a be a101' for an issued ble in be m- Wor of .91 the interâ€" Beth “fos- id it said the 3f Q'ZUJKIJ. A We antenna-ave va. buvv payersisrequested. -The annual G.T.R. fall excursion to ï¬idland and Bracebridge takes place on October 15th and_1_6t._h. A 3269231 ‘53“? ï¬nvï¬egs th'rgdghiLinds’ay on Friday, Oct. 15:11, at 10 a.m. Tickets and full parti- culars can be had from Mr. Geo. Wilder, express ofï¬ce, or at the station. ,In the township of Tiny there are 107 FrenCh and. about 21 English voters on the Dominion lists. At the recent vote on the gemscite over 100 French votes were polled against prohibition, while every English voter marked his ballot in favor of me measure. JP“ ,Lost, on Thursday evening, Sept 29th, on {be road between Lindsay and Bryson’s $11001 house, Ops, a child’s white dress, dad up in newspaper. Finder will confer aver by leaving at Blackwell 3c Co.’s swre, Lindsay. -A public meeting willbe held in the school house. east ward tomorrow (Fri- m» evening at 8 o’clock, for the purpose gtdiscuesipg the proposed Sylvester loan 3f $20,000. A large attendance of rate- -Ripe October berries are a rare hum in thls latitu at but that is the knit Tm: WATCHMAN now has on exhibiâ€" nA They are on the bushes and were found by Mr. A. Robertson along the fence between the Sylvester works and Bryan’s number yard on Monday. ll A “_-L-l-_9_ .The 13“? Honeymoon, Academy 0: iuwvvâ€" .. .‘Ihe laughing success, “A Bachelor’s Honeymoon, vgas presented at the Academy of Musm last Friday evening by 3 company of metropolition artists and w a good _house. The entertainment isone succession of laughs from start to ï¬nish,and it is safe to say no audience ever left the Academy better pleased or in zmappier mood. -m our report of the exhibits and prizes an the Lindsay Central fair we should have said that Mr. Archie McFarlane of Argyle took ï¬rst on his general purpose minim He?! and that the display of heavianEd ‘ roadster harness was made by Mr. Diuman of Little Britain instead of Wil- liamson- We have also learned since that the prize on tub and crock butter was won by Mrs. Nathan Day of Cameron. â€"Repairs have been completed to the water flume at the Dundas Flavelle Milling Co‘s. mills. The sides had become 01d and rotten and the passage of water was obstructed, thus reducing power.- I The flame has been cleaned out, the sides lined with heavy timber and securely bolted and braced, and the top covered with plank. Other repairs and improve- ments have been made that will increase me power of these ï¬ne, upâ€"toâ€"date mills. _The lot, together with the partly destroyed buildings, at the northwest corner of ‘Will‘iam and Russell-Ste. were A--‘- ‘-- - Q 'f‘nnkar‘ In _, The Estgrion ceased running double slast Frxdag, and to; .the‘ rest or the ,‘s# the erection of a number of ï¬ne dwellings, facing on Russell-st, several of which will be ready for occupation before the new year, The location is a most desirable one, and the improvements contemplated wiliadd much to the appearance of that section. â€"Master Roger Maunder owns a. bicycle and rides it too. He is ambitions to ï¬gure sometime as a trick rider, and every day when the yard is not too full of farmers’ rigs he practices evolutions of various kinds in and out among the buggies and wagons. The other day while trying to see how close he could ride to the open cellar war the bike took 1. kink and Rogel- found himself straddle of the hind wheel. 11W†- --.