v'x :- », -. 7 Q .7 /:7:7 {7,71} ‘r' 5/) d 7' " 3‘ 1- .‘N ‘5’" a-“ 1". at .)~ 9‘: a , _~_:§ ,‘PSYV . ' i - J ‘Vé x. ~ .- on . *1 a, . . . .fx\ 5'? ‘i: .’ l“ 4 3/ n /’ J?’ ' K‘s); .. 24):.) .2. , , .37 7‘! s ' - . , -: .-al illustration ECU 8. papa 3 ¢ 5 ~/‘- ~- «r-ï¬-I ire - :-> . we ___,____ v_-.___.,,_:\ c . .4le _ ILsLJ'ly w. . ,g,‘ ul‘tllna-I'Yo ix- .. '. ,ortion of ‘. /?’7/7 -â€" -1 I V, j a :â€":_.;_ â€" b Thee Lines are kept constantly re y rely on getting satisfaction ng from the 1'. tea. 11.: ..'. ..-.... J. ' Q I is} v.5- “ .V L. - -. M _-.. . V . ,, is: \ '-': "3'3 , .9», .1! acre '33} :_-f/‘J‘..x a ’1‘: .. â€ï¬n VI“. 3 ‘ .v a"... we: bU‘ \ «4. \ «'1, n {3a ---- Jo. LLD 11.-., if" . :3, I,‘ II - VTZLZJIAM STBE ET, \V' .. 'l u, , at», ALL. :‘_A .‘ J A r3 I Pym z‘zflg O 66. LIFTID SAY i m1 “7"â€! J. nil-I ~ wanna-"1 rs _-’...rt..~.inrnNTi ARE}-~ mag] " m ~:\.; ; 1?»?‘th‘frl. 1:6 ('9‘; 3' Lid-(fl: («i-3 N, and. "r‘ tau;- 3 delimit. 35 rs Arm: . , “a r“: 5' it. 6‘9; frame. we: gimme. a,“ LEI-oil‘s? tit" Susannah; 9.3113..de cl. 1 D... . ‘ ~ 3: :_ : :4 _ "2 7-."1 '1', . fl ‘1. evil. Uï¬â€˜ lidâ€"is} d. D ° ,. .: n1 w'iflfl V aJ-IEI THE WATCHMAN, LlNDS E I Any person sending us $3.00 for ayear’s suoscription will receive a eve-ï¬llsï¬ï¬ï¬sv GRQQEREES. BEA UTIFUL CHROMO Feed ntly buyers Ina time by purchasi EA the iii E EEE‘EET : x i..: 2.11;: .. .1. . ~ .244 .xx...u.x.". 11:33:73.; .vgcwn-a z...- augu- Before you purchase look at 'W. l~‘. MCCARTY’s Stock of VIâ€. . n n 1‘; .1. 1 Gala 01).“, i ill-.0093 all lending. l W l - 'i liomas altharn, Elgin, Hampdcn, with and Swiss movements. and .\.'.‘:l'Crl(l Cases. l â€rm latches at the .31 lowest 1-5. Chains, Engage-l Victltliig lungs, Finest Quality ll 15' ' liliiSSGlllti ti plinished, con- author Tim New Yon -; will also contain Serials, articles by AY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30, £890. 0 Grand Gift NOW FOR {3134-0112 TO ALL READERS OF THE New York Fireside Companion, â€"THEâ€"â€" [IIOSZ‘ Popular Family foumal m #26 Unite a’ m es. New Is THE TIME TO susscmsr. Price $3.00 a Year. (‘7‘.qu in America. AMERIGM rumors. Among those contributors who are .- gaged to write EXCLUSIVELY for Tan *2 YORK FIRESIDE COMPANION may mentioned : Miss Laura Jean Libbey, . Middleton’s Lover," “ That Pretty Young Girl,†etc. of “ Miss “Old Sleuth,†whose detective sto ' . h ' . . . him a world-\ï¬ilge rggï¬tglgfgéned for perfume mixed Wlth the Jelly. A woman Mrs. Mary E. Bryan, gifted author. of “Manch, hell‘s \Vhite Child,†etc. Mrs. Lucy Randall Comfort, author of “Ida Clialoner’s Heart,†and other famous stories. Fl nicsiin; the. authors, viz: Henry Guy Carleton, Walter F. Jackson, Charlotte M. Braeme, “The Duchess,†M. V. Moore, C. E. Belles, Mrs. E. Burke Collins, 5 Mary Kyle Dallas, Kate M. Cleary, Charlotte M. Stanley, r?