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Watchman (1888), 26 Oct 1893, p. 5

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es H. Lenncn, lij ah Bottumy rm \V Widdis, lex. Dixon, 04. A M tchell, ch .1 campbe“ ohn W'Hson '. Trcleav'n Leorgc M .: ting ames Kerr, 1105, J. Taylor Llijah 60mm), has. Staplezon. 'ounzy Treasure” U“ L indsay. “5th 0“" 1893. A FULL STOMA] ought to cause no discomfort ‘ ever. If i” thoughâ€"if any trouble: eatmgâ€"take Pierce’s Plea .. Pellets. T]: a perfect and1 venient vest-pa " remedy. Om these tiny, su coated, anti-bl granules at M regulates and rects the entire tem. Sick or ious Headacl Constipation, l gestion, Bilious tacks, and all rangements of her, stomach, and bowels are 'emwl. relieved and cured. . Thwfire the smallest, ewed nke, zl‘lzvflpfl'st and best. Tlll 'uarazxztca’l to give satisfacm lOIl'cY is returned. \Y’nich is the best to F you have Catarrhâ€"â€"a rim: that claims to have them, or a medicine th DJCde by money to cure The proprietors of Dr.5 Iatarrh Remedy agree to our Catarrh, pwfc’cZ/y and i!«;zm,;;‘."', or they’ll pay all the most pop- ular Furs at the Lowest Prices. 1g to move them, or In ,ings that are guarant‘ icensed Auctim pnces such :5 the seasr ()UNTY OF ....... $250 H refs umcc '1 069 1893 With one With cue With two W Ofice: the best to gavel. one horse O'Ie how one horse 55m5 344.5 nents or )Wels are 311de. st, easi est. atisfacti 18111 In Good goods. by giving entire satisfaction, advertise themselves. This is our experience With our stoves, ranges and “Art Sultana,” We quote the ' 3:, the stoves do the talklng ; and in this modest way we have sold more ice~ . Ewes than many of our competltors who make more pretensions. W e also have a fine assortment of Lamp Goods, Coal Oil, Chimneys, W ringers, Brooms. Bird Cages and Cutlery. Tin and Plumblng Work done in all their branches. ’E'. EWE Of having a pretty piece 01 J8 we1r ledge that it is an article of Sterling beauty. When you purchase of _ Unvro ‘rnn 1 questionable quality. WEDDING RINGS? FurTrimmingS FAIRWEATHER MANUFACTURING FURRIEBS AND HAT- TERSJ Best of Satisfaction Guaranteed. KENT STREET- 35‘ REPAIRING 1 SPECIALTY. Silver C 81 COMPANY . PETTY, THE :e of Jewelry is increased by the know- of Sterling worth as well as of outside lurchase of us you are msured against Have you seen our llne of GEM. and THAT OLD PLAN THING- We make no charge for examination Whether you need or buy glasses or not our services are given free. BRITTON BROTHERS. Of putting off till Spring ‘ what should be done now i i doesn’t pay. It is a 105- ing game. In no way is 1 this better proved than by l the neglect of one’s eyes. ‘ If you wish to retain to the fullest possible extent the advantages and enjoy- ment afforded by good sight, heed the warning nature gives when first you find your sight failing. It is our business to re- medy or relieve defective or waning vision when it can be done by any kind of glasses Whatever. \Ve are prepared to help you in any case of eye trouble in which the use of spec- tacles will be beneficial. FODTIDF KENT-SR! LINDSAY. THE JEWELER 3M3 .LTIc' G-- .A. LITTLE BOOKS AND STATIONERY, GAMES OF THE SEASON. OUIJ A, Opposite Post Ofiice, Kent- EIURSDAY, OCT. 26th, 1893. TOWN AND C6UNTY â€"-Chief Justice Armour received a pair of white kid gloves at Cobourg assizes, there being no criminal cases on the docket for trial. â€"â€"Diphtheria does not appear to be stamped out in town as several new cases have been reported. Bad water is given as the cause. -â€"â€"Some of the schools in the vicinity of Victoria Road have been closed by the authorities, on account of the prevalence of diphtheria. ' . 