LOCAL 1.1};an BRITAIN. Special to tee Watchman. SECOND-HAND WATCHES . â€"â€"-LENNON, 01 the Auction mart, Lindsay, has a number of Good Second-band Watches which he will sell cheap. Call and see him next time you go to town. £11m; aft? the Auction SCHOOL Rsronr.â€"'l standing of_ pupils of Special to the Watchman. Gown 'ro MAXITOBA.â€"â€"-Mr. T. W. Evans of this place has gone to Winnipeg to look after his interests there. He will be absent about three weeks. JANETVILLE' BOOTS Am) Snagsâ€"Dav our local shoe merchant, h splendid stock of boots and shoes cf all kinds in stock, and at low prices. Call and see the latest styles in foot Boots and shoes made to order. promptly attended to.â€"4I-2. id Cberrie, 215 DOW a. wear. Repamng SHOT A LYNx.â€"â€"Mr. A. Christie go: a ï¬ne shot at. a. lynx on Monday and brought him down ï¬rst bang. â€ls . Lu-“ 1:“... c;\r innhpg “ll-IV unva- VJ “(I ‘ v ens, ducks and geese. The lynx is a some what rare specimen of our Can- adian wild animals, and the taking oï¬â€˜ of this individual makes another step towards its extinctionâ€"Arrow. SHOT A LYNEFâ€"Mr. A. Christie go: aï¬ne shot at a. lynx on Monday and brought him down ï¬rst- bang. â€is d ï¬ve feet six inches ’1 and he stood a trifle over two feet high in his stockings. He (or she) had given a lot of trouble to Mr. Kilpatrick, Mr. Christie and some other of their neighbors for some time back by appropriating their chick- nu , 1--..-- .. A Special to the Watchman. WATczs.â€"â€"Several good watches fur ale at a bargain: A_p_p1y to J. H. sauunug v5 fur-«.1 -_ Mariposa. for the month of September. Names arranged in order of merit. Firs: chasmâ€"Val» Mainhood. John McIntyre, Nisba Jackson. Part Secondâ€"Elsie Chase, Victor Chase. Damel Woodwm-d. Second class.â€"Russel Wallis. Howard Wal‘is. Silver Warren, Howard Kelich. Junior Third clauseâ€"Stella Chase, Liuy Mainhood. Garï¬eld \Vuualwmd. Senior Third claSS.â€"Cnssie Brown. Dougall Mc Intyre, Julia. Nobie. Juniur Fourth chatâ€"Hattie Rank-33'. Jr hn Hull. Sarah Ramaâ€"Fourth clasameuk Pun-Is, Phunhe Stevens, Alfred Archer. Senior Fourth class.â€"Floreuce Reaziu, Charles, -r--_ -_ -, , b'ruVES.â€"-LEXSOS, of the Lindsay Auction mart. has a very large Stock of seennd-hand c0uk, box vnd coal stovesâ€" guod as new. Now is the time to buy them. Also tinwue, crocxery, glassware. pivtm'esâ€"in fact everything: wanted aruuuu a huusc. cheral good watches Special to the Watchman. to» wade at a hawgdn, SCHOOL REPORT .â€"--The staudiuguf the pupils in S m nu» ut';b\-pxen1ber, the nnzed in order uf merur. Neil ParringtoaJIabel R‘ Mainhood. H" vuc n. .- v .._‘ , , SCHOOL REPOll'l‘nnThl-g folk-wing is the ataudiuguf the pupils in S. S. Nu. 10 fur the m numfï¬vptember, the names heiugar- n order uf mernr. Senior forth.â€" Neil ParringtouJIabel Rea. Junior fourth. “(wurgie Parringtnn. Jennie Hoyle. Seniu? third.â€"~Gertie Haygarth, Green- wood Parringr-uu, EJixlx Taylor. Junior third.â€"-Fred Rea, Hattie Mcl‘dish. Farquahnr Parrington, Howard Staples Senior secnud.â€"â€"Lily Rea. Meta Hay- gerth. Part secondlâ€"Flossie Rea, Bessie Parrington, Luella Haygarth, Hettie Taylor. Part. Menâ€"Russel Rea, nnzed i Hettie Taylor Wilhe Taylor- RBABORO. LOOK H151 Up.â€"â€"Lennon of Auction Mart, Lindsay, sens everythingâ€" furniture, stoves, tmware, crockery, g‘assware, etc. I’ricwjust right. chnoLREPOR'I‘.