TAKE A HOLD, -â€"-â€"OF ONE OF P0 Mar ’5 Slezgks. and try their strength. The Chinâ€"plot Sled. AND UNDOUBTEDLY 76 5652‘ film's/zed, 76 Handsomesz‘ 7726 most Dzzrczé/e, 76 mast Papa/6W. Porter’s is the only place in town where these sleighs can be had, so look out for them at PORTER’S BOOKSTORE, Elie Watchman. THURSDAY. NOV. 10, 1892. Cleveland Elected. ACCORDING to latest reports Grover Cleveland is elected president of the United States. which Partisanship holds over the rank 160,000,0(‘0 bUShels 1" the two yearv. It and ï¬le of the political parties. The ad- dress was in many wavs a startling one, t0" much wheat duringthe pasttwo . . ' but when it is taken into cotiSideration, coming from the newly elected head of so important an association. . . . ‘ outset he adVised the younc men to be Northwest, it is difficult to understand 5 Editorial Notes. THE acquittal of Messrs. Mercier and Pacaud at the hands of a Quebec jury of the charge of conspiracy to defraud in connection with the Lang- lais stationery contract has notoccasiOn- Political and race feelings exist unfortunately to such an extent that it was felt all along that it would be impossible that the case would be decided upon its merits. In the pre- sent case, however, it must be admitted that there were essential links lacking in the chain of legal evidence to sus- tain the charge of conspiracy, and the accused were fairly entitled to con- sideration at the hands of the jury on this account. deplored the {act- that the vast majority under ordinary Circumsmnces- , one or two bad seasons would materially of our peOple are content to he were echoes of party expediency. He attri- butes this condition ofafl'airs to the "em spring, the present low range Of - rices would ( uickl be followed b a de- ed much surprise. inability of the rank and ï¬le to make p l y y themselves heard in shaping the politics he"? i“ Olltario, “â€21 M‘mitub . . . bandinu all their financial resources in of their country. "It is unfortunate ° for this country,†he says, “that the youna nor the Old as a Class have prices have touched bottom. It is just ' _ I" , , _ possible, however, that values may cotn- anything to say in the politics of the country, and this is what accounts for tions- The 'imei ._ . when money will be made in that deatlilihe apathy WhICh seems to wheat; but when the opportune moment have seized the people so far as political questions are concerned ’ not hazard much on the assuin , , _ _ , it has not ilread ' Come, notwithstandiirr And again, “In Dominion politics the ) a The facts, however, as . l' of the countr is f l t ’ brouoht out in the evrdence at the trial p? icy . y ormu a ed and we on the other ha 5 directed by nominally fourteen men, . . . ‘ _ the time is cloSe at hand for the predicted out practically three or four of the cabinet dictate everything, will leave no doubt on the minds of the public generally as to justice oi the prosecution. A contract was given for a long term for the supply of sta- tionery to the government departments Mr. Pacaud arranged the details,and the whole had Mr. Mercier’s Two letters of credit were given the contractor guaranteeing to pay the holder from the provincial trea- sury at a certain timethe sum of $60,000 These were at once discounted at the bank. and $50000 of the proceeds . , 0 ch: of de )ression in rice be different are as autocratic as the Czar of all the y I p Russias. \Ve who form throughout the length and breadth of Trade “diam" at Quebec. approval. M r. case, expressed, whether as applied to the party to whzch he belongs or to all Dick Brunts and. T1}. \Vhite. ' d' t ly handed over to P‘ttLlllCl parties, but it is doubtful whether the mesa)“, 0f the â€mom's was unknown t†1mme in e - . . , who placed one-half of this sum to the account of Mr. Mercier and the other half to his own. Mr. Mercier’s portion was paid over by