1 â€"â€"Mr. James Cain, made another shipment of some ninety fine hogs from Cannington, on Monday, for the Peter- boro packmg house. vu-v ~77, â€"-On Sundav evening a. young lady fell on Lindsay-st and severely injured one of her ancles. A broken piank in the side- walk was the cause. w--â€" -â€"â€"Owing to the reports in circulaâ€" tion regarding dibhtheria, the board of education has had the south ward school thoroughly fumigated. â€"â€"Call at E. Gregory‘s Drugstore and get a. bottle of Harper’s Arabian Balm. the best liniment for man and beast. Every bottle guaranteedâ€"lid. (the Watchman. UVUUJU ‘ uw-â€"__ . â€"-The new lumber firm which purchas- ed the Boyd limits have put in tw.) large camps, north of Kinmount, and eXpect to take out ten million feet this season. â€"â€"Thirty-nine years ago yesterday the battle of Balaclava was fought, a fact that Sergeant-Major Martin reminded us of, as he proudly pointed to his medals. -â€"A young man named Lucy, who resides at Victoria Road and teaches school in the vicinity of that place, had the misfortune to shoot off the thumb of his left hand on Tuesday afternoon. â€"VVork on the new school in the East ward is progressing rapidly. The plasterers are now at work and the painters will soon follow. Contractor Kells has certainly pushed matters in an expeditious manner. 1 1),, £-:.. 1M”, â€"â€"The exodus to the world's Ian was just about stopped, as far as this district is concerned. Very few Lindsayites remain in the windy city. It is estimated that :upwards of four hundred people from this vicinity visited the fair. â€"â€"Some of the hunters who are after A.. . a the deer in the north have been very ‘ ‘ successful so rumor says. Up to date the only deer we have seen was a fine buck sent to town by Mr. Wm. Johnston. â€"-On Tuesday evening about 8.0’clock a dwelling house, on Camhridqe-st. south occupied by Mr. McMurdie, took fire. The fire brigade of the traffic department of the Grand Trunk, with agent Paton,l as captain, attacked the flames with pails of water and in a short time extinguished them, but not until one mom and its contents were badly damaged. â€"â€"On Sunday last “Wiry” John Hill went into the house of W. J. Hicks at Norwood, near Peter-boro’, and acted in a disrespectful manner towards Mrs ‘ Hicks. Hicks, who was sleeping in an‘ adjoining room. hearing his wife scream, rushed out and struck Hill and then pushed him out of the door where he fell, striking his head against a stone which caused almost instant death. Hicks is a quiet, peaceahle and industrious man. ‘de alt-once surrendered himself to Magis- trate Pearce, who had him placed under arrest, An inquest was held on Monday and a verdict was returned exoneratinq Hicks from all blame, but he Was commitâ€" ted for trial by a magistrate. Games of all kinds now in stock. HANMA, PARCHEESI, GO-BANG, REVERSI. .. LITTLE ; to the wor’lds fair has ped, as far as this district Very few Lindsayi’ces indy city. It is estimated of four hundred people made anot her st, Lindsay. blag-d at‘bnce, iiHammation never sets in â€" 12. â€"]?he weather during the last week has been all that: any person could desire, too fine in fact. ~The steamer Stranger, of Port Perry, on Tuesday took away a cargo of flour from the Victoria mills. â€"T he regular fortnightly meeting of the cheese board will take place at Peter- boro, on Tuesday next. â€"Hunters report that partridge are very scarce and wary this season. Plover are plentiful, as are snipe. -â€"The tow boats are now doing extra heavy work running night: and day to bring up the winter’s supply of Woud. â€"â€"Farmers report that nearly all of the threshing is finished in this section and that the yield is not up to expectations. -â€"A new matched lumber ceiling is being placed in the Benson house office, to replace the ceiling which fell on Sun- day last. --The district ploughing match commences to-day at 9 a. m. It is expected that there will be a large number of entries and quite an influx of visitors. â€"The management of Guy Bros. com- pany Would confer a great favor on 9. Lindsay audience, if the performance was started on time or anything like it. Half [an hour is too long to wait. â€"â€"Wm. Ashley, the young man from Goderich, recently arrested at Peterboro, for forgery is out on suspended sentence. Asister and a hrother-in-law, from Lind- say pleaded