PERSONALâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Spngue of Prince Edward County have for the last two week- been vieitiug their uncle, Mr. Melon Weldon... . ..Mies Ella. McKinuon and Min: Morgue: Hogg returned home Saturday evening last. item a visit to the Queen city ....... Mr. B. McKinnou paid a flying visit here last week......Mies Reazin and Miss Weoee of Lindsay made 3 short stay at Mr. M. Weldon'e last week. - Bumâ€"Mr. Geo. Mason, our hunt- Iiug tinmith, has recently token orders Jor'needyel! the burn eevetloughingjn lNzw VAULT. â€"â€"Mr. Wm. White, con- tractor of Llndnay. is constructing a new brick vault in the town hall here for the pfe- keeping of township documents. It IS unnecessary to state age work is being being well done. fair ...... Mr. Wood, our cheesemaker. is doing a big business this year. .....We notice Mr. Lewis Fania has got a ï¬ne looking driving horse. past. We hope they will soon be around again. . . . . We noticed Mr: J tunes driving west on Sunday ...... Mr. Wm. Coulter and Miss Mabel Wile took in the Bethany Normaâ€"The weather has been very dry and farmers have done no plowing yet James Windrim is doing a big business in threshing this year. . . . Mr. Willie Stacey spent Saturday and Sunday at home with his parents ...... Mr. Wm. Grandy and family heve been very sick for some time Wumwm Onme.â€"The name of Mt. J. Stuart hameesmaker of this place, was by nus. take omitted from the Eldon prize In t published recently. Mr. Stuart took ï¬rm prize 1!: single, double and heavy harness. Speck} to th. Wuchmn. LOCAL NEWS-LETTERS munowmm r; Your Property.. E TR 1" Insure $8.]. Petty (the Watchman. a Pedlar Emerson THURSDAY, OCT. 14th, 1897. d v .1 , :W, o away-a x; HORSHDEING, AND EENERAL BLACKSMITHING AND WOOD- WORK REPAIRING- ILLIAN -S T. , Apply to With an agent who has had ex perience in the business. I have had twenty years practical ex- perience. 7 Town, VillageandFarmProperty insured in FIRST-CLASS Companies at the lowest possible rates. It will pay you to come and see me before eï¬'ecting your insurance. MONEY - T0 LOAN. R. G. CORNEIL, â€"for good. carefulâ€" FLEETWOOD WOODVILLE. OAKWOOD A’DBTH- NOTES . -â€"â€"Mr. Gerry Cuncannon was home for a few days last week. He says the S. O. R. is progressing wonderfully ...... We are sorry 'to intimate the death of Mr. Jas. Mahood, who passed away on Friday morning. . . ., .. Mr. John R. San]: was oneof the jolly boys at Milbrook fair .. .Mr. W. Wicken is not much better at time of writing.........Mr. A. T. Stanton left for the city, where he will attend the medical college ...... Thee. Hill is doing a large buiness in grain . . . .Mr. J as. Hobbs has been visiting friends in Columbia the past two ADDRESS AND PRESENTATION: â€" Miss Mattie Bailey was the recipient of a hand- some present and an address from the choir one evening last week. N o'rrs AND QUEmm.â€"Threshing is in full progress here. . . .Why don’t some of those much-talked~of weddings take place? . . . .Some of our young people think "We won’t go home till morning †a popular ballad ...... Why don’t some of our boys get a tandem? ...... Many from this place to 3k in the different fairs. . . .The weatherl has been beautiful jhe past week. ..... .Mlss Burns and Miss Proutt spent Sa‘urday in Norland ...... Miss M. Bailey waited friends gt Duck 1339 laa_t_Sun§lay. PERSONAL.†Mrs. Pearson has returned after spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Adair of this place. SICK~ LEIâ€"Mr. John Fitzgerald is slowly recovering ...... Mrs. A. N ewson, we are pleased to state, is quite well again. . . . .Mr. J . Commerford is suffering from a severe attack of sore throat ...... Mrs. John Cronin has recovered after a long and serious illnea. Goon Cxors.