1 Of its Own accord. siery, Flanneis, Tm the manufacturers. . fer to give their 3a ng in every dav_ GET PRICES. e NOBBY TAILORS, Foot 0: L , A Kent Street. Lindsay. JEEHEEV“TYâ€""Y?IifllflflflflflflfllfllflEfllll1llllllilllillll a ; ORGANS AND: W, G. Blair 81 30113 ‘1llll!llllï¬lflfllillll L but is btr .e out by ntisï¬ed customers in In dealing with us the VERY BEST g else. maintain“ "IMF" 9!!! 'e are offering some bid inspect. At. the b: last long. ‘12 in any cf your LUCERIES. Unless hr entire househnld Hon is the result of to the public. You on is. and it 18 only ithat reputation, and lg, as heretofore,only [001128. kes. ELL, say Woollenfl THE BEST LDIN GS TRN IN GS ETC, ET€ .tches Lindsay, 0,; HEN! "HR! IINNIK Izzmzamummuis .n,., .....J COmf‘ ENDURED BY THOSE WHO SUFFER FROM CONSTANT HEADACHE. tel" 5 attended her, said that in his nion her life would not. extend over r a. few years at most. But mOne p a score of years have since passed pug the greater part. of which, it is , Mrs. Ransom was a great sufferer. Lthat is happily now past, and she joying better health than ever she AUFE 0F MARTYRBOM Ebe "Watchman, THURSDAY, OCT. 29th, 1896. BVCliStin attenLIOD! Have Your Wheels “in , by a thoroughly practical me. 2' Do 1 1; w ail: for the rush. p e\IaL11â€â€˜e‘y Tools and Instruments :1 :11 W 1‘ repaired in a. ï¬rst-class man- . To a reporter of the Tribune 5. Ranson told her story, adding nestly that she hoped her experience {ht prove of beneï¬t to some other lerer. She said: “ The spells of mess and intense headaches would ck me every three or four weeks, would last from two to four days ch attack, and with each attack suffering appeared to grow more 9. I had good medical advice, tried many remedies, but with no ï¬cial results. In the spring of 5 my appetite began to fail, my ds and feet would swell, and my tpalpitate violently. I was utter- iscouraged and felt that I would live much longer. One day my hter urged me to give Dr. VVil- E! R. Ransom, who have been resi- is of this section for the past ï¬fteen '5. Mrs. Ranson has been a suffer- orycars, her affliction taking the of dizziness and violent head- and the attacks would come dbeforCed to remain for three or dcys, unable to take any nourlsh- sand suffering more than tongue express. She was but seventeen ‘of age when these attacks ï¬rst 1e upon her, and the doctor who Tactical M achinisLTool-Maker Lock and Gunsmith. .e Who Suffered Thus for Over Twenty Years Relates Her Exper- ience, Which Will Prove Valuable to Others. mthe Tribune, Mattawa, Ont. Among the residents In the vicin- ty {Mattawa there IS none better known ‘ymore highly esteemed than Mr. and ls’ Pink'PillS a. trial, but I had an so mucn medicine with no beneï¬t 31 refused. However, she went to hand got four boxes, and to please more than for any hope of beneï¬t 'reed to take them I did not ï¬nd ï¬rst box do me any good, but by time I had taken the second my etite began toimprove and I could layout wardrobe equal to the ems,gency? If ‘not equip your- xg‘with one 0: those very tine ’ ail-W001 TWLEED Sun's we are show- iing at $10.09. made any style, ’double or angle-breasted. Also investigate our Ovuncoumos. You will ï¬nd it a muney question. worthy of discussion . . Ler. W'heh I had ï¬niéhéd thé 71211 box both myself and friends Esurprised to ï¬nd that. I had not: mow DAY ) better. I then began to have tin them and as I continued their found myself constantly getting 3h box both myself and friends surprised to ï¬nd that I had not a. headache for more than six :3, the action of my heart had be- {reguian and I could sleep soundly lght‘. i was still weak, however, decxdwl to continue the use of the , Whlcll I did until three boxes tused. Since then I have been ager than at any time for years Ff: am; :l;t.'t n t had an ache .r luau u. my work, have a new rest in life and fell ' ten years 9351.11 Iii-e1 that Dr. Williams’ P1115 will do for others what they time for me, and believing this hglad to make my story public in °Pe that it will be of value to If the retailers who are now organizing against the department stores had used printers’ ‘ink as freely as the proprietdrs of the big places have, says the Toronto News, their business ,would not have deserted them as it has in so many cases. The growth of the departmentals is the direct result of advertising. The expen- diture of ten, twenty, and even ï¬fty thousand dollars a year in this way by one ï¬rm is the secret of the success attained. There is no reason in the world why a man cannot conduct a single line business in any Jart of the Dominion in competition with the departx. wital stores and succeed. The ï¬rst requ..~~..:e, however. is liberal space in live mys- papers with known and proved cileazia- tions. If a business man will {mop postéd on‘flflï¬state of the market, “my right. sflflï¬reasonabley proï¬t. and let sutiemr.†Mrs,_B..nson’s buslmid it“? â€0919ka agoflti‘iï¬the will It“? “â€5 rut-l.-- * . i NERAL REPAIR SH": 1†23’ WILIAM STR V _ -ï¬-‘â€"â€"â€" v v her were both pigment M II] Mood! ervv aid WEBSTER, 353333331133 EMHMIIIMIHMIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIlull}: IS EXPECTED NOW AT ANYTIME. EE] NORTH. This great remedy enriches and puri- ï¬es the blood, strengthens the nerves, and in this way goes to the root of disease, driving it from the system, and curing when other remedies fail. Every box of the genuine Dr. Wil- iiams’ Pink Pills, has the trade mark on the wrappers around the box, and the purchaser can protect himself from imposition by refusing all others. Sold by all dealers at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50. that they look upon her recovery as miraculous. They further said that many and many a. night they had sat up keeping hot cloths on her head, that being the only treatment that had helped her. before she began the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Highly Satistactory Ending of the Season’s Operations. The ï¬nal meeting of the Victoria County Cheese Board was held in the council chamber on Thursday last. The buyers present were Messrs. W. Flavelle, Geo. Fitzgerald W. H. Whitton and J. Bird. The salesmen were de- lighted with the prospects for a good sale, as the whole make for October was being bonded, which represented nearly 1,600 boxes. At Peterboro the day previous cheese commanded 10 5- 160 and the Vietoris cheesemen anticipated about the same ï¬gure. The buyers insisted on an additional pound being allowed as shrinkage if the cheese was shipped by the 10th and. a half pound if not shipped until the 15th. Some of the salesmen thought it was a little too much. Mr. Whitton explained that it had been cheerfully agreed to on the Peterboro besrd and it was on that understandi 1g he was ready to buy their cheese. He also pointed out that at this season of the year the shrinkage would be slow, but when they came to sell to their custom- ers they had to furnish every pound. The salesmen should be satisï¬ed as they were receiving a high price for cheese. At Montreal he could buy cheese at the dock for 10§c. He urged the cheese- makers to take every care with their cheese, and keep on a ï¬re, but not enough to injure the stock. The president then put the question to the salesmen and they expressed their wil- lingness to allow the extra pound if shipped by the 10th November, or a half pound if not shipped until after the 15th. Following are the factories :â€" 1 Star Verulam. I40 IO N’rth Verulam 7o 2 Lorneville. . . . 70 II Minden ...... 60 3 Cameron . . . .. 1 16 12 Leaskdale. . . . 