for lemency before the polio e magistrate. -â€"About twenty-five men are employed on the Wellington-st. sewer. The excava- tion was about finished last night. The necessary cedar and tile are already on the ground and the job will be completed in good time. â€"-I_)ouglas‘ Egzpcian ‘Linameut aLOPS â€"â€"Races will take place at Croft’s Lake View Park, Cobourg, on Thursday, Nov. 9th. The programme includes a named trot $50, a 2.30 trot $80, and an open running race $50, and a consolatien running race. â€"â€"A committee of the board of health and the town counc11 met yesterday even- ing to select a. building suitable for an isolation hospital. This was rendered necessary by the number of diphtheria. cases existing in town. â€"-Snyder did not play in the Dukeâ€"- National base ball game, for the cham- pionship of the city, on Saturday last but Thompson held down first for the Nationals. The Dukes won by 6 to 3, Snyder will catch for theNatlonals in the next game. â€"â€"One of our leading merchants desires us to ask Mayor Bay, where the carters’ stands are, as fixed by bv-law? We have not seen his worship, but can inform nur correspondent that the by-law requires the carters to stand on the north side of Russell-st. west of William-st, on Lindsay-st. and at the market square. â€"â€"â€"Lnu:l and well founded complaints are made regarding the nurse in connec- tiun with some cases of diphtheria at the south end (.f the town. The nurse on Sunday last attended St. Andrew’schurch and may be seen any day promenading the principal streets. This is certainly wrong and against the law and unless the medical health ofiicer or the memers of the board of health step in and stop it, some private citizens will take legal action. â€"-It affords me much pleasure to testify f to the prompt and satisfactory payment of mv loss by fire. I insured my property in the Gore Mutual Fire Ins. Co., with Mr. T.A. Middleton, who spared no pains to have my loss promptly attended to And the company’s inspector I found to be a thorough gentleman who seemed to have my interest as much at heart as that of the splendid company he represents. Recommending all farmers to insure in the Gore through Mr. Middleton, ‘ I remain yours gratefully, 41-2. WILLIAM Morm'r'r. â€"Wine improves with age, and the Canadian Grocer and General Storekeeper gets better as each year rolls by. This is evidenced by the fall number just issued. Special numbers of the Grocer have been issued before, but the present issue sur-‘ passes them all, take it in what particular you choose. The cover is unique and striking. The reading matter, contributed by special and expert writers, dealswitha variety of subjects germane to the grocery and general store trade, and is liberally illustrated. The markets are full and. concisely written. The number . contains 94 pages, and the publishers, the ‘ J. B. McLean Publishing Co., Ltd., 10 . Front-st. East. Toronto, are to be con- , gratulated upon the efl'ort. The sub- scription price is $2 per year. â€"-The results of the fine cheese compe- titiun at the world’s fair is of ctqrtlin‘l; significance to all interested iv “' ‘r ’ industry of the dominion. 'l‘hc cheesef was judged by two United States and one 1 Canadian judge. In the class for Cheddar cheese. made. preview: to 1893, Canada won 103 :uv:‘:n7.., an! 1"‘26 United States not one. in the classes for Cheddar cheese of this year’s make Canada took 369 awards. against 45 of the United States. Canada had 130 exhibits of cheese which scored higher than the highest of the United States exhibit. Ontario had 275 exhibits of cheese of 1893 and won 260 awards. _Five lots scored ihllu V'lllJ A-Ivv .- ninety-nine and a half points out of a possible hundred for perfection. Quebec had 113 exhibits of cheese and won 105 aw-u'ds. Nova Scotia had ten exhibits and secured three awards. New Bruns- wick had four exhibits and obtained two awards. Prince Edward Island had 19 exhibits and took eight awards. L‘Ian-‘ 'itoba. had four exhibits and receivad three awards. The total number of exhibits of cheese from Canada was 539. which secured altogether 490 awards. Nine of the exhibits from Canada secured 99 1 2 points out of a possible hundred for per- fection. Five of these lots were from Ontario and four from Quebec. -D0uxlas' Egyptian Liniment .cures neuralgia, toothache and earache, m five minutes.