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Watchman (1888), 6 Oct 1898, p. 1

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TI'IE BISON VILLAGE FAIR. ___.â€"â€"â€"â€" BOBCAYGEON TAKES A HOLIDAY AND SEES THE EXHIBITIQN. loads and clothing â€"-â€"â€" A SPLENDID GATHERINGâ€"EXCU RSIONS FROM OTHER PLACESâ€"AN UNIQUE PROCESSIONâ€"THE BUFFALO NOT " IN 1'! "â€"WHY THE DIRECTORS Irv LOOK HAPPY . . ittle money will do bi dut at this store for FALL .- DRY GOODS. Homge arid Personal NEEDS at 0“ “head” ““33“ Wm“ ““13“ TEMI’TIV G PRICES conspired with the wide-spread popularity """"" - ‘ H ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' of the event to attract large numbers to the Bobcaygeon fair. Not only did the village and adjacent community muster in force to inspect the display, but from Coboconk, Chemong and Lindsay the boats brought scores of people. Many of these came with amused curiosity to the village, that till lately was famous abroad all as the “land’s end," of civilization in these “lat regions, Bobcaygeon fair is the only one ’of its kind. It Is a fine blend of the circus, menagerie and fair, a‘ spectacle as yet unclassified. To be appreciated it Dress Materials. ..1 Lain and Fancy Figured )Iohairs in Dark and Medium Colors; seasonable goods and very durable in the wear, reg 33c for 25¢. ..'.':ry extra quality designs; every design t Silk and “7001 Fancy Black with silk raised hat is to be seen in this aSSOrtment I f MI“: 1957 to Loan 5 K ‘4. ,. r. A .4 on...“ On Ap ... red Indorsed Notes in. do; w- te : from 3 to 12 months SOOTHE RAN, - - Lorne; ..., made fine displays of apples. Among! them was a large sample of the Maiden’s Blush, and the diligent caretaker assured us that this was the only maiden’s blush he had ever seen in Bobcaygeon. Samples of honey,‘ maple syrup, preserves, pickles and catsup, together with home-made'bread and buns, were arranged to tempt the epicure, but the above-mentioned diligent individual was there enforcing prohibition and the spectator was compelled to rest satisfied with seeing. The exhibit of dairy produce was creo ditable to the cows, and likewise showed that Verulam buttermakers know the art. ~Dunsford cheese factory turned down all rivals at Lindsay, but was itself turned down by the Bobcaygcon product on Wednesday. ~ . ... Along the south side a number of interesting exhibits were ranged. Just inside the west door was the ample pelt of the one-time pride of this fairâ€"the now . w‘ l' nu- .h. ow/‘i: " , - f’i Men’s Fine Black Worsted Suits, Coat and Vest bound with Mohair Braid, and good Italian Linings. Ali-wool Black Worsted Striped Pants. This suitis quite as good as we have often sold for $10.00. We mark it special. carrying a complete stock of Men’s and and Boys Wearables. Selling Reliable qualities at particularly small prices. Asking but ONE PRICE and treating all customers alike. departed buffalo. There it hung. 100 Price $3 00 feet of hide, with its magnificent covering H Do you buy your CLOTHING from us ? Men's . Beaver Melton Tweed or Many are acquainted with our method of Worsted Over 003% well lined. Odd of silky hair, while nearby the deceased animal’s front legs and feet bore evidence to his massive proportions. It is said that his refractory ofl-spring who cut- witted the herdsmen and refused to be a mark for the gazing multitude is almost as doing business, and like it. So will you. It is worth your while to become familiar with our Clothing values. Men’s strong all-wool double breasted _ TWEED SUITS, $5.00 - sizes worth $7 and 88 each, you may se- lect your size for $3.95. MEN’S UNDERWEARâ€"Men’s Fine Wool L'ndershirts and Drawers, worth 50¢ each for 40- 0i . .. _ eqtimly new, 759 SL001 fill-25'. . must be seen. When ”h“ procession bulky as his lamented ancestor. This, ‘. Sale- ..