which -iiU was born and paused finally at the ;:y of her birth. This is what she read: “Nov. 11 killed the hogg the scales bruk 'en whnying so do‘not nowe exact wayw at he was a very ï¬ne hevy hogg durter .uisn b. 7% pounds.†It was not an entry to enhance the sell stccni of “darter Luisa,†perhaps, but it 4 one now often hilariously quoted by her -liildren and never resented by herself, :8!) though it relegates so unmistakably ) second place after the hog in the un- cstral annals, such a trifle as the advent .f a baby not heavy enough to break any sales erit a commendatory adjective ~Yougrcom‘puniou. ‘ -».â€". Tho common impression that all persons iii English upper classes are entitled to mats of arms is erroneous, for there are instances of noble and ancient families he have no right to use hereditary coats of arms and score totakea grantat this late day. . - . ' There are 890,000 maid-crumb in Lon- donâ€"that Is to say, they are nearly equal in uumbar to the whole population in Shoflisld. ’ /'!/1 exec/Se, JINGLES AND JES’TS. AMMryL “calm young and nationwlhadalotu 087 About an author's “mlniu†and the nth denying way That he should lead nan onward. ignoring care and strife, And never hop- fcr gloryâ€"or moneyâ€"tn hi: Inc. But since I've gone to Krishna; it really is quite strange The way my views , clded change. For if I’m right the baker and the tailor must be wrong. For they won’t allow a cause along. 30 I've learned from their making on a noctde In all sizes and the very LATEST STYLES. demeanor when my 111: rd 7- . That :ven mkgvgitï¬omlssicus must work for VI 111 be 501d at CUt Prices. See money too. â€"ClevclandPlalnDaalar. them................. Ian'LIeI- our 25 cent Tea, continues to The colonel enters, livid with rage. , “I see, sir," he hisses, “that you head the report of my remarks at the grave of the late Major Snigloy, sir, with. the cap- tlon, ‘Hic J acet,‘ sir.†“Yes, sir,†we reply. “We did, sir. “I Yes, sir.†“Well, sir,†the colonel proceeds, have called, sir, to say, air, that you're another, air. Yes, sir." ' The colonel, observe, does not talk in dialect, neither do we, which is In itself rather funny.â€"Detroit Journal. give EXCELLENT SATISFACTION. No No better value in Canada. Did His Bast. “Why, Joseph, " she cried to the return- ed soldier, “what a sight you are! You must have had a foarfully hard time." “I did," he replied briefly. “And yet you told me to have no fear, as your colonel was thoughtful and con- siderate and Would take the best cars of his men." . “Yes, but unfortunately my colonel didn't have anything to do with the com- missary department. ’ ’pâ€"Chlcago Post. 'â€"-â€"YOUR ATTENTIIIN IS llllAWII TO OURâ€"â€" Readymade (“o-[hing Department Sympathy. Teacherâ€"Now, children, we all know 'what the word posterity means, do we not? Pupilsâ€"Yes, ma’am. Teacherâ€"Well, then, write a sentence containing the word. (Five minutes lat- er). Now. Johnnie, you may read yours. J ohnnlo-,â€"‘ ‘I am sorry for the kids of pos- terity that will have to learn this war out of a book. We have arogular snap.â€â€" New York Truth. With New Goods just arrived we are showing a large stock of Men’s Tweed Suits, Boys’ Tweed and W 07- sz‘ea’ Suds, Men’s Tweed and W orsz‘ea’ Pam‘s, Bog/5’, Pam‘s, 07167606123, and U [51675, Made up in good styles, from materials that will give good wear. You are inv1ted to compare prices and examine the clothing carefully. THINK THE PRICES WILL INTEREST YOU HOGG BR 05., OAK WOOD, Of ’T. A Harmless Storm. It rained last night while I was out Courting my darling Ella, And I had left my mackintosh At home, and my umbrella. And yet I suffered lack of these Without the least dcjectiou. And. though the rain kept up an hour. , I needed no protection. ‘ And such a storm as I was in The fear of storms dismisses, For I am speaking of the rain 0! darling Ella's kisses. â€"Up to Date. Up to Speciï¬cations. ‘I thought you told me you were a lightning chopper,†remarked Farmer Stumplott, after he had watched for a few moments the efforts of his new hired man to back down a tree. “I am, b’gosh,†answered the hired man, making another gash and another grunt. “I never st' ‘ wicod in the same place."