â€"24~12. â€"Sculthorp, the Port Hope pea man, is shipping large quantities of peas from Lindsay this season. â€"â€"-1‘ne frog catchBEé‘E‘r'e doing a great business just at present and large quanti- ties of the fancy meat are being exported to Toronto and other cities. â€"Half a. dozen curiouus of, cattle have been shipped from Lindsay to Toronto during the last. week. As many cars from the back country for the same destination have also passed through in the same period. L ,;,,' 42-: Q I 1 1 -â€"Numerous services are being placed into private houses by the water company this fall. People are at last commencing to recognize the value of a pure and con- venient water supply-fl I: a --Two carloads of hogs were shipped on Monday to the Peterboro packing house, where they will be slaughtered by the Geo. Matthew’s firm. It is expected that killing will be commenced at Lindsay in a short time. -â€"-The hose wagon has been overhauled and returned to the fire department. New springs have been placed on the rear end of the vehicle, and it will no doubt prove satisfactory. Everything is now in readiness for the next run out. â€"In the prize list of the Oakwood fair as published by our cotems, the first prize for grapes. awarded to Mr. Thos. Puley, has been omitted. THE WAICHMAN was not furnished with this prize list, hence it is not published in our columns. â€"Mr. J. Dawson, the Cannington man arrested at Peterboro, charged with fraud in connection with a washing machine transaction, has been discharged, the crown, acting upon the advice of the Attorney-General of Ontario, offering no evidence. â€"It Will be well for all municipal councils to remember that it is illegal henceforth to make any appointment to office by tender or application of lowest remuneration. The municipal act thus declares that good officials is the best economy. â€"â€"The following is the result of the examination of the separate school in arithmetic. Maximum 100 marks: â€"T Spratt 90, W. Powers 90, E. Powers 80, J.os O’Connell 70, W. Baker 70, S. Shannon 60, H. Bakei, 60, J. Doran 53, Leo Primeau 50. Geo. Brady 50. R. Spratt 50. - -Mr T. A. Middleton has just shewed us a cheque for $75.00 for W. A. Weese being payment in full for three weeks disability insured under policy No. 023171 in the London Guarantee and accident company. This claim like all others was paid fully and promptly making a total paid by Mr. Middleton in this town of $1475.37 on accident claims. 41-2 -â€"â€"Just about the supper hour on Sun- day evening a large portion of the plaster on the ceiling of the Benson House oflice fell to the floor with a crash. Three of the guests who were in the room at the time narrowly escaped being struck. The desks. counters and tables were covered with the debris. The damaged portion of the ceiling has since been repaired. â€"â€"-On Saturday morning at an early hour the dead body of Wm. Vass, an employee of the carbon company, and a well known resident of Peterboro, was found just below the trestle work on the G.T.R. ahove Smith-st. It is supposed that deceased was on his way home by a short cut when he fell to the ground, a distance of about eleven feet, and was instantly killed. proprietorship of Mr. M. Watters has been greatly improved. A new wing has been erected at the south side, giving much needed room, as well as adding materially to the appearance of the build- ing. A new house drain has been constructed. city water put in and other improvements made that put the house in the front rank in town. -â€"The genial Jas. H. V 15-011, of Man- vers, has taken out an zmctioneer’ 5 license and will no doubt “weild the hammer” at many sales throughout