-.. . m will run he‘l‘ixiéual gobcay geon at. 8 am. saind n“Lingsa.ly%v. Roger now practices WI shut down close. ~On Saturday last after opening the fair at Peterboro on Friday, Hon._Mr. Tarte left that town in company wnth a number of its leading citizens and after driving: to Lakeï¬eld boarded Mr. Boyd’s yacht"Calurnet" and made the trip from that pain: up to Balsam lake. It wuss tour of in~pection by the minister of public works who saw this waterway for the ï¬rst time. Taking his privateearat Fenelon Falls on the return trip the minister passed through Lindsay on Ins Via; east and was met by a number of our cmzens. â€"The Wabigoon Star of Sept. 29?: 8833: Mr. P. Cavanagh has inst come In from Peterboro. ()nt., Nith eighteen horses for the Rit Portage Lumber Co. Eleven 0‘ these he leaves here and is 8611(3ng the reminder to Rat Portage. He broqzht up also rive sets of harness and whittle- trees. The horses he has left. here a_re remarkable tine animals, as g0.d 3 ohm- mentashas ever came into this count! . every one of them weighing from 1,5 go 1,600 pounds, and looking well consider- mg the hard trip they have just. had on the cars for the last. five days. *Mr. Chas. Broad, mason of the east Yard, Who is agent for the Queensmn («:ment Works, is very busy at the PreSent- time putting in cement. floors in- Smblesin this section. Among those in Fenelou and Verulam who have had then Stable floors cemented this fall are 3Sessrs. Francis and James Breen. k5,111r'.-705e1»l1Stimson. John Staples and $00!} Knox. These floors are lpgctiesllv ‘E’ “King, and cost but very i c more than the ordinary plank ones. Several of theï¬bove mentioned stables are ventilatr 9d â€F piping; conveying fresh air team out- “de into e-ch stall thus keeping the stables sweet and wholesome. ‘A true bill wss brought in at the To- ‘Tnf" assizes against the '1‘. Eaton Co. for gem"? Silverware under false trade des-n “Whom The firm advertised “silverware 3? quadruple-plate. and sold a. set of font: p38?†a: $6, “worth $12,†to a Toronto cltlzm, Who submitted it toequrt test, 3nd found the value of the fonrpxgaes to kuv v- vâ€"v â€"â€"r7 be w‘éï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©Ã©â€˜s than eight. cents !‘ It. w:- the cheapest. Kind of soft metal. which w°!11d melt if placed on a hot stove. This should be a. warning to IMO“ 0‘ THE WA'rcHMAN to buy their Jewellery ang Other goods at home‘trom well-known :ehable dealers who have a reputation 3‘5 take and who cannot am to gull their Cuswmers. ' ‘bUbjoined is the standingdpnpfl-of 001 section No. 2, Ops, for the month °‘ September: th classâ€"33mm Rich- Edsel), Sr. fourthâ€"Lily Wilson. VIII. ““1937, Cecil Richardson. Lillian Cus- gdden. Third class â€"Minnie E" Rotter, Geo. Carsonddon, Wm. m Ethel .Mclvor, Amy Richardson, Wm- mcmson. Mildred Bron. Seconddm ‘Laura Wilson, Echel Porter. Alanna“ ï¬ftand. Maud Beamlsh. Florence Ben-4 P‘Fhudwu, siena Bra-w. "“‘fl'e aney ‘r1oid . ‘ :- Brown, Lena Maven hm A' BOWEN, teacher. ‘ â€"To-day is the second day of the Fen- elon fair. â€"The Pal-kin mills closed down for the season Saturday. â€"Port Hope voted Tuesday on a. by-law to reduce the penumber of town councillors and carried it by a majority of 181 to 16. â€"-A Sunderland lady writes Dr. Neel- ands that he made here a successful {it after having eight sets of teeth made 111 Toronto and elsewhere.â€"1-7 cf. â€"PROF. DEAH, Consulting Phrenol- ogist. Residence I8 Regent-st. At home Mondays for examinations. -â€"The annual Victoria county plowing match will be held on Thursday, Oct. ï¬lth. It will take place on lot. 1, con. 3, of Eldon. Further particulars will be given in bills. â€"On Wednesda Mrs. Trotter of Hamil- ton-sh, mother 0 Mr. S. Trotter, ran a rusty rail in one of her feet while walking in the yard. The wound is a painful one. -The proceedin of the Fenelon town- ship council, whic met at Cameron on tMonday, were received too late for this week. will appear in next issue. Verulam council will also appear in next issue. â€"-‘Lostâ€"On Wednesda morning, Oct. 5th, on the Oakw road between aNaylor’s corner and Lindsay, a brown? freise coat. Finder will fplease leave at THE WATCBMAN ofï¬ce, where reward will be paid. â€"-Mr. James Robertson, the present popular reeve of Ops, will be a candidate