â€" Harvesting is now over, and judging by the happy faces of our farmers we might say they were well pleas- ed with the results. Most farmers have their potatoes dog and many complain of the dry rot. and say that potatoes will be a. good pgice thie year: 7 m to the Wuchmn. PERSONALâ€"MISS Mary McNabb. who spent the summer months with her brother, Mr. D. McNabb of North Dakota, returned home a couple of weeks azo ..... Miss M. Campbell of Grass Hill was the guest: of friends in Palestine Sabbath last ...... Mr. Rod Moum was quite successful in completing his evening visit among friends of north Palestine, last week. Exnmvon Nonaâ€"0n account of the revival services having been held the regular Friday night C. E. meetings had been dispensed with for the time being. 0n Sabbath evening, however, the mem- bers held a special meeting. The tonic “flow to make God’s will our will†was ably dealt with by theAleader, Mr. Lewis. Special to the Watchmn. REVIVAL SENIORâ€"Messrs. Connell and Young, assisted by several of the neighboring pastors, have been conduct ing revival services in the Methodist church during the last three weeks. The majority of the meetings were largely attended. May much good result there- from. TEACHER ENGAGED.â€"The trus’ees of union school section No. 10, Somervilla, have engaged Miss Mina Ingram for the ensuing year. Miss Ingram is a compe- tent and experienced teacher, this being her fourth year. Carminaâ€"Mr. Geo. Cavana, late of Sunderland, died on the 4th inst.. and was buried at the Presbyterian cemetery, ,Bury’s Green. Mr. Cavana was a native of Ireland. He bought. a farm in Somer- ‘ Ville about 42 years ago, and was married win 1858 to Miss Fegart of Gavan, and to them was born a family of six children, ï¬ve daughters and one son, of which four daughters still survive. Three of the daughters are married and doing well. Ten years ago, at the death of his wife, Mr. Cavaua rented his farm, and went t) live with his daughter, Mrs. Robt. Robert- ' son. south of Bobcaygeon. Deceased was of cheerful disposition, and generally esteemed. He was a consistent member of the Church of England at. the time of his death. I Special to the Watchmnn. FALL AND WIXIER Stirsâ€"You will want a new suit or overcoat this fall. I have just what you need, and at the prices you can afford to pay. Suits frem $11 up; overcoats $13 up; trousers $3 up. A nice line of Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds in stock to choose from; also Beaver and Melton Overcoatings. Fit and ï¬nish guaranteed. Only the best trimmlngs used. Give me an order for your next suit. J. J. RICH, merchant tailor, Little Britainâ€"42. Special to the Wntchxzun. BEEF Rumâ€"All farmers in this local- ity Interested in beef rings will please meet at Yerex’s hall on Saturday evening next, 16th Oct.. at 8 o’clock. MARRIAGE LICENSES -J. B. Weldon, Issuer of marriage licenses, Lutle Britain. â€"-12-tf. the country, That speaks well for Oak- wood. _ SEL'LIXG outâ€"Mr. Frank Smallwood .-s sextlmg guz, preparatory for leavmg for Mgltoba 1n the Spring. S§19_ Oct. 23. Wnnmxo BELLS.â€"On Wednesday of last week a pleasant event took place at the residence of Mr. John Thorburn, Sonya, when his youngest daughter Mag- gie was united in the bonds of matrimony to Mr. Edward Acton of Blackwater. Rev. A. Currie, M.A., performed the ceremony in the presence of a number of the near relations of the contracting parties. The happy couple started for Collingwood on the evening train, where they intend Spending their honeymoon. Norns.â€"Why is it that some of our young men like to indulge in a long walk these moonlight evenings '! Is it for the sake of the pretty girls or what they get to eat when they get there? Give them lots of pie, girls. .v--‘.