- K. 17-. r1111, Kate A. Jordan, Grafton Deane, Shirley Brown, Annabel Dwight, May R. Mack Mary C. Preston, Annie Ashmore, Carl Brickett, Adna H. Lightner, Esther Serle Kenneth, TERMS :â€"--THE NEW Great Painting, It contains THE BEST STORIES following well-known enzie, Miss e. v. lr’iaitland, YORK FIRESIDE water as a stim'ulaï¬t. Another good old-fashioned way of produce ing gempirapion of the skin, although it is not 1 so e ective or the com lexion as when com- :ROUGH IN ms bined with steaming, is,pa.fter taking a very , l hot bath, to drink copiously of some hot drink 3 ; (again I must note that in this case warm is ._ not the word), and lie down under half a Hot Baths Will Cleanse the Pores and Pu. dozen covers and] head, face arid body per- rify the Complexion and Good Vaseline spire profusely for half an hour, then afger -. ' . COOhD' 0' lfc'ra . v , :1 um, . - “all Have a Softening Effectâ€"Persprra- ‘0 ‘3 duallg ' £09“? “t tam‘f‘ (. â€d .' to sponge and wash the lace as directed FOR FACES GOT COUNTRY. t' 1 e .‘1 \- - - 1011 tn Great L each, , above. This 15 recommended when the com-. It was delightful to roam through wood plexion is had from poor circulation. But “skin specialists†claim better results I and dale without veils and gloves; to wan: . ' or along the shore with hat in the hand, the for this trouble from “th 1310‘?- Will“ afier all, is almost the some thin". .» i.- ‘3’ soft masses of K‘l .. 1 ‘ - . . cox-i 59:: ll‘lthi‘: stirring the . ,1 ‘ hands I l, hair, to play tennis and to row with “client through some very violent ex- !Jue u; put a exposed to the sun’s brightest rays, regard-‘- PTCisel ‘nntil perspiration begin, then wrap less of freckles and tan. But somehow, now her in a flannel sheet wrun: out m 110‘? "“m then xxx-up J. rubber aha: around we are at home again, we look at things V- i..e. . from a different standpoint, and wish We had they. pic on numer- tnis to exclude the air; the poor victim in m o - r v .,. ,, . ,, .. _ . 0.. 'n"~n~v M_ "2 $215135. E .g‘f‘f‘x r"; gamma: . fl - . ï¬t, a “ FRIIJ JUL/4 [V D .' [807. ’ not treat-.1 ourselves in sue-u dehczcus abanâ€"~ us nl.nl.-.:, anal 13.4w r *EW-iega "a «in rut: 1 "4 3' “ VT ~' 5' ll ["15 J ‘3‘... 1" We 33.1.,» ‘* " 1 m v.21 i) 1 (ion. :xizl :‘r‘iiz‘cllv In Him oursz‘l‘xr‘ ‘o' “EVE“TH“: =72.“ ’"er ‘ ' .- r â€L ~.-. “' “" “ ““4 “-" ~‘ '1. g." W ‘1 . .L I I «.29 0.1.».1‘1‘Ulll0 :- XL)- .1 ' 1" ‘ L'. ,. A, . l ,1 . . " l ‘ ..v. ,. “1-. . .. l. r. . . : - . . 1 In... m. ,. ,_ , â€(h 5f, . ? viw'~t‘.§h‘~.‘ I: l‘t:*.lll‘lllg damages and g: 1.13:5 was,“ ‘1 ‘. : .. 1 a ~.~> . c1 .â€" 1 'F‘T w .5 †' TH," L ‘1.{‘_ “â€93 0331;“ I}? 1111 PM palnt- 5 hands and face down to daintiness of appear-' (temperature 101, which is b‘l‘m " ‘ ;' p," iï¬p‘vwfx, Elva-.12, 5}, “3"9‘} 1 a, 3% “ 1.1g, dill Elliptic 10:1 training, is copied once. ed, to £32), and lastly 1: )li 3 ‘ 5'5...va tug-J“? 5.23.151, clinic... 1'2 9 £1.51; “A; k.) ‘23. . [fi‘Olll Oill‘ 0: lie. anst fmnmis; prodncriqu _ l , 3 1'; 1‘ "Cl“ blew“! .. .~ ll“-~ ~‘;-'-~ N, Ell-3Wâ€? 1,1â€: -< ,_' I“, ., ,,,,, I 9 iii tllu ul‘c.‘,Ll.,,<,1‘ -i â€kt, f i) ‘ l1 "L“ ‘--‘ ~1 «A ll mug... ... no S“... 