for the representation of the East Ops and Emily division in the Victoria county council. He enters the contest at the request of many friends. -â€"The annual meeting of the Lindsay curling club will be held at the rink this (Thursday) evening, commencing at 7.30, when ofï¬cers, committees and skips Will be selected for the season. A full atten- dance of members is requested. â€"-On account of the crowded state of our columns this week we have been unable to publish a. letter from Mr. R. J. McLaughlin regarding the advantages of this region as a. tourists’ resort. It “ill appear next week. â€"Mr. John Thurston of Dunsford re- turned last week from a. six week’s trip through Manitoba and the Northwest. During his absence the home farm of 165 acres was in charge of John Everson, who discharged his duties to the entire satis- faction of of Mr. Thurston. â€"To-day is a. big-d3; among the Indians on Scugog Islan t is the occasion of the annual tea. meeting at their church. Ye-ierdalyina large number from Chemong paddled ough here on their way up to join Chief Goose’s jubilation. The famous brass band was among the number. â€"At. the Peberboro Central fair the spccial prizes awarded for best factory cheese drew forth a great competition and was won by the Oakwood factory, with 97 out. of a possible 100 marks. Reaboro won second with a rally 0! 95; points. Hurrah for Victoria. was severeiy iniured on the head. A ï¬ne of one dollar and costs was imposed, the bill amounting to about; $3.50, which the boy’s father had to pay. â€" WV luv: u -r-_.__ , â€"-Mr. Wm. Weese's last shipment of horses to the old country was not. very successful, the market being dull. They were held ten days in Liverpool before being sold. The heavy draught. and coach horse are the kinds most. in demand in the English and American markets. _ ‘_ __I_- I Only --.°---_ ,.7, , â€"Samue1 Judge, aged 17 years, who lives at Cannington, was brought to the Toronto general hospital on Tuesday suffering from a badly injured eye. The wound was received by a stone, which was thrown by another boy. It. is doubtful if the eye ‘11 besa ed. -_x__. 4.1.... nMMn-c nf the DUO DJV v- .v..., -â€"On Friday evening the ofï¬cers of the Collegiate Institute Alumni Association held a meetin to discuss the proposed re-union of o (1 students during the Christmas holida s. A general meeting has been called or the 14th inst. at the Y.M.C.A. rooms to perfect arrangements. â€"-The famous Guy Bros. ministrels will appear at the Academy of Music to- morrow (Friday) evening, and those who want to enjoy a hundred laughs In as many minutes should be on hand. The company is one of the best ministrel troops on the road. and the entertain- ments they give are clean, original and up-to date. -â€"On Tuesday last a young daughter of Wm. Bell, who resides on the Scotch line, Verulam, was playing with an anvil suspended from a beam by a cord. The cud unexpectedly broke, and the heavy anvil falling oumthe child's left hand, the LL _ 121...]- Annnr and the l â€"-The annual missionary anniversary in 1 connection with the Methodist church, Little Britain circuit, will be held on Sab- bath, Oct. 16th, as follows: Little Britain 10 3.111.; Valentia, 3 .m.; Zion, 6.30 p.m.; sermons by Rev. m.rBriggs, D.D., Tc- runto. Pleasant Point, 10.30a.rn.; Wesley, 3p.m.;Lit11e Britain, 630 p.m.; sermons by Rev. W. G Clark, B.A., Woodville. Collections at each service in the interest of the mi-sior-ary fund. -Saturday last Mt. St mlef Devitt of Vernlam. a student at the 001 e ,iate, was seized with an attack of appendicitis, and ‘ 7A ------ mm, m the usual cided upon which took place Tuesday. The operation whichwas performed b Dr. Ross of zl‘oronto, assisted by Drs. White and Jefl’ers.to‘vn, was quite suc- oo-sful, but the shock proved too great for the palient’s strength. At the time of going ro press he was gradually sinking, .znd is recovery is no: looked for. â€"Nut many low time have enjoyed ia-ger and more continued pros enty and ‘ pubiic conï¬dence than that of clntyre 8c issewarr. Thrmmh than elevation o‘ t‘o “nim- mrtner to the bench, the business .