90 4 Dunsford. . . .. too 13 Valentia. . . 100 5 Maxiposa.. .. 125 14 North Ops... 7o 6 Derryville. . .. 6o 15 Maple Leaf... 90 7 Cambray..... 110 16 Reaboro. . . . 77 8 Janetville. . . . 75 I7 Bobcaygeon . . 175 9 F enelon Falls. 60 I8 Ingoldsby. . . . 20 THE BIDDING. Mr. Flavelle lead off with an offer of 10c flat. Mr. Bird raised it an eighth better for selections and called Mariposa. Cambray, North Ops and Bobcayqeon. All the factories declined to sell. VICTORIA COUNTY CHEESE BOARD Mr. Flavelle then bid 10 3-160 for select-ions. Mr. Whitton and Mr. Bird both bid 10ic. the former having the preference cellec} Cameron, Star, Rea- Box-o, Fenelon Falls, North Verulam, Maple Leaf, Derryville and at: a latter peg-{om}? qnsfordâ€"Agll _aqc_:_ep t_ing_._ - Mr. 'Bird then called No'rth Ops, Bob- caygeon. Mariposa and Cambray at mic, all accepting. Mr. Whitbon moved, seconded by Salesman Thurston, that the thanks of the board be tendered the President, for the impartial manner in which he has presided over the meetings during the season. Mr. Whitton then oï¬â€˜ered 10 3-16c for further selections and called Lorneville, Janetville, Valentin and Mindenâ€"the latter subject to inspection at Lindsayâ€" all accepting. On being urged he made the same offer for Leaskdale subject to inspection at Belleville. The salesman from Leaskdale stated that. Belleville inspection was not satisfactory and de- clined the oï¬'er. This was the only factory unsold. 0n {ï¬ction the sum of 32 was granted to Caretaker Wilson for his sex vices. The board then adjourned. President Robertson thanked the board for the conï¬dence placed in him, and stated that he had taken a deep interest in the welfare of the board, as be fully realized that the cheese men of the county could not get the prices they should if they had to go to Peterboro. The board had worked along nicely and he was pleased to state that not a single factory violated the rules by selling off the board. At the request of the board Treasurer Saudford stated that there Was $31 in the treasury. It WtS moved ‘67 Taylor Parkin, sec- anded by Thos. Calvert, that the sum of $10 be granted to the president to defray his expenses while attending board meetings_ The motion was unanimously carried by} etgpding loge. A Lesson in Advertising. THEIWATCHMAN. LINDSAYyTHURSDAY, DC1OBER 29TH,1896 The Delineator. The issue for November of The De- lineator, called the Thanksgiving number, I contains many beautiful plates which; iisplay to perfection the handsome styles! and fabrics of the season, and a large! amount of general reading on interestingl subjects. The ï¬ction has become a very popular feature of the magazine, and the story for the month is "Rosemary,†a tale of Washington life. by Harriet! Riddle Davis, well-known as the author' of “A Chapel of 'Ease†and “In Sight of‘ the Goddess.†Mary Cadwalder Jones writes interestingly on “Thanksgiving. past and present.†Maude 0. Murray- Miller has a valuable article on “A Girl’s First Day at School" in the series of! important days, and A. B. Longstreet' writes again on notable examples ofi successful business women. There is a ï¬nely illustrated paper on “How to press and preserve leaves and their' possibilities as decorations.