his agent at Montreal to the treasurer of the Liberal election remedy he suggests would cure the evils he complains of His remedy is the Christie had fortified himself. holding of national THE WATCHMAN, LINDSAY THURSDAY, N OVEMBER 10, 1892- ous disease to which cattle in the better can be looked f0!" and it must United States are liable. The idea has be admitted that, if all who think such 6 0 l o . E . we 0 n s prevailed inEngland that the Canadian a change desxrable had the co trage 0f . ’ frontier is not carefully guarded against their CODViCtiODS equal to Mr. A,rm_ the introduction of diseased cattle from Strong, the work WOUId g0 on rapidly. HEADQUARTERS FOR across the line a feeling which has been ' "'"' ’ . P f w , encouraged by the sensational corres- L t TheekL::ou:'c;2°000 hiath 1 of , , a i Cl 6 pondence which.oczamonallyfriigdsï¬lï¬: Upper Canada red winter wheat was sold ea C 1 1 1 e S a 9 way into the Blritis piesS ddition to in this market at 75c. and No. 2 spring Slde 0f the At antflc. knt 8' . d was oï¬'ered at 7413., which are the lowest this the freedom 0 mar e enjoye by - . week the price of wheat in New York fell ha“ been rewarded as a Grievance by Bri- to 740., being 2c. beneath the lowest 3 D b ' ' price it once touched a number of years tish stock raisers, whose proï¬ts have ago. namely 76,, These are undoubtedly been cut down by foreign competition. Phenomelmlly low values, but they have been brou 1rht. about by extraordinar cir- Owing to the present depressed con- i†Y , cumstances. For instance, the, combined dition of British agriculture, this teel- crops of wheat in the United States and ing has doubtless been intensified, Cï¬nada during the Past W0 years have _ been the largest known in the history of and strong pressure brought to bear the trade, and the receipts in the United in consequence by an important claSS States alone since August lst, the com- to have the priVilefle hitherto enjoved mencement of the new crop year, to Oct. 5 - 29th. have been unprecedently heavy, by the Canadian competitors removed. amounting to 102,882,000 bushels against Fortunately the order has come at the 8736;200be511913 {"3 thSlfOIt'lllespor'ldl’il‘g J ; ' 1 close of the season when little mischief per†“3 ye†“m 3 e “5‘ ‘9 supply in the United States and Canada can be done in the case of this year’s keeps on increasing, havmg been aug- contracts It remains to be seen mented during the 9"“ week by $300,000 . bushels, until it now stands at 61,635,000 whether our government Will succeed bushels against 36,231,000 bushels a year in having the scheduling order removed 3:20. and 21330900 two years “gU- Thur? . can be no doubt that the world’s supplies the coming season. of wheat have been largely in excess of consumptive requirements during the past . . two years, notwithstanding the shortages THE inaugural address of Pies1dent in the crops of Europe last year. It is , , tion of Wood Cooks and Parlo Armstrong before the Toronto Young estimated that the yield cf the wheat 67/3 ,,.,...oons. breaka' Un Wax . lls Head5 in a" I . owlam re' ‘tn stock of N M... been app0' ml: Canadian M P‘rties requiring . , _ , ur Stoves, Etc, 9, wand exam: , , . _ crop of 1391 in the United State, and shown in Victoria County. Get our prices before buying ' Mens Liberal Conservative Assocta- and Canada exceeded the home consumpt- *â€" tion the other evening, was remarkable ion and export requirements by about for the emphatic views to whi"h he gave 110,000,000 bushels, and that the yield of the present year in both countries will be at least 50,000.000in excess of home and of the day, and especially to the po“'er export needs, making a total surplus 0f nun. cums. is therefore evident that the North American Continent has been crowing far years; that the opening of new wheat lands both At the in the Western States and Canadian _ _ how