‘ ml“ 881110: WEI-I“ w -â€"- ._ , - of the ï¬rm will pass into th 3 hands “1‘ Mr Stewart. In another column the found announcement of dissolution nf mmr r-hip appears. His honor Judge Mcimyre is now above our commendation. Mr. St :wart does not need it. He stands high in hi3 gteuion. and high in public esteem. ighteen {can of upright. gentle- w1t the people of Lindsay and vicinity the practice of law. baa given him an enviable pasition among the members of that calling and a clientage that will not grow less. ‘n ‘1 â€Iii: Tam“. JFVII-oâ€"râ€"nithe'ï¬m of C. M. E to, there has recently cannons titled “A Man from Squire McDonnell of this t opening scene is the Gibralt: An Eugli~h ofï¬cer is there visit resencives of Theosophy m . , 5..-an Inlm in thl LITTLE LOCAL LINES McDonnell. of this town. The scene is the Gibraltar fortress. i~h otï¬cer is there visieeg bin?!) ' is. ward boy ,0; about 14_y§§.rs .- â€"v‘wâ€"7' - _ not responding U vuuuu -vâ€"_ 7 I w , _ if the little ï¬nger and the ' lacerated. The wounds 9. Lindsay medical man. missionary anniversary in h the Methodist church, ircuit, will be held on Sab- as follows: Little Britain .ia, 3 .m.; Zion, 6.30 p.m.; :v. m.- Briggs, D.D., To- t Point, 10.30a.m.; Wesley, iritain, 630 p.m.; sermons mark B_A.. W'oodville. "vrv-“'""’ ' ding to the usual ppegationmwasjde- M. Ellis, Toron- me a novel en- Lrs" written}? The Coboconk fair took place or. Tuesday last and was the best yet held. There was a marked increase in quality and number of every class devoted to live stock. The attend- ance was also away head. â€"The semi-annual business meeting of the Y. P,S.C. E. of the Baptist church was held on Monday evening. The following were elected to ofï¬ce :â€"President, Miss 1. Matthews; vice- ptes., Mr. W. Musselman ; recordins-sea, "‘ - “ ' â€715â€"“ _-- 11:-.- T Plan, L'AI. IV . A‘L‘lwwluuu , -_--_ w_7° , , Miss Ray Scott; corresponding sec., Miss I. Matthews; treas.,‘ Mr. T. W. Ellis. â€"We record this week the death of Jeremiah Dean, one of the early settlers of the township of Manvers, who entered into rest September 26th. He was born in 1824, and war 74 years of age. Deceased was a native of Cambridge, England, and migrated to this country in 1844, landing at Quebec, ‘ where he remained for a short time. From there he came to Port Hope, then to the township of Manvers, and settled on lot 14, ‘con. n, where he remained till he died, or a 1 period of about 43 years. His wife who was anative of Ireland, emigrated in 1843, and died about two years ago, aged 74 years. Four children survive them: Dr. Dean. D;troit; Prof. R. Dean, Lindsay; Mrs. Pat- terson, United Stated; and Miss Lizzie Dean, the youngest, who was always a faithful atten- dant on her father. --â€"St. Mary’s church, Lindsay, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Thursday last, when Mr. Philip Leveck of Maynooth, Hast- ings county, and Miss Jane, daughter of the late John Twohey, were made one. Rev. Father Twohey of Westport, brother of the bride, tied the knot. The bride, who was very becomingly gowned, was assisted by MISS Fitzgerald, while the groom received able support from Mr. James Twohey, brother of the bride. At the conclusion of the ceremony the happy couple. accompanied by their friends, 1 ‘drove to the home of the bride, where a sumptuous wedding breakfast was in readiness, and to which about ï¬fty invited guests and immediate relatives sat down. The afternoon and evening was spent in a more pleasant way. The following morning Mr. and Mrs. Leveck left for their home in Maynooth. followed by the best wishes of a host of friends for future welfare and happiness. THE WATCHMAN extends congratulations. Fine weather greeted the directorate of the Peterboro Central on Thursday, Friday and Saturday last, the only rain falling at the conclusion of the second dayâ€"just late enough not to do much harm. It was a great fair in horses. cattle, sheep and swine. The inside exhibits were away behind the Lindsay Central, notwithstanding two days of unfavorable weather. There was a number of Victoria county exhibitors at this fair and they were mL__ run“... "his hie county cnuruuuna a. n... ._.