5.9. V . . . -. . . . . . , . will. 0 mourn tilllc.h.l . , . . . ,_ , , I, I†_ . . .. _ fl 5 «v â€" s. Th i- er‘w'inal nictnro pogt L313“ 000 Thel perspiration, henCe the oincucy of the lurâ€" .L" uuluuur tiltï¬lblbc‘ par. is ~ .. a . " “(w A - r: I . . w, L .. . . 1'. ,- . ‘ 71, ' .7 : ~ . 7‘ -- “L, “,1- +1, 1', , .l ï¬vnqx“, ‘ r‘ _ +3 \ "I 1 w_ .- ~ -‘ “I .. cm â€-2 “SUV, '1 'chm 101%‘1110 "'t . . f - . - I lush Lain, ll here this is ax ailable vein 1.10.10 n....e w“? 0‘0)» ’ .. . I ~- ~« ~ » . i“ .z’ iii-.11 G ,‘_- f3 ei . .. . gig . u . . \... , (om o it. and alone LSI . - . . ,. L ,1 1,, "-1 ,1 ..~,, .2. is... Willa-ii. 9 .JbiésnzL .J c... . SE‘ ‘ ' Worth the xvimm mm. of a year’s subscrip- 1 91* 15 I‘l'CL‘SmTY to 531111; 1'13 Pm"- ~37 3"â€" 3' .tr " 1‘ ‘ ‘ " "‘ I ' ‘ â€â€œ tion to lily: Elizljsunl Cullinaxmx, , (11115116 2“,:s‘cleaf daintiuesscf .. bf.i):,‘75, bugif‘ color. “Ml 1'1†. ‘3 ._ . an Oil rubâ€"sometimes called a. Roman bath 3 , , , m, A Y3 , m... "1-K r‘. . ‘1“ ’Eâ€"l.\‘ mwmm I'm A, TY'Vw WVV\Y1vV {‘V r g . . , l -‘ p ‘ . H 1' ‘_ , f ‘ ‘1 . I ; L‘X‘Ihzlrr;‘s§;xxg .‘ltlil.tiélll. ,va U ,3. v uum 1 ' ‘ K: “a. - .l.:~le“. comp. 3on I'llalntanis m9 â€"is inkenimmediateyater -..he smmpoo l l , _ p , .. - . ‘ ’ ' h' “ "t' a ' ‘ ‘ * - ~ - .1 Agreed in;;:;»' ....,a.â€"~.x;:i; on... -.,- 1-- .c .4... " llsh 051 1011 as the best a or of its class W111 he found a deliwntful aidto one process - f a' - ' - . ~ , , b ‘ com Park 4'» ‘v cv‘ni‘. ‘ - sew ‘lle e c" e .L .. L ul‘ ; l C5 ~V .4 U A .‘v «any of bleaching. Experience should guide this A,“ a after-rubbing and much attention be paid to ’ i the massage cf the face, so that the little, wrinkles, which so much exposure of the face fountain, says the Chicago Times. ,1. ' VF . -‘1’ .,¢» number of visitor? :"vt know _ , an electric f‘JLILlLJ-il i». munc- to the bright light of the sun has produced rather peculiar ideas about elic‘f‘iCi‘F and expect a regular pyrotechnical display by the about the eyes, may be at once displaced ere; , park fountain o I , I - l I o ‘ their footing (crow s footing) becomes a per , l l One evening a crowd of several thousand manoncy. 1 . . . . A word about the oil to be used in such? hither-earn th’ Vicmity to see It play, but the IL -ni ... “ - ' the flashes of rubs: Vaseline is undoubtedly the purest dynamos-werg 9Ҡor order and best used '3 , colored light failed to appear. There was no and augment that can be ’“d the ‘ bus to inform the people that the display which is colorless is generally preferred by‘. 1 , 7 , women of fashion, despite the fact that physiâ€" ‘; gould {not 353ml; ancd it‘ll?:.1i1°:nlnfor g: cians most generally recommend that which’. our 0 more m Jpe‘ O 5‘ â€mt â€â€™d , ivello . Th ceited should be urâ€". l 1m , , , S“ W e uns I p ~ Finally it was decrded oyt‘ne chase). and afew drops of one’s favorite. 