-;\f.15.:C1 Effects in Fancy Black Stripes 91' Figure All New Designs swung into view on Wednesday “the however, must be " ted on oral testi- xi ‘ tor Skirts or Dresses. Extra specral 45c and 50c. boldest held his breath for a time." To mony instead of inspe . on at the fair, for ..Biggs’. l’rlestleys’ and other makers’ Black Fancies, in Stripe and the ordinary spectator a fair is assiclated I"; has 91:19:57“ ydfddgeed” that he W1“ Satin “round, with Mohair Fi re ‘ . With timid fOWI Sleepy fat 5‘00 and ever 9° er a ' .. Cfilal b er a d 6 gu Of Scron DeSIgns’ very bulky pumpkins: No wonder if he look. Ml‘. H. V. 00611 exhibiteda fine COHBC- {E ?p e . P Y 1‘ 0C. -.a on with baking optics and some mm, tion of stuffed birds that have evtdence of ; ’33 Cities Tweed Dress Goods, worth 25c for lac. civin s whil '54.. ’only and original his skill as a_ taxidermist. There were r... .5535}; Cashmeree and He ‘ - . D . g g e “" "1 along. abOllt twenty to a“ comprising wood and _ o -nriettas 2 3c, 3 3c, 40c and 50C. Are Boydtown 828"?“th 9’9““ “ii i l ..., very spec1al. Caperiug Shetlands, treacherous donkeys, “(1:332:12 space contain d M D Cain’s .. ;.- i . i , f oclous ' d Imble red deer ° 0 r. - , I gs ’: Cthrfltt-d€.atlneIettes for \Vrappers and House .Gowns. 106 site conscfighzfis all: this array. “ The display 0‘ 8006'. representing the “0‘5 A M , UXBRIDGE Pct eat to? many oranges, at first, but , 3 l..C. .- ex» and Variegated Patterns and Stripes printed Shah,” a pughaclou, sheep from Persia, kept at his general store. It was well , “1‘ “1‘30?“ inleldualspit? 3f the b81313 0f ea'l‘amg them Wlth meals A .. 7:1 bOth Sides: shambled along before aminiature waoon. arranged and’selected. The same is true EUR} Stifitfhie anetirehbmhngd. Ogizfinel‘g‘: is once formed, a person will never be “ill , Clowns provoked the rustic hilarity. of Mr. Byngs exhibit of cabmetmakers dd 9" 1h win d Ida 01f; tw k0 Had satified to eat a meal Without fresh an an " _ - . . Formidable ranks of redcoats flanked the goods. It W35 fully equal ‘0 that 115113“? .turtngbt etb . 3; ti ”1° gs tsefM srs fruit of some kind. The habit will , stuffs: .r\.\D \ ALLE urea; four-in-hands. The present chief of the found in large terns 00mm in the ‘ “°“ 8°“ °“ 3“” °' ° °8 ' Work wonders in a short time in the hat w ~ , eastern door the Visitor was confrontedb J. J- Sanders “We G- Acton who were . . . bufl‘alo fraternity was absent. This a . , , V ed h d' i . f it 1d direction of re ulatlon the s stem (l me. quadruped has proved lees docile than his M“ W- 0- M09'9581h‘b1t- It ‘30“!de 3°55th ”ht e 9‘ 1° ‘3“? “im' i won k . a th bl org)d . 