â€"â€"R~gula1‘ attendan- ce’fFlora H‘ckson, EEiza, Lift.le,Sam Sole, Eghel Burke, Theresa. Bestfl‘dlic Smith, V'i018t Ila-41>, Pe'er D \VaJter Johns 011. . ngue, Jo-. Best, Ernest Read. David Reeds, Harold Povleous. HONOR Routâ€"Flora Hicks, Sarah Hicks. Lizzie Allen, Mable Thorn,VVm- ‘ Hickson. Eunie P0\'leous,E1izu. Little, Kate Callahan, Sara. Sole, Maud Fitz- ilpmons, Ethel Burke, Theresa Best, Ellen Little, Violet Pocue,N e1 lie Powers Al ce Sloan, Willie Smith,Lottie Burke. Kate Powers, Lily Steam, Stella Hick- son, Winnie Cornril. Lena McMnnn, Vera. McMann, Flora. Graham, Nellie Gren. Maggie Smith. Theresa Fitz- simmons Pet er] ’Ogue, “7 alter Johnston Fred Reads, Han-y Hickson, .105 Best, Will Smith, Ernest, Read, Geo. Cornei], Stephen CaHahtm, Geo. Sole. Average attendance for the month, 54, .!_ E. .\|.s r, Teacher. SHE SAYS SHE a 13d}! fro." Ihissect say the other day saved her fate b: Action man, and all her neighbor. The at we if ful ‘ crockery, etc. and ‘-vvâ€" 1 her neighbors to d The st we if £111 of form crockery, etc. and cheap. WEDDlNGwâ€"A quiet ‘ place gaping residence of of M‘sniha nu VVednesda The coumu‘ung parties ' daughter, Minnie, and M ale, 0! t is place. The pet‘fonnud 113' {he Rev. Onï¬'l'g' few intimate 97“â€! ii y MiSAYâ€"MARIPOS AS L)|L\\! -, 1 the residence of Mr. G. Pearce .hu'nn \Vednesday, Sept. 25th ltrm‘ung partivs Were his eldest. m MS-mie. and M». \V. ], Berk. In -: CAMBRAY. : Watchman. s SHE Sm m) HER FAREâ€"A missect-ion who was in Lind- ner day sws she mure than fare by rivaling at: Lennon’s n, and. now she is advising nighhors to deal there map if ful of furniture tinwaze, BALSM LAKE. YBLVERTON. The v. mummy. wasl Eh: nst uoma mu 09 next: â€3' ‘hé Rev. 31‘. Hnssquj‘lfbï¬ta‘. _The;-,R’V3MB€JOhnIf w intimate ““39““ i ""9““ ‘ 9- “Kalli“ featurqof r. and Mrs. BerkeL‘-y 1am for :ng 33$ .'Th¢:oelc1€ madam}? “fw'.‘!‘e,-“"e““ {71}: germâ€"32in. ' AsaPul Mm. .. we. carcze «Lam. hmwrmmw :wxsh'ng them pcace un-lgu- hr sister, Mrs. Fsrnood during their Wrdllud life :wug. Famcomb '7 amulet!- as.â€"-â€"Da.vid Cherrie, quiet wedding took -_- h .The following is if S. S. No. 110 Mar}. LindsaY~ CHURCH NOTES â€"At the close of the Christian Endeavor prayer meeting on Friday evening Mr. J. W. McIntosh, the student who has had charge of the Presbyterian congregation during the past summer, was presented with an address accompanied by a. well ï¬lled purse. : Mr. McIntosh was deservedly popular among the residents of this vic inity. He carries with him the best wishes of all ...... Rev. C. S. Smith preached his farewell sermon on Sun- T r AI",, ‘3 Tint-130v day ...... Mr. J LAllin of Lindsay tool: charge of the service in the Meth- odisr church on Sunday evening, Mr. Anderson being absent on mission work. PERSONALâ€"Miss Allie Hall has returned from a Visit to friends in Peterboro. . . . . Mr. Weldon has retur- ned from Hunstville ..... Mr. J as. 001- ter spent part of last week in Bowman- ville on business . CIIURH NOTESâ€"Our pulpit was oc- cupied by the Rev. J, C. Bell of Little Britian on Sunday last, who gave a. sound discourse based on an imp- ortant subject, “Bear ye one mother’s burdens andchusfulfil thelawof Christ.†CONGRATULA'rioxsâ€"Wecongradulate our friend Mr. E. A. Snlverxvu-ad in winning the t)icycle race at the Lindsay Central Fair, where are the Lindsy boy’s when they ct‘mpetc with Oak- wood boy’sâ€"“Out of sight.