production can show any very great patriots first and partisans after, and decrease during the next year or two, Of course alter the situation, and should the pros- pects for the growing crop be discouraging Prices at 30a†65" F . ,. T0413 ’5 prices: those who purchase their household wants 2625:3495; ‘Craiiberries, Sweet 0 An experlence 0f kinds of Vegetables ‘Nuts, Walnuts. Fil'. cided reaction. It is said that parties order to make a grand scoop of all the neither wheat available, as soon as i: is thought Peanuts, and Che , dock, Cool. 3 nigh Sixteen years 111 the Grocery and provi- §§§,?HF} mence to move up ahead of their calcula- s unquestionably coming buying will arrive is another thing. We would An InterestS ption that There is to be see . . oï¬ce an interest. and Coffees we ma, patent to Wilsa. S. (If the C.lll;|t';r:1:enl:’).:'r and have some superlor value to oï¬'er. V' . no... 181' Recorded 9521 March: Miami; T91: tors to the Exhibition Sept. 27, 28 and 29 {gum} the present glut of spot suI plies along . with a prospective abundance. Nor would nd be too sanguine that appreciation of values. It is abSolutely and they certain, however, th at unlsss the present from all previous ones, a pronounced re- tne party action must Set in before very long.â€" ’ with the sigaarare . . Elgin and line-exam ' '7- ,- -~; lie!“ are 1nV1ted to call and get samples. {ï¬ttfglileSni-e. the land are simply commanded to vote An Outlaw Shot and think as they direct, or else get cut ' . ,, , . Tahlequah, I.T., November 5â€"-Ned of it. how wrll deny the accuracy of Cl iristie, the notorious outlaw who killed Armstrong’s statement of the Dan Maples, a United States oth‘cial, a which he has SO courageously year ago, is dead.HHe was surrounded - by day-light on lhursday by Sixteen deputy United States marshals SPRATT <33 KILLEN .5; 7 I have pleasure ll Citizens of Linnea}: day, XOV. 3rd. Ctp'tillll all kinds of hrs to KL] 4 lb loaf anti defiant the town. Ail lupus Wedding cake a~ Succeeded in the _ iii Opposition in supp-.31 , led by The Christie until sunrise, when one of his companions came out of the cabin where COMPANIES’ 8L PRIVATE FUNDS. TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. He was ie only reply ordered to surrender, but tl conventions at 2s. 2; il'f'Liii‘ (£7.79: able raw “3-1. “fl ' curative pout-:2. ,_; - . t ' .1 L“ , : 33:.“ efforts of it COLIN? ml} . , lASk \‘Dur i‘;;;i,\, 11:5 3, g l . 'l ‘ . ' ‘ v- - ,. ‘ ' “as it Sll(H\'CI‘ Uf llllllCtS “7111011 dld ll“ Perlltg" t0 borrower to pay Oï¬'nny sum on accounto \â€" lLyiiian S(OXIlS Clo 7520:9933} \XX'hochk A5933 m their attain: ‘ - ‘( . . _ ri - , . . . , . ., . . , u... . . ‘..,.‘. -.;- which “ the people can discuss, pI‘OpOSe harm. lhe tire was returned and he was principa. mummy payment of â€News, wuhom “one, NOTICES ADVERT l _._. procuring 1).. .. .~ - : and formulate a Olicy for [hp 11‘! t’ severely wounded. lle "“m'lged '3†,‘Iei and\\'ilhoutexpcnse. Interest yearly. All paymcms ’ [SEMENTS. c., i\ m~~-~. wâ€"L' ‘ Pelerboro. 311.1 , H l I p ' p‘ y' back into the house, however, and then made in my ofï¬ce Must be sent in not I . - . '" 9 511 '3 t '3 T8501“ method “is not betran an all da. ' tattle in which neither Iund there. Thus out of $60000 ad- l _ y p e 3 mm; vanced on the credit of the provincial treasury on a contract which had been let without tender and was of a most peculiar nature, $50,000 was at once handed over to Messrs. Pacaud and Mercier, and devoted to purposes with which the province had nothing to do. In face of the evidence and attending circumstances the accused stand con- demned. ~ THE announcement on last Friday thatflCanadian cattle in England had tactics P been scheduled caused a good deal of elently Surprise as well as regret throughout inde the Dominion, especially in view of the few- fact that it had been pretty clearly proven that the