0d d't' ’ . illustrious ancestor. He has degenerated of a horse clad in a buffalo robe and har- 0‘1 t 858 “9 59'9“ 0 a arm ng Pl‘O’ 069111,3 . e In go _ con 1 1013, m 0 I by contact with civilization. His name nessed to one of Moore's cutters, in which Dorian; and) Mr. Jones Eli Ulibrltdfl; and creating a good appetlte. . . di ' d h' Santa Claus handled the reins. “’00 3V9 89“ poorer ‘0 e 631,9“ ° . {1:358:13 deglnglraendfiexednaaaxéheucggzniln: Up-gtgirg the exhibit; was not; equal to several hundred cords of wood, which was THE VALUE OF FRESH AIR. ‘ . - clogi-y of pthe fair. A strong detachment former years but contained 3 number or scattered over above 10t' The fire was . "'_ ‘ 'Hc =31: . â€"â€"Tl‘le New stock in these lines IS 8 3f men and youths were sent to escort very chtlce articles. Misses Ettie and held at bay, and H. Jones immediately The admitted advantage of an out- ‘VK . let nothinU - ' di E hel Ea es were rominent exhibitors. telephoned for asst:tan:e, but on the door life in man morbid conditions, A \. wondel. Please b him to the village. Fora time they d y _p . . i b k hi (1 . y . 4, in them so - but this bison had some ideas of his A lamp shade, “13th 1nd ”198119 work, “1'1"“ 9f the ““10“ t a “c 9‘ r go 9 and notably 1n consumption, seems to ’ '-.~ deter you from see g , . . I h h d b on subdued . . . ‘ 5501’than is com- ".;'.'. on that subject ; he likewise enter- fancy and l‘E'Illfl wool work of theirs the re d e . ' point I30 the conclusxon that there 18 .. 4,, . “th163 £2,611 9 1’3an ' fiom $, g0 rained the views of a certain, :hurnal in crisplayed thehrededtickei;i tMrs. Harvey JAWE Something definitely injurious in the ' etc. 6 e 3- , ' i b - horn son s ow a re prize crazy . . . . . our a 1 l i: to SIS V 2:; digit: stilepqionrirsncefypevlgmddisehgll patchgork quilt. 83 did Mm Welt°r_V80' 5m“ “ “1° Watchmen- a , "333°: hffe giggle“ “2:021“ 33:23; Are you sure they are In perfect ,Q. ur we p ’ ' ..â€"-- 1 to he ”calmed the “ri ht about” trees in the knitted article. Miss E. ANNIVERSARY Seancesâ€"The anniver- m e 0 ‘ .1 Q _ g _ order ?â€"â€"that some pr '18 k ”.1 74,-, the Si cpmpted his caudal appeihge “id Fairbairn excelledcompetltorsinacrochet sary of the Methodmt church. .lanetville, people. I. 15 a striking and startling ,_ . . w t. par“ ..e u Ladiesi under“ ar 2330201: a terrific burst of speed out. quilt and fancy screen. Wmhbe held 0“ 533d” and M03d;3:§°t' thing that the mere removal. Or a i “at basket; P‘that they don t need ng g” e -' - Over in the fine arts Miss L. Kenny of 15t an 17th. It Sabbath 16c ev. t'_ t' h . ' ~ 3‘ sho 1d1 w a goo ceaning? Let us Give ,, I ripped his pursuers and was soon lost in , . . . ’ pa ien Into t e open it 11, 0_ 6H . a ' do 5k . - - - Dunsford exhibited some exceedingly R. L. Edwards of Pontypool will preach - _ ‘ .. . 1 _ v on.._ . J V l V h _ h the L eighhzzirpunvzglél:a fine day for its clever work in oils and water colors. An in the morning at 1030‘ and in the evem his fever,d should remove his night 3:111gizlzortitghngggghaptiépgnqfix they â€"â€"La: 18: ‘ foo t lests, leavy wolgl t’ Bobc. Y7 grounds are pretty and inlaid checker hoard cintainino 6,000 Ing at 7 o’clock. Collections in aid of swgafbsgaggaklz 2‘78? 11:18 {:3th 3111511. andrymakebthem 31‘ E1 {n .