†_-. . . f “-3 Special to the Watchman. (Crowded outlast week.) POTATOES AND APPLES are going to be cheap and so IS LENNox’s furniture. Call at the Auction mart, Lindsay, and see his immense stock. Prices always rigbf. A ‘ -‘ -__-.. " vvu VVJ v PERSONALâ€"Miss Annie Irwin paied Glandine friends a. visits last week . . . . Miss A Eakins is visiting friends in Cambray . . . . Miss Bessie; Ford Lind- AL3_ say, is spending afew weeks in this vicinity. Ml. R. \Iorgan, one of our Victoria Road citizens is carrying 01121. boarding house and doing :1 large business. He is making the little ï¬xe cent p1e~ cs roll. Go ahead, Dick, you are a. hustler just the same. _ -. _-- 7 11' 117 Specfal to the Watchman. “'ng You SELL YOUR \V’HEATâ€" You Will want, that new partur suite you haw united for so Inna. LENNON of tin» Auctiun Mart, Lindsn), has just what. \uu areJnuking for. Par'or Suites (iiln;YIg-I'£)(»Ill urniture. b-‘tlm »m suits, clmirs, unble<, nmtt.r:s~se.~, emu, new :uul wound hand. PERSONAL -â€"â€"Mr, Wm. J. H. Ware of \ ictoria, has been out in the agency business but hr hus joined with R. Morgan ml the Canal 11' $1. L5 pm day (1001) '1‘nu-zs.-â€"The timcs are boom~ ing here sine» the canal started, and the storekeepers are having a. busy :ime for a while. as it mkss a. lot to feed ascouple of hundred men especially some of those Irishman. [.\IPRO\I~L.\I]1.\'S.-â€"-:‘Ou villawe is incr- easincr as there am two new houses going up. I wonder who are the lucky b1 rdsZ UXBRIDGE. Sl'EALIXG (muttâ€"For some time past fm'uwrs in the nvighborhood of Chalk Lake have been complaning of thieving. They lost grain, sheep and poultry. Last week Ralph Mayantire had a large quantity of rye and some whiffletrees stolen, and suspicion fallen two young men named Thomas Pam-r- v- u son any! Arthur light» of Uxbridge township. Constable Frankish was empowered whh :1. Warrants and arrested them. The charge was heard by P. M. Campbell in the market hall on Mon day and both men were committed for trial at Whitby at the next court of competent jurisdiction. Patterso“ con- fessed to his share of the proceedings. ‘ The young man has Only been married a couple of week: VVhenthetwoprisoners were taken back to the lock-up Kight’s sixter'o lov:dthemandbecamehyst-‘rical clutching her brother and endeavoring to take him away. She made c0 much fuss that the coastal»: allowed Klght to walk up to the hotel with her until she becmie paciï¬ed. Patterson’s young wife bore her trouble with a brave front l M r. Chapple conducted the case tor the prosecution and Mr. D. Whitside for I the defenceâ€"Journal. Spcial to the Watchman. Bun. \st.â€" â€"I am oï¬'ering some special bargaim in furniture, crocke ry. tinware. stoves, etc. Call and see me when you come to town. J. H. Lennon, the Anct ion mart, Lindsay. OUR FALL Snow.â€"A great many are looking eagerly forwm-d to the aunusl Fall Show which will be held in the Agriculturall’ark here on 8th and 9thinat. It pmmiues to be bqtter this year than heretofore. PIKPXLâ€"le pumpkin pie anc‘a! held 12M. Thursday evening; at the residence of Mr:- Fiudlay‘ MscDougall wasprdecidedj SUCU 38. ‘ Emma: floutâ€"Tho Mythodint Eh: n at Roma will be held 'on‘t-hgï¬thj â€.3 . _.The,-,Rgv-.~Mr.xJohnston, Tm «92;; ' e anchipf feature of 1:133 awning- .