†E. C. Vick' writes of winter flower culture. Thel Thanksgiving dinner is planned and discussed and the furnishing of bedrooms is considered from an artistic and hy- gienic standpoint, and the newest books are reviewed. In the fancy-work de- partment the variety is larger than ever, including new designs in embroidery, knitting. netting, tatting, smocking, lace-making and articles particularly suited for home decoration and gifts. Subscription price of The Delineator. $1.00 per year, or 15 cents per single V copy. SIRâ€"Your readers are of course aware that the deer-shooting season will be on from 1st to the 15th November next. They are also, no doubt. equally-familar with the legislation of the last session of the Ontario Legislature which provides that persons other than residents of unorganized territories of the Province who desire to hunt deer are to take out a license therefor at a nominal charge of $2 per license. This sum includes the two tags attached to the license for the shipment of two deer allowed to each hunter, if that is desired. In order to give ample facilities for the speedy procuring of these licenses, sup. plies have been already sent to the clerks of the organized townships and villages in the localities where deer are found, and to the Crown Lands Agents and Crown Timber Agents throughout the Province. They are also to be had from the follow- ing special issuers at available points : R. ‘17 T7: d1- _. ‘ - cent. daye‘are past. A more modest proï¬t must satisfy the retailers nowa~ days, and on ï¬lis basis there is as good a chance for him to-day as ever there W18. -uh "I‘"" K. Johns, Gravenhuret ; W. Kirk, Brace- ‘arit7'-" ; ‘vI. Langford, Dorset; ; J. Sharp, Bune’s l‘alls ; S. G. Best. Magnetewan ; J. A. Johnson, Parrv Sound; G. W. Burns, Trout Creek ; H. R. Shaw, Ros- seau; S. A. Huntingdon, North Bay; John Hines. Barrie ; B. Cuckburn, Sturgeon Falls; P. M. Shannon, Port Carling; R. S. Scarlett, Huntsville; John Regan. Orillia ; Robert Rush, Sault Ste. Marie ; J. H. Wilmott, Beaumaris ; W. H Lawson, Park Head , W. R. Climle, Listowel ; C. A. Richards. Tara; T. Fraser, Norwood; C. S. Gil- lesspie, Campbellford ; A. Chart, Gil- mour ; J. Nott, Port Perry; G. South- ern, Millbrook; W. E. Eady, Renfrew; J. H. Brickwood, Kingston ; J. E. Ellis, Fenelon Falls ; J. B. McWilliams, Peter- borough; H. K. Smith. Belleville ; R. S. Tivy, Coe Hill; F. J. Moore, Lakeï¬eld ; J. T. Robinson, Bobcaygeon : T. G. Eastland, Ansley; T. bi. Johnston, Arnprior; Wm. Matheson, Havelock; Wm. Carmichael, Collingood; C. W. Hartman, Clarksburg J. Walmeley, Wiar- ton; B. J. Gilligan, Mattawa; A. J. Taylor, Ottawa, and Thomas Beasley, Hamilton. There is every indication of an active deer-shooting season. judging by the demand for licenses, and it is in the interest of settlers and sportsmen alike that the efforts of the Government to protect and conserve the deer bc supple- mented by individual recognition of the law, and by the co-operation of all your readersâ€"I am, yours very truly, EDWIN TINSLEY, Chief Game Warden. Parlia- ment buildings, Toronto, October 23rd, 1896. Thé Protection of Deer. To the Editor of the Watchman. “ u-u-auv... The undersigned will also be pleased to receive orders direct, which will be ï¬lled by return (nail... 1' , _ _L3_- The greater part of its 14,000,000 of in- habitants are engaged in agriculture, growing especially. when: and corn. and raising all kinds of farm animals, among which the horse and. the hog occupy ï¬rst . place. The stock of the present 1“Nigerian swine was origin- ally bn .. from the Mongolian des- ert. who. ‘ nttila with his hordes left that or u ‘ dated land. Undoubtedly this ate a c xginated from the wild hog, w; -... lring the long warring peregrinz me. or it. owners, was Suh~ 1ected t. 1'! most remarkable changes of form, â€how losing its principal good q-.. .,u.,;. “tardiness in keeping and an. fba twang propertiea. Anionu A Breed in Which “the Whole Hog Goo: Into the Sausage Tub." Hungary in its climate and soil greatly resembles our Middle States. TYPICAL MAN GALICZA HOG. HUNGARIAN SWINE. Ownâ€"“h l U i are each week disposed of in Berlin and Hamburg, because, as a Berlin butcher told the writer, “the whole hog goes in the sausage tub.