-.-v A“ «av oysrlné HUI-v vvâ€"v __ FOOTBALL. â€"â€"The Oakwood junior foot- ball twirlers are now open for matches. Teams wishing to arrange matches can do so by writing gto Jim Thorndike, captain, Uakwwd. Special to the Watchman. Special to the Watchman. PONTYPOOL. LITTLE BRI'IAIN. BURY'S GREEN HEAD LAKE: PALESTINE. SONYA. Sun OATS r03 Sum-Lan would recommend any one buying need onto to Bros. took over $29 in prizes, taking the special prize of a $13 plough by Sylvester Bros. on the general purpose team as well as ï¬rst prize in the competition. They also received oyer $20 in prizes at Omemee. The boys are pnehere end deserve credit as‘ well so our eongrst- elation: for the splendid showing thet they made at the fairs. Conruemnomâ€"We extend our sym- pathy to Mr. Jacob Hart and family of Msnvers who had the misfortune to have hisflberns Earned on Sstnrday lest. CHURCH No'ms.â€"E. W . Morghan ably ï¬lled the pulnit on Sunday last and preached an excellent sermon. We ex‘ bend hearty congratulations to Wesley as he in only young and believe him to be rightly chosen a: a milliliter of the Gggpel . ï¬,,____ Â¥, - -..rv-. ‘SUécnss v03 DYELL Baos â€"Mt. Horeb farmers ranked ï¬rst. in the Centers! fair at: Lindsay this year, we believe, _Dey_ell AAA - _ PERSONALS. â€"Miss Ida Skuce of Gavan spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her father, Mr. Wm. Skyace ...... Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hickson of Beaverton were visiting at the home of his mother Mrs. Peter Hickson ...... Miss Emma Lee of Ca'ï¬torville is under the parental roof. . . . . .VLV . Nugent visited Mt. Horeb frignds laut__Sunday.* WEDDING BEI.Ls.â€"A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. Jas. Cochrane, F enelon, on Wednesday, Oct. 6th, when his daughter Agnes was united in marriage to Henry J. Wattle. Both young people are well- known and highly esteemed. The bride. who looked charming in a doves colored travelling dress, was led for- ward leaning on her fathers arm.‘ Miss M. Waldron acted as bridesmaid, 1 while Mr. J as. Cochrane, jr., performed 1 rhe functions of groomsman. The cere- mony was conducted by Rev. J. A. McKenzie, in the presence of a large number of relations, who witnessed the pretty Presbyterian marriage service. After the ceremony congratulations were showered on the newly married ‘couple from hearts warm with good- Iwill, which was a slight indication of the esteem in which they are both held. The guests having repaired to the dining hall witnessed a festive board groaning under the weight of the choicest viands ; it was a beautiful sight. Further expression for prosper- ity, suggested, no doubt, by the surroundings, were given. If the occasion was a token for the future it will be a happy one. The presents were both numerous and valuable. The company beoke up ata late hour all feeiing quite satisï¬ed that two more had been made happy. been! to tho wuchnnn. LOCALâ€"A number of our citizens visited Fenelon Falls on Tuesday to hear Mr. J. P. Whitney. . . ...Oh! for 9. day’s rain is, the cry from the farmers. PERSONALâ€"Dr, Smith, our local veterinary, visited Coboconk on F ri- day for the purpose of inspecting stock being shipped from there. . . ...Mr. Arthur Neuson of Oshawa spent his holidays with his mother here. ..... Mrs. A. Cowilson, who has been visit- ing friends in Toronto, returned home last week ...... Mr. Alex. Sinclair left last week for North Bay, where he has obtained work for the winter. PERSONALâ€"Mr. John Cherry, who has spent. some weeks in the N .