-~ Mi ainmqnt, .' Th: local clgrg'y 91:qu“: $13k ‘ ï¬ .3, II ‘ ‘g A. ‘P‘nkqg‘igmrgg VICTORIA ROAD. PEN ELON FALLS, GLANDINE. deanery at Milbrook last week. ..... Miss Morin, sister of Mrs. Wm. Campbell. returned to her home in Montreal last Monday. Mrs. Campbell accompanied her as far as Peterboro ...... Mrs. Robertson of Peterboro. with her daughter, Miss Mattie Robertson are visiting relatives at the Falls ...... Mr. ‘A. Clark, gem, of the ï¬rm of Clark Son. returned home Tuesday evening; Son, relfurned home Tuesday after a lengthy visit in Scotland. -â€"*â€"â€" CRESSWELL. SPeCial to the Watchman. (Crowded out last week.) A VISIT T0 LINDSAY.-â€"When you come to Lindsay can and see me. I have everything you want in furniture -- J ' U at â€"-new and secondhandâ€"stoves, tin- ware, crockery, glassware, etc., cheap, J. H. LENNON. . REMOVAL.â€"â€"We have this week lost several of our most valued citizens in the persons of Mr. A. S. Delve and Mr. E Broad and wife. The former left on Monday for Victoria. University, Toronto, where he is taking a. mmistreinl course of studies; the latter has gone to Bobcaygeon, where he has purchased a contectionery business. They will be very much missed, Mr. Delve being local preacher, class leader in Salem church and choir leader, also a promin- ent and honored member of I. O. G. T., Cresswell. Mr. Broad was also a. local minister in the Methodist church here, S-TOCR.“1-VI r. J. Murray of this place is doing the fairs With hi sï¬ne flock of sheep. rec-sec. in Cresswell lodge I. O. G. T Mrs. Broad will also be missed as she has been organist in the Salem church for a. number of years. We w: sh them all prosperity in _their new positions Special to the Watchman. (Crowded out last week.) THE Paws 0F WHEAT is an impor- tant consideratiOn at the present time, and so is the price of furniture. LENNON at the Auction Mart, Lindsay, sells fuenitare cheaper than anyone else, new or second-hand. . His store is full from floor to ceiling. Call and see h:m when you go to town. va -- -â€" v__-__J-_o Housns WANTED.-â€"Du.ily people are looking for houses in this place but no house to be had. Why don’t those who are so busy hauling lumber away build here? No better place in the countryâ€"central, healthy and well watered; surrounded by a gentle range of hills, giving it the appearance of a. village in the valley of the rookies. The air dry and easy on weak lungs. Any posmble stench or disease is always carried away on the buoy ant basin of Grass river. For invalids Victoria Roiid is second to no other place in Canada. HUNTERSâ€"are begining to talk of going north. V Curâ€"2mmnLE.â€"«Alonm Demorest sen. has gready improved his residence in appearance and no doubt in Comfort- to himself. May be long live to enjoy it. All plucky men deserve credit. Special to the Watchman. THE WAICHMA‘N. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10TH, 1895. ADDRESS AND Pm-zsnmxrmxâ€"A very pleasenn time was spent; atthe res- idem-e of Mr. Gordan Townsnd on Friday evening inst when the members of the Zion Good Tomplar’s Lodge took possession of his residvnce for the time beng and‘by their action shewed the in- matesof the home that. they had Come to spend aspecial hour with Mr. Townsenti, who has for very longtime been seriOUsâ€" ly afflicted, Mr. Taylor Pnrkin after a time called order and opened the order of business by singing» hymn and oï¬â€˜er- ing a prayer to the Giver of all good things in behalf of Mr. Tuttisend ard his home. Then the following address was made, and Mr. Townsend was made the recipient of a beautiful easy chair, the gift of his Zion friends. and ; sympsthiseis. Mr. Townsend, thougt weak, made at suitable reply, and thank- ed the good-heurted people for their jmuch app ec‘mted kindness. The follow ling is the address.