†The head of the Man galicza, is short and broad, nose cylindrical, depressed at the back; face and cheeks are fleshy, thinly cov- ered with hair; jowls broad and fleshy; ears large, somewhat rounded and drooping; neck mostly short, fleshy and full arched; the withers are wide and do not rise above the back; back straight, long and broad; loins full and deep; brisket deep and wide; ribs well sprung; belly wide and straight, nearly touching the ground in well fattened animals; hams large and full; lower part of. legs ï¬ne-boned but strong; skin soft, thin and pliable, of a yellowish or black color. During win- ter the skin is thickly covered with curled Fair: at the neck, withers and ,' along the back the hair is somewhat l l I coarse, but not long. During the surn- mer the hair growth is thin, some ani- mals being nearly bald. A full-grown rian galicza hog stands at least three feet high and measures from tip of the snout to the root of the tail about four feet: Ordinarily fed animals at Nice Fresh Oysters at A. B. TERRY’S. Best brand at lowest price.â€"42-4. I have observed that when in any country an alteration in the coinage has been made which raises the value of the coins in general use, almost in- variably there is an eQuivalent rise in prices. The latter in the retail trade are a great deal more depend- ent upon the coinage than is generally supposed. The shilling should be di- vided into ten parts; this change in the value of the penny cannot well be helped. but if the cent coinage were the one hundredth part of a flown all small articles would cost more than it it were the one-hundredth part of a shilling. A fortnight ago I urged the expe- diency of at once dbcimating our comâ€" age, and I suggested that the unit of reckoning should be the shilling. Since then every post has brought me let- ters on the subject. Most of my 001" f65pondents prefer the pound, as usual. and they would divide it into ten florins, each florin being divided into 100 cents. My reason for preferring the shilling is this: Against this it is urged that the pound ought to remain the unit of. value. I see no reason why it should. ‘fv'e might just as easily calculate in shillings, which would be the nearest equivalent of the franc of the Latin Union. Were this so, the pound in ordinary parlance would still be the unit of value, just as the Napoleon or twenty-d'ranc piece is 01' the Latin Union. the age of one year weigh from 150 to 160 pounds; but when well fattened the weight of a full-grown hog increases to from 500 to 600 pounds. They are not very proliï¬c breeders, producing seldom more than-from seven to eight pigs in a litter. but they are very careful in treating their young, and therefore the loss of pigs is but incon- siderable. The hardiness of this breed enables it to thrive even under unt- favorable conditions, and to winter in the open air- without suffering. If taken to the pen, after pasturing in ï¬elds and forests is over, and fed with corn and other grain, it produces a first- rate lard, which is not surpassed in flavor and keeping quality by that made from any other breed. -American Agriculturist. ENGLAND‘S INCONVENIENT COINS. My aim wound be to reduce the value of the cent as much as possible; or. In other words, to put in circula- tion coins of the smallest possible vaine. The shilling. as T have said. must be divided into ten-cent coins; but. an in France. the ï¬ve-cent coin, which is there called a sou or a half- ponny. Would take the place of our present pennies. and this would again be divided into one-centlme coins, which would be little more than half. the present farthlmz.â€"â€"London Truth. flow? Mr. Labonchere “ ould C: range "‘0 Prue“: System. 