__ w, - very successful. Mr. Thos. Calvert with his big squash as a leader fairly swept the prize list in vegetables. He also captured ï¬rst honors for his handsome pair of carriage horses in the class over 15% hands. Mrs. William Hickson of Reaboro captured second place with a really good pair bv Sunshine in the small class. Mr. McIlhargey’s Red Meta was ‘ï¬rst in the single drivers, with Mr Joseph Brown’s bay gelding a hot second. Then in the 2 40 class, which was won by Looking Glass in straight heats, The Duke second, Mr. Geo. Curtis secured third prize. The Duke trotted a great race and was right up on the, wmner every time, and it is only fair to say that he went from Lindsay to Peterboro. Then the free-for-all event was won by the Fenelon pacer, Little Hector, who marched oft like a maior and was never in trouble from wire to wire, in one, two, three order. He reduced the track record to 2.19%, Fred Darling 2nd, Spunk 3rd. This is a pretty good showing for Victoria county. n'nl Wucml Invite. it. render! to land in on; items at .1 pernonnl. nature lot this column. 11 you have any triondl mopping with you or iotatwel absent jot down the puticnlfls end send to this ofï¬ce, or ring up telephone No. 97.] -â€"Mr. Adam Clarke left on Wednesday to continue his studies at Queen’s university. ; â€"Mrs. W. H. Rogers of Toronto is the guest of Mrs. Thos Anderson. Kent-st. I â€"â€"Miss Alma Brisco of Newburg is visiting Mrs. Will. Scott, Cambridge-st. ‘ - â€"Misses F. Smittlerarn and M. Quigg of A-..â€" â€"_ 'Luwv- .. - F cnelon Falls snent Sunday in town. â€"Mrs. Parsons of Toronto and Miss Lizzie Haisley of Cobourg are guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Lukey, Kent-st. â€"Miss Sophia. Vanstone of Lindsay is nt present visiting friends at Oakwood and Can- nington. â€"Mr.§R. B. Allan, merchant, is indulging in a. well earned holiday with Chicago friends ,_ .u . ,,_ C_b-.-Anuv THE PETERBORO CENTRAL FAIR m 21. “cu um“-.. _--, this week. He willretiirn Saturday; -â€"MissO. M. Rea, Duke-st.. 1m Tuesday? for Toronto, where she will take a. full course at the Ladies’ Medical College. 1 â€"\lr. Fred Pepper has secured a perman- ent situation as foreman in L. Switzer’s boot and shore store at Sundexland. â€"â€"Mr. Frank Mallett returned to Toronto on Saturday, after spending two weeks in town i and at Sturgeon Point. â€"Miss A. L. Ward, at one time on the teaching staff of the Lindsay publi: school, leaves this week to attend Toronto university. She will take a B A. course. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" J “ :nn‘.‘ Due wux mm. .- .. -_- - ennet of Toronto and Minnie Graham of West Ops attended the Bobcaygeon hit on Wednesday last. They tep01t a. most enjoyable time. ~u--¢-.. Akin .“d qu-lw-,, â€"â€"The Pepper twins, Masters Alvin ma returned Tuesday. after a. ten days’ ' ' ' friends in Ottawa during the exhibi- ‘ “ “ PA- Ila-:- V â€"Ml'50 Jo cc Cm 0‘ who has been visiting her Grahgun, West 0P5: 1‘ ?Mesdames Jefl'ers, Culbert, Mcuugnun and Weldon are in attendnnce at the annual convention of the Ladies’ Aid Societies of the Methodist church, which is being held in Bowmanville this week. Mrs. (Rev.) Snowden is the delegate from the Cambray society. -â€"Judge and Mrs. Harding arrived in town last week, and were met at the station by n number of leading citizens and welcomed to Lindsay. The judge has rented the handsome residence of Mrs. Howard McLaughlin. Bond- i5,2,, for a. term of years. . "we . ,A -t A]..