1 i, , . J. , , , ‘cnarge to start toe fountain 7"Lollkjdu L10, ,electric attachment in or to S?t‘~*:'7!ia A young ' . engine; 1' in is... A~ . can thus take her own bottle of vaseline to “ 'd d . d it to d‘ erw the bath and will be much better satisï¬ed, ‘ c‘o“ an m uce ‘ ' . ‘3- â€M 1 . ‘th with her oil rub if the faint perfume ever woman and her beau “ere watc 1mg W1 rising to her nostrils be one that she likes. I ' great intent-ness when the. full force if the » water was turned on and the streams minut- know an unusually dainty piece of woman- , d h'eh . . hood who indulges herself every week in one i e “1‘1: “1:111“ r o 7, a, d fl“) of these delightful purifying baths, who takes ‘ z “5" an t t “†‘13" 5“ .- with her in along bag a sheet, towels, flesh †“ Uncle young wo- an. “That! nothing but plain Michigan Lake MIS- Alex. McVeigh Miller, brushes, soap and a rubber cap from home. water,†was the reply. author of “The Pearl and the Ruby," “ Flower and J ewel,†etc. M rs. Elizabeth Stiles, author of “ llis Fairy Queen,†“ The Little - - Light-House Lass," etc. there are certain m... The works of the above-mentioned authors Will appear in no other journal. Even this excess of cleanliness does not pre-' , . vent the few ills attendant uponthe luxury of l ‘, such bathsâ€"La, the smells of halfâ€"washed i r damp linen and the steam from the vapor- room; for, as in every other pleasure in life, disagreeable things in “It goes by electricity, don‘t “Why, there is no color to that water." “No, there willno: be :=:iy e‘.ec:ric display tonight.†, “\Vhatdid you bring me away over here for, their.†; “I didn‘t bring you." bathing a la Turque. ' in (.Akï¬phkl-y ' t we '\ u‘ w Turkisha. _, , .. , ’ ~1-.- Bu there a†hard-reds to hom ~ l “D10, too, and its the last time 1i- c; , baths are not I)Ossfl)1lltles for one reason or ' f (.1 y, , _\ ‘Jr J- ~. “1“" - ' ' ’3 .‘At‘u u“ L311. -.A. L‘AL'L‘ 3 . l another, and the fact that they are not “1)111‘Clilv21uni buyr 3")“ 1 , m»; . .0 T‘Y'> iii-g C011 PANION I absolutely necessary to a good bleaching out . My ““1454“; Trek pm .. ' ' ‘ x‘ ' ,‘ N.., ', 5;. i ’. J'o--c.-, Sketches and: will be a fact Welcome to them. Sieaining; 3 “‘0: Jackson We“ (, all" it? the ' " A ' 3., . “u 3. p. l c the face over a pitcher of hot water, the head i our " n u never a , z m v .. \ fl)†‘ ‘ ' ‘- “"- ‘v'll it, l'u“; t: .~».. .. i I. andpitcoerwranped me. great towel to pre- ! y D t, ‘7 _ 1' ‘ .-.. , fl .1. .. . ' ‘ ' eliir‘acious : she turned to look :10 nihiliflpxfl. mi. ....1. . .4 .4 . .. l a“ ’\ \â€" \ vent the escape of steam is quite as . . . eonver.~"-i<r with and to lxl‘ Even this is not necessary to dwellers †“' ’ i i . . . . ' r szue. In In; l cred a total stranger at be 11.1 Y: . - . l ' . - ~ ‘ large c.tics, who ha\eh0t_ and co-d “atei in I light of inc arc lamps .-; :l‘.‘ par}: 53,-. ..'l€i the house. Simply turning the faucet and ‘. owl-9-91.! ,. , t3 _‘ “:73: t, ,, . _ . lettinc the water from the boiler run until ' l: .. . \r- -. _ ‘ . . . I ' 1:: ~ ..-,,- n1‘. is. a, if r s r. *4- ‘uw: -- . ~ ‘- -_ --r ‘L I, the mean .itses‘gmiéaci. Locliihng lire .t.ic_, , i;~.‘.«.‘lill‘\' 31L “mm “gt â€,1 o. ,m mu,“ ..i;; - ‘ i n ‘ 5 3am an erspiraion2 -. ' . , , ‘. 