-. -: utton ron , ong s eeve, regu ar fgir, Tm, _ t , piece, was the work of her brother. Mr. the trust fund Wm be taken at both an 1 is l on o avox e conc us- ' . ready or co.» , $1.00 for 7 5c. Drawers to romantic but tgefoztoggtegmi 31:35; Ventrees, sr., dirp‘aycd some clever carv- services. On Monday evening, 17th ion that if these symptoms are wmter weather. in time of peace match. to the shade ire. unprepardness of this 2:12 In wood, as dtd one or two others. lust. a sumptuous dinner will be served removed by the purity of the air out: prepare for war. NOW is the --Ladies’ VVCOI Vests button front ls merciful to the st, resident" cannot The display of flowers contained some m the basement from 5 to 7 o’clock, after side, they must have been largely time. _ r l l ’ society for the “oldh day. A stand- beautiful blooms grown by the Rev. C. which a platform meeting will be held. caused by the impurity of the air with- , 3 . race so awe ex 1110:. q , rel ton. 0 ex 1 was rty u w ena resses wr egven y vs. . . - . 1n Flesh and Grey- oncr seeves 11 t t b_bt fame he“ C 'gh Th h'bit pa 1 p h dd 11b i b Re R m the house IVor have we any right regular 60C for 50C. inlWlth the probe 16 ahead. but shade stairs and partly down, and while the L. Edwards, D. P. Oswald and E. E. th is . . th t' .‘.’. __ T' o- f 1 f' 11 , 0 On Wednesday anything ‘s » resence of flowers im ved both these Howard, interspersed with choice music to assume. a u is e consump we l\tce oods or ear y a wear -5c , e s.ock P _ , . Pm . . 1 g D 1 h an db°oc for 12¢ would have been superfluous. l. were sections, the drtiston detracted from the by local and foreign talent. Admission 3351’ h W10 3:1 ers._ to“? 353 t e Sh Id Y w t N 0” ~ ' looked perfectly happy where they .1 effectiveness of the exhibit Itself. The 25 cents. All are cordially invited. ea 1‘: y B “138} e agains an overcome on on all a 6w 8 y , . . __,__ and keeping awake w: s their 01.. pleasure of visiting the buildmg would be ev11 influences before Whlch those who ___________.___â€". difiiculty This section of the exhibit was nhanced by using sawdust on the floor P 0N TYP 00L are tuberculous succumb but that is HO Sier . “$318th aged. d th i :n “l avoiding the dust that was so dir S. S. SERVICES â€"â€"Th1‘e’I annual services not to say that in the stiuggle we do \Ve have them in all “tyles and a t - 5 e 1‘00 mares an 61' progeny ‘ able. in connection with the ethodist Sabbath ' . a ." ‘ -. . had no reason tobaashamed. Two or agrset Tm; 3mg, School were held on Sunday and Monday not sufl‘er, and, indeed, the 'facts all prices. Drop in and examine ‘ ....\1ce full fashioned Gashmere Hose three of these latter Juveniles would have a t fthe little m flewin all of last week. Mr. H. Simpson of Orono recently brought forwarders suthcrent our immense stock of . r “ 20c, 25c, 30¢ a pair. won the scarlet paste-board 1n,the best of The “M. 11:6: the hoof-strokes of dash- addressed the school on Sunday afternoon, to show that the. stuffy. life of warmth ' ',,. - r e 'cr S ecials company. M”; W' T. 3‘3de “0,“? 0i dire.tions nu. ‘he call for stallions in and the pastor. Rev. Mr. Edwards, and-comfort thh Clvlhzed man now _‘.id'..dti'y W 001 Hose IDC’ ZOC’ .ZZCâ€"D V y p T‘TlDER‘VEAR Shetland ponies were "eve.” ““10“? log steeds. . two entries In the preached to the children in the evening. “enjoys is bad for the health even of COAL STOVES $73.33: -s ‘ . range of CHILDREN’S HOSE and L3 very ObPehbzfl.thThough Ml} 83 blgi 33 lb“: harness brought so Mr. Kennedy’s On Monday after-goon :1“ wasi sprvedfon the healthiest. We make our windows ’ g V‘ 1;: 915 . able 'n 'ce “0‘8 1" 9? were hurts “)5 “IRONS“ ensuing rforman. t the church groun s, an notw t stan mg fit, we ad our doors, we shiver at a ytfé a Oq l p“ ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-' and submitted m ‘DBPPCUO" “nth an “Birnam 00d” pum weigziirgpsmgoz the unfavorable weather, large numbers draught? we surround ourselves with EXQQHQXES â€" , I amrluging par of dodge}? :gsiggiatilon. H I E‘Phil Sheridan” at unfit.