recent case of disease noted in certain cattle landed in Scot- land was not contagious pleura-pneu- monia. It had been hoped that the hostile action would be averted, but on this occasion the earnest representa~ tions of our authorities have not met things with the success which characterized minds in the community their efforts in the past, There are tionately few various reasons assigned for the unex- pected action of the British govern- ment on the present occasion. There has form, when the elect existed in England all along a strong an prejudice against the trade from this side of theocean, owing to the danger , the ofï¬cers resorted to dynamite, and you constder that these men have by some divine right constituted the at work at such gatherings, and it is bOdY 0f W , _ . . . to be feared that under their skillful burned to a cup in the building, which . . . now en route will doubtless be their political concerns to those leaders, . _ . I u .‘3 press their views upon the electors at but wrth regard to stockers a total loss large through the press and the plat- y partisan surroundings. of training on the lines indicated will Imperial, Govern be necessary before a' change for the allow shipments to Ignite Canada under . _ ‘ H. B. DEAN, overned by the party, except Side suflei'ed anyoaniagc. , 4n“: *7 - . 3‘ 12,5‘1‘...‘ ater than Tuesday! 254,5}??33 I 38 purpmises 11:1. . . ...-J afternoon to secure insertions in fol aw "*5 . . , ure. " Barrister, Solicitor, c., l lowing issue , . . , ï¬rst-class Gaticl‘. l. Corner Of York 51' *n Streets, Lindsa In the evening succeeded in blowing down part of the have an opp~it112111 I' 1 1) t1 3 Y ~-â€" \\,‘ L- D S, I bread at it iail‘ Ell-3'3 artv hUUse and setting ï¬re to the ruins. "mm†â€3° 1‘ 1 87' 1 It 'v- x l -. '3’?!" those “'1‘“ MW “ El Evidently a large section of the pfoplb While the blaze was at its ï¬ercest Christie \\\l v A L U A B E- E P R 0 P E R: T l 3"“ 9 EST - - LINDSAY. interest. \‘I E“ “i . . _ was seen to emerge from under the floor Oh What a Cough l __I\. â€"â€"â€" two (10"1'5 1335: ‘ ‘ “l think so, or it would not be permitted.†and started to run, but was ordered to .. ’ ' I ' THEUE I \ll 1 - - .v..::w the . â€"« But what guarantee is there that u this halt. He did not stop, and was riddled W1†you heed the warning. The l TOWN OF LINDSAY ; oranclies (f. Dentistry. XTTNUAL“ . ‘05: large section of the 80 16â€Would thi k With bullets, mutilating limrterrtbly and Signal perhaps of the sure approach ofthatg beautiful and ttlilutnt It is with ,1“. .. p p n knocking him down. He tried to regain more terrible disease Consumption. Ask FOR SALE CRO E W’ORK this week rot-03 l differently or act more independently gis feet, but another Volley settled him. yourselves if you can afford for the sake WN and BRIDG Ilï¬is, archimi- . . - , . harles Hare was discovered tr ing to of saving 50c., to run the risk and do [were the convention scheme adopted P escape. He was terribly burned, but was nothing. We know from experience that PARCEL l.â€"Lots No- 3 [he party managers would be actively able to run. He was arrested, The Shiloh’s Cure will never tails. tk 4 West side cure your cough. It of Mill street, being half 50-tf, Which is a two-and-a- 1 I AND THEâ€" “001$ Place :1? 1'11““ bridge Street. 01‘- 5'7- PORCELAIN FlLLlNG SYSTEM mation omit-1r» « olf, who was wounded, was an acre, on half storey brick t the announvt 1?:_ - ' , - - s - .. ‘ ~\ 1r vss. 31‘ wides readsorz‘u“ ‘1 dwelling house, containing parlor, stt- uupcessfully dpmcilbu: 0" 31:2(451'0: $10. ceasedphad lived <0. . -- was entirely consumed. The females of tlng-room,. dining-room, china closets, Pl per pr 9‘1 er 5“,", LOOP/If]? ‘UR for , respected and och-At: arty enthuSIasm would be sutï¬- the Christie family were allowed to retro-it library, kitchen, laundry, (Stationary LE"; (‘Ab tami' \ 112;} ‘ 4'1 “jugï¬cial ‘ Dutï¬s was lmz'n.