2 l me} tnsu 1‘ V e p r . ‘3 1111 a bound sac ginspel his dun .. .K., ' tr‘ "t ’ “‘1 . ‘n b wl c‘c'inse the ; . . . . , ,. , .. ;. drop 1“ 8’18“ teais nto 1‘ e O ‘ ‘ . i din, ggin'r him away. l..;«;- couple \\.--e 10>- -J as perfectly as any Turkish -. H“ . ° ' 7.3-; . 1-.“ » x .-~ I Lu'i Cu; allcbh. : 5. All pores of the bath. l‘lien',’irv;cure as so"? '3. sponge as one ' . . . I would buy if ï¬llin g a baby basket for a friend Democratic Princes. and a piece of pure, good soap. Plunge the , ~ The elder 1'6".) U‘c Lill:)~..l'x.vi' H 3‘“ L I l -____â€"â€"â€"â€"--’ sponge into the hot water (remember warm . will not do), soaping it V-cll and apply it , show. as ye: “yd: - loaf- guppy--. f“ E y; quickly, carefully and as hot as can be en- 1 cold and domineering disposztion- .i we}; dured to every part of the face and neck. ‘ fcendliness tney much hairef-«etwvw ‘ . y: mmr‘nm-nr.1f.-.:her. °. :-- > 1. _ for as s )fi'en 3d as it will i“ AVAK, 5A Don’t scrub the skin, ‘ be from the intense heat, it Will be very upt- l l V .. i re ready to make a mural: or 1 to peel up, and, besides, scrubbing will not :r1 g. u 116 SLIM»: a erick. They a any lad they meet, especauny make it one whit cleaner. Simply spjlvtlie lively anvl (‘Ziislllllg sti. .‘ 211's 2 x ‘, ‘ 1:», hot, wet, well-soapcd sponge as carefully:.s Wile-Ar- â€I"; . "I . 1:; . if loosening; something which .iad stool; .o lately la ~j .. ETHICS ones best sill; gown. Continue 'Lll-:v 4...: battle-.1 1.1‘ 7 n FTP}, :._:;.‘. :..:y the skin is “as red as a beet," sliowhig Lila: _ an... 11.4: L1-‘.l..;..;.:..:5 \ Winch n...“ all the blood has in unted .rupidly to the a “speaking requirintance' Witzi everybody, , , r -' Um: , ,,. s veins Of the {5.00, and th One afternoon the the little .. .i~. no.1» be en dash up clea r, ‘ 1 ‘ ‘ :' -v“.\v‘ 'V l» 'l '. 7‘1, x" my cold water until every vestige of soap has uis- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ‘ ‘ were out for a '33.. my... my a t l‘l"l.‘\'£‘ll mowimdhrl‘o was: «:alinnin: \rMA ' 3113311113079 . til; â€Harm-1mm ‘ 3% l' a ' i "if - ‘ 1W1 iv‘ * *‘I "i V'.‘ . line sf: *3 user. l r? ‘ ‘1 a . ‘ . ' Nll’S 3:...51,“ Braden A,)pc..-l..., hi... dry..ie 5. ii vi}.‘ a . _ ‘e .. .. . ‘1 l l"! C“: [Ti '5 £5 a ,5! \ E , . ‘ thug“! 9†7 touci, \‘(i’llout l‘lll):)211_:. it Will t:;:;; l1..l£ Jill by. lho slim... 1-1.. LL: ne‘l' - . x w ,.. a; 1...: ~ ., < « ,_..- _ , «I. ‘ , , ,7 " , ~‘._ ‘, .__. . .1 we, -<..l -*-. ‘ ,...:,‘..,: : '3‘ ,7 l Iâ€; k “ML n 3L ML: L l ‘ ltfll‘ll' 1'“ “r1853 lie) etc' hourtoootlns eil‘octually, ouumat isonly haz‘; up n... no.1-..†twig ; a- i, -- .._u ‘ ~ 1 n (r as it to {es for the actual recess of a tried to OUCI‘IJL’ tit: CO’JIIH‘: any. but mi in l 1* l - 1L - 85 LL 1:1 , 'r‘ ... ‘ ’5‘,“ ".. ’ ’ ..: ’ l \_\, C lhl-lfljxll‘,‘ P, S‘PCClE‘L", tl’Vll’lC’" t0 , ,‘ , , _ 7 I Tul‘klï¬h 1.3111 and £00,: I-ggui‘u5 Illa 3‘ DOT. be Tall}. *uC Incl/31, “in; .‘-L crilc‘ \I .W Hf ‘ I J Q 1116 5(‘l‘l..l 7.05 Of {110 fill‘UllIOSf; artlStS Of tile l ‘ l . 'u :‘v- .. . ‘ .