\V.T., has returned home ...... Messrs Jas. Birchard and D. W. Terrill of Linden Valley spent Sunday with H. Birchard and family ...... Rev. foseph Kilgour of Cavan preached two interesting sermons on Sunday. Special to tho VIM SCHOOL REPORT.â€"â€"The following is the order of standing of pupils in the Sr. division of our public school for the months of August and September, based on marks obtained in weekly examinations. Sr. 4th.-â€"-H.ildon J ohn- ston, Jean Oswald, Nina Heaslip, Lily Ingram, Gertie McGill, Phenia 1Feir, Hilda McGill, Jenny Irvine, Herbert McNeil, Bert McGiIl, Harry Heaslip, Efï¬e Hobbs. Jr. 4th.â€" Cecil Birchard, Herb Iohnston, Charlie MRNeil, Gertie Heaslip, Mordie McGlll, Gertie McGill, Irena McGill, Bernie Rebill, Annie McGill, John Paul and Bernie Sheckleton‘ (equal), Florence Jackett, Annie? Jackett, Maggie Hobbs. Sr. 3rd.â€"â€" Violet fohnston, Milton Ingram, Cloris Hutcheson, Maggie Fanning, Elmer Campbell. jr. 3rd,â€"â€"Merda Hawe, Hala McGill, Maggie Burn, Amelia Jackett and Ena Bradburn (equal), John Brown, Pearl McGifl, Eda Anderson, Elmer Sbeckleton, Allie McGill, W'iLbert McGiil. weeks. . . . â€Matthew Swain passed through the village on his way to Millbrook ...... Dr. F. Lift is kept very busy . . . . .Mr. J. D. Howell and family have been visiting friends in Lindsay the past few weeks ...... Mr. J as. Coutch and mother intend moving into the village. . . . ..The C. P. R. is doing a. very extensive freighn business ANNIVERSARY.â€"The anniveasary and harvest home of the Methodist church on the 10th and 11th was a decided success, as may be judged by the proceeds. which amounted to $87. The singing furnished by the choir was indeed eXCellent, also the solo rendered by Miss Irwin. . . . .U. .Willie Freeborne is still punch- ing away at. the bake board ...... Mr. John Irwin and son William of Dun- dalk were down on business last week . . . Mr. G. J amicson has purchased Mr. Harper’s house in west Pontypool, which he intends moving into at once . . . ...Mr. Albert Fallis- is father of a bouncing baby boy. Special to the Watchman. MOUNT HOREB. JANETVILLE. CAM BRAY. THE WATChMAN, LINDSAY THURSDAY. OCTOBER 14TH. 189/. Smwm... Dressedhogl gut-lay U’ouonoooooocooooo gayOIIICCOOOOOOCOCOOO Rye. maple. 2 ft. ..... Tamarao long ..... . . . Tamrac short ..... . . . Toronto Farmer’s Market. Whoa“ Whitho-ooooo-ow 84_ to 00 00 Hay, per ton ........ Honey per lb ........ Cream per qt...u.. Sage per bunch. ..... Lard per 1b....u... Straw per load. . . . Timothy ...... . . . . . . Hidesâ€"Beef ...... . Woodâ€"Qty! - beech MEAT, POULTRY AND DAIRY PRODUCE. Chickens, per pair...... ... 0 30 to 040 Ducks, per gait........... 0 40 to 0 60 l .00.... .000 Geese. per . 0 06 to 0 07 Butterperibooeoooeoeoeee 014150019 Eggs. per dozen. . ...... . .. 011 to 0 13 Turkeys per 11). . . . ........ 0 O9 to 0 10 Hogs, live weight, per cwt 4 60 to 5 25 Lamb, per lb ........... . O 06 to 0 07 Dressed Hogs ........... . 5 75 to 6 25 Beef ................. . . 4 00 to 5 00 Farmera’ Ham: per lb ..... C 98 to 0 10 Farmera’ Ham: per lb ..... GENERAL. Potatoes per bag ....... Peas, small ....... Peas, Mummies . . . Peas Blue....... Blackeye peas. . . . Buckwheat. . . . . . . . Barley, per bushel. . gyetlIOOIOOOIOOOI Lindsay Markets. GRAIN. Fall Wheat per bushel. . . . ( New wheat per bushel. . . . C Fyfe Wheat do do.,.... . ( Spring do do . . . . ( Goose do do..... ( COARSE GRAIN. Receipts were a great deal lighter at the western cattle yards Tuesday than they have been recently, and the result was everything was pretty well cleaned up, There were some export cattle left in the pens at the close of the day. Prices did not advance in any line; in some: lines, notably export cattle and hogs, there was a considerable decline. There was no buying of butchers’ cattle worth talking about for Montreal. and the Buffalo men did not operate as freely as they liked.