‘ i . ' ' - - †(â€168‘ )NM 1. r‘WAL‘M“ 2 .‘S-lrn aroused to overcome any at the beginning of the ï¬ght. , gash tubs, (wimp bod an? cold Water) Feeth Jeerequprézi Ovetv't'ioVe‘lrs ester mggbgtihoiï¬trc L0,. ' _â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-__ï¬____._ 8 i-room, 10 an co . . . - . _. . . _ ._ .. . ' c » ~ ~ ‘1 . .\ \ pendent action on the part of the C l S h d l‘ 0 d eight bed rooms. The llfus:?:efl)..‘lli§ lance. Rooms Over lxennedy‘s stereo? Edual‘lil: mid:1 2 The rank and ï¬le could coinpe] 0 age t; eTtgmg lr 6; 1 Corporation of the throughout with hot Water;is emegli); vogue Dominion Bank, hem gm“, amide?“-iii-hint.) . . ttawa, 0v. â€" e catte sc eduing ally Well built havina14‘ ‘ the ' in »=‘hi< ‘ . ' . Inch wall~ / remaim ti t . the†leaders to heed them now If they order by the Imperial Government has C0 (/ny 0F L/[CTORI'A Is in perfect rdpair h ‘ 3’ and "T“‘ were so inclined ,- but they are content evidently taken some of the exporters ’ - to entrust the entire management of unawares. Those who have sh ipments able to land their cargoes by the 2lst inst., the Notic date the new order takes effect. but with on the lines advocated by Mr regard to those animals that were to be . despatched his week, it is not likely that g before a different order 'of they could arrive in Great Britain before attained h igli m n li- A A 7 district he had «“13†s "I L 0 H 7 S glithfullnem and skil yed by few. and we, town titanv of‘tiie‘ '0 figs Were erected nut the Loretto ( onx Institute. St. Paul sl soft water, and every convenience. In tending purchasers can see the ' . 0 _ _ remtses e 18 hereby given that the Munb by applying to the undersigned? cipal Council of the County of Victoria, PARCEL No. 2.â€"Lots No. ,. . , . l and 8 e t Will meet in the 0f Ll'ldsay Street as ' - . “lurch and others- . Immediate] Icted ’ . . . . the Separate schodl) ; there hit-1331:; . c U R E' inqueiiflx? u €322,125 t prevails. The independent the new order goes into operation, hence Counc1l Chamber) “1 the Court Way rescued from N b ' ‘ ' db they would oe slaughtered immediately on are PTOPOI†landing. On 1’ 0- 8 and also a few H - ; feet of cuse, Lindsay, on " reanof same, . P-R i 0. .~ ive~an ~a- a acres TUESDAY. NUV. l5th, l892, in SEQ; 3. F d h it . being lots 5 to 15 inclusive. fattened they are at 2 at cattle so disposed of j‘nd the Satisfactory f course, be some losses, ' ltï¬erved the public zJa ilï¬on 0f regret thawed zm Monday night. 3 . . this 5!†This GREAT COUGH CURE . tut CONSUMPTION cuss, Is “333%; 41161 in the history ofmedicmc.‘ .â€" mam-n“! are authorized to sell it on 3 Wave 3 imad' , and they can best im- there would. 0 would follow, as until a t h I" no 0 , l k f .. These lots are central and beautifully a test that no other cure (3:25;: <3,ng 5e “5%;an 12314,: . . ’ ' L. \- e e a uSeless for beef purposes. Several ex- ococ p- m" or tile transaction glazige-d 71th"! one block 0f count igitliiï¬tafï¬gmsgrgu. HYOuFChfl fly, mtg" sadfelthi-giiiem org are free from porters have some hundred of â€stockers†0f general busmess. Inga, they Will be sold in one block ,- . a... yet unshipped and to enable them to A course dispose of the animals on hand, the ment is being urged to .. . ,.. . , ".v' “3-“? ' 'oflS tn; “oi-sup oz camp-is “We?" - i... i119. . and relief, is sure. If Vex“ Fad 33115313“ disease CONSUMPTION. waifâ€, - i0“ will cure you or 6081- ‘-1°~““‘l" rods†Member of the Rod - ' took an artiW- l St. Mary’s congrq C Is. The funeral T. MATCHETT, Terms easy. For further ‘ County Clerk. apply to . Particular the old order until 2lst inst. . _ m ~ ‘URE. Price ‘3 ‘ . as last, and “:8 ’ ' r 0 Jo . tic. SHILOE: b L: - ~n' are W l" the to 0001101] County Clerk 3 Ofï¬ce, Lindsay, Nov. 2, 9a Llndsay July 5th, 1892.R DUN D AS. 120 CE: and £33,“ lfti “1311.135?" aid!- 7 ‘ kvzllrespect 1 ac lam...ve~ Q‘s.-.“ ‘