- ‘. T‘ . .Zn“ 1:1.2.1)cll\lC“‘ua â€nil Wit“ 9 O" 1 xi ' I -: . m ‘- .. 4' â€". . -,1 - . '- w. 1.. 1~ 1 . . .. . . . - .. 5 cxoecte-iexcent Wth the expendwuieor time flamm- uuLl uw .. - - u» mm: autistic ion 8.1m lcllalicc. (lax haw nicer. M‘Lilli‘ll. and the illiistia-. x , 7 . . . - . , , . .. , ~ .. ,;- b L ’ " / ' " . ‘h‘ -.- b 1 r and oucho his ion â€o h. ) so u. ea on â€.3 'r' , lions \villbe of a higher degree of excel-l and Pallellce- Many P515035 avcana 1‘0 , †, ,‘ ,0, . 1’ , , 0‘ a H . . . ‘ ' "1 . ‘ - 1 . .1 . . â€"- «. .. ~ .\.~ ‘ - “,3 as“, .14.: h“; 131:." :‘1'1'. 111.“. ufl'blln 11... ‘ 'S- V C have bCCll SUCCCbbel Ill our lence than can he louud 111 any other I going impugn some such plows.) l... lugs. o. L . ‘ . u‘ _ . . , . - 1 .. 3.1:. ‘. .,., ~r ' 1n†- :‘ ‘11â€.i'c13 5; Li‘. 2:: l «ff ‘l‘. {ton the CfO (l Of recrular periodical. Li'ei‘y number contains a: fore. retiring. and then an.iOi.....ig the f..(.-3 EENLIHEOL: 06 f†W1 l ,L; V1 "1.7 l L 01 I \V b discourse by ‘ withereams and 0115 of some kind and sleep‘ “We ~4- ems UMIV‘W . W " â€Us . = C‘ll’_‘ 4 A} ' * ‘ -~ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' "' s ' ti. FZ’JWT r. an i custom -. . who favor us. We are ...... W, .,. - . ing with the face thus besmearcd. Galas, an F"? be Weed-on c .« - , . C EB l r‘ 1 - fl - â€it 85" ' ' BEWITT TALMAGE: l after the skin has been subjected to sucn z; Vdulsacu‘ on; o. has». i -1 .. .- i. - ...i . -‘ 4- s 1,, . \s-(,‘ 1 .-1~ .'\ pl‘x ‘ N! 1... ‘1 _ ,. 7,. n u; - 1, .y - _ .-, ‘1. ’ 78.5 111321. Gil-Jil"3 :J 13.-.} 17:1; ‘2‘ 3 ll. . ‘ i 5‘1““ (" ‘L “doc "‘Crra'j" U “‘15‘3855- Fresh and charming sketches, humorous l hot batn,p.o..celW(Jitn the aid of vascliyae, to Umxmvy, 1...: V . . ‘ .. "'"_"’_.‘A...‘: " ' . V _.‘ T '. 1 l 1,1“ . . . 5' , ' flit-10% {1nd pnvwirrnphg 1)()Qt’“\’ 112d . rviv†ill“- fllC’}. 21 0’00} YYT'TS:?.'3'C l!1°~ill7‘l‘,.llrlflil. {'7‘ J" k D] l ‘ ‘ l’ ,. . S . 11 \V 1‘ AV‘LLIC/1\l\l \. [01 1111‘: 0‘1 k K K, ‘H ‘ T u ’ ’ 1‘ *u ‘ ‘ F“ ‘ A D . O . ‘ ‘ . *1 1‘.) o..1..qu‘li-):| ‘- ‘ 1";}‘ 19‘ If s. ‘D Y ' answers to Correspondents. l Indeed, these two things have been much I‘c- return I»... Lila»:p.....lt asthma-L. v.1 c _, . a - -ov rv ' ‘ 4 \ 7" V OPPOSItC “‘ commended by masseurs to soften the skin Sti.. is†“1th 53235 9f a - hadron. t ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' i . .11, "4 a h 1 “Au. ',)‘3 I xrv‘ ‘ I. and remove “’X‘LHKlGS, SlilC‘G the interest in Atur a lo..g ll..- the prince. “-1. .u.‘.y 4A ,câ€" â€10.5 of Plain and Eancy Job Printing promptly attended to. $32,620 676 SU..PLUS, (by Canadian Standard) 7,3I9,000 Elli} ME, 5,000,000 IEPBSIT AT Willi; MATURE! ENDDWMENTS. The giwernment blue books of the past ï¬ve years (pages 53, 08, 72,.and 86) shew the cash paid to livmg policy holders in Canada, in settlement of Endowment Bonds during the ï¬ve years ending J anu- ary 1st, 1888, as follows :â€" AETNA LIFE. $446,998 CANADIAN Alli) BRITISH 00M- PANIES 00MBINED, Besides the $446,998, the [Etna Life~ paid to living members in Canada $447,577 in annual cash dividends upon their poli- cies, and $729,434 to widows and orphans of deceased members, making a total of $1,624,000 during the past ï¬ve years in Canada. JOHN D. MAGMIIROHY, General Agent. I35,666 COMPAXlON will be receipt of $3; two copies up of clubs Can aftcrw at $2.50 each. remittances sent in R \Ve wi Post Oflice Money Orders. Specimen copies sent free. sent for one year on ' . v. .. .i. . 