‘ There Were 44 carloads of stuff on the boards at the cattle yards Tuesday, in- cluding 823 sheep and lambs. 1,300 hogs. 40 calves and 11 milch cows and spring- ers. Total receipts at the two yards last week were zâ€"Cattle, 3.004 ; sheep and lambs. 3.364 ; hogs, 7,928. Milch cows, each . . . . . ..$25 00 to $45 00 Export cattle, per cwt.. 3 90 to 4 10 Butchers’choicemttle,cwt 3 50 to 3 60 Butchers’ goodcattle,cwt 3 00 to 3 25 Butchers’com. cattle. cwt 2 75 to ' NJ 00 U Chance bacon hogs, cwt 5 25 to Light fat hogs, per cwt.. 5 00 to Thick fat hogs, per cwt.. 5 00 to Sows. per cwt ......... 3 50 to Stage, per cwt.......... 2 OOto Bulls. per cwt. . . . ..... 2 00 to 3 50 Feeders per cwt. . . . . . . . 3 25 to 3 50 Stockers per cwt....... 2 75 to .5 00 Sheep, percwt....... .. 300to 3 25 Butchers’ sheep each. . . . 2 75 to 3 75 Spring lambs, each ..... 3 75 to 3 9O Calves, per head ..... 2 00 to 8 00 5 30 5 10 5 05 3 75 2 25 HARVrZYâ€"MILLS.â€"At the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George Findlay, Portage la Praxrie, Mam, Oct. 4th, 1897, Miss Ida S. Mills, daughter of Mr. Chas. Mills of mely, to Mr. I. G. Harvey, B.L., of Dauphin. HARTLEâ€"COCHRANl-Lâ€"At the residence of Mr. Jas. Cochrane. the bride’s father. 3rd con. of Fenelon, on Oct. 6th, by Rev. J. A. Mc- Kenzie, Mr. Henry J. Hartle to Miss Agnes Cochrane, both of Cambray. BRYANTâ€"In Lmdsay, on Monday, Octobe IIth, James J. Bryant, aged 51 years. ROBINSON.â€"At Pleasant Point, Fenelon, on October 61h, the wife of Mr. George Robinson of a son. make a purchase of the same from Mr Geo. 'Coldwell. He has some of the ï¬nest oats that has ever been grown in Canada. They are the Early Galden Proliï¬c and have been known to yield as high as 114 bus. 6lbs. to a measured acre, two men having taken their afï¬davit to the same. “TAMING OF THE SHREW".â€"The Elliott house porter has a coon this time in his menagene. __â€" â€"'â€".uvâ€"vv u v..- I A ‘- l '7 “01$. PHOTOGRAPHING.-â€"Mr. R. B. Sylvester, photographer of Fenelon Falls, stopped here for a couple of days on his way from Woodville and a good many availe'l themselves of the privilege of having, their pictures taken. PEllSONAL.â€"â€"-Mrs. John Myles and family are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Currie ...... Miss Lydia Irwin of Oakwood, who has been visiting friends here for the past couple of months, has returned to her home ...... Miss Mary Driscoll of Toronto is visiting her parents here ...... Miss Bessie Mc- Millan has gone to visit friends in Buflalo ...... Miss Tens Campbell of (Sume- bridge returned home after spending a few days visiting here ..... Mr. John McMillan of Buffalo ls spending a few days under the parental roof. CHURCH RENOVATIONâ€"The contract for repairing the Methodist church here has been let to Mr. Rubt. Morrow. who will commence work in a f_ew days. that Mr. Donald Smith, blacksmith of Argyle, who has been lying in WOcldville for some weeks past receiving medical treatment owing to having his knee frac- tured by a horse, has so far recovered as to be able to come home, although it will be some time before he wxll be able to resume work. RE-ENGAGED.--Our teacher. Mr. Duncan McFadyen, has been engaged for another year, which speaks Well for Duncan as a teacher. ODIOCOCOIICOOIODI OOOOOQOOOIIIQOOOO Toronto Live Stock Market. 0... I... O. .00... .00. CI.....O. VEGETABLES. MARRIAGES. DEATHS HARTLEY BIRTHS. mmmï¬wmw mmmmmms mmmmmmm mmwuwwm mmmmmmm and 09t0010 .. 150t0200 ... 125t0185 5501:0650 650m 700 mwm 4.23 mmm mmm 423 040 I; 0030 t0040 t002l 002' to 37 VI to 0 45 to t0045 03 05055 32m03434 00000000 0150080 2t0072 5t0075 5f0075 120065 8H‘77I 00000 in Woodville iving medical his knee frac- l‘.