1mm none 8X06! the Man gancza. The extensive oak and beech forests on the mountain slopes of Hungary furnish'unequaled swine pasture, and have largely aided in giving the Man galicza. swine a. leading position in the live stock markets of north and middle Europe. Many thousands or their hogs Sick Headache Permanently Cured “I was troubled, along time, with sick headache. It was usually ac- companied with severe pains in the temples and sickness at the storm ach. I tried a good many remedies 3 recommended for this complaint; but it was not until I be- gan taking ‘\~. Pills that I received J 3 : anything like perma- ‘ ‘ nent beneï¬t. A sin- gle box of these pills did the work for me, and I am now a well man†0 H. HUTCHINGS, East Auburn, Me. For the rapid cure of Constipa- tion, Dyspepsia, Biliousne‘ss, Nan. sea, and all disorders of Stomach, Liver, and'Bowels, take H cathartic Pills w tndtniplm ï¬t, World’l 3dr. . AYER’S ‘ M- P led . , 11' you van: w‘ ..»_- my L ‘_ J u THIS APEst mai my. _ » x its : mm {mt-cl:- Mr wood. in .11 to. 'n ‘ x , Subscribers until a. deï¬n- 3 9mm kmâ€: "mm- m z I he or“ {0 fl ï¬n“: is receivcd and all} mmmm â€Waumu‘ï¬" ~ mmpaialn am. _ WW5“ ' 200w: Kiwi Mummy and 1" enema Falls. Lindsay Ofï¬ce, Baker's Block, Kent-st We are loaning money on real estate ï¬rst mortgage in sums large and small, to 7 " borrowers, on the best terms and at the very love: rates of interest. We do not lead on notes or chattel security. When a man builds a house there is tw: things he wants, good dry material and ï¬rst-class work. Having over 20 years experience in the factory line, and employ- ing only ï¬rst-class workmen and the oniv proper mode for drying lumber, I am able to give my customers the best of every- thing in the shape of MONEY T0 LOAN on the strai htloan system at lowest current rates, and on most avorable terms as regards re-payment. Moderate charges OSLER db HAMMOND, General Managers The undersigned having been restored to health ‘ by simple means, after suffering for several years M with a. severe lung affection, and that dread disease 7 Consumption, isanxious to make known to bib iel- '1‘ low sufferer. the means of cure. To those who 1 + e desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a ~‘ copy of the preecrlotion used, which they will ï¬nd a gem sure cure for Consumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bron- . chitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes “y 1 all suflerers will try his remedy, 1‘5 it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which w’"l cost them â€" nothing, and_may_grgve a blessing. fill.p'lea.se“ad- T R J- H'LAUGHLIN Yorkâ€"41. E. D- ORDE. f;'_l‘! Planing The North of SCOTLAND Canadian Mortgage Co. (Lt-d.) TORONTO. Sash, Doos, Blinds, Mould- ings, Newells Balasters and everything in the building line. Give me acall and inspect our work. nothing, and may rove a blessin . wul please ad- drega, REV. EDWA DA. ‘WILSO ,Brooklyn, New Good values also in Standard Screw Fine Goods. Come in and age . .‘ . . yourself . . . . TRUNKS AND VIRUSES. Youths’ Peg Boots for 70:. Bays’ “ “ for 85¢. Men’s ' “ “ for 95¢. Childs’ “ " for 45c. Misses’ “ “ for 70c. Women’s “ “ for 80c. About bad times for we can Boot anyone . . . wnh our hard time prices . . . M. H. SISSON MONEY TO LOAN on_ the straight loa:n_ system at TO CONSUMPTIVES. CLAUGHLIN and Mc'“T A I? "m BARRISTERS, Somcrro ‘ DRESSINGS OF ALL KINDS. One Door East Dalv House. LINDSAY HERE THEY ARE Valuator and Agent. Lindsay,â€"11-1y “ for 85¢, up “ for 95¢. up " for 45c. up “ for 70¢. up “ for 80¢. up Standard Screw and GEO. INGLE. F. A. â€NAKED. up up up E‘B’} DR. NELA§DS 5% g- - ~,_â€"â€"â€"____- â€".â€".___.-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" EDR. F. A. WALTERS, DB. J. Smpscn Graduate of Univ.of Trinity COL, Toronto. Member Col of Physicxans Surgeons.0nt. Late Physician Rockwood Asylum, ngston. Grand Iran]: 811! geonJ Lindsay District. Lmdsav. Feb. 4th. 1801. e . s ,. N1 ) U - .. 