his district. (‘7. J Mr. Wilson’s first sale will be on Wed- nesday, November 1st, when he will dispose of the farm stock of Mr. Jas. Rehlll, lot 6, con. 14, Manvers. The list of articles, etc., to be sold is a lengthy one and embraces fine horses, cattle, swine, et-c., and will no doubt attract a large number of buyers. â€"â€"The law respecting ditches, water- courses and drains is not as well under- stood by the people as it should be. When a. farmer desires to drain his land the natural flow of the water is across his neighbor’s land, and it is his duty to call in the township engineer and have the projected drain located by him. The neighbor through Whose land the new drain must be made, has the right, and it is his duty, to dig the drain through his nwn land to make an outlet for the water. _ . , ‘ 7 A: ”Wu. Lauu vv ;.u...v ...._ - -fl ,' " he rim-s; not do so, then the projector of the drain can and has the right to go on his neighbor’s land make the drain and collect pay for his work Either party, it seems, has the right of appeal against the award of the engineer, but he must do so within a certain time. â€"â€"Ontaiio is again the sensation pro- vider for the world’s fair. No longer is the “Canadian Mite,” as the big cheese is called, the undisputed sovereign in the realm of prodigious products. This time the vegetable kingdom furnishes the most monstrous attraction of the world’s fair. A milk-White squash, weighing 486 lbs. and measuring over 11 feet in circumfer- ence, has been on exhibition the past @1105, “an uusz v.- v---- week in the Ontario vegorable court of the Horticultural Building. There is an enormous crowd about the mammoth 1'1_- IL L. ‘1le .4- vâ€" -_- enormous crowd about 'the mammoth gourd at all times. Nothing like it in point of advertising merit has been seen here yet. The fair authorities are greatly bothered about the blockading of the wide aisles and passages surrounding this garden growth from Ontario. Mr. Wm. Warnock, of Goderich, Ontario, sent the â€" -_ fiLnnAnn+ VVHII'ILUUD, UL uvu ...... , -V, ' hnge squash, over which Supermtendent D. Reed proudly presides. Commercial hotel, under the on “’06.- â€"The Rees’or Co. have placed incandes- cent electric lights in the handsome furniture Warerooms of Messrs. Anderson, Nugent Co. â€"-The town lost no time in commencing work at the Wellington-st sewer, and the job will be pushed to completion at the earliest possible moment. â€"Neuralgia. must go! $500 for acase that Harper‘s Arabian Balm will not heal it once. For sale bv E. Gregorv.â€"IT tf. â€"Keep your eye on the. different testimonials of cures made by Do In: Egyptian Liniment. We defy qontr :- tion.â€"-24-12 -â€"The Victoria company are Wiring the Cambridgeâ€"st. Methodist church and it '3 expected the edifice will be illuminated by electricity on Monday evening next. â€"-A regular meeting of Faithful Breth- ren Lodge No. 77 A. F. and A. M. will be held at the lodge room on Friday evening, November 3rdg at 7. 30 o ’.clock - w‘l -â€"This is the season of chimney fires and householders should see that the chimneys on their premises are properly cleaned, as provided for by a town by-law. â€"A cogwheel evidently from some agricultural implement was picked up on William-st. on Tuesday and left at this office, where the owner can get it upon application. -The brick work of the east ward school if; just about finished. Mr. James thwden, who had the sub-contract, has done as good a. job as ever was done in the town. -Deer hunters are still going north. A gentleman who came down from one of the back lakes yesterday afternoon in- formed us that there had been quite a heavy fall of snow in that vicinity. --Mr. Neelands, who is always on the lookout for everything new in Dentistry, is now using Ethel Chloride (Bengue) £0: extracting teeth: Itis the invention of an eminent Paris Physician. See Mr. Neeland’s new card this week. I’d like to be a bull-frog in some pond, To sit upon a lily-pad half sunk, J usn long enough to find out what is