“A load the blue were present. Thelcon'pzrtlrfit‘ge evenlplg woolen curtains dusty carpets, and BOX STOVES 908 9 were c 16 Y “1' “m3: 0 ' or ten minutes and 0 was most success u . e c 1 ton. w 0 . ’ ' . > _____._, Men’s Boys, and Youths 010thlng' steins, Polled Angus, and Herefords. card. Messrs. Thurston, Falrm'g h ad been trained by Mm McLean and fluffy, luxurious uphnlstery; we hreatbe ‘ y , Of these two latter. whole families and Thompson and Mr. 30,3 tier “‘1 Mr. Ryan, performed their parts admir- the same air over and over agam, and HEATERS, DRUMS, ’ ‘ a nu. . . . . cial at lb?" Wren“ “9’9 i“ ““19““ and cer- some fine animals in the roada track ably and were in addition favored with then we wonder that we are not strong ___â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- __._.:.; s 3 3:23.20 {3:1} $$3030 , extra spe figfimgoiilzfimgwi‘ifi organize: hezawytplass.t Of 33m: Sid “his. need. :heflpresepf‘f :f0;r§350%;2§933:?::;$ and vigorous. Th; fact is welare daitlly; w:~;‘.:‘.. '1. ,. ~ noaem con a ._ne n ‘ " ' - --- 'I ' â€"" 'llt‘: Men’s Suits,.r/lice patterns $4.50, $5.50 Martin and Boyd were among the chief but decisibns were given on‘g 0:6 Mr. LPEuckley of Urono. Mr. Dunslow 1:11]thuiaizieexinagrag:ojifi:étyu:1in From the beat maker: 11.1 the D0. :1 V‘._ ‘0 just what your boy needs. ex'lli‘igntgrs. d h 'thi l' ht dmlk principles. I: thti; remark 1;“ . of Blackstock and Miss Bradley of Beth- struggling against artificial con diti one million f _W<W3' , g , , 6 085 an 9,981) were W1 11 18_ on ey race may per ops excepted, any, who contributed some, valuable . ~- . «w . *“ W-r 3:935th Stills for Boys Q3300, $3.50 enclosures. While not a lame exhibit in that event the judges were unable to umbers to the prOgram. Mr. Thomas HOW powerful for evil, boa deteriorat- '__â€"â€"-â€"- ’v '<";'. 44.75. It contained some gOOd samples 0f the decide which acted the worse and out a 1‘ nton occu led the chair in his usual i these conditions ar ’ "71 / A " ~ HEAVY OVERCO \T5 for Fall rusty Tamworth and rusuer Jersey d ti kg: 1! each These ‘ iml we Ste. 51 p d t h 1 - f :8f h h 6' is shown by ' ,- .7 -3- 34.3., 5 , _ . . . , re c, o . n as e manner, an a t econc uston o te actt att eir more re 0 i ' es '7 a ’1’ 7 at: 1 Win :21, start at $4.“) for Heavy Ulsters Yorkshire, Poland ,Chlna andeerkllnl'e. always interesting. “9“ gram votes of thanks were tender- back to the consumptive tfiagavitgafity , , u" . .. 3 ain't;-.§.:::.°L‘.:.::::“:':.::.;t:‘;::l:: .. ..... Em... ‘3 1.1.2... 3“: “fr “it“ “at: ...... ...... .... ... overcome ... W” ”0"” . ----.....n.i. - .' ‘ _~ - .. ’swooin t . ,. , _ - 9 ~______._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"--â€"'â€"‘ winner. Among sheep the mildrfaced £0 t:°“;‘§‘i;°mm “W“ W“ the the. moo. ., in th; meanings: e“ seeds of disease withln mm, Fresh 3,, “’7“ 3:?ng 1630’; WORK on C d 0.1 I h Leicesters were an the majority and had 9 pThy t i?“ ' .