13" ll‘.‘_ll(‘ “£401; 1 . . l . ,..- , .L Q, 1, "1:92 I these matters nas been so active. Bi. 1. a - _ -uaaeuly ‘ . I ., ,,,_ Old .msssmr, peasant for $15 G009?“ ' stand. t:»‘.‘0:1:~-~31 this procedure, no nutter 1, , . . ‘ iii-ii add single copies by whom given, is ill-mit‘ised. The stearnv 5:11.311,- C,,,'A.\.r.: c.1101 ‘.' ‘ . .3. ‘ - -‘ 1 .1 1 - v v 'a 'v Lia? L - r -r: ilpetresgoIiisglglc for ing and perspiring of the face should be done back, “’11le 50 “3‘ â€â€œ4 “-5 d , Jr , ( ‘ll 3 - - 0 v r ‘ - v-ru‘.‘ “ CI‘ ' 1‘ _ (â€15 ere e ers or after it has been anomted With 011, so as was scarcely ‘O‘Pe Pets-Vt -‘ - e- or Postage free. - claimed Prince Litel to his brother. -. it»; Address to force out from the pores those particles of (1 ,ï¬ 't th f I i D W. ‘ i p ' ' ' ' x s 111:; 2;. f..: GEORGE MUNRO dirt which, combined With the greasy matter ‘ Font *‘jl'a‘ F: Lac 2 2193‘? \ } Q .‘s L ‘ - ' ,. . . cer aiim' 151' r in. (airy. ’ v lured them u . It is far the best, - , - . ha ep 3?; p But as they approacuei ‘ carer ..‘.; old Munro’s Publishing House, 17 to 27 Vandewater Street, P. 0. Box 3751. INTEREST PAYABLE Terms to suit borrower. 21093323 McINTYRE STEWART, Barristers and etc., Lindsay. ______________,____.__..__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€" MONEY T0 LOAN: COMPANIES’ 8L PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. privilege to borrower to pay of? any princxpal with any payment of interest without notice Interest yearly. All payments H. B. DEAN, Barrister, Solicitor, c., Corner of York Kent Streets, Lindsay and Without expense. made in my ofï¬ce Lindsay, Dec. 30th, 1887. Accident Insurance. The London Guarantee cind Accident In- extreme of Len 1:3. surance Company Capital $1,250,000. Liberal every ï¬ve years, $5 per weekly com ensation. event of deat by accident. __....._.._..â€"â€" M Eilï¬l‘iE‘i’ T0 LIAN. AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES, and $1000 in the . ‘\ V. .. out m7 ‘ .v o. . .-»'.L\'.. treatment for the skin to wash the face with l hot water at night and devote ï¬fteen minu- tes to a thorough face massage before retirâ€"‘ ing, use white vaseliue to make the rubbing h _ ‘ “H, w 'H. pm“ J, Pva‘ . ,. easy as well as to soften the skin, and in the ‘ 81d 2365,}1‘fmf int.“ : 2:†\dl :‘ b :{L “ton morning to spend the half-hour steaming ; in _ :1. fps fulfilling?†en 9†“Lt 2° the face’ thus Welling eyery pore for me Ski†a J'i‘lle bdyjs?