meant By "Glung-ga-lung-ga-lung-ga-lunk 1 " â€"In the early day, when whiskey was one of the necessrries of life, a Beaverton family consumed a barrel in three weeks. When a neighbor expressed surprise the head of the family replied: “Tut, tut, mon, what’s a barrel of whiskey in a family where there’s na coo.” â€"The number of members of the curl- ing club has increased to such an extent during the last few years. that there is not suflicient room in the present building to accomodate all who desire to play and a eexnmittee has been appointed to see about enlarging the rink. -â€"Some’ person started a. story in town on Saturday that the Rev. Mr. Johnston and his Wife were on the ill-fated train that met with the terrible accident at Battle Creek, Michigan, but the rev. gentleman and party were on an earlier train and there was not the slightest cause for uneasiness as was learned by telegram. â€"-A certam young man employed in a. Kent-st. grocery may be a good shot with an axe, but he can't hit a cat- with a stone worth a cent. On Monday he picked up a rock of small dimensions and threw it at a feline of large dimensions. The stone struck a side of pork, which saved a. plate glass Window from destruction and the thrower skinned bis knuckles badly. The cat escaped injury. --â€"A game warden is badly required in this vicinity. Muskrats are being slaughtered without any interference, although the season does not open until the first of November. It has been suggested by quite a number of citizens that the Ontario government should. appoint Archie Bradshaw as warien. A. better selection could not be made and we hope to hear at an early day that the appointment has been made. , â€"J. B. Weldon, general merchant, of lLit-tle Britain, assigned to;~\ssi_gnee W. Av~'v.v --_-.Vv A. Campbell, on Saturday. The liabilities are estimated at about $4.000 and asset of about $5,000. A Toronto merchant sued Mr. Weldon lately and the local commercial agencies reported the issue of the writ ; one of them a couple of days later reported in error that a chattel mortgage had been given the Toronto merchants, and this caused the assignment to Mr. Cannbell â€"â€"The Australian extravaganza com- pant appeared at the Academy of Music on Tuesday evening to a very fair audi- ence, cnmprismg quite a number of ladies The performance on the whole appeared to give satisfaction, j udging by [the applause. The Japanese juggler was the greatest ever seen here. The march L110 Kl v'-w‘v4v ' , '_ fi- ., of the Amazons was \wli put. on and executed. The dancing. pâ€"«rticularly the Spanish and skirt mun-ments. were loudly applauded while 'he well known comedian. Thomas Daytmn. in the role of a tramp, was simply “out of sight” and kept the house in roars of laughter. The gags Were fly blown and , elrly all had whiskers. while the singingr was fully equal tn the noise that a c osscut saw can make. â€"At Toronto, on Saturday evening, ‘Detective Slemin arrest/ed Frederick Jacques, Bay-st. and John Clark, 114 Ann-st. They are held on a charge of burglarizing. The comp rain-mt Is Post- oflice Inspector F. D. ingruvick. 'thn arrested they had a. laun- quannity of UUJUC lanyyvvuv- .. 7, arrested they had a largc quantity of postage stamps in their possession, principally eightâ€"cent denmnination. Both men have been convicted before. Detec- tive Slemin saw the me 3.: Youngâ€"st” and recognized them. I? -- watched them for a. time and when th. ‘ entered J. H. hum: cm. efnrn. he nabL-a: them. Last "a-“ - v- j for a. time and when th. Rogers' fur store he nab' Thursday night the posf was robbed. Tue thicv. $10 in cash and $260 of Thursday night the posh-",1 e at Dundas was robbed. Tue thicv~;~ :7: t away with $10 in cash and $260 of swaps. A day or two previous Fenelov fills postofiee was burglarizcd. The «is a iives think they have got the parties. (‘1:er recently did some time in the peume-ntiary. The men were remanded. #__â€" Subscrme for The ‘é'atchman.

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