â€"Chica e. \â€" SOLD. Mr. Frank S. Jost bought the entire exhibit of the Dominion Organ and Piano Company at the Toronto Industrial. Mr. Jost is the sole proprietor of the ï¬rm of Miller Bros, of Charlestown, Prince Edward Island, the largest dealers in Musical Instruments on that island, and he has chosen the Dominion Organ and Piano Company’s exhibit from the many exhibits upon the grounds, intending to place them on exhibition at the Charlestown Fair. ' ‘ . Mr. Jost knows a good thing .when he sees it, and in his estimation the Dominion Organ and Piano Company’s instruments are the best made in Canadaâ€"Toronto World. Enthusiasm. “And,†the new ste- friend asked, ‘ ‘was the audience v enthusiastic?†“Enthusiastic!†she replied. “I should think so. Why, when I had to say, along toward the end of the ï¬rst act, that I was going away to drowu myself, nearly every- body in the house just rose right up and cheered. "â€"Chicago Tlmes~Kcrald. Lyric Frauds. All these posts of the summer Are a gay, deceptive lot, I or they marvel about nature Without being on the spot. The wild bard who chants the ocean . From far inland writes his yarn, And the man who sings of haying ' - Never even saw a barn. , ,m, . â€"Detroit Free Press. ~ ":74?" 33-. II Inconaolabla. Father Goodklndâ€"You must he recon- ciled. Mr...O’Rourko. Death, you know, Is inevitable. But if you will tell me your greatest regret Iwill do whatI can to console you. Patrickâ€"Fair, father, it’s that GM] be at th' wake an won't know a thing about lt.â€"Vlm. . Hated so Waite Then.’ “General,†exclaimed the subordinatc ofï¬cer in .the Spanish army, “what 'shall we do with these bundles of typewritten victories?†- “Hold on to ’em. Mcxbe Don Carlos will give us a chance to work some of ’em ea yet.â€-Washington Star. W- W- LOG-AN, General Agent, Lindsay, 17o Kent-st , West. IF YOU CAN/V0 T believe that the following prices are true or the quality of the goods advertised are genuine, come in and- inspect our stock, or if you have time, dr0p into the factory where the goods are in process of manufacturing. About This Time of Year; New must we sigh when daylight goes. ' . ‘ Now must we grieve when droops the react 100 near the hourâ€"ah, so‘rrow's dole!â€" Wheu We must muse on high priced coal. â€"-Plaln Grey Flannel 206 â€"Chicago Record. â€"We are selling the but Stocking Ym I which wool will incl: 2 or 3 l f . - 40c.'per 1b. 0, py, or "Bh‘m‘mâ€"m per 1b., 01‘ $2 to $5 per â€"16 oz. Full Cloth 35c. . Peir- â€"All Wool Checked Flannel, warranted -â€"If you pay: more for inferior goods, to wear three years, 25c. ‘ - don’t “y we didn’t tell you. Spanish Methods of Extarmluatlon. Jasperâ€"well, well! The Cuban insur- gents had a very exciting football game last week. _ J udsonâ€"Good heavens! What inhuman plot will those diabolical Spaniards hatch nextfâ€"Up to Date, â€" HORN BROS., Lindsay Woollen Mills. William-St. North. PLANINGMILL m- Influence. Mrs. Econâ€"They say that Mrs. Over- yondor’s niece, whose home is in Petty villa, is a finished elociitionist. Boonâ€"That so? Who killed hartâ€"New York J ournal. IG’IORII In Some Cacao. “a warrior hustled with a will To bravathe hattlagory, And now in peace he hustles still To get his share of glory. ‘ -â€"Washlugtou Ital. , poi-gunman- "m. lthsaidï¬atwcmsaflmus stairs; ,. ,, ERAMES MOULDINGS aw "$03-33; sneer...“ .._TURNINGS ' am... "Why the command!“ . . “intros just as the advgnoa g ; 9 a doc! that there wasuo ‘ prueut."â€"Towu 1‘01“. ‘noons . . . ETC. ETC. dance-any ’ ’ mum-m3 ' , _ dun-'33 $153: _-.. ». r