‘l:i{igh§magnat their childish to breathe $111.5)qu during the day. . ' and funny mistake, begged their attend ints If one lives 1-11 a City whose stmos phe re 16 - to be allowed to empty their joint tim- nurses surcharged With dust and soot it W111 be I , t *h tre'nblin aim of the my“: 1mm :1- found necessary to wipe the skin with a soft 3 1n 0 †e ‘ id gdp . w; 1-, _ t bit of linen anointed with a little vaseline , gatherer, an tf‘b our: mail ga.op1.i ‘3“ 3 . - - ,. ' the castle, havm'r proled 03011133;an to h. before dressmg for dinner, and then scrubâ€" ', th enuine “maZrchen ,, hing the skin a moment with a. soft brush l e g _____________'__________ and soap and water, after which washing off A wonderful Stone. ï¬rst with 1301; water and then With COld' A man living near Kingston, G9... has May be it seems a good deal 3: till“ to i found a most wonderful stone. Veil. glow- spend on 039,5 face, but fancy if one was ' ing on a sundbar in the Etowah River he forced to wear a delicate white silk gown , saw something shining with the most hrilli: from morning until night, the same one year ‘ ant of lights just to one side of him. Er step- in and year out, what care one would have to l ped his plow and went to pick it up. it was take of it. Surely the delicate skin. which I. a clear, white stone the size of an egg, reflect- must last us all our lives and is far ï¬ner l ing in one way all the colors of the m1::haw_ 3001 Turning it over the colors took on the charâ€" care. acter of a spiritâ€"level following each other up A good washing with hot water and a ï¬fâ€" through the center of the rock till as were teen minutes’ massage With “1535119 at night gathered in one end. The owner has b in of- half an hour’s steaming and washing in the l fared $1,000 for it, but refused it. It emits morning, and a ï¬gs miï¬utes’ rubbingd fï¬t'h a. perfectly white light in the dark. vasoline and was ing ot water an en with cold in the afternoon. When one has done this daily for a month there will be a surprising change in the complexion and diligince may be lessened. Twice 3. says London week will do after getting a satisfactory§apâ€" boy, saidi. ' ferred to \ §.‘)Y‘“"“' JC». a“, peasant woman, dried wood, dropped her ' the boys, her old careworn load and scion: inlet-.3 face. all :iglow, , v. New York. 1", lb YEARLY. sum 0“ account of than a silken fabric, deserves equally .. Stanley‘s Philosophical Black Boy. “‘Nnen people are not looking at Stanley,†Truth, “they watch his black The other day he incidently re- En land ‘dammed niggers.’ ‘Hush 1“ said po-icyâ€" onus pearance. ‘ annum secures $5 As it is the perspiration which acts as the some one, ‘you should not say such WOTQS beâ€" oil which is fore ladies.’ ~Then 1 will not say them at all; bleacher to the skin, so it is the the softener; the rubbingwhich produces the for what ought not to be said before ladies should not be said before JOHN D- MA'MURCHY- circulation of the blood; the hot water which . . . †:‘reneraa Agent Lmdca'. acts as a cleanser. and the 0‘1in QBSh 0‘ 001d L ““3 Am†Phil-9999119" . - ‘W wlmmï¬amrmistwmw 4.551.; « gentlemeu,’ rephed'.‘ '1‘. I ' l 4‘ l