- of their sets-ice. ls nota thing to be taken in little doses (’3: k, ompet- _ ‘ in derision a si Is on of Mr. Thos. â€" ega erece were to success. -â€" 'tUIrJUICB oncea b ’ ' e" 0’ ”’9” - ' app Bts all 1 6 0t 8 Robinson’s mulalltg Shgopshires. although all records, therefore the d"°°t°" rejoice. F‘ "â€"10 b day, “t 3 thmg ”0 11W 03- l ' A "2,. -.~ , « '. ‘udges of mutton thoueht the latter â€"-Messrs. Curtis Sharpe drove a ,_ - '0“ t t at pure fruit: 1 'r: A!“ ..w. “may ‘1 Specxal Feature Of our BUS! suffered nothing by contrast. The Per- great trade with their steam merry-go- . :There a m a best blOOd purifiers -â€"""""’ of": . ~ :7 .-- sian sheep-is a fine animal, and.“ thereby round. «2:36 as one Of the that we possess; ' ‘3 :“ '- ‘3' ‘ mu: LIENS and TO WELS h32§:.?.i.““'é;. i? ii“: ‘QSEE‘LTE.L”O?“EE€ 5,?"- ‘E- 3.3“?" mag!” ... -s.2i.“f§2§§§‘§i‘§£y “’1” testify . 63: zm’y ‘ w“ - 3 ~ _ e t e re res men: at an was ept' ‘ 3 ' . ‘ ‘v as regards ' .j that was surely intended for something busy to this fact, particular. I " ‘1'th - ,, . ., a - - ° - who have _ it“? the Table Linen ‘2ZC’ 23C 30C, e?:eth::l:;u.tl:tfiraw§z tile files. These â€"A tireless vendor'Of whips and knick- oranges Some P909“ meals or Days. . Z ' I 3, as. C “nee-15*“ and better 40C, 50C, 605- - ° up“. a 83'9“ a“; fcrythe fowls. The knacks disconued volubly and pocketed hitherto eaten fruit beween ademn '° ' t . ...y: t ‘ Mn, *7_ _______‘________‘_______________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-- ‘ . . shekels. -'ust befOre oin to bed a ' ~ 5’ ' rs * * h e brt htl into thesr coo and ~ , l . . .g . g ,an co. ° - 7.. ' 10" ' d ’ F lgztslukliirY. tggetyher wi.h the adglrlng 4‘9"- Crelshton. Shier. Kenny and ed It *8 mum“. have learned k ., Eat igcocduiinfneifd £23122: 13“: 2° KENT STREET- “‘2' F‘ Handsome vallety L3 165 urse attention of so many people. sufficed to 10093. W919 on the KrouPdl. With an eye one or two oranges with nearly en \ the right kind of boots {$.13th * l . “ta/ind delight the ambitious 1'00""5, "110:6 on t}: :‘h‘bk'u‘nd the“ parishioners. meals Particular-137 breakfast, and have means cogs, sickness'hnd perhgp: “his 3‘,“ M lusty crowing roused becoming pride :1 â€" right ttlo pup with no hair; found to their" pleasant 5“,. rise that worse. ystock of {a " and . their humbler consorts These emotions on him was wholly nudis'u‘hod by' - ’ - p ’ , .5 . . r r it exercised . - 4 5::- FUR l‘ were shared by fineepecimensof Minorcas, his nakedness, although much observed. ' their general 26:11:; velous efl'ect upon FALL SHOES The VICTORIA LOAN and SAV 1 ’ anndottes, Spanish. Houdaus and Leg. â€"Miss‘ Nicholson of Msnvors and Mrs. 7 . ' . ' - ' ’D' 'd horns the property of Messrs Boyd. Dr- Jas Seymour were close competitors in 151“” ’emrkable “1mg“ have be“ “3° hand’ and mud“ “1°“ “‘3‘ IIIGS COMPANY 1’ are.” -â€"CAPES, -â€"COATS - Bonnell. 3- V- 0031‘ ”1‘1 “7- BO“- lady’s driving, and were successful in the claimed for oranges taken 9‘8 food. ‘~ ”ulvi‘eiiprziigoffet :rd'dthmuah the ’ ‘7 if!" ”’1’ -â€"RUFFS â€"And JACKETS , INSIDE 'rns BUILDING. order “Wd- ' ; “Ch as making “-18 complexmn clear hn- " and (than: as 3:01:0ng j? r ‘ , _ __ d' and beautiful, curlne the drink habit Stylist N - - ‘ mmrafed under 8! 1 1 This s actous structure held a great The brass band rates-bed the peaceat , D . _ . them OWtsthetuncto buy. P . dues of the ‘ R I C all and Inspect these goods. variety of exhibits. None of them were frequent intervals. “19 “'0'! strains Cl and numerous other things “I varied . I r tonnes 0’ 0mm" 1‘ 1 . . : V617 large or im but by their “,1. gble musical hands-tier- did much and marvelous, and there are doubtless LADIES, FALL SHOES HEAD OFFICE . UNDS 4’. r . k“. ‘ . _________.