- P...A.ll. Sta, IUI O suâ€" 'â€" -Capt. Lewis Winters of the Crandella and Engineer J ulms Byer of the Golden City, left Tuesday {or Wabigoon, where they have secured employment for the winter with the‘ ngigoon Navigation Co. at $50 per month â€"â€"\Ir. Art. McEyoy of Victoria Road was in toivn Thursriay helping to swell the majority ' ' Art. as prospedng in the public patronage. u.- v.-- _____ V newly fmnishd». throughout. and i; now 03¢ tpdgxio'qauig qcuntry hotels in thé THE COBOCONK FAIR CHURCH CRIMES OBITUARY. HYMENBAL PERSONAL THE WATCHMAN. LINDSAY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER “11.1898! of Sault. Ste. Marie, er fathel', Mr. W. B. for :ulben, Mghughliq t me past. of the This Stock of a Thousand Garments contains an endless variety of ' styles and colors. We’ve succeeded in gathering to- gether all the different makers’ best lines. There’s a difference in Mantles. Have a look at the ï¬nish of our Garments and you’ll say they are beauties. â€"â€"Women’s Black Curl Cloth Capes, warm make, New Frill edge, long length and ï¬nished seams, its a $5 Cape for. . . . ............... $4.00 â€"-Women’s Black Beaver Jackets, three styles, have pearl buttons, braided seams and pleated backs, $7.00 it looks, it will cost you ........ $5.00 â€"Women's Colored Jackets in Coverts, Beavers, Freizes. Tailor made Garments and also Fancy. It’s a chan'ce for a few days to get one of these, any style or cut at ..... . ........ $7.50 â€"â€"Women’ 5 Silk Lined Jackets m Black or Colored, :( we have them with new sleeves to Coverts or "““E Beavers, all have pearl buttons. They should be marked $12. 00, they 11 cost ................ $10. 00 Tm: WATCHMAN to new SUbSCI‘ibels from now until Dec. 3Ist, 1899, for 75¢. Sec clubbing list. H â€"â€"The Buï¬alo Courier:â€"â€"The ice races over in Canada. next winter will attract a large number of turï¬tes from lerceiown, Ottawa and Montreal will be the chief racing centres, and great times are anticipatcd. It will be no easy matter to take a trotter or pacer over there that can heat Little Hector, 2 : 12%, over the ice. I doubt if there is a horse in the world that can throw snow balls in this fel- low’s face on an ice track. Little Hector is‘ used to thnt waypf going and in step a two Girls’ Colored Covert Cloth Jackets, in all the Latest Shot Colors, with high collars, braided seams and Tailor made. This is a beauty, â€13% price ..................................... . . . $7.00 Sikh: shot in b13065. THE WATCHMAN and Tomato Snun$x u 1‘ Cl 5‘ “ Famund Home.... 1 Weekly Globe. ..... I Weekly Mail ...... I Family Herald ..... 1 Weekly Witness“ I Hand’s Dairymen. . I -Girls’ Tweed Ulsters with Capes, in Blue, Green gzég and Red Checked Tweedfl Have. Fancy .. u week}; Mail ...... I 25‘ _. u Family Herald ..... I 65 u 5: Weekly Witness. . . . I 551 “ u Hand’s Daixymm. . I 65 u u Fanning........... I 6S u u Fumen’ Advocate. . I 65 u u O‘ange Sentinel. . . - I 65 asnbscxile now-ind get the bdanee 0‘ 1898 flee. Hi‘gthOIOOCC ........ .- 83.x Fwy Lowest ...... .W11.90ngnesdny Warmest day, moi..." 68.80 Ffldly Coldest “ “ . ... . 54 35 Tuesdly The week “ 60.2: Pncxmu'rxoxs m means. Gluten fall of rain in one day 0 42 Friday Rdn fell on 2 days. ' Total rain-fun 0.48. - ~ LL . 1000 New ‘ Winter Wraps ï¬evpmposes zivingan outlineofthecourse or bible study on the life of Elijah, which W1“: commence Tuesdsy, Oct. nth. . --Dt. Mango Fraser of Hamilton will: 635'“ the waive-say addus on the (8th of this mpnth.’ Dr. Fmsex'is one of the strongat ht, Bi‘éiding and are well made, prices run $ 3.2 5 t'o Kent Street OUR LIST P08 13’, SPORTING NOTES A GREAT OFFER Y.K.C.A. WEATHER. a?) mist: b. TUESDAY, OCT. nthâ€"By James H. Lennon, ] auctioneer, auction sale of livery barn stock, the property of Mr. George Ryley, Lindsay. Sale commences at u o’clock, and without reserve. as the proprietor is laying town; Terms, $20 and under cash; over that amount three months’ credit. TUESDAY, OCT. 8thâ€" By Elias Bowes, auc- l tioneer, sale of valuable farm stock and and implements, the property of Mr. Emanuel Wallis, south half lot 7, con. 6, Mariposa. Sale at one o’clock sharp. FRIDAY, OCT. r4â€"By Elias Bowes, auc- tioneer, extensive credit sale of stock, the property of Mr. W. A. Silverwood, lot [3, con. 9, Mariposa. 120 head will be offered, Consisting of one, two and three year old steers and heifers, 8.15.0? six cows in calf. A large number of steers are in good condition for feeding this winter. Sale at one o’clock and without reserve. THURSDAY, OCT. 20THâ€"By Thos. Swalr, auctioneer, extensive credit sale of val- uable farm stock and implements, the property of Mrs. Alex. Cairnes, lot 15, con. u, township of Manvers. Among the list is one brood mare and foal, one brood mere 4 years old, one blood horse three yeaus old, one blood colt one year old,rone brown horse 11 years old, one ' inged grey mare; also I 5'cows in calf, four calves, two brood sows, etc. Sale at one o’clock and without reserve. WEDNESDAY, OCT. rgth-By Elias Bowes, auctioneer, extensive unreserved sale of farm stock and implements, the property of Mr. G. W. Webster, lot 21, con. 1, Mariposa. Sale commences sharp at one o’clock. Among the list of stock offered is one brood mare in foal to Canadian Stu; two colts rising 3yea.rs_old__l_>_y Cana- dim Star; twocolt-s 6y Iosh Biilings; xo mileh§cows in calf, 2 steers,'4 gnde Ayr. shire heifers, IO spring calves, and a number of thoroughbred Ayrshire cows and heifers. Also sheep, pigs, fowl, etc. FRIDAY, Ocr. zzstâ€"By Elias Bowes, auc- tioneer, Inge sole of ï¬rm stock and implements, the property of Mn. Thos. H. Noble, north half of lot_lo_, con.‘ 6, Mm- â€"â€"â€"â€" ’l _-_ posi- Sde at one o’cloci: end without reserve, a the proptietor is giving up farming. SALE. REGISTER $7.50 "Ill‘llllllflllmlllllfllllflllllfllIII!!!“ “it“? 51;. “21W mmmmnmmlmlm mama“ MM! 1 I l l l I I! Of BOOTS 31 R. NEILL’S, WW THE VERY L4 TEST FGB FALL TRADE. râ€"Mm’s Lace Boots. 81. n M- â€"Me.n’s Leather vhme â€"â€"3’Ign'n Banach 0.:an -â€"â€"B 373' [Lavy Lace B.-( â€"â€"â€"Youtba’ Heavy Lace 8 J. J. Wetherupi: J. J. WETHERUP, R. NEILL’S, LIN DSAY Elli“ ROBT. NEILL; I will pay a commission of $5.00 on Pianos. $2.00 on Organs and: $1.00 on Sewing Machinatoanypersongivingsnchinfcrmion aswill lud to the sale of an Organ, Piano 0! Senng Machine, (within 60 day: of >uclx information.) I can aflmd it for this reason: I sell direct from my ofï¬ce, only the best make of Wills. I have :1) texts to pay. I ply no travell- ing agents to solicit orders. I payneteash for all my goods, thereby securing the best possxble prices; I can therefore sell st from IO to 20 per cent. lower than agents who sell on commission. I will give a special dixount of 5 pf! cent. to all petsons coming direct to my oï¬ceto purchase. ‘ Of BOOTS and SHOES at: â€"â€"Men’ 3 Lace Boots. $1." -5, $1 35. $1 4) $1 50. \vnr ‘ â€"\Ien’sLestner 3.- ‘3‘“ $1 10 313" $1320 31 50 3160 â€"â€"-'\L n H Donzoh C :nai'ess mdl'moeb 0'3, 0... - â€"-§ ys mm L396 Beta. 802%.. 35:. â€"â€"Youthe’ Heavy Lace Boots, 11 to 13‘ 70c, 75c â€"â€"“omen’s Lace Boots. 80 85c, $1.10. â€"Missee’ Lace Boots, 653. 75c. â€"Cb12dren’s Lwe Boots. 55c and 656. â€"838 our Men's Long Boots, beat value in the market. -â€"S(ock now compiece. Inspection invited. ' , â€inn!“ III'IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHI -I never Discount Custnmu’s Paperâ€" Lindsay, Ont. omer Sussex and PeeletsI 3 doors north of W. M. Robson's slam-c; LINDSAY. . .. .Box 415. l Trunks and Vaï¬ses, lent-st, Lindsay, Ont MI ‘1}: HIRE