~â€"-'l‘o Mr. and Mrs. Townsendâ€"We, the members of‘the Independent Order of Good Templar-s ‘of Pleaeent Valley Lodge do now meet with you this evening to spend a social hourand to tender you our sympathy inthis time of Bro. ToWusend’s afflctxon. We look back to the time when you Were able to pay us a few friendly visits to our lodge, and we think of the pleas- ant times we spent together and the kind feelings that have existed between us and we do pray if it be the will of an all wise Providence that you may again be' restored to your aforetime health that those friendly visits may be again repeated, and we do sincerly trust that that power who has been your stay and support thus far will still be your stay and consolation to the end, and now we ask you to accept of this chair as a souvenir of your friends of Pleasent anley, for you and your part- ner thronght life as a token‘of their good will and sympathy towards you. Also we do sincerely hope and pray that when our meetingsuneurth amended we shall méetrins higher and better: {me Where fafliictioa and pain cunnivrrnter and I whkre‘ 'd‘eath never-"comm. ,. 83350:] on belmlfofthelodge{SanhWomley C. T _ -- Ri‘char‘d Cooper-R s; j'spending in hour or so in singidg VICTORIA ROAD. CAMERON. “in recitation the company di6persed to their homes feeling that by a. little effort and sacriï¬ce on their part, a cheerful rememberance was awakened of similar occasions in the days now gone by. Special to the Watchman. , (Crowded out last week.) THIS CONCERNS Youâ€"You will want a new furniture this, fall,â€" perhaps a. new dinning-room outï¬t, or a bedroom suite. Don’t spend your hard-earned money until you see LENNON, at the Auction Mart, Lind- say. His store is jammed full, and his prices aye just right. u. 4,, ‘_ SiLo.â€"]eseph Mark, 8. mile or so east of this place, is at present con- structing a. Silo. This is the ï¬rst Silo that has been built in this section, if not in Mariposa township, and Mr. Mark’s venture will be watched with interest by his brother farmers. It will be 16 feet square inside. D ILLNESS.â€"Mrs. Hobbs, mother of Wm. Hobbs of this place, has been? very ill for the past week, but at this writing we are happy to be able to state she is improving, under the care of Dr. Hal! of Little Britain. PERSONALâ€"Miss Ettie Mofl'att, who has been in Toronto for some weeks past visiting friends, returned this week ...... Miss Jennie Bruce has returned home from Pontvpool.. . . . .Mr. and Miss Wright of Janet- ville were the guests of Miss Jennie Bruce on Sunday last ...... Rev. J. Whitlock and daughter of Port Perry were visitingumong friends in this section last week ...... Mr. David Scott has returned home from a. pleasant visit with friends at Bowman- ville. I PRESUME I’M NOT TN IT.