___.._.â€"â€"â€" number and excellence they very 9am- to enliyendproceedmgl, and were greatly person who have made themselves . _ ”,6 md "’ an F i ‘. .~‘ .‘ . . ively gave the impression that the country appreciat . "51601033 eating ore-0208 by the whole- in a“ the ”dub, in“ 0PM rm: uaaxs'r “ ' ' _ ‘3 59.8““: }“ Lace Curtains 40C, 50C: 90C- _ adjacent was a remurceful region and its â€"A pair of deer ins cage seemed to sale in the endeavor to cure the dis- °“lY the “m“ ”Mme: m - _ . .- lgadies» Rid Gloves commence at 50c; handsome lines $1 and $1.25. inhabitants people of ability and thrift. got very little enjoyment out of the ease to which the flesh is heir. Thous- $501311 Pixtgfdsafyhzkr km ., ~ ‘7‘ o o ' ‘ . , ' . Q ,. . ~\}30neib. Flannelettes and Blankets; spec1al prices fcr new goods. h“like grad“ were T218193] £73831 pom-30:13; The-g anthrax. has: "“1 .05,me can tmfy’. however, The Wham me good in; on, LOANSâ€"Money co Loan on no“. ‘ '. 9!.a ”it our large establishment when 1n town. We have one; Of the "1:03 exhibiptleonnltsined 20“. excellent their etr ”luau-In ”I? ‘ ""1 that a Judicmns use of oranges is a customers. Shoot bought 3‘ m at lowest current rates with no ‘5 ’ ’ . , brightest, best lighted and commodious places of busmess in “up,“ Mum. Robinson “a Flewell _m. . Daiml- d Lind-v g“. our good thing, bus 9, few precauticnsmust gillfigrschm Mons the war; delay ands-sail expense. ' a“ .p r‘ Lindsay. Well stocked with seasonable Dry Goods. ma amenity in placing the red'tlckets. vineing oxhlbltiom ofthe Mags-or be. taken- . ‘ . pcgmnoe,easy‘fitgndlgood wearing DEPOSIT .. * «or For some reason the pease were badly his tone pumps. .Donbtssshsdgoa crust .r ., In the first place, buy nothing but qualifies. adv Sâ€"Th‘ _ company to- ! :2,de . # split and worm-eaten. Corn, cabbage, their heels to avoid thornsh, and were all good . fruit, especially ripe fruit. 0m 3mm”; scam flmnin “deoogit In its Savlngl : . a‘ : ~ -' , ” , :3 , . Expats, turnips, carrots, melons, cltrons converts-by thetlmetheirclotheedned. ‘Green‘ or bad fruit cannot be good for SHOES We“ like "00- 0011 ‘ °"‘ ““3”“ thereon at 7- r 4‘" ~ - , . = ~45“ *' ' " ‘4 ‘ ” olds were a fine di la and -Vlsitors made as com ‘ "new . ‘ FA - PER. GENT’ A M‘m‘“ ° ”‘3' , andmwg spy .W eh --‘7anbcd Th be flto 1 g , T i ' repre smiled a lot of honing. but were remarks on the ..behsvlout. dress 7 my! 03:“ ee 8:11 f “a? “the m _ guy " ml Iggy?“ to dam“ momy. , . " overshadowed by that now famous squash. intelligence of thucra'd. They certainly. y.» r . g . . u y’ or .w . Trunks and Valisesofall Kinds. ospec ° ssnoss is done, ,, _‘ , . ’ . , , .. , . 0m“ 0815. . o .m. . W weighing 290 pounds. Lesser aqua-hes deserved these opinion. for nobody e or Pith 17an beneathdhe .yellow find. '5 . H 9'30 a.m t 4 P " -‘ I wearing the blue were ranged alongside. saw a fines-300mg or. rsafl' beget!!!» 00.9 °f the most mdtgestrble substances w L WH '1’ E m, r! = 19" , I I , Means. Eairbairn, Calvert and Hayes ing. . , 7 . lawn p the vegetable world. DO | - 1 Shoe Store} 4N0. HMWOUB. MW“ g

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