1 n ’ of “411“, University Medical Eaculty, also graduate of Trinith Univer- sity, Toronto, and Member of liege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Ofï¬ce South-east corner Lindsay and Russell streets . Telephone 107 .â€"'23-1v. L'sentiate of Rnyal Conn-re of Physicians and Surgeons Edinburgh. Licentiate of Midwifery, Edinhurg Specia‘ attention given to Midwifery and dim of women. Telephcnc 1‘30. 23â€"35. â€L RISTERS, Soï¬ators. tharies. 'etc. Oï¬c over Ontario Bank, Kent-St. Lindsay T). I. McINTYRE. T. STEW mRISTERS, SOLICITORS. etc. Oï¬ics, ï¬n. mediately opposite the Daly House, Kent street Lindsay JOHN McSWEYN DONALD R. ANDERSOK D3MPSON,PL1 1 SICIAN Ofï¬ce and residence, Russell Street Lindsay, second door west of York Street Oflice hours, 9.00A. M. to 10.30 A. m; 1.30 P.M. to3 P.u.a.nd 7 1508 P. M. OHS A. BARRON, Q. C. (Solicitor for Dominion Bank.) Lindsay. OE- ces William St., in new Dominion Ban: building. _ â€" n--. â€"v .. UM u...3 and vitalized air with his usual success. A133 the best looal applications for killing pain, gums rushed by Fxxnzma. Remember Gross. the reliable Dentist, over Kennedy's store Km. sheet V V . Kz. Office and residence. Camhï¬ds 5%, Lindsay, opposite Baptis Chutch. her, 20%»; packs a... the bananas on mm Teeth. Fit, ï¬nish_and “mtgriql guaranteed. For LL- .A- :“1-__ -4 MEMBER ROYAL COLLEGE DENTAL SUR- GEONS, OIIT. A‘l branches of Dentistry, includine the GOLD PORCELAIN SBOWPEING SYSTEM (Mice and Resuience. Corner of Lindsay mssell St: eets. 186,417 persons without an accident. 0:. Noel“ usesthe best local pain obtunders, Beautiful lrï¬n ï¬clal teeth inserted as modexate prices. Please send apostolcard before coming. Ofï¬ce nearly opposite the Simpson House, Lindsay. ~23. the n:§"n~â€" pun-“you LIMGCMULL 01 teeth, he ._2 .44.- I:_A : administered by him (or 25 ym'a with great moccai He studied the gas under Dr. Cotton, 0! New York the originator of gas for extractfnrr math. 0*. mm Solicitor for the Ontario Money to loan at lowest rates. No. 6, William street south. WL HERRIMAN, M. D. M. CP K!- 0.5“.» and ram grinnn. Pan-Loidp OORE JACKSON (SUCCESS OBS tc HudSpeth Jackson) Barri: hers. Solicitors etc. Ofï¬ce William street Lindsay. . F. D. MOORE. ALEX. JACKSON PPLY TO MR JOHN A. BARRON Lindsay, for Moneys for Investment at Lowest Rates of Interest. Ofï¬ces William St. in new Dominion Bank build. mgs. DENTIST 28 WELLINGT N STREET LINDSAY. -__,,.‘- u...â€" All'thelanest and imprOVAd bnrc‘es of dczï¬sfl Successfully performcd. Charges moderate. "“105 over Gregory: Drug more. comer Kent and Willi“ streets. â€"31-1y. n Y"-â€"--â€"â€"â€"» 12L. LICITQR, excl, County Crovn Auoxney Clerk of the Peace, Lindsay. 0513:, Keenan‘s bloc foot of Kent Street. DENTIST, - - ‘JNDSAV. Extracts teeth without pain by Gas (Vitalixed Air) M cINTYRE STEWART, RAB D'CMI‘DQ CAI: ~s-.. u---_-- TELEPHONE NO. a Honor Graduate of Toronto University and Ron Col}egg_ of Dent: .1 Surgeons. Inordertomakeroomlmnstdispose 01 my Largo stockotlumber 0! all kinds. Herein 2 ohms persons who intend building in the neu- future secure a. snap, as the stoek must be elected. Graduate of Trinity University, Toronto. also and ate of the Royai Collegn hf Dental Sm! eon», out. OFFICEâ€"94 Kenn-sf... over Fail-weather’s Store Opposite the Post Ofï¬ce. TelephoNo. ne 14.46. DENTiST, DR- JEFFERS; successfufly yracticed. '. ‘Gross is prenared to save vou the beneï¬t M the HEAP LUMBER DENTIST, CSWEYN ANDERSON, BAR- A‘o I. A GTLLESPIE, .C. 4.. .iwmud. warm “-9 gaven the L lNDSAY LUMBER MILLS. P._DEVLIN, RARBISTEB SO- H. HOPKINS. BARRISâ€" â€to fesztona f garbs. HARE G. H. HOPKINS. r' . “W . UNDSAY. LIMDSAY. UNBSAY- T. STEWART ~55?