â€"-â€"On Sunday evening last one of our young men undertook to see ayoung lady home from church, having of course first gained her permission to do so at the church door. All went well until the gate was reaciwd and “â€1811 the amorous swain turned round to greet his partner lo! Ihe hit-«Hum! flown. Na'urally he felt u little rhenp, but he expects bettvr luvk IN’XL lilnv. ‘- Home FROM MAMTOILLâ€"Mr. David ThOmpson, iun.. returned from Manitoba last, week. He speaks well Of the prairie province. “ EWERTAINMEN r ~Thp Epwcrth Lemme of the Methodist chmch here intend havinrr a grand entertainment on Friday evening, 11th inst. A nice program of music, singing, readings, recitations, etc., has been prepared, and a. capital time is in store for all who come. The entertainment. is free to all. JAS. SMITH 8: 00. SANITARY ENGINEERS. PLUMBERS AND STEAMFITTERS. TIN AND SHEET IRON WURKERS. EVE- TROUGHING, E TC. HOT AIR FURNACES. STOVES. ETG. Put in and repaired. \V urk done in town and country. Estimates given on all kinds of Work... First-class workmen employed. - HOT WAThR HEATING. - A specialty; also house drainage: See our new Angle Lamp, chcaper than gas or electric light, and givce lmtt'cr light. Only costs 31’; cent per hour to run. W’c scll STOVI‘IS at manufacturex’s prices. Mr. J. Parnell Morris, â€"TI-.ACHER OFâ€" is prepared to accept a limited number of private pupils. s'rumoâ€"sz-ST-;::§Ts':::c2rm . new mum m2, -§M91|’mdolhflgt,mfl_ ‘ am. and Romance Corner of Lindsay and R L cull 5 ~ rods. Lf‘entiau of 0:81 College of Physician «a Surgeon, Ediltu’ï¬ph. Licentiate of Iidwfleq, Edinburx Speak stamina given to Midwifery and disease- 01 women. Telephmne 30. 98â€"36. TWO PAPERS FOR THE . PRICE OF ONE! By spoon! imminent. we no! nod oforing Tu Wuéniux s‘nd‘ ~ sithor Ibo Wookly Gloho 0:. Weekly Moi! iron now until thoj ï¬rot of Jam. 1397. 'towthn " ‘ new; in!“ Hummus. .m-f 39' 3m. 15 KENT-5'11, LINDSAY PIANO, VOICE AND HARMONY; R. A. GILLESPIE, M.C.P. AND 8.0. JAS. SMITH CO. VALENTIA. km)! 13;“ « anew ed: Now that the fall weather has set in with its colda chilly blasts, we are here ahead of it with a full assortment heavy FALL AND WINTER GOODS and at Prl that make you forget all about hard times. i< trim" , Eraâ€"DRESS 00003 DEPARTMEINT: “11hr“ newest things m the trade m tweed effects,» .crgCS, . Eu; ettes. W all our new colormgs and effects. Our 18, 20 and :_:c. :: \\ “00155; are acknowledged the cheapest in the trade. Cal} \i: pact J5 and if they are not the cheapest you have \Lx‘t. “c "v53?“ ask you to buy. . See our bargains in Mantle Cloths, Cape L'imhs. Maqï¬‚ï¬ Coats, Fur Caps, Boas, Muï¬'s, Mitts, Gloves, .\0‘ to quote prices. . . . . Tl. wmwimï¬umxmwb m MILLINERY { p" J “â€0“!“ non Emmi-15 “r“- .m at common éense, saying: '-'mnotunnwonrmflkrobemad What the bestcheese apes-“it “womwbépartyto any blind. is h WFCUStqufS to come quickly and sec 0U! stout v- ?! agtlcand Alarm Clocks We are satisï¬ed we Show the “L“‘dsay and we warrant emery clocl we 5611. Our 5125 \ 1r- . v: {\lpcgcan NickleLAlarm cannot bc beaten. @lkï¬â€˜i‘a‘i $319.5 ‘ ‘ ' 51-5,. New Arrivals. ask our, customers to come quickly and sec our stOCk lnn¢l- -_J Av' ‘ 'Deï¬ft-to'g.“ We. 4" .9“ .5355 of Repairing and EnzW’"B‘ Goes along way for Groceries if properly expended and at 1 he right place. Probably no other grocery house in Lindsay has facilities equal [0 ..... TEASâ€"IMPORTED mam; SUGARSâ€"WHITE AND COLORED. CANNED GOODSâ€"THE BEST BRANDS. mm EWIE WWEBEW 21:35.3 Goods Delivered to any Part of the Town PROMPTLY. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, ETC. MEATSâ€"FRESH AND SMOKED. Spratt Killen, For supplying customers with the choicest and cheapest in the line of Our Millinery Rooms are in full blast. this department for Stylcs and Bargami P. M°ARTHUR Kent Street, Lindsay. EMIE :mmma of W Mt of Professor Conn, Who Discov- cred the June Butter Bacillus. I om. '11 be pleased to sow the .