‘ recovered as 12. Muipoua, about J an Int, 1897, 01H; LIGHT RED CALF, using two years old. with full whine lace. Finder will please notify the owner, IBOMAS ' TAMUX, Canbny P.0 â€"42»2. , *J 01618 under-med. Lot 16, Con. 18, Muipou, ONE WHITE PIG. Owner Ia nested to prove nro rty, pay expects and take a Inimnl "my. TE 5. FERGUSON. Cambmy P.O.-â€"41-3. the chins. STRAYED.â€"â€"From lot 23, con. IO M- rimn. nhnnt .Tnnn Int. 1897‘ ()h r. LIGHT “in; Will bepe judgmen}. __ a __"_._w Every creditor holding any security in to produce the came before me at. my Chambers in the Court House in the Town of Lindsay on the 18th dny of November, AD. 1897. et eleven o'clock in the fore- n_oon, being the tune appointed {or adjudication on to sand hv pout. prepaid. to MESSRS. McSWEYN 8: ANDERSON o! the Tova of Llndsay. Soliciuon for the Plaintifl's. their Chistian and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full particulu's of their claims. a statement of their accounts and the nature of the ucurieties (i! any) held by them; or in datum thereof thgy _wl_llbe peremptorily excluded from the beneï¬t 0! STRAYEDâ€"Into the ï¬remises o! the gngmnqd. Lot 1a, Con. 18,_ Mulpou, Pursuant to a judgment of the High Court of Justice made in an action to Daniel, Daniel vs. Daniel. the creditors of John Daniel, late 0! the Town- ship of Fenelon, in the County of Victoria, who die! on or nbout the Swenth l sy of August. A.D. 1894, (including the claims of any cteditore having speciï¬c liens on the whoie of the estate of said deceased or on any undivided interest or estate therein 0! any a! the heirs of the said deceased) are. on' or below the SINGING AND MUSICAL THEORY ----- Terms 1‘]! odera te... NOTICE TO CREDITORS.â€"â€" Dnranunf. tn :1 {ladmnnnt n! the High Court of Organist Cambridge-st. Methodist Church Loci] Muter M. Lindeny. Dated this 11th day of chber, AD. 1891â€"42-8.y 2"!) DAY OF MEMBER. A-D. l897. ....Pupils prepared for examination at ....Toronbo College of Music or Toronto . ...Cons :rvatory .of Music. Wi- 0min A. Morse TEACHER ..OF.. .><woz_._ “Bum; Em; @ â€"New Fall Styles, Soft Fen, as lowas â€"\ oung Men’s Fedoras. Extra at ...... â€"F me Fur Felt Hats, Special, at ...... "\ ZELMW‘E'E ® ri c e 5 That Tell That 15 enough to emphasize the Clothing and Furnishing side of well Clothed and 11 ell paid if you Clothe yourself here. It’s eas ...... and style at our prices ........ â€"Men’s Stripped Underwear at ........ â€"Men’s All Wool Underwear at ..... . â€"-Men’s Fleeced Lined Underwear ..... â€"Men’s ï¬ne All-“Tool Tweed Suits,doubIe-breasted â€"Mcn’s All-“U301 Tweed Sacquc Suits ....... â€"Men’s All Wool Tweed Saque Suits, 100 patterns â€"Men’s All-Wool Tweed Sacque Suits, 100 pat- terns ................................. â€"Men’ 5 All “'00! Frieze UISters ............... -â€"Men 5 All- Wool Frieze Ulsters, Tweed lined†â€"Menf§ Hpavy ailâ€" wool Frieze Ulsters, Corduroy â€"Lig ht W eight Overcoats, ail wool ........... â€"Light Weight 0 ercoats, satin iined ......... â€"\1en’ 5 All- \\ ool Tweed Suits, double- bre'ub d â€"Men’ 5 All- Wcol Tweed Suits, double- breasted â€"Men’s All-Wool Frieze Suits, double-breasted ~Men’s Heavy all-wool Freize Ulsters wool lined 7 00 â€"Men’s Blue Beaver Overcoats, check linings. . . . 4 90 â€"Men’s Blue Beaver Overcoats, ï¬ne quality ...... 6 50 â€"-â€"Men‘s very ï¬ne all-wool Beaver Overcoats. . . 9 oo â€"Melton Overcoats, Fawn. wouh $9 ........... 5 00 â€"Light werglrt O_vercoats, Fawn, vvorth $7 ...... 