- readers WI We f Professor H_- W. Conn of Wes- ‘ â€an university, Mlddletowu, Conn. , who is sure he has found a cul- W ‘W . . unwed to n 11 any time of the yon: ace m butter a flavor like (liar 7111 prOd ï¬ver! by June grass. The portrait is. :9- from The Creamery Journal. ‘ Conn found the germ in some W t came from Argentina, Undoubtedly in a. few years dairy sci- n08 will have prOgressed so far that bv he culture in cream and milk of flavor ful factory men will be ah}. 5 care all times butter and chm \ 30 produce at . ,fï¬ny. ' d desued. We are rapidly a}- â€aching that period. Bacillus No. 41 is now in use in . In . erles, Professor Conn saw. [00 (:I‘f3am _ .11 article 111 The Creamery Journal « ; the used purecultures in cream hr: T~1Ls “Th6 ripening of cream is a 7:1‘ res}: quite gumlar to the i'.’ :‘mr-iiirz'. t; if malt and seemingly is undid: ,i:i,_ .-, and; the same kind of :1 hisrurv. Lilm ‘~v. ‘ efermentation of malt the Thu-3:31; » is Simply the grovrth in is; ( f n -:. 7 \M / ml.“ 3. {H /V p'\. ‘. fl\ Eâ€"‘Zlh‘ \PF ï¬r: Wï¬z in this case deSired organisms are nrst yeasts, but bacteria, and are no: plunrwl in the mam intentionally by the ‘ 111:": maker,but are there at the outset Winn ï¬le cream is set for ripening. The . ject of the ripening alsw is .iliglztly dif- ferent. It is not intended to produce n1- coho}, but rather to give risw to 2. Cir- minamount of laCtic acid which hastens 1 n“.-- A .n-n09n1‘ rip“; “Tin churning and gives a u makesit allï¬he more $38113â€th “I: the gunners and factory men 3' . _ mlyfli'GBLpfaicticallywbhme f‘ gin; my: things. The {We mmbmgor not standing up w a“ larly what it will not do '61- “; Wearsâ€"Iii!!! 'to b'e made .121 " W hat ï¬le best cheese possum Wowmm §~ , . . . - . , A party to any bhnd. 81L R! W â€Ede-m the demand} by the butter maker and the mm; pm»- ducer to have good cream. But the go! 2d fleets of the culture are several. Iz‘ir.~' and foremost, it does improve the :1:- Yet. This eï¬ect is ï¬rst seen in .2221 cream. When two lots of crew :‘zrw ï¬fe 881116 gathering are plum-d Sid. Side. one inoculated with Bucillus \' 4} 811d the other not, and allowed to ripen together, the following difnreunvs F7111 be seen: The ordinary cream will In 8 normal manner sour and thicken. The inoculated cream will not 1101301119 3? sour nar so thick, but will acqur» a ï¬nal, pleasant flavor. Bath will be acid, but the one will commonly have 3 t1 in. song: taste. and the other a rich flavor. heSldm the acid taste. If theripeniuu is liv ‘ sour taste. and the other a rzcn -- nun. b95158 the acid taste. If the ripenin- is mulled longer, the effect is still Lune no"'ifleable. The norm-.11 c1911... hex 1:4:- thicker and scurer and mgr-3 “11:1†ant While the inocula: ed cream (.55 pot grow much sourer. but its aim L: m in richness. If mm but: : L ma“leilromthetmo samples, the L; c \\-L make 8 good, but moderately f. .corz‘: mm the Otherwill be 1ike .t in L .6?) Spect except that its firm .~ LotiLe V V 0‘ G lily richer and more agreeab.L- NOW add the reduction of the in demand through the makin' L1 P wakimcheese and“ï¬â€˜:led 'cheu “weanmeatonqe maxi: but Waction that IS hurting â€the?! underconsummion. Vs The Mr PROFESSOR H. W. CONN. ms. the diï¬ert-nce being tbs With the CW link“. 41 will not affect greater 5 Who Discov- rill do. Pm do, the profe lt men will cour Dai Poim rule: {011' homi 1'81): 18 not St 3‘ “'1“