4 oo PIANO AND ORGAN You are not well dressed without a stylish and seasonable Hat. Our stock and price, helps you to get what is becoming. All the Dressy things for Men’s Wearâ€"N ovelties 1n Neck“ ear, Shirts, C Cuï¬'s, Glowes and Underwear. lined Some people are always wondering why it is we can sell good Clothing and Furnishings so cheap. But if they would just re- member that this store is bigâ€"that it possesses extraordinary purchasing powerâ€"and that it commands facilities others know nothing aboutâ€"they would know we are never at a loss for a bargain. ' You expect this store to sell lower than anyone, and as a matter of fact we doâ€" always. We set the pace for this week by selling at this rate :â€" .' J'. GO'U'GH. MEN’S AND BOY’S HATS. @@fl@ MEN’S FURNISHINGS. ’ lTF-ACHER “WANTED. , ,._ an... Inn: :1 wnlcn run. nova-tailing W Urdu: creek. 0n mouse. in a hm building. omerly used a a hotel. A ï¬ne now bmkbumwxaoianowln course of auction, tho large oomtomble Itable. The Tum; Valley Gum random: the noxthalde o: the proparty. Will Ia goldlor rgntod, u the pm richer is anxious to Icon for California. on given In Noumbdr. 3‘33? MRS. YOUNG, on m mines, Bunny The farm was, nut-clad“ nova-Inning W“ “What. mun-om which run: a lure buildimr amâ€... .._-_. __ .W i! 8 . vuus ‘5 quarter of Lot No. nineteen, in the second concession of Ops, ï¬fty acres more or less. Theme is on the placenlog house and log born, {rum noble and shed. Two never-failing weuso! water. his ant-elm had and two miles from Unduy. the county town. Plough leave this an, poneasion nmmrch, 1898. For turtherptrtioulm to JOHN C, NAYLO «Min-0.x: la, 22 , Lindsay.â€"37-9. 3' y Acres being Lot 8, Con. W4 candoaneu Lorne- ville.) 150 acres cloned; cure hnd. On the premises are a. frame house wit stone caller, and a frame barn with eubling underneath. Thin tum willberentedfora term 0! secs. Rent right to a goodman. A. E. STABACK. Woodvflle.â€"36. WASHING P‘Y vg‘ " SALEâ€"Hflï¬acro lot on Cambridn-ot. South. just acres the track, on which are located three com- fortable tour-momed houses, all occupied. A good investment. Will beso‘d cheap and on easy terms. A “1“" on Innxv -: . “a"--h -w- - wave-y -uu uu may I Apply to JOHN ï¬c'ARTHUR, on premiees.-3S L‘ cottage on Melbourne street. near ;!:â€"e ahtion. For rticulm apply at the Central House to JOHN RIC RDS.â€"38. * School Section No. 13. Ms'ipoâ€"sa., a Teacher holding secand~claea certiï¬cate 3 Dutiesbo commence ï¬rst of Jlnuary. 189$. ANDERSON. Secretary. Oakwood 1’.O.â€"41â€"2 TOWN PRO RAID n-‘n_u,. . . PERW * FOR HOUSE}? RENT.â€"-A brick STRAY LAMB ....50c. SALEâ€"The northâ€"east LINDSAY’S LtADING CLOTHIER @Eï¬â€˜ikï¬mmgéj Suit â€"Men’s‘ Extra. Heavy All “'00! Underwear Suit â€"Men’s Natural “'00! L'underwear ....... Suit â€"Children’s Underwear, all kinds. 50 3. Ml‘i ., (Brown' . a certitgcate â€eta-reg. J 111M. 1393. D. â€"An Extra Fine Hat worth $3 .00 for“ â€"New Line of Go‘ f Caps for F all ...... -â€"Good Heavy F all Caps 3:. ......... ‘.â€"-For TI’Y Our Job Department 13 you desire a. Business Educ‘w" write us for particulars. PRINGLE 8: McGBEA. Ping during Sapmmber was double VD†“ W“ 1‘“ year. This is the best eflf dance that can be given of the “1:; Wellness of the work done in institution. 0' B‘mmxpï¬ï¬ Peterboro Business Colleg" :of this business. You’ll be a easy to dress with comfort E: NOTICE THE FACT ! â€"The attendance at the wavy-"w v. â€vu‘v . ““1ng how :0 re tumble. 1T COSTS YOU NOTHING. OPTICIANS. LINDSAY Don’thil to Wm 8 oodthinti‘ bean-e you go} It tree. g When you wnh to have i: done it 5‘ mine your eyesâ€"FREE. When yearn-at our advice in we of 6“ tron“ ble wepyg it rayonâ€"FREE. ... I If your 81.8!“ i8 him-if you: M ache, 5'00 my sue yourself Mm‘m Bulletin: 0: moneyl ‘ollars and ...Sz.oo en- if!“ mmaafa Jï¬! MEN’S ‘uu V‘ Gloves a 1. u 10, 12% d media compete BrOche TA